SOKE PRINT MISSING Petroleum Centra Daily Record. rt. renin-, fcutitrda . flay I.". :'. J' A J. J .'(I it or. Time of Cloning illailN, I:. C, rCTKUT.r.I M CKNTIII:. I'A . .lei.r y.fT, im. t'nlil further nati.e iho nails will arrive r.1 tiepiirl from this nllice us foilolvs: AltRIVK. South nnd East, via. Irviueton, In. .'S A .V South and Wwl, " Moadville, 5 Is: I'. V. . North and East, ' Curry, S 55 . DKl'AItT. Smith and West, 8.45 A. M. Soutl j Gum and West, !! 30 P.M. .North, Kiwi and Went, 10.0.1 A. M. 11. U. liLACKMON, I'. ; s Uiriiio Services. PUHoBYTERIAV CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., nn l 7'j c'clock P. M. Rkt. J. T. Oxtobt, castor. M. Fj. CHURCH. Services every Sabbnlh at 11 A. M. ami 7( P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seats Free. A cordial invitation extended to all. Rev. C. M. Heard. Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATnOLIC) CHURCH. Mass nt 10.' a. m. Vespers and Dencuietlon of the Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. .TAME-! PUXN. P;.slor Chan-he or Tun-:. Oil Creek k Alk ghey River Railway, Monday. April 2S: NORTIIWAR.'l TRAINS. Express Xo. .I arrives rL Kxpress No. 1 artives at Express Xo. 3 arrives at. Freight Xo. 7 urrivts nt Kreieht No. 13 urrivesnt Freight No. IS arrive. at 7.20 a. ni. in. .11 n. ni. 5.34 p. tn. 12.45 p. 111. 12.01 p. in. 8,-lj a. in. SOfTIIWAIll) TIIains Kxpress Xo. 4 arrives 11 1 Express No. 2 arrives at Kxpress No. fi arrives at Freipht No. 8 arrives at Freight Xo. 10 arrives at Freight No. 14 arrives at Freight No. 1G arrives at I I.) B. 111. 3 I" p. ni. 7.2") p. m. i 34 p. m. 8.2.'i u. ni. 2.00 p. m. 12. io p. m. The next Good- Templar's Convention rf the Northwestern District (Pa.).will bo held t Franklin, on Tuesday, October JSth - Rev. N..S. McFetridec. of Oil ini,. preach in .the Presbyterian Church c'f this pJC to-morrow,, both morning and evening. PenuByJvnjyanemocratic Slate Coo. v'fc L of Governor ni -oftnesB ol feathers by . ruck and stretching himself " There are some whq try the vir- of advertising on the same plan. ; The copious rains which have visited us Ithln 4he last day or two, has caused con Iderablemud, but to us nitidis preferab'o 4o pust. " The phtform of tho freight depot of this .' place is to be extended on the east end to g better facilities for loading and unload j; iDg freight. Dibtixouished VtsiToits. Mr. Goorgo K. Anderson received a letter Thursday -, evening from Mr. J. D. Cameron, stating ; that the Eritisli and French Ministers with . a number of their respective legations, are now on a visit to tho Pennsylvania coal fields of the eastern raoge, and that they will arrive in Cony about noon Mouday next en route for the Oil Regions. The match game of billiards played at Robson & Arnold's cozy billiard parlor last evening, attracted a large crowd of' lookers on. Tho giiiie was a friendly 011 e of 500 points, gotten up merely for a pastime, and a great deal of interest wa3 manifested, tho match being, apparently, nearly an even one, thr game terminating 500 to 473 points. The press of