The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 17, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre. Daily RecOrd.
Pel. Ccuire, Mon-lny. May 17.
.-f. J: I' AT, JSaifor.
fUn of Cloning ITIulIa.
P. O , PiTioLmn Ckstik, P , I
J "1.1.87 ST, 1898.
I'nlll further notice the mails will arriva it and
i! ii.t from this ofrlec at follows :
S.inth mill East, via. Irvdneton, M.J8 A. M.
outh and West, " Mendville, 5 18 P. M.
X irth and East, " Corry, S55 "
South and West, . A. M.
Snmi Eaut and Wert, 4 30 P. SI
.North, Hast ani West, 10.00 A. M.
Divine Services.
I'reachini? at It o'clock A. M., and 7).
o'clock r. M.
Rbv. J. T. Oxtobv, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
7 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats Free. A cordial invitation
xtey1erl la all.
Ket. C. M. Heard. Tastor.
Mass at 10,'.j a. m.
Vespers and Recctllction of the Blessed.
Farrament at 4 p. ra.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Oiianiib ok Time. Oil Creek .t Alle
(ilicy River Railway, Monday, A(ril 20:
?nres No. S arrives t
!'M No. 1 niivrs at
Kn-F9 No. 3 nTUvs n't
Iv.'iRht No. 7 arrivis at
Freight No. 13
IV'ig'it No. 15 arrives at
Express No. 4 arrives at
Kxpress No. 2 arrives at
Kxpress No. 6 arrives at
Freieht Nn. ft nprfua. a
7.21 i. in.
10. nn a. in.
f.lf n. m.
12.45ii. it.
p. in.
S.45 in.
! 1 5 a. in.
3.10 p. m.
7.2.1 p. m.
S 3t p. m.
8.2"i k, m.
2.0(1 p. in.
12.45 p. m.
Freight No. 10 arrives at
h'miuht Vn 1A i Vn 11 nrrio. .f
Freight No. 16 arrives at
"Ton are not indebted to the )lroB hrr?
; for what reputation Tor immoralit- vo.i
ve, but to one nf your own clergvnmn.
"fllier Inisyl.odvs. who loo t ir.
2!lT i 'i,v- tu ri'.-iP" n t'ie
hTIIh world, and whit" th" er-1
oieni lasted the Record thought it was
policy to keep silent. Stnr, 17!ti.
- No doubt the senior editor of Ihe Star
'insiders himself circumspect in his view of
our Item of Saturday, reflecting upoa the
course pursued by the Titusville press in
noticing every little dog fight and knock
down that may occur In Petroloum Centre,
nnd woflld lead it readers to believe that
snob a course befriends our citizens. He
claims that In Titusville and elsewhere he
has always denied the assertion that ours
'was a sink hole of li.iquity." bt i0 the
face of this denial, is ready to veutilalo any
littlw fracaa that may neeur in this vie-Ditv.
We would enquire if this cour-o strengthens
the delencrt he claims to make in our favor?
)' would ask any citizens .,f Petroleum Con
tie the sume question. Tb s is the roint which
' 'i!led out our item ofSKturday.and although
ti.e Star eloquently go. ,g around Rohin-hood's
birn to avoid tbe question, we desire 10
keep the subject asliist represented, firalght
belore the people. Tho editor alludes to
someone who has tuken "parlloular pains
to cry down the plate as tho wickedest in
the world." Now we would enquire what
course was it pursued? Precisely the same
' is innocently pursued by ihe Star, on
ly the former handled the subject roughly,
and la our opinion, little thinkingof the in',
jury it might do, wiile the latter knowing
the injury done by the former, adopts
. different plan, resulting In the same
way. Either course gives our place
a bad reputation, and one is as injut
i.uis to our welfare as tho other. The editor
of th Star has asserted time and apain that
the course pursued by the Buffalo Express
correspondent would tend to koip i(.
. s.iectablo peoplo at aleyaneo f lv.
t.oeuin Centre, and now we would
inquiro ir publishing every little dirty Iran
faction, in which no persou is particularly
interested except those perhaps who ro-c.-ive
the punishment, making a loud cry
over a matter la a nawspapaper, the partic
ulars of which are unknown to nine-tenths
of our citizens, and littie thought of if
l-nuwn. is a benefit to us?
