The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 15, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record
let. Centre, Tnc1ny. Jane 15.
ji. Ji- Editor.
Time of rioaliie Malta.
P. O:, PrranLrtm Omti
Cntil further notice the mslle ""v
d'epsrt from tlili office u fblis:
f-auth and Kant, via. Irvlneton. 10. : A. M
"south and West, " Mesdvllle, B.18P. M.
North and Snot, " Corry, S 5S "
South nd Wort, 8.4S A. M.
Monti Kan add Weet, 30 I. M.
North,' Bast and West, 10.00 A. M.
Ulvine Service.
Preachim at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
o'clock P. H.
Rev. J. T. Oxtobv, Pastor.
Prrvlco every Pshhnlh ot 11 A. M. and
7- P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats free. A cordial invitation ex
tended to all.
Rev. C. K. Hea-io, Pastor.
Mass at 10J4' a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Tbe Pionen school opened yesterday with
seventy pupils. Mr. Alcorn Is principal
and Miss Wright assistant. '
A sixty barrel flowing well was struck
last night on the Evans Tract, Cherry tree
Hun. It is owned by Jones, Harding &
The Races. A large number of people
are in tow to-day attending the races.
The lateness of the hour when the races
take place will not permit us to make a
report until to-morrow.
Prof. Johnny Sweeny.' proprietor of tbe
. pymoashtm finds himself compelled to seek
more commodious qunrters for his business.
We will announce when be makes the
allonge; and nntit then, he will be found
at the old place, in Aken's block.
Skiff and Gatlords- SIinstrelj per
formed at the Opera House, last evening
before a large audience. They ere one
of the best minstrel tronps now travelling.
Their friends will be pleased to know that
they will again visit Petroleum Centre on
the 24tb Inst; -
FRESh Vegetables . Kvbrt Oat w
C. Wucbter, grncerymao, Petroleum Centre,
receive fresh every day. all tbe vegetables
usually sold In the market, and keeps on
band choice flour, and a general assortment
of groceries. Johnny Feller is an India
ponsible acquisition to thisr eseublishment,
will a' tend to tbe wants of customers.
President Grant will attend the opening
ceremonies of tbe Pence Jubilee, and be the
guest of the city of Boston tbe first and
second days. Gov. Clifton has ordered a
military escort for tbe occasion. Tbe city
government will give the President a ban.
quet during bis stay,
Tbo following is an extract from a recent
letter-written by Senator Sherman: "I
bave always favored the raoBt liberal laws
for women's rights, to far aa property is
concerned. In these respeots they ought
to stand on tbe same footing as men; but I
bave seen no reason to convince mo that
they would be better off, or that society
would be improved by their having fho
right to vote. At all events, until mil.
jority of tbe women concur in demanding it
ibe men may properly stand aloof on this
question." '
Haw a Wile Killed Her fluobantl.
When two weak-minded persons marry,
the result is unything than a pleasant
household. A sad caso of suicide near
New York city, tbe other day, presents a
sad illustration. Tbe wife of tbe unfortu
nate suicide bad a sister rosiding in tho
same town with 'herself, who was married
to a woll-to-do merchant, and who lived
befitting her means. This was a source of
bitter rellootions to the les fortiinato one,
who was constantly wanting to know of
her husband why it was she could not live
in as good style as her sister. And he
weak msn, to gratify her, involved himself
beyond bis means and was, in consequence
continually In pecuniary hot water. Ho
had npt the strength of will to bear irp
against his wife's extravagances nnd his
own business embarraemenla, und so took
bis own life. Frivolous spendthrifts, who"
don't earn the money they squander, little
know tbe bear - ches they caused to those
who are charged with their support. And
when the lu;ter as well rs lu former are
rv siiongminded, an iinhjp y home.
m...ij, und often crime, are the fruits or
fforts to live in a stylo not warranted by
ttir pecuniary cirrsnistancM
. Thellallof WlUysterj
" aoe.
r i.
" she mut
ts if ashes
Toe!" she
1 strong as
ler arm to
in affright
aitress, who
hand und his
traming on must leave thu
ajeseei iited! fur if yon do
lit -see
ni luce lore again. I
a st
erusu out your lifw
ever I set heel lit on
I iim a reri:eis! And
now, begone
and tuever lei me see your
form Benin!'
