MISSING DISCOLORATION OK ORIGINAL .k CLOTHING AND UK NTS' JAMBSTOWKT Clothing Store. Will Sell for (he Next Thirty Days, to mahe Ii.,,,.., fOI. Spring and teunuiHU' Stock, AM AVOCI SUT, $11. ' AM- WOOL COATS, 3,00 In ?.-,,Otl ALI, WOOI PANTS $3.00 to 4,0!) "I WOOl, VESTS 75c U o 1, 00 SPRING CLOTHING! MATS! CAFI Gents' Furnishing Goods. M Reduced Prices. WE MEAF BUSINESS. Petroleum Centre, May 1, 1SW) tf. DRUGS ANL ORUGS ! nAEDlQgfEg ! JV H. CHRISTIE, DEALER iN . Paints Varnishes, G-hvss, Putty. Soap Dye kj ufc, Fancy and Tolled zisios. AU, KINDS OF PXTEm ig2D!D13E3, pure wiiues $ uovox.i ? SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR VEDICAL PURPOSES. JN. B. Prescriptions carefully Xo. i: Washiiij.to3i.st.. Gin me a call before purchasing elsewhere. s A. Sherriff, r Has, In addition to tho large stock ol w OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STflVPQ T1MWARP AP V I W f kV 111 lja, VWWIj That lie keeps at his Old Staml in this Ware, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN IIIS LINE. . At the Southwat Cor nsr of Wood Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, By tie aii or ComDBtent Assistants, The use of New ant! Latest Im proved Machinery and Im-' plements in the Ml. CII AMCA L DEIM UTMKM, THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, Ml) G1MIDS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND - LIBERAL DEAMXti GE-FJIVLLY, To merit and receive liberal en couracjemvuit from operators in that locality. t'LIi.VSE WIVE ME A t: I.I.. James A. Sherriff. '" ileum Ccu're Sent S, 1?8J -If. FURNISHING GOODS. J MKD1C1NKS. compounded nt - .fr..a Iefra!?uui Crstrr, 3a. ' Myia-tf. J. ii. c:itvrt:-.. OIL ?! 4 Can always Ih.d t he gent'ine Plymoi-mi ('Aii.'.i's and Xkw York Bkltino C.'s Iieltin- and Rubber (Joods, both ot which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Kegion, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the bast of goods. F. W. AMES, II A IS Ii WAKE liEAkESS, TITUSVIELE, P.. niajiCm J. A. FimTE, French Boot Maker AViisIiinuton Sn-ccJ, TIIP.EE DOOiiS WEST OF A. D. JIII.. I Eli CO.'S D'.U'G STORE, I'ETKOIEL.d CESTHE, Piu, Is niiiaiif.M'.turiiiL' to order FIHS T (7.AS3 ITJ.'E V'(i!i, tach ua Pattiiil Jii'titiita- CJitotn, I'll in i Sole ItooiM, French Cork Sole Eoot, Se.otv. Welt liools. HEAVY OR i,Kur WORK oxi: IN FRENCH .STYLE. Call Atut sac sample.. j. t. Lr'i.Arvrr.. retrolcum CYulre, Ta , July 2. in. TELEGRAPH KKPORTBD FOB THE DAILY ItlWOItl), Washington, Slay 2G. Swietary Boutwell lias In contemplation Hi" appointment ol Doctor Mary K. Valker t'i i position in Alaska. Leading men of Woman's Rrichts League says that it U iiu I'Oi s.ml tor llie success of their causo that Doctor Walker should havo an nppoinitueut uh fur away m possible from civilization, and they therefore approve of giving hor a place in Alaska. In logulating the daily dietary at tho present season of the year, nobody should for a day neglect a Bupply of the wholesome and succulent spring vegetables and fruits now to bo found in gri'at variety in our mar ket. For in them exist tonic clement of tho highest value, which nature has beautifully provided for the use of man at this season. The constitution is improved, and tho or gsnic forces are renewed and ulevatid by their judicious employment as food for old and youn ;. It U thou;;!it that the total receipts ol cel. ton at New Oilcan by tho first of Septem ber next will aot fall short of 850,000 bales. The value in money therefore will reach one l.,i-:.lred millions of dollars tho largest ainiu.it cer received at any port on this C'tninciit 1' a Binglo product of the e .'i.lliry. 