SOKE PiUNT MISSING V 1 YOSEMITE Stomach BSTTERS ! mmmm A ult, nttalD tad pleuam Rrmejj fop .11 Diniai arltlog from a DISORDERED STOMACH. A ln f luimi Ukta II, rt. tlmn a lsj will M found .ffrellT. Id ill DYSPEPSIA, LIVElt COMPLA1XT, OEX- l KHAX DBBIZITT, Xerrous Prostration and fmy form of Indlnratlnn. rii.i i ! ftvtr and Ague, and a mild Invigorating PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER. .& CO., Branch 'Manufactory at Petroleum Centre, Pa. J by all DragglM. Opinions of Ivvpi'i iciKcil Drug- -Id i, e. li j kuiiu:ii)j opinions of c. neat aia'ggists and physicians : ' MfSSi sseuyour losemito Bitters Tor soniu timo past, and saving had Ireiiiient calls for thorn by our custom ers, and from our own examination of thorn, we be Jieve them to bo much butter in quality than an" other Bitters in th market, and wo nio confident that they will answer your most sanguine expects ns, and fully meet the demands ol the public. Wi would recommend them to the public for trial, especially to invalids suffering (rom wuuktiess and a disordered stomach. liespc-ctfcilly Yours, A. It. .MILLER .t CO.. Druggists. . .v . i tut BTUls eernnes that we have U3d the firent. v. iifle Bitters prepared bv J. W. Downer A- r r this place, and bulieva that they are. what they iiro represented to be a pure and wholesjme Stom ach Bitten, o'iJ a plei'sant tonic beverane for the use of invalids siiH'erii! from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. Ac, Ac. We think them to lie as L'OOll. it not luitloi' thnn nnir TH....-. - i ' . hiij uturm HOW in the market, and cbeeruilly recommend them to the public. Respectfully. T. iJ. .U.'.NAIK & CO., Druggists. 1 hare used, and ebserred tho effects of the Great i osetnite Stomach Hitters, prepared by J. W. Doner.tCo., J'otroleum Centie, and thiiik theni i" lrl11 "y "o- in use, io r luo relief ol luose .1 illino ll i..o f..n ...k:..l. l . . u. ,ia iui nuitu luey are reconiiiienned. " r-, r,-. i, , J- M "AUIH.VC,, M. 1). Oil City, IV, Dec. 2Clh, 1XU8. Hiving carefully examined the 'Yosemite Kil ters," lnanulactiired and sold by Messrs. J. y. Downer & Co.. I am convinced that tbr-y are chem' Ically pure, and huvine a knowledge of their com ) onent parts, I feel sale in recommending their use to tho alllicted. .. J- A- LOBAl'Gfl, SI. D. Oil City, March Cth, lSGi). PREPARED BY J. W. Downer & Co., Petroh'imi Centre, Pa., IJraneh Manu factory, and sold ly all Druggists TheGreatYosemiteBitters AUG WARRANTED TO CURE ALL DIS. eases arising from a DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Ac., are Mijmjoi- ,, :Uiy in ,e Market. TRY TxIKM ..ttiuleum CenUo, Mch io'ib'i'' & '' T. B. McNair & Co, 2:1 wasiiixt:.vst., Would respectfully announce that th -y are are now opening a lull useiutineut of DEUG-S PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly 'occupic by Mr. (jfoodman. S3 Particular attention wil i -i . i ie paul to the i)ivt)aratiou of I inscriptions, and no jiainsfipai eu to maKc Tins Department a: complete as any in the country Wines, aiad Xjic uors ! Our prices will compare favorably, aud we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their' patronage. T. 