MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. AMERICAN Combination and Ovorseantlng Sewing Machine! This Machine 1 warranlol t necntn i. . preatest degree or perloetion, all kind' nd rnrtMi or Scwinii. Hemming, Kelllnjr. Curding TWi;" Rrniiliiiii. Oathertim and Sowinir on. i.mim"'."!, A. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. O. Ft SCHOAIJXOM Proprietor of the NEW HARDWARE STORE A, D. MILLER & Buffalo Bakery. Dealer n choice Flour, Butter, Ffjps and Cheese Alto, chcice l.'rucvrlrt, Petroleum. Centre, Pa. (Mm wit will he promptly attended to. an Goods delivered. P.Ntoillce hox dijIj Oil Vufvu Pipe Wokrs. ClURLEf JtOBSoVv Co., Cortinr of Nenfca A :fintrf East tdo Oil Crech, OH :ity, !'., l)f.ilw in Morris. Tnsitct Co's Wholesale snd Kttuli Oeaieis in U BATING AND COOKINQ STOVES! DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Street, I'KTKULCtn I KNTIli:, PA. that is or can be done by any other luachin. J?'' bet..re the public. 10'' This MHchine stands to-day without a rlvi i Its ceb brnted Overseamlng Stitch. Emhrolderln. the Kdire, and Itntion Uofe and Eyelet llul. m.f ? luiillklinNMlTdiilc. "oiemsluiij Til E WORLD-K ENO WN EI ) HARDWARE OIL CITY. OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, AWO, tVOHKINfl BAHItKI.H AND VALVK9, unT'L-lIVil IKVIH. t BOne of Uwe Machines csn be siwn u ik iioiu over A. 1). Miller Jt I'o.'s linn; stnre J. i. coh in. Their Stuck consists of everything in the line of Drugs & Medicines ! ATTIRE LIQTTOHS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wholesale and lletail Agent for YOSK.MITE STOMACH HITTEKS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR TUG HAIR, SEWARD A BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN' PILLS, WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT,' Ac. Aver', Marsdcn's, Seller's. Bmndeth'a, MctJtne's, Wilson's, Cenhallc, Mortal's, Wisharrs's, Herrio'.-'e, Mott'e, Wrinh'tis Hoope'1'", lfadway' K. It. .Tayno's, ltoback's, .lnd-or.'s, Sbenck's, Clark's Female, Oheeseman'a Duponco's, do. Velpuu s, do, ic, 4c Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &c. COUGHS, COLDS, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jayila's Expectortint, Jlnrsden's Balm, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, ExceUior Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coo's Svrnp. Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers. Olive Tar, ilrovrn's Troches. Wiehart's Pine Tree Tar. Sew anl's Conch Cure, Uatuman's Syrup, Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! T':e Best Ever Brought to lite Oil IScgioii. 11 A IK ItESTOUATIVES. A LISMA, M'lS. .1. A. ALLEN'S, ' 1. 1. ., n. .; I'.KVAI.l K lt'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON BARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. HOOT'. CONSTITUTION, ROBACK'S. nHAKK'S. MAIIARA KTAR, OCIILKY'S MISHLEH S. HOSTEI'THt'S, SPEEit'S. IIOOFLANH'. CALIFORNIA, ATTWOOD'S PHOTOXIDK IRON, 4C WALL Jr.PEJRS, Curtain and It nolle Shades. PAIVJM, OILS, VAKAISIIKS, UIjASS, PUTTY, GLIB, Turpentine, Sponge, Iy.f (lnff, Dryers, KliilMWy SIPPL1ES, Lard Oil, KcniM'tie Oil, &r, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, Sietcnett Ale, CocJiiivss Water PRESCRIPTIONS COM- f38r! I'OUNDEI) AT ALL 7 HOURS OF THE AjM NIGHT AND 4i4tA SUNDAYS. ATICIJESY, EKVZLGPES SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES i 'ome ali.t'jj, cm one. piiw alt. It don't co.t an', tld.ic to luoli at Looiio, and we v.