Rose lilondelle, who had stood spell
bound by the terrible pazn and overwhelm
ing words of Sybil, the wronired w ife. now
suddenly threw iipli-r hands, and with a
low cry Hod from the r""0.
And Sybil dropped her arm nnd bet
voice at the tarn. instant, nnd stood dumb
and motionless T
And now. t Wlgth Lyon Eerners spoke
again. " v
'Sybil. tt.." "this house is yours!
You mu --JJiit this I tell
you: tfctf ich sees that
poor and,
from tbe shelter t
and leave it fore.
ure driven.
If Lyon Hernstf ri
thought to brln ..v's i
terms by tbe tbreal
"Oh.'go!'' she ansi
as soon as you like, L
night, and good-bve,'4
a wave of her hand she
He was mad to have spoken ns he did;
madder Btill to let her leave Dim sol how
mad, ho was soon to loam.
Lyon Berners remained walking up and
down tbe room Borne time longer. Tne
lights were all out, and the servants gone
to bed. Vet still he continued to pace up
aid down the parlor floor, until suddenly
piejeiog shrieks smote his ear.
In great terror be started forward and
instinctively rushed towards Kosa 'a room,
when the doer was suddenly th:ow open by
Kosa herself, pale, bleeding from a wound
in her breast.
"Great Heaven! What is this?'- he
cried, as, aghast with amazement and 8or -
row, be supported the ghastly and dying
torm, ana laid it on the sou, and then sunk
on his knees beside it.
"Who, who has dono this?" be wildly
demanded, us, almost paralized with hor
ror, he knelt beside her. unj tried to Blench
tbe gushing wound from which btr life
blood was fait welling.
Shn o eied her bloodless lips, now paling
in death, nnd gasped forth the words:
"She Sybil your wife. I told you she
would do it, and she has done it rrvhil
Berners has uiuiaereil me." she whispered.
Then raising herself with a list dying
effort, she erie4 aloud. "Hear, all! Sybil
Renters has murdered me. " And tritli this
charge upon ber lips, sbefell back dead.
ttven in toat supreme moment Lyon JSer-
ners, first thought almost his only thought,
was for bis wife. He looked up to see who
was there who had beard, this awful, this
lutai cnarge.t
All were tiere! guests and servants, men
and- womentdrawn tliero by tho dreadful
shrieks. All hud beard the horrible accusa
tion. I -
And all stool panic-ilrickon as they shrank
away from ote wbo stood in tbeir midst.
It was sho.Hybil, the accused, wuose very
aspect accused ber more loudly than tbe dy
ing; woman lad done; for sbe stood there,
still in ber fiery masquerade dress, ber face
pallid, ber ryes blazing, ber wild black
balr loose aid streaming, ber crimsoned
band raised ind grasping a olood-stalned
dagner. i
O, wretdfced woman! most wretched
woman! What is this that you bave done!
groaned Lyon-Berners in unutterable agony
agony not ifr the dead bounty before bim,
but for the tiling wifu, whom he felt that
he bad driven to this deed of depredation.
' Lyon lSersirs, do you believe me guil
ty r she asked.
He looked up, nnd (heir eyes mot. If he
had really believed her guilty, be did not
now. Ho ans tered briefly and firmly.
"No, Sybil! i Heaven knows that I do
not;but explain this honblo business if
I you can!
"Ibe explanation is tiU" shn said,
emphatically. And then her voice urnse
clear, firm, und distinct, as she cuntinued:
'1 was in my chain for. which is imme
diately above thr.t occupied by Mrs. Blon
delle. My thaniber is upproau -ed by two
ways, first by the front pas-iiige aiidsiuiu,
and secondly by a narrow staircase runniu"
up from Mrs. BlouJelk's r ooh. I do not
know how long I had sit llioro, when 1
heard a piercing shriek l'roin souih one in
tho room below. Instinctively I rushed
down the -coininiu'eaiing slab's und into
Mrs. Blon lelle's room, nuil up to her bed,
Where I saw by the I'gh'l of the taper rIio
was d) iim. Her eyes wer- closed, nnd I
thought at. flint iV;t she had fainted from
fright until, ulmosi, at Hie miiio instant,
l sav this dagg-r here S.-bil stojoed
and picked up the dag-er ilint sho bad
dropped n few minutes before driven to
its hilt in her chest. 1 drew it out. In
stantly the blood from tlio opened wound
spirtt d up, c ivering my baud und sl-eve
with tlit) accusing slams you see? With
the flowing of tbo blood her eves flaw open !
