The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 31, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pot. Centre, Mondny. May 31.
A. Jb I'Al, A'tt it or.
Tlmo ol Cloning Matin.
1'. O., PEIHOLElW CtdTIU, l'A ,
JCIV 37sT, 1SGS. i
Until furthur notice tho mails will arrive at and
depart from tbl office as follows:
South and Eaat, Tia. Irriaoton, 10 2S A. M.
Sooth and West, " Meadrille, 5 18 P M
North and East, " Corry, 55 "
i... DKPART.
South and Wnl, 8 45 A. M.
HoutBj East and Wed, 9 3U P. M.
North, East and West, 10.00 A. M.
IJlTlne Services.
Preaching .iff .ll.'o'clock A. M., ana 1)i
o'clock P. if.
Key.. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
7 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats Free. A cordial invitation
extended to all. .
Rev. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
Mass at lOij' a. m.
Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catch-ism at 2 p. m.
Cjianoe of Time. Oil Creek fr, Alle
g'lev River Railway, Monday, April 20:
Express No. 5 arrive? at 7.20 . m.
Express No. 1 arrives at 10.30 a. m.
Express No. 3 arrives' at 5.34 p. m.
Freight No. 7 arrives at 12. 45 p. m.
Freight No. 13 arrives at 12.01 p. m.
Freight No. 16 arrives at 8.45 a. rn.
Express No.' 4 arrives at 9.15 a. m.
Express No. 2 arrives at 3.10 p. m.
Express No. 6 arrives at 7.25 p. m.
Freight No. 8 arrives at 5.34 p. m.
Freight No. 10 arrives at 8.25 a. ni.
Freight No. 14 arrives at 2.00 p. rrj.
'Freight No. 16 arrives at 12.45 p. m
4 Railroad slides above Tldioute, delayed
vi 10:30 train this morning one hour.
Hartford passenger across it
ejw Jhe, completed P.aclflo Rail-
""""? "I woman whoHnad faith
wsa'i word to travel
. mtSXJ him.
, '' ' ' . 1
I Ther, the hone actress, was ar
in New York on Wednesday and held
,0 ball on a charge of the larceny of a gold
watch valued at $200.
' ' The railroad track this side of Tryonville,
' mink yesterday to such a depth that it has
been impossible to run a through train from
Corry to-day. Passengers are transferred at
the slide and no freight has como through
to-day. It ia evpectci that trains can pass
the slide to-morroT.
In Fayette connty is an ' Uc when
was planted in 1772,foury-ar? .. the Ke
volution. It is said to be stillin g ..-: '.n! it
ion. Forty bushels of apples 1 its u: "0
yield each season. "Woodman, saio ii.u
The following additional postmasters
have been appointed : Porterfield, Venan
go county, W. L. Reefer, vise J. PorterQeld
' resigned; Olcopolis, Venango county, J. Y.
Collins, viceE. G. Crawford, resigned.
Haveiii.t's MixsTREi.s.-To-morrow even
ing our citizens are to be favored with an
cntainmontat tho Opera House. This is
ono of tho best minstrel organizations now
on this contintut, and having heard them
cheerfully recommend them to the patron
age of tho public.
Prof. Johnny Swooney is to open his new
gymnasium in Aikins' buck this week
iivory convenience necessary for exorcise in
the manly art, and cultivation of the mus
clo, will be produced. Tho Professor ia now
roady to receive members, and wo bopo our
young men will give him liberal patron
age, both for their own and Sweeney's good.
The Annual Convention of tho State Sun.
day School Society will be hold at WilUams
port, beginning to-morow. Sunday School
teachers and superintendents and clergy
men interested in tho work, aro invited to
bo present from all parts of tho State.
Each Sunday 'School is requested to send
one or more dologates. The delegates will
lu furnished with homcB.
The members of Oil City Lodge, No. 33.
