Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Salnrrtay, June 19. A. Ji fAT, Itditor. Time of Closing Malls. P. O., Prnioi.Kuii CKwms, Pa ,) Jult 87st, 18WS. J Until further notice the mails will arrive at and depart from this olllce u follows: AHB1VK. Month and Kant, via. Irvtneton, 10.28 A. M. SontD and West, Mcudvllle, 8.18 P. M. North and Bast, " Corry, 8.56 " DErART. South and West, 8.46 A. M. Soutfcj Gait and Weit, 2 30 P. M. North, East and West, 10.09 A. M. Divine Services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M. Rev. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. H. and 7)6 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seats free. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. Rev. C. N. Heard, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catuolie) CnURCH. Mass at IOJ4 a. m. Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. . On and after to-day, tbo tariff from this place to Pittsburgh, via the Woste.n Union Telegraph Company's line, is reducod to 40 cents. Race To-Dat. A trial of speed between "Wild Peter" and the Woods horse is in pro gress as we go to press this nlternoon. on the PelroleuM Centre race course, for $100 ' a side. P. S. A report just from tho ground?, soys ''Wild Peter" won the race, best two in three, Drst beat by four lengths, aud sec ond by about sjx. , Mineral Water Manufactory. Messrs Clark & Smith, proprietors of the Petrole. urn Centre Mineral Water Manufactory, are receiving orders for mineral water from nil the towns along the creek. They are gen tlemen who deal with customers with u view to please, and are deserving of the lib eral patronage they enjoy. Stueet Improvements. The Central Pe troleum Company Is Improving the streets around the bank building. The old mud holes have been filled up, and a good, grav el road, raised above high water mark, baa been substituted instead. If properly own ers along Washington street would follow this example, the stench and mud which now.exiets would be done away with. Will tbey do it! . Sparring Exhibition To-Nioiit. Prof. Johnny Sweeney, assisted by Ben Hogarj, and several other celebrities, will give a grand Sparring Exhibition at the Opera House this evening. The friends of Prof. Swesftey Intend this as a benefit to him, and those who desire to witness sciootifio, spar ring will be present. The grand wind-up of the evening will be a set-to in ring costume, between Sweeney and Hogan. , Erie Dispatch. The old standard-bear er is again back to his moorings B. P. H. Lynn, who some time since retired from the editorial management of the Erie Dispatch, has again returned to the Chair be so long and so ably filled. We hope the citizens of Erie will now extend to him tbo support be deserves, as the Dispatch, which we believe was founded by him, is a success only tbro' bis labors. Welcome, Indeed, is brother Lynn. . Tub Billiard Champion To-Night. John Decry, the Champion Billlatd player of America, will favor the citizens of Petrol eum Centre with an exhibition of bis science with billiard balls, this even ng, at Akin's Billiard Hall. . His name is familiar in the billiard world, ns in all the leading tourna ments in America he has been foremost. That be is master of the science is but a faint expression of his skill, and to know really what the game is, one should witness tho exhibition this evening, Mr. Geo. Ab bey, of Tltusville, will assist Mr. Deery this evening. An Illinois papegihe Shipman Progress, givos the following incident of tho late tor. nado, for which tho editor drew upon his imagination: Mr. Jack Laughlln was sit ting in his bouse, with a pie between his ' knees, ' and wan "walking into it," wu. the storm struck his house, tearing away the roof and one side; he