ft Petroleum Centre Daily Recorcl. Pet. Centre, Friday July 10. -4. Ji. Jiditor. Time of Cloning Wails. P. 0., PETROI.HfK ('FHTI1I!. T"A., I JUTT STiHT, 1808. j Until fhrthor notice the mails will arrive at and depart fimro this office ns follows: AtlKIVE. Smith and East, via. Irvineton, 10. 23 A. M. South and West, ' MeadviPe, 5 IS P. M. North and East, Corry, S St , DEPART. 8011th and Wot, 8.45 A. M. South, Eart and West, 2.30 P. M. North. East and Wort, 10.00 A. M. Divine Service. mESBTTEBIAN CIIURCn. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7,' o'clock P. M. Kev. J. T. OxTonr, I'astor. M. E. CIIURCn. Sci-viees every Snbbntn ot 11 A. M. ami 1 V. M. Sabbath School a; twelve o-clook M. Scats free. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. Kev. C. M. JfEAnn, Pnslor. TS. TETEH AND PAUL'S (Catholic) cnuncH. Mass at 10'4 o. m. Vesper and Benediction of the ntiwd Fncrament ot 4 p. m. Calecbism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. Mr. John Pilcairn, Jr., was lately nppoin. tort General Munnger of the Oil Creels and Allegheny River Rrilway. Tbo colored people of Titusvillo are pre paring for a frond Emancipation ballatCo Hntliian Hall on tbo 2d of August. A tremendous oil Cro occurred at Clove, land Wednesday night. A train of tifly oil and. coal cars, on tbo A. and G. AVr. II. II. were destroyed. Tbo Cro caught from a watchman's lantern. Tbo match between Allen and Gallagher lor a prize light was closed yes'erday. The battlo is to lake place on tholTtb nf Anni within fifty miles of St. Louis, for S.'iOO a wo, open lor increase to 1,000 and admis Ejon money. Who ts Sue? The latest Bos3ip report of the town that has reached our car., la that ot a dashing young widow who is seriously consulting a lawyer with tho intention of eueing a certain young gentleman, in town fur a breach of proruLo, just for tho iako of making a sausat ion, and perhaps witftaviow or letting iho young ruou know bUo IV ready for proposals. . . i Caption-. Nothing but tho most oppres sive beat need be looked for in tho next two months, and it will bo woll lor those who value health and life to ba on their guard in this healed lorn). liveiy one should bo .ve ry careful in diet and avoid exposing tbrav telvei to the sun any mora lliau is actually necessary. Send iiib News. Deaths, marriages and the like nro items of Interest to every ono, and wo shouid like to lecord them, but as wo cannot always bo there, aud us wo do not invariably attend all tlia weddings, wo have to depend for information upon reliable cor. respondents. Therefore, loader, if anything' of general interest occurs in your vicinity, or where jou bappeu to be, give us tho par ticular?. Who Is It?-Mi-. W. S. Miller, conductor oo the O. C.