SOKE PRINT MISSING Petroleum Centre Daily Record. pel. C'cutsi-, Wcdfwtnr. Maria. si. L f'Al, L'tUor. Tim" of ClliU Malls). P. O., PEIRPI EI'M Ckstim, Pa , July IffsT, 18SK. i Fntll further notice the malls Kill arrivo at and depart from this office as follows: AltBlVK. Smith and East, via. Irvinolon. IO CS A. M. f outh and West, Mcadvitlo, 5.1 P. M. North and Ka-t, " Corry. 3 Si HEfAllT. South and Went. 8.45 A. M. Sontl . East and ffnl, 2 30 I'. M. North! East and Weat, 10.0') A. M. Divine Services. PRESBYTERIAN CIU'RCn. PreAchinj at 1 1 o'clock A. M., nl 7', o'clock I'. M. Rsv. J. T. Oxronr, Pastor. V. E. aiURCTT. Services every Snb'.nth it 1 1 A. M. an' 7jJ P. M. Publmth School at I welve o'clock II. Pcitu Free. ' A cordial in vi tut ion extended to nil. Key. C. M. Ilmnn. Pastor. STS. PETER AND P AIT3(rATrK)UC) oriuiicir. Macs at 10! a. tn. Vespers and Benediction of the Klese 1 Sacrament nt 4 p. m. Catechism ivt 2 p. m. JAMES rTTVV. Pastor Cimngk op Time. Oil Crerk & AIIc phcy River Railway, .Monday. April 21!: XOttTFIWAKn TRAINS. Express No. ft arrives at 7.20 a. m. Express No. I arrives nt ln.30 n. m. Express Xo. 3 nrrives at 5.34 p.m. Freinht No. 7 arrives at 12.45p. m. Freight No. 1.1 arrive nt 12.01 p. m. Freight No. 15 nrrives at 8.45 a. in. BOl'TIIWAIIll TKA1.VS. Express Xo. 4 arrives nt !l l.'i n. in. Express No. 2 arrives at il. 10 p. in. Express No. 6 arrives at 7.25 p. m. Freight No. 8 arrives at fi.31 p. m. Freight No. 10 arrives at 8.2;'i a. m. Froicht No, 14 arrives at 2.nn p. m. Freight No. 10 arrives at 12.45 p. m. Mr. Lewis Emory, of Pioneer, made a wager with his lrot!ier, Dvid, of $ino that -e could not walk from a point one mile be "Hamburg to the Fester Fatui, Pion instance of ubs-iit lour mlies. in forty minutes. Yesterday the trial took pluco when David won tho wager, having made the distance in twentv-nino minutes. Yesterday being tho second day of the niuaieai convention the attendance was somewhat larger than on the day previous. The cluss is becoming more fully organized, and the interest manifested by the musical fraternity of Petroleum Centre und vicinity has fully equaled the expectation of all. Prof, Baker proves himself worthy the title he bears, and handles the class in a master ly manner,whicb under his management has shown rapid progress. A Modki. E.viunk ami Oir..Wei.r. Aita. B.vTfSTO EE RAKFi.BDFon.-Thero is on ox hi liitioo in tbo room adjoining Dr. Rosling's tiflice, on V,'ashington struct, a model engine with copper boiler,' together with a double rig, all complete which is now iu operation, attracting a great deal of attention. Tie owner of tho apparatus proposes to put up the entire rig to lio drawo by ruftle, 200 chances at $3 a chunce. The scheme will be conducted in a manner satisfactory to every ticket bolder, nnd the forlunato win ner will certainly have a valuable prize. We will refer to the matter bere.iftcr, and would invite ull those who desire to look upon a curiosity to call und examine the n ivatus when in operation. Tub Aivwbkt is Vimicat Ykstkhdav Condition of Mil Yanney. We relericd to tho accident which occurred yesterday morning at about ' all-past eight o'clock on, Lea.