The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 21, 1869, Image 2

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oleum Centre Daily Record.
at. Centre, Monday. Jnne SJ1.
Time of Closing Wail.
Jolt 27st, 1808. J
farther notice the mails will arrive at and
rom this office aa follows :
l an! East, rla. Irvineton, 10. 28 A. M.
and West, " Meadvllle, 5.19 P. M.
and East, Corrv, 3 55
and West, 1.46 A. M.
East and West, M P. M.
Eut and Wot, 10.09 A. M.
Upper Cherry nun still coulinues its ox
eltement. 'A forty barrel null on Lease No.
15 was struck on Friday.
Rates greatl reduced to N. Y., l'liMad'a,
Baltimore, nttsbtirp. and all points on Oil
Creek and Vicinity take eflect to-day on
tho Western Union Co 's Hoes.
niTlne ScrTlcee.
hing at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1
P. M.
Ket. J. T. Oxtobt, Tostor.
s every Sabbat b nt 11 A. M. and
I. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
Tree. A cordial Invitation ex
o all.
Rev. C. K Heard, Pastor.
'STJ5R AND PAUL'S (Catholie)
t J(H a. m. t
' and Benetjtciion of the Blessed
it at 4 p. ru.
ism at 2 p. tn.
Some time since a well was struck on tho
Buchanan Farm, near Roiu ville, which
produced ten barrels a day for nearly two
weeks, when It increased very suddenly to
twenty. It is tbo property of 0. Stiong &
Goon Templars' Picnic Tho Good
Templars of Tilusvillc, Roiiseville, Oil City,
Franklin and Petroleum Centre, content
plate having a picnic on the Rynd Farm,
on Monday, July 5th.
Notick. Disreputable women will not be
allowed In my Ice Cream Parlor. I wish
tbis to be distinctly understood, and ft will
save embarrassment at the room, as the or
der will bo enforced. Fred ScntiTTS.
oe is fust ' approaching when the
)ay will be upon us, and although
:' is Indulged in, in reference to its
;.'nce, nothing as yet has been
consummate arrangements. In
., sections of the country the day
"brated on Monday, and that Pe-
' sntre should be behind other towns
ering the grand old day, is simp
;, and not in keeping with the
ur community. Let us call a
rrange proper entertainment, and
keep our people at home. The
iotism I bat abounds elsewhere,
here, and why should it be al
eep, when an opportunity is all
lired to kindle the patriotio fire?
t. be awake, the booming of car
ls relcome the natal morn, and let
j. nerryas a marriage bell."
Baskets. A fresh supply of
j nging baskets has been received
' A lrugstore. They are ala creme.
Accioknt. A young fad, named Calvin
McCoole, aged about 17 years, on Saturday
afternoon last, was quite severely Injured by
being caught in the bnll-wbeel on ono of
McCrea's wells, on the Coxton Farm. Tlis
injuries, although serious, are not fatal.
Burmell's Mi'sium. To-day Burnell's
Musium of living enriesities opens in
Petroleum Centre, under a teat, on
Washington street. See advertisement,-.,,
,t -
Somebody says the devil is a mean word,
any way yon can fix it. Yen can't make
a respectable word of it anyhow. Remove
the d and it is evil, remove the e and it is
vile, remove the v and it is ill; remove the
i and the I itself sounds like hell.
j j I damsel of forty summers says:
J difficulty in getting engaged;
s in keeping so."
i Boxed. Some time since we
e fact that the hydrants in our
allowed to stand unprotected,
ed to see that they have all
boxed. ' ;
n. We noticed, a few days
. W. Mabb had opened a new
Shambnrg Farm, ao l stated
, was the "proprietor." We
y He Is manager of the hotel
'-lib avd Robert Jounrtox.
sed to note the return of the
- Is Nellie and Robert Juhn
ileum Centre, accompanied by
upe. Little Nellie is a bright
', lerican stage, and is the ac
ivorite in the oil region.
' i en engagement ot five nights
londay, June 2Stb, at Akin'i
At the recent Mercer County Convention.
S. II. Miller was nominated for Stale Sena-
tor; E. E. A. Wheeler for Assembly, M. A.
leech, Associate Judge; W. A. McCormick,
District Attorney; W. M. Slater. Protbono
tary: G. W. Reznor, Clerk of Courts; W.
S. Eberman, Sheriff; J, I. Gordon, Record
er; and R. C. Hill, Treasurer.
