DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL I ..... DAILY C vol. HI. -NO. 39 . fETROLEUM CENTRE. FA.. TOES PAY EVENIMO. imfg.iim7lY THE PETKOLEUM CENTRE HOTELS, ' I Frederick llum . ....mi,.,ii. i i f ' .'! T) A T L V PPPHDn Jt.Kr,,,!POTP. from awindow of bis ro,u,on the second to- l"L W'AHtS f ; RAILROADS. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, Sundays excepted.; . W. n. LONG WELL, Proprietor. TKR.TIK. ..." . . . oryrr payable In advance, . . IB CO let month, . 75 miCE.MST or AJtVEUTISHfO. tieniino of nonpareil maks ou aqaare.) . No. InwrtlsiM. 1 M. 1 00 I N J On i'. a ix. 4 Mt II (Ml 7 Oil 10 0I IS in SI Oil 27 00! 38 (III !. ".. coi. me duy," V'wn dnya, llirec flay, Four l.ivs Five duya, One week. Two Wonka, 'J hreo weeks, fco moiit h. Two months', Throe nionlhe, ix moutha, Nine niuutlu, ttue year, ' 1 !ir,n so. 4E im t on noj Ml sol 6 Ml 7 Oil 8 (Ml 8 R0 14 0(1 16 Ml 311 Oil l Oil 411 (10 ev 011 80 Ul 100 60 a mi . 801 H M a no 4 H)' 7 fill 10 ou oid 8 IXll 10 Oil li Oil 12 Mil 15 U) 1.1 00 18 IK in w 30 01 Rpeclal notlcoa 20 centa per line, each fneertloa. AihrertiiieiiH.nta payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J" U. ELLIOTT, ATTO RXKY'AT i X W, AXI) NOTARY public, I'ETKOLECM CENTRE, I'A 1("j!n,,MI,e Co"rt & f'mnklin .romptly at- OKcH-K-lnnwil Of Brick Bank nnllU f"p mir. W aalringlonPt. net Mf. . . Ai'HEirr . luviiii, T ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OT J." Wck '.tank Building, corner ef lujuiiigtoii and Main tftreoia, . I'BTISOLErM CKNTIIE, PENN'A. ay 10, ISIS if. HOMIAJI ti, SMITH,) ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS-AT LAW, WIBrplch Prank11". " Petroleum Cw lrf-' Mayia-tf. V. McALPlNE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OKMCE llerrya new Bulldlne, corner of Wah. b l'naj?tt.tf"00nd ' '''ro''CnUiPa vHiais-riE, in. o., ' aei)14t WILSON A- VAN VELSOH, G AUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, 02IhS,TMoI!!?.m,le B'"'dlns, Oil City Pa., and James Robinson, Tank G(;augei-, BOX 880, PETROLEUM CSJtTJUK PA. tnnintf OEO. M. BISSELIj fc COTTT b a 3sr b: e r s , PETHOLEUKI CEN'l'HE, PA. ; teMpr" i".Tn!"4m80" oiJM0l!SlrroSr.v?3f,, r"r n nirtion of a LECTIOn' BU II?K8S?' ! H C, J arvis, Dealer In . CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Picture Framea mada Carpets, Oil Moths, Willi rer, Window Shades, A FINE 8i)CK. ' "EKTAKIKO, WJrFINS of u!l aim on band and trimaied to order ou short notice. 5ASL :iAZS AND BOORS. Vnriiifb, ,,, tr No. 1UC WAMIIN',TUA.ST, , ei.ol-um I entie; irpi 8, 1SI,!.' if V ry of the Cleveland Hoel, Cleveland ou lust i M. V. MfLtKIf, 1 t- Proprietor. The Inrgent nnd hiot cnminoHintii note! hi th TMa 1ump ! pleMitolly sHuatd, nwwn tool and fruW'ttW lvinilruiu empire, April in, ibmi. : UOCIIESTEIt HOCKK, AW Waahlnirtnn street, PctrolemCealro, Pa. BlUDBTREEr ft BHEKtroOU, flonuKTOBj . Thl IIon la centrally loWd, and the genoj-al headiinartera uf oil men. Petroleum Centre, l'a., May 10, 1868 tf. r. PKTKOLKCM CENTHB, PA., Near Oil Ckk AlleBheiiy Wvef Rallwar Depot. maylo.tr. o. 1. CUOSS, Proprietor. jyjtfcMHTocK Hoi's;. . PETUOLEUM CttNTUE, PA. . 