The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 08, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
lel. Ceutrr, ThureJar, Jnljr 8.
A. J. J' AT, Jk'ator.
Time of Closing mails.
P. 0., Petsolixh Cestui, Pi.,
J nit 87 st, 1808. J
Until further notice the' malls will arrive at and
depart from this office aa follows:
South and East, via. Irvinoton, 10.28 A. M.
South and West, Mendvlllc, 6.13 P. M.
North and Bast, Corry, 3.54
:-Pouth and Wet, 8.4ft A. M.
'SontL, East and West, 2 30 P. M.
North, Eaat and West, 10.00 A. XI.
, Divine Sorvifpn.
Preachlo!? at 11 o'clock A. M., snd "J
'clock P.M."
Rrv. J. T. OxTonr. Tastor.
. M. E. CnURCII.' ,
Services every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. ana
1 P. M. Sabbatb School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats free. A cordial invitation ex
leaded to all.
Rev. C. M. XIkakd, Pastor.
Man at 10 a. m.
' Veaper and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Heavy Rain ttila Plornlna; ItinatWa-
uou oi ine lain Haulage, io
Property, Ac.
At about seven o'clock this morning,
heavy shower set In which continued for
abontone hour, and we will venture that
, more water fell In this short time, than has
fallen in any rain storm over our vicinity
this season. Fortunately for our business
men on Washington street, at least below
, Scbonblom's corner. L. M. Sternbere'4 Co.,
bad been engaged during yesterday cleaning
out the gutters, preparing to plank the street,
or It would have been innundated, but the
water was conducted through the gutter sue.
cesefully to the corner of Washington and
Main streets, in front of the brick building,
where It entered the sluice, and was from
thence carried to the creek. '
Not so fortunate were those families resi
ding on the flats opposite the depot, on the
tipper side or the railroad, owing to the fact
that the sluice passing under the Cam.', u&?
o - u iliuod wittier, causing
the water running from the bill to stop in its
course, filling np the en lire flat, and In some
place eompletely.flooding the railroad track.
Betwaen Wash I
.. - ..0 Buu tuviauiuaU,
the flat was entirely covered with water, and
In many Instances business places and pri
vate families were drewned out. The dam
age io this vicinity must be considerable,
and until the water takes its natural course
to the creek, the extent of the damages can-
not be estimated. On the Boyd Farm, the
piauK uau, iii many places, Eas oeen car
ried away, and the water seems to bare pen
.. etrated every spot ol low or of medium high
ground in that locality, as well as below the
Had the sluice been clear of obstraotlons,
allowing the water to pass through to the
creek ail this flooding out of residences and
business places wonld have been prevented,
. but tbis obstruction caused the water to
stand and the liberal contrIbnt;on from tho
- bill, catiBed It to overflow the railroad, and
thus the flats below the track wero in nun da
ted. During tho time of the storm, r.iin foil in
torrents, the clouds seeming to have opened
a lone troasured quantity of dampness, and
let fall 'upon us without Mint, its Hood i.l
vengeance, as if revengo wns its chief cl.ject.
An entire now Board of Director of tho
Royal Canadian Bunk has liecn olocleil,-.
John Crawford, M. P., being Preiiilent. It
is expected it will resume business
Another victory over tho Britisher. An
international base ball malch has been play
ed In Quebec, and the Canucks were whuled
out of their boots by Ihe Yankees. That iH
as it should be. But supposiug our boys
bad been beaten at our own national game.!
Last evening Robert de Garmn, residing
on Prospect street, Rochester, on bis return
to bis house from selling fireworks, found n
burglar therein, who shot him in tho righ'
breast, tbo ball passing through the lungs,
and passing out near the shoulder blade...
Tbe wound is very severe, possibly fatal
The burglar escaped arrest.
Tub Cutrr anh Mkkacerie. Owing to
the drenching ruin ol Ibis morning, Yan
kee Robinsou'ii groa) show was compelled to
omit the. pr-inil parade, butstill made a good
iipiHii'rarro. On iieiouct of hi;;h water on
I he i,l ! oileiis giimnd near dpol, the
lent is piU'V'd c: iho bill opposite tho old
I.-Ve $ho.- Ui'us !! very rlea-Jict !o-
Mr. Eimtob.: Please allow me to answer
the questions and observations of "Outsl.
der." In your yesterday's issue. First of nil,
If "Outsider" will give us his name, 1 will
agree to forfeit a new hat If I fall to prove
him averitablo good templar.