made for tbo d )or, and had his feet knocked from under bim, and he "Flontod through tbo air with tho greatest of ease," and landed on the top of a peach tree in Henry Law's orchard a hundred yards away; soon a board came nlong, which he caught nnd put over his lead to keep off the hailstones.. The Oil Cily Kaecs. Another of those successlul horse ' -fairs" for which tho Oil City Park Association is si) justly celebrated, has just closed. In each and every particular the races were a success, no person leaving the grounds feel ing dissatisfied at tho nunn.'i- the pro gramme had been carried out, nor express ing themselves displeased at the decisions made by the judges. To the President and Secretary of the Assoaialion, those who par ticipated are greatly indebted lor the many accommodations extended, and the impar tiality shown generally during the two days of the races. The crowd of people in at tendance was largo on both days, and the sale of pools on both days was attended with a great deal of excitement. Pools were sold at the Petroleum House, and the sales amounted to upwards of $G,000. The lot lowing is the result of the races the FIRST DAY. ' Pacing $200 for tho first, and 100 for the spcond best. This race was between Mary Ann, Frank, Black Jack, Rockety Jack, and Harry. Mary Ana won the race in three straight beats, although Frank, in the pools, wab the favorite. In the trotting race tlie entries were Lady Gray, Bob Ridley, Black Crook, Rob Roy, and Foggy Dew. In this race Foggy Dew was the favorite, in the pools, and won the first heat; then odds were on her, but Lady Gray easily won the three next boats. Rob Roy was distanced in the first beat. SECOND DAY. Troptino Race Four entries for the race, as follows: Clara, White Bird, Frank, aud Blue Lyck. Clara won the first two heats, While Bird third, and Clara fourth. Time, ,2:37,-2:39,-2:41,-2:38. White Bird second, Frank third. Blue Lyck dis tanced in first heat. ' Purse No. 3 $500 to the first; $200 to the second, and $100 to the third horse. Running Races The Association gave a purse of $150 for running horses, half a mile and repeat, $100 to tho first, and $50 to the second horse. Three horses eniorcd: Gipsey, Spot and Lady Fremont. First heat won by Spot, second nnd third by La dy Fremont. Gipsey distanced in first heat. Time, 53, 54, and 55 seconds. OVU GH.V1N fltOSlTLT. . From i very quarter ot tbo Union comes up tho welcome intelligence that the. crops of wheat, rye, barley and corn promise well. In Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, and other Western Slates, this year's har vest will be unprecedented, according to all accounls. Throughout New England, New York, and our own Commonwealth, the prospect ot full crops is excellent, whilo in the South a larger harvest is anticipated than in any previous year, owing to the faot that more ground has been taken up In sowing and planting than at any other period in its history. This is good news for all, aod especially for the poor muri and bis family, and there will exist no rea son, tho approaching fall and winter, for the exorbitant prices which have prevailed for the past few years. Providence, in promising us a bountiful harvest, seems to frown upon and threaten the overthrow of the unprincipled speculators, who have hitherto fattened upon the necessities ot their fellow men . Tbo Frlzo Kliitr Imbroglio at St. Tom Allan says that he shall take no notice of McCoole's challenge to fight again near St. Louis, but will go three hundred miles east, say some wherein Kentucky; or be would prefer ;Cnnada, and mate bim for $5,000, or uny other sum lie desires. McCo'ole is shid to be waiting to fight bim away from St. Leuif, or better still, in a room with only a few friends of