I DISCOLORATION OK ORIGINAL DAILY RECORD ATlOtf or TUB P1TBOLE DAILY MXCOJtD.) i. VOL II. NO. 144 TOE PETUOLKUM CENTRE DAILY RECORI). PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, r (Sundays excepted. ) V. n. LONGWELL, Proprietor. renins. R' Per year payable In advance, 18 oo 'or month, SK1CE-I.ST OF ADVERTISING (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square ) No. lortt"iis. 1 . a mi. H g t ine rtay. Two day, Three flays. Four days, Five days. One week. Two weeks. 1 hree weeks, One month, Two months, Throe months, Six months, Niuo months, Une year, t 7: 1 l 1 50 a no a mi 8 IKI a io 4 6 1 $ I 60 5 no fi 511 7 00 8 IKI 8 50 1 l 1 5" a mi 1 51 '2 0' 9 6" 8 no 3 MH a no a 4 r.i it i 7 im 10 IH ia or 41 IH 17 Is I 011 50 14 00 10 00 SO 110 80 00 40 00 60 IK) SO mi loo oo 8 00 10 OO 10 00 14 "II 12 50 15 IHI 15 IHII IS 00 27 001 30 00 HI) 001 45 00 IS ooi IKI Special notice, 20 cent, per line, ench insertion. Advertisement, payable quarterly in advance BUSINESS CARDS. J G. E1A.IOTT, ATTOBSEV'AT-L A W , - AND NOTARY PUBLIC, . . pETHOLEnsi CENTRE. PA. Wnau In the Court at Franklin tromptly at- JlCB-Ia Blssoll On' Brick Bank Tiiiim pttalral, Washlngton-St. oct SUtf, Valbeut . havek. VEY fc COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Hank Bnlldlns, corner of .j-JU. stream, iV'ScVi' CKJLTrtK, PENN'A. PTIlnt.' PETIW ii".n' i ir. - njf III, IV 'jit tc s.im ii, '"""'f ' COUNSELORS AT LAW, T ti,-..i.i: ..,a p.irnT...im Cn. ''h Sir MavlO-IL Mcai.pim:, SURGEON DENTIST. '...o h.. lln'lHinc. eoinpr of U ash- iiicond sts., Petroiemn Centre, Pa. . t hi. CHRISTIE. BI. ! ..1 - PUWIOIAN AND sum j-ie .Wuj... theMcKinuoy House, I leasantville, Pa. Persons from a distance will nencrnlly mid him at his Ofllce on Saturday from 10 a. m.toJpni. sepl4-t Col. J H. UHOWN J. . . MCCAS1.1.N, D,nlQrs In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, Ac, PLEASANTVII.I.F., PA. JtlSa-tf. , F. V.IIJIOH B B VAN VL190II WILKON VAN VEliMMI, G AUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, nniirnFa l...iilile llnililin-r. Oil City Pa , and with (iwston Sowers; Pea oleum Centru, Pa July 86th, 18 18 tf. GEO. lit BISsElili k CO.,. S A ST K E R 3 PETKOEEUM CEN THE, PA. tieoriie n. Blssdl, 3imet A. Wlll!;nsr James Bishon. M. O. kiartln. We offer our senlces Tor the transaction of a nwunu.. nAViriMi. KXHANliK and COL flVci'PllM TllTislNKMS. anu Ku.inMa .niriistedto our caio will receive Jirompt attention. 3"n tf. O. Jarvis, Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON 11ANU. LOOKINrt GLASSES In crea' variety. Looking (lass Plates replaced In old Frames. Picture Frames made to order Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wal Taper, window Mm tits, A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING, COFFINS of fell sizes on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH. 21A2S AND DOORS sizes. Varnish, n, Ac. No. 100 rTON-ST. Petroleum Centre, Sept 8, ISW-tf V 0. C$ sideT I . 1 A V 4. AiJ PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. qil, exchange hotel. M V. MILI EU, .... Proprietor. The largest end most cnmmddcous Hotel in the oil region. Fair on the Rrlilne reducer! to h inrdi rs. Tiii? house is plcnauilv situated, rooms cool and plinnint, nuiMni: II a r.. iirhtful hoti'l In all respects. lVlroh'lini Centre, April mill. 18IBI. ociiektesk house, Washington street Petroleum Centre, Pa. MARSHALL ib BRADSTKEEl', 1'Hi.riHKioM This House Is centrally located, and the general bo!i'ltiarlers uf oilsiuen. Petroleum Centre, IM., May 10 tf. Qf.NriSAii house. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., Near Oil Creek 4 Allegheny Klvui Railway Depot. mnyl9tf. O. J. CROSS, Proprietor. cl'I.IN I'Ol'K HOI'S!-:. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Thin populai Hotel, ituatcd Corner of jvlatii fc Wnsliliigloii-Stsi., Ni.irthe Deio'. has been refilled and furnished thinunliout, and the proprietor will spare no paina to uiake it a FIRST-CLASS TIOUSE. oc!8-tf W. II. GABLE, Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEI,, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. 