It Is strange Mint my acute opponent
should not havo attempted to disprove or
even deny a single ono of tho assertions
which gave such a shock to his feelings.
For instance, I asserted that the ice crenm
was bad. He answers that 1 put some under
my vest. True,' else liow should I know!
I assert that the dancing nrrangemenls were
censurable, and slate wherein. Ho nns"
wers, '-Yen danced yourself." I bow in
acknowledgement of the implied compliment,
that it at least 'became respectnblo when I
tool; a place r.n tbo floor. Thanks, friend
'Outs'der," but did you have nothing to do
but watch trie? It must have been a sleepy
vigilance If you failed to drink lemonade or
oda waterl In conclusion, Mr. Editor, al.
low we to say that in censuring tho Order 0
Good Templars, I censure myself, and nine-
tenths of the members of the order fully
agree with my view of this pic nic. We
need no quixotic "Outsidei" to cover faults
which are patent to ourselves.
Very Respectfully,
Good Templar.
P. S. If "Outsider"' feels interested in
knowing where I obtained my knowledge of
'l'reo and Easy'' manners, I will answer,
nof in Petroleum Cenlie.
Goodness gracious! Here's a Fipiad of five
hundred fillibnslera coming up i'rem Phila
delphia to Erio and thence to Canada, in"
tending to sail from the Dominion to Cuba
Here's a pretty miss! If thoso ferocious fil
ibusters get away safely and steal the "fair,
est jewel In tbe Spanish crown" from that
diadem, who will pay the piper the Amer
ican Government on whose soil tbe expedi
tion was organized, or the British Govern
ment, from whose colonial soil the expedi'
tion took its final departure for the scene of
war! Tbe Alabama puzzle will be a simple
affair to tbis entanglement.
139 bones and Si wagons, belonging to
Yankee Robinson's consolidated show, pass
ed over tbe Egbert Farm Bridge tbis morn
ing. A new well was struck on Monday on the
McGrew tract, on tbe south side of the rlv.
er, near Oil City. The produoilon Is now
reported st aawntnnn ' '
There was a Good Templars plc-nlc at
Reno Farm on tbe 5th wns largely attended
and passed off very happily.
It appears that tbe "Fourth" was eele.
bra ted wlte considerate enthusiasm all over
tha country, from tbe penobscot to tbo-
liulf. Tbeswnal results in Ibe shapeof
accidental deaths, arms blown off, eyes
blown out, and multitudinous fires, aro
Nobody can renumber everything. In
the press of business, w omitted to mentis I
the pic nlo of tbo Presbytenau nbath
School ot this place, on Saturday last. This
was, beyond all doubt, tho greatest success
of any pio nic ever held here. May Ibe cus
tom be kept up, and may tbe weather per
mit us to be present next year.
Tins morning, as Yankeo Robinson's show
was cros&ing the creek at Rouseville, two qf
Jbe, showmen got Into a fight, in which one
of tho parties, J. II. Peck, got badly pun
ished; tho other was arres'ol on oath of
I'eck. after tbuir arrival here, and taken be
fore Esquire Donaghy, who lined him $20
and costs.
Timorru On, Item.-). Within tho weel
three new wells havo been struck: two on
the Economy Oil Co.'s tract, producing ;J5
bills each, und ono on tho 1'eirco fc Ncy
hart ten acres, Dennis Run, which is pump
ing 35 barrels with a good prospect of in-
Tlio Crowell wull is pumping'lO bid., the
Collins well about -It) bbls. Cue, Smulz &
Ci.ito drilling t ut uot yet through the
sand rod;.
.Mr. Watson is about ready to commence
drilling, on the Gorman Farm, uiljolning
tho Really.
On thu U C Hcolt farm, an old well is
buir.g deepened and thi tutjU havo struck
a vi in of iron or-e soinethius else, evidently
of recent deposit.