1 ' ..wntmuiKmvnKiiv, rtv; ADVERTISEMENTS. 1)Y AM) Ii.VF.NINi;, ;-N"it:t doop. to A. I). MILLER At CO. FRED HfllUTT. ll'i:" IV.rliei, mi I lV'i-,1 F-.i:iilis u;n!ie't w illi tho thu'ee-jt 'ce Vi'enni. on slmrt uotic- and on ;ki l).--t of term. i r..j..t. i.;r : t:.e Sulfalo Bakery. llent'T ti el'oire Unur, llur.cr, I"('ls nud Cheese. Alrte elieleti i . i'.e.l ic --. l'elruleum tVul:-", P.l. -': '. - 1.1 will l.e tM-em lly tt-ite.l to. I'll '' ' I- l : ; I' ! . : ,;, j 1!;,.; 0 J HI.Vl.l the wo:y!.K-Ei. vNEn Kl .V iff SEWING MACHINE iNunntK or J. L. JOII,?ON, AGENT, Ko. tValiiiir,lon St,, pi'troknm CcrUrt, Vn. CV. ). n. BIINH Ilj.liY, Eoikiter. maylO: J ohn C. Welch, Scnrcu-I., Oil C'lly,, la., Di a. ;r iu a is:! Fi "hA 'i'oh, Inms' Sucker Rods, Siiiia .ij i'ipf, !rvc!i. tro-i-, l';:t.' CE.irs, 12a3a.n-i! Wltpois v l'ulli.'j,, all lz.,.. Mv ("11 hit 1 ii with M'aUvilio i.m I'itiril.urL'h f-ni-Hjilwl-M'-.tMit I i r.i (j.it uiit all kind.! Tif C'n-lin ; at ..iiui-i ..rdur. Jull.S- e. WELCH. . IV, lw::i-ir. )l.!Ji: KHPI'IM K1I.S S tinted ot I i lie hn-'el uiiiieM. ;i.in itwuor.l wIIcb 'g-lli; I P.i !;K'')i!'i, i. the tiui iUvorUiiLS 1 Die.l.i: -i ;:i :'ae v. I r.) TI1KUIL, HIAKKG'1-M. Ofkii'M nv Tun I'kt'm Ckntiib Daii.v Rroorp sooitn, r 27. S rKTROLKDH CKNTIir. May Tho market to-day is very unsettled. At one time this morning offers vforo made at $4.5t; but this aftornoon tbere is do dispo sition to buy on the part of buyers. Tho heavy rales in Pittsburgh lo-day at 12 . has has caused buyers to withdraw and conse quently there is nothing doing. Wo quoto at 4.23. Shipments of oil from this point. May 26, via (). C. .t A. R. Railroad wero;2830 bbls. pi:tiioiei m jiAKKi:rs..nY tix- :iKAPii. S;ii.i'ial DUpatclies lo the Dully itecord PiTTSucitou, May 27. Ppot 13 hid. First water I'J. H. O. first G month I.'l. li. O. lirst six months l.'i. 15. O. all the year I Vi? lti. .s. O all the vear IS. " Market Dull". Piui.ADKi.i'iin, May 27. Ppot 3d. May :!(). Hay lo June . May to Due. . June, 31'. June to July June to May Juno to Dec. ."2 July 01 July to Aiigiiht July to fteptentier July to December '.YiK-A August 'i'l. Aiif.'tiHt to Sept. 32'4 Aug. to Dee. . October lo Dec. 32' j'taj.,' t'tude bulk. 15. Ma.:.et Quiet. New York, May 27. Kereijita HeliueJ. ("ruile. bb's. Nuptlin, bbls. Reflneil. 3(1';. Crude. 141,." July.-. June, Market Weak. Liveri'ooi,, May 27.J2 p. m. PeGned 20 '.jd. Spirits. G'.jd. London, Muy 27. 2 p. m. Refined, 20i'. Spirits, 0.,'d. Antwerp, May 272 p. m. Crude IS. London, 5 n. in., May 27. R,.(i:,,.,l 201.J d. Spot yANTWKHi, ii p. in. May 27. Crude iS V.'eMteru I ulon Lino Itlarkol lCeirr. Philadelphia,;May 27. Crude !.-.'.,(:. 