Not a great whllo ago one of the New
York churches sought to increase the size
of its congregation and contributions by
employing half a dozen handsome y9nng
women to pass the collection boxes for mis
sionary and other objects. The plan was
recently given up, however, after the p'oce
bad acquired tho name ot "The Church or
the Pretty Walter Girls."
Johsi Deey, the Champion Billiar
1ST. An appreciative audience assembled
at Akln's Hall, on Saturday evening last,
to witness the skill of John Deery, lto
champion billiard player of America. Tbo
evening'! entertainment opened with a game
between Deery and Geo. Abbey, of Titus
ville, of 750 points posh shot barred. The
highest run was made by Deery, (100
points), and Abbey followed with a run of 9a.
The game throughout was watched with a
great deal of interest, nnd displayed great
skill on the part of both contestants. Abty,
although not a match for Deery, played a
splendid game, making many skillful shots.
At the conclusion of tbo game, Mr.
Deery made a number of fancy shots,
which were marvelous indeed.
These amounted simply to designating
routes to bo taken by the balls and appoint
ing places where they should meet and
fraternally kiss each other. Though seem
ingly very erratio In their course on tho
start, the engagements were promptly met
and the eonditioos fullilled to the letter.
Putting balls in a hat was no protection for
i, Pa., seems destined to take them nd fow eaFy ,lttIe Bhot8 w,rB madei
mong tho uermancnt summer I iucu as driving a ball under a stick, over
Middlo States. The natural ' wn'ch the cue bail jumped and rolled back
Gen. Bust's Omen or P. & A TKLioiurit Co 1
or TUB I'MlTtr. STATU,
1'iiTsnuno, I' A, .Tutu 19. 1SU9. J
On and after Monday June 21st, Rates
between all offices on Oil Creek, including
Franklin and Titnsvlllp, .11 and 3; to Phila
delphia nnd Baltimore. "0 and 6; to New
York, 85 and 6. A. (J. Cassf.i.bkrry,
sa't Gen'ISup't.
On and after Monday, luno 21st, tariff
from Petroleum Centre to Pi tsburg, will be
40 cents for first ton words, tod three cents
for each additional word.
Ass't Gen'l Sup't.
News Items.
The customs receipts from the, 7th ' to the
12th inclusive, were $2, 090, 410.
Wsi. A. Howard, of Michigan, has decid
ed not to go to China as Minister.
Tub Dime Savings Bank at Williams
burg b, N. Y., was robbed of $6'000 by
sneak thieves yesterday,
Miss Minnie Warren was married on
Thursday at West Ilavan, Conn., to Com
modore Nutt.
UiENDKRSON fllClyARTNEV, Conductor Of B
coal train, was crushed to death this morn
ing at Niles, Ohio, while coupling two cars.
' One or our exchanges relates this. It
may be true,' and may not, but it Is good,
nevertheless: Yesterday afternoon a lady
reached tho passenger depot in this city, on
one ot our railroads, just as the train on
which sho desired to take passace. moved
away. As she stood gazing on tho train
her arms full of packages and her eyes full
of tears, a gentleman arrived on n full run,
with bis carpet sack in bis band, his coat
on his arm, and bis face streaming with per
piration. Ho too wanted to take the
snmo train, but alas! was too late. As be
looked on the train', now fast moving away,
he sat down bis carpet bay, wined bis lace,
and very deliberately nnd emphatically
said: "Dm that train!" Tbe ladv heard
bim, and smiling on him with a lady's
sweetest, said: "Thank you, sir.'' He
bad, undoubtedly expressed ber sentiments
Tbe Loodon Times has already got itself
into a promising framo ot mind on tho Al
abama question. While Benying tliutthe
budding of the Alabama was really unlaw
ful, it admits that it would have. b?en bet
ter bad the ship been sUzpiI and sailing
prevented by the Government; and what
ever offense was committed I y not doing '
this the times says En.;l inl is ready to sub
mit to any tribunal as Bonn ns America
desires. 11' tbis is really the temper cf U.o
Brush Government there ought to be r.o
difitculty nbout settling the question, wbic!
y the way, we art not likely to ns-i ut to.
