SOKE PR ?jf-V , bVIsv-st, Petroleum Centre -Daily Record. Pat. Centre, Tkarsaay, Job t4. A. IT. JfjtT, Editor. Time of Closing ma!la P. ., FiTBOunw Cnm, Po., I Jslt n, IMS. J Cittl farther aotice the snails will arrive it and depart from this office u follows: ABUTS. Booth and East, Tim. Irrlattoa, 10. M A. X. tooth and West, Meadvllle, 5 18 P. M Worth and Best, " Coiry, .5 . " cqnat. Bou end West, S. Ana Bouts East snd - ' Korth, But and f.' i - .4S4 T Dtv PRESBTTERAHi . lUBCH. Preaohlng at 11 o'dKyk A. M., and I)1 o'olock P. M. - Kit. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. U. and 7)' p, M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seats tree. A cordial Invitation ex tended to alL . . , , Bsv. C. M. Hbabd, Pastor. - ST3. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catholie) r CHURCH. Msse at 10V a. m. Yetper and Benedlolloo of the Bleated aeranoDt at 4 p. m. Cateehlim at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. The Fifteenth Amendment. The entire Bomber ef State Ii new, we belleTe, thirty-seven, and the ratlfleation by three-fourthl of the Statet of the fifteenth amendment, it neoeosary to 1U beoomlng fixed portion or the Constitution, and an abaolutelaw. Florida kaTlng ratified the amendment, and being only the 25th State that baa den so, the rotes of three more States are required to fire It fore, ai the requttite two-thlrdi of the whole number are twenty-eight The three are already prac tically seoured by the terms of the last re oenitrnetien act, wblek has received the ap proval of the President, sad asder whiob Texas, Virginia Bud llissistippl bib com pelled to accept the amendmeBt prior to their perfeot re-eetabllihment as members of the Union.' There are also some other States which, upon the iasembling ef their Legislatures will ratify the eet, mak lnymW" baa the essential two-thirds; se tbt by tfi time another session of Con gress is held, universal suffrage will be de clared the law of the lend, and all mala cit izens of the United States, over tb age of twenty-one years, will be entitled to vote, without regard to the accidents of race or color. " . Himh for the Fourth I A movement is on foot to-day to get up a demonstration on the 6th of July (Monday) and a petition is In circulation to raise funds to carry out the programme. It Is proposed to have b balloon ascension during the day, also toot and horse races, and a grand dis play ef fireworks in the evening. We hop our citlaens will subscribe liberally, aeon the amount raised depends tb extent of the en tertainment. A celebration of this charac ter was gotten up In Petroleum Centre last year, and it was a complete success. The attendance was large, notwithstanding tbo demonstrations made In neighboring towns, and our business men reaped a handsome harvest Let us, this year, do better than ever before. Subscribe, subscribe I Hon. H. C. Johnson has accepted the in vitation to deliver the oration at the 6th of July celebration in Titusvllle. The first lot of five, ten, fifteen, twenty- five and fifty cent notes wer Issued Tester dsy. The new greenbacks will mske their appearance about the first of July. Remember Skiff & Gaylord's Minstrels at ths Opera House to-morrow night Personal. Dr. A D. Miller, who has been oa a business teur to Pittsburgh, Cleve land, Cincinnati, and other cities, returned home to-day. He reports farmers busily en gaged harvesting in the west and the cities rather dull. "Why do you set the cop of coffee en the chair, Mr. Jones?" said a worthy landlady on morning at breakfast "It is so weak, ma'am. I thought I would let it rest," re- piled Jones. - - Thb Stricb. The A. k. G. W. R'y Brakeman who were, during last week, on a strike for $2,00, in piece of $1,75 per dsy, have gone to work at the old price, with the understanding that on and after tb 11 of July they shall have $2,0. Rscotsrino. The young man, Calvin McCoole, who was severely injured in tb breast and left arm, by being caught in the bull wheel while drawing easing from the Me- Crea well on the Coxton