We ask the Star in all candor if our viuw
of this sin jeet is not correct, and in present
Ins tho subject iu this liht are we not prC.
teeting the interests or Petroleum Cenlie!
We d work liora policy, and that piHiev is
io protect tl,u interests of the tovn in whicu
l,v"- " bot:Sb tne Stnr mar t.!:.t:
I courso n iu ad-jiied ivill arrive HI the
tame result, we hpj l,. mUiffur. Wljal we
have w-ftti-n g .fimf iit malice, and ir, gr, ,J
te.litiu, maklni l.-it.iijt,, ansions ,c 1r
sunUiiies cc.iMiuHj in tne Slur a. 'tne Kl
'liy do not i t! iu in ih
Ull i -el
Wu Have
r iv'
would "rather be a dog and bay at the moon,
than such a Roman." We bare only to re
ply that be having defined his position, we
assign him to his labors! He certainly is a
"shining light," whieh, perhaps. Is owing to
hating been under the full glare of the moon
prosecuting his calling.
Two flat-boats lay at their inoering on the
Egbert Farm yesterday, and are taking in
cargo to-day. It is expected tbey will clear
the Custom House this evening.
Sherry's Theatre is to be in Erie the
second week of J.ine. lie is now on bi
way East, from an extended and successfu'
tour "'est.
The man who tried to sweeten his tea
with one of bis wife's smiles, has "fallen
back" on sugar. Nothing like first prinii
ples, after all.
A Smart Tbikfess. A thiel'css robbed
the clothes line of the editor of the Wells'
ville Union a few nights since. She was
smart enough to go for the clothes In the
night, as she probably knew that, being an
editor, he wore thcra in the daytime.
The boop skirt business in Birmingham
Conn., is dying out. Firms who formerly
employed from fifty to ono hundred hands,
principally girls, now employ only from six
to Gfieen.
The election tor a Congressman to Oil E'
B. AVashbum's unexpired term will take
place in the Third distriot of Illinois, June
8th. The Republican Convention to nomi
nalo a candidate, comes off May 2(Uu. and
the Den ocratic Convention, June ut
At Lima, Ohio, rfCcilij, I wo cat iiJe;
men wre arrested for siiialing a:, uli mm
out et M.-1HH uiuoe" 'I'he n'iit V"-
ilnr.c-- r -rur'tt u.S i. ;a ef j..':.
jhav .J t'vir hea.N t:"-"-oil an 1 feai'i.-ie.I
th-m. V-ir.ii o'' l,t, v.-;;:. a
little .i.t.i'i'v c- to I.--.V L'vat niC.
iwrth in t'e.i finite! .'ie-ja.
Tmr Mpm-'ai. C".rs.v-i: ,v Trw! v i.e.
g'.ps the Musical Ooot-. .ticn ut th ii. K.
Chnreh. in this place, under toe dl'ectinn
of Prof. B iker, of Bns'on, to eot.ii v- four
days. On Thursday cvenit'p next ther
will be a gr ind c lic it giv 'ti l.y ti.H Con
ventiou. A-lmfs-ion to th" exen'.- of .'.
Conv- nt'on wili li, cntiii;.,
eurn-st'y it ir-l that nl: ,-ln
! ii i.:
1'n.if. oi.n.:tor und h.s r I!.
OTieilftti fl 1 t.i- ,OT 1 :n , !, "rf'lel'.
.a-' 1 w'l! a"it ia he ovrSi4'i of (-.. i.'. -n-rcntion.
T "re wi t in. ihre.. !:r,uio:i3 e .oh
day tiiornim.'. -.fterno-in mil e.-nu .
Largo tuases i.rejst iron may lie .iily '
split by diilling holes in them, and fii'.ini
with water. A steel plug be'na ins-rt".!
us a piston, a short quick blow with a light
steam hammer cbuss tho water to exert a
pressure iD all directions sufficient to l.ntsi
t'.e mass. A plate twenty-nine end a hail
inclteB th'ck was thus split lino a block o.'
ic-; and tho pieces fleiP thirty leet by tue
immeuse force.
