5 I YOSBMITB I I Stomach I BSTTERS ! A Mb, otrtaiB ui pltftuat Bfty fir all IHmum krUtaf fM ft DISORDERED STOMACH.. A wtoi I'sr i) Ukaa thrae .inn ft dj 1U b tvamA cffvedri U ftU DUtlrf tTjep ''VIA, Xi V Kit. CVilJ'i'AiJIJ, -ftWL. a mffaT .rnrfpet-attMp' TOXIC far sUeats fmalf lmaW " PREPARlED BY J. W. D0WI1ER..& CO., Branch Manufactory at Fetroleum Centre, Fa. t Sold by all Drag-glsta. Opinions ' Experienced Drug- Head 4 -he following1 opinions of cx pcrienced druggists and physicians: MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER CO. : Ilavinfr Hsi'd your Yoseinito Hitters Tor some time past, and hnvinir ti'iil frequent calls fr them ly our custom, em. and from nur own examination ol tbem. wo be lieve them i ho much better In quality thnn any other Bitters In Hit market, and wo are conlidrut that they will answer your most sanguine expecta tions, and fully wet "the demands of the pntilio. We would recommend them to the public fur trial, especially to invalids Buffering liom weakness and a disordered stomach. Respectfully Yours. A. t). MILLER Jt CO., Druggists. This certifies that we have used the Great Yse I'le Bitters prepared y J. W. Downer & Co.. of 'if place, and believe that tbey are. what they represented to lie a pure and wholesome Stom vh Bitters, and a pleasant tonic beverage for the use or Invalids suffering from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. Ac. ifcc. We think tneuT to he as Rood. II not better, than any Bitters now in the market, and cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfullv, T. D. McNAIR & CO., Druggists. I have nsod, and oWrved the effects of the Great Tosemile Stomach Hitlers, prepared by J. W. Downer it Co.. Petroleum Centre, and think them preferable to any now in use. for the relief of those 4ilT.ciiHif for which they are recommended. T. M HARDING, M. D. -!- - "r--- -H-il'v.'i-"- 1 - T:r urenn r . ANvmTOOIT. PITTY. I - RAILROADS. o. f. stitorvai.osl, Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Deal'T H rholrr- Klnur, Putter, F(X ni! tW Also, clinics llrutfries. Pefi-nlcstm tYntre, Pu. Orders I Aft will he promptly attended to. an flood delivered, tfueloillce Box i3 iiijls. TI! E VVOKLD-HENOVViXKU SI(.IIt SEWING MACHINE INQtUKE OP J. L. JOIINSON, SOLE AGENT, No. 3-2, Washington St., Petroleum Centre, lu. OR . II. BUXKBEKY, Solicit ur. mnylO John C. "Welch, Seneca-! t., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In Uibbs, Russell & t'o's Boriiur and Fishing Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving Pipe, Derrick Irons, Grate Bars, Balance Wheels Ac Piillirs, nil el.c. My connection with Meadv'.lle and Pittshtirsh runndrie. la .itch Unit I tun K' ut, all kiuila of Ctt-ttUK. at short order. ions c. welch. OU City, Fob. 17, I86B. tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! HOUERT BRIAN it CO., Bee Icuvo to nnnonnre to the citizens of Petroleutn Centre nd vtoinitv, that tliujr have oponed new store In tna tear of the office or the Central Petrol eum Company at the railroad cniKsini;, where they will keep cnnniantly n hand a full anxorunent of everything tn the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SI1EET TROX WARF. GAS Hl'TlMiS AM) BRASS GOODS. . t)-.. tAn ATiirA irt.l In tlA Kit S1 nrvaj with Memni. Viner Bro't. Mrnrar yeJiw pur, will attend particularly lotbe bustuesi of luunufacliiriug SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, iC. They hare a New Machine for CUTTING G.S III', With an cat! re SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr:!). Pianos! Pianos! ! Organs! Onrans! D PIANOS! 