Farm, on Saturday last, is improving rapidly, and is out on the street to-dsy. He Is tenderly eared for la the family of J. 8. MeCrea. Brook Trout. Som ef the finest brook trout of the season was received at the Rochester Heuss this morning, and will be served In tb restaurant They are fine specimens, and after beiog cooked under the direction of the Steward, are richer still, for Sam Is a prefesslsnal caterer, and the culinary department of tb establishment speaks volumes. "Ob, ye hungry go and eat" Miss. Susan B. Anthony thiaks that mar ried people should net sleep together. Be ing a miss w would Ilk to ,kaow how it comes she Is so wall informed upon this topic If she bases her argument upon pby leal laws sh Is probably nearly correot, but if she means from her Ideas of faith and affection sb is wide of tb mark. me. Kepwbllean state Convent! Nomination of Got, tuj, . The Republican Stat Convention assem bled at Philadelphia yesterday, and aemi nated a ticket to b supported at tb fall oampalga. The re-nomination of Gov. Gea ry was nearly aaanlmous. Tb ticket is as follows: Governor, John W. Geary; Lieut Governor, J. C. Lee; Treasurer, S. S. War ner; Supreme Court, Luther Day; Attorney. General, Col. F. B. Pond; Board of Public Works, Rlohard R. Porter. A man named Jehn Bowes hat been ar rested and lodged la jail at Milford, Pike county, Pa., as tbo party who placed eb structiens upon the track of the Erie Rail road, which caused the terrible disaster at Can's Rook in April, 1868. He confesssd Ms guilt Mrs. Thompson of Jollet, 111., bas had a large share of calamitous bereavements. Seme years age on of her sons was acciden tally killed; another was blown to pieces In the late war; not long since, a daughter who had just graduated from school, was drowned while on an excursion on Lake Erle, near Cleveland, end or Tuesday a grandson wss Instantly kilWd by the ear. Great efforts ar mad to secure northers emigration In North Carolina. . An agency has been established by a Northern house, of which every member of tb Legislature is said to be a member, and several men already have com from the north and pur chased farms tsar Raleigh, st about $10 per acre. Brief Mention Bismarck Is a pionlit Bsrdaa has gon to St Petersburg. The Derby taussd but ens suicide this jcar. New Tork street csrs kill 75 persons a year. A resorted shower of clams Is the latest sensation in the eastern part of this State. Gen. Grant will visit Mt Washington in July. Milas O'Rsily's grave la said to be shock ingly neglected. A student of Michigan University is to be tried for msil robbery. Matt Carpenter July-fourths at Ocono- mowee, Wis., this year. . Barney Williams and . wile are offered $60,001 for a season in Australia. Parton's slander on the coming man bss been reprinted in Australia. Belgium chemists are making champagne at 20 cents a bottle. A Chicago paper tells of a "masterly' speech by Mrs. Llvermore. Forty-eight hours of courtship led to marriage out west, and a deserted wife t following week. The first shipment or California wine by rail, a thousand gallons, went forward the other day. Dr. Busbnell calls the woman's suffrage movement an attempt to make sunflowers out of violsts. Atlsstit bss struck Philadelphia that there Is valus in tb idea of placing the names of streets on gas lamps. ; $160 and costs is what it cost a Columbia county gent for shooting woodcocks out of sesson. ROCHESTER ITEMS. Goldwia Smith examined the Century plant while in Rooheater last week. , , The peach crop in this country promises to be unusually abundant this season. . Mr. Calvan Fulton died at his residence In Rochester last Monday, aged sixty-five year. Mr. George B. Harris is the oldest fire man in Rochester. Valentine Dengler bis just been appoint ed by Gov. Hoffman inspector of steam boilers for th twenty-eighth district, Mon roe and Orleans counties; Mr. Peter V. Scbanck bas sold bis farm In Brighton, containing over sixty-seven acres, to Messrs. H. A. Lyon and A. J. Fisk, for $20,0P0. Bootblacks are confined to certain hours in