SOKE PRINT MISSING DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL IfV A IT "IT- I S CtP S VOL III NO. 24 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNETw"" :Mf TIIE PETROLEUM CENTRE D AILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundayi excepted. ) W. II. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TERMS. I'or year payable tn advance, $ 8 00 l'er month, . g 1'RICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten Itnoa of nonpareil make one square.) No. Insertions. 1 1. a q. H eg. col OlUi liV, rwo dov. '1 lirec days. Four days, Five days, 4 hie wei. Two weeks. 'I hree works, One month. Two Month, Three mouths, rMx months, Nino months, One year, SS) 8 no! so 4 t(t T 60 10 00 12 00 15 00, in no 80 (HI 4S 00 o m $4 Mi 50 S (SO 7 00 8110 8 BO 14 00 15 00 loan so on 40 oo eo oo 80 Ml 100 00 Special noticea 20 eenta per line, eaeh insertion. Advertisements parable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J ii. ELLIOTT, ATTOR3IEY-AT-LAW, . AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETHOLECM CENTRE, PA. rRtielnea In the Cunrta at Franklin iromptly at tended to. OKe H'F.-Io Blnwll A Co'a Brick Dank Build ing, (np stairs, W ashlngton-St. oct 80-tf. AI.IIEHT 8. IIAVEH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In thn Brick Bank Building, corner of ' Washington and Mum btraeia, - PETROl.ErM ay 10, 18I1B tf. CENTRE, I'ENN'A. IIOMIA.TI SMITH, ATTORNEYSifcCOUNSELORS-AT LAW, OlBeo THsh Street, Franklin, and Petroleum Cen tre, i a. JMIIVIW-H. . .V. JtlcALPlNE, TF.SIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFF""1!! terry's now PoHdlnc corner of Wash- n 'ion anil fet'omi ie., i'rtrn:otiin ontre, rn. ' m:'yin tf . T. I C1IKISTIK, M. !., PPVSH'IAN ANP BtllKJWWs 'We i.pposite thrMcKlimey House, Pluarintvilb, Pit. Persons from a distance will generally And him 1 at lite Olltco on Saturday frera 10 a m , to 3 p.m. scp!4-t r. wiunx a. a- van iiuoi WILSON eV VAN VELSOR, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES, Mercantile Bnlldlnc-, Oil City Pa., and with uwaton & Bowers; I'esroieum leuire, i-a, July 96th, 18H8 tf. James Robinson, Tank G-auger, BOX 389, PETROLEUM CESTJIE. PA. JnrT.Otf GEO. II. BISSELL Si CO., B .A. N EE.BS, PETHOLEUm CENTRE, PA. Oeorge II. Rlssell, Jamet A. Williamson Jamm Hlahop, M. C. Martin. We offer our services for the transaction of a ORNKRAf, BANKING, EXCHANGB and COL LECTION BIT8INK8H. Anv lnilne entruatedto onr ear will receive prompt attention. u!7 tf. H. O T arvis, Pealer In CABINET FURNITURE 1 A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING GLA88E8 In great variety. Looking Ulaes riaiea repiaceu in oia x ramee. Picture Framei made to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths Wall Paper, window shades, t A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING, - COFFINS oftJl dies on htnd and trimmed to order on ehort notlo. SASH, eiAZS AND KIBES, alaea. , ... Varnish, B,4c 1 No. 106 WABBIIlOTONeST. Centre, Sept I, lSW-tf- $ 76 $1 tsk ll 1 9 1 Si) 1 on il On 1 Bfll SB S on 9 S MN 4 W m t) OH 00 7 on 10 UM in (hi 12 m 1st ni 15 ooJ 91 H! 97 00 2; on no :ki oii 4H no1 I iiiiii i w I """"""""T" ' ' " 11 Qlt, EXCHANGE HOTl '. K.y. UILLER, . . -. - i'j Proprietor. PThe largest and moat commodiom llotel In the Thi!?",n- ,m on ,be BrM ,educ,1 to boarder! This house Ii i pleeantl) iltnated. rooms cool and pleasant, maklnx It a delightful hotel In all respect. Petroleum Centre, April 18, )8. JOCHESTEB HOUSE, Washlnitflli street. Petroleum Centre, Pa. BRADSTREET SHERWOOD, Paorranou heSqZ80f.7e;n,,0;,Cd' "d,h9 cncral Petrolenm Centre, Pa., May 19, 186S tf. QENTRAI. HOVSE, PKTKOLEtni CENTRE, PA., Near Oil Creek k Allegheny Rivet Railway Depot mayio tr. a. j. CROSS, Proprietor. eCLlNTOCK HOUSE. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. 