each party as witnesses. MoCoulo still believes thut he can whip Allen. McKinney the refene, publishes another statement in which he re peats bis decision, and says thut whilo com ing homo on the boat, Sherman Thurston and Billy Carroll, friends ot Allen, offered 'him money to decido in Allen's favor. The stake money has not been given up and it is alleged it will not be, until matters ore arranged to tho satisfaction of all parties. - Quite n number of outsliders who bet on McCoole, declino to receive stakes put up, bolievyig that jtho referee's decision was unfair. Allen eays ho wil light Galla;liur any place nwuy from St. Louis, on a wager ul $2,500 or $1,500. HoiiitiBLB Ari'Aiit. The . Ilucboster Union says: Wo bear from a private source that on Friday or Saturday land l"Q children of one furuily residing in Wis C'M'Siim er9 bitteo by a rabid dog. A physician ov a man who protended to bo one, was calleu 0a he advised tho pafnlo to kill tho children u prevent them from dying with hydrophobia, uia odvico was followed, one child teing smotuor,,, bo. twoon leather bods and the other dleratched In om manner not learned. i . News Items. Tho Internal revenue leceipi at -Washington yesterday, were $82(5,001. Dr. Alden March, an emiuent piv-itoiau a4 surgeon, died in Alb;V.iy yestei Jay. The Congressional Ways and Means Com m'ttco are on au excursion to Ilk Pacific. The number of clerks to be discharged frim the War Department is stated at one huijred. ".ho Chicago, Cincinnati nnd Louisville Ralroad is announced as having been com plead. Ibree ladies were drowned in Rochester, Wednesday, by boing thrown from a cur- riagi into a mill pond. Tie foundotlon stone of a monument to the t'nlon doad was laid on Cambridge Comnon, Boston, yesterday. A terrific rainstorm in North Carolinarm Sunday destroyed property to tho amount of $50,(00. No lives wero lost. Tin President Is expected to reach Wor-ceste.-J Mass.,, where extensive prep arations have been made to receive bim. A Tilt of error and stay of execution has been pautcd in the ease of Messner, who was to have been bung in Rochester to-day. Annie Surratt, sister of John Suiralt was married yesterday iu Washington to Mr. Toney, of the Surgeon General's office. John M. Moriatly, President of the Irish Republican Association of this State, is in favor ol universal suffrage and a war with England. A steamer has sailed from Boston with men, arms and amunition for Cuba. Another is reported about to leave New York for tho e.ime purpose. Several prominent friends of the. Cuban cause ir'Jf ashington, alarmed at the to- cent arnsts in New York, left ycsterJae for parts unknown. The anniversary of the baltlo of Bunker Hill, being a legal holiday in Massachusetts, was celebrated yesterday with military dis plays anil civic domonsliations. At the New England trotting races, Wed nesday tho first race for 2 40 horses, for n prize of $1,000. was won by Daniel Boone, in three straight beets. Time, 2:31, 2:31, 2:33. RWCHESTEIt ITEMS. - Monroe county strawberries ure iu mar ket nt Rochester. Tho Forest City B. B. Club or Cleveland have tendered an invitation to the Alerts of Rochester to play tlieai a game in tho for mer cily. Mr. William Remington died at Mum ford on Tuesday rooming June 15th, aged seven ty.fivo years. Mr. R. Blair has sold his farm of sixty six acres lu J'Utsiord to Jas. A. llowoll for $13,000. Mr. A. W. Fisher, who has been for many years Assistant Superintendent of the Western House of Refuge at Rochester, has resigned his office. Tho paint and oil store of Osgood it Far. ley, in Rochester, caught (iro Inst Tuesday form the ignition ol benzole, nnd w. dam aged to the extent of several tlioiibsml i!o!. lnrs. , OANIUDACY ANOl'MIfc'mi;."rs, rno'rncxoTAKY. 