1 AMER- i ets with I II. W. Agent VPKU n and ens o other if the .IS. ,0NS TS .'ItKABS itcli, the Cost e ! artTertittne IIAUDWARN 01!- CITl. ROBSON'S Oil C'Ri'EK rsPE Works. C II A It littS HOBSOX At CO., Corner of eneei nr" fit., Hant lae lll lireea, wn ! - ' Dealers In Morris, Tasker A IVs OIL WELL, TCD1NG AND CASING, SLSO, VVOllKINd HAll'.t.3 AND VALVES, CLAMPS. TONOS. ' SLCKF.H UODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Eefineries UOHlNO TiHL, COLD WATEli PUMPS' OIL l'LMi'8, Evory dofcription of SUPPLIES FOR OIT, WELLS AND RE- Also, STOVES, TINWARE, MtASS OOODS, easis Axn ffx.v rimxos. hunyis, tACKiyo, aJ hosei IIARUWAHE, Itor.SE TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools. Kope, uoKiim. Nails, Axes, Coffee Mil.s, Table & Pocket Cutlery ; Pull Assortment of Everything In the 11 A 111) 1 VA RE LLVK '.iw fir ilsli'nit Goods, Ltiu.ia. Chlinnev.. No 1 Winter .Strained Iird Oil, No. 1 lleilnod Oil, Klr.ir ttrvls. Table an dDoor Mats ; tliainpion C!tlus Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. dltpnich. J-rfpecial utteution giron to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. enileavnred to merit the pntronaee ol the public, and shall nse ev.ry exertion lo insure us cimtlnunncc. .... rw r,i.llile fir h"Tilhin2 e'entlilui! in our lino, having h-en printly Increased, In the erection of nur New ItntldiiiL'. are now stlPliHIOU TO ANY OTIIRR ESTABLISHMENT .iiil-ani. IN TIU? OIL UBGION. aug ssmoi. MERCHANT j T AI ISisseU's Block, Oil City, Hoa Just received a large assortment of NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Of fie Latest Paris. Lindon, and New York Fash ions, compMrtng in pan CLOTFI3 of nil colors. SCOTCH GOODS ot nil shades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, VESTINGS, CAS3IMERES, Ac. First-CIas Tailoring Estnb- :siimiuiii Trunk-. Vnltaea, FlnoTIilte Milrls, L,llic.l una I'apor i-eiiars iiuae, Suaneiiders. Snimiior t'ndore.lot litiiK, Necktlca, und Gents' Furnishing Woods, In euncral. All de-crlptlons nf Clnthlnsr maile nn bv exnerienced workmen, on the shortest notico, in the latest styles, and at the lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. O'l CHy, Ta., May 1. 63. Bopl9 188-tf. CRAiFi & TIIACKEK 134 raaidon Lour, N Y., MAimiririi ait itrnmiivii Ml are new prepared to receive on Commllnn ani make Lllmral Admnces tn Renn'jis mid Deilers lr buLli Cru'lu and Helloed Oil. OIL "V ITP.IO Xj, CIIA.VE, THACKFIt Ac Co., PETUOLKrM CRNTRB, PA , Keep on hnnd OIL VITRIOL. BLUE & WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to make liberal diseonnt to Refiners tnr ('ASH, and will not be undersoil in any of the nliove articles. junelS tr. CRAKE, TIIACKEIt & CO. F. .1. 11 A W A & CO., CEisrm.-A..Li MACHINES, BOILER SHOP AVASHIXOTOIV ST., PE- TnoiiEraiCEXTKE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work dnne promptly and wirnimuu m ifivc. aaiisiaciinn. aiiKi If V. . HANKA CD WALL 1'tPEHl .Inn reccivMl a larce stock of Spring patlcrn?, at IT C. .TaRVi v ITKN1T0RE STOUJt. m?. NEW HARDWARE STORE lfRATINGI ANT) COOKINO STOVES ! In large variety. TADLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING GTODS. T1MW&EB, I. AM PA LAN TERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. SNAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &r. For sal. CHEAP 1 At the store former! v occupied hy nurchO.'d and Caslerline. Oil. CITY. PA. Oil City, Jan. 4. 