a I f ARE Stomach BITTERS ! w ike i - 1 A n, eitUI. ee ptauul Bf Bed; tar ill DIMM iiUii tnm a DISORDERED STOMACH. A win iltiirul tftkeu llirtt Um.. ft day will M found cfftttlf. la mil 4MMOf DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAIXT, 6EX t.RAI. DEBILITY, Jrerrow Prostration mnd rwrymn of IndigtMon, IntormiUtnt freer, er mnd Ague, mnd m mild Invigorating TOXIC for deHtmt female mnd invalid: PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER.. CO., Branch Manntkctory at Petroleum Centre, Pa. 4) KM by all Dracrleta. 'sions of Experienced Drug- i the following opinions of ex d druggists and physicians : A-- . S. W. DOWNER & CO.: naving f Toteinlte Bitten for some time past, and ned frequent Milt for tbem by our custom 1 from our own examination ot them, we be i them to be much better in quality than an; Bitten In the market, and we are confident A they will answer your moit (anguine expecta nt, and fully meet the demands of tbe public would recommend tbem to the oubllo for trial, specially to invalids suffering from weakness and a disordered stomach. omit Respectfully Yours, A. 0. MILLER & CO., Druggists. This certifies that we have used the Great Yose 'te Bitters prepared by J. W. Downer 4 Co., of liplace, and believe that they are, what they erpr,r.ntert lo be a nure and wholesome Storo- ih Bitten, and a pleasant tonic beverage for the u nf Invalids suffering from weakness of the Ktnmnfth. Tivanensia. to.. &c We think tbem to h onnA. it not better, than anv Bitten now In tbe market, and cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully. T. B. McNAIR &, CO., Druggists. I have used, and observed tbo effects of the Great Yosem'te Stomach Bitters, prepared oy J. w. r rwnnr Co.. Petroleum Centre, and think tbem pri era j!" to any now in use, for tbe relief of those diniuuilies lor WDICU mey are reoouinifiiuou. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, Ta., Dec. 26tb, 1868. Ilnvinn carefully examined tho 'Yosomita Bit era." tnaniilnetmeil and sold by Messrs. J. YV Downer ifc Co.. I am convinced that they aro chem ienlly nure. and haying a knowledge of their com ponent ports, I fuel sale in recommending their use to the afflicted. ,. A. LOBAUGH, M. D. Oil City, March lh, 18fi!. ma3i?A.iR,Er by J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa., Branch Manu. factory, and sold by all Druggist TheGreatYosemiteBitters WARRANTED TO CURE EASES ARISING FROM ALL A DIS- DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES j ad, ire superior to any in f Market. TRY THE t tbe 3. W. DOWSER CO. .airoleum Centre, March 10th, wn.j T. B.McNair&Co, 23 W4$I1M1HN-ST., Would respectfully announce that they are are now opening iuii assortment of DE U G-S ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils, SoapsrBrushes, &c. In the room formerly occupied by Mr. uoodman. Particular attention will b paid to the preparation of rrescnptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any in the country. "Wjnes, and Liquors ! FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES t"Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B. MelfAIR CO. Petroleum Centre, t a., Oct 0; '8s.-tt NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROBERT BRYAN & CO., lta Imva tn annonnre tn tbe citizens of Petrolenm Centre and vicinity, that they have opened a new store in trie rear of the office of the Central Petrol nm nnmniwv at the imllroad crowing, where they will keep conatantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the Hardware line, auch as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Bryan tmvlne Been engaged tn the btinineM with Mamh. Winter Bro'a. for lonr vear. part, will attend particularly tothebuslnew of manufacturing SMOKE STACKS. all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. , GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PI