&A.R. u., advertises in our columns to-day that tome man borrowed $13 or him with a "promise to pay," which prow jse ban not been fulfilled. From the (act that Mr. Miller selects tho l:t.Voi;i only in which lo adteili.se tl.e matter, we might in fer that the indlvdual ho designs to roach is soojewlrcre in this locality. JJopo ha wi.l 'unle up," whoever ho may bo, us tho t, .ind uction is an imposition on tho goodnature and liberality of our friend Miller. A litu Stt.i A bashful yuuog ui.m.Uuta hundred mil, r101u hero, lVM tbo vjCliw of u pracie.il jete the other day. He i-j,,.,-,. ed a ,vi8h to etit teunitll, aud at, iend of bin .vish.ng to do him tt Uor, iurui.uced biin toi.ty Poking young W0lualli jQ the Uitti lemaio fciuioo. Al.t(ing,w,uU for the wedding were a, lilMlX young wan was i:, extacies. He iuvut d hi, irreods to tho wedding; ihey eume, aud ihe patties stood up to be married, ut.d lueu f e denouement cau.o. Tho Ewjuire, iKU.sa of perf.rmiiig tho marriage cewiu-.ny. i.,f,.rn d tho bashful y.r.:nS man that ho , ,'b()' victim of aprac.ieui joke; (.,. ,.. ij:.,un!,, person leaning soccnthlcully on hi, a in liad Jantakona oo. wore Ix'ols and c'.ifive i' bucco. Tho a' was out. and tho t l iir en' dedatthe b:-.r. whi te the. young ,tmi ,li nv. e-1 Mr grier in the f!v. iret h-xl XodoiiUjuttho plr.e.7lo7etT0l L.,; PL'S and ctla.-, U at A. M. siUnlt.' v.iti,!-, lii..--y. AUo l'lUliS, CoUicC.i-i,i:i...., J li'e-.'les. j,,,.. liutEF Locals. There is much complaint in ibis place about the great price charged by Insurance companies. j'et dowu and re flect a moment, and sco if you owo for the Kfirorrj. A rather verdant but airy young man called at Wacbtor's fruit and vegetable stand on Monday Inst, and seeing a basket, full of tipo peaches Inquired if thry were fit I'orai0;to eat? Onr good humored f. iend Wachtor, wcndciing what ho meant, told the vridant pentleman to '-try 'em and see." Foity-pevcn bi'o'essat down to din ner at the lnteinalional Hotel, at Niagara Fall?, last Sa'.utdriy. It is ascertained that young n in who hns been passing hiimelf oifns owning a woolen factory, is proprietor of two old eheep und a lamb. A re:son be ing ak"d why b did not take a newspaper replied, " my fattier, whon bo died, left me a gocd many newspapers, and I haven't got them read through yet." Some or.e ol our cxelir.ngrs cautions its renders to beware o' llio tomato vino worm. Its sling is deadly. A plii'ofopher says that if anj thin' wMl ex- cito a women's: ig?, it's looking foi bern'ght cap after the lump is blown out. Cap lain Chapman of Ycr-aillr.', caricd to Uuflalo market ripe tomatoes ot bis own raisirg on Saturday July third. Tho now seal adop ted by Wyoming Tuiitory beats an rlk'e head, a shield, a train of ca:3, and agricul tural implements, with the wotds: "Let us have Pence " U. JI. Hamblin, of Greenville, Mercer Co., has been appointed U. S. Commis sioner for that county. James F. Sherry, well kuown as manager ofSheiry's New Yo:k Theatre Company, opens tho Park Theatre, Ciouklyn, on tho llilb, for a brief emmoicr season, introduc ing as bis first star, Ada Webb, a young lady who is quito a favorite in tho ''City of Churches." Sho will bo supported by U. W. Clark, James Garden, J. Cairo!!. G. C. Charles and others. Ice Aoaix. There Ins been a fe.irtity ot Uo in this mmket for several d.ivs. but we aro pleased to learn that dealers are again supplied. Sam Dloomcr, car tea man, after so long a time, has been aide to secure eais in which to ship ico lo the Centre, and has recoived a supply that will eanblo him to furnish his customers for sorao timo to come. Ho will tifiain eomnrcoce delivering to-day. SIatixeb SATb-t:nAY Akibilnoox. Little Nclllo a".d her Uleuted troupe rvlll giro a grand iam.ly ma iuee at Akiu'a Hall, Satur day nf'.ertioon,- July 17th, fjr tho bontlit of tho ladies and ch'.ldren who do not desire to attend un ovoning performance. Tho piec es to bo infruduccd aio '-Napoleon's Old Guard," und -Our Nan." These are fpleu did sei. ctions Tor a matinee, well calculated to lutcrrs: chiluteu, us well as grown pcj. pio. Tiio biil fur Salutday night, tho occa sioa of LUUo Neiiiu'a buncUt, promises to be the mo t iuterestiiig ever ilaycd before an audieucj in Petroleum Cetre, by a theat rical tionpn. KtLt.iit) ii r Ljuut.V!xo. During tho hh. veto storm of Monday i,i"ht iuat. a stroke ol liglilniiig caused tho death of turoo miles west of Spartansburir. The do. - j -o ceased was lying oa her bod, and tho flash struck tho corner of tho house, passing thro' Itio upper fstory to tho eioimd fln.ir. wh.m tho lady was stooping, passinzdown thnulo of her bed to tbo iloor, striking a knot, which is snpposeu to bavo caused to explosion, rc-ult-ng io her d.-atli. No muii wcroon ber person. H t huslaad had Loon detain ed at Spartansburg ,on account of tho storm, wuicu cireuiustauca no doubt saved hia life. Five other inmates of the house were aeiero- ly sl'j.iiied but not awakened by tho shock, aad in tho moiuing some ol thorn were una blu to raisa theuiselv fiom their be J o.i uc- lu"" 'i- i no acoiuuni occurred at abo-.iL 12 o'clock ia tbo night. We le. ra that thu Uarjj of tLo diceajed was Mrs. Soutb-Akli. A fiCILlt ASi 'iX.lL. Wo liuve been expecting to get onr ply of tea fiom China over the Pacific Ua;i road, but it seon;S l.kcly that it will not !) bng necessary f- r tia to seed to China fur our t-a, but that we viil :-et lr..n i: ... t. Uelu.i of Cuiifcri.ia. Tco Ja; aueso colons of tea fciowets, whj h;.ve stt;.-d tke.e.bave uiado a v.'iy 6uce a-fitl bciumug ia the woik of c.:it;vi.;:rg tl.o pla.it. The tced uuM aro c iuing up finely, uuu tLo fu.. bill lndj iiro fj.md lo bu udiuuaij.'y udunted lu tho ic mil tare. It this oxi eriocee bo jusiiiied by time, and it' Cal.tvrnia p,ovc to b.) readily ailttr.twl to tb.t croaili of firt class leu, thu Giiden Siulo wiil dtrivo uioro wealth from this va'.iial.lo I ttiiu aver s"'0 drew frein her irrtp.'.-s. i, ;iei:oi5 nidot-d lu l.f will pi-a-.: ,;;ia s,: ;r,,. m a!! uc.o'int.-i nas.t bee o.-u vvithii: tvreiit ii:i-;. A. .. .Uif-LiCli a: vo. J 1 J 10. 0:1. u. C'a:;!). ru '"ly (f; li'iv, aiiu uir'u.d tur.i, k-iutleiriau ihiit t !'ro:n toe will pit I'Or'O'.ved .so puy i'. V. S. MlLLUii. .Kile cIle io-NiKlit.