DISCOLORATION OK ORIGINAL i S CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JAMESTOWN OWE PJ&Iij Clothing Store, Will Sell for (ho Next Thirty Days, to mako U'o:r. f Soru and Summer Stool::,. A-;t vmon. shji'jts, tu. all h ool coats, .i,uo 10 ALL WOOL l'ANTS, ijiS.'oO tit -1,0!) ALL WOOL vi:srs7.c ts to 1, JO SPRING CLOTH! IM MATS, I CAPS! - Gents' Furnishing Goods At Reduced Prices. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Petroleum Centre, May 1, 18B0. If. DRUGS AND RUGS! MEDICINES J, H. OHKISTIE, DEALER tPaintsVarnishes, G-lass, Putty Soaps, Ive Stulls, Fancy and Toiled Apicles, AUi-KlND3 OF PATENT JllEDlDlrJES, : SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE-?. Prescriptions carefully compouiHled at nil lionrs. R WashlHjtoji-st., (.ETKOJ.EUNtV uffore pnrchiMing eWcwherc. js A. SherrifT, J, In addition to tbo largo stock ot OIL WELL iUPPLIES! F HARDWARE. r.: STOVES T NWARE &.C, fTliat lie keeps at Ills OWL.,,.,, I Ktm l in this PlM'P. Ilmt JTJT ST OPE 1STE ID A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE. Atthe Southwet Cor ner of Wood Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, By the aid of Compatent Assistants, Thai use of New, and Latest Im proved Machinery aud Ini- pleraents in the. miCllAMCAL IEPAIMMEM THE PURCHASE OF THE "RP.S1T M A TP.IH A T . WUU1 ilJ.XiX,lIJ.LJ.i.i.J- SELLING AT FAIR FRiCES I iTuMu cestui:, is mnmiructiirin- to order FIKST C LASS KINK AND WOKK, rueli in MHLIUL BH;iL!. q!:.V;l,,u"1 -n,l,er "oot ' Illll !Olt' IJH)II, ElMLL My, . , . ', , to merit.aud receive liberal en- wurajjement from operators in -.1. . n 1 -uac locality. I'LIiASi: UIVK .11 E A CALL. .1 AMES A. SliEKKU F. -"ru!i'um Ccutre Prpi -i -1 Hairiiim.lL, ii i umtmimnmvtiijW "" M1SMFJSS &ALDKX. MEDICINES. IN IVtiah'iiH! Cvistn, Pa. I M vJO-tf. .1. ii. csnsrvrii:. OIL ai'EiJ.Vl'ttfSS Can always 1'ikI tlic (;i;nl'im: Plymoi'ih Cahli-s and Xi:u York Bki.tinc; Cos Belting ami Rubber (roods, both of which are acknowledged to lie unsur ,, , . qnality and mannthc-1 Of Well l''t,i'iiish;;:c- Goods, we have the largest a- sortmcnt hi the Oil T-ior., audi '-'i can reler toon:- tu-toinei's lor evidence that we keep nothing but the liest of goods F. W. AMES, IIAJIUX'AlXr. HKA LEK, TITUSMLLE, PA. t J. 4. BrlUR. eilCll BOOt 161' ! YValiiiiKtoii Sltirl, THREE DOOllS WEST OF A. I). FIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, j Froiifli Cork Sole Uoott, colo Wlt HOOl. "eavv or ligut. work done in cprvru STVI.F.. ..v.... ! " ' J. 4. 1'I.AXTK Petroleum Centre, Pa , July - 2in BI.ASK MIIIlJI,'fi ISII.I S piiutcJ rt rhc ehor't uuti:?, ar tt Iie:o.J O.'Mc-; jC"'rii.f'j.l iii::'.; !::. ma t '' iAi..r w.vjt.i. .Jib p SW Hri urn f :- ,iii 1 a . m , i id tl.-coriitin;.'l,!ir ,,t lu(:r.iif.'.I..T4iH.l-a.l. A ipi'iiut'I'iil ,.m j written hv Mi.-. .Pre?ti n. f Virginia. : c.iaiue.i oy me cnuuri ui jfiin: in- ; c i 1 1 i c : i s "I the city in a most touching ami Impressive manner. Tue immense assem blage di itrinuted their oQ'uringa upon the pravea, ami many of thorn were rare exotic. All t!io craves we.ru decorated alike, and this donn ttie crowd : lelt ths grauuda. Tho I scene wan imposing. 1 Dayton. O., May 2. 