1Vl popular Hotel, iltnated Corner or iilalu A Waalilncioii.su., ihm2LP.ll,', and l)irnMu.d to l iuSw i ll a i""'"01 uiapare (uu piiu, FIRST-CLASS 'HOUSE. o-r V. GUI8WOLD LP, lraprletd Jt ERIC AN HOTEI M PETROLED CENTKg,PA!" . ' - I. , " T J locality, and ut a ahort walk from the rfcpnt. Thetooma are livrw delicacU'a of the aaaaon. J'1" J. R. BARNaS.. pRANKMK IIOl'SE. MILLEK FAKM 8TATJOX, On OL Creek llallroad THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. H.SUrEFF, Juaat-tr. rroprietor. INTEKNATlUMAt. HOTU, MILLEK KAJIM, PA. JOHX E. BOWK, , pro) r, Oood aroommmlallnof fur trnnaient fntomera 1MV Biiarrf anrf lt.M.H.1 u.i.i. - r L -mm iiiftini on reamwanic , KWJBI,. JljlUt'II. MION HOVeL, PLKA8ANTVIM.lt. P Tl,l Knuii, h..l., .... . . " . , . . " "K - my ue,;n enlarge ano ro hiindrnJft,,.'!! w.orWd oconnnHlte two i?HiT?Hre,1,,,,b,,,,"",'.breel,me lv forTi. JuS-tT. TUOS. WcKlNNBV, Propr. pOX HOUSE SAMPLE BOOM, Fit ED, c. HYDE Proprietor. PLEASANTVIHE,' PA., C'bnrcfa. PETROLEUM HOUSE, OI. CITY, PA, Harhiff rocentlv taken imflMAiutnn n, ti. . notuc, wcwoBld 'moat rcaiiectrnllv inrnr... ,. . ling public that we propow o "Icwp a Hotel," nd to eanTlncethem of the act, we avite all who wish the com forte ol a borne, to eal . upon us. U will te fonnd The Hotel of the Oil litigious. Our SamDle It., u i ... .Kr... 1 ill! IMC UIHI' CCHl Wlnea, Liquor, and Cicara, and our UMe will lie WMn uio very best the market afr.irrta. There Is connected l,hllio lUtise Tour nnrt cla4 imiianl l ahlea. Alan, Harhvr Shop and lluth .' .G.lvo " " CHI, and wmvlaccToUKclvca ol the truUHulneas of oura.aerllon oluc'a ol ('IIARf.EM U'. NTAAT8. JAMES . WHITE oc!9 If -- . i.LlvlHP;.,.llr wnhTw TllAPA fa wnver am a a.L LI. . There la a very remarkable monial felicity (?) in tfaiscity which is not generally known to the public. In (be west division lives a woman with two husbands to ouch of whom she has been married in le Kal form. At the lime the war broke out this woman was living with ber Diet hue, band, by whom ano bad three children. At the breaking out of the rebellion be enllsled and went off in the tola of "a brave soldii r 1 lazed Oil ciotl. C urtni,,.., A. D MIM.BR a..?. 1 attov or TifH rrrtrotK ajlt BBConn.) .u,,u,6-moMi.w. MJan alwavs find t.h mmc ' .1 ' J wm.