She jnwd nM'rigbtedlr m iue lor uii instant.
and 1 h li Willi the last ffrjrl ot her life, for
win' I. '. -i",'ur lent her strength, she started
"M i ;!'.d sliriekin,; to this room, t,
still holding the .'duuur Hint 1 had drawn
from her bosom, followed her nere. And
.Vi-tl know tho rent.'Wd fvbil; und over
come with exciti uv-i.t, ehj Vank upon lliu
nenreu chair lo rest.
Il'T siory had ev ilently made a very
great impvei-sioii upon ihe company pies
eiit. But Lyon Uerutrs suddenly exclaim
"A :
w m
1 the
pa?!PnrTioin the
"Good Ilcavensl that lady's mistaken
charge has put us all off the scant. 'id al
lowed tbe murderer to escape. But II may
not yet be too late! Some clue may be
left in ber room by wjilch we may trace
the criminal 1 Come, neighbors and let us
search the premises."
And Lyon Herners, leavlne tMe shudder
ing women of tbe party in the .room with
Sybil and the dead, and followed by all
tbe men, went to search the bouse and
grounds for traces of the asnastin.
Hut the search proved fruitless. No trace
of an Intruder could be found, nor was there
any evidence of robbery. Furthermore, all
the windows.wero round fastened on tbe in
side. There had been Do way of entering
the murdered woman's room except by the
stairway leading from Sybil s chamber.
Captain Pendleton, an old lover of Sybil's
and a brother of Beatrix, saw that thero
was no safetv except in instant flight. Ho
whispered Lyon to take Sybil to her room,
nnd tbeo to meet him on the back pin?.
This was done, and then the captain unfold
ed bis already matured plans, l.jon adop
ted them at once; nnd under the skilllul
management of Capinin Pendleton and Bea
trix, they got out of tb house unseen, and
were soon on their way towards a tdncn of
concealment, known as tho Haunted Chap
el, where new and unexpected horrois await
ed them.
The Haunted Chapel to which Mr. nnd
Berners were goins was in a dark and
gorge on the other sne of tbe inotin.
y arrived, safely at tho old ruin, where
course of the day they were joined
Irs. Berners' frithful servant Joe. whose
ction for his mistress had led bim to p!ay
spy, nnu und out where she was cuing.
and secretly follow- her with provisions and
muniis. for tnukiits her somewhat comforta
ble. , , The. fne-ilivos lelt so -depressed, that even
the cheerful supper supplied by Joe could
not relieve them of t ie overshadowing t;luuni
which had seitled on llieir hearts. A
strnnge drowsiness soon oppivssvil them, nnd
they sunk into a deep sleep, as HiourIi they
had I een drugged with some powerlul nar
cotic. -Mr. Berners was aroused before day
HkIii by Joe, who instantly drew hi in out
side the chapel in alarm. "
Sybil, lelt alone, in tin- II muted Chil,
continued to sleep soundly. How lotm sue
bad slept she never could tell, when she was
sdddenly and feail'ully aroused.
Mio lelt lianas at work about her person,
0Th(, - v ,7cre creeping under her shoulders and
tinder ber.lltnbs; they were lifting her from
uer mattress. Her ej'es flared open in wild
affright, and slut saw two black shrouded
forms, the one at ber bftid t'to other at ber
She tried to cry out In her njony of ter
ror: biit ber voice died away in her bosom,
and all her powers seemed palsied. They
raised her up. and bore heron great heav
en! whither?
To tho open door of the vault under the
Chapel, from whose haunted depths a i'nec
tral liiiht gleamed !
They bora her down ti, dreadful tena.
aii'l laul nor on the deadly floor!