1 A fiiu ln-nkeont In the Withroi) I'.oti" 1 frame l.uiMin nl.mt four o'clock this niorn iriji and entirely destroyed it. A wan nam- eil Wilkinson was burned to death and sev- . eral others seriously burned, one snpi'Oioii fatally. There, weia some thiily-tive per- sons in the hou?e at the time, who escaped by jumpiiipr out o! the upper otory windows, the fire originating under the stairway, thus cutting of their means of escape. Supposed to be the work nl' i.a incendiary. XEW ADVEHTI3EMEXTS. tl FiiDWixu well: OPPOSITE TIIK McCLIN TOCK HOUSE! HENiiV U AK1) l'.KKCHRH my (-initios n. mil tiiakn tile man. Inn lh" do innkr. n treat il:r','..reiu'0 In hl.J :irri9.ll;nci ; yon wouiu .'iiiperr K.'l!, GO TO THE BUFFALO ONE-PRIGS GL0THIK5 STORE. AND SAVE 35 PER CEN'T ! OS EVSm AXTICL7. YOU PUR CHASE. ALL OUR GOOIH VI13 M nK.ED I.V PLAIN FIGURE- 1 EACH' ARTICLE NO BANTERING , 1 i NO DEVr.VTiwV. J ALT. DEALT V.'.ni ALIKE, j ALL G000S W- ANPd! AS REPRC'MEi). j. :sr-L. Prt-ole.ue Ceti.rp. An:,l J C "Wolcll 1 S(i:r!fii-rSt., Hi! 5ly, V.J., J,.:i!e.- in lli'shs. IS.issiul & C's Muring, and Fishing foals, Innis' Suokor- Rods, t)rivi:tj; I'ijj;;, It'inr5;lfi IrtMis, ir;itu Kiirt, 5:i!ivnc V'hi''U A 1'alli.n, ail !l.e-. Atv eei.tevtinn virh Meneille and piTtabnrirli r..ije !r'ie i ucli Hint I eati t;"i mt all Kindt of e'.-i-l:i:j ;'t itliert firdfr. JdllN- C. WEWH. (Ml Civ. l'cli. IT, lh9. tf. . i. II. WILLIAMS,. ! IT A LET. IN . COAL I JIIAVK op-neiln C ial Yant nt the end nf the Hmd Knrui Ilnilfe, where will bucomtat.tly knit all kiml-i of ' STEAM AND STOVE COAL ' Team, c1In t.S,t.Mi..v)..drnrt:r,nl,w,il hare I Vvev i ti. Creek ' Hnofcl, OPERATORS W.nH i.t w!l t e i-i itr ''' 'I ' - "it wi'l nil il l . ti :. 1 1 - '.!! i-" '-' l w:t!i m. tm: oil makkktm. Tkk lV.i'ai Cbni-kh t Kkiiord, IVikomium O.nitiK. May 21. Tho iiiirLnl tequila dull to-day; no salei ' J'l'purte I. We quote nt JS.Oj. ": : l.ipinciila of oilfrmn lln point, May 2l, rii O. C. A A II. railroad were C25 blila. tUt.J. I ItaspaMM l-1Ua !.. I.-.-I Pn rwitutt, Kay 21. mt 13-' liitl I r irsl water l.i.',, (i. 1 1. S. O.' lirst 6 mouths l.l.'.j. I. O. first six months I t. Ii. .(. all the. year . S. O nil Hi" year la 'jiurkat Du!:. Piiu.iiK-ii.ruli, May 11. t -. May . May to Juno SI1.,'!"-'- May to l'oc. June, June to July June to M ay June to Dec. July 32(7 ! July to .September 3.')'. July to December S3'.j August . Aug. to Dec. . Crude bulk, 1 6.1.., rig jj . Market Quiet. New YuKBt Say 21. Receipts Rolincu, Crude, bb!s. Napthn, bbls. Refined. 321.; . Crude, 15JA. July. . June, Market Sicl:. LivBKPoni., May Li.2 p. rc. Refined lD,ju Spirits, 8d. London, May 21. 2 p. in. Refined, 20'd. Spirits, M. Antwerp, May 212 p. sn. Crude 48''. LoxrioN. 5 p. m., My 21. neSne.l 2t'4 d. Spot "t.4J Am'wkki', 5 p. m. -May 20. Crude 41... U'ctern i'isimi Lino narktl Report. Philadelphia, May 21. VI UliP I II I'eii.ied P. to W. , 31 ; S. W. 3! , .'linker Steady. New York. Muv 2!. Ciude, Mil. 21'.:. Crude, bull; :,li31(i. K-li led. a.'-'j 'S: 2 Kefir.-.: -P. I.. &. 10 W.. 3P.; :S. W. 32' i Kli,i!;el Dull. Pituljiirjh, May 21. Snrl iri:,'. M,.r:,etP.i:i. f - t'-.if: yr .- . .. t a.. !' . : ". Jiajf 50 ;). m. ..'