'ftra cum Onrrc. . incNAin &; o. a.. Oi-t v. 'tw.-tf NEW HARDWARE STORE! ItOflEKT It!t VAN CO., Hw leave to nnnonnco to tlie citizem nf Pc imli un: . rmrt' iitiu wnniiy. mat Tnr-y uave oietied a new More in tne tear ol the onlc or ihe IVntral l'uirol cum Coiunativ at the rallntai i'rninr. w),mi-m will kei'p rnnstantiy on hau l a fall us-ortmi'lit of uvcryumi in uio uaruwure line, uca us TIX AN'D SHEET IROX WAKF. GAS FITTINGS AND IJKASS GOODS. Mr. Uran havlns liwu pii'.-aziil in tlio bnine with Me-m. Winter H o n tor vears past, will attend partloniarly to tho bu-"iueas of'manufacturing SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a Xe- Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, With an entire J?ET OF MiY VK And will wurmut all work in this line. Apr:? Pianos! Pianos! EMERSOVS UNRIVALLED TIAN03 ! SMITH'S 'JELEBRATKD AMER ICAN ORGANS ! NOTI C E . "'"'""'unerl liavlns liy ppoci ll ennlrai tl with Hinith, neen duly appointed hv them Solo Auen1 'Ik."' Ilteir I'GLKIiKATKD INS1..U "...woiu nairm, ruriw, V enaiuo, t 'Iftnon aud Ji-;.eron coaniii.s, her-b rnulioiw tlie ciii,en o SJlid f-oinilii.d 0 it...jt .1...: ...t.i. .. pfiaons clainuiix to rw tlia Amines oe dehor of the aiiuvo named liruis, as all such arc I.Ml'OSTORS Dealer iu PIANCS, ORGANS, MEIOJEONS AND MLSICAL INSTRUMENTS c.','&cV du9c'il,Um- ''1 ANO STOOLS, SPliEABS' teietre.St., Mil. t'lTV, In. Oil City, l4 isng.,, AI.Ij TK'KIC'I'W ..,,,. i.un.11..., 'ho KKOORU OPFICii. ISirSfAi'; ' atch,- .he dc, li l"e '""-' Ilia lu" ' ozT ! n.RDWAUR-0!L CITT. Oil Cures sirs Works. CIIAKIjES iiOUJiO.'V A Co., I'orner of vpuei-.i & 'rntrc sin., l:n itlo (HI Creek, Oil City, I 'a., Dealers In Morria, Tasker k t'o's OIL WELL TLEIXG AND CASING, WORKINd IIA"KKI. AND VAI.VKS, STUKt'lNtl HOXUS CI.AMPS, TONUS. SICltElt HODS, Machinery for Oil Wells & Eefineries BHItlNO TOOLS, OIL, 1'lMfS, Dl'.IVINn I'tl'R, t'OLU W'A TElt PUMl'Si Every description of SITI'LIKS FOR OIL WELLS AND RE UNtRIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS OOOD8, TEAMS AXD ff.t.T riTTISm. BLLTIXG, tACKISQ, ami HOSE HARDWARE, HOrSE TBIMMINC8, Carpenters' Tools, Hope, tlakitm. Nails, Axes, Coflee Mills. Table it l'ocket Cutlery; A Full Assortment of Everything In tho HARD WA HE LINK Luupa (.'iilniMcvM. No. 1 Winter StroinM IJird Oil, No. 1 Krtlned Oil, Stair iwit Tablean tlDoor "SUxn ( liamjuou Clothes Wilngt'rs Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Konfiinne of all kind dnno with noatnesi! ami dNpatcli. K?peilul ftttcniou given ta STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Wehnvt pnnpivnrrI to merit th natrnnftL'p nf the pniilc, aim ;ial uc cwry exertion to in-uro it coiitiniinnf Our I'iicihtie for mroUliin!7 'ervlhiiii: In our lin'. havlne h -fii prpntly increast-d. iu the ei-eciiun of nnr New HniMiri'.. are now SUPEKIOK TO ANY OTUEH FSTABLISIT.M ENT anrfl-am. IN Till2 orL UKUION. AUG MERCHANT mWK fro w (Ml City, Inst received a large asjoitmcnt of NESVJ 1 fr i' 1 U urn Of t'ie Latest Paris, London, and New York Fiisli ionn,couipririii in i:ii t CLOTHS nfall colors, SCOTCH GOODS ol nil shades, j Ol ) i.s tv I .s I KlUO r.-. VETINGS CASSIMERES, Ac. and sTl irtirl.. 'cent in a Firtt-CIaiN Tjiiioiins IM;t liKliinvut. Trunk. Vallei, FliioAYIittn liirt, l.tllen mill p.iH'r Collara. ISone, SllKoeiiilerH. Sniiimer l'nilerati1!iiim, .ecklie, una Cents' Furiihhinir ilmrAs, tnKencral. Ml description or t'luthlnj made mi tiv experienced workmen, on the slmriet notlco in Ihe latest stle, and al the loet prlres. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CilCity, Pa., May 1. 69. AU M.idiMsiyJtf. OOIDETST, FLOUR i,D FEED STORE, XO. at CEXTItE-ST., OIL, CITV, PA. Thin 1. thn Lorf 1 ..... .... nil i li ... 00, -lit 01 inn now ill llie Oil Iferlon. Flonr and Food sold at wholesale nud " anpS If. CHAXE & TIIACKDH 134 maiden I.niie, N. V., l'fl.raSSIOT JIERCII.1XTS. are now prepared to receive on Commiion and eonr..1r.?,;,:".,,':i,,,i-,'1,'c'a u1 ' oil vitriol, CHASE, TIIACKEIt 4V Co., FETROLEFM CENTRE, PA , ntT Keen nn hand OIL MTRIOL. HLUE & WHITE I'AINT CAUSTIC, SODA and GLUE. " ' for'(!,ArS,rdH0,!V,lk6ll!'eml "i"'" Rcnner. a!f.vBWe, UOt 1""ler,oM ,n ny of th. . J'""'13 'f- CRANE, TRACKER A CO AriIKOK.IA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN f 'litis j have tanilienir Farms foi -pal , throii"h t CAM'insit. i:T t,. . f One Hundred Aero; n to Tw m-y Til .us, n I. T r.n. to suit pr. rliasers. These ..,.!. will -rrow llilrty Bve to Fifty of Wheat to the Ace, with ordinary fame in ;, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty Five huahcis per Acre. rCorrepoi.dcuec SoliriteJ. Ad.lic.-- HENRY MiKBNTY, Dealer iu l;,al E-talc, omj ;j04 Mju'.gnmcry street, s Funeltcn, UlI MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITT. NW KARDWAHDE STORE HKATtNlJ AM) fOOKlNCl III Inre vnrlety. TAULK AND POCKLT C u t 1 o r y ! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING OOS. TINWARE la m rs, lanterns, and FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For .sale CHEAP I At the store formerly ocrnpied hy nnrchfle'd and castorline, OIL, t't rv, fA. J tNKS It. GEUUIK. Jan. 4, 1S6 If. Oil Citi Roteaa's Oil W Pipe Works C HAS. KOISSO.N A CO., Corner or r-enecu and Centre Sts. east sido ol Oil Creek, Oil City, I'a. Havincr n.Med a powerful Steam EmHtiB nnd tlirno nirtco 1. 