Tittisvillo which is always so anxious to ventilate any little disturbance that may occur in Petroleum Centre, but careful to omit any similur occurrence in ' their own town, entertains a friendly fed t (113 toward the Centre, that is worthy of no tis. For wha'e'i reputation P.trnlvum Centra may have abroad for immorality, We . ars Indebted to the Titusvillo press as much as to any other source. A roader would sup. pose from the glowiug account given 01 a "scrub fight" which' occurted a lew nights silica, that our whole town was conueoted or interested in it in oonis way. Now IV troleum Contre has a population of about 3,000, and one-sixth of our population are regular attendants r.t our churches, which is a much larger proportion than Titusvillo can boast of. An Ingenious fellow rccentlv discovered h. A.t. . 1 . . . tha fish can be made drunk on brandy, then pacnea in straw and Bent on a ten days' 1 journey without any damage to them. On j being placed in cold water tbey Come out all right and as frisky as Cv,r. liuporlnii' to Holder of Govi-rn-111 -j nt lliuil The recent rokberici of largo amounts of (ioveiiiiiient coupon bonds make it all im rortnnl that (he public should understand the only secure n ay of holding (iov. riiment secuiiti.'s is by having them properly regis tered, since, in case of loss, or destruc tion, the investor is still sale, as tb.0 Gov- ' ernment will continue to pay the interest and will issue a new bond at tho proper I time. With regard to the coupon bond it is, I however, entirely a3 it is a tolal loss to the owner in case It 13 stolen, lost or deetioycd, it being regarded by tho Govern ment tho tamo as a bank note. Homo parties have tho impression that registoied uouus ni" mum uuti.fie-u.ue uuu me jiuoiuai moro diflicuit to collect. This is an error. The interest on registered bonds can be madtf payable at any of tho principal cities in t!io Union, and colleeteil without regard to tho locality of the owner, nnd the bond can be transferred the same as coupon bonds. by signing in blank before any notary or alderman. llomnuee 111 Ilea! I. if-. An Iowa pnper of a recent date gives the particulars of a romantic story which borders somewhat on the mavelous. Years ago a Pennsylvania farmer loved a charm ing young girl that lived near liim. After the marriage time passed on. and soon tin- farmer contracted a tasto for liquor, which frequently gained the better of hiiu. His wile remonstrated with him, which on one occasion ended by the husband slabbing ber with a butcher-knilo. lie I ft precipitately, suppling he had killed her, and hid him- ell in the ' est, where in a few years ho became a prosperous mid wealthy merchant The wife in the meantime recovered, i-.u ufter living alone for five years, tuuriietl again. Her husband died at tho ezuiration of a year, and she also went to the Wei!. Then tho incredible part of the story ap peared. The parties met alter their long separation, and became acquainted, but neither recognized tho other. An en"ae- ment was entered into, resulting in marriii-o and. upon the wife