.' I e. V fine.' ,;!;' . rh.. . -1' iy :: v.sk .i. Klw Yukk. !u':iy 'Si. iMpMi City Territory. S0TIC2 TO OIL OPERATORS. Tl.o untlorsi:od, acont fur the Mctrupolitaa Oil Company, now olTora to leae the t-Tritory of taid Coinji.ii.y. In lot- of two arn- each, for onw-fonrfh i.t'.ittty. Thi (arm U sltUMe on Cherry Tres Uun .it:d lies nn th JUGULAR VEIN Which connect! the Wood and riurwn Tarmt, CHARLEY RU-tf TERRITORY. for further pnnictilar apply m the oriijiii.il D. W.KENNEY, Alleraasoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or address. 'BOX 117," rtnileum Centre, Penn. April It) Ini. O. I'. StJUOMtfiOM, Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Denier e -liiire Flour, Ilutter, Erg" and Cbeea.;. Ann, clioit'o r"'erie, Pelroleum CnBtre, I-a. (idem l it will he promptly at'eni'd to, an (nod delivire.1. lortollleo ltox atii.. inyl..- Tl!Vthell; thnv-Jird Ami rie:itl Waleh, the det 1) iimde, nf I. ii. u .v. i; Vi;l.l-UI an 1 MViSS WATOllKS of the flee f1 m ike, ill Hold and Silver Can, HI1.1S11AM ,v cifi ie !; !!) '." IHiM'-r ltt..-ffJf-' A. U. NII.I.UR ClO.'S COTjtTMTf. A, 0. MILLER tiO. vriioliljit Krlail Dia'nrs in Washington Street, Kn.k i m i i;,ri(i:, pa. Their Slo:!; consists of everytbiug in tho lino of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE LIQUOBS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale and llolall A(eiiU for YOHKMITE 8TOMACII BITTBUS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION HITTERS. ALIS.MA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD 4 BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRU V M AGIO MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'ri liOLDKN WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYNES MEDICINES, ANDKPjON' j DERMADO'J.. !iiJENUERii MIXTURE, SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac PILL.S. Aver", Jfarwbs'ii, Itrsndet h's, Mrl nne's, Oejihalle, Wofiafs, Herrtck's, Not'.'a, llnntH.,', KHrfwrtV' It. R. :-iller'. WlHon'a. WUhartt'a, , Wrlgh't. .larne a. '. Hlienck'a, Clark'a Female. Ctaeeaeinan's Dnponcu'a, do, Vclpau a, an, ac, ac Perfumery, Toilet Ar-. tides, Soaps, Brushes. &c. Ol OHS, COIiWS, A. Ayei'.i Cherry Pectoral, , 'jayne's Expectorant, Marsdeu's Balm. Schenck's Syrup. Universal Syrup. " Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's' Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers. Cliva Tar. Brown's Troches,- ".7ichart's Pino Trer Tar; A Ceward's Cottgb Cure, Stttemnn's Syrup, Cough CaaJy, &t Cigars and Tobaccos !t 'fl.B Bi l Eor Urongltt lo tSa Ii sr 'n. 0 'M-'JA :AU. J. . ALLEN'S, !),-:, CIIEVA 'iOR'S. HA LI J. M.'.TJTHA V ASHINGTON, liAUiiM'T'S, KOSSEV1 'KR LYON'S, STKRI I.N:'.;, HARRY'S, .C., Arc. JiJTTEItS. noors, roNSTiTrrioN, kbaur'h. DHAKK'S. NIAdARA S'l'AK, l''"!'' -MISltl.KHS. IHlSTKTTHH'a, BfEEK'S, HOorUANDS, CAI.IVOHNIA, ATTWOOD'9, 1'ltOIOXIDB IHON, U WALL IPAJPEJEtS. i'ui'liiin mid lluslic Mhadin. 1AIT9, OIIiS, VAIlISIIE.S, GliASS, PITTY, CUE, Turpentine Spongea," Iy.i Stuff, Dryer, KEI I EIIS' SI PPL! ES, Lard (HI, Kerosene Oil, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, io. Scotch Ale, Rcnmett Ale, Congress, Hater, PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOirilS OF THE' NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, EKVELO'SS 40. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSSES. Come alone, come une. eome nil, It dor.H coat any ililt.L' to lnok at L'ooon, and wc will try to treat y.: t ill well. --a m-KTm v w- I .9'; ;;a-s?sW'i-'-'iua-" -