The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 14, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pet. 4'eiiur, Friday, nay I t,
A. 1-7. J.-il. Jutilor.
Time of final lis Tlnlln.
P. O., Petb(,i.i m CKTrni, Pi ,
JCLI !(7sT, 186$. )
VM ftirthtr notice the malla will arrive at and
depart from Uiln office u follows:
Month and East, via. Irvinotnn. 10. :8 A. I
South and West, " Meadrllle, 5.1S I'. JI
North and E:ut,. " Corry, t .15 "
Sonth and West, S 46 A. M.
Smut Eaiit and Went, S 3(1 P. M.
'North, East and Wct, 10.00 A. M.
II. E. ULACKMON, P. :,t.
Divine Service.
Prcachim. at 11 o'clock A. M.. aud 7'.;
'clock I M.
Kkv. J. T. Ox-roar, raster.
Services fverv Sabbath at 11 A. f.
7 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
ai. eais I'ree. A cordial Invitation
extended to all.
Ret. C. M. Heard, castor.
Tbe polico of Pittsburgh aro enforcing
the law for the closing of cigar and drug
stores on Sundnv.
A Now York paper says Jlay 10th will,
in future, become f national holiday, in
commemoration of the completion of the
Pacific Railroad.
The Alubninn ClHlma ;nnd the Stntui
Mass at 10j4' a. m.
Vespers and Benediction of the E!e?sod
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
JAMES DUN'N'. Pastor
Mr. V. V. Patterson, wht was so serious,
ly injured at the Angola disaster, is to be
assistant Postmaster at this place.
non. James 11. Pliallon. of Erie, has been
appointed Consul at Fort Mahon, en the
Island of Minorca, in the Mcditernncan sea.
Oil ExcilAMiB. Improvements are be.
ingmade almost daily at this popular hotel.
M. V. Miller, proprietor. Ho has recently
procured a license, and opened a tastily ar
ranged bar in the basement, and the billiard
parlor will be opened this evening. It is
the iutention to fence in the yard in front of
the hotel, sod the ground, Bnd add other or
namentations. Success to the new Host.
Soda. Mathews' Soda Fountain, if not
the haven of bliss, is the haven of the most
delicious beverages yet recorded. It heals,
Invigorates, old are made now, the tired are
furnished with renewed energy, and all is
"merry as a marriage bell " Go to A. I).
Miller & Co's. and convince yourselves of
these assertions.
Change ok Time. Oil Creek & Alio
ghey River Railway, Mondny, April 2(1:
xoRTinvAnn trains.
Express No. 5 arrives at 7.20 a. m.
Express No. 1 arrives at 10.30 a. m.
"Express No. 3 arrives at 5.3i p. m.
rreigm mo. 7 arrives at 12.45p.
Freight No. 13 arrives at 12.01 p.
Freight No. 15 arrives at S. .5 a.
Express No. 4 arrives at 9 15 a.
express No. 2 arrives at 3. 10 n.
Express No. 6 arrives at 7.25 d. m.
freight No. 8 arrives at 5.34 p. m.
Freight No. 10 arrives at 8.25 a. in.
Freight No. 14 arrives at 2.00 d. m.
freight No. 16 arrives at 12.45 p. m.
, m.
, Some of our o'd logy Canadian cotempo
rariee affect to treat very contpmptnouBly
dlMusslons about annexation to the
States. The Js'iagaa Mail flatters
!" talk about nation of
- -v-miiM than the nennlu
, suited States, and would esteem any
-oectlon with our people tbe greatest ca--ltj
tkat eoald befall them. Another pa
, per declares that Canadians think too much
Ci their liberties and their good faith ever
to barter them for the Uv i,r .i
vi.uico, uuu
j:. general demoralization that exist under the
flsgol the Great Republic, and adds the
, . language of a poor braggart, when it savs,
"if ever they should get possession of our
; country, it will only be when there are not
enough men left alive in it to renew the
days ofCbateugnay."
ah sucb talk is vry silly, but doubtless
ery satisfactory to tbe ignorant and pro-
( verb ally prejudiced deuizens of the back
woods. It will scarcely do, however, for
those who have travelled in both countries
and are disposed to reason intelligently.