-e lS'J. ii which Abner Yan ney, while engaged in drawing tho tubing from the well owned by David Yanney. met with a serious accident. Abner Yuu n..v whs nUndtug at the loot uf the derrlckj on ti e inside, when it broko in the cootie, and Ynuney attempted to innke. Ins escape, but was caught by the upper portion of ihe derrick, striking him u;io.i tho head, nuk ing frightful woiii.d, the blow pr,cepiiat itig him in tbe inud with too timbers upon hiin. J I is thigh is brckon aire. Anntiur person named George l-'cttaison, was stand, iug by the side ol Yanney at the time o' the accident, but escaped unhurt. .loou (iulUHiie was in the top of tho derrick when the ceo Ira gave way. fracturing his auklo quite severely, and also received some in juries iu the back. Yanney was taken to his bonis nftir t'.io accident iu a senseless condition, uuJ bis mind was impaired dur ing the day and night. Mr. Yanney wai reporleJ this morning as being considerably easier, although still s-uff.-iiiig quite sevt-rily. Good at s-iraping arqiiiintanvi-s-1!'0 bjrlrerv GOOD TKWrl.AIt'8 iNSfALLATIOV OF OF- FirKna. The rolIowTng officers of the Lodge of Good Templnrs, of this place were instai led last evening, as follows: W C T V. McAlpine, f v T Miss Alice Artman. W Sec 15. Ellis. . W T Mrs. V. McAlpine, W C J. D. Ellsworth. f MW. II. Guilford, y G Miss Alice Northrttp, W Sen. Mr. Petorma . W A Sec. Miss Jeuuie Mapes, W I) M Mrs. Ledgard, V U S Mrs. I. I). Joues, W L S Mrs. Happen. The ceremonies were conducted by B-ro. Hatch. W. D. T., of tho Tarr Farm. We ; are gratified to learn of the success and pi ca. e:it flattering prospect ofthis Lodge. Amoiii, its nieiubeiit are i Mind the first ladies and gtntlcmcn et the piace, nii :ui d'ti'i. under tho able effioicnt management of the newly in.-.!n' -t ' .Tuers the work of re form will coniiupv toti-iui1-" ROCMKSTFIl lloVSK OlIANCFP HANDS. The Rochester Home has changed h .lids. Mr. Manual retiring, nnd Mr. H L. Siicr wooJ, formerly proprietor of the Oc.ideniul Hotel in Philadelphia, has purchased an in terest, nhd is now associated with Mr. bradstreet, in carrying ou the biuiness. Al though we regret to learn ol the with.inw ul of Mr. Marshal, still wo (eel that in his successor wo have the samo competent and social gentleman. Mr. lirndstreet still re tains uis lnuresi in toe uonse, auJ tho new iirm of Oradstreet A sberwoo.t are deserving ef and will receive th? same lihern! paifi n age the hous has always enjoyed. . . . TnE Latkst YEi.otii'EriE The latest velocipede invention is tho rocsing-chair velocipede. It is thus described: . Tho tea' chine is a three wheeled velucipedc, and weighs about one hundred pounds. The rocking-chair, in which tbo driver sits and propells his machine, is placed between the forward and back wheels, and is connected with a ro l to a crank in the axle of the biud wheels, which is the propelling power as tho chair is rocked backward and forward by the occupant. The steering nparatus is attached to the forward