A Norwich man has whittled out with a
penknife a curious aud most pcrplexine
bottle puzzle. lie baa taken an eight ounce
vial and set up in Its interior a perfect keg
anout two inches long, with four hocps on
It and both heads in; and ho has Btopped
the bottle with a wooden plug which tits
perfectly tight and is keyed inside, the key
pinned and tbe pin loircled. The workman-
ship is excellent, and the way it was done
a mystery.
Peters' Musical Monthly for Ma ; to
band, and well sustains tbe proud title it
Dears "1 fie Prince of Musio Monthlies,"
for if there is nnv one Deriodieal adonis
iosiihiuo wants of all Lovers of Music,
Iirofesaional fir amnion, If la ! 1 !
1 -."-''") - v.. irtim luib
The May number comes to us overflowing
with choiee now music. There are four new
songs, by Hays, Thomus, Danks, acd Eaton;
tnree i'nino pwces, und we find a new fea
ture in the shape or six pages of Quartet
Music, which will prove a valuable addi
tion ; also, n dozen pages or more of bio
graphical sketches and reviews of new mus.
ic, that will be of interest to all musicians.
Being largely engaged in the publication or
sheei music, Mr. Peters has always a fiesb
stock from which to make his selections,
and seems nothing loth to draw from his
resources to any required extent to make
the Monthly , what it should bo. Be
sides the mimical sketches, and reviews of
new music, each number contains no less
than thirty full.sized pa-en ..f N,.w Mus-c
by the best writer", in tl ie eo.II.ll.
When uiiuic is fniHi.ei; s.i c"i. a p. what
rn .siciun can ufl' rd to ho v. hunt .14, t
pttl"c-.t!oi. '! Kj.-'H i.ig ei ,,.,(. c.,
no b' : e'.-l u;i v.-:v diy tor h.lcn .a u. d
Wo leel jittliriej iu kv (i,at .iiivcrip.
' '-ri o x '-'ili ive i-i oi'ie'i i,.iih c (
i .ii i i .- , , - ' i o ---.
..' ' e .;. , .... . .,, , . .
J. u i' H . -. lltj iJK...u..a-, ;. iu... . ,
(I IV- ' t it , " '
Variety the S;lte of Life.
Gen. Fremont lias gone to Europe.
Illegal husbandry thrashing wife.
Sec. Welles has bought a $50,040 dormi
tory at Ilarllbrd.
Savannah has a man wk made a 300
string at ten pins.
Richmond is putting on its spectacles to
look at a nineteen ounce baby.
Ceo. Peabody talks of coming homo to
spend the remainder of his days.
Father Clarot. it is basely hinted, left Is
abella because her purse was low.
A dog tkin on a, donkey is tho fav
orite chmh in Chili.
Leo Hudson is to become Mrs. Leo Rob
inson to-day.
Volk, the sculptor, has returned to Chi
cago from Europe.
The Princess of Wales dined with tho Sul
tan, in defiance of Moslem customs.
The newly elected President of Costa Ri
ca is profanely named Jesus Jimenez.
Lester Wallack sailed for Europe Wed
nesday. There is talk of Dickens becoming a peer.
Seward will go to Caiiioroia this sumiuiir.
Curtis and Lowell are to lecture at Cor- j
nell University.
Two romantic young females of Loudon
have been tryiug to stab themselves with
Reading that they have at Portland a
'Widuw's Wood Society," sotnel.u.ty 'nska
'who ever heard of a w iiL.v that wuuld'tit.'
r.'eiv" li.. n:-.
ii to" itinerc id i.uzenie count v. !'..
e a, wor'.
Mr. P. W. Freeman. Pres'.!-rt
ton i.'surauce i'onpaoy, tile.l T
:' !l e i,
eo !,:v-r.:'-e eur-
T;ie J: . ai C"J ii . '0 o u -.! o'"ty ef I'os
tn h .ye cxti illicit a una ijt-ii? c-II to lav
S ri.'iri o; Briskly ii. .. V., toU
i:.,;i,j tl-vir ji.isijr.