P , With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr:0. Pianos! Pianos! ! Organs ! Organs ! EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS SMITH'S CELEBRATED AMER- 4, ICAN ORGANS ! NOT I O E . The nnderimad bavins by special contract, with W. P. KMEKHON. Ei . and H. D. and U. W. rtralth, been doly appointed by tbem Solo Agent rnr lbs aale or ineir culehuatku lnsinu- MENTH tn Warren, Porear, Venaono. Clarion and jHfferann counties, hereby cantions the clllsena o aaid countiea aealnat neizotiatinK with any other pereona claiminK to be the A rent, ot either of the above named firms, as all such are IMIWTOUS. iv . e ; SKiivivEn, Dealer iu PIANOS. ORBANS. MELOIEONS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, BPREAB8' Centre-SC, Oil. CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, 16S.-tt. 'NGLISH and BWIBS WATCH RS of the Bncwt i maae, tntioliland Hilver Cases, at IS CO'S, iu Opera Hotue Buildiug. m oe itHivau v( r k;s, so. mm ;U.4aV j'ga. HARDWARE OIL CITT. BOBSOirS Oil Crfer Pipe Works. CHAR Id EM ROBSOX Co., Corner of Seneca centre st aide oil Ureek, Oil Cltr, " Dealers In Morris, Tasker Co's OIL WELL TCBING AND CASING, ALSO, WORKING BAHREIN AND VALVES, STUFFING BOXES, u CLAMPS, TONOS, ' SUCKER RODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Weill Refineries BORINQ TOOLS, OIL PUMPS, DRIVING PIPE. COLD WATER POMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS F1TTIS0S. BELT1XQ, hAVKlXQ, aniBOSE; HARDWARE, HOCSJ TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, iraKum, Nails, Axes. Coffee Mills, Table Ic Pocket Cutlery ; Full Assortment of Everything in the HARDWARE LINE. Jiuae Fnril.hlnft Good., Map.. Lwmnevs, No 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, Nil 1 Refined Oil, Stair Koo-', Table an tlDoor Mats ; 1 bampion ( lot lies Wringers Manufacturer, of Tin, 8heet Iron and Copper Ware. Rerjairtntc of all kind done with neatness and dispatch. Especial attention gi'en to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. tetive endeavored to merit the natronaae nf the public, and shall use every exertion to Insure iu continuance. Our facilities for frrnishtnz everything In onr line, having been greatly Increased, In the erection of our New Bnildlne. are now .., SUPERIOR TO ANY OTIIEK ESTABLISHMENT aug21-8m. IN TUB uiLi iisuiun. AUG, SIMON. MERCHANT T A I LO R LDlssell's Block, Oil City, Has Just received a large auortment of NEWJ SP.R1NG & SOMMER GOODS. Of t"o Latest Pari., London, snd New York Fash ion., comprirmg in part CLOTHS of all colors, SCOTCH GOODS ot all shades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, .VESTINGS, CASSIMERES, Ac. and all article, kept In a Firnt-Clam Tailoring Estab- , icshineut. Trunk. Valines, Fine White Hhirla, Eiiueu ana rsper romn, iiu., Suaiieiidera. Hnminer I'nderelolblnsi. NeekUee, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. In Mineral. All dencrlDtlons of Clnthlna made nn by eaperienced workmen, on the shorteat notice, in the latest styles, ana at tne lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. OU City, Pa., May 1, '9. seplB ltHiB-tf FLOUR AD FEED STORE, NO. 3T CESTBE-ST., oil. vrrv, pa. Thl.ts the heat eauhli.hment of the kind in thi Oil Region, floor auil Ceed told at wholraale and retail. augZi-tr. CRAKE Ac THACKGIt 134 maiden Lane, N. V., mission HERC1HNTS, aro now prepared to receive on Commission and mane uioerai Aavancea te itenuers ana Dealers U both Crude and Kenned Oil. OIL VITRIOL, CRANE, THACKER 4c Co., PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA , Kppn nn hanii OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WniTE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to make lllxiral discount to Refiners tor lABll, and will not be undersold in any of