An entire new oilfield, whit li promises
to rival Plcusutitvillo in extent, hna been
opened ( n tbe Jumleton farm l!als on tbe
Allegheny river, between here and Tionesta
This is undoubtedly another cut crop of the
great Tidioule oil belt.
Tbo wells on upper Tidioutu creek are
nearly ready to test ; the owners are confi
dent ol success. ITidiouto Journal.
Tho Ma-osaehiiBetls leyiKiatnre, after pas
sing tho prohibit-jry liquor l.iw, immediate
ly defeated ii bill iiitrodiiein water into the
city oi Lynn. The peoj lt ,, ijV0O ar(, Ct.
tiu Hhrmc.l.
People and Thins;.
St. James Episcopal Chnrcb, Brooklyn
lias bed a Sunday school ball.
Small pox Is said to be prevalent in Alba,
ny, although tho Legislature adjourned long
Cnssognae Is editor of the Paris rays. It
evidently pays not for be is bankrupt.
The consumption of alcoholic drinks In
Russia lias Increased over one hundred per
.tent, in six years.
Motto for a snuff brx What's the odds as
long as you're rappee? Judy.
Now that old Boreas has gone, bow wll
tho navy be able to raise tbo wind. 1'rtn.
Bcotboven never could master arithmetic,
and to the day of bis death knew not how
much twico 13 was.
In opposition to tho Theatres the New
Ywk Oiiserrer advises each city to keep a
chirch open every night.
Tom Alien, tbo pugilist, bns married an
English girl, who ran away from borne to
wed tbe hero whoso ptowess had won her ad
mirttion and her heart.
Tbj.Chicago Post not very poetically re.
marta that "A. J. created less of fuss in tho
city cf Washington, thau tho arrival of a first
class squash."
Wewere going to write on article on tho
"Rigits of American Citizens Abroad," but
we flrd on examination that they have not
got ay. Chiearjo rost,
A qinrrclsome couple in New Jersey threw
Iboir sjildren at each other's head until the
nninniiition was exhausted, when the wife
flooredtbe husband with a cofl'ee pot.
In llty the people of New York expended
$220.00 in going to Theatres, $751,000 in
riding fa street cars, and $97,000 in riding
in omnbusscs.
Very many good people will see a judg.
ment upn John C. Breckenridge in tbe fact
that a gece of land sold by blm at tbe be.
ginning of tbe war for $1.00, is now worth
Senabr Stockton talks to the Tammany
eacbemson tbe Natal day, &c. Text: Ay
ah bo ne wink turn, la kusti goe sni gee,
wbicb sivcral prominent Buffulonians can
Are weto have a new Encyclopedia? In
a Londonoaper is tbis advertisement: "Re--...upurgiu
various uepnnrueois oi an fcn.
cyclopedia, editors of reputation for natural
science,; spirts and the Bible.
Concenlrg Mr. A. T. Stewart the Wash
ington correspondent of tbe Chicago Journal
writes as lollows: For some time past dame
rumor, with her thousand lying tongues, has
for a lone 'ime been busy In circulating ao.
counts of what were teimed Mr. Stewart's
domestio difficulties, In wbicb it has been
asserted that he had for years lived unbap'
rily with bis wife, thjit he was tyrant in
bis ow - """"' M ?nd hi- "other
,-.r- were about to separate, and much th
er stuff of a similar import. I can state up.
on unquestloaablo authority, that tbete re
ports are false, and utterly without founda
tion. I nm informed, by a gentleman who
has long ben Intimate with Mr. Stewart and
his family, and who isperfecly cognizant of
bis domestl! affairs, that there is neither tyr
ranny nor eld neglect in that domestic cir
clo, but tbtt all moves along harmoniously
ouu .ainimuruj io coco party concerned.
Meanwhile Mr. Stewart attends strictly to
his buslncs affairs tho most extensive and
complicate! of those which engage the at
tention of ny man in tbo nation, unless it
ba the Prcslcnt and is daily forming plans
for now comprises and moro startling tin
The sea trpenl has not yet, so lar as can
bn leaincd,jcen engaged by any watering I
placo this Risen.
A I'LAt K "d whiiehoiiud puji; answers to the
J naiiie oKiin.
i iitint; or-iiin, a buminto reward will be nald
A fciutnlilc. reward will be nald
it returned to
er hop.