1. C. G. T. , will give a strawberry and ice
cream festival at Excelsior Hall on Thurs
day evening next, June 3d. This order is
justly celebrated in Venango county for get
ting up interesting festivals, and thoir ta
bles aro always upread with tho richest vi
ands oi tho tuAiou. No doubt ihn order
will reteire a handionie .?nef,t All tie
invited to ultiind, and it is lobe Uopcl na
; to l'i'lg s w;u i1e reniusrnicrl.
The estate of the lion. ArneUl t'luuipr is
said to bo wo.-i . two milliou dollars, ami
waB devised to ! W'.low.
In tho Court of C o l Picas at Phila.
delpaift on Friday, Ju),;o l'ieroe rend an
opinion ofJudgo Allison, au: Uning t jo 27th
section of tho new registry law, which ap
plies to hotels, taverns and sailor boanUng
houses. The assessors aro proniuuen irom
registering any inmates of theso establish
ment. nrDRoruoitiA. At tho approach of the
sultry season, it may be well to romember
that, according to medical statistics, more
cases of hydrophobia occur in tho wet
months of spring and autumu than during the
summer season. Though caution is alwn.'g
commendable, yet unnecessary alarms sh'ld
bo carefully avoided.
An action has been brought in tlio Su
preme Court of New Yoik to foreclose the
second divisional mortgage of tho Atlantic
4 Groat Western Railroad, by one of the
bondholders for non-payment of interest.
The defence moved to transfer the case to
Chautauqua county, where the mortgaged
real estate is situated. Decision reserved.
Is your nursing babe eight months old,
feeble and inactive, its teeth earning through
the gums already black and defective, and
its soft flabby fiesh indicating a want ot
muscular fibre? change your own food at
once, and give up butter.and fine flour, and
cakes, and puddings with sweet sauce, and
take instead beefsteak, oat-msal or barley
porridge, with milk and unbolted wheat
bread, frits, pea soup, etc., which abound
in phosphates and nitrates, and in one week
you shall see an improvement in tho condi
tion of tho child; but if your own health
will not admit of such a change, wean the
babe, and give it tho milk of the cow, oat.
meal gruel, etc.; and for tho next child, be
sure and commence furnishing the material
for bone and muscle at least fourteen months
earlier, and Its teeth will not be defective,
or its muscles feeble and flabby.
Nor are defective teeth and undeveloped
muscles the only or the greatest evils that
accrno from neglect to furnish suitable
material (or the foundation of that structure
which is so important as to be denominated
the "temple of God."
While all animals, in their natural stale,
living as they do according to natural laws.
raise all their young, and bring them per"
fectly developed to full maturity, a perfect
ly developed young mau or woman, at full
maturity, with perfect teeth and sound
lungs, and well developed muscles and
brains, is a rare exception to the general
rule; and to every reflecting mind the rea
son must bo obvious; we neglect to learn,
;.ud utterly disregard the plain lawsofuir
being, and these terrible sufferings ami
berevements are the natural and just penal
ties for our disobedience.
Tub Oi.o, Old Stokv. Miss nulda Daw
son and Mrs. Susio Lee McGowan, of New
Albany, Ind., each nsed about eighteen
years, procured eigh grains of morphine, and
on Thursday night, nfter writing letters to
tho:r friends, nnnnounciog their intention
to commit suicide, and prayin - fervently
for soma time, swallowed the poison. Al
daylight next morning they were discovered
in their room in an almost lifeless condition.
Medical assis.ta.QCo was promptly secured,
and thoy are both out of danger. It seems
that Miss Dawson had been seduced ' by one
Elisha Jackson, an employee of the New
Albany Rolling Mill, and that ho had wear
ied of her aud deserted her. Mrs. McGow
an bad beoif todiiccd by Thomas McGowan,
and the fact coming to tho knowledge of lior
friends, be was forced to marry her, but de
serted her shortly afterward. Tho girls had
beon companions sinco childhood, and had
concluded to dio together, and although
frustrated in their attempt, they express a
determination to commit suicide at the Grst
Decohation Day at Fkanklix. Tho
ceremony of decorating soldier's graves was
observed in a befitting manner at Franklin
on Saturday last. Nearly three thousand
pcoplo assombled beloro noon, Thero were
in attendance largo delegations form Oil
City, Rousevillo and Tarr furra. In the
delegation from the last named place way
included Post No. 1G7 G. A. R. A proces
sion was organized, which moved through
tho principal streets. A meeting was then
held and appropriate addresses were deliver,
cd by Captains Snowden and Galbraitu.