whee', and the whole operation ol guiding and running the machine is very Minplo and almost exertion less. It U adapted to ladies as well as to gentlemen, and is said to be capable of do- ing six miles an hour. Tki:ihi.k AroiriKST on tub Ahmstiionc Faiim. The Titusvllln t'-tnr of this morning says: A Mis. Armstrong, living on the Atmstrong Farm, Pleasuiitville, was budl; burned a day or two since. It seems that In attempting to m ike the tiro in the stcvo burn better, bp throwing oil from a can up on it, tho can suddeuly exploded throwing the burning oil over her person, setting fire to her clothing, and before assistance could bo rendered, she was burned io a tcribic manner about the body. Dr. Dunlap. of Fleusuntviile, was called in, and rendeted all the assistance possible. h is nt pres. ent in a very critical condition, and it is feared will not recover. This is another terrible lesson to those who will persist in using oil to make (ires with, and should prove a warning. nttCHEVTKK ITJ'.mS. Several Rochester amateurs aro to givo a Comic English Opera at tho Corinthian Hall tbisj week Thursday. Tom Thumb and wile have been in Roch ester during the past few days. Rochester possesses a clock which wi'i run four weeks alter once winding tip, and will play forty-eight different tunes. Fanny Prestige, tho favorite soubretle, 'a now in Rochester on a visit. She com mences an engagement at Wallack's Thea tre, New York, on the 1st of .Tune. The German musical club of Rochester proposrs to givo a grand musical festival there in July, inviting the societies of other cities to participate. Prof. Appy will be t! - ,.misIc1 director. The t'orists of Rochester have gone ;.;ilf crazy over the oelobraf.'l century plant, wh. :h is now slowly blooming In that city. Tbo MfU'i.r it of Saturday has the following facts iu relation to the plant: Tlmcrowds Uat d.iiiy flock to s-e tui.s wonder of the day, evinces the great interest t.iken in lis development and progress. 1; is indeed nn o'ct of interest to all Iomts of (lowers and plants. As far as is known it is the first that has ever flo.veie 1 iu this country, and curiosity is on tip-toe to see wnat kind i'a flower this will bo. Frr tho benefit ol those who h.ive not yet mm n it, we will state that the bight of 'he lio'.wr stem to.ii.iy is a lew I inches over fi;:,t teet. It was eight feel j yesterday ; being a cm Id clouuy day it j wi. thought the st"iu would not achieve more iliite or lour hches during the day and iiij;t.t. Jt is rather a curious fact that it grows ji!t 1,3 'ui the h'.it nnd liy'ut i f the sun. The diameter et the stcpi lit tho bight rt nun feet from the around is lour inches, i. e a out cue fool in circi m ou nce. T Ii .? num. ber of b.avi'M en the plan: is thirty; length ol leaves dx feet bi. inches; circumference of plant thirty feet. So rapid has been the growth of this ponderous stem, that Frost & Co., weie making preparations to raise the roof of their house yesterday afternoon. CANDIDACY ANNOtTNCEBIKNTS. 8TATK HENAT Hit FniTnr PlrHse snrnenre llio name of Col. A I' Vr s rmi.llrtntB for Htnle FVuator, suMret to tbe nwges of tin ltemtulran party. Vn Fpithf Please announce the name of .IAMKSM. nilFPlN. ofKrankllo. as U",, f,.r sintirnaior, piinini o "r.v:'lT..,;... ju pulilirsn party. THE best place Is town to K"t a pair nf ItnuU made of the best Stock, tliat will wear well, nn,) warranted to fit, i at. J. A. f'lnnte's KM, lonablo Poot Shsp, WiishiiiKtoo Strwl, Pelrolpora Centre, Pa. Oive him trial. (ili tt many crnzmH. mAi(iii.i:s, OI.ASS A. D. MlI.l.KIt A CO. ASSFVl'.l V. Vr FniTOlr I'lense nnponpr Hint (flp'ntn IAMFSH r.iil'dll' will b eai'itirtnli' for nomi t-nllmi for As"in.l.lT. ml jerl lo the hhjeck of the llefililitican party. Vrt FntTor- V!enie innenne to ttm rlllzniis of Venaneo ronnty. that W'll.t Jt 1ATFi. o! HnH Innd Township, i" enndidnie for Member of A-m-ly. subject to the lwMN,.1?,;!,sn llnrdwnrc-A luree nssorinient of whirl, j. twine cIosihI out at rcdU'-ed rules at IlilYNiiLls nilODIUIAtl ft CO'S, No. 11 fnntr.; St., oq,oiitc tho PostOltlee, till fity, Pa. All accontitJ not Killed Immediately, will holrf nllh an olllcer for eollectloii. Api.u tr. iiF.YNoi.ns & I'n - TrtKAtritBH. FniTon nrrosi:-Plenenm nnncethn nnmn or I II (UANTa a candidate fr the nninl"tinn fr Conn.v Tre.nriT. snt.j.vt to the """7 "f.'l iml.licannany. MAW IHIZhNS. Mn FniTon PtMse announce the pni nf TO I N CilltlSTY. of Oil O'tv, s n rand-date fo nomination of Countv Trensurer, subject to ihe u ers nf the ltepubMcan rartv. Ir I' is small well qualilled for tbn post. ion. is an ardent 'I'T'i'niesn and wn. dnnne the war a Willful soldier. M.VN ( I ri.RVi Vn KniT in: I'lM'e annnnnee th name of rifo V Hill 111 M a a candldile fc Omnntv Trensnr er, subject to the u-ages of A'y,(.l7,,.,8,y cv I'lour, Fmm5-!ihI f Jrorery Stori; ! T. S. PUVTIir.K, AttheOI.I) BANK Bt'lMilNfj, ON MtlVWT opposite the Mcrilntock lTou.e, has nn liAtid a lurire and n:t rl.i stock of l lnllr, feed and Orocerlesi, which lie l sclllnu at a loiv flsnra. t". I'on'l forget the plnen where A. n. Cotton .t Company broks up. ,ian2-tf. Cnrpclx, of eriTV nn.illty and diveriuiinn, at RKYV')I.I)-, H'fO!!KAr . C VS, N.i.ll Com Street, nppu-ito the I. ()., Oil City, Pa. l'KOTUONOTAHY. Vb FniTon: P'eaw annonnce the na'me of F. n fSWr.iltn. of Hi-hmond Towntdp. a can. I dVeforP'orhonolarv. snbiectlolhe u-t of the H. p.ibllcan oartv. ' S'tmr.ns A-n ltKvcni.icvs V n Fni-"n f'oise nn.wn the name or T oM lii iht. of IVfo'eom C nt-e. s a c:indidn'e for ProthoieiMi-v of Veninee Conn'y. snbjert to ih m-i.:es of the Tlcm.witlc party. to TiOioWrr-t to mninnc" thif .T'KPJ' IT SMITH p-oMmno-o-v of Venando Coiintv. wOl be s rm !H i' '.r re nnm'Tit''"i. fr' ''d ofll'-e. S'lb i vi i.i th,' iisi-:" of tlm RepiiVtrar pa-'y. ilVIITTT'R Nt HKC'"t!-'.'t. FnirnR Kfcop.p: You will I' nn nn".ce that .TAVE:' W H ' IV ben es'Male for nominn'h.n for Ihe ofltre of He..-iler ni .1 to eo-il er. alibied 10 iben-iL-e. o'lh Kepnbpein r'0'-,' 1 l ist (lining the ni:ht Privstein Compiev ' i." 14 1 TV. n .lvina Vohllltee and tost a rl'-M arm in mm. of C.ettv.lnui:. ltc I" competent nnd ohli ;. an d i,. o. nml.ter nd Riwrder f rone tenn f llio ,.ml- stlsfaction of all who hive dene bnttis with him VKNANOncOT'STY. ittttns .nvA.tsi'ititnvs. canmiy nvu MAN, at A. I) VI'.I.F.H ft CO. If you wi-di the host T'lu; Tobacco in the markc' try VT. II. Nicholson ft Co t'rnekorv Fo- nil kinds iro to MHonilKAO ft CIVS. No. 11 Centre itcthe Post t'ffi.-.'. Oil Cliv. I'n. colsty commispioner. ta. r.r-iTon: ,JIease announce to 'hs citizens or Venanir - Connlv that .1. Y. ll)iilNsni on i Township. Is n candidnt for Coun'v CommiMion- or, sub.iect to the usages or the nepiiniican pariy. Mil KniToa- Plei.e announce the name of H. It IITXON. nf Cornnlantcr Tovnhin. ns candi date for Cooiov Commis-toner. .nbjert to the ua ces of the Republican party. Many H rPTBi.ic.ues. Oi.ive Logan ano Tkowseks. TheXew York Sun reports Olive Logan as delivering beloro the Etpial Rights Convention, on the Mill, a phillii pic on trows.-is: "She said-, I reject Iho Irnwsers with contempt and scorn. Men cut a sufficiently ridiculous figure in them themselves. Laughter. The trouble iF, they don't like their own costume, 'and ate envious ol our laces, jewelery, frills and dresses.' (Miss Logan was gorgeously arrayed.) ' Trows. ers. forsooth trowsers?'1 Great Laiiqhuv , Shake not thy ridiculous garnifiu a' me.-- Another r;ir. . .o, so long es we cab have oni-sillis. satins ai d shi. v!-. wi'. j repudiate v.oir abMii'd bn.ucuiei! nr.v. h.s- J erablee. ' ' ric- and sho. s. I Ltiok at your t.vr-.l -w in; .-.oaU i-lo'e-,.:;-- ' you wear ye -tr iiair short some i,f you that yell b.-.k wp'e i.ciy line m-i: ki ys I.uughte. nil I d'n't -on'.er that uue ol y.nir niiiu'ifr b , wr.tlon book B'lowmg that animal to be the la.l.ei-1 1 tis iaue! Continued Imithine Anion t'ie l reports of Cu'iuit ontSi' ting at New York is one that -a last s'.eam er. w-ich chii m.iiie twent v--iree mib-s an hour isb inn fittud nut, under the clnr-e i f an ex ufucer ol the Uni'e:! States v'nvy, in aid oi tho Cui..n rebels. She !ia t.e. n ly ing in tint Sound, bnt on M-i l.l steamed up lo New Toik. Shn lias on bn.ird two batteries fully equipped, arm", ammunition, medicine and a quantity of mattresses. Sho will take on board one hundred Lnited States veterans, and will sail about Monday next. Th will clear for the British West Indies. The a-ithorities have not the least suspicion Concerning her. Brief Mention. Cincinnati a spirit photographer. The Illinois penitentiary is ovorflowin;, Donnelly will not inn for llio Minnesota governorship. A To.vns thief stoia 1200 cattle at once mar Fort Cobb. Great country, that, Trerillicl; talked bosh to tbe Chicago workingmen Satuiday nijht. Cvrus V.'. Field who failed in 'CI, has paid up, atid owns a million now. Ptot in. III., bns i-eri nty-five smiths and thirteen joueses. Mrs. IJrockway, ef Manchester, X. I1-. having reached 100 years of age, concluded to die. About this time look out for the annual Ftories about the coUou worm, tho dtalh ol fruit buds, &.C., &c. A Lowell bill poster having n clly roti -e for milkmen, stuck it ou tho town pumps. Fiskville (formerly K. Y'. c!ty has many empty dwellings, nnd