-JoirUeie JiiSKlnr. A highly appreciative audience assembled at Akin's H.dl Inst evening to l!cn to tho beautilnl and pleasing English drama of Lancashire Lass, a personated by Little Nellie, supported by Robert Johnston, tho favorite actor, and .1. F. Ward, tho comic genius, together with Iho rnliro dramatic company. Tho flcco was highly n:ivi-e?, the audience expressing tho greatest satis faction. To-night v ill to intiodaccd the excellent drama 1.1 three acts, utititltd ".Io crifso tho .lugjlar," to conclude with the laughable comedy of "Tho Little Scutinnl." This is an interesting programme for this eveniDg, one well woithy tho patrouago of thu public. Thefsilowing corre'poodeiice cxpluin.t itself: tait?cletllc,(i Ueitfit. Prtiolruni Centre, July 1C. Lnri.t: Kelliu: Wishing tu show, in ft substantial manner, our appreciation oi yoi't talents as an artiste, desire that you will numu tho most conven ent time fer a Coa,- piimontary Benefit. Yours fiespeethilly, li. It. Taylor A. K. Fay W. H. Longwai D. W. Longwell L. II. Colloai O. N. H.islino T. F. Jones J. W. Stnalley Jerome Akin Ji!!ii ThoobolJ. 3'. W. Sands A. O. Fatubam A. D. Mi.ler T. McDonald A. V. M. Sprague Jas. M. Devinuiy M. M. Flynn Pauick Powers J. W. Swift King Eros. Fred Schuit H. K. Griffis Cha. J. Leonhaiu r S. Michael C. (rli'.vold A Sma'.iey Tiio. Mcllugh T. Frothing'iam Ch:.s. Foster Mike Buckley J. A. Vra L M- Sternberg lleDry II. Eilis A. S. Haver II. E. Biaekmau W. Miller Thomas Doaatrbcy L. F. Egbert A. L. Wj m.'.a McClintak Hotel, July 16. Gk.v; r.EMEN : Your ;ind noto is duly re ceived, and I would tepectiully name Sat urday erening for the iaeuded compliment. With much respect, l.im, Yours Truly. Iitti.k Nellie. A Grab Fiout-Catch Weiuiit. Tl.ij morning two mon, narad K. Eaglis'a and 11. A. Sutton, had a lively little turn of ruff and tuinblo on Washington stivot, near Sternberg's lumber ysrd. Of cmtsa a large crowd collecle.i arid thn fracas closed with l a natural tllects h.uised inr;;s and heul thy lociini: tcin'-eranie! -As the affair is to end tn leagal iitign ion, Squire Douaghy is to have a finger in tho pie. A U.liCK MYVA'KilY. XI10 boilv ot a Uoaiitifal IVumnii faaiiu ! loiittii!. ontlibViimlicrliiiiti t!v(!f,aua i'eiii 10 i'luecs by itfuz-ial'iii-i. t'rvu iheSajbvi:le, Tens., Union, July S J A most frightful, gloomy, and unexpect ed discovery was made by a fisherman while plying Lis avocation on tbo river, a short distance below tho mouth of Richland Creek, near tbo farm of a Mrs. Bass, eight miles from Nashville, Tuesday afternoon. Ou Bearing tho bunk of :ho river i:t his canoe, ho was horrified at heholding a spec tacle which at onco mac'o his blood run col d. Tho object which net bis vision was tbejrenmins cf what was oico apparently n beautiful women, lying indeatli, with her head partly out of Iho waiir. She was per fectly nude. Fish ewurned around her body by hundreds, nod lizards perched upon tho exposed head. Tin birds had tram ped tho ground for twenty 'eei; around Iho corpse. They bad picited 01 1 the eyes, ni.d cheeks until tho ghostly jau bones of a once fair and animated laco w..okn in bold re Hot. The cuts and an arm sera gone, and oaiy a few trewess tl a iu.viriant prorata of hair tad teen le't upon her head. After the buzzvrdd had been saluted with flesh, the fish had nibbled her neck almost to tho bune,and h;..l carried ewy tho pieces ol lleEh whioU the ravenous b:ic"i had dir.p; oj into tho wutor. Uivinp tied Lor body around tho breast ami c-iver-d V over as l.eit ho could, Uo hunio,l u Nafhviliefu.