The iron door clanged loudly to, ressund
ing through ihe dismal urches.
'We have ber now!" mtitterAl a hoarse
voice. A hollow laugh resnotuled.
And Sybil swooned with horror.
When Sybil recovered from ber death-like
swoon, she found herself in a spacious oav
ern ot snob exceeding beauty and splendor
that for on instant sbo lost siirht of her ter
rors in bir astonishment nnd admiration,
und then her eyes set upon a ligitro who
seemed to be tbe solo occupaut oi ihe place.
This was a young girl, who, with her red
cloak thrown mat-like on the mos?, was
seated upon it cross-legged in the Turkish
fashion. Her elfin face, her inulien eyes,
ber wild, black hair and picturesqiio cos
tume, were all 83 in keeping with the ns
poet of the place, that one might bave deem
ed her the spirit of tbe cavern.
The two women looked at each other In
silence for perhaps half a minute; and then
Sybil spoke:
"What place is this? Who are you?
W hy am I brought hither?-'
"One question at a timo," answered the
girl. "What placo this is coneerns von lit.
tie; I am a gypsy, and my name is (lentil!
iska; 'why you are broiiKht hero,' ah' that
conoerns you very much ! It oonoeruti your
liberty and perhaps your life.''
"I do not believe it! You bnvn had me
lorn nway from my husband! Where is In.
now?" haii-htily demanded Mrs. Berners.
"Jle 13 lllielv in Ife hands of Ihn
bios, who aro by this timo in possession of
the Haunted Chapel. JJiit fear not; him
will they r. lease attain, for thevhv.n no
right to detain him; but vou they would
buvo kept, if they had c-iiiLrbt v:iu. 1 lit--
coustiblc were coming thero for us. but
they would have found you had we notbro't
you nway with us. That waR my doing. I
inuiie your removal thu condition of inv si.
lence." '
lint wtien will you commnnicato
my husband, to relieve his dreadiul
w il'u
penso J"'
As Siioti as it will J0 safe to do so.
ii . . .
i;ii uari must no our own
second will lie y-ui's,"
.vtnl suit no nioiu at the .-!.-. .. . t. ,i
f it lool-iin; at the stieaner. anil I ii- ;.- , ,
all that hud befallen her in the j ... . , I
Chanel. ''
1 hit ever snmlcil a iip, r cat tt l:lr,,ul.
ybil bad ti.nseit fho d :lv in ISn rolilo-fl
den wiih lur ftiaii"o eoom-mb.M ,.-i, ,.-
tonished her by aiailng that the captain had
been present at 1,,-r uiut'ipieraile. L-i'o lu
'"tnoou, (liniier was announced, m
which several.of Ihe iobb-rs appeared, with
Mil ocli, a gi-annu iiiiliun, ut i,,eif head.
was thu lieutenant of lli. baud, and
iu tho absence of u,o captain, ruled with
brutal sway. Becoming inflamed with wino
hu look a seat by the idu of .-Sybil, threw
his arm about UT, and uttemp'lod to iin
print a kiss upon her lips.
Sybil struggled in tarror, and Ibe gipsey
girl cried out:
"Men! why don't you Interfere? Ho is
rude to the lady!"
"Wo never meddle lietwtn other men
and their sweetbeaits. Do we mites?" call
ed out one ' f 1
"No, no, not" answered tbe others.
"Ob, if Satan were here!" cried tbe girl,
in despair.
"Satan is heiik!" responded a voice
close by. ....
And tbe robber captain stood among
tbeni aa it be bad risen from the oartb.
Moloch dropped Sybil, and cowered In
the most abject manner.
Sybil looked tip, and turned cold Irom
head to foot; for In the hands.ime, stately,
graceful Torm of the btigand chief, she reo
o'liized the finished gentleman who, in the
character of "Death," had danced with . her
at her own mask ball, and tbo probable
murderer of Kosa Blondello.
While the walls ot tbe cavern seemed
whirling around Sybil, the robber captain
calmly came up to ber, lifted bis bat, and
said :
Spirit of Fire, I am happy to welcome
yon to your own appropriate dwelling
place;" and then, without expecting nn an
swer, be tamed to Moloch, and Bald Id his
smoothest tones:
"Be so good as to give me this sit, sir."