3Wn. FniTe-R Please nmn.nrce the unmcof Thom as Ol kaohv, of Petrn'eum Centre, its a cmididntc for Prothnnntary of Venttmro Cotiuiy, subject lo the lis:i2es of the Iiemocrtitic p"lrty. Tjocal Xolirt-s. CHAIIPIOV HEAVIER. WE drslro to irfonn Oil Operators .and the Public generally lli.-u we are procured to re ceive orders for onr ( iiantnion Six Cutter ltennier. This Is wilhout doul't the moBt ltcrftct tool for I reamins that has ever been introoncoii. Give, us a call. Fisher okhis & Co. Proclamation I JULY 4th, 1869 IS , COMING! A, D. MILLER & CO,, WHOLESALE DUUGGISTS, Have a full supply ot Fire Works ! For that occasion, a:o a fiill lino of Flags, all Sizes. Orders taken for Bunting Flags to be mode to order. Bo not forgot tho iinco at the wholosola Drug 8tore of A. D, MILLER & Co., Petroleum Centre, Fa. VERY CHEAP 8HKLT MUSIO, ouly live cents a copy, nt V. li. NtCHCLSON & CO.'d Stationery Store. Villi f!AN 1 1 A V 15 M ifw nV nwi f b ' lm v nv Hardware A largo assortment of which Is tutu elosed out at reduced rates at REYNOLDS liltODHKAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre Bt., opposite tin PjstOnVa, Oil City, !' ' Ail sjco'vuts net settled Immediately, will bo left wilh u effloer for;collectlon. Apr 14 tf. REYNOLDS & CO. W. A. FAKAJF.SWOllTH, !ewn UCBler, IMonecr, In., Receives all dallies and Illustrated Papers from Now York twice per day and will mail any paper pub llslicd. Illustrated weekly papnrs, $1.25 per three months, Invariab'y In advanco. mayViJw. OIL PRODUCERS ATTENTION! GET Till'. BUST, i .nvo vimr orders for Ballantluo's Nllro Olycor iue and Combination Torpedo, at tho Post Office News Huoin. Petroleum Centre, I'a. N. U. Orders promptly tilled. JimU lw. If von whh the best ring Tobacco Iu the market, try W. II Nicholson Co. (iultar airings at W. It. NIcliclson & V. Gent FiiriiNliins Goid. Laiumcrs & Alden have a full and complete stock of the iiiol fa-Oilonnhle Units' Furnishing floods. CLOTIIIXU. At 40 per cent below Petroleum Centre pries. l, MMHIt? AM AliUEN. Sell more (looks than any other House In Petroleum Centre, bccatui whyf They sell first c'ass goods cheaper than slop shop goods can lie honejit. Juno 3d If. VuiU Call At H. It. Fisher's Thug Slore, one hundred per sons or more, and examine, Hoses, Carnations, Fuchles, Mn k Plants, Ilolutnopo, I'auslcs. Fish Geraniums, Koe Geraniums and Boquets of ltnro flowers. I0' Bl.O'O CIUAUS now on hand at A. I). Sillier & Co 's, at wholesale prices. The wrv bat. portent Cuilory Razors and Sci ...r.- ill warrantoi-at W. H. NICHOLSON'S. The liriest Fin Toliae-o at W. II. NICHOLSON CO'S. NEW ADVEKTtSKMEN'Ti. FOUO. AT the VARIETY STORK of J. W. Beatty, A huo a.-sfeortiaoi.t 1 f Wire Works, Consisting oT Flags. Rocket". Toman CiiuiIIc p." Min ?, also, Choice Cneleetionery, 1'ruan, TuvK, Soilu Water, nnl the BEST HIE C3EIEAM Ul , TOWN. Give me.i call. Second door to Opera House, 7 Vdshiii (ton SV v t, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J. W. Beatty. juintr. " BUUNELL'.S MlSEUM OI' MX1SG lIiKJsmiiS ! At J'olroleuni Centre. TUB FOLLOW tXfi OKF.AT ATlTtACTION: Prof. French &. his Educated Doct ?Ils. Ann I'. I.calc, mi- S3 Lady Wiont Anas ! 1 Mivliuu Norn, the only lvJy kIhsp V.vw lie lore llie put U. AftlIXU KKRfKNa tho ioiiffCMt ICeatd od man lit lliti World THE MAMMOTH JWY Living Alligator and SI on nt or ualitu, uud many 01 her curlusltlo Foil TEIItl'K IliYS 0.IiY. Monday, Tuesdayand WedneMlay, June'.M.SS ii'Jti ADMISSION, .... 2.