landlords are sorrowful. It is rumored that John Russi-ll Young will be sent abroad as chief of the Tiibune corr spondenco in Europe. Tho present street cry of the Metropolis: ''Skad-ohs wo are and Bhad-olis we purse, yon." McKean Buchanan played to a two dol lar house at Elmira, which is proof that there is justice in Israel. Wenrtall Phillips talked so sweetly iu Boston about Christianity, that a pretty yi ung lady expressed a lo black his , b "t i. ri.e completion of tbo Pacific Railroad is I B-nsiit (inaiiy c-a vC '-Ihe wedding of fl.c j eea" the lugb -.-v;e, we .ihoiild judze, tic . cori. g 10 Fuoiv's renort. Yi'iiin -it lius j,ist had n I'vnr.-i lottery by All sfles of Tt'S'ik Ttooks. Note l'spor, and! En velopes in J-dibinT.ots. it v. n. Nicyni.soN ft co. (itiifnr ftrlncs nt W. II. Nlcbclion Co' XV. a. FAn vriwoitTii, ew Denier, Pioneer. Pa., rtccolve. all d-illie. and Illustrated Paper! from New York twice per dsv and will mall any paprr pub ll.hed llliutrated wneUly pvuirs. $ t.TO per Mir.-C months, invnvlsb'y In a-lvr.nee. innyl7:lw. BASF. 11 M. IUTS and Wt)l!K BOOKS, V II NicVo'.m ft Co's. A 1 lfimrt.-'.s. week wa ca'led attention Ihe Consiiiut'on It'oicrs of Seward lb Rcniley, nnd now mh- t-ik ph-isnr'i Iu noticing their AHnm fur t! e lin'r, whi'-h is ssi.t 'o 1 a vo:-y line arlirlo fir lb" toilet. V,e are nf tie opinion lhal the prepnra linns of s ft R ere a" c od, fr tho rrpnta'ion they sustain n PriiL-'i-'ts is ipnd evi-Vnce thit thev won'd rot p it nnyo-inc In the market nf an ord nnr-clmni'toi- Mews. A. T). MII.M'.lt CO't for s.i'o and wo hope all our friends will irv it. For all Brrn' affection', try Seward's Coiielj Cure. I'KVN"LT1S, 'li'fi-t. oppo. The fine! lot of Navv, l'le a-i I Saieklnj T Pm I'l-.ioi f'.a''ini',e an-l I.-n-'libni-si in the mar ket nt A. D. MIl.t.'-:!! ft Co . The verv I. .-hi pocket Cutln-v and '.r-- i'I wnrrantod at W. II NICIIOI.SOX'S. -cm- The finest I'lu-.' Tnhaccn nt W. II. NICHOLSON ft CO'S. Dry (iondft.'a larrjc stock at ItEYNObDS nitODIlEAT) CO S, No. It Contre Si, opposite the P -.! O.lbe, Oil City, I'l . WALKING CANF.S t A. D. Mtl.LHIl ft CO. Anntliec large stock of Wall Paper just ro eclved at A. D. MILI.KK ft Co.'s PAINT. WALL, WniTU WASH SflOK P.ItCSMES.alar.Te mock just roccired at A. D. M1LLF.U ft CO.-S. fiT All persons wl'hing to be VACCINATED can call at A. I). Miller Co.- Drns Storo an4 have the pure fresh article Iueei1ed. No charge. YIXDOW GLASS! A large assortment, all sizes, at A. Miller & Co.'s. RICM MARRIAGE GIFT, Tim PiTii-iiT fli.-p ti-lil-li YnMiiff ATnrt . seni to his llride, is h sound eniisiitmion anda pni j in. I'.-a--. en ini-ae suijo"is, won ine ninna' tviews of hrnovul-nt l'hv.'c ans. ent In senle-t ' ter enveto fit nf elmrt e. Ai drjss HOW RlJ AS-OCIATION. Itox P.. I'liilnde'l bia. Pa. 29Sn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Try our Navy Toliacco. We know It Is the best in the market. W. II. NICHOLSON ft CO. Day and Evening, OVEIt FRED JSIHITT'S A- i Amy, EXT DOOR TO A. 1). MILLER & CO. C. I. THOMPSON, M. ECl.KCTIi: physician, M. 1, DIAMOND STUIil.T, iCr.