Perhaps tho lanauajo of the. times l'.ir"-
shadows the lesiionso to Minister Mollev's
declaration that Amrr e;i U ready to listen
to any offer that Enclund is menurc d to
cenery;the memorials of Its
e graves of tbe heroio dead;
lg properties ef its wt t ts -
ation of attractions; while
. ac'.ous kotel will be opened
mind siegers, have strained
V le two hundred tiddlers have
: elhntt'j, the buglers have
t, drums thundered and the
liiij, th bells been rung,
.led, tbe canuon lired, and
liko a pon'tk'o came
' 1 the blow of hound."
1 gredl jubilee is over, and
(twenty thousand odd, after
irly frantic by the yelling
(id blowing, and ecraping
id peiformern, rushed wildly
is the dktpaleh has it ''the
inn vacated-' Most likely.
,au luuiily, wns
funnier Or?goti
jiiowly arrived, and mem-
heard to
was nas-
o-rl ! O'Regun bo ja
'.eeKs in Aratiliy, and a
rv me naice.
uuder it a couple of feet or so to make
caroms. We don't recollect that the balls
turned inside out, but probably because
that feat was not attempted Tho last
scientific touch with the "ivories" was to
rango tour "bulls on the end of the table, a
small sigment of a circle being mado around
tho further corner. Tbo announcement was
the balls should be driven in rapid sucees
s'on, and after 'ciiBbioninj" about halfdoz
on I i "lies each, should all li within tho
limits of the clicle marked. If a billiardist
cm imagine siveril halls in motion at
the same time, eaoh one going withsullicient
force to strike tho cushion at five different
places with different degrees of speed after
each concussion beforo sucking its Dual rest
ing placo in tbo corner, he can imagine th e
almost uttor impossibility of accomplisbin g
the feat, as if ono ball touches another,
while in motion,, it is ucsuccessfult
It would baro been beneficial to players
generally, if all bad witnessed tbo playing
of Mr. Deery. It seems strango that when
an vocasion oilers to witness the skill o'
such an artist, so many will fuil to avail
themselves U tho opportunity, when, per
haps, another chance will never proscnl it.
self. Mr. Deery plays to night at tho Crit
tenlen House, Titusville.
James Ili'ne.', a Rochester boy, died on
the plains in Mouiuna Territory last Novem
ber, Hnd intelligence of his wns re
ceived at bis borne uiily a few days since.
Mr. Patiiek Irry has been elected Pres
ident or the Rochester City nud Brighton
street railroad. i
Miss Marriott is playing to moderate siz
ed audiences in Rochester,
Gov. Hoffman has uppointed Win. S.
Thompson, Esq.. to tho vacimcy in the
Board of Managers of tho Western Umiso o
Refuge, occasioned by tbe death of William
Rochester firemen have been testing the
Si by Steam Fiio Engine.
Penfleld, Monroe County, had his scalp tak.
en off by the Indians on the Western Bor
ders a fuw weeks sinco. Ha thus describe
bis sensation at tho time. "I heard some
of our boys shouting c'oso by, and the squaw
started and raa ono of the boys killing her
not throo rods off. Tho Indian stepped one
foot on my chest, and with bis band gath
ered up the hair near tho crown of my head.
Ho wasn't very tender about it, but jerked
my head this wuy and that, and pinched
like Satan. My eyes were pai tially open,
and I could seo the bead-work, and trim
mings on his leggings. Suddenly I felt the
nwfullest biting, cutting flash go round my
head, and then it seemed to mo just as if
my whole bead had been jetked clean off.
I never felt such paiu in all my life; why,
it was liko pulling your brains right out
I didn't know any moro for two or three
days, and thun I c.-me to find I had tho sor
est bead of any hutn.n that ever lived."
Inconsequence of tbo (loath of his wile
at Herkimer, Treasurer Spinner will jo
detailed from bis duties for several weels.
Tho Galaxy for July insists that '-Beautiful
Snow" was written by W. A. Sigoit
ney, a nephew to Mrs. ,L.. II. Sigourn-y,
and that the subject ofitwas tlie nutlxr's
V mmrg an snclior, where tba wave
Stlon-tid Rreat n-a-bainiara far below ;
TU waier rippled up to lave
Iltr baud, that with its bracelet's g'ow,
HifOK tovlug wltli Uio tremMlut: tide,
That Jojed to kiss so fair a nrlst.
In the d'm distance waste and wide.
Tho white sails glimmer'd through tho i
There was a silence on the sea,
A silence lliat I would not break ;
So sweet that eve it seemed to mo
To float, and for my lady's sake
To weave my fancies into rhyme,
That she would praise some happy day.
For then no fateful after-time
Ilad come to swocp my dreomi nway.
