DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL msjiw. urn a; -vr: :.. DAILY .3f TCS ATION or TUB riTHOLE DAXTS USCORT).) VOI III. NO. 18 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY ItECOHD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, j V. II. LONGWLLU, Proprietor. Per year payable In advuuuc, IS 00 I CT IllUllin, iku-e-mst ov advertising, (Ten lines or nonpareil make one snnaro.) If No. Insertions. 1 so. H mi. K Hf. M col t riu d , Two days. Three days, Four days, l-ivet'ays, t'ne wook, Two weelcs, 'I liven weeks, Ono iimnlh. Two mmulis. Three moultis, Six months. N;.nu month, Out year, 7.. 1 IK' 1 Be f I 60 s ro 6 50 7 IK) l 3 a k s it (HI a mi 8 on 8 50 4 611 7 BO 10 on 12 IK) IS 00, IS 00 80 OH 4 ") 00 00 00 2 00 i Sift a r 4 51 li III 7 H! 10 IK 8 In 8 (10 8 no 14 00 16 IK) ao oo 80 00 40 on 60 OO 80 00 wo oo 8 M 0 (to! r. oo 10 oo! 12 Ml; 15 00! 97 00 Sfl (HI 4K (HI1 li on ai in Special notice 20 cents per lino, each insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly in advance BUSINESS CARDS. J. KLLIOli', ATTO IS.E Y-AT-Ii A XV , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETKOI.ECS1 CENTRE, PA. rR"slnes in the Court! r.t Franklin i rotuplly at Uiid.il OKMCR-in Hin-ll Co's Brick Bank Build raj;, up stairs), V, ushiiigton St. oil Sstf. AL.KUKT . Il.tVKIt, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE .Tn the llrlrk Hunk Bulldlns;, corner of vtiumiugion nnu ahiai directs, I'ETROT.ErM CENTKE, PENN'A. ay 11), l ,iw.tr. ATTORNEYS&COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Omcrlll ;ii street, Franklin, ard Petroleum Cen. 're, r. jnnylD-tf. L. lli-ALPIMl, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE TVrry'a nfw Pnllrllrc, corner of Wnsh lnylmi ond Second ets., l'elroieuin C'cutre, P. mnyl'.l If. t. g. csncisru:, ,u. n., PHYSICIAN AND FHKiK'lN! Oflleo oppojlle the.McKinitoy HoiMe, PleasnntviPe, pa. Porsons from a illstuni c will penerallv find Wm at his OIUco on aturdny froti 10 a. in , to 3 p.m. sepH t r. WII.SON. H B VAN VEL.0R WILSON VAN Vi:i.Mll, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM. OFFICE,Mere.nntllo Bnlldin?. Oil City Pa., and "wmon : piiweru; l-Cil'oleuill centrei'a. inly ar.th. ir'.r tf. James Robinson, Tank Gauger, BOX 380, PETROLEUM CEXTRE, PA. jnnlOtf GEO. II. ItlSSEMi Sc CO., BANKERS. PETBOI.Et'in VENTRE, PA. 5orge H. Blwell, James A. Williamson iuoi msnop, jn. v. nartin. We otfer our soMcm Tor the transaction of a ?52JRA(' BANKING, EXCHANGB and COL IECTION BUSINESS. Any business animated tn nnr era will Muwlm Prompt attention. Jul7 tf. H. C. Jarvis, Dealer la CABINET FURNITURE ! Y LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON II AINU. GLASSES In (n-ea variety. Looklns lopiacea in oia f rames. Picture Frames made to order. Carpets, til Ctotls Ua t'aper, Window Shades, A FINE 8TOCK. pviFINs , of J1 8ZC, 0D hand and trimmed g wr uu eiiori nonce. PASH, CIAZS AND BOORS, Varulsh, n, c. Petrols 106 WASHINr-TON-8T. "KWloura Centre, Bept 8, jSHB-tf- PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., THUaSL&Y "EVBaiwS JUNE17T 169 HOTELS. QL DXTIIANGE IIUTICI,. M.T.MIIXKH. . . Proprtetnr. r Tliu Itin-eM and mot eomnindiouii Hotel in th hmmli