-iil try to trial, u-p ,11 well. A D M1M.EIT A 00 rcirc.iiiii r'sniri., . i , IK'ii tf I 5-; ' SEWING MACHINE INQCIHE OF J. L. JOHNSON, SOLE AGENT, No, 22, Washington fit., Petroleum Centre, Pa. GEO. H. BUNK BERT, Solicitor. ' mnylO: John C. Welch, Seneca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In Gibbs. Knssell & IVs Burins: and Fishing Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving Pipe, Derrick Irons, Grate Bart, Balance Wheels & Pullirv, all Bizo, Mv connection with MeaJvllle and Plttabunrh foundries is such that I can gut out all kinds of Castings at short order. JOHN C. WELCH. Oil City, Fob. 17, I86S- tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROBERT BRYAN & CO., Bojx leave to Announce to the citizens of Petroleum Centre and viciulty, that they have opened a new toro in the roar oi'the office of the Central Petrol euro Comiany at the railroad crowing, where they will keep constantly on hand a full ajwortwent of everything iu tho liardwaie Hue, such a) TIN AXD SHEET IRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Bryan Imvlrre heen enuiucti in the bnoine-"? with MBiru. Winter Bro's. for tour years past, will attend particularly to the business of niunufactuiing SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUT TING GAS II 1 With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work in this lino. Apr 9. Pianos! Pianos! ! rgans ! Organs ! J B EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED TIANOS I SMITH'S CELEBRATED AMER-vlfl 1ST OTIC S . Trie uiidrYlirneil hiivlnc Lv sihk-IjiI romrtt tt with W. P. KMKKSON, K-fj, and H. T). and II. W, Nmirh, liewn Uulv Hppoinrd bv thorn Sole Aannt fr (he s:ilo of thvtr CKI.EltUATED INSTKU MKNTHln Warren, Foitur, '(nanio, Ohrion and Ji'Vrim nountlr.s, hcrclv tnutioiiH Mm ciiiaam o Willi c Hi nl ih aeuiruit notiiitiiip: with any nther p( nrniift cluiiuhiff to be the Agents 01 elt)nr of the hbovti uamwl tlnu, utt all euch are I M POaTOliS. T . K . S K I IV ."V E 11 , Der.l or in PIANOS. ORGANS. MELCEE3NS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, HPUEABS' Ac, ic. t:ciitro-st., oil, H TV, Pa. Oil City, Sept. H, IliS.-tl. rjUVtheE Ilnw.rr: American VTich, the dct ill mule, of 1SHAM CO IK KlfirPJNf; KII, 1 printed t the fho.06t noii-",e, n the Hord itftics. srr: IS CLAMl'S, TOXOS. SUCKER T.OD9, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries UOTIINO TOOLS, D1UV1N0 PIPE. OIL PUSH'S, COLD WATEK PUMPS ; Every defcrlptiou of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS GOOD, TSA.VS AXD OAS FITTIXdS. HhLTIXO, tALKlXQ, and UOSE; HARDWARE, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, C.ii'l'iMiti'ra' Tools. Uope, On l,ti in, Nnile, Axes. ColTee Mills, Table it Pocket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Everything In tho HARDWARE LINE. Jvose Funishinir Goods, Lamps, Oiiimi'Ovs, No 1 Winter Strained Ijird Oil, No. 1 llcllned Oil, Stair Kodis Table an dDoor Mats ; Champion Clothes Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, sfct Iron and Copper Ware. ep.lirini!eenl kind done with neatness and dispatch. E. jinl attention given to STEP'' AND GAS FITTING. We havo coo avored to merit the pntronaic of the public, anontliali use evury xxurtlon to insure its continuance. Our f:icilltie for furnishimr e'erythin" In our line, having tven greatly increased, in the erection of our New Building, are now snl'EKIOU TO ANY OTIIKR ESTABLISHMENT auirJ18m. INTHEOILUKlilON. AUG ssnfiom, MERCHANT TAIL Iflssoll's ItliH k, Oil City, Has Just received a largo asaortment of NEWj SF,R16 & SIMMER GOODS, Of lie Latest Paris, London, and New York Fash ions, comparing in part CLOTHS of all colom, SCOTCH GOODS of all shades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, UVESTINGS, CASSIMERE3, ic. and ail nrticlei kept in a First-CIusm Tniloring Estab lisliincnt. TmnkitiVallsps, FlnelVlilte Slilrls, JLIuoiiand Paper !ollnrs. Hose, Busito tid eirs. Su miner ITiidvrt'lolbiiiK, f Neckties, and (Gentl Famishing Goods, Ingunernl. All decriptlou 1 of nothing made np ty experienced workman, on the shortest nutico, in the latext Htvtes, nnJ at tho ive.t pries. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. auo. srMON. OH City, Pa., May 1. '63. scp!9 lSIW-tf. j. a-, ogdeist, FLOIR AXD FEED STORE, NO. 3T CEXTUE-ST., Olt, CITV, PA. Tlilu is tl best estahlishment of the kind In the Oil l.'eioa. Flour and Vod sold at wholesale and retail. aiigi2-tf. CRANE fc TIIACZtEH 131 Naldon I.aue, N. Y (0M3IISSI0S MERCHANTS, arn now prepared to receive on Commission and mike Liberal Advnncn to Itellnors and Doalers it both Crude and HeUned Oil. OIL "VI THIOL, 1 CliA.VE, TIfACKEIt Ac Co., PETUOI.EITM CKNTI1K, PA , Rwn n h!md OIL VITRIOL. 1JLUH & WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC. SODA anil GLUE. Are prepared to make llbeml dlseoimt to r.oflnera lor 1 ASH. and will not bo undersold in any of the above articles, j unel3 tl CltAXE, TIIACKER A CO. CALIFORIVIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN CflOS I have Hanchos or Farms for sale, through out CALIFORNIA, In tracts of One Hundred Acres up to Twenty Thousand. Terms to suit pur chasers. These lands will grow Thirty-firs to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to the Aero, with ordinary farm, ing, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty-Five bushels per Acre. Correspondence Solicited. Addross I1ENUY McKFNTY, J!r In Uonl E'lala, JOOlco 304 I Mnn gomiry rtroct. Fan Frarcisco, Cnl. In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET C ut le r y! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHINB GCOBS. TINWARE, LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &e. For sale CHEAP 1 At the store formerly occupied hy Itiirchfle'd and Caeterline, OIL CITY, PA. JAiailS) U. UCUUIE. Oil City, Jan. 4, lSOU-tf. 's Oil Graft Pipe forts . HAS. ICOIINON & 0., Corner of Seneca ami Centre Sis, east side of Oil Creek. Oil City, Pa. ITavinp added a powerful Steam Enaine and three large L-T11ES, to our already i-xrcii-ive Mnnufnc turiinf EsUibl'Hhni"nt. ar. nuw prepared to douli the ueccsKtiry wyik. in httiu up, and reptiriui; ENGINES. -BOILERS. IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS? In fact drt'all Machinerv .lob Work entrusted to us with neatness mid dispatcn sin; vlmoa sALL pAPEH ! ,ew Styles for Spring ! 10 D O D M)US At Lmo Prices. STATIONERY. SCHOOL HOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, Fine C 3R0MCS, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN GREAT VARIETY, As reasonable ns can he purchased at any pltt.ee in the Oil Region. ORHSTHX, NOSEY & Co., BiFselVs Bank Block. OIIj CITY, PA. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 5, 18U8 tf A. place to net tie. worth of vonr monev is at the NEW I'LOUU AND FKKfl ST'H'k ANlt l,CM HKK V K1) of I,. H. M KICNUl ICG A. CO., where there Is alwavs a H MAN Ten 1" to ?how their ciwtomfirs their Urt? 11 i f FMru, UAY. nnd all kind of PEti ai d the placu also where may lie FOUND A br!?e J9ortmont or flr.t-cla ItOfOH AND DUESaFD LlIMIIEIt, LATH, HH1NOLKS. &t',, at the vur lowe.4t eah prices. Those who are not DEAD To fhflr on internet, nnd wish to ilenl with men wbn do .u?f!fl4H m tho inunre, will And It lo their intorerttin j;ivo ma call bcioro piirchai1ng Wo whoro, and n wlisi wo cud do for yuii IN" our Imp of ItniirjoiH. All Ordor and tefrniin2 jirritnptlr (rt'endwl tn. Jo not forget the piae, I HiHfT TH K ItOOUKBTKR HOUSK, WASH 1N(1T.N STUEET, ti Petroleum Centre, Pa. L. M. STERNnURO, Fcbl3tf. II II. WAUNKIi. 