disrobing in the evening, he noticed the scar made by his hand years ago, and suddenly recognis-d her as his wi.'e of former years. Here is a chance for story writers. Si K'lUK. Dr. Richard P. Jones, aeut for French's circus, atidnt the lime connect ed with Han Rice, at Girard, committed suicide in Buffalo tho othf mumg lauuanum. t he Express says he t ntereda drug store on Maiu Etreet and a:-ked for an ounce of laudanum, saying that he had been ailllcted all night with neuralgia so that he could not sleep. The young man in attend ancegavo b:m tv.-enly live cents worth, and Jones wen; out. s.iying '-good 111 uiriig." As toon as ho regained the sidewalk, ofiic-r Collies, who h ppcned to be near the ei ol, saw Jon-s place a e.uall bottle to his lips twice, but did not H Hnect his desi-m . Shortly afterward oRicer Keen wet Jones on tue corner ot Larroil and Washington Bis., ami at nrst thought from bis action that he was suffering from (he effects of liquor. Jones told Keen where lie boarded, and when asked if he could go homo alone, said "no," end then fell down .In a state nf in. sensibility. The officer procured a cart and carried him to the stution bouse, and called Dr. Johnson to attend him, but ho was past human aid. and died about six o'clock. The cause of the foolish conduct or Jones is said to have been domestic diilicnlty. it be ing reported that his wi.e had deserted him, taking with her his only child. On AVed- nesday no showed a telegram saying, '-she has not returned; let her go," which is sup posed to relate to his wife. Ho subsequent ly slated that he would b dead in two hours, and during the evening of the day ho was seen taking largo draughts or liquor. Two men wero engaged ta watch him during tho night of Wedne day, and from the sudden action of tho luudanum it is inferred that he imd taken a dose before calling ut the drug ttore. Tho coroner held an inquest on the body and tho jury return-, ed a verdict in accordance with the facts, ;Vs we never seu a woman but we mental !y bless Adam for golm to sleep und loos ing u rib, and liunco are alwuys on the look out for something to please them, wo pub lish the tollowinir. recelnt for keooin;. ti, fekia clear nnd beautiful. Wo don't mean 10 insinuate that there are any jihls about here whs haven't the loveliest, p. achiet faces io tho world; not at all I Hut I hey. rsoe,,f their acquaintances may h ipn.'n io to a picnic or Fourth of July sarnuu r and t.'t a little Unncd, and then t:,e receipt will come, so handy. Cut it out and paiite it cu your looking L'lassr ifTun m..u . . - .. . "u' iiom mo tace bv mixing magnesia in soft water to lhee,, sisleney of paste, which should then be sorea-l on the face and allowed to remain a minnto or two. Then wash off with cu.'ila .oar - suds, and rinse with soft w.ter " ! IV rw ItOIllH. Tho Steamer Manhattan, from New Yoik, arrived at IJueenstown Thursday. The Steamer Tripulo, from New York, arrive J at Qiioensiown cti the 12th inst. The steamer lVrriere, from New York. arrived ut J '.rest 011 the 1010 inst. General Prim approves of the