11. BARNES, - Proprietor. This Housp Is In n nleasunt locality, and but a short walk from Ihc Depot The room nre laru'e anil eiiinfiiria' le, and the table supplied with the delicacies of the season. ju-JO-tf- J- BARNES.. F .-IHANKMX IHU SK. MILLER FARM STATION, On Oil. Crei-k Hailriiad.l THE HOUSE AND FUUNITrjiE NEW, c W. TWIST. - Proprietor. illlne-JH". I .VI EKN.tTIOJIAE 1IOTEE, MILLER FARM, PA. .milN E. ROWK, Prop'r. (H,ml aeconimodatlnns f.ir transient cutnmers Day Hoard and Hoard wilh ninnis on rennnnal le terms. The proprietor will jpare uo palm lo make his House aitnrtive to quests. JuncS-tf. II MON HOTEL.. PI.EASANTV1LLE, PA Thi House havina reconlly been onlarued and re- rnlslieil, I am l.ovr ineliared to acconimouilie mi lui"di-("l 'rn"'sts cnmforiahly. Stnues leave this hmise iliree umes a nay nir 1 1- tusville There is also a line ni io i-miui,o. ,lu8-tf. Tilt's. jieai.isM. imp r. TpOX HOI SErjSA WPEE HO.I, , rUEl. C. HVDE Proprielor, PLEASANTVII.LE, PA., 0'posi;e tho rreslivtei-ian Church. l'VLH If .KTKOLKll 51 HOUSE, OIIi CITY, 1A. Havins recently taken iwssessinn of the above House, vc would most respectrully Inform the trav elinc public that we propose o "knep a Hotel," and to convince thorn of tho act, we nvite all who wish the comforl3 ol a homo, to cal. upon us. It will he found The Hotel of the Oil Regions. Our Sample Room Is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Ciirars, and our table- will be found laden wilh the very best the roarket affords. There is connected with the House four first class Milliard Tables. A!n, Bub r shop and Bath Rooms Give us n C--II. ami convince yourselves of t!ie tiuthluluess of our assertion. f II till. EM ST A ATS, JAIUES ii. WHITE. oci9tr F. J. II AW A & ., MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASHIXGTOX ST., IE- T It OLEUM CETRE, Pu. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. AH kinds of Machine Work done promptly and warranted to elve satisfaction. ..,.,. rauK30-tf '. . 11ANNA 4 '.0 PA., SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 15, 1869. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. I'd. Court., Saturday, nay 18. A. '. fjil. Editor. Aualyzius a Woman. A eelebratrd Parisian belle, who bad ac quired the babit of whitewashing herself so to speak from tbe soles of her !ect to to the roots of her faair with chemically pre' pared cosmetics, one day took a medicated bath, and on emerging from it was horrified at limling hercelf as black as an Ethiopian. The trntiftoimation was complete. Not a vistuge of the Caucasian race was left Her pliyfliciau was sent for In alarm and hasie. On Ills arrival he laughed immod erately, and said: -'Madame you are not ill; you are no longer a woman, but a sul liburet. It is not now a question of medl' Cul treatment but of simple chemical action. I shall analyze you. Come, I shall submit you to a bath of sulphuric acid diluted with water. Tbe acid will have the honor of combining with you; it will take up the sul phur, the metal will produce a sulphate and we shall And as a precipitate, a very pretty woman, lbe good natured physioian went through with bis anylsis, and tho bell was restored to bcr membership with tbe white race, xoung ladies wuo aro amomous oi suowy complexions should remember this, and be careful what powders and cosmetics they use if they use any at all. DISSOLUTION NOTICE "V"OTICE is hereliy given, l.int the partners hip lati'lv sulislhtiiiK h-tweeu Samuel Reynolds. II. William and .1. C. Kimin. under the firm name of Reynolds ,t Co., of Petroleum Centre, Pa., was dissolved this S!9th day of April. A. P., ltW, hy nintiial const. nl. All tloV. owlne lo the sari Tiartiii rHhin are In te received lV the said Samuel Reynolds and .T. C Hump, and all demands on the said iianuer-hin arc to m nresi-nt.