-. E. B. Ward, action Jn behalf ol the Rol. 11 ' 'ng Mill uotnpanles of Chicago, Milwaukee and Wyandotte, Ims purchased the ontiro interest of the Swedes Iro t Comnnay in Shiithrn rvi a.a " Southern Wisconsin for $535,onr. The way lo get up-vt is to get sot up. A grain dealer in this cily is sowing his wildcats. : The most dangeroua glass to the ladies the mirror. Some men appear bora to rnlo. and some scboolmas tcrs lo ha ruler. There is a Indv fn this city so narticular that she will not wear ''low" shoes. Mixed suits are only properly worn by people of motley character. Mr. George Peabpd; has a I urge body, but his hand and heart are larger than either of them. Toons Pi"2cs, wbo is out nrnsnectino- fora w ife says a dumb woman will never unswer tor mm. l'n per uiokers are sunnoaed lo h more wise than formerly, 'since they devote them selves leBS to foolscap, - i. ' C. II. WILLIAMS, puun t TIIAVR openiila Coal Yard at the end of Din all klndi o'f''m WhMU iUuk",'1iJll(t STEAM AND STOVE COAL Tallin com!ng to my yard tor Coal, will liavo Free Pn smapn Over the Creek lii'idgc. OPERATOBS Woald do woll to eeiiilre at the ofllcc, and will Bnd It to their advantage to deal with mo. Petroleum Centra 1S69. Alleiiiaioozeleiii City Territory. NOTICE TO OIL OPERATORS. Tiie lindoraiiniod, apnt for tlio Jletropi.Ltan Oil i.nupiiiiy, now eiicin to leusc the U'rrllory of aaid t'eupany, in lot of two ncrea oaeh. f.,r ...r. . royally. ThU .arm Is .ituau onhe rv T UU UU IK'S UI1 UIO JUGUr.Mt VEIN Which connocti Ui WrnxUnd Pieraon Farms Willi CHARLEY VS TERRITORY. For further ranlcular apply to the original J). W. KENNEY, Allc-ma joozelum City, CJierrytree Rua. Or add, ea, 'liOX 117," i'elrulenm Uentre. April 16 lm. it.nn. J. A. PLANTE. FrenchBoot Maker AVuslihtgioii 8ticel, three noons west ok a. d. mil- 1u.o ukiu STORE, l'DTKOLKl U CEJVTltE, iu., Is manufactnrto" jo order KIKST CLASS FINE unr, sin u aa pnleB IitMllcr u kafilfl . .. l'liiup Sole IIOOlM, French Cork Sole Hoots, .S;olc AVeltUool. HEAVY Oil LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Cail and tec raiuplt'd. Prtrnlnim C nlre. Ph.. JulyV 4in''K'',J" c. i). Tiioiiiso., .iiToTr ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, ' NO. 1, Elt;iOMi STltl KT. i l'"iiiirj TITTJQVIIjLiE T V ilyl--,f ' (I p.Stalr-,) RECORD. I 1 'r H.t ... , . ' . 1 TLT m wmua ailU IMEW v ' OKK "KL'i'INO Co's BeltjllC and - Kublicr Gootls, both of which aro acknowledged to be unsim passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, anil can relcr tx our custoniei's ..for r evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F. WrAMES, IIAll VYARll3Ji LK, VTITIISVTT.T.R PA may&Oia FOUND. AT the VAKIETY STORE ot J. W. Beatty, A large assortment of Pire Works, ConsiaUng of Flags. Iloekcts, Roman Candles', Mine, also. Choice Coefectlouery, Fruits, Toys, Soda Water, and the BEST ICE BEAM IN TOWN. Give Die a call, second door to Oiiera House, mhvitojton Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J, W. Beatty. JulWf. . T3l C m d I TD-I n r I " i 4. ACvilUd I ioiri imowiv, Mauuractureni, JAMRsTOU'Ni N. V." ALw cji ctmive Agouti