proposition for a Regency in Spain under .Marshal Ser rano. The steamer City of IUris, from New York, arrived at Qucenstown on the 10th Inst. The Annual meeting of the National Tent. ) franco Soeictv was held in New Yolk Thursday evening, President William E. Hodge presiding. The Georgia Railroad Convention has in structed the directors to extend the Athens Crunch to Knoxville, so ns to meet the Southern road from Cincinnati. Margaret Slurry, an inmate of one of the turneries in Chicago, who threw herself into river on Sunday morning, and was res cued, died yesterday from tho itl'.cts ol her com uatn. A Convention of the Protestant Episcopal ministers is in session in I'Mla,l..ini,i 1 1 Ilishop Stephens presiding. I;cv. Phillips Urooks preached the annual sermon Thurs day. fJutlaio III i:n. W. W. Murphy Inn been appoint d pa- troliuat! anj e.ssie'.iej to tho i.rie st f 1 1 de- 1T1"M ill Le- pot. A gi-i at many poo.l l i ilc'n y.-.i;ng the Ciis-toni House still 0,1 I1 oil-:. hiiTior, mid sr me of ta-m are v- e .;;:!.; !: -Ir b.-st uiU every day. Henry Dempsey. J jlm ' ' v: . II i.;'i I.ockey. EJ-.eanI John Sullivan, and Jacob K-ieppel, were li-ied from flv. t. ten dollars each for beinj lirur.k a:i:l Oisord-rly Wednesday night. Edward Nio-i! bal his sl-.euMer di-rne.Ued while cariyitig a heavy load of w !iis.;y. Alfred Gih.a:i and Charles Van wore !n, fi :n0 oica on Thuu l..y noraiug for keeping camblinj; rotu.i. Julia U.uid .u,d IC.nuu IU two prosti tutes, v!io were not in Court on Wednesday, were present the next morning and lined t50 lor keeping disorderly houses. The Uuffalo Diii'.u'li colony is n-purted to tiumV-r llftv. y o 1 c r. s;, in. lav C'-.-urirt cau Ij.i h:-. . days at Oal'.acy'.s. IK. k-.'.-.-i ei Sunday.-. ily on wi -ed !, riR-i.i.iMj V121.1.S i:v ill, n Tho Veuauo Ilepubliean .--a gade movement in the matler i ..'".'i;i A le r. - I'.' oil t.jetit. uMllj; weiis i.s llnealoneil. A patent. srr,ia disjietising with engine, d n-ick. .emu, uuu me oiuci Heavy tmibeis now io tpiirod. has been erected and is now i:i j vv. ation on Hasson Plats, in this l;,.!,, drilling nn oil well. Tho iipurritus would seem to bo an Improved hor-e-power, with tumhling shaft, Ac. The motive nower a,,,,'. pliod by one horse, attached to u eweep. H lOfembles somewhat nn old cider mill. Tnn derrick- is supplied by a tall polo fu,teue.l to a revolving platform. Tc this is nf;,?:, , tho drilling rope. It is claimed by the par lies operating it, that (bo wHl r. in l,e dtp-i ed to any desired depth, by otie-ho!,:o pmv er. The present contract is one dollar and 1 a quarter per foot, the contractor simplvin . j everything. Y.B hopu Mm invention way prove a success, as a cuejper mode cf drill- j !n2 Oil Wells ha.l hrin. ... .. .. ' . . " ony, il ti.e business or develonment continues to in crease rapidly it, tho futuro as the tuvtout gives j roiiiise of. U- you want to enjoy good health it ir, not necessary to take juiir family " ji,tt g0 to Gall'iKy-s and got a bottlo of .Sunday Com fort- mav'Mw. Christy's Minstrels oro i.trfurming ia South Africa. They travel about iu a coach of their own with four lio.ers, going seventy miles a day, w!iilu their goods aio toted along more slowly on wagons diuwn by eighteen or hveiily-f,,,,- bullocks each. Tho great lecaavonieac-i they -.,.Cot, with is that thuro are 110 halts to play j. it,0. Pie come many mile 10 .sec- tl.oir B;Xtce,i shcot pictorial pouters. '" " Bl',cI- CanMidaig,,., ...vLiliitiou e, .-atluey's. UHu't lai t0j,ive jt a ri.iL 11! ay S-1 w. A Icier ,1 ."i I Wyo in Territoiv. says: Vie, . : no'. , 1 V: ;: prrsous to ie 1-. ( a lew da.( a i.ic ". at almost any town, eoinmute.-s for c. li.i.u u'-'a. I hud (iiiito a laugh ' 'in cotnin itli o waili . on a man tU.y call Wild liill, and gave hi,.-, iiueeii miuiues ;,i leave ilie town. ;ill . on his mule and said, '.(,e,.Ue,nn, iftltin d d mule don't baulk, I don't want hul live. " Tt itr. AVI iK's (.ml l.i,iu.ji3 jor medicina' 03" can be Sid at GilVaey's. mayS-lw I AMIIJ Y .IJiMIIMIJirSfi. STATU STNAT Ht. Xlt. I M or l'li'nm' Pliroenfe the ri'liie ef Col A I' Pl'M'AN elnllil:.t for Sla'e Srra'nr, rl-tu-et to :l:.' u- -lire clllio trej-eliiienn p-irly Vn. rr-'fi 1: - 1'lrnf.e hiiioiiiicm the nntiie of JAMI-S M il,l:iIN. nf Fmi kiln, as ,. MHU-HH'er. slllijeet to Ihr 11 n...v ,.r 1 1... IO. imhliran jtarty. MANY 1 I I'IZKSS. ASSf Mlil V. tn. FriTin l'!H-.e Hut t'ltf'ii'ti JAMKS 11. (;!: Ctl-' ill l.f n rnniliclMtf. lor noini T.fillen for fill j. ft 10 il.t- ns'irei. i.f Die f.pntilien party. Vn. KniToll. riejfff 'tnitmltief. t-f il.p rili;nn of Veiwn.-n Comity, licit N M.I.U M ( 1ATKX oi Itofl; hind Towr-hip, i n iMnlliinte fVr Meinli. r nf ,s snugly, fuliifcl to the utfugf of ho Iti'tfiihllf-an party. JIANV riTlV.KNS TltllAsl'liKlt. FelToii ItFOonn: riense atlf-onneo tlm tinmn ff ,T It (jlfAN'T ns n rmi.p.late f.-r the n.inilniiti.10 f .r C.i-in.v 'frtiwiirer, Mit-leel to ihe u-a-'e of titi Ife .1;...,,, 1.. M xv I" T 71.''S Ma. Kmrffii: Please nniioiineo the ti.-imf of .11)1 NA CIIKISTY. of nil t ity. ns n raii.IUI.ite i.:i..f tin. Iti-piiU'iraii fiitlv. Mr I'hristv is n mail W"H fiintill'.'d for I ho no-M ion, is an (.r-leal Hf-pultlh an. nn.l '.i iln--i1;r lln war a f.iithlul soldier. MANY CITIZKN Mil t'plT ill: I'l-Ie .-m'iol!lli-f Til lia'ne of fl K' . iwi in 11 a-f n r-ait.t'a 11 i 'mint v Tri'iWiir l!iM'iih1i'n ivirtv. er, snl.iect to the ti-ai-es 01 t MANY ( I PIZKNS.' IMiiO'IIONOTAltY. riTii: l,lo!ip ,Hiiii'i:ni P tbt tvintf of K. (!. ( 'T.WVK'ilfn, of Ki'lim-Mi:! Tmvnh(t. h- h (vm.'i il.ili r,r I'ttulii.not.sry. mihu-ri l tin n-a-.rr of flu li.'IMil'lii'in party. ' Sni.iiirws ami II irr! .'!. Mk. I'.dithi: ritvi nnniMi'icMlKMirimt'or T' - !i Nv'HiY. of Pi'ir.i'i'iiiii (''tlt i', h n fviiitlifl i'i i'.r rrnihnn:r!ry ol' VMinntro Co'tnty. f iil'jct lu I lit u- lLTi of ilia pfiiio. r.ttii parly. '- flic iiithor! '1 ti ai"io!ii .7 OS MP!! II. SMi rfl. Pr)hri;i tir of VTi:ii'ro 'titit v. will h iii.1i !To fer rt'-mnin-iTion. fr saul oflin, huii t to Ih-? mi .'(! of H"pnl icfn parly. i;kc;wi'K!i ?nrcoi:t)".p CiiiTiM; tifi:: Vi will p!ooco nn- ,, .... ... l m:i V UV iviV t.i'-i r;?t'.!. , , --! -.., ti rfl'i-oof l-V-Hv-rrr-rl It-.'