-u toinni iorpa mem'. SAMUEL UKYNOLDS, C. ,1. WILLIAMS, ItiavlSw. J. C lit it P. LSVERY & FEED STABLES, U'axlihiston Street, opposite the Opera lloute, 'PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I huve put in a good stock of Riding and . Driving Horses, wuicu 1 will let on reasonable terms. Also, Ciittrra, Wagons, Spring IIOHHES boarded aud fed and best of care guar- aiot'd. jmiO tf A. SMAWLEY AMERICAN Combination ana Ovorseuliniig Sewing Machine ! This Machine is warranted to execute in he ..r. a esi dsereeof neriectiini, nil kinds and variolic. of Sewiim. Hemnunc, KeHine;, Conlinir, TuekiiiK, llraidino. Oallierini! and Sewlne oil, (Miltlne, 4c. I hat is or can ho done by Bny other machine now bptorene public. 'I lis la- Hue Sllllins m-uay wiiiuiui n rival, i Its celebrated Oversenmiinr Stitch. Embroiderinir on the I' d'jre, and Bntion Hole and Eyelet Hole making in all kinds nt lanric. One of these Machines can be seen at room over A. 1). Miller oi Co.'s Dins stow J. u. ( orto. mchlS. Agent O. F. SCIIOXULjOM Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Dealer'i n choice Flour, Butter, Eggs and Cheese. Also, choice Groceries, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will be promptly attended to. an Goods delivered. Postolllco Box 2U3- inylii. ohn C "Wech, Scncca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer in (iiblis.I.usscll iSifo's Horiii": and Fishing Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving Pipe, Derrick Irons, Grate liars, Ualaiice Wheels Pullies, all sizes, u, connection with Meadville and Pitrslun?h foundries is such that I can get out all kinds of Cast lugs at snort oruer. JOHN C WELCH Oil Cite Feb. 17, !-! --'i T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central' House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA T HR bet mock of DRIVINO AND SADDLE HORSES on the Creek, are to be found at M' Donald's Livery. CARRIAGES & CUTTERS TO BE LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES Vim A: BOAISJl on Hensonahlo Terms. rfPtfiriaivSvtn. i .,11 l.-ill4l ir, M Icllliii&M till nuiii.1 HI tended to Promptly. t3G've me a call. T M'DONAL Petroleum Centro, Nov. II, 1808. nsiim & 30KK1S, GENERAL MACHINISTS and Dealers In all kinds of WELili TOOIiS & FIXTURES Necessarv for putting down and operating Oil Wells. In connection with our MAUU1NE SUOP, we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for M ANUFACTcmirit; are not ex celled bv any Shop In the Oil Roirlops. i7iop Main-st, opposite McCUntock Ilnuse. my-27.tr FISHER NORRJS. W A N T B D Five Good Journeyuien Carpenters ! OWINfttothe increase of inr business I sin eompe 'ed to hire more help to keep up with the demand for my labor STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL I5E GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A lare quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER! Of all kinds constantly on hand at irv Yard, and will be sold at REASONABLE RATES M. S'rJVTAG. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 84th, '63. tf. Pianos ! Pianos ! immvx, Manufacturers, JAMESTOWN, N. r elusive Agents for tho Also, ex- ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN RETAIL ShPet Music, S!rins &c. IT Send for Illustrated Catalogno and price list. .. viAVm-ij aii Dnuniii Warerooms 4 1 Main Street. Factory Brooklyn Block, foot of Maiu-St luayivt-tf. S. S. G riswold, Dealer in COAL. j.'gT Ordors by the Car or Ton promptly r uieu Also, Agent for the celebrated K1I L 1(1 DUE COAL! OFFICE on Second Street, near R. It. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jaui-tr, ritHE DAILY nKCOKD, is the bss advertising JL ujcdjum in the ell reirion. 