A. D. MILLER k CO.'S COLUMN. A. D. MILLER & CO. Wholes, and KftnU Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, rctnoLixn cent he, pa. Their Stock consists or everything la line of tbe Drugs & Medicines ! PURE ULIGiTTOIFtS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, s Whuieiiale and Retail Agent for YOSKMITB STOMACn BITTEUS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE II AIR, SEWARD & BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, J AY NHS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, tc. PILLS. Mareden's, MottoCd, Moti. Padway' It. R-TiiJ-or's, flic sman' Aycr's, Bnindeth's, Cephalic Ik-rrick, Hooper's, Kot-sck'-. 'Clara's FetniUi Seller'i. Wislmrta's, Wrlgh'ts, Tayne's. S'-huuek"!, Dtipouco's, do, Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Snaps, Rrushcs, &c. COIGIIS, COIiOS, Sec. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . Jayne'a Expectorant, Mnrsden's Bulm, Schenck's Syrnp, Universal Syrup, .". - ' Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup, ; -. Seller's Syrnp, Coe's Syrup, , Unit's Balsam, " Denton's Balsam, " Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Troches, Wishart's Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cougu Cure, Bateman's Syrnp, Cough Candy, fcc Cigars and Tobaccos The Beat Evrr Brought to the Oil Region. II A lit RESTORATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, KING'S, CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON BAR RETT'S, KOSSETTER'S, LYONS, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, ic, 4c. I1ITTEUS. ROOT", CONSTITUTION, BOrtACK'S, OHAKKS, NIAGARA STAR, DUOLKK'S MISIII.EIIS, IIOSTKTTKH'S, SfEKR'S. HOOl'IDS. CALIFORNIA, ATTWOOD'S. ruoroxiDE iron, o WALL PAPEilS, C'nrtaintt and Itmtic Shades. PAIXTS, OILS, VAIIMISHKS, Til'lE, poiis, Dryer, PUTTY, Turpentine, Dye Slullu, ItEl'lXEllS' Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, Kemett Ale, C(ngress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM- POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OP THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES U. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES Vmio alone, come ot.o. cotho all. it Oon't enpt any tlitTi(: (o look at ikkIh. anU we will try to trout yoc in wt'ii. A. IV MtlXKN k CO IMrolftttm IVntTv, Bq( K IHM - It v'-'-.. - O. F. SCIIOABIiOM, Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Dealer n. choice Flour, Butter, F-i:gs) nd Cheese, Also, choice ilroceriet, Petroleum Centre, fx Orders left will be promptly attended to. n ooUe delivered. Poetolflce Hoa. .1. royli. THE WORLD-KENOWNED maker SEWING MACHINE INQHIUE OF J. L. JOHNSON, AGENT, No. 22, Waslilugloil St., Petroleum Centre, Pa. OBO, II. BLINEBERY, Solicitor. maylO John C. Welch, Sencca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer in Gibbs. Kussell & Co's Boring and Fishing Tools, TrmiV Hnolror T?nr1s! Driving Pipe, Derrick Irons, Grate Bars, Balance Wheels V Follies all sizes. M Minncctinn with Moadvllle and Plttshnreh foundries Is inch that I can gat out all kind, of Castings at abort order. jons c. wELcn. Oil City, Feb. 17, IS6!.