A J .-'i:ii-y. of Colel.iMeK, N. H , wit-
p-'il.-i.o-il at roiLMiiouth to i.,iv a
line of ifi, ui.d ue committed to the uo:.-c.-U
j,ii l.r trie year, for sin .s'.in,;.
:nriing was held in P.nladelpkia, 1 ate
... .ti .r.ncr-rt llu'l. of Co persons in favor
j. II h iredo. It was H.Mrea.-l l.y Mr. At
u...v.., vf f. -.i'.a. at rea ii'j.f,t;i.
A i. a i itutued Mm-.-.tret Murphr, at!em
'' .'1 to r. -tiitdi fe'e ,! by iin.w nig in the
re ir Cl ii'-po on .ui:!.ty. .She was
resened by i j,:iz
lit;'.- uuu-Iorry Don-
r. vail.
A rnffl in named Watts, keeper of a bag
nio at Kva: si ille, Ind., shot and killed a
younc man named Geoijie Slaughter, be
cause he interfered to save onn of the female
f.utn a beating. Wntts escaped.
A horss ear, well filled with patscDgcis,
win run i it" u few rvei int's since, by a lo
comotive ul itj.! Xortnwesiern l.ailitad, ut
Hie Kenzie street crnsrrjr, Chicago, 'aod
lour or live passenat-rs were severely if not
fatally injured, while six or seven otheis
were more or loss injured.
Burbank's Block, Pittsfield, -Mass., con
sisting of stores and a publio hall, was de
stroyed by fire on Wednesday morning last.
Loss, $85,000; insurance, $14,000. The
county offices were in tho same building,
and a portion of the law library and all the
plans ot the new Court House were consum
ed. Tue Eclipse. Tho total eclipse or the
sun on the Ecventb or next, is the
only one that will lo visible in Xurth
America during tbe present century. The
center of the line of totality will pass
through Spriofield, Illinois, nnd Des Moines.
Iowa. Both of these stations, as well as
many others, will bo occupied by coast
survey parties. Congress hs appropriated
$5,000 to defray the expense of observations
Professor Wiulock, director of Harvard
Observatory, is making arraegomenls for
viewing the eclipse and noting of its feature,
at Shelby ville, Ky. Tho observation will
last between two and threo minutes.
Madame P.irepa Kusa lias accepted the
invitation to play in the Grand Cborusof
tho Katiunal Peace Jubilee. In her letter
she says: As to tunes, leavo them entirely
with the committee, cs no feeling except
that of pleasure of joining so yreat ar. under
taking can actiiatu-any artitste. The work
upon the collisieiiro is "olng forward with
rapidity. Though only half tho' time allot
ted fir tbe constriirti.iii of t!i building his
elapsed it is ahe .ily twn-ttiiids c .inpleted.
Five lliiiiiaii(l iH'C'ianici are cnitan:ly at
work on it.
O'.v. ;uuy. !ii.-iiiif ti e leunt sts'inn of
('! L. isl j;iiic, , in-1 i.aa; bills. In i-w '
V"ilii.i.' i:.r '' Tiiv.n s ;t;... $30 l.-;:Hl
I'1 ..I the Li i-e o( t: 1-c.
1 ' 'I' ' l.-l" 's sevi-hly bilii s::!t P.'
1 ''' 'ra'. lljej.m'j
' ' .' '' ;r'v ir.
MB. FmtoH l aprnnnre tho name ef Col
A I" Prrraw as mmildalo for state Senator,
eaMect to U-.c nsSFru of iho Uciotaloati party.
Vs. Frtrnr Please anr-onree the name of
J AMFB M- I'Kr .1'IW. fl r raraiim. na a raiitnom
er StntaSrrailpr, anhicct to it e trapes "f fie Itc-
pobl Icon party, hiai ' ir..iw.
Mn. Fpitoii- I'toase nutinnroe that Captain
JAMES B. C.F.C.OIR will be il rilliilidito for nomi
nation for Assembly, subject to the uaacea of the
Itepnbliran parly.