i ple-.antl .if.ated. room, eooland lejni, mnkinn it a delli;l,ii,l :tel In all re-pect Petroleum Centre, April 16, Kit. !Ociii:ste iiorsn, WftBhlnston street. Petroleum Centre Pa BHADSTREEr KIIEUWOOI), 1'Bopranon Petroleum Centre, Pa., May 19, 1F6S tf. QE.NTKAL HOUSE, PKTHOLEDM CEXTIIK, PA., Near Oil Creek A AlleghMy Kiver naihvay Depot. maylfl lf. o. J. CKOSH, Proprietor. PETKOLECM CEN'TIIE, PA. Tilspopulai Hotel, itu.ited Corner or .naln A VnliIiiPto-)--;;., Nrtlio roio'. linn hren reflt'. il m d fiirnN' to make it a r "v rlc lor w ""I""" ln FIRST-CLASS -noi5E. ""ig-lf c fiKraWor.D, Pronrletor. MEKICAN HOTEL, PETROLEUM OEXTStK, PA. J. U. BAHNKS, ... . . Proprietor. This Hnusn Is in nleiiaanr lnj,ii. .. k... . Hiort walk from the Ilepot The room's ire lai-o Alld comfortnMe. snrl tlm tm.Wa ,n.ll.w1 .t.n delicacies of the Bowimi. J'"" J. R. BAUXEH.. pRANKLIN HnrSE. MILLER FARM STATION, .(On OI. Creek Pallroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. '. W. TWIST. . ' . Troprietor. ' N'l ElIX.fllOMAI, Mill ."IlI.I.EK Mm, rj. JOTIN E. MlrtVE, . Pro;, :. . Cooi neoinn,'!i1l,-,c f..F . ....-.. By Bonn) .mil I!ir.l win. i,,Mia on re.i amMe terms. Tin, nrnprlKlnr will li ;nln8 in i,; iii0 his Unute ntlr'ieiive lo srno tp. inre-1 f Xj NION KOTtSU PI.EASANTVI! I.'-. PA Th! Hii'isp luiT'iT reeenilr I "en enlnrrri nriil re. urn Jsh1. 1 nm now piepirel to n-comn.oduto two hundred L'liets eomforlalily. Stin!s Jenvo this house il'in" Ihr, a ,).,v f,)r T. tni''p 'Hiere Is alo n I'. e o"sm -e to pithole '"-f TIIDS. ?. ,;IUNX;v, l'rop'r pOX HOt'SE SA.I?LI3 FREO.C. HYRE Proprietor. PLTJASANTVri.LE, PA., .... n'P 'o I'resl'vterinn Church. 1 rhi-rf - OIFj city, PA. ITavintt recently taken possession ot the shove Ilnnia, wewonld mo.st rcspee.tfnlly Inform the trav eling pnhltc that ve propoo o"!;e,'pn Hotel," nnd to convince them of the art, wn mite all who wih the comforts of a home, to cal upon us. It will be fcnna The Hotel of the Oil Rrgioim. Onr Pimple Room is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors' and Citars, and mtr tablo will be found laden with the very bent the market affords. Tiiere Is connected with the IIou?e four ru st class Billiard Table. Also, Birlv r Simp and Bath .kjm , e ? ar'' ""nvlucc yourselves ol the truthlulness of our aescrtiou. otf-tf JAHIES4;. WHITE. C0EFIELD & PERRY'S Boiler Sh o x ! I In rear of Fisher & Norris's Machine Shop) PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. Boilcri and Stills Itepaired on short notice, FLUE-SETTINO AND REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WORK WARRANTED. Boiler find Engine for nalo. C. D. THOMPSON, M. O., ECLECTIC PIIYSICIAN, NO. 1, OIAltlOND STREET, (Up.StRlm,) TITTJSVILLE, PA Mayl?itf. It'lClCES'I'EIt ITF.3S. Eochratcr is putiently woitior for "etlitf. rial niildnoss." Tbe MeihodiBis of Victor will Uy toe oornor gloii of their new church Tuisday, Juno 18th. Catherine: Spear, relic of Eboiezer Spear, died in Webster, June 6lh, at he advanced ase of eighty-seven years. Mrs. Spear com with her husband from FalnSyta lo 1807, and jellied upon tbe same form upon which they both have died. ! The Universalis closed a two days Con vention in Victor lust