1G K'elihei'. -i i.. S. tu W. , Z0:. ; S. W. M.i:'i;ei Finn. Sew Yolk. Mav 2C. Criiilc, bbla, an;.;. Crude., hull; 157 Hi tiued. :;1 1..; helmed I'.'L. S. tj W., ; S. W -Maiket Dull. Plttibiiivh, May 27 Sp.it 12?8. Marliet-null t lOKt-.t; ev Voi !..ijarfc I. New York, Mav 251:30 p. ni. Crude 15 " Reuiied .'0'.,' M.irict Dull. i. ..i.W V .kwK. New York, May 25. Gold vtr-i. Alleiiiaozslniii City Territory. N0TIC3T0 OIL OPEEATOilS, TjmidonikTi(i l. m.viit lor tho Metro politan Oil Company, now oiler in loaw the terrllory of b.oiI Company, in lot nftwo arn cich, fir one-foiutU mMilly. Till lnriu id ilu:ile on Chwry 'fitu Kun, and lies on Hie JlKiULAll VEIN W1ii':h connucUi lite W'oo.l and I'ii'rson Farmi? with CHARLEY EXT. TEESII0SY. For ftirilvr varticular :ply to the oriKinI D. W. K liNNEY, Allesiagoozslua City, Cherrytroe Rua. Or s-Jdni.-, "BOX. 117," Petroleum Centre, AjnillG-lm. Peon. C. S. TIIOMI'SOX, 31. Ii., UCI.KCTIU I'llYHICIAN, Mrt. 1, U1A1IO.VU STHEET, Ifp-ssalrs) TITTJSVILLE, A. D. MILLER ft CO.'S COLUMN A, D. MILLER & CO, WholmuJe ud Ketall l)eler. in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Stre.t, PETRUI.iami ( IIM IIII, PA. Their Stock consists of everything iu tLi line ot Drugs & Medicines ! PTJBE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wholesale and Itclail Agoiitu I'or YOSEMITE STOMACH BITTKUS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTEKS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR. SEWARD &BF.NTLF.Y-S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPOXCO S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER & RAZE'S CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DERM A DOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac. PIM.$. ?ili:t.aue'sr Muflafa, ' Mntt's, Kmlway' It. Ii. Ayur'w, Br.uideth'ii, Coplmlici llwTlcU'i, Hoopi'r, W'IUod'i, Wlahiirtt'i. Wrliih'u, .luVIIQ'l. Ifimaek ,IUUOC 11, Sehenok'i, Clar:t'it Female. ClitrHenmn's Dapnnco'i, 4u, Velpnu'g, do, Ac Perfumery, Toilet Ar-;( titli's, Soaps, Brushes, &c : COUGHS, colds, c , . - if-: Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, t' : vi' Jayne'a Expectoraat, - . Marsden's Balm, 1 ' ', 1 Schenck's Syrup, - Universal Svmn. . - Excelnior Syrup, Riinsom's Hive Syrup, Seller'a Syrup, . ' : Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Waferr. Olivo Tar, lirowu'g Trochej. Wiehnit's Pin Tree Tar, ' ' Seward's Cough Cure, Batemnn's Syrup, Cough Candy, Ac, Cigars and Tobaccos !i The Hct F.vor Hroiihf to tbc Oil licgion. IIAIit KESTOUATIVKS. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, C1TEV VLU'RV. HALL'S. MARTHA 1VA- 1 1 1 T.i'i M BARRETT'S. ROSf':i7i LYON'S, ' ' " n ....... HOOT'S. I'ONSTI IVTlOf, It"nCK'H Ill.'.AKK'S. NIACaIJA SI Alt, !,!' IM.KA 'S MISIH.KKf. IIIISTKTTK't'S, Sl'KKH'S. UOOFLAXn'f. CAI.Il'i.KNIA. A'I'TV. llOU'S I'KOTOXIDJi lliON, &U Clli-tnliis and i:iiilic lml,.(. 1AITS, OISS, - VAIt.l9iIIE:i, iIiASS, l'l'TTY, 1IIE, Turpentine, Soiiu'en, Ily Stiiffn, lirycrt, ki:fi.i:s5' sipimi:,s, !.itn! (MI, Eivroscne Oil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch AU', Kcmictt Ah Con jii t'ss Water PRESCRIPTIONS COM POINDED AT ALL ilanflr HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND . SL SIINDA VS. m STATIDNEIIY, ENVELOPES C SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS,' TKUSSKS. Conio alnnu. come one. roraa ll, It don't coit any thit.i; In luttkal tfuod, and we will try to treiit yj ill well. ., , A. P. MILLER C'J I Vrj'tvai Centrf, eU !, If1 --J "I H'V Hie II. Hmv.iru ..ue ru a:l 'V i' -h. i:,c ile.-l I. li l"l'l "I 1MIAM JC Cf.