Vn. EniTon: l'leme announce to tberitiieiw of
VennniMi Co .nty. Iliat Wll tlATKS. or Uoek
land Ti,wt!bi. i a enndidnie for Menher of As
Sfinlv. Mil'ject to tliennnpes of lie Henuhllean
KMTon rtrroan: Ptense nnnonnro tlte name f
J. It tilt ANT n a eanilKinie lor llie noTiiiimuoii er
C'otintv Treaatircr, aiiljivt to tlie ifnsw of the He
nnbliean narty. MANY CITI7.fc.NS.
Mr. KnrTii V-leane nnnounce the ttamn of
JO.l N A ( IIKICTY. of oil City, as a eamiiaatc
r.i- noiuinntlonof ("Dimtv TnvKiircr, subject lo ihe
u - uen of tho Republican parly.
Mr Clir'ntv i a man well qualified Tor the rol
'inn. if nn ardent Republican, and wa diiriii the
war n faith fill soldier. MANY CITIZENS
Mn. Kmront Please nnnonnee th name or OBD
iv. r.ttmH AM n a enndidate to- Conn'v Treasur
er, stibjeet to the usasi-s of the BepiiWIein nnrly.
Vo I'm r..P'oa.rt ann.mnre the name of K. 11.
CltAWK 'HI). (.r Hl -hinond Tovnliin. a a can.1l-
'ate f ir P othonotarv. nlie t lo tie nac;e oi ine
Kenublican part v. Solbieiis ajid HErcucs.
V i, Fni-mn PIm!' nmioimee the nnmeof T"oM-
P. xtnnr. "f Petroleum Centre, as enndidntc
lViith-inttarv of enanir' ( otlnly. lo l lie
ll-'l-t-! of tho Pcmocratic party.
W,- se n-i'liorU ' 1 to announce tint .TOSr.PH IF.
slrrtl. Ptotlmii'ilnrv of Venango Cnnntv. will bo
a r.m li.ltite re n':nin-itl-,n. for aM rtlllce, sub
j.'.l l i tli" u-a -"- of thi! Ili'iinbHcae pflrty.
::'i!KTKlt AN'llti:C01MKK
prmtt llKrnmi: Yon will please nn
..... -'.it ..MF V. MFAW will ben ranrtldnte
i vin' the nfilre nf lte"i-trni'd ltecord-
I n
'n the ,.-rc o lb' llcpal'ltcrn rally, t'l
ii:..; I Tittlilican Primarv t-.lrct'.nii. Vr.
i- a rrivdeitl Cotopinv "T." H'dP.'t'n,.nlei,s, nni limt a riehl nrn. In b-itt!
!! i- com. eti-nt an'l ol,li-'i"r. an-l
, .i .... -u r and tfec.r.tfr f r one tnn t
."ti-i'aclion of all v' . l-ive i. bi,.l..t
VKNN'i'1 C't'VTY
'' UNTY COMV-;s'N''II.
-nr.: -r"l"H, n'l'ioM- C " 'be C't:Z'M' o'
lUii'v tl i t '. Y. S': -,IS'f Oil I'rie'i
a cat)rl;''-t f'" r..:i,i'v Ci,-irni.ioa-:
, ilia lea;. of ihe Kc:)-.ibrn-an tarty.
; t "'1.-41, nnnoinicp l'r vntne rf tl.
r -Vnii ni'-'t- i'o , ,i-bi. :w r rati'!:
v C unit, 'oner. 'ibi ' ' ' It-"-
Ii i i'M:'"in MwY Iliir-l-itur'ss.
V." iJ :'
Ti v li:i
er. f .it.-
V . h . !'.: V K SWOIiTII ,
N. iv D'a'-'r, Pioneer, Pa.,
I'. -. ;-. c- ' ; i -i and Illustrated Papers froia New
V-TVi mi': lac and will mail any rPr pub
ti-i,. 1 i .-'.1 vf.kiy pipors. $ t. OS per three
niu...l:-. r. " " v. y in mnvHrlw.
