1 r A. T. LEG6E1T, lianulacluror and Dielst to ETil HWE3SS, Seed Bags; Valve C ups, &c. Experienced work met. arc employed. and Har ness of all kind kejt n.tantly on hand and made to order. P. C. Hcin' Iat. Seed Bag I or Sale. ' Repairing jOotie at all Times ! Call r.Tid exiinlns eur stock and prices, Ualn-St., below lie iHcCliii lock Home, Petroleun Centre. Pa.. Jan Tth. 1M -O A. puce to e in . worth of ronr mor.ov t at the NT3W KL'UI AND KKKU S'rOHK AO I.CM WKH TM!f) of I.. IH. MTEUNBtltG Ou .where lb ere U alwAVt a MAN" rwdv tn taow their ciitomers their lnrp tcik of FI.orH, HAY. And all kinds or FEE and the place alsto wiiu;e may be IFOUND A lree assortment or tint class Rornn AMD DRESSED I.IT.MDKH. LATH, SjHINOLES. C, at the vei7 lowest eash prices Those who are not DEAD To their mi interest, and wish tn deal with men who rtn Im'lness on the square, will flud It to their interest to give ne a call before purchasing else . where, and ace what we can do for you nsr onr linn of biifi,fM. J"3P AH Orders and tenralns promDtIv amended to. Po nnr forsrot th pin-". H POSIT B TIIK HOCUESTEK IIOCSE. WASH INGTON STliEF.r, Petroleum Centre, Pa. 1.. M. STERNRT7RG, IP. H. WARNER. Fcbl3tf. AMERICAN ComblntUlon and Oyeraeamttig Sewing- Machine ! This Machine la warranted to erecnte In he greatest degree of perfection, all kinds end varieties of Sewing. Hemming, Felliue, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering and Sewing on, Qjilitlng, Ac. that la or can hn done by any other machine now oelore the public. Thia Machine eMa-fa to-dv tvlthlnt 1 rlvsl In Ita celebrate.) I Overeeamiu, itl Xb irrin on the Edge, aud Button Hole and E,ui u2w & tn all kinds of fabrics. throne of sho-e Machines csn be seen at the room over A. D. JMiller & Co. 's Drnff store JT. G. COFFIN. mchlS. . Agent IS HAM & CO., Watchmakers & Jewelers, IN; OPERA nOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETROLEUM REHIBE, PA.,1 Keep conftnt'.ly on hand a large assortment ot WATCHES, JEWELRY, riSriTt.t. REVOLVERS. FI8IITNQ TACKLE Cortrldges, Sc., and will aell at eaetem prices. t watch work warantad to Rive satisfaction. CAirrrori TO oit, opekatoks. ALL jieraona are hereby cautioned against buy ing or nalng Sucker Rods, wftti Socket Pointa, the Socket belne wedged on to tho roda with either woodtn or metaiis wedges a4 connected together Vie a connactmt! bolt, except of my manufacture, aa I am thrt solo owner of the patm t-fbr connecting rude In this manner ; all others mada anbaUntlally aa above aw direct infringcmmtM on my rights, and alljiartlea using rods so connwted, not of my mm ul'acture, lay themselves liable to, and will ba proa edited accordint; to law. W. J. INNIS. p. 8. Thia notice la Inserted, not aa a mere Mca.c crow, but will be attended to, and rigidly en. forced, Arr.l0.8m. W.J.I. Pianos ! Pianos ! Manufacturers, JAMBSTOWN. N. V. Also, ex- ciuiive .igruu iur in ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN S!mit Music, Strings, &c. rjrseud for Illuatiatel Cata'.ogna and price list GAOHUI A BttOWN, Warerooms 4 1 Main Street. Factory Brooklvn Block, foot of Maiu-rit maj'ZI-tf. IIISSOI.CTIOX NOTICE. ri Ml K Co iwrtr.ershMately exist Ina between James n nuienora anil i iurles Lockheiid, of Petrole wiin Centred enaneii county. Pa , nnder the arm fi one of HiiUierfurd A Locklifiad. i this dav dlasol. ve1 by mutual coutcnt. All debu oivIiil; to the sua uariiinrshrp ro ice pal'l to Jame Untl.cr firii, a'i'l all fte.nauda against the late firm will be S'iflMlby in..., JMS HUTIIPilPORn, CIIAKf.ES LOCKIIRAU. Ittted Petroleum Contra, June Sih. JuuM 3w Another large Muck of Wall Paper Just re Wciljit. A. D. MILLER Jt Co.'s O. F. SCHOIVBIiOM, iroyrtetor of the Buffalo Bakery. n.t. , ohntM Flour. Butler. Eecs and Cbeeet. Alio, choice Groceries, Petroleum Centra, rn. - . a ... V t n nn uraere ten win it i",uli"'' ' , ; Oooda)eUered. PoetotUce Box 1163. myld - THE WOKLD-HENOWNKD six; i: it SEWING MACHINE INQHIUE OF J. L. JOHNSON, SOLE AG JJo. 22, Wanhiugton St., Petroleum Centre Pa. GEO. H. BL1NKBERY, Solicitor. maylO: John C. Welch, Scneca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer in Gibbs, Itussell & Ccs ISodias; and Fishing Tmh, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving. Pipe,. Derrick Irons, Grato Bars, Balance AVhecls & Pullifs, all flzc. My connection with Meadvillc and Plttshnrh foundries ia such t lint I can gut out all kinds of Cartings at abort order. JOHN C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. IT, 1869. tf. NEW HARDWARE store ! KOBEUT DHVAf & CO., Bt'ir leave to announce tn the citizens of Petroleum Centre and vicinity, that they have opened a new utore In the-tear of the office of the Central Petrol, eum C'omiHinv at the railroad crosniiv'. where thev will kevp constantly on liand n full aaaortnient of evcQ'tniug m mo uarcware line, eucn aa . TIN AND SHEET IRON WARF.--C3, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Bryan hnving b.-en encaged In the bnalnem with Mfmrm wtn.pr H n'e. tor ninr vonra niuit. will attend particalarlj to the business of manufacturing SMOKE STACK?. AU klnda of Tin and Sheet Iron Wore to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, 4C. . They have a Saw Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr:!). Pianos ! Pianos I ! Organs ! Orpins ! EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS! SillTH S CELEBRATED AMEI. ICAN ORGANS ! NO T I C 33 . The nndArNlvTitV havlm? tiv BTsArlnt fHintrvrt with W. p. KMEKHON. Ei . nnd S. U.fllirt II. W. Smith, been duly Hppoinfort hv thrm Soin Armt fr the Bale of Uiir CKI.KBKATEJ) INSTltU MENTS in Warren, Forest, Vt'nunno, Clarion and Jp'eraon count ic?, hereby mutton tho citizen- o wild countifrg acaintt n-'L'otinting with any other persona claiming to bt the Agenta 01 oltlmr of the above ntioicd firtna, as alliuch are IMTOSTOKti. JV. E 7 8 K I N IV E II , 4 Pealer in PIANOS. ORGANS. MELDDEDNS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, SPREABS Ac, Ac. Centre.St., oil. CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept 14, IKB8.-1I. UV thc -E. Tlowsru Amcrtran Watch, the dost iiiaiio, oi iniiam CO IGLisn and SWISS WATCTISS or Ihe flne.t iu fS'i 1 A" i . n s,lver r'i attisiuM Ot',Mn Opera House Building. HARDWARE OIL CITT. BOBSON'S Oil Cbfek Pipb Works. CHAUIiES BB01V Ac Co.," Corner of Oeneca 'n.r. Kmx aiae oil sjrecaii - , Dealer! In Morrla, Taakcr Co'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, iUO, WORKING BAKREIJ AND VALVES, MTUr r 1U isi.r..