fortho ' ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Shm Slusic, Strings, &e. JF "nd fw )llll8,rot'11 Catalogue and jirkc GAOKOI DItOWN, V'arerKima 1 Main Bucct. Factory Prnoklvu Hl k, foot of Main-Kt. maym-l ISIIAiH Ai CO., H'A ITIIJI AKFUS & .InVELI KS, IN Ol'ERA HOUSE BUILDING., WASH INGTON STREET, PETUOLEtW SIE.NTUE, I'A., Keep ciiuatniitlyon hand a lure aaaoilmvut ri WATCHES. JEWEI.UY, 1'IfTOI.s, IlEVOLVEIts. ., HSIMNd TACKLE ( urtridees. p., ami win p,,l m (.,n,n-!ii prieva. II wnlcli work " nninteil I.. ,.vi' (.nlUfai-Mon. Al!a)tm..al.axt week we culled attentior the Conaiiiut'on riiilerrtf Kewaid & Burnley, now wo tuka nleajiiiro In noUeins their AlUma the lialr, jch g Mid to he a very line article uio tiiuet. W o aw ol the opinion that the pr.uira tlonsors & II nro all ciod, for tlio repvitulj.ni they vimiain aa Drii'isla ia Jund evidt-tiee tlu,l tht-v would not put nnytiiii In the nuirket of an rdiuary clmractor. JUwuri. A I). Mli.l .kii a. n ave It for sale and wo hoo all our friend will '.Y II. oli For all Ilirr.clilnl aflielli-nt, try Kemud j up Cine. 1 i I.VMil tMI ,! swis w.viniKS a I s " - V-. ;u I ... . ;li .1 ' :; l i!...,. . , . CS, !) ( 1!.,..,- I; 1...11 n M.,.1 I. A V Urt-AMr AND EltlE UAH.K4.Al7. tn and ufior Monday, Miv.- IWnU -ltv I'ueiiKer Tniin will run on iliU nmrt aa ai follow ijt.in iiik jiiinu baht. 1:4(1 A- M- NK'UT KXPUESH, atopplna at Itlpley, Weattlelil, lli.nkirk ami r.i"ver- wk, arnviiiL-nt linlliilo al 4.4.", A. M. 10:5.1 A M NKW "0"K KXI'lth.-K.' .in,,. aw. 9 t-loa "t Womim.I. linn-ton. Dimklik. s.. vercrwk. mid Anaolu, arriving In r.ulli.'i, at li.lo IV M. 7l'Xi V; M' t '' INNATI EXPRESS.' .lui " pliii' in Norlhi.ttsi, Wuslileld, ll. ic.i,, liinkiikalidSilTercreek,aud arritw at llllDulo lit lo.4S P. M. ii'AH ,A;Jf-' MA"' and ACCOMMOpA ;l:4. I'- JJ- l)AY KXPKRSH, rtopphlK ai "" ' Ijonlawt. liiplev, WaaiUeld, iVinki,!; FSiivurcnaA nml Acgola, arrivlue at But falo at Liio p. M. l.KAVK lll'PVALO Rllixn WKHT. i'2"2!i I'M.. DAY EXPKlifSS stopping at Au t-ol Hilverrreuk, Dunkirk, llr.ui.m, eifli-ld mid Noi theaol, arilWii): ul Eiie at y,15 1. M. 4 '(tO,1'. M MA' N1 Ammuoiu 'w" il'lN, i.top.lnirat all atmiona, enivinz lit Klie ill .S..B) P. M. ii'Ml A- 11 TOIIX ItXPBKSS. vt.f.pmcat nl atatioiw, nnd arri riii at Erio lo.- o flMMI '' XTEAM1WAT KXPltls. ,,. P'liK at AiiL'iiln, Nlverm-i-k, luinklik. Brocton. Wi-aitidd and Noitlieiu-i. nrriv'- iilf at Kria at lo A. SI. f A. M., KIUIIT EXPKKSS, rt M l,?mr niivercrM. Dunkirk and WefUi.,,1, , ,n. ririiiKal Kr.'eat 4,4o A. M. llallroad lime is )o iniimtea fainr than I'.li.- tliua H N. BUOWN, Geu'l eupi jt; AM, cohhv tc rrrrstuijiiu RAILROAD TIME TABLE, Takes effuct Moudao. Nnvemlwr 2.1d. ltiia. HOItTSWAaD. -'Mmi.wMiwiiw.i.wii, o,r. p.; ji ir.ntff 4,i t ; Panama 4.16; Sherman 4,i; Sum mil ' u r. a i Mayville 6.60 arrivina-nt Broctou T.ii . 