25 CTS. WEEKLY RAILROADS. HI rT-AI.O AND EH IE IIAIMtOAO. On and after Monday. Nov. liSi-d. 18rtH. 1 uanuugor i mills will roll on (Ills roan follows : 1.KAVK KKIB 0O1N0 EAST. Is l A. M. NIUHT EXPRESS, slo innlnor nt Kipley. Westfleld, Dunkirk and bilvor- ereell, arnvlnj; at Huffiilo at 4.45 A. M. IO1 Vk a. m., nev York express, stop. lw'" ' plnnt W istli.M, Hrocton, Dunkirk, Sil vnivrreli. ai d Angola, arrtvin" in Buflalo aia.10 P. M ,.? P. M., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mot ' pinn l Norlhsl, Westfleld, Brocton, Dunkirk and Silvercreek, and arrives at Buflalo at 1...41 P. M. tSIIH A M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA l,vw TION. slopping at all stations, arrtvinn at Buflalo at 1h.4o A. M. 'I'Xii '' M VAV KXPHE9S, stoppine at Northeast. Riplev, Westfleld, Iinnkirk, tSllvercreck and Angola, arriving at Buf falo at 7.0o P. M. LKAVE BUFFALO Rol0 WEST. 1 P- M., DAY EXPRESS stopplnj: at An cola, SihercneU, Dunkirk, Brocton, Westfleld and Northeast, aniviug ai Erie at ;i.4o P. M. X'fMI1' " MA"' AM' ACCOMMODA TION, stoppiiiR at all stntiobs, arrlriua at Erie at n,5n i M Ci.'tH A. M , TOIJiDO EXPRESS, stopping at all stations, ind arrh ing at Erie ai 16,ao A. M. 9'llfl V M-' STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop. WW pine at Angola, Silvercreek, Dunkirk. Brocton, Westfleld and Northeast, arriv ins tile at I.So A. M. . A M., NIC.II'l' EXPRESS, stopping at ItnrW Fiivorereek. Dunkirk and Westfleld, ar riving at Erie at 4,4o A. M. ltailroad time is lo minutes fasier than Eiie Mate R N BROWN, Genl Supt. "ui t ALO, COHIIV & PITTSBtWQ ,:J RAILROAD TIME TABLEj Takes effect Mondav, JCovember 23d. Uu8. NOHTHWAnO. Accommodation leaves Corry 8,30 p. n. Clymet 4, 6 ; Panama 4,15; Sherman 4,25; Summit 6,o4 p. M. ; Mayi-ille 6,9o arriving at Brocton 7,oo p. m F.vnress train Irhvch Corrv !l..1n A. H. t Clvmar O.SII rnao a lo.lo ; Sherman 1(1.85 ; SumrnU 10,50 ; May vine 11, lo, and arrives at Brocton ia, 0 Mail leaves Corry 1,15 p. M , stopping at all sta tions, arriving at Brocton 4 fill p. it SOUTHWARD. Mall train leajs,ilroclon at 0,oo k. ., Stopping tl .,11 stations, arrfvMLCorry at Kf!6 p. H. Expiess.lcaves ilriWon at 8.35 p. Majvffl -S.0S summit S. 45: ShemiAjsisl ni Panama. A r.l A "It!. .l..l - -. 'Ml .ville 8,1(1. buSji, Clymer Passcf-os. Vara Biinw or r-' Fxrreis. con.nc'inr... for Vr jville, Sherma'i. Paoania, tjt coi ncctine at C irrv with trains on the int it. nr musviiie, Miner, rioncerana pel, t 11 ( ilv and PRtubuieh Also, connect i. g ai Corrv with trains on thkPnil. arl.'lpliia si i.uud, for Philadelphia and Harrls buri;: and on the Ai lantic and Groat Western Kail. way" for I'nion, Mendiille, Greenville. I'a., and Warren, Ohio, and lemestown and Itsndi I ipii.ni.X, Corry ai Trains lnavlne till Citv at d.15 H. 9,2o a. m., eonrectiug at Brocton with train on B. A E. H R., arrlvingin Buffalo at S,lo p. m. -rrnins leavitiK on city at a m. will connect :' "nil Trnln leaving t'orry at 1.15 p. m., con rest'nir clth Express Eatt on B. & E if R., arriv ing in B flalo at 6.50 p. ir Leaving Buffalo at 4,oa . , a.rlvine at Corry at lo,Io p. m. Also, connect at Mayville with Steamboats on Chaiitaunua Luke dnring season of navigation, for oamesiowu uuu iiaiiuuipu. A. H. TREW, Runt., . Mayville, N. Y. .Tanl. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH OYSTERS Received ALL THE LUXU RIES ! OF THE SEASON! DAILY! evj Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Ishaui & Co' Jjwclry Store T. W. SANDS, Proprietor. liny Boardei-s aecominwu.tted. Meals served all hours. Oysters, and evury description of came uinlshed gnosis. No paius wiil he spared lo accommodat (bos who favor us with their patronage. T. w. sivna Pretoleurn Centre, Jan. 6, 1H69. If. , A. T. LEGGETT, Manufacturer and Dealer in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, fec. Experienced workmeL are employed, and Har ness of all kinds kept censtautly on baud and mode to order. P. C. lleinys Pat. Seed -Bag For Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and examine eur stock and prices, HaiifSt., below hc Mr C I in-' teck Houe. Petroleum Centre, Pa ,Ian. 7th, 13W tf. rrtilK E. Howard & Co, Barllell. Treem J Watch Co s and Naiionsl W.-iu-h ( n . VA-nir-l1 it, cw. had al (SHAM At CO'S. -J i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers