CLOTniNG AND GKNTS' JAMESTOWN OWE! PB1G2. Clothing Store. Will Soil for the Next Thirty Days, to make Room for Spring . and Summer Stock, ALL WOOl. SLITS, J12. ' A LI, MOOf. CO TS, 3,00 lo 93,OC A LL WOOL PANTS, $3,00 lo 4,0 ALL WOOL VESTS 75c tt lo 1,00 SPRING CLOTHING' MATS ! CAPS! Gents' Furnishing Goods. At IieJuc 'd Prices. WE MEAN BUSINESS. PutroVuin Centre, May 1, IS-'n tf. DRUGS AND DRUGS ! nIEDICl!MES ! J. H. CHEISTIE, DEALER IN BRWGS, MBDICZ&JES. OILS, Paints varnishes, G- ass. Putty. Suaps, Bye Stuffs, Fancy and Toiled' Articles All KINDS 0? PATEH7.-EIEDJC1NES. 3" PURE WINES & LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE?. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Ao. 13 Washingtan-st., Petroleum Centre, Pa 43 Give mo a call before purchasing elsewhere. MyltMf.J JT If, CHIHSTIF. James A. SlierrifF, Has, in addition to the large stock ol OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOVES TiNWARE &C, That he keeps at Ills Old Stand in tills Place, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE. AttheSouthwet Cor n3r of Wood Farm, WHERE HE HOPES. By tie aid of Compsteiit Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the Mechamcal Department, THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND LIBERAL DFALIXG GEN ERALLY, To merit and receive liberal en- cqurasjement from operators in that locality. IMiEASE ttlVE MEACALl. James A. iiRSRRrrr. Pr.ol unO eiitrs Kept i, 189. tf FURNISHING GOODS MEDICINES. OIL Ol'ERA'WSr; Can ahvays find the ciENriNi I'lymoutu Cables and New York Belting Co's Belting and Rubl)er Goods, botli of which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of eoods. F. W. AMES, HARDWARE DEALER. TTTUSVILLE, PA. mfty5 6ra J. A. PLAftJTE, French Boot Maker Washington Street, TnitEE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, lETKOIiEU31CEATKE,Pa., Is mannfactnrine to order FIKST CLAS9 FINE WORK, uch a Patent Iieather Boots, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Solo Boots, Scotc Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE 191 FRENCH STTLE. samples. J A. rLANTG. Petrolenra CVDtre, I'a , July 2 Sw. lAf.l. TICKET C"t up in;8TYLE a' lh UECUKD OKr'K.V TELEGiuAPH IlKI'rmTKD roi! THE PAII.V HEt'OKD, Afternoon Dispatches. St. Louig, June 17. Charley Gallagher bar challenged Tom Alleu lor $1,000. In his challeniie Gul- luuher recognizes Allun ns llio winner of tbe tiRlit. All llic Seconals nuulished yes terday morning scout nt tie idea of Allen committing a luul on McCoole. Tho Miwotirl Railroad commenced sellins tickets to San Francisco for $15S :ij under the arrangement just entered into between tho L'niou and Central Paeillc Roads. H. E..FISHER 9 Petroleum Centre, DKALKtt IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Trn isnmtiiv I), lUUUIllltUI) CHEMICALS, tnoicE roitnoN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy G-oocls. IMPORTED SOAP', BRUSHES, AND P Drnisists Kind lies !' rri'rription fimnon tided flora jiuro iind cluicc natcrta!. IK YOU II AY 'NT S EEN I GO AN D SEE IT The Magic Match. Petroleum Centre, June, 1SU0. juu7. Coal! Coal! Coal! rpnit ntdorsijueJ, lmvtog utsbliibed a branch Yard at Rynl Furm, arc now' prepared to fami.h All Mes of Coal At tiie Very Lowest Prices. npfrstorn from fharrytrea Run. and Tieinity, llTine at IVtritliunif'eiilie, c.nn leave their orders at our office lire. and h ue ihem promptly (tiled from the Uyntl Farm Yard, AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. IOX'T FOKG'T TIIE PLACE SEAItLKS & COTWWF.M,, Orflce on O. C. A. R. K., Fstroleam Cantre. B nuicn Umca at Kyuu t arm. N. B W hold xelueive control f the famnua STONEBORO COAL. both tha aboa aamed polnU Jnn? tf. loWs Oil Graft Pipe . Works IHA. IIOUSON i CO., Corner of Seneca and Centre Bts, cast sido of Oil Creek, Uil Lilly, ra. FlflTinr; ndilfd a powerful Rteara Englna and three lart;e It r.s. to our atreauy e&K-inive at)inul:ic luiinu Ftjibllalituent, arr uow pre)ared to do all the MCeasary wyra, m niiiuu up, auu repairing ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fnot du all Machinery Job Work cntrnatcxl tor uuitniKa and iliviatcn auu Jlnma riMlK B. Ilowaid 4fn , 1'. H. ltartlett Tremont I Waf li Jind National WatdtCo W'.iK o can hi had ISaAM rf Co. U. AiloKier large auick of Wall 1'apjr ju.i r reivtd at A n..MH.l KR Co s i.r, 1 1, III A It K UTS. Omi:u or ) Tun I'kt'm ChxTnu Dati.y Ukcorii. I'm m Cbnthk, Juua 1 Shipment", 2338 hartals. Tba market is iiiit-t but firui, 1000 barrels sold this morning nt 8. O. .'10 days at 5.20; 000 spot at 5 25; 200 for local luaiket 5 50. ri:Tiio( riaiki:t--uy ! i:i,. I.lilUl'll. Special Dlapatime.i to tli Ilaily UnrorJ. I'lTTfm.'ltuH, June 17. Spot 14', asked. First watui- . S. O. all tho year 14. 1!. O. first 0 months . S. (. liisl (i months . II. O. all the year 17. I! () July. 13. Market tjuiet, but firm. Sales. 0000 S O all year 14. riiii.inELrnii, Juno 17. s iot so'.;. June, 314 lo .lime lo July June to May June to Dec. .Inly 31 ( July to August July to Soulenber . July to October July to December August 33 t August to Sop t. Ausust to Oct. Aug. to Dec. October to Deo. Crude bulk. 16!. Market Quiet, shndo weaker. . New York,- Jud 17. Receipts Refined, Crude. Mils. Naptha, bids. I.ennei July.- Ciudc, 16' to 17. Juno, Market--Vcry quiet. Liverpool, June 17, 2 p. m. Reflncd l'J.'d. Spirits, . London, June 15.- . Ppirh. -d. I p. in. Refined, Antwerp, Juno 172 p. m. Crude . London, 5 p. m., Juno 11. Refined 20'.; d. Snot 8 Antweiip, 5 p. m. Juno 11. Crude IS'.,'. Western l'niou Llae market deport. New Yolk, Juuo 17. Crude, in bids. 22 at 22tii. Crude, built, 1C,'6 to 17. Kelined, firm at ,'ii)32. July and Aug. 32. fcupt. pnld, . ReHned P. L S. to W., ; S. W., Sales, for July delivery at 3134 ; 15000 gallons sold for 39; gold, II?.3. Market yuUit. Pittsburgh, Juno 17. Spot 1G''. Market Quiet. Pliiladulphia, June 17. Crude 16 1-2 P. L. W., 30:'S. W. 31. Market Firm. Cloaine New Vuru.tlarkci. New York, June 16 2:10 p. m. Cm do lli,. Reflned " Market Quiet, but Arm. UOI.D I.N NEW lllltK. Nkw YortK, June 17. Gold- .Ha If OTICS TO OIL OPERATORS. Tt.e undenignM, ant for the Metro politAu Oil Company, now offere !o lens the territory of Mid (Jompauy, in luU of two acrce each, for one-fourth royalty. This Urm is situate on Cherry Tree Hun end live on the JUGU. VEIN Which concccta t..t U'ood and Picrson Farnia Willi ' CHARLEY -iUiV TERRITORY. l or further l artlcnlar apply to the original D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytrea Run. Or uddreia, "BOX 117," Petroleum Centre, Peso. April IS -1m. SEARLES & C0RNWELL, Dcilcy jj in n O A. . J22 D.ilivriv.i nr it tha Yard hy thn car nr ton Apr II t A. D. MILLER Jk CO.'S COLUMN - A, 0, MILLER & CO- WlioloMI ud ltevall Uaaleni la DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C Was hiny; ton Street, iiriKti.i:i;.ii u:iiti:, Pa. Their Stock consists of everything in tbe line of Dm s & Medicines ! PURE LIGiXJOriG, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSED, Wholesale and It e tall Agent fur yokviitf: STOMAcn bittkih, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS. CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD 4. BENTLEVS COUGn SVRUi MAC.1C MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO S (il)I.DEN PILLS, WALKER A HAZE'S CIGARS. JAYNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERM A DOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac. Ayer', Marsilen's, filler's, llnmiictli a, MelAtie'a, viii,n', Cniit)llc, Motlat's, VilmiN', llprrich's, Men's. Wrinii'la, MoniWi, Hailwav1 It R Jaynu't, K'lmuk''. ,Ii.l-c--.'. S-lieunk's. Clark's Femsle. ('hecstMniiri'! Diiou..,u's, Uw4 VulttU'tf, do, &c Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Rrushes, &f. COUGHS, COIi1S, Ac. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ggJayne's Expectorant, Wnrmien s ijaim, Schcnck'n Syrup, Universal Syrup, ExcoljiorSyiup. Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coo's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Dentin's Rnlsnm. Bryan's Wafers. " Olive Tar. Brown's Troche, Wishavl's Pine Tree 1 r. Seward's Cough Cure, Batetnan's Syrup. C'oti(h Candy, Ao Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Beat Ever Itronsht to the till leoKlou. HAIR UESTOBATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S. RING'S, CnffVALlER S. HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTFR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. BITTERS. HOOT", CONSTTTnrtON,'lfX. DltAKT'S, NIAOAH.t STR, 1('I'1 .V S MIKHI.EHf, HOSTETTK'i'S, Sf'FElt'S. UOOl'LASD'S", CAI.l'lHNIA, ATIW OOb'S, rnoToxuiE juos, .to WALL PAPEK3, Curtains and Bustle Simile. PAIXTS, OILS, VAB.M"IIES, ;IjASS, PUTTY, tJliUE, Tiirpenti'ic, ponscs, Iy Stuffs, Ilryei-s, KF.riLBtS' SISFL!ES, Lani Oil,1ioi'UMliic 0!!, &cv LAMPS, tAP FIXTURES, ic. Scotch Ale, Kenmett Ale, Congress Water. PRESCRIPTION- COM. POUNDED AT ALL HOUHS Of TIIE NIGHT AMI FUND A VS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES SUROICAL INSTRUMENT;?, TRUSSES, I'oiuK alonir. ennio one. eemo all It d'in't r.ur any, thinf t" at troods.and we will try w trial A. T VII,t,JR T-l