--t CLAMPS, TONOS, SICKER RODS, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries SKBT "SHLWiaa pumps: (.Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE- tinctiii-B, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS GOODS, TEA VS JVST$S"aMXG, and B08K, UARDWARE, HOCSB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tooli. Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axes, ColToe Mills. Table & Pocket Cutlery; Full AMortmcDt of Everything In the HARDWARE LINE. irase Pur-dshing Good, Lauus Chitnocye. No. 1 Winter wrn'mil t.aid nil. No. 1 Kellniil I'll. Stui' lt"'. T..hWm DniH M:itS; tlKinniion Clcllirs Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kepainmr of all kinds done wlth-:teatiieM and dispatch. Esptcial atte-ion given to STEAM A:fD GAS FITTING. Wehnvo endeavored to merit the p.Mronaire ol the nubile, and shall uae every exertion to insure 1U continuance. Olir fUCUitieS lor mrnisnini; eT eryinuii; in nnr line, having been greatly increased, In the erection or our wc'.v milium. ui--i"" ?UPRKIOR TO ANY OTHER KSTABLISI1MEXT au"51-3m. IN THE OIL REGION. Auc. ssmoro, MERCHANT iltisseli's Block. Oil City, lias Just received a large assortment or Nun j SPRING & SUMMER GOODS' Of fie Latest Paris, London, and New York Fash ions, compririug in pait CLOTHS of all colore. SCOTCn GOODS of all Bhades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, NESTINGS, CASSI.MERE3, &c. ftod all articles kept In a First-Clasx Tailoring Estab lishment. Trunk. Vol I r a. Fine White Mti 1 rts, liluen and Paper dollar. Hone, SUBnendera. Siiiminer I'liderrlolninsr, Necktie, aud Gents' Furnishlns (ioails. In soneral. All descriptions of Clothing; made nn by experienced workmen, on the shorten notice, in the latest styles, anj at the lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ADO. SIMON. Cil City, Pa., May 1; S3. aepl9 lbHiS-tf. CRANE A; TlfACKEK 134 Rlalden. Lane, N. Y. mmmm merchants, are now prepared to receive os Commission and mime uiuuini nuYniiae in iwiiuun auu veaiere id both Crude and Kcdned Oil. Oil -V IT HI OX.. CRANE, TIIACKER Ac ( c, PETROLEHM CENTRE, PA , Keej) on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC, SODA and GLUZ. Aro prepared to make liberal discount to Reflrere tor uarii, ana will not be undersold in any of the above articles. juuel3 tf. CRANE, TIIACKEIt & CO. F. J. 1IAXX.1 & ., CENTRAL MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASHISGT.OX ST., PE TBOLEl'M CEJVTKE, Iu. BOH.ERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work dona promptly and warranted to uivo satisluction. -if F. . HANNA CJ QO TO ISUAM CO'8 for your Cartridges. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITT. NEW HARDWARE STORE IIEATINU AND COOKING STOVES'. In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHINB BEODSi TINWARE., LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sale CHEAP 1 At the store formerly occupied by Burchne'd aud castorltne. t,ui. m i, i-a. JAKIES U. UEUUIt:. OHCitv-. .Ta.4.1SeH tf. ALL pAPER ! ,3inv Styles for Spring ! JO ODD liens At, Tnm Pi-iW.9.rmssXKr STATIONERY. SCHOOL HOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, Fine C FI E.CM J S, Foreign & American, SHEST MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN GREAT VAP.IETT, As roasooohlo as can be purchased at any pluce iu tlie Oil i:viun. OKHSTOX, ll:EY & Co.. Bipsell's Bank Block. Oil. CITY, I'.V. Oil rOu prt . (rt it, imm-tt A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state ot the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward tt Bentlet, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all druggists. A. 0. MILLER & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Agents for Petroleum Centre and vicinlt'. JuII-Iy! LIVERY FEED STABLE S, Washington Street, opposite Ihe Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PENN'A. I have put In a pood stock of RldinR aud Driving IIors-s, wbicH I will let on reasonable terms. ASso, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Ate. HORSES boarded and red and beat of care guar onted. JanS tr A. SMAWLEV. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK KAN CQOS I have Ranchos or Farms for sale, through out CALIFORNIA, in tracts' or Ono Hundi-ed Acre, up to Twenty Thou baud. Terms to suit pur chasers. These lands will grow Tuirty-Ave to Fifty Bushel, of Wheat to the Acre, with ordinary farm ing, aud a Volunteer Crop of Twenty-Five bushels per Acre. eT- Correspondence Solicited. Address I1ENRY McKENTV, Dealer in Heal Estat,P,;offlcoJ 304 Mon.goin, ry Street, San Francisco, Cal. J- G, OQDE1T, r 1,1)1 1! AiD FEED STORE, 1VO. 3T CENTUE-ST., on. CITV, PA. This Is the best establishment of th kind In the Oil l(;iou. Hoar and Pewl sold M whohsale and n-ui - :iet-tr. RAILRO 5. B crrALo, COBUT "V, .,., ' rrmniRu RAILROAD TIME 1 Takaa affect Honda., November J8&LE, iminiiiins.riAii Imm Pw e mn - 4,' I ; Panama 4,16; Sherman 4,25; SI Clysaer r. si. mnjTiiic 0,vu erriTiug n tiroctotr1111 Bvv R sprees train leaves Corry M So si C P m Panama lo.lo : Sherman 1(1.36 ; Samtnk lSw 66 vlllell.le, and arrivaa at Brecton !, u ) mail iwtTee'voiTT 1,10 r. si., aloppUnt at . )na, arriving at Brouton 4.90 r. M- SOUTHWARD. Hall train leave. BriK ton at s.nn . II stations, arrives at Carry at 11, a r. 'a ul,uulsit r.iptes leaves Brorton at t.SB . a .' v.. S.S5j Summit 3,46- Srern.an4.ooi Panaoi . Clymer 4,88, and Tiving at Oorrv .1 . AcoomnHdation leave Brocton 7,on r ii villa 8,10, Summit 8.4o, Sherman H.55, PansnSS' Clymer ,4t, arriving at Corry at lo,lo r. u. ' PaHetMrrra leave Buffalo on the Toledo r Tlay Kpreaa, oon..ecilng at Brocton Wth tfiTS! ir:Mavvillfk. Hharman. Pftnnma n.M . L i'SHls eiainecting at Corry with trains on the Oil cm? R. for Tllnevlila, Miller, Plonoar and Pet Cen, OllCltyandPlttabutgh v,entrer Aisp, conMetinR at corry with tra ns on the Pkii adelphla Erie Uoad. ftir Philadelphia aid iJWi. burg; and on the Atlantic and Grout Western m.ii way for Tnlon, Mradvllle, Oreenville? p? Warren, Ohio, and Jamestown and Raudolnh'Kv Tralne leaving Oil City at 6,16 a. m., Ctm-v Ii Sjilo a. m., eoniiectlr.g at Brorton with train on B E. It. K., arriving In BufTalo at S,lo p. m Trains leaving Oil City at 9.3S a in will roe,. with Mail Train leavlne Corry at 1.16 p m 5? resting with Express East on B. E if R ! ing la Biiffiilo at tl.no p. in. I.osvii,g Buffalo at 4 oa p. m , arriving at Corry nt 1o,10 p. m. Aio. einieci at .nayvme wltn Stmmboata r'hautauqua jkediinng season of naMgationl Jamestown and Kandolpli. Igaiion, k,r A. R. TREW, Sunt., Mnyvlllc,N. T Janl. Bl ri AI.O AND KltlK RAII.HOAD. On anil after Mondav, Nov. i:inL lsea! Passenger Train- will run on this road as follows: IMIK Bill! IIIHNU KAST. A. M. NIOHT RXPKKSS, stopping ,t Kiplvy, We-lSi-hl. I)i,nkiik s.,V,R..r 1:40 : 10:55 creek, arrivinaat Kunuloat f.tTt A. M. A. M., NISW YOltK KXPRKSS, .ton hillg lit WlMllleld. lll-octiin.llniikli.il h(i. vercrnok, ami Aunolu, ariivin; in BulWc 7'l.l K t 'N INNATI EXPRESS, .to, - piliir at Northeast, WosiSkM, Brocton Dunkirk and Hilvi'rcrcek, aud ariives si Bufliilo nt lo,4S P. W. ",,M' TION, stopping at al 1 sUtions, arriving Buffalo at lu.lo A. M. s '.J.."i P. M., DAY EXPRESS, stopping it .- Northeast. Itlplev, Westll. ld, Dunkirk, isilvcrci-prk anil At: coin, airiv ngat hui fa!o at 7.0o P. M. " LKAVE Bt'Frlv 0't!IO wrsT. P M-, DAY EXPRESS slopping at An. a.l, cola. SilvercriH-l;. IlitiiklrL' 11....... . iwifleld nnd Northeast, an i ring mErie 8.46 P. 711. l.4l' M.. -MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. arsUWTlo.v.sionpirignt all stutionj. arriving at h'ie nt H.5o P. M O'Ki A- '101.KH0 KXPRESS. stopiiinp It s'SV all stations, nnd urriviug at Erie u' lo,Vo IMlfl '' STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop Ping at Angola, Silvercreel:, Dunkirk. Ilroi ton. Wesiflfld anH Nortllcast, arriv. in! nt Erie at l,So A. M. (..V A. SI., MulIT EXPKKSS, stopping Silvarcreck, DuwkL'-k and Westtlcltl, ar rivinir at Eric al 4.4o A. M. Railroa I time is l'l minul.-s tistnr thin Eiie time It N. liltUWX, Oen'l S,:at. T. -M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE' STABLES ! At the E)ci)t, opposite f lie (entral House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. 'piIE liest S-ock of DRIVINO AND SAPDL3 1. HORSES on the Creek, are to be found at M'Doiinld'a Ivcry. CARRIAGES GUTTERS T0 U LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES VEU A: IJOAItDKD i ou licasoimble Terms. Ttaiiiino; f an kinds at tended to Promptly. t7"01vemeacall. , T M'DONAL Petroleum Centre, Nov. II, 16(i8 S. S. G-riswold, Dealer In COAL. Hf Orders by the Car or Ton promptly Filled. Also, Agent for the celebrated KEEL INDUE COAL! OFFICE on Second Rtroot, near R. It. Trscl'j PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. JanSS tr, I'ittsbnrcli, Fort Wayne and Clilcnso Itnilwuy. TIJMG 1AULE. I.UVIS. Oil City, Franklin, Jauestown, Meadviile, Claikeville, New Castle, Ilomewooii, New Brighton, Rochester, Allcgiieuy, 8,10 p.m. 11,120 a. ml 8,55 p. m. 0,51 a. m 9,45 a.m. 1,4.5 a. ni 5,85 a.m. 1,40 p.m. 7,20 a. m. 3,05 p m 8,10 a.m. 3,5Tpn 8,25 a.m. 4.18 p. m 8,45 a.m. 4,35 u. in 10,00 am. 5,50 pn I'lttabitreb ar Itoturuinr? leaves Pitislmrirh nt II.OO a. m.. aud U,UV p- ui 4,20 p. m. '1'1'AINS golns WoBt on Pittsburgh, Fort Wayns and Cliicu-o Railway pass Homewood st 11.00 and 8,42 3,31 a. m.. and 3,5T p m. ; Pass Mans field at 0,40 a. in and 10,14 5,00 and 10,05 p, m i Pass Cresilina at 10,10 a ni., and 10,05, 5,80 and 4,45 p. ni., and srriie at Chicago at 7,00 and 8,20 p m , and 6.20 and 11,20 a. in P. B M1EKS, Orn'l Ticket. Apent. March, Iff,?.- tf. 1 itt.bmj;!!, r- V f 1 K