' Twere well It had boen but a dream,
And yet I trusted tn her truth;
Iter soft eyes had nn evil gleam
That slew me and she knew no ruth.
And still tbe white tails pas the shore,
And melt Into th purple air;
But she will watch them nover more,
As faithless as her faee was fulr.
St. Jama Magazine-
Tt i rannrtpd that countless myriads of
grasshoppers have lately mado their appear
ance on the -crib nnd eastern shore of Salt
Cake, nnd nro marching or hopping toward
tho City of tho Desert. The ground around
Promontory Peint is literally black with
the young and rapacious insects. They
are now about three-fourths of an incli in
length, black In color, nnd moro resembling
a cricket than a grasshopper. But as they
increase in size their color cbang.s to brown.
About two weeks sinco the6e pests made
their appearance in that section, being then
about an eighth of an Inch in length, nnd
having the appearance of sand cricketr.
They grow rapidly aud are very voracious,
destroying everything in their way.
CoiXTEiiFKiTtxa paper money in the
United States will be more difficult here
after thaf) it has been hitherto if the gov
ernment adheres to tho policy of carrying
esecurity against it so far back as the paper
mill. So long ns tho engraving is made
the dependence fur s.ifety, successful conn"
forfeiting is certain, for 'any engraving can
be copied with complete secrecy; but paper
tcannot well be mado with equal secrecy.
and paper making is nn art in which pro
cesses known only tn a few can bo relied
upon to produce effects not to be imitated
by other processes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Barney Williams have just
been offered $j0,000 jn gold to play for one
season in Austrailia. They wero recently
offered $20,000 to visit California profi ss-etiilly.
Shingle weddings are gelling fashionable
in I m a. They orcur whi n tto first child
I -old rmninh to spank;
Mo- T'tiTnn Please announce the riamcof T'fOM
a l'i NAinv. of J'ehnlemn t'oitr,-, is n eanu'idti'e.
lor Prothonatary of Venanjjo County, Biibjit-t to lite
n-tfjjes of the Democratic parly.
ciia.iip;o hi t.yti:tr.
WK flVsm to Inform Oil flporarr'M .and the
Public treneiallv ti'St we aw preparel to io
c:ve orders for onr ( hampion Six rimer He:iiner.
This is without doubt the most nr-rict tool for
munin' that has ever been totrm.ilce-1. Give us
a call. ' KisuEa Noams i Co.
Proclamation !
JULY 4th, 1869 IS
A. 0. MILLER & CO,,
Have a full supply of
Fire Works!
For that occasion, a'so a full line of -
Flags, all Sizes.
Orders taken for Bunting Flags
to be made to order.
Do not forget tho place at tbe wboleiolo Drug
More of i
A. D. MILLEll & Co.,
Petroleum Centre, T"a.
VEIiY CHEAP BI1KKT JirsiC, only live cents a
copy, at W. 11. NICHOLSON A CO.'d Stationery
for live conts a copy, atW. II. N I CHOLSON 4, Co 's!
!Vcw Flour, Feed and Grocery
Store !
opposite tho JtlcClintoek House, lias on band a
Jurge an ft:st class stodc of Flour, Feed and
Groceries, which he Is selling at a low flsrure.
trDon'l for((ey he place where A, D. Cotton
Company broke up. jan2 tf.
Carpets, of every finality and description, at
r.KVNOLU?, ISIMIHIKAD & CD'S, No, 11 Centre
St.-eH, oppwits thj P. O., Oil City, Pa.
ai..jM A lane assortment of which is
being closed out at reduced rates at ItEYNOLDH
B1WDI1KAI) Jt CD'S, No. 11 Centre St., opposite
tilt Tost Office., Oil City, r.
All accounts rot settled Immediately, v ill be left
with nn officer for collcetlon.
Apr.Utf. KKYNOI.DS . CO.
ov Dealer, IMoneoi, l"a.,
Rcrelves all doilies ai.d Illustrated Papers from New
York twice per day nd will mall any paper pub
lished. IlliHtrated weekly papnrs, fl.SS per fhrec
montlis. Invariably in advance. may!7:lw.
.rr Tin: bust.
Leave your or.leia for Dallantlne s Nltro G'yeor
tne and Combination Torpedo, at the l'ost Oftlca
News Itooin. Petrolcnm Centre, Tn.