J. Ilauua A Co's machino nod boll-
'1 his Hnll I. . fn. ..I.1I.I4I...
eniiMriii. Iw ti,,, o. The Hall has been reftlted
nuil streii);iiii),.,. No pains tnd expense hag been
,v ilia i a um ciass
On the (lrst oor is one of the best Billiard Rooms
iu uie i enire. All uader one management.
There will bf a Tneallnor nf Iho nr,mncrU-.TnV.
son Assoclatioi at the American Hotel, on Saturday
UUI, Jln, tour! oe a nm niuinuance.
Iho pass word f last quarter will he nsed,
C. C. WICKIU, ' w. 0. PLUMER,
m. .,. "'ta'y- President.
Titnsvllle, Jiy .
WE desire o Inform Oil Operators .and the
I ublic peernlly Iliat we are prepared to re
ceive orders for nr Champion Six Cnilor Hoamer.
Tim Is wllboul doubt l ho moat perfect tool for
reaming that In ever been inlroonced. Give us
Fishur Nobhis ft Co.
Mali, i-apeui
ntt received alarije stock of Spring patterns, at
Afternoon Dispatcher.
Brest, July 8.
Dispatches through tho new cable from
the Great Eastern report, that up to Tues
day noon, she run l.fiiH knots and paid out
1,700 knnia nl the rable. She reports a
heavy gale (,n Monday night, but it was
weathered finely, signals good.
The instruetioha to minister Sn ki.K swete
drawn lit the Department of Slate with
much caution, and Wore soon thereafter de
livered to him at New Yoik under such
clrcitnslances as to prelude tbo posibill ty
of a prematura disclosure of their content",
riut although positively denied insomo qunr
lots, the quid mines insist tint there is a
clause in thoso Inslruetions providing for
the purchase of Cuba.
A great number of American children nt
(cud school In Brussels, wbcro tuition and
hoard are at a much lower rate than in New
York, and where, moreover, the girls dress
simply, and not, as In our fashionable up'
town schools, iiko little duchesses.
But 106 out of 800 applications mado al
Washington for velocipede palentsjhave been
V p. T inirr Plmse pnr.f nneellie romeorTiioM
a P saury, nf I'rimleum Outre, as a eandidau
lor Prothnnatary or natgn County, subject io ihe
UMies of Ihe Democratic. ,orty.
sjocal Noticed.
mrtns java. spahrows, canary, oeh
MAN, at A. D. MILLER fe CO.
A. P. MILLER & CO., have tli apener of tbe
American Whip Co., and Western Whip Co.'s Ci
gars, at wholesale prices.
To do ceneral bouse work. Inqnlr nf
junWtf. C. N. I'AYNP, Boyit Farm
White men's
CLOTtllNG nt Ihe Jamestown Store
Panama and Straw Hal
Selllrg cheap at Ihe Jamestown Store.
White Shlrla, Collar, and Neck Tien,
A (nil line nt Ihe Jamestown ClothlrR Wore.
Worth oT DIAMONDS Just received nt VRAM'S
And look at their DIAMONDS.
At from $80 to 1,000 atlSCIIAM'S
New and nobby slylesnt ISHAM'S. jnrffiMf.
YEIIY CHE.M' 8IIKRT MFSIC, only live cents
copy, at W. U. NICHOLSON & CO.'S Stntlonery
far pel. r every quality and description, al
Street, opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa.
Hardware A large assortment nf which Is
lielnsr cine ed ont at rodnced rates nt REYNOLPS
BRODHEAD Si CCS, No. 11 Centre Pt., oppo.lle
the PoBtOfflco, Oil City, Pa.
All accounts not settled Immediately, will be loft
with an officer foreollcctlon.
Apr M tf. REYNOLDS ft CO.
Leave yonr orders for Ballantlne's Nllro O'ycer-
Ine and Combination Torpedo, at the Post Office
News Room, Petroleum Centra, Pa.
N. B Orders promptly ailed. jnnlMw.
All styles of Blank Books, Note Paper, and En
vclnpee In Jobbing Lots, at
w. n. NicnoisoN a co.
w u. Nicholson ft Co's.