-y.Uir,) TITUSVILLE, 3? A yT'..:lf. HOUSE FOR SALE. ANEW notTSR. one an-l a tnlf stories hli-h, lo--r.te.l on llie .-tfl,i-l Crtrtit. near Die creek Siihl house has all conwulfliees, good w- I l-idce ter, etc- Terms, einy Inqniioof N. II. SIIANFK, FuPer's Hoarding House, Esiert Farm . Pf-lmleum Cenlre. May Is. A FIRST CLSS EEFINERY FOR SAIiE ! qMIE nndcrs'i;md heivby n'Tors fir sale bl 'h'115, J. ery, knnnn a the BfK HOCK OIL Wol.'KS. TUIII FA'tM, I'l'NN at a ba-zain. Sillls. ljc bi-re's h mctiy. Ac"J' ler-. lil.-n-hers, SItnriiiu' Tanks, nt' line'l WHO I t.t.. i, i o .h. ilj, irlft it- i in.-,., ""J""' -.""",.. ll.rr cnciiiT. al-o i.nmiiHiii-e. i-..t-'.oiu i-oif" . e. 'Ihe s id -.,rke are in i-iu.l o.- 'cr, iwl o start !iu-ilie- Imiecliilev l-oF ! " . apply lo I1IKAM Cl'l.YIN. Met' """ larr rami i . o. uu.yii-i"- tu nlxn:inate Ptovp s. w t ice accounts for A'li . ; Sii-it; ;;ii'. i .n-. '"! . half Cent a, -ei- h.,vi ! ,i i l.uSrt tiinong t;ie Gi-'ef M iiMmn M - p. l-'-u .) F i s i d pipes ,u, piv..i -tai P.ivtoi.'s - ra-le oti Miink'iig and wine-drii.k-in:, lor i"..rt..u's sv.ullows do not nlvay3 ti .l '.Uies. 1 Ciri 4.-'o has h divoreo suit ill which the p ulic:. l.-siifii-il that their C.ii'd was named Kr',- M n-y Juno L-ura lb lore Ellen De 1. 1 ;.: , . a " This is enough to prove that toey,t not to bo permitted tho oppoi tu ni.y to thus efflict the world again. FRED SCI1UTT. A nev- 'o' of tlr- celehrntud received at Ihe X L. KntTe. jnst I'OSl'OFl'I 'E. I'! .lust re,:civcd a here s'ork of Spring patterns, at II. C. JA ;VIS' Fnt'NlTUBE STOKE. Virginia F. 1 owr.secd says ti-e renson her fai-iier is iti the poor houae, is because h is insane The New Orleans Picayune says thut the Louisiana Ice f'ouipnny, in that city, with Ihfir bix roac'iiai-s in operation, maniifac" turn fi'Vnty-two tons per day. They can work all the year round, loc, und what they iiiake keeps .. well as any other. This ice uuderat'lis the Northern ice, retiilirgot oi: cee? par ;oun.i. A blocfe of it weigh ing ll.iie thuiisand pounds U now en exhi bitio.l at the Fair in that citv. ciDTin Tn oit, OtM'irrAToit'?. ALL j crso .s nro h. retiy en'itio 'er nile- buy in' o- hoiii! Su -k'-r Pod,, y.-fi i gock"t t'o-nts. th. Socket beiim wdni d ou to t-ie ro ts Willi e'ttier wnotttn or mt'iUc wed.-a and connected together by a connecting bott, t. -; ;)! of my manufacture as I am the sole owner .f the pate, t 'or cnnnn-tin; rods in this manner ; all others mod i substantially asahorc are direct infrinye.meixH on my rights, and all parlies using rods o conneated, not of my min ufactnre, lay themselves liable to, and will b3 pros ecuted sccnrdlrs to law. . W. J. INNIS. P. s. This notice Is Inserted, not as a mere scare-crow, but will be attended to, aud rigidly en forced. Apr 10:3m. W.J.I, tV" BURTON'S TJBACCO ANTIDOTE DON'T CHEW, on antidote for Tobacco, and IR .JOHNSON'S AKOMATIC ANTI -TOBACCO COM POVN1), for sale r MILLER, CO'S. - . . . . M V TIIK V01iLI)-liEX--.w SEWING MACIH INQCIKE OF J. L. JOHNSON, AGENT, No. 22, Washington Pctrwlciim Ct nt"' pa WEI'. It ti'..lM.01ili 1 . imi"""