Hut Sybil saw that the giant tinned pale
and trembled like the fabled mountain in
lahur. as hu loft the seat by her side, and
slunk into another ut some itistance,
Tho wine passul lively at the robbers'
table, and the tnrti giuw merrier, wilder,
more uoro'iriou. Sybil beeutui) very much
alarmed; and not k Much by tho noi.-y
orgies of thrfsn rtelo revellers, as by the
di'r.ullul gaae of Moloch Gxud upon ber
from thooiiposile end vi tbe table where
he sat. and the oft', n ive language of
Sat in's ey whenever !hy turned towards
At length, unable to ! ear the trial longer,
she arose liotii ll seat, utid courtesying
to those brigands us she would have done
to any of gentlemen of whom she was
taking leave, Sybil lelt tho cavern, follow
ed by (ieiuiiijli.i. the gipsy girl.
"1 must lake you lo another grotto.
You cannot occupy mine lo-uight," sai 1 tho
girl with evident reluctance.
"Hut, oh! why, why may 1 not s'ay wilh
you? I am afraid li sleep alono iu this
lerrible puce!'' pleaded Sybil,
I Imvua reason, but 1 cannot tell it to
you iio.v. Yes I will too! 1 will tell yuu
at nil risks! The, i it is this: My chamber
is uot pale for you ! I myself um not strung
enough to protect you ! Von might b - car
lied oil' forcibly fnim my side! I must bide
you where no devil may livid you lo-night!"
whispcted tbe uitl.
"Oh, do not leave nie here alone!" plead
ed Sybil. "If 1 must stay, slay with me!
1 do not fear death; but oh! 1 fear llieso
men! DOii.ot b'uve uie!''
"I. must,, for your own safety. They
mnsi nut miss uie, or tliuir suspicions will
tie aroused."
Then pointing to a bed of moss, nnd re
commending her guest to lie down at d
seek repose, the gipsy girl gl ded away
t iiou-h the labrinill of caves Uud was. lost
to sight and bearing.
" r.i oi, s nisi Impulse was to start up anil
run alter her bosu-ss. but she retained her
self, mid sunk hulf tainting upon Ibeheip
oi moss.
There was n faint sparkling of lights in
the cave, coming Sroin a .creviw in the
roof through tthicii tbe niwuliti t entered.
Seek repose, bud been thu advice of
Sybil daied not seek it if she could, and
not have loiind it if she had. Hour ulter
hour passed iu trance-like stillness und
silence, when nt leagUi slie fancied she
heard a creeping, ste iltny step anproach
ing. Neatly li-.zeii with i.'iivn, she listen
ed and wulhi-d more iuiently timn ever.
Alone, tiel le-s', in darkaess and solitude,
what fate ' must the on t'l? The
crreping. cautious fooisteps drew nearer,
uearer I
Oh, Heaven! it is no fancy! The en
trauee of tbe cavern was more deeply dur
kenej for one moment, and then tnu" hugo
form of Molocb stood within tuo casein
a. id nearly lilltd it up.
Paralyzed Willi horror, Sybil could
neither more irji cry '.'.it not even when
t:i.- iu m.-t. -.ce I I t, an I pu. Id
pvuiiiue I,: u I .ua f.iCi". The above
is ull of i;n- '. in. it be pitbli.:i.
iu our c oir "' ho (o itinuaiioii of it
fi'otn when- .! Ieav f.ff ln-re vuti be found
oiuy :'! t i-w loik, winch is
lor tale tit it. I lu.' Ijiioi.siori s cod news
iltjiois. .'. ;. ;';r the number dated June
2ii, nnd mi .vi'! find the cottiiniia-
turn f t 'i ."Hiil Me. Th Ledger
has t!. le si .' i ! aoy papor in tbo
woi! :; u-i; n. t inr iitec't 'i. James
I'mlon nnd t'unir- t" r-. huv " uiiclei in
every liiuuUi t.
'4ll,lC 8 A Li.
!. iMilues. 'I'ooU. &t fiiMoniIav.