Wanted to Call
At R. R. Fisher's Drug Store, one bnndred per
sons nr more, and examine, Roses, Carnations,
Fuchtca, Mask Plants, Holetoopoa, Pansiea, rish
Geraniums, Rose Geraniums and Boqneta of Rare
flowers. jnna 10.
Croekerr for all kinds fro to REYNOLDS
BRODHEAD A CO'S, No, 11 Centre Street, oppo
site the Post Office, Oil City, Pa.
Gents Furnishing Good;.
Lnmmera ft Alden have a full and complete stock
of Ihe most fashionable Gents' Furnishing Goods.
At 40 percent below Petroleum Centre prices.
Sell more Qooks than any other IIonM In Petroleum
Centre, because, why? They sell Unit class mods
cheaper than slop shop goods can be bought.
June 2d If.
A new let of the celebrated I. X. L. Knives Just
received at tbe . POST OFFICE,
Try'oar Navy Tobacco. We know It is the host
In the market. W. H. NICHOLSON ft CO.
Tbe very bast pocket Cutlery Razors and Scis
sors all warranted at W. H. NICHOLSON'S.
The finest Ping Tobacco at
13 TIIE '
For Man & Beast.
30 Years In Vac.
Id coLiirot Itlu itnuli-in, ChHhUi.UiS Corn:, Whit. 1
Itiws, t'aut'il llu-a-i , Sure Nipplw, t'r.iiups lini., 1
Ihti' i't miinrsK iiilin nt thi) tlniiilf, t'dlilTsc
liuiit ol tho Miiticlm, I. u rim aimI hcalU hrint lUw,
rainl'iil N'orvciir ii Vcftionr, ( happul lliiii'irt, l.titu-
Hack. I'niii iii l lie hitiv, Swi'UiiijjH, Tiiiuirrs, Tuot;
Ache, VU .Suroi, IK iiiui'i holds or Pile, KI-'hIi
7 3D
" P Tavlou, of Concord, Ky., suys tlie eirf-litiL-(1
1 en,, cj a liorseof hi,, Injur, d while pluuutiiu 1,,
uticiiiiif,!, toftep over a Ntuiiip,aliiuml severing iii,
thieji I'roni the boily ; also that ho litis used it in hu
fiiniily lor Ihufti ymrn, and is the best remedy lor
raius, Ulieuin.
aiisiii, uie., nc erer lucd.
FromCmjMP Bnos , Cochrnno Ijindlnp. OUio
Nov. l), lniti. We are pleaKed Willi your medicine'
It liiu been the means of ciirinij; a area! nunier of
ilillt-rent diseafea upon persons, aa also uhii lwret.
We Ihink It cures all you recouimeud it to do. W
want y,.ii to send us Iho larger proportion of tbe
variety for "Family I sc," in small bottles.
From Du. J. K Tenaiitx, Warren, Ind., JIareli 3
161)111 nin encaRrd In the practice of medicine
and llnd yeur Hnrgllnc; oil an extremely elticiect
remedy in all eases whuru an exurutil aj.nlicaii,'a
le itidicnte.1.
From Dr. G. R. N ai, Burris, Iowa, Dee. SO, Is 51s.
I bavo pracilee,! mediciun in Una county seten
yenrs und cheerfully re-eonimeiid your (iai-Liiug oil
as the best lluunicut in use
From Da. f. W. Ems. (ia , Jan. , ISSI If I
could rocetvc both lioxea of tlie (iarKlinit oil It wl,l
not tie itH) much, a. 1 thu k I could shu llud
lor ll nil, the inquiry b -ln freipient since it i- U,V
piisinl thftl I h nve ii fertile.
Froui bn Vs. S. Mei'ALi('hmril,, Mr-, Not.O,
1WW l ur inrp;llniMll IstuVniKllieslilneofl Irom
lilt ll'e lin'meuts ot'tlie day. It you dtlred llic'",
I cuiil.l proeuru downs of certltlcues from tnu.!
who h'lve tecu culud ly it. , ,
3 :, (latin .f a 1 kfn li, sp-lnt. ll-'tiho-, Cm k
pi ilt'Nt K-np Bui ", I'ol" Kv:l, Wind Uh!!h, c;( .