1 -I- iii. iwm. urry w.. A. M. 1 . IVM TWO P'uian.B lo.lo ; Sherman Kl,!i5t fninmli ln.ft M i. villell.lo, and arrives at llrgcton 14,- 0 m Mail leavea Corry 1,15 r. a., bloueuii as a.. ,i llona, arriving at proeton 4J) v. a -.. .. aoBTIIWAIUl. M.l trlaUa4Biixtonaty,.A N.,atoppiiiu it all atntiiiiiH. arrival at I'orry at Vj.ss p a Kxpe leavea Bioitona't 11,35 r. a.; S ivvple 8.S6; Summit 3,4.' Hrorinan 4.on; Pannum l, ';: tlymer 4,. and -rivlnir at Oorry at 6.H.M- m Accom-iiwlatinn Uav.ea Brnotou 7.oo r. . . villa ,l(l Summit ,o, Sherman 0,65, Paiwe.a !i.j: Clymer 9,46, arriving at Oorry at lo,lo p. a CIIHKKOnoKS , iiuumii on inu loieu.. l-i.,.i,. or liav 1 jpraiA, con"cling at Ilrorton wii. iinina ror Majviile, Sherman. Panama, Clymer nml c.in v: conneetlng at Corrv with traiua on the HI v, i k II. Also, eonnectinn at Corry will) traiua .ui Hi.. Pu. ArielnluB A- E-rlu r... U.11..1..1. u.- ... ... ... nmu. i.i,.uii-iiiuii anii iiarrl hiu; and on the Atlantic and (iio.il Wix. u l.' iil. wnv fnr Tnliui. M.llllA j:u.....m.. 1. VI nrrnn ( kh 1 r. anA 1 ... ........ , i , , . . Trulna Innvlm. I ,11 l... ....lie .. iVu" "!"!'ectir-t at Brjlon wUhtxaui imi II . b K. P. . arrlvlii.' in HiiiVhI.. , i n n. with Mail Train leaving Ciu-ry nt 1.15 i. i., eon recline wJih Exirea Eni im b. & E. K li I . arr.v' ing lu Iliinaln at 6,M p. m. L,vii. i4un .li, . t ....a p. m , arriving at Corry at lo.lo p. m Aim. oeiinect at Jlayville with Sloai. -.uiis .... riiAiilaiiqua lk Iduriiig tcasou ol l a, ..lu.i 1. Jamestown and Kaudclpu. " i "luli. . A- ti- TIIPV.S,,,... ,IUl1- Jluyvllle. N Y. A. C...i nm. ct., cx4 r,. worih of vnnr win ..i i..u NEW KLOUrt ANI FKB1) sTokh i l.t'M BKK YAUI of M. KTtUMJl.lt; A CO., when, there la nlwa-a u MA.2S5" tcaiiv lo ahow their cumuuiera their hue t .4 FLOCK, HAY, and all kiuda of FEE. 111 il Uie place also where Buy lie 1 tnrte afvorlniMit' of flntclase wh.k'i a. lUKSriEU I.CMIIKIt, LATII ,hllN(.l.. ,vr 1 (the veiy lowest uasli .priet Ttio-io ,wli :-o u.4 ' DEAD AXJwirown intercut, and wish In deal -Mir ,nn rhiido Iiuaiikm 011 Uie i.iiiiare, will timl il in (J.iir interest lo give ua a full liefor.- iwrel(iiiiuj; viae where, .uid aue what wu ean do fur you IN- ...1. 1 M..-iiif-nn. j ff . "j itiif" n i li'iiiinpn urihitly ni'trnttc-d tn. iu fitrjtA Mn- nU , Ol IMiHTK TIIK 1R'!KTKU 1K1: 1. HAta Petroleum Centre, Vn, L. M. STKKVM'llt), II II WAI.'NKIi. FvLu-ir. FISH Eli & A0KI..S GENERAL MACHIf-'iSTS otd pialcr. in (II kind i-r VEJiL. TOOLS A: FIX'I I ICES Ne'-earv for ihiiHiil dn nnd ni-. : --tii Hi-,' (i HI U-..M. In ...1. ...., .. I, h ..... l a I l I . V vvh hnvea iurc uu.l uuivi uiiitt KLACKMITH PHOF. Cer riHIJliea for VANITAI 'l i'lUNii .-., i.oi ei- ct e I lv l: S liup ill '!.': 1 1 i la-ii.-il -.. .l.;,.',.v..v.-,f- .leC'V'. oi(.9-; - 'IbHElt A .SOBI'.l-;, ' ''Ti