-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE nOOEItT BRYAN 6c CO., B leave to announce to the citizens of Petroleum Centre and vicinity, that they have opened a new store In the rear oi me omce oi inoieninu rciroi eum Company at the railroad crossing, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the Hardware line, hucIi as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Bryan liavfnz been encaged In the bufinoM with alesKri. Winter llro'rt. for lour years pact, will attend particularly to the business of mnnufacluriug SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New yachinc for CUT TING GAS Fir, With an tntiro SET OK NEW DIE i, And will warrant all work in this line. Apr 9. Pianos! Pianos! Organs ! Organs EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS! SMITHS CKLKBKATED AM Eli- UKUAWS I 3ST OTIC E . The undnrsljrsssd having by soo-ial eontrai ta with W. 1'. KMEKSON, Esq, and 8. D.and II. W. Smith, been duly appointrd bv them Sole Agent inr ine saio or ineir i-ULKHitA i ku instku 1 MF.NTS in Warren, Forest, Venino, Clarion and JefVcrson counties, hereb caution the citizens o said counties against negotiating with any other persons Claiming to ne ine Aganu 01 eittiernitnc above named llims, us all such are IMPOSTOUS. X . E ' SKINNER , Dealer In FIANCS. ORGANS. MELOCEONS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS nf every dcEorlpllon. PIANO t TOOL t, SPHEABS' sc., &c. Ceutre.St., Oil, CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, ISI18.-tt. IjtXC.LTSII and SWISS WATCHES or Ihe flnesl nj make, in Uold and Silver (Jutes, at IS1IA.M & CO'S, In (tera llniise Uiillding. UH Ttnw HTM B0t np u, BTyi,B ,t ihe ItECOHD OKFICP. n. aiiii'i'inii scss.svr.i-i ll!ie slior'iwi oiillco, at th ltocord Oltlu. HARD AE OIL CITY. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. obson NEW HARDWARE STORE Oil Crfek Pipe Works. CHARLES IIOBSON Ac Co., Comer of ner V Vnr" Ide oil croon, Dealers In Morris, Tasker ft Co's OIL WELL TUBING ADD CASLNU, WOUK1NO BAHKELS AND VALVES, CLAMPS, TONGS, SCORER RODS, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries noniNO tools, DRIVING PIPE, COLD WATElt PUMPS OIL I'UUl'S, Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE- FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BUAS3 GOODS, TEAMS AXD GAS FITTINGS. BELTING, tAVKlXO, and nOSE; HARDWARE, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, uope, uuKiim, Nails, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & Pocket Cutlery ; Full Assortment of Everything In the HARDWARE LINE. Jiue Punishing Goods, Laups. Chlrmievs, No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Itcflned (HI, Ktiiir Hods. Table an d Door Mats ; C hampion Clothes Wringers Manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kepalnne of all kind done with neatness and OlspaiCU. JSPCCIIU ItllCU'iuu t,:u u STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patronaee of the public, and shall use every exortlon to insure its continuance. Our facilities for fernlshina eoryth!iu; in our line, having been greatly increased, In the erection nf nr Www KiillfllntT. arc now SUPKKIOR TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT AUC, SIMOW, MERCHANT AILOE Bisscll's Block, Oil City, Das Just received a large assortment of NEWJ SPMG & SIMMER GOODS. Of the Latest Pari?, London, and New York Fash ions, comparing in part CLOTHS of all colors, SCOTCH GOODS ot all shades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, LVESTINGS, CASSIMERES, &o. nnd all articles kertt In a Fiist-CI:ist Tailoring Estab lishment. Trunk, ValUei. Fine White Shirts, .men and Paper Col I Br, nose, Susnenders. Suninior I iKli-rclolliina, Mecktten, and Cents' Furnishing Gooils, in gencrnl. All descriptions of Clothing made nn by exiierienccd workmen, on the shortest notice, iu the latent tvles, anJ at the lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. Oil City, Pa., May 1. r63. seplu I88-tf. J. Or. OGDEN, FLOUR FEED STORE, xo. ar CETKE-ST., oil. err v, pa. This is ths beet, establishment of the kind In the Oil Region. Flour and Feed sold at wholesale and retail. ang22-tf. CRANE & THACKEB 134 maiden Lane, N. Y., COMMISSION IHBRCQANTS, are now prepared to receive on Commission and make Liberal Advances to Ueflucrs and Dealers ir both Crude and Ucflued Oil. OIL VITRIOL, CRANE, TIIACKER Ac Co., PETUOLBDM CENTRE, PA , . Keen on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE & WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to make liberal discount to Bcfiners for CASH, and will not be undersold in any of the above articles, junoia tf. CRANE, TIIACKER & CO. CAfiirORNIA. WHEAT FIELDS A"ND STOCK KAN CHOS I have Uanchos or Farms for sale, through out CALIFORNIA, in tracts of Ono Hundred Acres up to Twenty Thousand. Term, to suit pur chasers. These lands will grow Thirty-flvs to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to the Aero, with ordinary farm ing, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty-Five buahe'a per Acre. . Wir Correspondence Solicited. Address II UN It Y McKENTY, Dealer in Ucdl Estate, lOfflce 301 Mob gomrty Street, Fan Francisco, Cal. , HEATING AND COOKING STOVES ! In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING BEODS. TINWARE, LAMPS.L AN TERNS. AND NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sale At the tore formerl? ocmpied by Rurclifle'd and JAMES D. tiEGUIE. Oil City, Jan. 4, 186-tf. Rotan's Oil M Pipe Worts CHA. ROBSON & CO., Corner of Seneca and Centre Sts, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Havlntr added a powerful Steam Engine and three large LATHES, to our already extensive Munurnc turins Establishment, are now prepared to do all the necessary wyrk, iu flttiiuj up, and repairing, ENGINES, BOILERS, IRON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS; In fact do;all Machinery Job Work entrusted to us with neatness and diipatcn au tllmos AjyALL pAPER ! Aew Styles for Suring ! IP At Low Price-9. STATIONERY. SCHOOL ROOKS. BLANK BOOKS, FineCHROMCS, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, &c, IN CUE AT VAP.IETY, As reason uLI as can he purchased at any place in tho Oil Region. 0IM1ST0X, aSOSEY & Co., Bissell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 5, 18ii8 tf A. plico to tret IV. worth of vonr monevls at the NEW K LOU it AND KKBD STnltB AVl) LtJM RE it YAltl) or I., in. STEIt.NBVltU & Ct.,, where there is alwavs a !1 MA.3ST readv to show their customer tbolr 'nn? tr ck t.f FLOUU, HAY. and all kind of FEE utd the place aUo where may lo FOUND A lucre assortment or flrit-class rtorflfl AND DltESSKD I.UMIIKK, LATH, SIIINUI.KS. (, at tlio vciy lowest eah prices. Those who are not DEAD To their own interest, and wish tn deal with men who do business on the square, will And 11 to their interest lo give n n call before purchasing else where, and see wl at wo can do for you 1 1ST our line of business. JT?" All Orders and toamine. 5riii,i iv iiT'enuen r-o. no nor loriret the nia,,e, i m 'OSI'I'K THE KOCUESTEK HOUSE. WASH INGTON STKEET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. L. M. PTEUvnFBO, II. II. VVAHNKH. Fcbl3tf. TO ISIIAM & CO'S for your Cartrldcs. SEABLES & COENWELL, Dealers in sr o O A B . j eHvprid or nt the Yardjiy e car or ton. Apr h ii AMERICAN Sewing Machine! This Machine is warranted to execute In k. greatest degree of perfection, all kinds and varlotlo. or Bowing, nemmuig, riming, cording. Tin-kin Braiding, Gathering and Sowing on, omitC Z ' that is or can lio done by any other uiifclilno no This Machine stands to day without a rival i Its celebrated Oversenmlng Stitch, KmbmiiWhwn!! the Kdsw. and Hnttim Hole and Eyelet llol, .,,, In nil kindK of fabric ffJT"One of lhe"e Machines can be mvn .i room over A. D. Miller fc Co i tfrne sn,r J. u. ( Ol t IN, mcbtS. Agoot LIVERY $c FEED STABLES, Washington street, opposite I ho Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I bave put In n good stock or Riiling and Driving Horses, wbleh I will let oa reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Arc. ' " HOUSES boarded and fed and bit of care cuar. antoeit. b jan9tf A. SMAWLEY. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby Riven, that the partner!,, lntelv snbslntlng lietween Sanuuil Reyuolds C. II. Williams and J. C. Rump, under tlic flrm name of Itevnolds t Co.. of Petrolenm Centre. r was dissolved tills Mth day of April, A. !., l'j' hy mutual consent- All dents owing to the iaM Rartnersliip are to bo rocolved by the said Samuel leynolds and .1. O Rump, and all demands od tho said nartncrshlp are to Im nresentedtothrmfernay. mcut. SAMUEL REYNOLDS,' mnvlSw. T. C. ni'MP. C. I!. WlLLIAtlS, DEAIXU IN COAL! T HAVE opened a Coal Yard nt the end of the Hutd Farm RrUi;e, where will bcton-tautly kept all kinds of STEAM AND STOVE COAL Teams com'ng to my yard for Coal, will have Free lasacn Over tho Creek If ridge. OPERATORS WoiM i ) 've'1 to eH Urn at the oldc, nnd wlli and it 1 1 tlndr advnnta :e to dual with me. Potrolcim Centre lSu.v f1 A C K TO THE LAOI DR t.M'OM!(i!$ GOLDKN I'Kltl JHCAL TILLS fur tVmalt. InfiliMti In conecMn iiTi'tnilnntieH, n-moviiur obIrufiioii8 of the niontliiy tunii, frum whntevfir cnuso nnd alwiiya Hncceafiil n preventive. One pill is n c'o-ie. IVmnles cultir ly titiitilt!d, or thuno MippnMiigthtni!elviasOj nre e mti' ma flir.iinsi urtin' iueu I'm, wime m tliat ctitulitinii Utt they invite niiscnrriflt: after wh cli iiimoiiitinn ttie pmt rletor niun.? no rf- ipuiisiitilitv. nitiioiun tiieir miiiii0t woiria p evt-m tiny ini-rlifof ti liftiith; otlirrw (fn? tho J'lll ore r c:mnu nlet una mot Invuluahic remedy furl heal-. Icriiittim oftlio-o Miuurhi from any irrrgHlarMla wlmtuver. n well to nrvrnt nn increase of fami ly when lienlth will nut permit, ir; qniHinir ihe nnrvcrt iiini hi'itiL'im; Imuk thu 'rosy color of hualtti" ti the chock of the in oat rit-llcuto- biill nr:u exulicit dirfctionn flccotmmnv each box Price $1 t box; i boxen, $o. Sold in Petroleum Centre, by A. P. MIl.LKIt CO., "Solo Airentf' for IVtrolcom Ct-ntre, J';i. Ladle! Viy ndin" them SI totlie IVlitileiimO'tt tre p. U cj have tbe Pill rvnt feonti'l.iitliilyl bj mail to any p;.rt "f ti e country, tree of cliar(C hold uio bv it. KJ. X i: o. k tlVK, iiiubmhc. Ph. : A. K. Orl tilth. Oil City ; Flnnm 'niif, Frank, in; Dr. J. h. Acitmb, 'J'iuioute; B. U IliiKt'lton. wnrren : nnd tv "one Drmnriat" in every town in tho 0 ilted t?tat, nnd by Ju4 B. D. UOWU. Pron'r. K6W lorn. S A PERFECT CUBE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appej Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and w diseases arising from a disordered SUM oi the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & BentieV, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by a4ninri etc A. 1). .MILLER ,t CO.. Wholesale n'l Mctall I)ruj.'tlsts, Agenlstfir l'cli'oleiiiu lelr'' vicinity. Ju" ' ISIIAM A; CO., Watc miiKElts & Ji wrirRS IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WA?n' INGTON STREET, PETUOLKim !ENTIIE, VAh Keep constantly on UanJ a lai'ta aBsoitnnn'01 WATCnFS, JEWELRY, PISTOLS, HEVOLVEBH f TirglS Cartridges, c., and will pell at eastern prlci ,.-,"h worn wamnled lo nlve siltlsiaein'u. HY tlm E Howanl Ameriran Watch. Ihc dt made, ,f IBHAM CO