'I. l!Tr and SCOKFJ HOOKS,
. .a ,t ....
vv ii ;
A I lia.---I.a-:' ivl'?1; we ca'li'd attii'ioa to
the Ci i-ii i ' m-i P.1 r.nior '-..u-ard rt'in'l-'y, nnd
nciii- we t;i''n iiiei-i'ir-t in notl. inn thoir A'Nma for
tye l.'iir. w'.i'ch t-t alid fo be a verv fine nrticle fir
th- toiie'. We rc ol the opinion tint the propara-tion-ofs
.til tiro aP k io1, for the reputation
tbey siistuiti rm Drli-its Is giod endence thit
ihev woti'd not p'tt anything in tlte market of nn
e:d 'nary character. Messrs. A 1). MtLLKH A CO
avet: 1'jrsileaad we hope all our friend will
t-.v ii.
I'".-all Droa-:hial affection", try Seward's Consh
Trv oiii Na-y T..hartcn. W'e kn-nv it is the liot
in the n: rl: t. W. 11. MCMOI.S'lN & CO.
Day and Kyf.mno,
A new !.,l of n,.. eelnlirated t. X. L. Knlvea .hist
received at lite ' POST OFK1CK,
W. IF Nieholsnn t i'o. have juit received a lot !
F'ocket Itules and Co:ni.a.- -cs.
FT.t LI, I'IPI'.lt!
.!i!M rw-cived a laree neck of Sprinj; patterns, at
H. c. .HiilS' 1 TliNITURK STOHK. m-i.
:At rt; to (til, ovt:!ATlt.
ALL er-n. t a-..- In n by eniit'oneit a." buv
lie or ii-i-ig Sn. k t t.i ib. wfi.i Sm k' t. Pointi, 'be
So!.: lei'.-w i! iai t i M e with either
10 '(-'. i . r en '.7 c w ilci s im I eona.-.-'c ! t'-ethcr
by a i-i.ii:i.,-nn -'bia, -v I of my iirumfactiiie,
a: 1 ;v:i 1K n..!.i i, w hi n,' i he patei t por conoc-tiiii:
i l-i in t i iii'ii'.-"-; a'l ,i!h,i- ,nad ' siit-t:i'ilttilly
a- nhovi! in. rUi: 1 iitj'rinqe.intn'i nn my rights, and
ai! ;ri ,i", -uMi.. i-.,iis s.i iviiui.oted, not of my mia-
11 . i -I.-. -, I..v "i" ;i Iv- i..i.,lo to, and will, hi pros--.iiv4ac-iru.te-fi!:m.
W. J. INXI3.
1'. .-i.--:;i , i.itic... i inserted, not as a mere
r nr.v. Vit wit! Ik- -.11001103 to, and rlgi !ly ea-''-'.
-; .- Pi.n. W.J.I.
' h Yo'ii'7 Man can pla.
ciMi-iitntii.iiatida pare
i n a, with the hutnai.a
c .la-., -.-nt in sealed to
'. A'ldress IIOWUH)
.... !''; h :l. I i
T11K beet ic Is town lo gel a pair of lluoi
made of the bust 8tock, that will wear well, nnj
warranted to fit, la at J A. Plante'a l ash,
b.oable Ikint Shop, W'anhlngton Su-not, Petroleum
IVtitre, Pa. (live him a trial. aopl'i tf
Illfrit wilro A laruc nns.irlmetit of wlii.-h i
being closed out at rtiluccd rates at KKYNOl.ns
UltoDHKAl) ,t Cirs, No. 11 Centre Kt., oppoiltc
the PjBtOIIIco, Oil City, Pa.
All accounts not aettled Immediately, will be Iff;
with an otlicer for colleetloii.
Apr.H-tf. KKYNOI.ns ft CO . ;
-cw I-'ionr, I'ppd and Crorcry
JMIore !
.?. S. lMCATIIKH,' "
At the OLD BANK Ul'lI.llINf!. (IV maivkt
eppoite tho JlcClintock Home. Ion on band a
large and first class stock of f Innr, r'eel nnd
t.rix erlea, wliich lie Is sellinit nt a w flL'nre.
t. Don't liirpet the place where A, D. Cotton
Company hroko up. lauj tr.