1si tf ALL pAPER ! Aew Styles for Spring ! 10 ODD miM At Low Prices. STATIONERY. SCHOOL ROOKS. BLANK noons, Fine C HROMOS, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Ac, IS CHEAT VARIETY, As reasonable a can tie purchased at any pluee in the Oil Region. OliliSTOV, IE0S12Y & Co., Bisell's Bank Block. Olfi ;ity,..im. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 5, ISiS-tl A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state ot the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Trepared by Seward & Bentlbt, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all druggists. A. D. MILLER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Agents for Petroleum Centre and vicinity. Jnll-ly" LEVER Y U FEED STABLES, I Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE. TENN'A. . I licve put In a good stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which 1 will let on reasonulilu terms. Also, Cutters, Wuuons, Spring vii:un, act;, HOUSES boarded and fed and best of ears irnar. anteeil. JiunVtf A. SMAWLEY. CAIiirOlt.IA. WIIEAT FIELDS AND STOCK KAN- CU08 I have Itaucbos or Farms for sale, through out CALIFORNIA, la trad, or One Hundred Acres up to Twenty Thousand. Terms to suit pur cliasers. These lands will grow Thirty five to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to th. Acre, with ordinary farm- ing, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty Five bushels per Acre. -Correspondence Solicited. Addrosa HBXKY McKENTY, Dealer In Iteal KaUte,noflicc 304 Mon.gomery Street, Sab Francisco, Cal. J. Gh, OGDEN, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, NO. 3T CEXTRE-ST., OIL CITY, PA. This Is th. tinst estahtlstimmtt rtf the ktnil In thn Oil Hejinn. flour and feed sold at wholesale aud Vs. NJJ ultras Urt AlO, COBKT PITTSBUaU RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Takes effect Mooda", November 23d. lr.es. KORTRWABD. Accommodarlon leave. Corrjr f.DOf. u. Clymer 4, 6 ; I'anama 4.16; Bherman 4,2S Bumtnlt t,oo v. M. i Mnyvillc 6.5o arrltlug at Drocton 7,oo p. m Kxpres. train leavm Corrv , a. M Clymer o,S Penan a lo,lo : Sherman ld..'l&; Bummii 10,6U:May. Tillell.lo, ana arrives at llroulon 14, 0 m. Mall lenvi. Corrv 1,15 p. m., stopping at all sta tions, arriving at Drocton 4, So r. u. SOUTHWARD. Mail train leaves Unicton at 8. on a. M , stopping at II stations, arrives at Corry at 19,'io p. a. I'.tpiess leaves llrortun at tl,3A p. x.; Mayvtll. 8.80 j Hummlt 3,4.'i Sterinan 4.o; Panama 4,116; Clymer 4.3X, and a Tivinv at Corry at t.o6 p. m. Accum'nodatlon leaves Urocton 7,oo P. ., May vllle H.UI. Summit 8.4o, Hherruan H.W, Panama 9,30 : Clymer 9,46, arriving at Cnrry at lo.lo r. x. COMNRCTIONSt Passeneers leave UutTiilo on the Toledo Express or Day Kxpress, con.i 'Oilng at Urocton with trains fur Mavtlie, Sherman, Panama, Clymer and Oorrv; connectlnp at Corrv with trains on llic Oil Crek ft R. for 1 1tuartiie, Miller, Plou'.cr and Pet. Ceotru, Oil City and PittstmiRh Alsn. connectluit at Corrv with trains on the Pbl. ndelphla A Krie huad, for Phlladelfihlii ami Harris. Dliri;; ann on inu Aiiaiuie aim itrc-ii wesieru Kail way for Cnlon, Mradvllle, (irteuvllle, Pa., and Warren, Ohio, and Imnestownand ltaudi'lph.N.Y. Trains leavlnp oil City at 6,15 a. rn., Currv at 9.3o a in., roniiM'titg at Itrorton with train unlit K It. K., arriving In Hull'aln