-Corouei George V,'. Korvell i.us (.iicoveied th..t,' rolv. il aitand.t;; Ike CUcrman's pre caution to cover tin unfortunate woman, biiz.urus had a'uij beui there ar.d turn away what IHtlj iii.l. remained on her ooud. ts.ie wi.5 takf it out of iho wrtterr.n l i-xamincd. It was fomd thai !... i....,. brutal! outraged, ler clotiiiuir fitriiom.l from tier body Ly syim violent h.iilua, her t"""!,lot eq,ly womjed by EOlao haip iosti.uwnt, u.:J that .,., i,.ciil., ,,aU twa "Jin and laeeiau-d ili th.y puteut,U i horrridu s ... ctueie. i.. , p.rm Lad cn.d..-nr. 11,0 01 ; 'reel b't.uiy atid fyinnieti i-'ro.'.i ..er ,".iJm tajtri, whic'j'tid Ji.t "''" ' '"- V. ll:j er.uis. aad i.tl:.-r d,tj.tioo-, i.lie jiny Way 0 tin. l,,-li( ihut i 111' W'IS " v.i.;nun cf uii.fctom i,VB, ;ly yuait. TLo bones of Ler laco and head gineully Indicate sari.ll und ii(,uar fou. iu.oj. bho wa.J a'ut live feet !u lieijht. It -.u.-jiosci taut ho Lad Liu iuiu river lor ab.-ut lwi ' So much hid it... hn,i ii...,.iiiiped iIip inrv was compc!' od to bury her where she was found in a bed oHeavcs and earth. Tire jury rendered a veidict that her person bad been grossly out wed. and that slm Came to her death through violence, from tho hands ofsome person unknown, and that she had been cast into tho liver by the murderers lo pre vent detection. MPH JtmiKlTP KOlt TUG JiAILY KECOUD,' liolon, July ltl. Poabouy l-.s!i::ite wan delica'ed W J neiilr.y iu the town of lYabody. Ml'. Pea body addi d Jlo.yoO ti the orisjinnl bequest to the itfiiai'e. niking a total of $10!),. 00'). A'.bahy, Ju'.y 10. The bank of !vim!y 11 ill was ontered by hur.'lais night before bu t. tho vault blown ol-jii but no ninds were obtained. tlV ro"h!n D.-i'lrnr-l tnnirlflnt mum naaiDuu jwjiuout. A W110I3 Train Destroyed! sr.viui.ii. lives i.o.s'i'. Th! Meudvili' Kepublieiin of tho 15th inst. says: Laat uight as Express train No. 3, which passes here in tho altornoon, was approaching Mast Hopo on the Erie Kai'. way it ran into tho rear of Freight Train No. 3 , which was switching at the station Tho passenger train was completely wreck J and to add to tho horror of tho scene the pile of the ruins took fire and was burned up, together with the station bouso at that place. Our litest advices report eleven dead bodies discovci'eil, and how many aro wounded ia not stated. The forward cars were filled with emigrants. But few of the first class, passengers were Injured, and strange to relate, the train men all es caped unharmed. Full particulars havo not yot come to baud. CA.MKDAI Y ANNOUNCEMENTS. - PitOTIIOXOTAUY. ! It. Fr m 1 I'1 f (it"k mire ihe r.'iinenrTiiou as Ju sa'.iiy. or Iii.iifnm Ui.l!i',9 n riimlidtMc foe rrolliiinu'rti v 01 WiMi:h IVilltily, sr.t'jutt lo ihc u.