the uiHive articles. junelS tf. CRANE, TIIACKEIt & CO. CALIFORNIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN CMOS I have Itancboa or Farms for aale, through out CALIFORNIA, la tracts of Ono Hundred Acres up to Twenty Tutneand. T.'rm. to suit pur chaaers. These lands will grow Thirty live to Fifty Bu.heli of Wheat to the Acre, with ordinary farm ing, and a Volunteer Crop or Twenty-Five bushel, per Acre. CorresponCenso Solicited. Address HEN RY SloKENIY, Dealer is Real Estate, ;OBloc 301 1 McaigimirySlrset. rm Tianclsco. raL MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. NEW HARDWARE STORE BXAimO AITO COOKIMQ STOVBS! In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET O utlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FDRNISHINB BCDES, LAMPS,LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c For sale CHEAP 1 At the .tore formerly occupied by BurchflVd and Caaterllne, OIL. CITY, PA. JAMES B. OEGUIE. Oil City, .Tan. 4, 186!) tf. Rota's Oil M Pipe Works 'IIA. KOIISON eV CO., Corner of Penecit anil Centre Sis, cast Me of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Havlnff aildl a powernil Steam Enalna ard three large L iTHES, to our already extensive Manner tnriim Establishment, ar now prepared to " the neceesnry wyik, in Bttlng up, and repair'B ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS, .. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS A'D STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS' In fcctdo'all Machinery .tob Work entrusted to n. with neatoeH ami .lUpatca auK almos yyrALL pAPER ! lew Styles for Spilng ! At Low' Prices. STATIONERY. scnooL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, j Fine C BEOMC S, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN GREAT VARIETY, As reasonable as can be purchased place Id the Oil Region. at any 01UIST0X, I10SEY & Co., Bisseirs Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 0, 18ti8 tf f!i.uii place to get lii. worth of your money la at the VEW FLOUK ANU rKKII STORK AND I.DM IKH YARD of I- IU. tTTERNBCBO A CM, where there is always a "... MAN endv to show their customers their large stock n' FLOUR, HAY. and all kinds of FEED, and the place also where may be FOUND A lir'e assortment of flint-class ROtJOIl AND I1KBK8B.O lilJMHKK, LATH, HHlNQLRn. AC. at the very lowest ea-h prices. Those who an not DEAD To their own Interest, and wish to deal with men who do Imunesann the square, will find II to their interest 10 give 11. a call before pmcnaalng else where, and see w bat we can do for you I1ST our line of biisinn ty All Order, and Iteaminz nromntlv amended to. Do not forget the pla-e, OP POHITR THK ROCHESTER UO08E, WASH I.NGTON 8TRKEI, Petroleum Centre, Pa. 1 M. STERNRfTRO, U H. WARNER. Febl3lf. QO TO 1SII AM & CO'S for your Cartridges. SEAHLES & COKHWELL, 1$ Dealers in tO O A E I Delivered or stlihe Tard'.hy Ihe car or ton I Apr.H:itl RAILROADS. Oil PpooV 9. llloirhimv D uu uiuua a nwgMuui xuia a. K WAURKfl rHANKLIlf, FAHNTBRa ATtn tu', OBUB RA1LBOAD8 CONrWUDATjIU NEW ANO MOST DIRECT ROUTE Tn THE OIL REfilnv "u TO THE OIL REGION. 1S6S. WINTER AttltANOEMKItT. TJ.ME TABLE 1 88 j ON AND AFT1CR MONDAY, APIHt 1S69, trains will run as Ibllowa: L 6T", GOINO NORTH TO t)IL CITT PKTBnr CENTHE. TITU8V1LLK AND Vohht ECJ' H' A- M- Kpress,arrlTes Tldioute Ji m -' ftJcopull. at S.67 a. II"'! them wltV tmtn. r, uuu-,' '0nnMln, ". Petrolenm Centre ib is'. Cll Bnyd Farm lo.la m., Wl-r tl, m . aK'orrvat lS 26p ro 1,1 . arriving ''Mi M 7Jll"vioutet4B W i)liipoli4 11 p. re fcm,.,. 1 "U.P- m for Aitato Clt?,".,!, " irjio fllyar nniwn HniTTii vtttw " 9.i4 m:,"o.n, 1 loW'mWlr "p,,e " - "nd IM ,i g J S.l, ST .'.. Tlinsmr. f,P? -wmb r. tit iii naff ir . . .r 3M P n Petroleum' fcureT,!1''" Oil lit, 3.81 p. m, leave ouiL'fi'1' t m, arrive. Oleomli, 4 u P m r J V: with train for lfthol.j "fuTm l! HI i.