which to d their shining in Rochester. .' Mr. Charles W. Dundee, or Rochester, one of the oldest residents of that place, has concluded to take up his residence at Fredericks en, Va. CA1BUDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS, r ; FROTHONOTARY. Kn EDma-Pleaee anoemceUienameof Ti'or P saonT. of Petroleum Centre, ao e candidate for Prothnnatary of Venango County, subject to the neegss of the Democratic party. Special Notice. WORUS OP WISDOM for young men, on the Killing Passion In Yonth and Early Manhood, with SELF II ELP for the Erring and Unfortunate. Sent In ecalod letter onveloncs, free of charge. Adilrsss, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box l',FiiiLAiKLriiiA, Pa. Mai SI, 3m. Local Notices. To do sew JunS IBI WANTED ml bouse work. . Inquire of . un4tf. C. N. PAYNE, uoyo rann White Men's CLOTIIINQ STORE St the Jamestown Store. Psnsms and Straw Hats felling cheap at the Jamestown Wore. White Shlrto, Collars, and Neck Ties, A fall line t the Jameetewn CUthlng Store. Clothing Hade to enter at the Jamestown Store. Worth of DIAMONDS just received at ISHAM'S. VISIT IS HAITI'S And look at their DIAMONDS. Atfroi DIAMONDS S0 to $1,000 at ISCHAM'S LADIES WATCHES New nd nobby styles at ISHAM'S. Jnn2frtf, CHAMPION REAMER. and the that we are prepared to e ,mnlon Mi Cntter Reamer. This hi wtthoat donbt the meet perfect tool for reaming that MS ever oeen lmroauc. " I cll. Usui nonius a 10. virE dnire to Inform Oil Operators V Public generally that we are prepared eelve oraere lor our i nampiuo piv.iir. . Proclamation ! , i JULY 4th, 1869 IS COMING ! A, CO., D. MILLER & WHOLESALE DHUGHI9TS, Have a full supply of Fire Works! Tor that occasion, a'o a full line of Flags, all Sizes. Orders taken for Bunting Flags to be made to order. Do not forget the place at the wbolesole Drug Biore ui A. D. MILLER & Co. retroleum Centre, P. VERY CI1EAP SHEET MCSIO. only Ave cents copy, at W. U. NICHOLSON CO.'i Stationery YOU CAN HAVE NEW MUSIC EVERY DAY for Ave cents a copy, at W. H.NICHOLSONACo NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Retnrn ol the Favoritos ! . By Requests ALL HAIL THE PIONEERS t SKIFF & GAY-ORB'S Minstrels ! And BRASS BAND, AT THE OPERA HOUSE, Friday Evening, J une 1 , Ott. This troupe la the largest concentration of Inlml. now traveling, and the only troupe tliet em trav eled eight years without vacation. COAL OIL JOHNNY Is again traveling with SKIFF &GAYLOKD. Admission, 53 cents. Reserve! Bouts, 75 cents. Jun23 3t. JOE 1UACK, Agent. 85.00 HEWAUD. pink Onyx sleeve ring the same at A. Drugstore, will receive a reward LOST. no souare engraved edced yj Imlton. The lluuer, by leaving the same at K. I). Miller Jt Co s , of IS.OU. FOR SALE. rilHE Mnnhattftn Lease, nearly three nnoi on ths X LSturey Farm; two wells with machinery and rlR comt!ete;Tiibln)?.Tiik!, Tools, nnl the utul Oil Well Kuratlnre, room for more wr. Apply At the Oinee, Storey Furm or adores? Walter We Wctmore Tarr farm, The Great Boston ONE PRICE Clothing House i $70,OOO WOKTII READY MADE CLOTHING To be sold at this place within CO days. Thb Jahbstown Clothino Stosb. One ef tbe permanent aod prosperous instlto. lions of Petroleum Centre is tbe Jamestown Clothing Store, which enjoys a liberal pat ronage because tbe stock of goods 1 1 com posed of tbe latest styles of etotbing, gents furnishing goods, hats, saps, etc., which are sold at prioes eheaper than the oheapesi Messrs. Lammera & Alden we praet i ca me n in tbe business, and are well posted In the leading styles now before tbe Ameri' eaa public. " An ezamtnation of (ball goods will fully sustain this assertion, as do all wbo bay ol tnsra. See tbe summer styles. Of the sosndal that may be caused by a 'false report" this is an Instsnee, related in a French paper. A wag, passing through a dark railway tunnel, in a ear full of ladles and gentlemen, amused himself by Imprint ing a kits a sounding, sonorous kiss on tbe baolc of bis band. General sensation, aod angry inquisitive glance aH around, when the car reached tbe light. Oil Is also