)ntn, Sp.ivln, Swt'i itcy, l-'iriiuia, Hitt:i-t, Klvrm; ,
I'i.imoii-), s ritlcht or (.ffiwi, Spriuulmlt, San-;
'racif, IjtiiicneiAj, Mnilin, Kouinlfriiin b.-et, Mhiik,
Horn lH-t('tiin'r, t;ar t in IV, i rarktnj Tvnu, I
Knot liot in ln;i, nd many oiLor Uiiicasm Iuk
UtMit to Man nud Uc;t. I.
I'irs VctaAiJi Bito.e Wholmal nnif-ffit-, ,
Wliit-niiK Va., niv, innH-r d.te of July 24, 1 -
Hint t Ii ran t-afi'ly rtnrutnincitd the iarnlini Oil L
Uit umhc (li-ea than il i rivommi'ndt-tf u,r. T
From .1. K. I'Vukii. l uluittowu, l'n , June 31, f
1SU7. mirtxiirKUiiK Oil U diin inudi hutt. r h.'io -
than hirtM-ily, i iho i Tinner liiivelwitinr knopru. '
in (I tlio l.iitilnrj put tip for Family L'f-e, witli.-ui J J
stain, a o much nought fur. t. .'
Fxtrnct from a letter from Hon Nathan I !nrr,
County Jmke of Hhcll-y Co.. Iowa ualed llitrlnu,
April 13. lhiii. It If decidedly prutcrrud to any llu
ainent 1d in tills ccelto. .
Kxlrnrl ol a letli r Iroin Sahi ii. S. Hi pp, diitcl
F.nll-liura, Ohio, July n, 1MW In June last, Henry
r-lmtlle b:id a yiailii.f; colt that had uhal wns eup
pnseil to be Dyptheria for mure Ihuu teu days so
that it could no. e:U, and the Ihroat woleti nliuost
shut, and the line of lliree or four applications of
the dollar In. Hit did Hie de-ired etlect.
K.oiu A. U..iki., Lewisvillc Coschoeton Co., O.,
nliireli, 18.VJ. i have ut-ed vour liargltn Oil for the
Scratches on my horse, and It cured it with t,e tlral
From Knos Hatiikii, Mlddleport, N. V., July 'a,
lNTii). I purclmniHl a buttle of your OHillnjj oil nf
yoili a'cnt. A. S 1 Inker, at Mid,li,'ini t, ami in vt
have used but bntf ol it. I Hi ink it has eiven me
moro relief in aca;-eof severe Ulieumatism, ol lnu
tandin);, than any Ibiug 1 havo ever used be tore.
Extract from a letter from J. O. Piatt, dated
Qnlncy, Chantnuqna Co., N. Y., Ansrast IS!, sw. I
have been acqnainiod with yonr medicine (nnrgliiiir
Oil) for the tru lourtoen years. It haa proved a
suro cuielor Font Rot in ttheep for which 1 sold
the last bottle and have calls almost dally for more.
Please forward as soon aa convenif nt.
Always lnqulro for
Merchant's Celebrated
And take no other.
Retail Price, 1.00, SO Cts.,
and '25 VU. '
cniiko ,'ciuid uniu;, ana HID on luoroucniy
beforo the tire or seme warm substance :
Tlia OarellliGr Oil boji liepn In nu a. a iian.nt
3il years. All wu nk Is a fair trial, but be suro
and follow directions.
iiuKicisi, ur ueaiur in t uienr
...Uw,w,..B .... vi.-, ui uui niiuniincs aim v uae BIC-
cums, and read what the pcnple sa.y about the Oil.
The Caroling Oil is or sale by all respectahlo
dealeni tlirniiirhniit thu rTi,l,u4 k,.,.. .
. Q ...v L,,a,.a HU UlUU
Our Itmlimtmiitl flula fMn. 1QQ.
nslicif. Use the GarulitiK Oil and tell jour
neighbors what good It has doue.
Wa ripnl rnlp Anil llh.rnl .,.1,1. .1 .r..
dlctlou. '
ManuiUntured at
Jiockport, .. Y.. by
Mcrehaut's (aailiiig; Oil (t.
JOHN HODGE, Becretar-
Sold by A. D. milLLER 4c CO.,
Inly? 3m. Petroleum lnlr, PJ-
i . '