- M , SccommodatioD from r,. iMt'WW rlvM Tltasvilfe 7.00 p ni Sni? ,r t W p. m, Boyd Karm 7 41 p m p "f"1 t'ONNECTlONS. Trains North Eric R. K . and Aelantie Ureit VBiVcS,,,h way, Kan and We.t, and-1.0 wtrh Burfelr, an(Ifitl.bninhrallroMf.rBiin-uio "00alu. C-rry Trains contiiwt .1 Oil ('If r with . t , for Franklin, weadvlllr., and the W .and at lr" vineton witk hll. Erie K. K East atu iW.i t.nniir iimeTwaaTT minute. hter tLan frauk u.i .Branch and A AO W. H. K time lasaeiiKr. will fltwt ihi. Jji . V!?f ; . ... "H,,,U,,e,, ,afmtheolTron. All tralfw Went frnni Ipvi..ns... t,- .Ht...t of trains on P. k E. . ;""""" . Be sure and aak for Through Tickets via Oil Creek ?, tViTft 'Sy J"Ver he Great Short Home to the Oil negrlon. l"Il.om5T?BllG"I,', Snperinlendent C. J. IIKPBUKN, A.'t Bwperlntendcnt m7. IMItsbllrcli, Fort Wnvne and CliicHffo ItHilway. TIBlK TABIE. LS1TIS. Oil City, 8,10 p. m. S,S5 p. m. 2,45 a. m. fi,35 a. m. 7,30 a. m. MM a. m. 8,95 a. m. t,45 a. m. 10,00 a. m. V.30 a. n 0,sl a. m. 1,45 a. m 1,40 p. BJ. 3,05 p. s 3,5t p ml 4,18 p. ml Franklin. Ja neetown. neaaviiie, Clarkaville, .New uiiitie, HomfWood, New Brighton, Rochester. 4,as p. ml Allegheny, tittsitnrcb ar ltcrnrninff.Unvna Ptfftah..l. CI rMI Z 6,00 ., aaa I-mfmv p. in. TKAINS going West on Pittsburgh, Fort Wayns and Chicago Railway paaa Homowood at 11, OO uu o.- a(iii m., na a.o7 p m ; t w naas- neia at t,4U a. m. and 10,1 4 S,00 and 10,05 p, 5,30 and 4,45 p. m., and arrhs at Chicago ai I tvv uu vv p. m.iinQ d.ssu ana 1 i,sv a. . r . n. at 1 bus, ucn i Ticket asoi March, 166.-tf. pwwinw - A fiann 'run .asissfSL DR DUI'OMCO'S GOLDEN PEIU DICA1V PII.IS tat Females. Inftliblo, In eomerlag irregularities, removing obstruction, or tne montnir lunm, from whatever came and always sncoewfev' as a preventive. One pill is a dose. Penuries pe culiarly situated, or those supposing themselves ao. nro emmouea Bgainst using tnese rina, wnue in that condition lest they Invite miscarriage, after ' wh ih admonition the proprietor aaanme. no re .pon.ibility. althongn their mildness would p' event i.i.j .....bi..v. u umiiiii ui nnm uiu i i, ci c t- commi nded aa aaniost invaluable ntnedv fbr the al. levlntlon of those .iilTertng from any lrregalaritlcs ! wnaievcr. as wen ns to prevent an increase ot rami- t wlion hmillh will .in lunnil I,, milatiiir, the I nerve, and brineing back the "rosy color of health'' to the cheek of the most dellcato. Full anc explicit direction, accompany each bos Price 1 1 per box ; 6 boxes, fa. Sold iu Petroleum Centre, by A. D. MILLER CO., "So'e Agents" for Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ladle. I Br sendlna them II to the Petroleum Cen tre P. O. caa have the Pill, sent confidentially! by mail to any part of the country, tree of charge doiu also t a u a t. o 1 'are, iiiaevuis. Pa. ; A. R. Griffith, Oil Cily; Fleming A MV Cnne, Frank'iin; Dr. J L. Acomb, Tldioute; E. V. Bazelton, Warren ; and by "one Iirngglst" In every town in tne u litea nwee, ana oy Jut I1IUU CtMllvl, BJIIU llj 8. D. I10WK, Prop'r. New York. A BERFECT CURB For Dyspepsia, Fever and Agvje, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of AppeHUy Nausea, Heart-bum, Jaundice, and U diseases arming from a disoraereu ot the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward usHrr Drugging, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by H druggists. . u. MILLER k CO:, Wholesale ana Rotall Druggists, Agentsifor Petroleum Centre en vicinity. IS II AM efc CO., WATCIIJIAKERS & JEHFIEBS, IN OPERA nOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, FETItOLiEUm CENTBE. FA.. Keep eonstanUyon hand a large assortmrat ot WATCHES, JKW1SLKY. PISTOLS, BKVOLVKmis ACgrt 1'KTKUJKUM CBNTHK A OIL CITv W O.i A. M.( arrives nt Titanv ll TJ' .4 Miller Farm S.W m