being found ei the line ef the Paclflo Eallroad. : Philadelphia Press of Saturday last says: Mr. "Webster Snyder, tbe Indefatigable superintendent of the Union Paclflo Rail. road, whose restless energy and ia;has ado his name and presence familiar to early all the States ef the Union, annonn ees the discovery of petroleum in Summit county, Utah, near the line ef the road Battles of crude have been brought to Omaha for examination and analysis, and tbe resnlt will be looked for with unusual Interest. Without doubt, this discovery Is one of the most Important in Its oonsequen. ees of an made lor some years. It will effect tbe commercial interests of more seotions thru one. -A preliminary analysis of some of tbe oil bas been bad, and it Is declared to compare favorably with the best of the Pennsylvania district. A com petent oil expert has glvsn tbe opinion, from aotual observations .made, that oil exists In paying quantities from Bitter Creek 786 miles to Evanstown, 856 miles west ol Omaha; and from tbe Utah Moun tains south tbe Wind River Mountains north of tbs Union Paclflo. It now only remains for men o? enterprise and capital to open up a section which should prove as valuable Another Drnglet'e mistake. The New Tork Sun, of Monday, saya: Coroner Keenan was sailed late on Satur day evening to take the anfe-morfem de position of James Strappe, of Thirty-third street and Seventh avenue, wbo was at that time suffering in Bellevue Hospital of poison, "taken by mistake for medicine." Strappe went to Dr. Amand of No. 142 Bleecker street, to get the proper remedies for bis ease. Amand gave bim some medi cine whiob having been taken by Strappe, produced snob agonising sensations that be went foi relief to a drug store In Thirty. third street. Tbe druggist gave Strappe an emetic, and It was found that tbe stomach contained arsenlte of Copper.or Paris green. An antidote was given, asd tbe sufferer hurried to Bellevue Hospital, where every attention was paid to bis case, bat the poison had taken hold, and he died Monday morning. Coroner Keenan has ordered the arrest of Dr. Amand, . ev Flour Feed and Grocery- Store ! J. S. P If AT II Fit, AttheOI.t) BANK BOIMMHO, on siai! fT, oppuilte tho McCllntnck Hone, lias on hand a Urge ami first elnss stock or lour, reea ana Groceries, which tie Is selling at a low ngum. V Don't forget the place where A, u. Lotion A Company broke up. Janl-tr. to Nebraska as Pennsylvania. tbe Venango district to A Brussels inventor has prepared a sub stance wbieb, when applied to tissues, wood cordage, scenery, tc, renders them Incom huslible. An experiment at the theatre de la Moonaie pcoved tbe claims ef tbe inven lor to be well founded. Mr. PIgott, of the Doublin Irishman, who recently visited the Tenlsn prisoners in England, draws n fearful picture of the snt- lerings tbey were forced to endure. . Tbe most barbarous nations would shrink from ths long continuance of such tortures. O'Donovan (Rosea) Is suffering from severe psln in tbe back from the baroWebor which be is forced to perform. For thirty-five dys he was kept in a dark cell with bis hands manacled behind his back. Be was not released to take his thin "porridge, which wis left on the floor of the cell, and he had to lap It up like one of lower ani mals. Capt McOlure, native-born Ameri can citizen, who fongbt bravely In defense ef the Union, bas not been allowed to core tunicate with any friend in America. He has been so rsduced by tbe cruel jail dis cipline that be fainted while in conversation witn Mr. Plgett. Tbe army worm Is threatening Cent til II- liaols, destroying whole fields of corn la Coios county and chinch bugs are thick north of Charleston, and appearing in other places. Carpela, ef every quality and description, nt REYNOLD!!, BKODTIBAD CO'8, No. II Centre Street, opposite the P. O.. Oil City, P. Hardware A large assortment of which is being closed out at reduced rates at REYNOtDS BRODHEAD A CO8, No. 11 Centre St., opposite the Fost Office, Oil City, Pa. All accounts not settled Immediately, will be lift