6EAKLES & CORNWELI, Pealert In 0OOAE. ciivercl or al tlic Yard hy Ihc car or ton. Apt 11:1 t. Agra! LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, oip0jle Ilie Operu lloune, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PEXN'A. I bava put In a gooil slock of Uicline ,, Driving Horses, which I wjn t,t on reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wugonx, Snrlna Wagons, Ac. 7 HOUSES boarded anil fed and best of cure cm, J"nlf A. SMAWLR. nlSSOI.I TION NOTICK. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partmrjhlo lat.,lv snhsisting hctween Samuel Iternolds C. It. Williams nnd X. C. Hump, under the fl name of Ifevnolds t Co., of Peirulenm Centre I't. was dissolved this sth dav of April, A. p., W by mutual consent- All debts owintr to the mh imrtnerehip are to I e received by the said Samml ltevnnlds nnd .1. V- llnnin, and all demni.ds nn ih? i-nn, i,.iriuiTsiiii ure iu i ,ire'ni''n ir. ntrn lor SAMUEL HKYNOLUS. paj. l .1. II, MAMS. I. C. BI'Ml'. mavlJtw '. II. WILLIAMS COAL! Til A VI' nflenda ('.ml Yard at thn ct of the Hod Fsnn Hrldiv, where will bcioiirlalitljkep! ull kinds of 8 TEAM AND STOVE COAL Terms com'rg to my yard for Coal, will have Free l'nsisaji" Over t!iu t'rcoji ISritlse. OPERATORS H'.i i', l wall to o i, tire at the oflo, and will and it to their iidv.iuMM lo deal wllh in-'. Petroleum Centre 1S0D. Jg A CIA It D TO THE I.AIIM S. Dlt DUPONCO'S UULDEN I'KHI I1ICAL PI I.U for Females, lnf illhlo In corrtl irrcmilarltlee, removing ottstrliclions of the nioDtWy turns, fruin whatever cause, and always snccew'ai as a preventive. One pill is a dose. F'-nwles p cllliarly situated, or those supposing th,.ni:elvesi. nre cautionrd a.-ninsl usliin these Pills, while 111 that condition le-it iliey invite nilscarns!!e. aOa wb eh admonition ttie prui rietor assunivsno rr spoimihil.ty. althmivn llieir mililness would pevwii any nii-cliief lo health; otherwise the I'ilu are r eommi nded as a most invaluable remedy fr the si leviatlon ortlioxe MilTerinx from any lrresfHlarltie whatever, as well as to prevent an Increase of fsmi ly whon health will not permit Ir; quletlnj the nen'es and In-iuein hack tlie "rosy color of bealth" to the cheek of iImi most delicate. Full and expiieit din ctlons accompany each box Price 1 1 per Imx: 8 boxes, $5. Sold in I'elroleuni Centre, by A. P. MILLER CO., '-Solo Agents'' for Petroleum Centre, Pa Lndlml By sendlns them tl tcithelMrolrain Cm Ire P. O. ra.i have the Pills sent conhdentisllyl bj mail to any part of tie country, free of clew hold also bv K. O ( . 8. ("ark, TiiuivM'. Pa.; A. It Orillilh, Oil Cily; Hemlm.' He ("line, Frank In; Dr. J. L. Acomh. Tidionie; E. T. Ilazelion, Warren; and by "one lirnsiglft" in ever town iu the D lited states, and by Jul S. P. HOWE, Prop'r, New Yort A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of ApPt,te! Nausea, Henrt-burn, Jaundice, and m diseases urising from a disordered sun o the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & Bentlet, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by druggist. A. I). MILLER & CO.. Wlro'ocale an'i Ketail lru.u.li-ls, Anenls.for Petroleaiu t-'e"1!?,, v.ciiuiy. Juii-iy isiitni & co., WATCim.tKEKS & JEWELEHS, IN OPEEA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PEfltOI.El .n IIENTItE, PA.i 1 Keep crostantly on bond a larye asBortmcut ot WATdES, jun r.i,ii i , PISTOLS. IVOLVEJI5ilKOTArKfjK Cartldfos, -e., and will sell at eesiern prices, f watd work wainnted lo give soti.factioih x) TO ISUAM & CO'S for your Carlridgei'