The musio was furnibueil by tho Tarr farm
Cornot Band.
The total taxablo property in St. Louis
ns returned by tho President of tho Board
of Assessors, is onu hundred and thirty mil
lion, five hundred and thirty-throo thousand
dollars, an increase since last year of twen
ly million three hundred and sixty thous
and. In the county one hundred and forty-
five million ono hundred and scvcnty-six
thousand, an increase since last year of
twenty-iivo million six, hundred and thirty
Qovca thousand.
not ur.rruit nr-srns.
Benjamin Howe, a well-known resident of
Peiitiold, died suddenly of heait disease in
Rochester Thursday morniug.
Sosepn Messnor. who is to bo hung in
Rochester, Juno 7th, writes to a newspaper
tho following: "1 want all my friends to
turn out and see mo hanged."
Rochester expocts a visit from Mdduns
Prof. Henry Appy, of tho Flour City, con
certcd at Pansvillo ono er two evenings
There is now uino and a half loot ol Cen
tury riant in Rochester.
Charlotte will hold its first Charter Elec
tion ou the first Monday in June, ut which
time five Trustees, a Police Justice, Treas
urer, Collector and Constable are to be elect
ed. The firm of Jones, Newman fc liollister,
exteusivo sash and blind manufacturers at
Rochester aud Fuirprrt, were obliged to
make an assignment on Wednesday for tho
benefit of their creditors. Their liabilities
are about $50,000, which is more than bal.
auced by tho assists, to that the creditots
are likely to sustain no loss whatever.
Buffalo Ileum.
George II. Judson, John Anderson, Mar
tha Webster. Eliza Phillips, Cecelia Bur
lingam, Eliza Russell, Nichols Winter,
Gred. Winter. David IX-rniaii and Bauhardt
Winter, were fined from live to ten dollars
Throe Polish emigrants who work for L.
M. Lass, on tho Chennuo canal, and left
there for Buffalo with .333 dollars due them,
received their money Saturday through the
exertions of Poormastor Ball.
The Niagaras and Columbians play a
match next Tuesday.
A Lodgo of Eternal Progressionists lias
been organized iu BiiU'ilo.
The First Church extension isstill a thing
ot tho dim future.
t:rier Mention.
Hero's richness (if not riches) "Lunduu
is tohavo a new literary and critical paper
to bo throughly imparliul."
A Chicago paper is pitching into Horace
Greeley. Tho Times writes uo wrinkles on
that azuro Liu-.v.
Coll'ax will mingle his smiles with old
ocean's at Newport next nuirii. llo will
also talie his smiles at tho Ocea I.
'The man who yawns,, by a r 'ailer of .'
It'Mtiiie ril:" is tho last parody ol proligu
Salm Suliu is to argue tho nnes;ion of his
wile's perfection with u (rossipjie'ic'ewsf
TLo discussion will he cuiducied with pis
tols. CasliS of Jordan water ere no'.v imported
for bapti.-:u iu European royal f.::aliius. If
Alixandria ke s on Engu.i 1 mU'i! as well
import the whole river.
The Bengal Rajah has resisted ti e wiles
of the l'aris'. in dirmi :'jndr, ulid re iiuiu-
faithful to tho forly-threo partners i.f Lis
bosom loit by him ut Bengal. h x.
Olive Logan sas no uMmnu can bo .:i ac.
tress and retain her virtue.'' O.ivo was on
the stage- but then she wusn't much of an
With the thermometer at U0, theCuicago
Post has strength enough to gel the lollowieg
"Eugenie wants a statue of herself iu the
Louvre, but the French don't euough
to do it."
'Isaac Pitman, of Bath, England, the in
ventor of phonography, has published a
complete edition of the Biblo in phonograph
ic characters. This it by far tho moU exten
sive work ever produced in any v stem of
short hand." And the most useless.
