SOME PRINT MISSING r -3-. t ... Of jf i x r. l r. a s k '. ; r a o r r i t r NEW HARDYMHrSTOSE uii tim & AiimteiF layer r WAftHEN Fi?ANKt.l!, FMtrFI OIUiKK HAlIaUUADe. WMS OuLVfo Ut NEW AND MOST MlKEO? iorrn.., . TUB OIL KtGlOA. T 21 WASI1LTJ)-ST., USATtMU AND COQKViQ STOVES I la buito varietjr TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! Stomach Toulrt reapeetfi.ltv nnioMP ". i1 " ii'i wo i.iiV a.ej;i.A ,i : i ! i " : -! BITTERS ! ltS. W1NTKU AltKANflEMEVP . 'nVKTAMU- 18"S ON AND AFTI.K VrtN-nv t.,, ISfiK. train. , RH );,:,, . A1 "IL JT tiOINd NoltTH !,) ,.n v , CKVriiK TP I wv Hj.fc J.N',K I RMI HFM .: A. M., Laii:-.....,,,.,... .... ..." IO hjiuitli. , ..Hi, there win. tf..i... KOBSON'S - Oil Virui Pipe Works. niAitf. f-;s nontiox& Co., -fr.. Knniipa I'eiitro Sf,, Kant i-Je l rrevk. Oil t'lli', Ha., ' 't: W.i-rit. Tn.ikiT CV ' vr W, CASIXG. " ' V M.VK.S, tfiichinery for Oil Ve!'. S Hefitiories II YOSEMITES 1 . ... 111 A nr., emtio ud plmtnl ntmarj for tU DiKtirUli( frca DISORDERED STOMACH. A via. Uural uk thrM time, a dny will b. found sffeetlre la all Cf.Of TY$PEP8IA, lITElt COMPLAINT, GEN JTBAE DEBILITY, Strmnti Arottration and rry farm of Indigestion, Intermittent Fever, troer and Ague, and a mild Invigorating TOyiO for delicate female and invalid: PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Branch Manufactory at Petroleum "Centre, Pa, Sold by all Drniwiata. Unions of Experienced Drug vK..,. gists. ""d.the following opinious of ex liraVa and physicians : -8SSR!. J. V. DOWNER A ro. n-.c'ni- led jroitr Yofynile Bittern for some, time past, anil bad frecpieut calls for them b mtr cnste in. .' rS and from our own examination of t'lera. wo tv ,i jt Heve th'Ti to hn mitcn l",ner in time, in ; .'-cthw likf.-ra in th market, nl n'rn confident i th' they will 'newr your "!! f. hjjiikk' exp'cU i . ;. ' tirftivan'l fill y tnet the il-nuus of the n-hli-. P would recotnir. nil them io ptiblie fup trial, .mneoislly to Inr-uiiia suAi-rlng Iroin weakness am! disordered s, V. ' ..' Eeppeclf i'lv Yours. " ' A. n. 'MILLER -pn n.,;oi. 4tlfa iwliBiV. tkn u.a I .....1 IL. L 4 milk R1HUM . . 1 i ... r it' ri , , ' this place, and Iwliero lh:it th-y nr". whnt they are represented to he n pure and wholesome Stmri ch Bittern, and n ploasmt tonic iM-verngo for the so of Invalid' BiitfVrinir from weakness of the Ktdhiacb, Dyapepsin. Arc, Arc. We think them tn he a Rood, it not lietier. than any Bitturs now In the market, and cheerfully recommend tiicm to tbe public. Uegpectfnily, T. B. JIoNAIR & CO., Druggists. I hav used, and ebscrved'tbe effects of tbe Great Yoemite Stonmch Bitlera. prepared by .1. W. Powner & Co., Petroleum Centre, and think tbera preferable to any