II, A. it. at Hm Kro .it yanii, ut
I'Milent 'lVwn.ihlp, VenanLfo t'..
.tun' i-i,
fiva mil.
i 'Ii C'tv. will bn sold at aintioo, all
. .r. i.erty of the. (Jibson oil Ce., cou
il: h rt-.o on lu- licio- ill tint Krot
I 'I b. .ewe w I! lie ol, 8 wells
e ytlm iif.UrK ie In ea'ih
Pa neve pr."!'V!l oil In Isite
ta ) royiil..'. s pn.Tabin to
- -ri--ol L'-'- Al.-o, 4 twvlvo
.. . 2 set il Kl.g be . . bellbws,
i -t ot nilie' .- , 5 0 ,e' I' a- pipu,
' ... IMIIIleN, Wr.'DillK-- sIiismi sauces,
' 'liti, 1 'IM b-OTel oil t iii'ts, S lUrlicks
-ft, 1 larro li' dwelling
o...- Hitta Mil feo--. and 1 initli
a 'i iei- essli . o ! s. ol by urdor of
f DinelOlj ol t''Cibf''. ' ' tlo.
f'f Oil t ar d f, ase, .Kilnie, 'I'eols, Ac, on Monday,
.In. ii- si. i .-.! nt. II o'e ock. . M., at tlio Kroixer
I'unn, in "o Imit Hiinil, l'reiiienr Townahip, Ye
nnii'.o ( i iinty, ttve Bilu from Oil City. Will be
sn .1 :0 on::i mi. nil vhu personal properly of the Kro
ijar h .i- i-i 1 .11 ioni,aiiv. coininliin of forty jear.)'
ti liarri's urolor Farm, subject to one eiL'hth
,:) r.i.'iliv to owner. Included in lease will bo
."Oiy to owner,
e well- ''.rilled.
dlh e veil- ''.rblcd, oud one wall partly drilled,
an i liii' (iii i ill.- jilpe In efli'll wed
Also, out large
I.-. . 'llii'i i.ohm-. 8 derrick rius, 8 enirlne houses, ii
Iwftlvo liooie ptnve euKlneii, 100 fet tnbelnir. 1 lot
of ij.iB pipe. 1 Vil. of r.n. ;c rods, 9 eotts of drilling
tool-, cnlil.i 1 d rio'Hftnd lot of small tools
Ti-rins cash. To bn uld Iy order of the donrd
of Directors of the krotiai'i' rarin ol Co.
i ti n 1 ..! . J. Ii.. LOWKT, Alttionffb
,Tiut received lame stock of Spring patterns,
y nuuToN'S tobacco antidote
DON'T CIIKiV, an nntl lole for Toliacco, and DK.
POUND, for sale t . D. MII.t.RIt & CO'S.
Rasins for 15 cents per pound at '
22 tW WAfllTKIt'H.
VKltllKNAH t-i par iloien, at
. It. 11. FISHKH H.
Special Nollee,
WOKrrs OF WIxiuiM for jouns mmi, on u,c
Itullni; Passion In Youth and Enrly Slanhocxi, with
t'KLF HUM' for the Ktrlne; and Uufortuiiatv. Sent
In sea'i'it lelt-r eiiveliuii's, free of cletrie. Adilrm
IKiWAiU) ASSOCIATION, iitix P, I'liiLAnrLriiu
I'A. ' Mn 91, 3n.
t'rorkerr 'or all kinds so to ItEY Nonis
liRODIIEAU b 0'S, No. 11 Centre Wtrmt, oppo
site tho Post Offlec, Oil City, l'a.
4. FT Tils': BUST.
I. enve jrcur orders for Ballantlne's Nllro O'vcor
Ine and Combination Torpedo, at. the Pint ontm
News renin. Petrolfiuu Centre, Pa.
N. It Orders promptly niled. jiiitll 1w.
WiiiileU to Tall
At K. T?. KMicr's Unie f 'ot. ono leni'rod per
s,ics or moro, and rxandne, Itoses, Carnations,
Fnct'.bs, t,, Pl i ts tleletoope", I'ausies, Fisl,
feranltens, Koe Gt-aTiimns and Roquets of Pare
flowers. June 10.