-ueii of tlat Jji'motuitic 1'nity. Local .iti-f. )ttlll)4 JAVA. SI'.MdtOWS, CANAUY, GElt .MAN, at A. 1). .M!U.lLlt & CO A 1). MU.I.li'lf t'O., have tin. wrnc or the Ainciican Whip Co., a:ul Westein Whip to.'st'i sirs, at whulcsalu pi-ictn.' UWIj UAVTliU Tj Uo gnnel houje wo-k. Ivrniir'-1 of j init r. C. N. I'AYSE, Uojil farm. VKIIY rilKAI' S1IKET MtT.SIC, only flvu cents a cpj, at W U. NICHOLSON W.'i Stitioiiory Store. Carpels, of tvery quality anil description, at BKYXOf.I)!', i:it01)HSAD ft CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, ui'ojite the I". O.. Oil City, Pa. lai itvvaro A tarpe nnsortmeut of which Is Iminc rloseil oat nt reduced rules at liUYNOLDti BltODUEAU Jt COS, ho. 11 Centre .St., opposite tho To'l Ofi'.ce, Oil City, !'a. ' All accounts not m illed iiiiintdiulely,wil Iwk-ft with an olT.cer ror;collcclion. Apr U tf. . KEYNOl.ns CO. All stylos of Illank Hooks, Noto Paper, and I'.u volopes In Jobbing Lots, at W. U. NICHOLSON & CO. BASK HALT. EATS and SCOItH HOOKS, at W 11 Kicholn'in & fVs. C'roekory K ir nil kind so to KKYNOLD8 liltODHMA!) i; ca'C, No. 11 Centre Urout, opjio. lto tho l'o.t Ollloe, Oil ( 'Ity, Pa. A M'w let of the cdu'iratcil I X I,. Knives just rectiveil at tho cost OFFICE. Try our Nnvy Tob ic.o. W know it U tlia host lu tiio marker. W. 11. NICHOLSON & CO. The vwy Ins: pocket Catlory itinrs and Hcls iw lit warranto. i tt W. If. NICHOLSON'S. 1 he l!uo;t Pl.t:; T.i'iac -j nt W II. NiCH M.sOil & CO.'S, Slew Fluur, I'ocrt :t;i? Grocery J. S. S'UATJIlKIt, AM'.ioOT.I) uask r.UILIMKi;. (in M4IN-ST, Wioio the V Clji'otk IT..ij 1:,,., on hand a Uriw.j .1 iiia i m: ,f t'lonr, 'ecl tuid i; oeen n 1 , v.LUt. !:, .-liii.- at a low ll'-nro. M.lAni'l i. ro'. u,t o.at v.,.uru A, 1). Cotton Coi:ijwii Iiiuku up. jan2-tr. N Ii VV ADV !- UT I .-' li M hi N TS. 'i 1U1I in , t a.lv f"i' l!.-ilrleal exhihiticiH c.i..'.:l,. !,. i,,-, A. li I'.i'l Ium Imwii r.4lled " ' '''"iirihi in I. .'.' I'.ioi.- i.ntl txpen.c ha liaon .jura) to uulc It it liiot cl ..-M SHOW BUILDING. 0i l. lli-i 1I00: i.- eno of the lu st laniard R ciu II. r.i.t:c Ate. :tovaai.:c-aic-!.. TELEG KERCHAXT'G GARGLING OIL If THE BEST LlfMAIYIEIVT in run voni.ii Fop XVItun & Beast. 0 Iran in BO, CT3 era -.vim ior .iriimaiwin, 'MIWaln.-, Corn, w,. . ii 'I Hrtal. t-m-a Nli.ni.,1 'ii..' "Ml. llilcderaulnak. Uenkienoi hahml.- !'", "-ounlloctions, Chnimcil Ila,,,., Back. Pain In the s c... MwelliuiJ 'r,, m. ii" Ach., OU oWl llenionholu. iJi 'Vllil." FtelT"0"' ZnmW.I. ' . 1 '.'.".I- ':'.'r".",fi Brulw. tw.t. I -ton., Sk,v,i, swetnny, flitula', H, t L l,' "'i o,,On- Kciiche or Onuw, ' " , u',''" 7 1 mckj U1.1 m.,siratm, Font .ei, ,KV.' v,''1 1 . Foot Ho; in Khw,i, and ninny oli,'vr ura,,' ?,',''' dent to Mini and UuuU ""i.miji luti H- D Tatloii. orconeoril, Ky.. snv ti,c,.. I Clllnl n lnu...r Kl. l.i..'.... .... V,'.lie(, S'lll" Oil attempiin, lo itrovor'a .nun wilZ i!!" u. mini 1110 nouy; also Ilia. 1.0 h . n-.d i, fam-.lv Mr llf een y.,8, ami i, tl,t u, ''J CO C73 'ifii i c'"e I.fnJin.ot,i, ' 1 Je i1 "' 3 1 Tr',"" ' ' Warren, Iu., March .1 .?, . ;r'i ""' e",-'nc'.d praelicoul , , !c,,0 mil II id y.ir OarKii,,;. od nu i-xtieme v "11S , i I'roin On. O. ft Neai. linrrln. Iowa, I)Pr, ai wx -I hnve i.ineilc.linwP'Inn In tl.H coii uv w;,, year, n.i.l ,l,ceiiv romnini.nd your Oa " iii w ns the best luianieut In ue. . " " ( From Da. T. W. Ktus. (in . J in. 6, l.