Friday.' Several Rochester niusiclang propose giv ing a concert in Erockport til a few days lor the benefit uf the Sapbath School of tbe Presbyterian Society. A htkam rotieratin apparatus for fire entities, tviiicli, it is Rsiertil, keeps the water in tbo boiler constantly hot, at an expense or seven eontx a day, ! has been re cently ti-steil liy the chief ej;ineer at the .Nv.rk. N. J., liro department. At the ii il. a:i al-trra was communicated by the ti'b'or.ipb, tlie boises wera attached, and the steam online was run out a shortdis. tanec. In lour uml n qnarler minutes from llio time Hie alarm liuil been given, Bter.m was gsneiateil nnd n fine Btrenn of water was pl.iyiti. A boy in AVst Erookfieid, Mss. recently lound ti sjinll bird's nest which was duly protected by a one cent revenue stamp properly cancelled, and thoroughly attach ed to the nest by its -builden This bird evidently knows m.oro ' than some men. fir it is ofien the casa that a man cannot ell whether be wants a one, two, five or ten cut stamp fir the docifnint in hand. Lawyers nte Loved. The birl evidently ssUed tin questions! j . An eastern observer traveiug ihV West, writes about Omaha nvfollows: "During the past two yearsftniaha has ushe,l fAi-ward at an almost feverish rate of activity, but since the conclusion or the Pacific Railroad and the consequent loss of an imnii-so aiuuunt of trails, it has bardly '.el'l its own, n;ul no'.v beats with a lower pulse. When, however, the elements here stenily thetrs-lves nnd businrii falls into its normal and natural channel (anii t,-lk is now rapidly notnins about, ) I expect to n-e a steady, healthy Hnd lusjinR growth.' Its tneicliunts nie 'standino' for' a big future and are now occupying their Ibougbls in devising ways and means whereby to cut out Chicago from tho trade west ol the Missouri by underselling her." S ':n'l boy loolsed under tbe canvass which hid the three-eyed ox, in Louisville, and was probed through the head with a pitch fork. HEALTH IN COAL I T V.AV, fLnp"al'!S, Cnn1 t the end of the all US' Brld""'' whprn wiu boconstonu, kept STEAM AND STOVE COAL. Teams com'ng to my yard for Coal, win have Free Passa?e Over the Creek Uri!ge. OPERATORS Would do well to eiujiilre at the ofllcc, and will ftnd it to their advantage to deal with me. Petroleum Centre JSC!). Alisma Ustweek we called attention to the Constitution Bitters of Seward & Bcutley, and now we take picu.-mro in noticing their Alisma for tbe hair, which is said to 1 a wiry fine articlo for the toilet. We are of the op'inlon that tho pronara tlonsors.&B nr. all good, for the reputation they sustain as llru.'irhti Is good evidence that thov would not p it anything In the market or an ordinary chnrneisr. Messrs. A. D. MILLEIt & CO have it for ml. and we hope all onr friends will try It . ror:i Rroni'lua! !r'in, try Seward's f ""nr'h n't iIJiHjiIUJ Day AND LVKNING, oveu ri:i::i siii'tt's sa- JiOOX, NEXT DOOR TO A. D. MILLER & CO. FRED SCIIUTT. Mite's, Paritm, an I Private Famlliessapplled wit the choicest Ice Cream, on short notice and on the best of terms. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers in all kinds of WEliLi TOOLS A: FIXTUIIES Necessary for loitllmr down nnd operating Oil Veils. In connection with our MACU1NE SUOP, we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our ricillties for MANPFACTURiNG arc not ex celled by any Shop In the Oil licgiuns. fihnp .lafn-f,oiposte Mct'lintwk House. nnJ7tf FISHHIt NOKHIS. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH ' OYSTERS ! Received ALL TnE LUXU RIES ! OF THE SEASON! DAILY! Ki-tM Wiishiitston Street, etfolcnra Centre, Pa., next door to Ishuiu & Co.'s T. XV. SAXDS. Proprietor. P:iy Ratdfrs necvimmod .ted. Meuls served all hour.. Oysters, ai.d every deseription of tame uniKlud miest.. B No imii is will be spnred lo necommodat those who fiivur us with their patronage. t. . , T SANDS rretnlemn Centre, Jan.O, Ififj?. tf. Morning Noon Night, And at all other times at the OLID sTAisrr, Second door from Opera Hons?. IlmiiiD Fif.rd ray Hoem Sratty, lam prtpared to SERFS &Xa1m 117,0 may favor me teilh their ratronaje, with a EUraiOH ARTICLE ! Don 't fnrzet tho place, HECOND POOR FROM THE OPEliA HorHF. J. W. Beatty. Petroleira Centre, May 18th. li',9. may341m. HEN KY E. WRIGLEY, CIVIL, ENGINEER ANJ STJBVEYO H , HERALD BLOCK TITISVILS.E, . . '- . . PA Surveys or Level Ilapj, Tracings, Building Plans, and Patent Drawings. OK HAND, A laige sleek of his seasoned and painted Lease Stakes, OF I.AHfiE SIZE, AND WITH TAINTED NUMBERS, Which are being universally used. THE NEW MAP OF THE ENTIRE OIL REGION IV FA K TON. rnrKF.r fokm, x "t fllfkb r Jill . . v ';.i,.J Oil (M Hlleglieiiy Kiver K. ii. WAIlltKN FUANKLIN. Y P?1 K 1 1 H ANIMIli, CHliUU KAtLKOADS CON.lDl.lDATKl). NEW AND MOST DTb'MCT ROUTE TO , THE OIL REGION. 1803. WINTER A It It ANn EM EN T. 1881 ' TIM 13 TABLK. ON ANT) AFTKU MONDAY, APUIL fTll, . istw. trains will nin ns follows: G0INl NOKTIT YO OIL CITY PBTBOLKI'IW CENTItE. TITUSV1LLE AND (tOHIlV. 6,I. A. SL, Express. arrives Tiuiolite al 7 .'111 & ni., ()l(,po:li ut 8.fi7 a. in., (coMUKitiu there with trains for Pllhole), Oil Ciiv fta.a. ni., JN'froleninCi.ntrelO.lu a. ii", Boyd Kami lo.lH a m , Miiinr Kami 1,,.. 85 a. m., Titinville 10.54 a. in., arriviiut at i'orry at 12.2.1 p. m. i!A P. M. 'lull, arrrivea . dlonte a 16 p. m ocopolls4 II p. m. (c meets with train lor Pithole City), oil City 4.45 p. m., IV troleum Centre 5.i?5 p.m., Uuvd Fain. B.'JS p. m., Miller Farm 5 45 p. ni.. TituK- ' ville 1104, p. m., an ivliitj at Corry at . 7.35 p. m. l'f, A. M., Aeeon-mndntloiifroiii Oil Citvar St.-HJ rives at PelioU-uin Centra ;.7 a m..Brid , Farm t ill a. m., TUinv.IIo 7.15 u ni.. arrivins at Corrv at 9 So a. r . aoiNo poiitii Ynm couky, titpsvili k. PKTKOLKCM VKNTHB OIL CITY. iltJLX A. M., arrives nt Titnsviile M.10 a m. ''t it 1 1 Alllli r Farm 8..Ti a in. Ilovd Firm S 50 a., ni. Petroleum ( entre 8 5a' a m. oil t iiv 9.IJ4 a. m., (Meniinlia In 10 a. ni , Tiiii- oute 1 1 11 !10a m., and Ii vlneton li' iS n in 1l, j i P. -M , arrives at Tilusviiln a.la p. m.,?lilicr Farm a.Mpm, It,,yd Farm 2.51 l m. Petroleum Cenlre 2lG4fi. in i Oil City 3.31 p. ni., leave Oil Citv 2 40 (.. m, anives Oleonnlii 4 11 p tn, fcoiineei with train for PitholeJ, Tidioutc 6 5 p. m , nnd Irvinoton H.ao p. m. 5,f P. M , Aceommod'ition from Conr ar ' rives Titasville V.oii