C'llrpeti, or every quality and description at
REYNOLD-, imoDHKVD CD's. No.n Cenrro
Street, opposite tho P. o Oil cily. Pa.
11IPIVS .1 1 1 1 Ulill)nt.i ..........
If yon wi-.ll the heat Plmr Tobacco in Ibo ,n..l .
try W. IF. Niebol-on A Co.
CV All pen-nna wi-diiuir lo be VieclviTtn
"in rail at A. F. Miller Co.-., i)ru. and
nave the pure article Insert.!. No charge.
A Inrje norlmeit, all sizes, nt A. )
Miller & Co.V.
t'rnrkrrr For all kinds !M to I'Pvvrn nu
l..l"l.ll.. l .15 crs No. 11 (Vnt.-e vtroet, oppo.
site the Post Office. O.I Cjtv. IV
The r'inet im or Navy. P... and Smokin -T-.hof
ro:n n.'tim.ire nnd Lvn-liliar.j In the mar
k"!M A. D. MILLn't A c- v
Thevervl.., p . c i;i,...-1z ,r:, ., Sciv
sor.-- :i!l M-a -aritcl-it W It. NFCr.l,sox-s.
Try te ce'e'tnte 1 Pirp!.. ,,. at ,. ym, 0;1I(.,
The line. I l'ln : To'vie-o nt
If. NK IIOL10V ,fc CD'S.
Pry Cioixli. a Inrco Hick at PKYVOLPH
llltrilMIT-An 4 cow. No. 11 Centre St, opposite
t'i- P -t Ollej.. OI! Cily, Pa.
Anotlier laree stick ef Wall rnr.rjJZ,.
n'iveJl" A. D. Mtl.JJrift & Co.'S '
- PAIST. WALL. WHiri! WASn snon
Itursnrs. a 'aive oe! m n'viv-i at A 1
mili.t:': co i. ' '
X K V A D V n RT Ls K M V. X TS.
!3,2(,0(K' Woi'fli or Walclats
at uctini.
S'wo;cievonm'l'U!"tnrS'f'al0f eo!d n(1 '""r
Weiliie.diiy, ThurHdnr, 'ridav and
Saturday KveiiliiaH, may 13th,
1 Ull, aud F jlli,
at the .n,J Crccke -y tore. Waahinton Street. ,e.
mv A. D. 51 ill. r & Co ilruj Hlore. Pclrolenm
eotre. fa 1 lt4 U the linen Ine or Watches ciei
oil-red to tho pu di,.. A very tine assortment of
American atch.-s. ir. IS k irat- solid rnl.l, and 1
A. K ... ni.a n ii, sltvej. r.i.e. Lulles Watch, e, In
iKkarat9.oi d aohi ,,. beaiitiiiillyenamell.l, nnd
st villi d nmriiN; ,i,., a,; t.,.H lcnilX fmwll.
ders; in fact nil l j,id- nnd makes. The public an
espco ally invited local I a-d examine ibo wat he
daring the day livory ,. h - .,.,-iPI
i.ial-J:tt J. K. LO'.VIiY.AticlJoreer-
rpiFE iindertimed hereby offers fur sale liis I
J. ery, known aa th
nlaba-5Hin. Sil,. j-ie h,rr! capacity. A-in-lers,
liioachers, Sto.-lm.' Tanks, all lined with I d.
Kn 'ine. Pumps, nnd nil u'lpmletiHuco thereto lw
Innmni;. also ltarrellioile. I)ueliin; II.iihc, llnrn.
c. The aiid ivolkn are in L'ooU order, an I ready
to etart liu.-ilie.a Immcdiste v l-"or particii:aiK,
apply to HIItAM COI.YIN. sioivy Kami.
Tarr Farm I'. O. maylLiiv.
iQnjitE eF
No, Wu.liinston St.,
Pctrolcitsn ( i n ire, I
"r.- TT P'.FNErdtnv. foikit,t. n ovio