-rfl -If I eoiiicl rwolve Ixtlli u,x or Ihe tia.lii,K on it ii f!l?i X l,0n"'',, J !'t'l' in. di. poxed tli.lt I have it frr sale. ' 1r"lI)" M. H. MuCau., Chamois TIo..Not.li. lV. ."."p ' Kliitu Oil ImaklnKiheshineoli fr,.,,, all tlu. Iluimeui. of tho day. If von dty.iu.1 tl.riti. I poiild procure dozens of cerllllcaiw from thod who have becu cured l.y it. ' MesM H-cIjin . Mima., Wholmalc Dnir!"i. WhcruiK. n., wiy. under d.to of, Inly that limy can wuely mcomnieiid 1 10 CaVlin ' 0,1 fur mmudi5,.n.r ihnn u . rccoiniutudi d i..r. i- "v K- ",,lfn. I'ulontowu, i'n., Juno 51. lji.i. Your i,ari;lliiK till u doinK much hotter here than lurniMlv, almoin virlues havoli,e..nickin.r an. the LoiiIm put n,. for family Use, without etaln, aro lunch sought for. , en Kxtract from a letter . om Hon Nathan I r-rT aiociit w.ld 111 th'i ri 1011. r.xirn. t 01 a inter l oin Baiii'ei.H. Hi re, ditid FalMmru'. Ohio, July K, 1M In J,;,lt n-t, liniiy : : m;u vi.s miii penodtobo U.vuiier.a u,..re 1I1.111 im darriu .....nt ...iii.ino c.u. and iue throat, twoli-n iiniiuai ? .". i' ?! ,'bc iio i.r ihrei! or r niilemionsor the dollar I. ll.- did tin-de-hifl el'm l mK ".m.c-- ? N.":, l-''i"Ho. om-li.ieton Co, O. Nairn. 18.:. 1 Imvii iiM-d vnur OarKlin.-' oil for the hei.iich... ou my horse, uud it cured it null the liiti From Bvna llATimn, JfidJI'iiort, N. Y., July '1 lajO. 1 iiucliaud a Iwltle or your (Jar-lliiL- Oil "of your agent, A. K Talker, at- Jlkl.llcnort. u.ni as vet have .1 hut half ol Ii. I t,k lt h.i rittn ii.o more relief .11 a 01-eor aevoro l;iieiunntlni. of Ion; biuiidiii, than any thing 1 have ever uted hoioiv- Fxtrai t from a letter Horn J. 0 Pbatt. d:itel Vtuiuc y, Cliuuuiuiiia Co., N. Y., Aiil'iimi 1 l.sll.-l liifve Iipcii 1 nriiiabi!l with your uudii hm (Oanrlin Ol!) for tho last loniiocn yours. 11 kan iirovid a mire euro for F'ot lint In Shco fur wl.ii li I -old the lat hoi 1I0 aud hum cull a iiio-tniiily fur molt. I lease foi ward as juou u cuuvcuietit. Always luipika fot - Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And lake no other. UeluU (Ht.OO, OO ris., Ulll 'li i'ts. Hinko we'll bef.no u-liie', and rub on thoroughly heloru llio ilroor aome v.aim niihslaiwe. T"" Uarirllne Oil lu hien In u.e ns n lin.'iini nt ;l i teniH. All wo lull iu a air t.-iul, hut bu mho and loltuw diriKinoiH. Ak your nearest Draif.'Hi or dealer in I'aloni Median" lor mm of our Almanac. 1111.I Vadu Me emus, and read what tho payte t-.iv a:.out the till Tho (Jar.diie lll ta r.w ci,. i... ........ dwiiers ihroiiehont Uu United Matt and ullmi , - -. , ,. o.'.u i io i.. :oiu ;ne unti.halrd. L, thu UaierCinr on n,..i .,11 .,,,ir nei.;bliu.'S What good It iu.a done. Wt! O.Jll r.:il , 1 111 1 ...:t-.. ,. ... . , . . 1I1CH..11. - r;-..iouiiauu.i -iyi',i.u i- jN.iuu!ii tm'otl ill. Iiockitus l, .. V., by ' JOHN ;.Jie)K, S,. i.taiy. l.y A. D. JLH H A ('.., .1 Ju:y,' din, i elro.cuut Cen're, 1 .1.