-. CI. Children under ten, 15 Uenti.l juiuiil riillK Manhattan Lease, nearly lluue anioi on tin, X Storey Farm; two wills willi mnohiiiury aul rln comnletciTuhlii;, Tanks, 'tools, nna tlio usual Oil Woll biiriilluru, iuoiii for niorem Us. .Appiy at the Olllje, Storey Farm, ur address Waller IV. We tin ore, Tarr Farui, I'a I'Oll SALE. HOUSE ou Eshnit Farm, within five niiniiti-s walk of the l'oat Ollka. House well flnUliKtl on inside; six rooms on first floor Finest fit spring water convenient to Hie house. I'ossesslnu givun immediately. Enquire this nfllee. Jitf PUBLIC SALE Of Oil Lnnd Lease, Engines, Tools, e. On Monday June 91, isoy, in It, A. St., at the Kroner Farm, at Walnut Bend, President Township, Vennnao Co., live miles from Oil Cily, will he sold at miction, all tho perponal property of the Gibson Oil Co., con sisting of forty yoars' lease on 25 acres of the K rol ler Farm. Included In leasn will ho sold 8 wells drilled, mid Ihreo lengths of driving pipe in each well. Two of the wells hove produced oil in lnre.e quantities One eighth () royalty is payable to owners of land by terms ol Lnase. Also, 4 twelve hore power enuines, 2 setts drilling tools, bellows, vice, anvil, Ihoii feet of tunning, rm tect ofjias pipe, 2r0 ft'Ol of casinir, pumps, wreuchrs, steam causes, and belling. Also, SMI barrel oil Innks, 5 derricks and rius, 4 engine house-', 1 large frame dwelling houeo Hnd kitohen, 1 olllco feet, and 1 smith chop lfjx3&. Terms essli. 'I'o )o sold by r.rder of the Board of Directors of the Uiluon Oil Co. J. K. I.OWRY, JllUlG-St. AUOTIONKKIl. rpiIB E. Howard Co, I. S. Iliirtlrlt Tremonl 1 Watch Co. V iiml National Watch Co 's Watcb I'UBLIO SALE Of Oil I.aud Loose, Kii!Idcr, Tools, o., on Monday, June 21, IS'W. II o'clock, A. M., at tho Kroty.iy t'urni, at Wslnut ltcrnl, I'rnsi.ieijt. ' l ownwhiri, Vo Dani County, aa miles from Oil Cltv- W1M S sold at auotlon.all the personal properly r nln Kio tier Farm OH Company, eousisllnj: of forty ynnrs' lease on as acres tuoior run", suojooi iu one eolith (hi) royalty to owuer. Included in lease win ti sold Ave wells dri'lsd. ond one well partly drills,! and the driving-pipe in each well. Also, om. Iutl'-j dwelling home, 3 derrick rigs, 2 engine houses, : twelve norsc iMtwor engines, ioo icei mono?, i of gas pipe, Hot of sucker rods, S setts or drilling tools, 1 cnlde, 1 sand rope nnd lot of smiill tools nnrms null. To ho sold lV order of the llonnl of Directors of the Krolaor Farm oil Co. Juul6-0t. J. K. LOW KY, Al'CTlONEini. JOHN DEERY. Cliampioii 13illl:irl IMayi'i- ( the World, Ami Winner of llio Illnmnnd :nc at Into Urntiu oiiriiaineiu neid in Now Vorlt JUy, WILL OIVE ONE OP IHS IlKNOWNEl) ItlLLIAAD EXIIIIUT30XS AT AIKIN'jS ML.MAKD HALL, Petroleum Centre, SATURDAY EVE., JUNE 19th, On which occasion he will execute his starting and Oilllcult Fancy Shots, pronounced by tho Press ai truly wonderful. Mr. Deery will bo assisted by ME. GKO. ABBEY, of Titusvlile. ADMISSION, - ONE ItULLAit. Altaapzsln City Territory. N0TIC2TO OIL OPERATORS. The uiidorsinoil, ftUt'iit for tli'i Meii'opilitnti Oil Conip:iiiy, now otl'jit to leann the ti rrltury of (tu'd Couipiuiy, til lut-4 of two ncron enoh, for otn-.f'tiunh royalty. This (arm a aitiiaie on Cherry Tp Run ai,d lh on the 5 JU(.'J .11 VEIN Which connecta U'otKl mitl l'icrson I'lirin- w;. !i CHAHLEi ...Ui"TEP.IUICRY. For further i'.ariici'.lnr apply to the original D. W. KKNNKY, Alleaiasoo3:l'ani City, Casrrtraa Run. Or aJJr. s , ";:nx in," relroleuin (,'entre. 1'eun. Ajiril IB -1 in. n. n. FISHER Petrolsum Centre, I.'KAI.KK IN' rUHK FKKXC1T, AND AMLKICA.V DRW,. MEDICINES JXD cnoicK I'OHEiaN axdd)MEst:c Toilet Articles ! AXU Fancy Groocl?. ' IMPORTED AND Druggists Sundries ! Phyrticians I'ronorii'lions compouTuUrt fio n "'c nnd choico matcniiis. - IK YOU II A V 'NT S E E 1ST I T , GO AND SEE IT The Magic Match. rctroleum Centre, June, lSI'.it. Inn7. Allot Iter lurpcpiirk of Wall Taper Juft ccivoii at a. njMiLim: & ' fiir live ront b copy, at y. U NICHOLSON & Co V cuiilig tai Il'HA.V! it ' J '