..:.! k 1 iit'ei'i vt n1" t 'u' li'pii''l'--.n :t t v. ". ,. utiht Pr;miirv KV-Mnn. Vr. -wt.- ., t. i- t,. In Cniiiiniiv -T 11M IW11 . vi'ii V'-;iit""f. nnl font 1 rV.'hi ami in t-ai ! :' C'ru'-'iti: I'i i- rorn ofi'tit nri'l obit ninl 1 - 1 , , w lti"i-!t'r 1011I Ki'C:.rili'r f r on ti"in t ,,. ,,;-t;.-t. ..:ti,f.u:tio!i of nil who b-iv. fini h't'ltips- lion VKN'ANtlu CiM'N I'Y. Ci UN TY CflMMISSIDNLll. ""f. r i-irn - V'p I., nnn -itli.-f ih" l.aiao of M ' I 1 i ,v;. i-f 1 '..'npl-uiti.r Township. 11s 11 rarai -i.e.. f,.r I' .-mOv C f!i.iiis.lonfr. siiUi-l 1 1 lhf ii-,i : - ot -.In. U raSliean parly Masy Iti:rryi,ic s. !s:: tlAI.I, HATS aa.l 81.OHK HOOKS, nt w 11 r.u iio'i mi ifc tfos. A 1 lNiiiTi..Lits! west; we ci'livl attfiitioato t'-.e Co-istiliiCmi Itiiti rs of Sfw.i"il A TV miry, nn.l r.ow we take pleasure In noii -in-r their Ali-inn r.r 'If '.a'r. M'hieh is sai.l'o ho a very llao article fir tiif trMe. We aro of t'.e opinion thst the prepira tioiisofS ,; Tl ar a" ciol, fir thn repatation lb.v sii'ai-i a. Prnmi-ts ts b mil cvi.'enro lint tie v iv.iu'd n.-t pat in the t.-.arket of an o,.l tn-r hinvitcr. A. 1. MH.LIC't CO I av. t f .r anj wo hopo all our friei.d-t M ill -..r .i'i l'ii:. irnieii.lal ieT.wti;.n", in- s..v,-ard Try oar Navy Tot.n 1. V kn-rv it is t'-.o l.e in tiis market. W. II, NICHOLS IN & Co. mm srTS.rv- D.T AD KvEXIMr, OVniI FKF.I) SUt'TT" TiOOV, NK.T HOOi: TO A, D. DULLER & CO i tj.d MjnrTr. ' A new lot fifth ri ceivoi at tho flttjiiMu I. . I.. Krivei !n-t COST OITICK. V. II :.ilicisr,n A Co. Ji it receive 1 a lot 1 P.-iUe: Ui.hs.inil Comnassis. tyj.. 1. MILLEU & CO., bmcsUU, a.-nti f .r U i.alehrated '-I1. II. Cigars," mauu ae'.iiit. by tiK. American Whip Co Try thorn. nr r-lH!tTONS t:ihacco antidote POl.'T ciiiv, roatitMotpforToliacco, and UK. JIIHNSOX s AKOMA I IP AXTI TOUACCO COM I'UUXi), for Kile . 0, JIILLF.IJ & CO'S. wall mrjat! ''": "'"'v'i lmr" slr"-k rf Spring paueros, 1 J-'IIVIS' FfHNITVKB STOKK. ,:). vtui t m, oim:aths ..... -oas nr.. m-n-liy i-mitinnofi eiiiHt Imiv- "- 01 i.,i-,. s,,-. ,- INN. r. rn, Hoi-k-t. Pinnls , lie "- 1. .on to Hi,, rol will, eilhi-i- rni-A.Vewi-d.rm an! cnnectttl to-it'ier l-.v a , o,,i, ,.,,,,,, ,.,,, My mtu,.lrtlll.IS a -1 ain the .luowuor .fllie iiatuti ri-caimretin-rods m tliis n, .nnor; all others nnd'! snostaulially a n'uve .re direct infrinjfmmU on my rlghtu, and a" t-des using rod. counojtod, not of rny ra in nfaeture, lay themsolvus liublo to, and will ba prog. eculed aoir4ng to tau . ; j IXMS. I". 8 This not ce Is insetted, not as a inure -care crow, lint will ho attended to, and rigidly ca romed. Apr.l0:3u.. W.J.I. KICU MAliUIAdl-; GIl'T. somTo'i!!0"!?'". G,'F r "1,U'h. ' Yo""t; c" Z . i. I,vld''-ls " eoli-litii!inanii, ,.,. 111. hs-n.-s ..ii lh . wii.joeK, win. Cm 1 :u, 1 Mews nr In-uelolent l'hysieinus, rent in seiil.-l if nr fiivi-lo;ie-, IV,.,. 