A large assortment, all sizes, at A. P.
Miller At Cn.'s.
Try our N.tvv Tol aee . We knw It is the heft
n the mnrki t. W. ft. NICIIOI.SuN A CO.
fiiiKar Strings nt W. tl. Nlelic'niiM & (Vs.
ooiiii'iifiiisiiinar ;o Kit.
1 imimers ,fc Alilitrl liave a full ami eoaiplelo stiK-k
eftltanmt I'niliionsble Outs' FinnUliln,. OiKis.
At c ti.t !h'!tv Pi Ivnietiiii Ci i tr. prir s.
Sell niors (bulks than any other Hml-c In Pttrolmm
C.-ntre, bcaitie why. They a:-tl first c'nss oeils
lhea;HT than slop shop oola can tie li.iiuhl.
June Sd if.
-or TIIR
Park Association
At Oil City, Venango Co , Ta,
17 AND 18. 1869.
Premmms, $1,650.
NO. 1.
The Oil City Club Ptuso of SSSO
For all horses owned la Yenniieo Countvtwo
niiitiths pi'ev ions to the elusion "f Hie i no iei. inl
to the ttrnti $10 to the second; and $10 to the
NO. 2.
A Purse of 300 fu- Pueci-.
(210 to the first, and t lfli) to the s-ronil.
NO. 3.
A pnrsoof S00 free to all horses
t.Vlo to the first; $ -Jul! to the sec'imil ; ami $100 to
the third. .
' Nil, 1.
A Sweepstake for all Hordes
that have neverk:aten 2:'j0,
$"0 entl'.inee. J.'OI) udd-d bv fie Assorlulioll, the
seoooil Horse to reeeivu Si out uf tlie eiakea.
Kntrance. Ii-n pur ivnt. of tbe pnr.-es, except No.
. ' inf.; ,.r nuTo in eiiit r anu two t aut i.
tniiu money uiiiii u.rsfup.
A lliir-o distil! rint" the Held is entitled tj the en-
tl:'- mir- e
A 1 tlie ahovo Itaci.u aro mile hents, bo'tt'.uoe in
fle in inrness.
'1 he entraie-e fee must accompany the nomination
in all cams).
The Ass ichtion res -rve Ihe risht to poftponc ti e
Knees or, u-comit of inclement woathtror unv ittll
cienl cause. 'iefcA
All entries to be addreshed tnlC V. Barbour.
Sef-retarv, oil c ity, l'a.; on oi benire Tuesday, the
15th of June.
F. II. TIKRNAN, Prcaldeilt.
A. D. If AHtSOI'lt, Secrttary.
N. B Stabllii(! for thirty horses on the track, td
van smv,
rt 'IIK Mniriattan Le ise. eirly tlitej aerns oa lbe
: torny Far'n: two wells wltii machinery and
rij can-leti-t'l'iibln .'. Tanks, i o ils, an I the iisusl
O.l Well Kiiruiiii'.i, room formorewei's.
Appiy At thu Orrtee, Storey Fiurm, or address
Walter V. tVelinore,
Tarr Farm, Pa.
HOHRKon Khert Farm, v. ithln five minutes
walk of the Poet Otlli e. lloiisn well tiuished
on inside; six roonn on flret tlnor Finest of
spring water convenient to Hie house, l'risses-ilon
Klveu ininicdlfttely. jincjiiire at lids offlce. JStf-
tin. CiTf, Pa., June 11, 186!.
The copnt'tne'-shlp lwn-lol'orn evialiue; at oil City,
Vs., between Geo II Illaseli, JaniiB Itishop. Jas.
A Williamson, and James H. Gesele, doinir business
as bankers, lindcr the linn namt ol '.-eo 11. Hisaell
Co ," la this diy by niitiual coneut dissolved by
the withdrawal from the firm of James B Oecnie.
The business will hereafter be oonducted under the
same Dim uame by Oeo. n. Blssell, James Bishop,
and James A. Wllliuniaun.
Oeo. II. BistKiL.
.Umks Htsm p.
Jaxis A. Wni-iiissov
JnnT2"w't Jamrs R. drooi c.