with an officer for'collectlon. - - Apr.W tf. KEYNl'I.DS A CO. XV. A. FARMESWORTil, News Dealer, Pioneer, Pa., Receives all dallies sod Illustrated Papers from New Ycefc twice per day and will mall any paper pub- llsbed. Illustrated weeUsusjpan, ft-SS per three months, Invariably In atfrVm msylTtlw. fl he shore well fcnwa BOSTOX ONE PRICE 1 CLOTUINO HOUSE, which for so many years has been THE I'llH KOJt OF ALLONE HORSK CONCERNS, HAS AT LAST I'OIND ITS WAV TO PETROLEUM CENTRE 1 Whwe they well OFFER THE VERY BEST UIWDS Oar Eastern Markets afford, At each prlcoe as will atini?li men uf any ngu anj will Defy Competition Of all dialers eves known in our branch. Our lioous are not ouly suit SO I'Elt CENT. I ESS TIIA.V BY ANY OTIIEIt IIKALE1!) But they have also been nianu- t'actnred under oiir own direction and for oof own trade, we can therefore recommend them as- being &3 good and durable as any made by Merchant Tailors. OIL PRODUCERS ATTENTION f GET THB BEST. Lesve ydhr orders for Bsllsntlne's Nltro-Qlycer- ine and Combination Dorpedo, St the Post Office News Room, Petroletun Centre, Pa. N. B Orders promptly ailed. Jnall-lw. If yon wish the best Ping Tobacco In the aurke, try W. H Nicholson Co. Guitar Strings st W. fl. Nicholson 4s Co's. Wantedt Call At R. S. Fitter's Drug store, one hundred per sons or more, ant examine. Hoses, Carnations, Fuchies, Musk Plants, Holetoopos, Pansles, Fish Geraniums, Rose Geraniums and Been eta of Rare flowers. June 10. Crockery For all kinds go to REYNOLDS BRODHEAD CO'S, No. 11 Cental Htreet, oppo site the Post Office, Oil City, Pa. THE best place hi town to get a pair of Boots made ef the best Stock, that will wear welt, and warranted to fit, Is at J. A. PlSMStes Fash lonsbte Boot Shop, Washington Street, Petroteam Centre, Pa. Give him a trial. seplO-tf. AH styles ef Blank Books, Note Paper, sail En velopet In Jobbing Lots, at W. H. NICHOLSON A CO. As this stock, owing to the great crisis of eastern manufacturers, must be sold at most any sacrinc we would advise all those In want ot ft goal tail ol' clothes to call at once before it is tuo hue: all we ask is to come and examine our goods, whtn'ulteo tlveand pnlile clirks will e?er be ready to show you mr Splendid Stock "f Goods with a plca-ant smile npon. their faces, wl will convince you Unit all we heocin oesertis true. Remember the ilnccr No. lit Washington Street, On door thrs side of Petroleum Contra House. jMiw. rou SALE. zbert farm, within flvo minutes walk of the Post Office. House well furnished on the inside? six rooms on Srst floor. Finest of Spring water convenient to the house. Possexsiou irea Immediately. Inquire at tins office. J2ti TTOUBB O" BASE BAIL BATS ana BOORS. BOOKS,, at W. H. Nicholson 4 So't- 60,000 'CISARS "aew'biad at A. S. MnieT Co 's, st wholesale prices. tr Andersons wishinx to be VACCINATED can coll at A. D. MlUer Co 's Drag Store and bare the pure fresb article inserted.. -Ho charge. CAUTION TO OIL. OPEHATOKS. ALL jiersoiis are hereby cautioned against buy ing or using Backer Rods, wfth Socket Points, the Bocket being wedged oa to tho rods with cither voeden or mereKs wedges, and connected together by a connecting belt, except ef my manufacture, as I am tbs sole owner of the pateu for connecting rods la this manner; all ethers made substantially as above are direct ittfrittgnimtt oa my rights, and alt parties using rode so conneotedj not of my mn-aactu-e) lay tbemselres liable to, end will be pros ecuted according to raw. . , W. J. INNIS. P. 8 This notice Is Inserted, net as a mere score crow, but will be attended' to, and. rigidly en forced. Apr l:8n. W. J.I.V DISSOLCTIOtT NOTICE. THK Co-partnership lately exist Ing between James Rutherford and Charles Lockheed, of Petrole eum Centre, Venango county. Pa , nnder the flrsa flame of Rutherford A Lockheed, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership ore to be paid to James Knther ord, and all demands against the late Arm will be settled by him. JAMES RUTHERFORO, CHARLES LOCKHEAD Dated Petroleum Centre, June Sih. June ew.