1,1 rharsro. AiMh-.h IIOIVAKII ASSOCIATION, Box I, l'hiladelpl "a, p., jia," Till: best plure Ir. town t.i R,-t ,1 ,,it i( j. nisde of the Iirttl titcK-k, Unit will wrrAiilil In lit, in ill .1. A. I'hint,,-, j,.""'' lertil.le Itoo! Slioj, , W.lHhintou Sti.t., I,-tr ' 1'er.tre, IV.. (live him n trial. '.,', '''''r' " t'I0 If iiiAicm.cs, CLX ALLIES, at A. ). Mli.LKl; ni Hard warn A Itw ns,.rtni, u uVijTT" l.fiiiK i-l.weil nut al re.!iii-i.fl rut, , ,,, ,i'vv... ':" lllml.lll.-.M ... v.. '''N,'U1S .......... I. 1 1, ,v . ..... II I f ' I) I ' the Pj-1 (illii-e, till Cit.-. I'a. i..;j. All nr -oiints not m-ttleil iniiiii..iin, iv win I ilh an oili.r for iMllf- lini. "' " Apr. U tf. HKYN-iLis4r0 l ow Monr, IVod mux c;rorory ai ti.for.n hank nnmiNt;, o MArNMT l .nn-mi.l f.-t rln ?lorl; of H.Inr, -Fp(J " OfororlrH, wh'd. ho H olHn - m n low flt Don't for til- .l:,iww!,ri! A, u (; q ( iimpany limki" up. ' CurpetM, nrrriT.v quality niifl ilwrlnii .. RKYxm.t)-, li'tfiniiKvn co-H, N. j, c"' Street, epposlt.. the P. ()., (lil CUy, p:1. Willis .M V . MMWdUVS MAN', hi A. IJ MII.LKK ( l) ' 'NAHY, (!l;i trvou i-l, tl,el,t in Iherasrte try V. II. Nicholson A Co. C"Alt peroiis wi-hin- I 1 hi VAfiaXATEn co. s nr.,,. s,orfi -iii ;; at A. 1). MilVr A- have the pure fnh arlieb in-i-r I. N'i eliarL'e. WIMiOW A larp nsaorlment, Miller ,t f'.i.'s. Cf.ASS! all s:.;e?. at A. I ' r.ekery-K..r.-ill ki.N to RKrxotns , nw-'t-.u: i. ,vc v. N. ,-,,.,.,, o; 1 site the Po.t OIH"". tlil City, p.,. " His Fluent lol of Naw, Pli.jatid SnioWn. T 'he . f r..:n KaMn-.ore aa.l Lvn -;,h;,r:! in the mar k": " A n.Mll.LU'ti- Ce.. The vn-v l,.s p ; 'f.r all w.irrai.t. J- -! Cutlery Rigor. n:l.j sc!j. a: W. II. NiCHOLsfWS. Try the o,.!,.!atc. pr,I(, ,.. h P(Mt omc(. The finest I'lil' Tn'iaef o at W. II. NICHOLSON A CO.'8., ry CondN.'a lrrFo steel; ot ItEVXOLl Hltoiili!-n i 'i-u xi. . . I Cu P,.,t OT..-5. Oil Cltr. P PAINT. WALL, WIIITIMVASn 8 llKi'snrcs. alaren stock Just rcceiT MILLEU co.'S. ' jT ' "miLji"1""" ii nimni,,, , ; NEW AQ.V Bg'-' -"""-a -yf Q-Hi,Oi() Worth S" '-lnUy sndoVr,,'. i .llllraay r.venl niN,lU;mtit vfpj IUi, nod 15lT?f r ISI.-i,..,.. -t wmi .1 , , :u.';: .. uvraa f'fr-f: in t u't ,,n 1 :.' 1, ,,,, ,,..,. mti a.l,w, '-i.!.v im it,..! ,., r, PX.,,' rt. The vuhlk an iaroi- .,. J.... . . . '.mini. ll,fi Mw niv-.': "wtAWHv,Ai3l!otiMr .J NOTICE I" M II I. . vp.,e to puhlir ih- nf. . , I House, mi a-,.i!., '"v l 'thi'is' ., it the Plnmw v II in ..l.e III.ACK M.loSK."n. ItOTnTti SlX ' ni:.. pair s-, ,u Uiimkets. I .":.'...-, Iay S, V.J. 11 n, l.vnt. A V.R-V CI.SS REFINERY i'2t M.u.r.; : rj'iir ..! v,,.,i h.T..,., ,;. ,. ; 1 1 'V. !r,-.v:i :.s 1;,,, t:. i. l;i.i. K i.,i. . .,i:.:-:. I,:. i.N.fui '1' ii::: r : v ;; nv. af II !.-, ,;',. h'e , ,. , . . j.i, . .. i, si ri.; T-iiit... 1 1: in;,-1 v.-.:l. I ' ..C"-. .'u:.,,-. .-iti.l :.i .ij.-nirf,., -i;, .... ,1,, I'.lc.:. :.;-fi l!iirr..lioti-i.. t:.....i,;' 1-ai-f. tn A - 'I I:.' s i,! i,.rl . ,., t ,: ,.,. .,. 1 t' -trot h.i-ijnc.a ,::,-. .'.i , 0. ',,.. ;,. 1 ,;:!v ' , lii-tA.M C'l.l : :. .-'..ivv rami 'I an- T. lna-. 1 Ir.'a. Til i'J WOKLD-i; ENO W'XEV , SFAVING MA01IINK IQlHE cr J- h: JOIIXSOX, AGENT, No. S J, WiiHliiuKloa fit., I-ctrolciini Centre. I' Cl'.n, II nLlXKIlKfiY, Solicitor nrivio