now in use, for tho relief of tbose difficulties for wbicb they are recommended. . J. M HARDIA'G, M. D.' Oil City, Ta., Dec. 2Gtb, 1SG8. HnvinR carefully examined the 'Yosemllo Bit ters," manulnctnred and sold by Mensrs. J. W. . - Downer iE to., 1 am convinced that they ara chem lelly pure, and hnvinif a knuwledae of their com ponent iirt, I feel safe in reuiunmeDding their line to tho ufllicted. .1. A. LOSAUGft. M. D. Oil City, Murcb fitb, 1SB9. J. W7D owner & Co. Ifioloi ;i Centre, Pa., Branch Manu factory, and sold ly all DriK''ist TheG-reatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO CtTRR ALL DIS EASES AKISI.VG FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL. WINES Ac, arc superior to any in tiic Market. THY TalKM ! J. W. DOWNER & CO. . rolna Centre, Maroh 11th, IM9. D "R U G S ! PATEN: Paints, 0ls Soaps, BmclisSi &o. Iii the room f rmerly 'occupied Jy Mi1, doodman. Particular attention will lie paid to the preparation of Prescription", ami no pains soar ed to make this Department a complete as any m the country Wines, find I J Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor ua with their patronage. t. n. mcNAiic & co. Pptrn'onm f-ntr a., (Vt f NEW HARDWARE STORE! ICOitr.Iir laSY AN A: CO., loftvt to nn-r-'ir" o 'i ritln f Vet -l?n i, t w.t e nod vicinity, Mii-y tnv- tv'v1 h i,." t'.-.o f iir utiv o; tit ' i ""; Mim ('hipa'.v :st ; -ailn.; c -iit.-, wner ttiw will k.-'n ohm; "i'tn .i f 1 w-o aifi t r fvtrytliiu ! . v .n Hue. . im is TIN AND ZXir.-i vw, GAi i'li rrv; and b:ia goods. Mr. Trvan livinr boor ("'H In the n-lnt w'th Alf-ri. Vtn!of Q o'. " r tn . "'n.; rif, w.ll oitcnd part frill a rly lothd buinufn o'timi iaiicturi'jg SMOKE STACKS. All kind of Tin and Sheet Iron Wnr to order. GA3 AND STEAM FITTING, 4C. They hare a New Machine for CUTTINU OAS PIPE, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In lliis i.:.e. Apr :D. Pianos ! Piario:; ! ! Organs ! Orxuns ! EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS I SMITU'S CELEBRATED AMER- . ICAN ORGANS 1 NOTIC E . Tho iindnrklnnnil having bv "iieel'i' eontne-t. wi'h r..,D,n.Tl., r.'( , out IV 11. aim II . ' "nuth. be.-n itnlr Hlll-oiiitod l.y tl-om -ole ' MJ.Nl- in Warren, l'ore-i, Venan m. C'lnr on und J. niaiin conntii . In-r.-h, i tii.i .nian' o 4tii:l rniiiiH4 a nWtat ...... .l...i.... ...i.i. . pi rannoiiiiinliiK tn lw Urn Al'i-ik. oi e't-inr or Hie abuvB nanieU flrm, a. a l su.h are I MPos POKS X . E , S K I X X E It , Ttit.ildir In PIANOS. 0H5AKS, MSLODEOPJS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS r8&c dnl'crll'lion- 1'IANO STOOLS, SPUBABS' Cenlre-St., oil. CITV, Va. tl City, Sept. 14, IKi8.-tf. HA.,',..'r,OK"''s B"t U i In K the REOOUi) i)KH-l(.;. KTVLK t B 'TiaoMsTr,,"'-'''' t.h, the d,t pnr. r;n "ti t-:. COLD IVATKU PUMPS. OIL 1-CMP.i, Every crleMito of SlTl'LIES FOR Off, WELLS AND RE KINKRItS, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BUASS GOOD?, tv i iff a vn Aid BTTTrmQ IIEI.TISG, l Al KlXd, and HOSE; HARDWARE, U0L8B TMMMlXCiS, Cr.rpenlers' Tools, Rope. O ikum. Nuils. Axe, Cotree Mil If, Tublo A I'ocket Cutlery Full A?rrtmPDt of KvetTt'inu In tho II A III) WA HE LINE. -tXp r rtilii2 nfpi!-, No. 1 WhiTtTtrflhicd T.ard Oil, No. 1 lir-flni'dou, Stftir WmlJ. Tui'lo nn uDoor Ma1; VhnrA;Um Cloth? H'rinjriTs Jlnnnracttiropi of Tin, Shuet Iron and Copper Ware. tli'mtnriT of Vl'-'1- -Irne wlih neat:ie?s and iUr.fUi b. K?ierint nili ..'inu ictven lo ST!:.M AND G.VS UTTING. We hive endeflvori-d tomrrUth pnf-nn-ue- nr tho tmbuc. and -hau ue evury cxertioa to inmiru ft. couliminw". Our facllittea for fprntnlnn eorvthlnr in onr line, hftvlei: litvn ereatly increased, in the eroctiun of our Npw TVtildili'?. mo nrev MIPKKlOIt TO ANY OTIIRI? KTAHUSIIMENT HiiTJl -3m. IN THE OIL KRUION. AUQ, SIMOfi MERCHANT T All 7"9 just rnccivinl a i.irf," e-o"tmctit or NF.Wj f'r'.e i-ntf-t ''irl. L " d mi. i" l ""w Voi-k' Fas!)- Ii-ll. ,M.-iri. ; , t i LOT it-; ,r ,;. o(l, .-cot'iT n oil- t c i .-i, I) ..ik .t.-t-!, ri.-ic ) v;. t -CGS. 0 V.-M-.tERES. Ac. nn-l .11 n-i- 'ei o r 'n a I'NJllMlMl!. Triit!t !. V.!'"u, S'iim Wh1 :lilrt-, :':iiT'-ll-J, t3ue, Klu.,..(,,, ra, n.-i J i li'rel"ii iik,, ana ' iimis FtiTnMiuvz JooiIs, !n iteneral. All .lecrl;iitana of CI uhlnj inde un hv px- er'iwd M-oriirai-i. on Se rtiioriiM' notice, in tho lme utiles, in J a! tl-o o v n! prlri'.. SATISFACTK )N GT.TA R. VTHED. AlTfJ SViiv OH City, Pa. Mr.vl ni.plu li-iJtf. J". O, Od-DIDTST, FLOII 1B W. NO. 3T rETJtl!siT., cn, CITV, I' A. OlTySiV" 'h,,,nment of the kind in the OIl -JeirloB. Flour and Fnod .old at whohaaln and rp'""- anirWif. CHAISE Ac TIIAC'KU 134 TOaldon Iatie, N. f., C03i.TOlfl JIERCIIKTS, OIL VITRIOL, CltA.E, TIIACKRK A: Co., PETUOI.Tr-V CKN'TUE, PA . ntr Tnt,.. h'''"' nn hand - i. .u.i una iM h. N.vea"fck-!, ? w"' 0' Ufaold many f mia jSE rHA,.KI.;K & ,.0 m CAhlFOJJMl. : ,Y VlW 5T0CIC RAN- IJN.I .avo ltur.l,09 ur Fl,rmI f,iriIuU, thri)1h out CLU.OItNlA, iu trarta of One Hundred nr.ras p , Twcilty Thn,D( Tcrn) mm p!ir rt-iwr. T.8 huUa win smw Thhty-dvo to Km, n"M of W,'" t.. tho Acre, with ordinary f,irm. and a Volnntoer Crop of Twonty-FIre bu-l.8'i per Arm. -CorroiKl,.w Solu-itrd. AtWrnaa HEXRy McKENTY, Di-alor in Heal Etato, -Olllce'Soj Mon-t-v,, TvStrnet. Snn Fri-,riWo. . HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING CIOSS. TI NW&RE, LAMJV.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. riASLS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &r. For ule At the .tore formerl orrnpled hy Rnrchfle'd and Cmlerline, till, CITV, PA. JltlEU B. GEOUII-:. Oil City, -'nn. 4, lSiiit tr Paiita'i Oil W Pips VoTh 1 1: s. itnitsoN sc co., Corner of Penee: and Centre St. ea"t side of Oil creek. Oil City, I'a. ftavlus '! Vd a pnarernil Steam Kni-lne and thri-i !:f'i.- I. iTHL--. In .mr alrt-adv t'Xi-nivi- M.unuhr riiriiiL' r-lVutili:iif-nt, arf nnw jn-piri-d to doni' the n cisnrj- wyrk, in allium up, and i-opairint; ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACUINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fart do'all Machinery Job Work entmat1 tn m. with m-atiitaia and diapatca aug ttlmea ALL pAPER .ew Styles fir Spring ! ID ODD 'ROLLS At Low Prices STATIONERY." SCHOOL BOOKS. blank books, i hie C 3 ROaiS, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Ac., IN fil'.-SAT VARIETY, As r.-usmabu as can be purelinned at arjv pl:ieo in the Oil Region. MINSTO.V IiSEY & Co.. Bissell's Bank Block. Olli CITY, PA. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 5, A. vV.M'.rf'',- V? ".'V'r w"r"' "r w monnv I. at tho MA.isr ?.',MV,',,'lw,h"lr.",0'n',r '' ' "tnetr of . IU.Y- "n'1 " kiuda of PEED, and the pi ice also where may lio . FOUND . In aworlment of fliMt class Il0"O'l AVI1 at tha v..-rr Ioweu eash prlcea. ' Thoje wh'o'aro not" DEA.D I!IntH?I.,",.,, M''ra"; "! "I'h f d-al -lth m- n ' '"""'l1" I I I til tl. &.ndfe;,n;y " IN nr tine nT h-idn.M. f-- AH Orln-, ,,.m I NU'rliN S TlfEET, ES'E" "CSK,P WAV, Petroleum Centre, Pa! Fi-hia tr. r. V. RTRnvrtr-nr) II' n WAHNBll. (. TO IS1UM & CO'S for yonr Cartridge.. , EEAKIES & COBJIWEII, Dealer. InJ t-O O A. B'.i Vu'h "u The Yarii by tbo cor or :!. iv.,,....,,,,,":;;;, ij " ", " nil-iii..i4 a , ' J(.. nt fony tu l- ii;, JU ll" ttirhfi,K ;ili-,?.,,:,ir;rh"'i,'"'- p - fl'rV;;il,!:1e4i!,,;),,7,l 7:l';-;r' c tnili-uni Centre -,jf, n "' p. in., Mill,., Farm nV. ."" Farm 7 1,, .. , , f J n,..k,vJ 0:45 (1,h&v.?,t,i,m 'J. m .inner Kami .;t'i ,.. ii.,..h n "t m. lVtroli-nm l-emr'-N v. ? '""n-iSOa. n.arriv.;t171iTS,'ltS Si V wiih inun fr iii,r)i, I'iin.ct ;: "'' iu.-,.,, ' s p. -wp-nl'ii!!.;," ;i;,""7,fri inn tVntre ; 41 u ,,,.., '' '" 1 '-'ri'le-8'-DDm. ' " '" nrrii.Ufc-at Oil city I-ONNECTIONS. :':--i;ih P,,nd,,,,w, way, Kn-I and I'.i 'rv' .'-li-rn Ki:i. unci i'i!il,url. i,r,.ad f rUui'Vu "u' !"r,y St lll.'.r." IM. Twr . " " t tin Mra, h ",;WAC .'i" V.-;T " of traiiw nn p. k ,"a"11 ''svo alter arrival Oil CM to the oil RLa.' '-"""".v, the Great Short Kuala ' - ""i"-'iiiii.tuien, . mS7. i IMII.bHrtfl. , ,., Wa..llt. M 1 tN- A"" ' "'ii'i-rlntnideni. mi7. ; , - ill oifi.v. iI,U;""''i. Janitown, .fi p. m. U,51 a. m Mendviii,., a... ... narkaville, A-i-?m- a-m Ilomewiwd, h"!..!-1"' P- m. New BrlB, h's S" 2" 1 P m I(iche,r, ' "'"-"' 4,18 p.m." Alh-.theuy, tSliS MS?!4 riitKbiirthar '" "S i K ." ' . . 6.U0d. ml 4,i( p. in. ''fh'TKh at 0,00 a. m.. and" 'I'HAISS iMln - .... . . . and fh,o..,r i . ' 'nm, ton wana nils i"'"" ii'-nnmiHid at Il.UU Hcda Hi?1 n,.,,'", S'S7 V m ; FaaaMaaa " V . - r'" Mne at 10,111 a iiV, atuTIw, 7.ot7, n 'iV. 1 ra-' ":,u "rn a, Chienau w. 7,Ot, and Ma .aOHl 1 1,30 S. , March. 1st.'! ' '. K"'? T':tihiii.di. p. a io -ro Tin-: i.aiiii ' I")" ','rV,,N!:,"S , o" BN IHICAli IrreJliri i f"r K!,,H; '"''""lo in corredn rmrtilaritie. rrw, Inz ohstrucilon. or tho mnnthly ," a V,r,. ',,,,?.a!'r:rrC''! ai"l, "'ways aneeeiw'ul Kiitmri.. i. j i u"c. jrem.iloa prV ciilmily Itim-ed. or tni,p ii,ii...,i .. in. c nti ,d a a.n; m-lncr t,,ee Pill., whila in ,.i i "i tl,e- lnT" ml.cnri-iaee. aficr h h n. n-oniil ,n li e ,,rn rioter asnni. un re ','. a.;'i,uiL'h llu-lr mildnr would p-ev.nt .. mi In-. r.ihf.ilih: i.IIut.Usl-tin; Pil'. are ra l mi m n ,"d a- -i in t ,nv!U.,,,oreme(lv f,r n,o al-, ' " A ". M-t-iia; fr.-.r.i ar,v 'nesrul vJtirt -, ; ".. at hi reave o; la-ne iVftlion l:e.i.ta .t :--t r.e:;ll !'; rftiiet-D" tl.e n,Ti i.u.l .in .in.. Iiicn I- e r ,v color of hej.llr' tO t'lO I J,' ,,f , o , Mict;,,,' Full a- d .-vn i, it dli.Al-.t-a acromp-iui each box I'riee ?1 p r Imx. t) Ihixok. ;,. ' 'e'riil.ura renin., hv A T. VILLE8 A i l , eoln AironlK" lor Pclrnli nm Oeotre, Pa. i-'iiiiii.t i,. i, ..... j, i, . ........... , i f. . I. 111 Uli l.ll if . u. c.i.i hue i ,.- nil. mmu conli nn li'.lvl bf nail to any p:irt ..ft, -o country, finunfih re' sold nl..i by It V A i . (-ark. Timsrlllf, Pa. ! A K Orltlith, )! city: Fh-iiilns Ve nn", In; Dr. J I.. Acomh, Tid on'oj E. T. 1 1 :it..1i,ii. H nrmn : and l.v "one Urn-tl t" In every 'iwn in the b liiid st u..., b,i i,y I"' IV Mi WK. I'rnp'r. Nnw York. A PERFECT CURE For Dv.sDCDsiu. Fever and Asae, Aci dity of the Stomnch, Loss of Appetite Nnusea, Henrt-burn, Jnundice, and J diseases urisin"; from a disordered iW of the Stomnch. Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Sewaro & BentliT, Druggists, Buffalo, N. V. Sold by druggisu. A. I). MILLER A CO.. Wholesale nj Ketall Drn-tlfta, Agent, for IVIrolauni rV".rfi. vicinity. Juliiy IS II A 51 x- IN OPERA HOUSE UUILDING, VArB- IXGTON STREET, PETUOHOl'IU CIONTIti:, PA Keep eonstantly ou band largo assortment oi WATCRES. JEWELRY, Hsroi.s, FIsnlNfl TACSV.I rartridirof, Ac, and will pell at Hi.tern prices- c wan-n work i anted to nivc latitffidieu. if ' It' OFF lag PBYI U P, ath Vol., OIL I Jnt r. , 6AUG OPFICB witbo Julylif OerbbW TV m a. '""a Bh w - A0 h...; PnmiptMt CABIN 4. LABGI -. oi... , Plclur rape isa. 'olenjB Co