1Mb popnlai Hotel, litnaied Corner ol flaln A Waalilntnn.Ste., Noarthe Dein'. haa been redtted and Hirnlalied tnronchnnt. and the proprietor will aiiare no iiains " first-class rnousE. C. OBIWOM), ProprlKtor. ITIEKICAN HOTEI, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. R. BARNES, , - . 1'ronrlctor. Thle Hon;e is In a pleasant locality, and lint a short walk from tho Depot The rooms are larire and comfortaMe, and the tablo supplied with the wiiwiuii w Ills HMUn. Jii-f- J. H. BARNES.. T7HANKXIX HOI78E. MILLER FAR; 9. On Ol. Oroakr ilaamni THE HOUSE AO'FtTtNITrTllallSTir. C. W TWIST. . . Proprietor. , r JNTEUNATIONAI. lliyrcL, f jJ!LLlj FARM, PA. JOHN Prop'r. Hood irmmi Dnv Board arid. iccomn trmner.t cnKtnmcrs terms. The nthf his llmise attrsob rooms on roaMonnble mre no pains to make i --re PimtiJrrTlLLR PA Thlfl l'lmtar hi-vlnc'i.aentl 1An a ...a runii'hed, I am i,ow prepared to aceommodnfe two hnndrod mi'sts comlbrtahly. StiiRes lcavo this honeo ihrec times a dav for Ti taiville Thoro is also a line of Sfnres to Plthole. Jiie-tf TIIOB. McKlNNEV, Prop'r. JOX UOl'SE SAMPLE ROOTI, FREI.C. HYDE Proprietor. TLEASANTVILLE, PA, Opp aile lbs Presbyterian Church. Feb6-tr. PETROLEUM HOUSE, Oil. CITY, ' PA. r Having recently taken possession ot the abort Donee, wo would moat respectfnlly Inform the trar eling public that we propose o "keep a Hotel," and to convince them of the act, we nrite all who wish the comforts of a home, to eal . upon tu. It will be hand Ttae Hotel of the Oil Regiom. Oar Sample Room le supplied with the .choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, aDd onr table will be found laden with the very best the market affords. There it connected with the House four first claaa Billiard Tables. Also, Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. Give ns a ell, and convince yourselves ot the trutblulness of our assertion. CHARLES IV. STAATS, JAIOES C. WHITE. . octOtf C0EFIELD & PERRY'S B oiler Shot) ! (In rear of Fisher k Norrls'i Machine Shop) PETROLECItl CENTRE, PENN'A. Boilers and Stills Repaired on abort notice, FLUE-SETTING AND REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WORK WARRANTED. Boiler and Engines for sale. Ce D. THOMPSON, 91. D., ' ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, . - ; 1 NO. 1, 0IARIONO STREET, trp.sta.ri,) TITTJS VlXiljE , PA MayHitf. 1 "a - aiiow or turn mtholw aaxzt aacojum ' BoyeaadTobabeo. , A senalblo writer says, a goo tblog, and a true one) too,' for boys who tiee tobacco: It bai utterly spoiled aod utterly rained thousands of boys. It lendi to the aofUn Ing and weakening of tbe bo'neaf and It greatly injures the bruin,'. tBelipdal raitr.' row, and tbe whole neivout fluid,' f Afboj wbo nioket early and frequently r la any way tiles largo quaotitlea ot tobacoo Ii serer knowd to make a man of much energy, and generally lacks muaoular , and physloal ai well aa mental power. We would par ticularly warn boys, wbo want to be any. thing in tbe world,, to abun tobacco at a most baneful poison. Tbe Cinoinnati Gazette, editerlally com4 menttng on tbe recent prize tight between Mcooole and Allen, says: "The affair was at once en exhibition of tbe gloiy vand aaame or tbe prise . ring. In Allen we see a dlepley ol the bit-heat pluok and physical perfection a triumph of superior im-vdlng over superior bulk., la tbe erewd we see an exhibition ora brutal ferocity which sbamea tbe human form. A Custom wbicb brings together such a crowd of villains can do nothing to create the habit of fair play in tba chance collisions of men, nor can it offer any feature that can redeem It from this disgusting depravity of its followers. . II. WILLIAMS, '. . - - . tllUB IS . i , . TIIAVF opened a Coal Tard at the end of the Hovel Farm Briduo. where will bjcomtintlv bent nil blnj. - r .. I S TEAM AND STOVE OAL -A Teams coming to my yard for Coal, will have Free Pasvajro Over tho Creek Bridge. OPERATOBS Would do well to enquire at tbe office, and will And It to their advantage to deal with me. Petroleum Centre 1S69. Pianos ! Pianos ! GEttflGI BlttMViY, Manufacturers, JAMESTOWN. N. Y. Also, ex clusive Agents for the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i DEALERS IN Sheet Music, Strings, &e. fir Send for Illustrated Catalogue and srlce list. GAORGI & BROWN, Warerooms 41 Main Street. Factory Brooklyn Block, foot of Maiu-St ; mayirt-t G. place to get tlA werth of vrmr monev Is at the NEW FLOUR AND FR8D STORB AND 1,CM HRH TARD Of L. IW. STERNIIVTfm Jk CO., when there is Siways a . MAN readr to show their customers their lar? FLOTJK, HAY, and all kinds of FEE; place also where ma; be trek of and the FOUND V larp?e assortment of flrstlass ROTTGH AND iRESSED LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, &0., lithe very lowest eash prices. Those who are not DEAD to their own (nteret. and wish to deal with men ho do business on the sonare, will find it to their Interest to glvs us s call before purchasing else where, and see what we can do for you IN . our line of business, All Orders and ttatnin; promptly atteelotf to. Do not forget tli" plaee, OP- ilNOTON 8TUEET, .... i i n. i hh. tLn I iiui hi:, wakh. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Si' L.'M. STJSRNltrRO.l H H. WARNER. , Fobl8tf. ECOKO. ICE CREilltt Day and Evening, over fred bhutt'sj 8a- liOOW, r y ' ,;: ;! .'NEXt DOOlt TO '' v A. D. MILLER & CO. FRED 8CHUTT. Hotels, Parties, and Private Fami II ea supplied wit , ine cnoiceat ice cream, on abort notice and ii Is,' ' : on the best of terms. . i FISHER 4 AIOIUIIS , GENERAL MACHINISTS, ; and Dealers In all kinds of WELL TOOLS Sc FIXTURES Necessary for putting down and operating Oil wells. In connection with our MACHINE SHOP, BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for MANUFACTURING are not ex celled by any Shop la tbe Oil Regions. SAop Jfa(n-t,opotte UtOHntoek Bouse. myW-tf - FISHES A NORRI8. Petroleum ; Excliange HOTEL." ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.' FRESH ALL THE OYSTERS I J Jg&YK LUXURIES I .Received! THE DAILY! SEASON I Waahington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is bam A Ca's Jswelry Store- T. W. SANDS, Proprietor. Day Boarders sccommod.ted. me.1t aervml all hours. Oysters, and arery desaription of game nrnlsbed tnests. No naina will be snared to aeeommodat thnaj. wbo favor us with their patronage. , T. W. SANDS. Pretoleum Centre, Jan. 6, lew. tf. HENRY E WRIG LEY, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, HERALD BLOCK ' TITCSVILLE, . . . . PA. Survey, or Level tfapi, Tradings, Building riani, and Patent Drawings. ON HAND, A laige stock of his seasoned and painted Lease . Stakes, ' OF LARGE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMBERS, ; Which are being universally ased. THE NEW MAP OF THE ENTIRE OIL llEGION in r ARns. POCKET TORM, $18. ON ROLLERS. $11 juaioisw. FOUND. AT tie VARIETY STORE ol J". W. 33eatty, A lnige assortment of Fire Works, Consisting of Flags, Rockets, Roman Cnn'T's. Mirv. alto, Choice Corfectionerv. Fruits, Toys, Sodi Water. .and tbe BEST ICE BEA N TOWN. Give me a rill, second door to Oporalloc-.e, Washington' Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J. W.,Beatty. julMf. Oi teU Alleiitay Rro RB. WARREN A FRANKLIN. FARMERS AND OIL OHKXK RAILROADS COHbOUDATSD. NEW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTS TO this uu, REGION. . ' 1868. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IMS TIME TABLE ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL ITH. 186V trains will ran aa follows: ' OOINO NORTH TO OIL CITT A FETROIAUJI CENTRE. TITU8VILLB AND CtlRnT i,ifa2 A- Epresa,rrlves Tldionto at t M a ss oieoooUa at aaT a. n. iu.i.. there wiui trains tnr Pltholel, Oil CU, i Centre, 24 a.m., Petroleum Centre i Boyd Farm lo.l a. m., Miller Fam le.