1 ti l-.. to our already ext-nive Mantitar tuiini; EstaMi-hment, ar pov prepared to do all me necessary wvik. in nillu,' up, aud repairlns; ENGINES. IH.)1LKRS. IKON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COITER WORMS AND STILLP, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS III TSCf HO ail .ilarhlllorv .lull Work rtitrnBt,! ln. wr.n neatness and dispatcn au '.Minos ALL pAPER ! Xew Styles for wUvx ! if), At Low Price. STATIONERY. SCHOOL l!Of)KS. BLANK HOOKS, Fine CSROHQS, Foreign & American, sIlhLT MCS1C, TOYj SHEET MUSIC, FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN l.KKAT VAIi.'ETY, As reasoiinlile s ran lie pun placo in tliei Oil lie hused any BiRsell's Bank Block. Ol tj C ITV, , I'll , Oct. 5, 18ti8 If I'A. A. II: ..'I liM"l. to L'Cl ti,- ivnrth or v.- n i ... .1.- NEW FLOOR AND FKKi Sl'lllIK AM) I,' V. i:it yard , 1,. . trrvnxnvuu & t ., wliciv there is always a MAJST ! s';""-Hicir customers their lan-e stock I' l.ol I.. IIA. and all kinds of FEED, and th place also whore m iy ho FOUND at the vei- lowest eush prices. Tuoie who are not'' DEAD Ih. do hnrfill,,,,"V?"ndw,"h, '1Pnl wilh wen hi nrn?. ; . "ss on t he .mpre, will fld li to their w i CrC aid f V6 ,"".n c"'f ,Tr"r8 I'l'Mins else hurt, and seo what we tan do fur you IIST Hlir lllin fif IinaiiiPM 9TU tit j a 1 pronnelv . led Io. "1T0 m,V r',, n", " V ? Petroleum Centre, Pa. h. m. sTKHNiirua, 11 II. WARNER. Fehl3 If. QO TO 1SIIAM & C'O'S for your Cartridge.. EEAP.IES & COSMVELL. DenlcTa in C O A Xij . jsi A" i. rcivcrijd or alRic Ya-IJ!.) :hc car or ton.. . RAILROADS. Oil M 4 AieitayBimTfi WARHKN A FRANKLIN, p 11 fl. ARUKN A FRANKLIN, F.RMP..U ' NEW AND MOST DIKKCT ROIITp'-, THE OIL REGION. Tu ISttH. WINTER ARKANOEMEVe TIMKTABLK ON AND AFTER MONDAY, appii 1MW. trains will nin as folloni 1 IJL "Tl tiWNU NORTH TO till, CITY ppT... tit- A.-M , Kxpress.nrrlvc Tin:,,, V ehorewlll. lr,,l. r. ' V.',.."1 tcoeilimi.' there with trains for p'1,1. .,' '""""wtln. Uoyd rartn in , Milw iJ 35 u n., Tlin-viil,, 111 -,', .!"'" farm at i'inyat la ai 1, m " ' frlvto. I'onyat Vi 2! p. tn 1 rr'vuii M.. Nlail. nrrrio.jTu: -nn h. WW Olcopolis4 1 , " D. tn for I'iehole Cliv). 01 ci ,4 7, '"in troleum Centre R.vr. n fn liP !" p I' . " . Sillier Farm ui Jwm .36 p. in. " -rrt 1 W u. t 6::J0 rto"'- on cw i-arni 7111 . m.. TUr.-C. "'"' Jd arriviuif at Cnrrv n o Fl Q tke ''' Ol.. nnvn uiwtntn Liin.d ....... " . "vi.mi .'t 111 rni.ti iVHHV Tl'Pfu,.. FFTROI ECM CENT ' E 4 OIL Cf-f y ' ' It'-l.k A- arrives t Tltiiavlli. 11 1 ' Miller Farm X ! m iwi 10 " " m, Fetroleum Centr. onto 11:111a m . and In innion ? ,TiJi m. arr ive Ohx.r.ii. j "T l. ,7.'. .'V'i"'.' liriiouteii; 5::t0 ... . ...n-.o,, n a) p. m r- mj .."''cominod.itlon f,oln fw rives ittu-vllle 7.o0 p ta mhOTJJ." ;p. m. Hoyd Farm i , pJ? t ONNECTIONS Trains North ennneet at t'on v lili t'hn..i . t, Erie H. R.. and Allantic Jrr"" 'y; av, East and West, and !. "' ' a" ami P mi. ; , " "" Buffalo, wav, Corry I rains ronnert nt Oil city with Kra,,L-n n for Franklin. l.adville a ,d tV,L nJDranch viuelon with I v l W0".'- nd atlr. .... . . ,,,I(JII I(Jr nuniiiu Standard time twenty ,( ftsZn T lin llranch and A. H w. R. H im 1 ajsemjcis will Hud this road a safe pleasant na e "hortesl route io .,.! r.. I"aul and all trains v of trains on 1'. k K. R. ,i""""u '""oauer srrlvl lie sure and ask Tor Through TMe via OllCk- t Ihe Oil Region .i,Ii.FVw.tE?.-?en'LSuM'ri, 1. 111. 1 nt'iiN. A'e 8'tpei1iiti.ndiii . mat. . PUtsbtirKli, Fori Wayne IrW i IKI1IIWUV. , l l.tlli TABLE, l.nvu. Oil City, S, 1 0 p. m. 85& p. iu. 3,45 1. m. S,SS a. tn.. T,80 a. m. StlOa rn. 8,2.1 a. n. . .m. lOjOOa ,n. Franklin. ,aoa.r Clf. Mil Ja nestowet, ..ifHuvine, larksviile. New fast Io, Homewood, New Uri;hten, Rochester, A'leitheny, riitsinireh r i.'i.r?-""-'- 1. TRAINS iroini Wot on ..uaiid 4, J. jim,,a arrive a T.00 and 0,-JO c' ?i.O nl . . R; 1 s.Oen-lTic' Slaub. 1st.-lf. A (,'AIID t nt;iuNt:o's r.LDEN FiVf ll.l.Mor Pema U ir.lllln 111 iiivu-inaruit?. remoMn J .,,ilims Ol II .I. hi., , . uiuuover c and iuw: as a preieutlie. Onetili'V .lose. culiiirlv situn ed. or tnosiMr...slni t' areciutt nrd a-ainst na An these. Ft Mint condition lest thoy Cvlte mlw WO CI) aHlloniti in Him nm ass spoimiWhty. aitlioimn their inildness w any ml-chiefio health: oth.Awlse the l roinmi ndfd as n mow! Ii.v-miS U'. nme..lfi leviatlonortho-e.iiilerinit fA,n "y -nC'Ae. whatever, as wall us to prv Vi an Incn ly when health will not piwnit lr: Ytfli ) iicrvfs ond hriT.'ins; hack tl.elS -ivcoW"Os. - to the cllei 'k of I Io ninai V A .t . f "1 .! r Full amj explicit dip ction. - Tac.compa. ' P:ice ft per Ux; 6 hoxea. -,4o. " Sold in I'ciroh um Centre. h ..M A T- CO.- Solo AL'outs'' for I'etpnl,'.1 ' J nm Centre. Ila.olton. Warren: and Ly "on.' Dru-gi-t" la WOJ town In the I) illi d Mutes, mid hy b. ii. hum b, irop r. Nw ior- A PERFECT CURE . For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of ApFjtl'j Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and diseases arising from a disordered W ol the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward tc BentuT, Drugpsts, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by druggists. A. 1). MILLER & CO.. Wholesale and Helall DriiBjista, Agents for Fclroleiini ',,"'rj, viciultv. J""" VATCIIMAKi:iiS & .lEWELEHS IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, W.11 INGTO.V STREET, n:TRoi-i:imi :enthe, r.. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment oi WATCHES, JEWELRY', l'ISTOLS, REVULVKIO. 1 1 '.u'Uti.f, ive. , lino v. in sen ai ivinio"1 r" watch work wai anted tou;ivc satisfatliou. 2 r IjuIIos! Itjr mwdinstliem ft t. ltlie Veir"'' tf Ire 1- o e.1.1 have the Fills sen" "V Icotili"!1 1 mail to any part .,f the country, .J kSa '&' l r-old also by R (; .. g c ark. Tiianrille, 1 la-i A R (irillilh. Oil cily; Flemlnl Mc- 'II ( nne. I-rank in: Dr. .1 I. n-iriini. R. T. 31 IU1 G 01 Oei Jai V OE LEi A pro I C A L I.0OI Pit Ca; J COFl SAS i ro;ri