p. m, miller I'arm , 7 2-i p. tu, Boycl Farm 7. p m, Petrole- , nm Centre 7.44 p m, arriving at Oil City ! HSO D in. CONNECTIONS. Trains North connect at Corrv jrlth Philadelphia , & Erie li. It., and Atlantic 4 Great Western Hull way, East and West, and also with Buffalo, 'Curry and I'iltsburKh railroad fer Buffalo Trains connect at nil Cily with Franklin Branch . for Franklin, Meadvllle, and the West, and al Ir vlneton with Phil. Erie It. It East arm Wm. Stnndiiid time iwintv minutes faster tlain Frank lin Branch nnd A. O. W. H. It. timd. Passenicers will (lnd this road a s ire, pleasant and the shortest mine to and from the oil region. All trains West from trviueton leave after arrival of trains on P. A K. It. It. Be sure nnd ak for Through Tickets via Oil Creek & Allegheny Hlver ltallway, the Ureat rihori lout to the Ollliivlon. U. V. tWEETZEK, (len'l Hiiperlnteniient. C. J. HEPBUUN, Ass't Supeiinteudent. llil!7. A CMItf) TO TMF MDM K. PIMiSfor Fcmalett. ivfttiblo In retired irromil'iiitit, romovinx ohstruniuns tirihe mnntluy turns, fruui Latvrr ohiim!, ond nlvvnyr hiii tpmiI as a preventive One ptll is a dom IVnmle m mliarly Pi tun ted, or thnpe PnppOrini.'t1Pmfnlvt'S fo, nro cmitioned ncnintt usin thtsc 1'MIh, whiin in ttmt condition lost thoy invltn mlHrnrrintrif. at'tpr sh eli ii'ininriit'on thn proj rifor nsumon no 10 epniiRihilitr. ultli'tutfti their TniMne-' w'Uid p'vnt any ini-chiefto hcnltli; ijthorwio tlin i'llio nn; r roinnu ndd as a nio-t mviilna'i.e n iiuiiv for i l:o al levintion ortl;o4 Mtfi'triiiff iron, any irrcnlimtics wluitevtT. n well ns t prevent an iniTeae of fami ly when lienlth will not permit ir; rpin'iitu: thi nervf antl litinLMnu back tlin "nwy color of iie.tltb" to tVe check of the nioul deliratn. Full arfi explicit din -clioiia accompany oath box . Price $ 1 por box; C bxt, Sold In IVtroInim tVntro, by A. X). MU.J.VM A CO., Sole Airents'' fur ivtmlrnni (Vntre, P. Ladioi! Ry (tend !n l' tfiem il to ilie I Vn op-urn On tre P. O. caa havn tlic Piil Hint Fti.fintiitinliy by raail to any part -f tne cor.ntrv, live, of chtrrflT Bold fclso bv H. C- A t . 8 faik, 'J'jiimHUn, Pa. ; A. it. OriiV.ih. (Ml Citv; Flemmx A: Kr. Pin(. Franklin; Dr. J. 1. Aciajb. Tidioiite; K. T. Ifiiziton, Warren ; and liv "one Prugi-t" in fveiy toviii In the D li'ed stares, and bv j4 S. D. 1IOWK, J'r.ip'r, r York. Col. J, B. R5SOWN ?icCSi,l, Dtalers in Oltf LANDS, LEASES, EXGlXi:$. &a. PLEAflANTVITJ.!?, PA. J28-tf. mht W Five (Saw! .faurnoynip:, Carncittd'is ! ' OWINRtnthe ineres.e of mr hnslnens I nm compe loci to hire more help to. keep up with the demand for my labor STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMfiKli OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! Of all kinds constantly on baud at p-t lard, and will he sold at . IW REASONABLE R.MEKjgJ M. MU.VTAN. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 24tn, W. tf. NFW (SELECT. ( IKOI.. Mss Barssk heg to announce tb ii'he will ,-peu a private srhool in Wm. Brake's hutidin? i-Jjoin-iu tbe Atuericsn Hotel on Monday Msv l,t Hours ol tntion from o m , till la m.. and from t . 30 till 4 p. m Term -for pupils under 12 -.-er' 0 -re erireak over 17 ya i s t pc v'-.k J