at i.lo p. m. Trains leaving Oil City at 9,:t'l a m will connect with M-iil Train leavlm; (Nirry at 1.16 p. ni., enu nicllng with Kxpress East on B. & K if It , arriv ing tn lliifTalo at V.50 p. in leaving Ilnffulu at 4,oc p. ni , arriving at Corry at ln,I0 p. ni. Alsn. connect at Mayvllle with Steamboats oti Chautauqua liiketdurlng auason of navlgatlun, air Jamestown and Randolph. A. It TRKW, Sunt.. .laul. Mayvllle, N. Y Hlf t'ALO AND Kit IE HAILIIOAD. On and after Monday, Nuv. a.tnl, I Wis, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follows: is ati iris mum iast. 1, 111 A. M. NIlillT KXPHESS, stopping at rt" Kipley, Westlleld, Pnnklrk and SllVcr creek, srrtvtnp at Itutfalo at 4.45 A.M. IAiVI A. M.. NEW YORK EXPItEXH, stop- "'' ping at Vesttlelil, Brocton. Dunkirk. Sft vercreek. and Angola, arrivin: in Buttalt at 2,10 P. M. 7 'LI ' '- CIXnXNATT EXPRESS, ster ' pine at Northeast, WeslHeld, Drocton, luitkirk and Sllverereek. aud arrives at l'.nlTaloat lo.45 P. M. G,lt A. M , MAIL AND ACCOMMODA u TION, stniiptng at all.utions.arriiliig at Buffalo at lo.to A. M. 1'A p M DAY EXPRESS, stopplnc at Northeast, lilplev, Westlleld. Dunkirk, fstlvercrnck and Acgula, arriving at But ralo at 7.00 P. M. i.kavk nrrrLo onixo west. 1'X 1" M., DAY EXPRESS stopping at An- cola, Mllverrni'k, Dunkirk, ilrortnp, Wi-stfleld and Northeast, anivingatErio at ."MS P. M. 4 IIO M MA"' AND ACCOMMODA ,WW TION, stopping at all stations, arriidng at Erie at x,."m V. M. O.'Ml A. M.. TOLEDO KXPRESS, stopplnc at WF all stations, and arriving at Erie a' lo, A. M. '(IO '' M- STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop, ping nt Angola, Silverereek, Dunkirk. Iti'iictiin, Westlleld and Northeast, arriv ing nt Erie at 1.9n A. M. fo A. M., NIlillT EXPRKSS, stopping a l,.t pllvereiwk, Dunkirk and Westlleld, ar riving at Erie at 4 An A. M. Railroad time is In minutes faster thin Ettetlme " It N BROWN, C.en'1 Supt. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED 8b SALE STABLES ! At the DvwU opposite the Contra 1 House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpiJFI best S'ock of PRIVINfl AND SADDLE J HOltnbs on tbe Creek, are to be Tuu'id at M'Donuld's lilvcry. "ABHIASIES & CUTTEH3 TO M LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FEW & DOAKI)EI on Reasonable Terms. Teamiiis: of all kinds at tended to Promptly. ryOlve mc a call. T M'DONAl. . Petroleum Centre, Nov, II, 18C8. S. S. G-riswoldj, Denier In COAL. IW Orders by tbe Car or Ton promptly j'uiea. t Also, Agent for the celebrated KEEL HI DUE COAL! OFFICE on Second Street, near It. I'. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jaufc! tf. Plttsbiirffli, Fort Wayne and . Cliicnco ftnilway. 'A'liUfc' TABLE, MAVIS. Oil CltV. Franklin, JaiiMtown, Mcadvlile, Clarksvllle, New Castls, llomewosd, New Briu'htnn, Itochester, Allegheny, 8,10 p. m. 8,05 p. m. 9,20 a. m 0,S1 a. m 2,45 a.m. 1,45 a. m 5,35 a.m. 1,40 p.m. 9,20 a. m. 8,05 p. m 8,10 a.m. 3,67 p mi 8,25 a.m. 4,1 8 p. m 8,45 a.m. 4,35 p. m 10,00 a.m. 5,50 p. m fittsbntvb ar o,uw p. ni Keturninu leaves Pittsburgh at 6.0O a. m.. and 4,20 p. m. TRAINS solne West on Pittsburgh, Fort Wayrs and t-liicapo Railway pass Ilnmewood at 11, OO and 8,4! 3,31 a. in., and 3, ST p. m. ; Pass Mans field at t,40 a. ni, and 10,14 5,00 and 10,05 n. m.i Puss Crcsllln. at 10,10 a w., and 10,05, 5,30 and 4,45 p. m., and arrli. at Cbleaijo at Y. R MYERS. 001 Ticket Agent. March, lSWUtf. PittaburU, B iwui. , aug.IL