-' i . niuivui, jum a. m., ssrftiasr at finer at 1Q aa m m 9nsa P- H. .. Mail. anriveaTMInnt a aa . mvw oieoDolle4 11 n. m. u Oleopolle4 11 n. m. feonnecta with tmini for Plthole City). Oil Cltv 4.45 n. lor niooie lty), UH Uty 4.4B p. Si., Pa trolenm Centre B.SS p. nr.. Boyd Farm' vllle 6.04. n. m . .hMh 1. r.86p. m. " ' siHffe Aecommodatlonfrom Oil Cltvar W..JW vivos at Petroleum Centre T.o7 a m.,Oo,d' . i . . Farm LID a m., Tltusvlllo T.4si ui., anivfuir at Corry 019A1, m GOINg SOUTH PHOM Ooiuiv' TOUinu X,. PETROLEUM CENTKE 6fL Cm. . MUlerParm 8 34 am, Bojd Farm W a.. m, Petroleum Centre 888 am. Oil lltv ."i O'eopolis am , Tidf-."'a1-a m,andIrvtnetoniaMpm 12l4,P- Sit. ve" at Tlturllle ,li p.. 1.01 n la. Petml.nm r.niM o Oil City Ml p. tn.. leave Oil CltJ t. u, uieopona 4.11 a rram ror ruiiolel, and Inrlneton 6. SO p. dioute t aft p.. 5:30 P. M accommodation from Con . CONNECTION 3. , , jkntuVSS 957 ltn Pblladphbn AErleR R , and AUantloc3reat Western RalS !?'!,' West.MidaIso.wrih Bani0?Corrw anjPJttsborgh railroad for Buffalo M ... . - w. vau Tf SMI IT ISillSS.1 . SV.tKDnJf VJli' city, with Franklin Sraaek, pjt Frmnnjia, MtmaTlUa, $ixd the Wet,, and . laet with Phil. Erie R R Eastlind ""miwrmir numtes ssster tb lln Branch and A. AO. W.R. K time. StanckidTwixYY mimtM ftutr than . lln Brsutch And A A a wr a n rr WMaV - - w v ww a v x a atlllv. I Faassnaen will ind thf. - j, the shortest ronte to and from the oil region. oMriS o. P." 5 IHTtnet0 lW Be sure and wk for ThivuicrT. Ttbatfa ia nn tva.iv th. ?n asr IUUwi theowM short . H- F. BWBETZER, GenT Snnarintandrnt: ' c. J. HEPBURN, Ass-t Superintendent. mW. A CARD TO THE1 l.amra D" DDPONOO-a GOLDEN PERIODICAL. . r Females. Innillble la corrsotlng- irreKniantlea. removlnv nhalenetinn. r th Mnni.i. turns, from wbstever canse. and always snccassiul : s.?prev?I,0Tei OnepUIts a doxe. Females pe culiarly situated, or those supposmE themselves so. are cautioned against using these Pills,, while In that eondltion lest they invite miscarriage, after ,?.rnnltton tha proprietor assumes no re sponsibility, although their mildness wotud p-event any mischief to health; otherwise the nils are re commended as a most Invaluable remedy for I he ai- " leviatlon of those suffering xrom any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of fami ly when health will not permit lr; qulet'ug the nerves and brinirlng back the "rosy color of health" to the cheek of the most deUeste. - Fall and explicit directions accompany each box Price $1 per boxi 6 boxes $6. 8ol4 in Petroleum Centre, by A D. MILLER A -CO., "fo a Agent" for Petroleum Centre. Pa j-aoiea 1 By sending them $1 to tbe Petroleum On. ire 1. 0. can have the Hlla sent oonndentlallyl bv niaJl to any part nftba country, beeofekarge Jr. narar, Tltnsvnie, fjm". Franki in ; Dr. J. L. Aeomh, TidlonTe j B. T. llaielton. Warren ; and by "one Drueaiu" in erarv ' townintheDiltcdKtatesfsndbv ejvry J" 8. D.HOWH, PropV,VwTrk. Col. J. B. BROWN A J, J. jneC'ASLIN, Dealers In OIL LANDS, LEASES,. ENGINES, ate, , . PLEA8ANTTILLB, PA jtrX-tf. W AWT B D Five Good Joarneymen Carpenters! OWING to the Increase of mv business I ami Cool DC, led to blre mora haln tA kMn nn nrltn . the demand for my tabor STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BBl GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. . A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER I Of all kinds corstantly on hand 'at , : : Yard, aod tvill he siKt at J3J"RE ASONATLr- ' " :f i J G. A 1 lata a.-.-'. -4 .t- ' I'.-i f 'o ) JIOTT- V'J ( ll.9 1 ..l-'f I T 'I X"f'c V ' -lr tke hnlr, wu.cli u, v i . ih v .1 - a-11 th iMIar. , Wpnf, p! vt n-. i .a ; ;. ttOOSuf'l S. -r J. gjui , ! r Uo r ;jnM... u they s.ustal.i as Druerl'a Is tA end ace th-.t they would not p it anythini; In 'he market of an . ordipaiy character. Messrs. A. D. MILLRIt A CO have U for sole and we hope, all onr bituds' will 1 try It. For all Bronchial aiTftHlocs,-try Seward's C.-gfeu Curev 1 .wjuuiiuuiiiDB imm ixnrv mr nvja Tltosyllle 7.00 p m, Miller Faim aBpyd Farm T.51 p n, Porol nm Centre 1M p m, sntvldg at Oil Oty 9 r-J7 "'.?