A Knotty Point. .Society is geuerally
agreed that no woman should marry w;'.h a
man younger than herself. When tho oppo.
site is the case tho woman in generally look
ed upon as a fool aud the man as a knave.
But a spiDstcr of our euuantance withes to
know what a woman is to do whon Blie or-
ives at tho aso of a hundred and ton, o(
thereabout, and desires to marry. ine
scarcit;- of murrying wen sunauio 101
maiden of sweet ono hundred and ten would
sc?m tojiutifv her in woddlng a youth of
ovcaty or eighty. Would it not
Tiik Gheat Stohm. A'Uliii 1 1 il ;i .. Ocu
lars of the dreadful bail storm woic . ,. sed
over Wheo'g, V., o.. Jafarday, sno.v the
work of devastation to havo been far fifniter
than at first supposed. Tho destruction to
vineyards has boen immense, and those-leaBt
injured cannot be mode productive tor years,
and in a majority of cases are utterly ruin
ed. Up the Wbcoling Creek Valley tho de
struction h enormous. Many sheep and
lambs are killed. Tho wheat and corn is
cut olose to the ground and a number of ac
cidents aro reported, some of whieli aio like
ly lo prove fatal. Tho town of West Liber
ty, twelve miles Irom Wheeling, is reported
in ruia. Hail stones lo tho depth of two
(est Sim romaln in Market and Mina uti-w's
cAMiiu a t a y cm n r. : i : i s.
Hit. Kiutoh -Honso luimniuce tho n:ime nT t'ol.
A l IHtNelN as ii e.ui. I'd lie lor Stale Senator,
lllijvrl lo tile lUues ol' lliv It epulllieaii parly.
Mr. Kiutoh- Pltvise uniunmeo the mime of
JAM KM M HKIClllN. ol' I'Vmklin, as a ritndidiito
f..r stiitr SeimUir, subjtvt to the lis ,,(' the l!i
l.ulplicm party. MAX flTtKSS.
rnNl:l:ll, Mivvij 1 :-.
,1 It. Mr.t i' N kin, Franklin:
Im:ah Sin : We Hie iiiiilei.-ini'd eiliei h ol imiiiii
l'o t'oiinty. haviii'.i rotiliilemv In voiir Inlrm ity mul
ability lo' luolei t Ihe i:re:it liiti-rrula of tlii i-u'iiuly,
tiil'lle-tlv reiuet you lo bei-ouii' a i-:lllilii!:lte fi'l- (lie
A-M'iulii'y. sulned to the deeMim f Ihe ltoilitiluvji
party at Hie eu-uiu I i I'niit y r.leei
l SliHiirt
Win llriMn:h
lohu .leltord-i
('hit 1 Uiov m il
.la.- Hiihili-.,.!
f K lJil'kin
K li I, OM
NI I.iiik
J I li.nidl.-r
N .1 Ttiin'!vii;
I1 T rainilii'!l
S I 'in I is
V II ItaMain
I) l'iiilli-i
K A Poly
J II Sett
.I Shretler
N II Tain
K S Andrew d
Jim U nties
F V Miti h. il
K T Wright
f A Cooper
K M Iblkill
I. Doiilittle
Tlii-o tjuld
K f lira I'ey
V STnrhell
.1 It I'nrtuaii
II f llivis
K lliitliaway
Knmk Stoddard
H W llindes
V ll Irwin
A Irwin
K II ItaiW
11 IJ Hoy;'
V W Andrew a
John l'urli-r
W A riitnuwiiinli
.1 II Aiid.i-'.vo
A V iiian
II II Jones
.1 J llonahue
1 Hid
J N i-e
It I. Kriiindi in
i: W I!,, mill
W S .li -.-oi
I. Kiin-rv, Jr jl llekey
'rhoniiis I'lu'es
V W IVlVnis
' M Trolirlili;o
l.ynian Stewart
II l.l-o Nel-mi
C K I oi .per
11 r:ltnl
II liati-jherly
N I' Stone
lleo llolton
A 1- Niellols
.1 1) r.uu-e
II V Wiiltman
.l:i-i llureher
V Tvler
II A Avery
s l!li.iul-l
Will I'leery
John Sivly
U Spad bi'ny
,i s r.iixon
ACt'EITAM'l:. IM . V.iy -"!. 1"M-.
Mixsm. I Stewart, John Jeffords, William l'ruuiili
F. W. Andrews, and others:
(Ikntlkmkn : I have re:'.d yonr iTiiiliiiinii-illlon
Kuliii-hrd inlheTitu-villoDsilv niWnl llos muni
itni, ill w hli'h vi, u do me the honor to vximw eonli
ileiii-e ill 'iiv ahilitv to represent this lilriet in Ihe
House of It. presiMitalivps. an, I rtiiiist me In liei-ome
n eaeilid He suhiei-t In Kepilhliean ih:iku. In repiy,
therein I lake pleilsine in say'n.' I cotnelit lo
your re'iuivt. and herel.v resim-l In ly snlb it the Mip
put ot my Hi'linhlWltl frleniU throughout the
eiilltity on llieotli ol' June. Isi'.'.l.
Votirs, very truly.
.1. b.Mc.ICNKIN'.
Mil. ElUTor.: I'ieue minuiuei' to the riti."lis oT
Vetmti'jo I'onnlv. that W' I.I.I IM 1 1 ATI-IS, ,.i Idu-k-In
u,l 'I'owtisliio. is i-aiiilMiuc lor Member or As-si-m'dy,
slllijoct to the us:l-;es of the II i ou'ill.-nn
party. MANY I'iTIZK.NS.
Kmt"U Iteenrn: I'lene iili'iennce tli" name of
J. II (il.'ANT as a em rd He fi.r Ih" teoni'iMinn f ir
I'ivuhv Treasurer, sul ject to I'm iH:i"e of the l;e
liul.lican limy. M ANY ITIZKNS.
t... I'nrnn r'le.iso noTi'innre the mini" of
OIIN'V CIIHISTY. of "il ''''. ns " endohtp
. i- iirniiio-.tioM-'fCounty Ti-r-i-urer, suhjeet to ihe
tisH -is, f fie llipu'i'ican partv.
Mr riiri' - 's n "'an well iei-i,: !l. ! for tlin fnul.
'(Ml. is in :ir !:-lf IJeroi'olielt'. -l-i 1 n:l- iloi-mt till.'
wa- -i tH'i'ita' -old: -r. V. NY CITIZEN'S
M". KtlT"'! l':--t' .111'-" '"-'" th t::l'tle f OKI
W l'.ltl ill l us n cituPdite I'"" Ci.ifi'v Trei'iir
er, subject to til u-:l-.'es of 1. Ke.oi'.lii-in mrly..
I'l.'i imoNOI'AKY.
'''It FnlT.n:: TV-lso nniiotoif i- l':e teline of 1. IV
ClfWYK'HIH.of lli-hmoiil Town -hin. ns a nidi
iblte fi.r I' ll" t.iry. ul,e,-t to the 11-'."" of the
UevuhHrm narlv. Sm.i.ii:i:s n- lfy:l'fin.levs.
Vi, Pi. it, ii I'li-is,. :1:h,o-e-eth'.li:inie..r I "ot
s liNonv.of IV'ro'eim
lor I'miloiii-it-irv or Yin:iii .'.i Co inly.
, subjivt to the
iHWw of tlm Iii-nioi-ralic parly.
V ne Tiillnriz-i to -i"'i I'le-. tint .I'l'KI II 11.
-'IITI1. l.-,iilionoior of r.mntv. will h
n nir.-1i.!:ltH fur r. ii-eiiin itoei, i-.r s.-i:'l i-bire,
.-t to the usages ol' ih- It 'pu ini-ac p irty.
KKiMSTIlll AMMMX!'"1'!!.
Kiiiroii IlKcniii.: V. v.i wl'l . lease an-
.innnre Hint .IaMH Y. "HAW will ben riioeiilille
fur iiioipei'i.ui t..r in otln-eni in-: i-u i -imih n"-
,-r. siilii.s t to tin; il-i-e of the l,Vpiibl!e.-n party, it
lh l-llsllin-' Hi Iilll.blKn ITiItinrn imh-i-mi.
sv ,i n I'livatein I'omp.niv 1 I'd !. i-sil'vnni-i
Voluiit.m. mul Iii'l ri-l.t ii"n In b'tl;
of r.ettvs'tui"- He is com len-nr lino i-'i i.ii'i
has Hi-rvcl .-is"l!e.esier nod His-nrJiT f..r one term f
I.- .,,l.. s,lt UfjU-lKlll Ol all W, ll'IM. Iin-l'- i.T.i;.ns
with him
Mr FtitTftR- ''lease aiinonnre to Mo rltizns i.r
Venainr- t'onntv thnt J. Y. Sli!i;INS..f Oil Crn-k
a...u.n.i,'nt in a candidnto for routiiv ('i-mitui-sion-
er, subject to the iisukm of the Republican party.
Mil KpitoR T'leaso annoinicp the linme tif li
lt IIIXf'N, of (Vimphinler Township, ns n rand1
diito for ('"tinty Coinmiiisloner, slibjeel to the usn
..en oftho Republican party. Masv Hki'Uiii.ioans.
liO;sil iVoticcs.
Wns. BARBtR begs to announce that she will open
a prtvate school In Win. Bragg's building adjoin
ing the American Hotol on Monday May Slt.
Iloun ol tutlon from 9 a. in., till 13. m., and from
1:30 till 4 p.m.
Terras: for pupils under 12 years 40cts per week;
over 12 years 60 cts per week.
29 If.
WALL PAI'EU, fresh upply, or all atylea and
prices, Just received at A. D. MILLER & CO'8.
Special NoticOi
WOKDS OP WISDOM for young men, on the
Haling Passion In Youth and Early Manhood, with
SELF HELP for the Erring and Unfortunate Sent
in scaled letter envolon?s, freo of clu -"e. Addreu,
HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia,
l'A. Mai 'il, 3m.
Guitar Strings at W. n. Nlchclion Jfc Co'.
AllHlua. Ijist week ws called attention to
tho Constitution Bitters of Seward ft Bcnlley, and
now wc take pleasure: in noticing their Alisnia for
the hair, which is said to ho a very Ane article for
the toilet. We are of the opinion that tho prepara
tions of S. & B. are all good, for tho reputation
they sustain as Drng'sU is good ovtdonco that
they wonld not put anything in the market of an
ordinary character. Messrs. A. D. MILLHIt f'O
have it for sale and we hope all our friends will
try it.
For all Broachial affections, try Seward's Cough
varioty, has been received at A- D- Miller & Co-'s-
i Hciiler, I'loiiecr, la,,
Nrwn I
itoecin' ait names anil lilredrated I'apiMn fnm xv
York twlee prr day and will mail nny paper pub-
limbed. Illib-traled weekly paptus, ?1.,
per ihr, .
iiyillis, Invariab'y In advr.ncti.
Iturilwnro .V lili'ire ilss.irtiiient of whieh is
beltiK closed out at ed rub s al ItliY.N'oi.Ds
HltomtKAl) & Cll'S, No. 11 t'entre St., uppu,ii
Ihe lVst or.lee, Oil i.'ny, l'n.
All nei-omits not settli-il Ini.iii-.linlely, will lv it.ft
with au otiicir Toi eo!!eetion.
Al" H tr. liF.YXui.lW (,
i-w I 'lour, :iiil ;r,'rery
ftor :
.1. S. Pit ATI IK It, HANK Ill lI.IlINl!. (in M.UVsp
I'pposito the
l.n;eiiul II. st e
t'iiiitoek llousi., has in mili
iss -tori; of t'tonr. IFee.l im,i
;roeei-leM, wh'eh he is s,.:iinK at a w t-,...,ri,
t. Ilon't I'orcel 'he plbei where A, I) l uttou
A: Company broke up. nn'l tf.
t:tirp'li, of every ipialily ami di srrlpilon. at
RHYXlll.I-, ItltHDUK.M COS, 11 (Vnire
flroet, opposll ihe p. ()., (1,1 Ciiy.ti-,,.
MAN, at A. I) MI!. 1. Elf A: Ci
ca.nauy, ;r.:
If vna wi.'l I
try W. II Xi -
:" best rinu- Tiib;e-eo iii ihe mirkt
oImiii A; Co.
frorafrv For all kinds m t,i IIKYN'Mk
BltoiMIIvM A crs, x. ii cnhv.- t ;,,
nitethe I'o.t !ll,;e, Oil City, l'i.
UIC'I M A I! U I A ' i li ;il'T.
Tiij: IJii tlvs- Gift w liirh Yo'ii-' Mini i-m prp.
sent to bis l, ,'i is a s-eiii I i-oi - litutii.ii a:. ! a imri.
i-lrl. I's,:i-s n Ihes siil.f,., ts, with Ih,. hu:ii:iiio
(VI 'Ws of t,.-iii.-.I,-ii' Clivsi.-l.-lns. s .,,t s.-n'.. I
t..r env,.!,,-,..., fr ,f , :ir -... Ad.lri-s HOW Mil)
ASSOCI TIllX. Iloi l" I'hil nl-'pbia. i'.i. U :)m
TH K b'-st place is town to fr-t a pi:r of Hoots
iimde of the best Stock, that will wenr well, and
warrnntid lo fit, Is at J. A. I'laiiteN l-'esh
lot.-ible Hoot Sh"p. WashiiiL'ton Street, l'etrolouiu
Cenlre, I'.-t. C.ive him a trial. seplll-tf.
?i . it it i, i :s,
CLASS A I.I.IKS, at A. P. .MI1.LK1I CO.l
Il .'.s.; r.Ai.L HATS and ECOliE kBOOKS, at
W II Nicholson & i Vs.
W. A.
DON'T ClIBtV, an antidoto for nrrl -TBi
l'OtTXl), for sale at A. D. & CO-S.-J v
Hasina for 13 conls per pound at,
22 lw WAUIITBIt'eV-''
Tuesday, June lL
V lit Y ritllllA' 'wllno.
Jl (J 111 1 11 u 1 iiuuut nthlT
From their M nstrel Hid, Clilciso. petil
- - - - I 1M-
,i, ii i ii i.iw.i, - .naonerer. j-
i i," p--l-il in in, ii,i i i r..-, i tiouisur JII.V PJW
S'I'lvi- l.V. einoT ir wlvni ii:u ,
S. S. PUR0Y. i
O. P. SWEET, 'l
Vi'ltli a r,i!l an-l F.ill b-nt (jmi lotto and Orchestra,
A In,! sion. .", 1 els. Ki.s,.rvi-.i S Mlts. 75 rts.
"house fou SALE ! ' .
f 1 l;c MiiiliT-ii'iii'iJ i ITTrt iii Uou-tcfor mi. l'tr;it(d
S nn n' l-l-ht-rt F.tnn, near ''filler'! Jl.nnliiij;
Ji.itif. A ;i.i'i' iiHc!iiTit'd wii'er int'i fie Uitrho: .
i'or tm-tinil'nvt iittjdy lo K J. lii SS
ni'ty-1 lw
I'fcVnnLKI'll ('KNTilE, l'A.
Morning Noon Night,
And at all other times at tho
S' nt! (Iiior from Oj rtt Ioiisr.
IVtit'f t'tlt-
"J A'.
Who Win f-tror hi" n:ilh
lottli a
Don't rori-ct the plaee, SKCONIJ DOOIt I 'IIOM THE
J. W. Beatty.
Pelroleum Centre, May 18th, 18ii!l. may2l 1m-
4 Y 156 I'KIKO t-.IIUTT'S S 1-
Hotels, Parlies, and IVnatd FamI 1 ie supplied wi.
ths choicest lee Criam, on short notice aud
on the best of tertus
J, J krM -JL 3: r. ' l nr a :t ' -t i in i mi ! in i in i l