N. II Orders promptly rilled. Junll-lw.
U ynn wl-li the bsst ring Tolwicco In the market,
try W. II. Nicholson Co.
flnilnr Strings at W. II. Nieliclson S Co's.
(Jeitlt Fsirniliiiii Ciinnl.
Ijinnneni & Alden have full and completo stock
of tbe nio't fashionable Gents' FtirnMiing C.ooils.
At 40 per cent below Petroleum Centre prlc-s.
Ii A JI 31 E 11 K A X I A li 1 R. .
Sell more Cooks than any other Hon-'e In IViroleum
Centre, because why? They sell first c'nss roivU
cheaper tba:i slop shop coo ls can bo boujbt.
Jane 2d tf.
Want: ! to fall
At It. It. Fl-licr's Dim Store, ono hnmlred per
5ons or morn nnd examine, Hoses, C.irnatloin,
Fnchicv. Jtu!.k Plai ts, Unlctnopo. Panders. Kl-li ,
Geriiuimns, Houe GerauhinH and Itoqiiets of Pave
(lowers. Jnne 10.
611.0. 0 lit! A Its now on hand at A. 1) Miller &
Co 's, at wholesale prices.
Tbo verv b -..' pT-'-et (atle!-v Ita. rs a:rl Scis
sorsall warranted at W. 11. NICHOLSON'S.
Thj .Inert l'lu.: ToiMcco at
t'rnrKory all kinds ro In ltKYNOI.PS
P.UOIilIEAl) & CO'S, Nn, 11 Centre Street, oppo
site the To-it Olllco, Oil City, i'n.
Tit P bint titiiro t-1 town to f-ot a nair of P.Ont.4
made of the best Stock, that w ill wear well, and
v.-arrnnted tn nt, l at J. A. Plailte'n Kasb
lonable Hoot Shop. Waibinqton Street, Petrolcnm
Centre, Pa. (llvo Mm a trial. acplD-tf.
All atrlcs of D ank Book, No'.e l'a-wr, ami Ell
velopcs In Jobbing Lois, nt
'" II Nicholson & Co's.
fif All persons wishing t i ha VACCINATED
ce.n call at A. IX Miller Co.'s Dnt; Store and
have the pnre fre.-h article Inserted. Ho cliarirc.
WALL PAPEll, fre-ll au.ip'y, or nil sl.-les nud
prices. Jaat received at A. D. MILLER. & CO S
mnns java. hvaiikoh's canauy, gek
MAN. at A.l) MIl.LKIt & CO.
A. P. J'lLLElt iS CO., have tbo agenc of tbo
Amorlcan Whip Co., and Western Wb'p Co 's 1 1
g.tis, at wbolesalo prices.
variety, ha been received at A. D. Miller & Co.'s.
mrv foli a law st wis at KBYNOLDH
Bj;PHEAD''oO'8, No. 11 Centro St, opposite
tiu fyt O ci. Oil Citv, Pa .
- Another laige Buck of Wall 1'arer .insl r
ccised at A. DMILLKlt & Co.V
Flue Koto Paper wholesale and retail at
A. 13. MILLElt & Co.'s
(jlazed Oil t'lolli CurtnltiH nti
A. P. MH.I.Klt Cl
Special Notice.
WOHDS OF WISDOM for yining men, on the
Killing Passion In Youth nad Eirly Manhood, with
SELF HELP for tbo Eir'np and I'nfoitnnnto. Sent
in si-aterl lett-. r envoloucs. freo of charu-i- Addrtsi,
HOWAitU ASSOCIATION, Box P, riur.Anri.puiA,.
Pa. . - . May 21. 3m.
At Petroleum Centre. "
Prof. French & his Educated Dog
lUlss. Ann E. I.cnlc,
The Lady Wifliont Arms !
Madam Noro, tho only lady glass blower betore tho
IlCICIt KEII PEN, the long-cut Beard
ed man In the World.
Living Alligator and Monster Hnakes, and many
, . oilier curiosities
Monday, Tnesdayand Wednesday, Juno 21,22 &W.
ADMISSION, .... 25Cts.
Children under teu, 15 Cents.! JuWtd
rpIIK Mnnlinttan Lease, nearly three, nrrn.i on Hie
J. Storny Farm! two wells with machinery and
iia coiiitleioiTnlibii;, Tanks, 'loots, and tbe usual
Oil Well Kurniinru, room for mnruweps.
Appiy at the Otllco, riioiey Farm, or address
Walter XV. Wetiiiore,
'larr Farm,..