Why is It that, with fair lands and raaguitl
cr-at forests, easy of access, Canada fail, to"
attract emigrants or speculators? Why is
it that, while in Ibis country, .'Westward
inesiar or empire takes its wnv," thousands
of miles, dares the dangers from savages in
"""oioro untrodden by white men
in Cauada-but a tithe or llu. distance from
the older cities and cmigrani landing points
but little progress is imwin rjii. i.i
and an siil ,1 r,.,..,. , I
";n uo purchased for a
, song, and almost within thenound of tho
Great Cataract-Niagara. Whover, foi t ,
reason, a little Yankee vim .', iUfll8ed iuto
any part ol Canada, there is thrift and iui
. v. .Igrjt C, , U0UJ(l ,.
discover a marked difference, and by no
means for tho better. .
Seriously, .nnexalien wold'pu,ve of in
finitely more advantage to our slw Co-easy
neighbors than to the people of this coun
try. Annexation would at once double tho
value ol every foot of land in Cadada No
capitalist .0 dull who would not hasten to
invest heavily over the border if .au,.
that annexation would take place within a
reasonable time. No observing man can
doubt on this point.
If our neighbors prefer to hang on to the
rronstrings of mammy England, let them
do so, and drac out a snail nxiatonra p,.,
last ditch threatenings from theso may the
good Lord deliver us, fur they aro very
alarmiug very.
We attended tbe sale of gold and silver
watches Inst evening at auction, and found
a splendid assortment. They sold remarka
bly cheap, and wo would advise our readers
to attend tho sole this evening, if they want
a good watch for little money. They sell
to-morrow morning, alternoon aud evening
which will be tho lust.
"Comfort'' for All. Who is there com
fortable who do not enjov life? This is a
singular question, but Gafl'uey. can answer
it to the satisfaction of all. His '-Sunday
Comfort-' is jutt as comfortable on a tcraA.
day as any other! Good at all times, equal
10 any emergency, and open to the inspec
tion of all. His Canandaigua stock ale is
said to be snperb!
The G. A. R., of Pittsburgh have dceided
cd on Sunday, as theday for the decoration
of soldier's graves. ' The clergymen aro en
deavoring to induce them to have the dec
oration tauo place on Saturday.
s) The Forest County Republican says: 1).
G. Hunter, of Tionesta
, .,..,..,, u
discovered auartz 'Ml- wiihijn 6m,mii nr
tui fcnrnngn. Its ennrso Is that or tho cob
and silver lead generally, and Cnlifo rninnQ
pronounce it genuine quartz. We have
seen some speciments which wero taken
irom this lead, and although wo do not pre
'end to know much about such snnh thini-
can say that it much rosembles Californie
specimens which have been shown us.
Col. Jordan, Secretury of the Common,
wealth, has prepared all the neessary blanks
10 be used under the Recisterv Law. nml
will send copies of the pame to the proper
county officers within the next ten days.
lueuianKs will therefore, be uniloim, and
prepared in accordance with the law.
Chaxob ofBasu. Mr. T W. Smith, l?te
01 tbe hrm of J, W. Downer & Co., has sold
out nis interest in the Yospmita P.ittnrMn
ufactory to Mr. Downer, and has iiu.nh,,i
an interest in tho Petroleum Centre Mineral
ttuler manufactory. Mr. S. was formerly
connected with this same business in this
place, and brings to his new operations an
experience which will prove beneficial to nil
concerned. This mineral water is well
Known throughout this sect inn hq a h
ful beverage, and its reputation is increas.
nig. 1 ne new linn, Messrs. Clark i Smith,
nawngnaa ample experience in the busi
ness, feel couOdent that they can give the
best of sal if faction to their customers, aud
iuvito dealers to give them a call.
A man in Clinton, Iowa, telegraphs to
me onenu 01 l-ee county. III., ns follows;
'Arrest Charles P. V , eloping with
my wife. Owes me one huudre'l dollars. If
he pays, let him go.'1
Railroad Extension- Franklin to On.
Cu t. The Venango Spectatcn of this nt.k
says: , "Tho work ol exletiding the track of
the Jamestown and Franklin Railroad to
Oil City will soon commence in earnest,
nnd be pushed to a hpeedy completion.
This extension will bo not only a great
l ent lit to tho road, but an advantage to thia
wholu suction of the country. Land ewu
ers should tuko this fact into consideration
when granting the right of way. and deal
with tho company til liberal terms. Thu
road, so far, has been a lor tune to the own.
ers. but It has been of incalculable advan
tage to Venango and Mercer counties, lis
management has been conducted 011 fair
arm UDcral pnti-iples. It seems to have
been thu aim of the men in control to mako
it a public benefit, as well as a safo invest
ment for thomseives; aud that is more than
can be said of all railroads in this or any
other portion of the State. Wo know tliut
our people, as a geueral thing, will rejoice
in the success of the Jamestown ruiltn.1,1.
ana we hope that the company will find 110
difficulty in securing tho right of "way be
tween Franklin aud Oil City on leriiw Ihnl
will be reasonable, il not liberal.''
The London Times of the 2:Hh ult.. Las a
leader commenting upon the appointment
of Mr. Motley nnd the proposed renewal ol
negotiations on the Alabama claims. The
Cable briefly referred to this article a tew
days since in such terms as to excito much
anxiety to see it. Tho article is in gocd
temper throughout, though the regret is re
peatedly expressed that the Johnoon-Stan-ley
treaty was not accept- d by the Ameri
cans, "especially as Mr. Reward (us keen a
diplomat as any country could desire') had
accepted it ns a finality." Had tho result
been otherwise, the editor intimates, "the
United States would have obtained a treat v
which a great many English people thought
to iuvolvo excessive concessions on our
part." The article has the following con
'If wo are iuvitcd to discuss t!ie ones.
tion of England's rights to recognize the
Southerners us bcligerents, it will be
Her Majesty's Government to decide wheth
er, nfier all tha' bid been s.iM and written
on the subject, it is worth while to review
that controversy. There aro limits beyond
which national courtesy c.tnnot pass, ami
when we nre asked 10 aciiiii.wledje that an
ordinary act of national soverignt. nec
essary for the security ofourown cui.uieuv.
was an oli'en.-e agaiiitt the Ain.'i icatis to be
expiated by apologies or payments, there
cannot be much use in discussion.-'
The iuipnxsion is very eiienl i:i Europe
that Napoleon is anxious K,r an alliance
with England to protect Spain in h,,r n:,.
session of Cuba, and further this desir
ed alliance I as its origin in hostility to an,!
jealousy ol the United Stites, to whom Cu
ba will naturally fall, throu-h the medium
of annexation, should tho ever faithful isle
secure its independence. The London cor
respondent of the New York Herald, writ
ing under date' of April 2Sth, has this to
say on this subjec':
'There is a general impression here that
General Grant wi. I strive to inaugura'o n
truly American policy and to carry it cut
to a practical resi:lt before I'm clnsn nfi '
administration, t is thought that Cuba
would bo the point of this new de
parture, and every d-.y news oi n movement
upon 1 l u '" - " - -n looked I, r. with u
!-w to a demand for upo;ngy ',,.
in m fpuin lor t'10 oulra-rs committed ni.
on American citizens. Wbatev.-r foundn-
tions tlu'ie may bo f.'r i!ies.; -xpeci,iti(in..
it is certain that uev,r was i',e lime fur nr,
American policy more ripe than at the
present moment. j'lio anxiety of the
French Government in regard to thu An
tilles has been met coldly on tho part of
England. There is good authority for the
statement that on Monday last I.jrd Lyon?
imormeu tho Irrnch Emperor in .a .ami.
ofiicial manner thatpubiio opinion in Eng
land was decidedly opposed to war. and es
pecially to any chance ol war with the
United States, and that Her M lieslv'n Mt.,
isters could not fur a manmnt entertain tbe
question of a foreisa allianc, rr u. .1..
fenseoftho Anlilles. So far ns England
was concerned Spain must make ihn hL,
the situation in which she had placed her
self by her own foolish and Iinpdilo action. "
flR. Pmtop Plyw snronnre tho nnmp of I'ol.
A P- Jlr-ncAN hfl fi candMrtte for Ktate Senator,
subject to Uie OMges of the Iteioliiicn paily.
-Mr. Frrron- Plense iinnoi:nn the name of
JAWFSM. mtTTiIN. of Franklin, an ran.Ialnte
er HIstePrTiH'er, Hrf,)fctlo the njrtri of the lti
pnbllran rurtr. MANY i'ITIZHm'H.
Vp. Fmtoiv lit me iin ,,nre tin t'ap'nin
JAFR P. ;K::1K will I n miiiMilntv numl
i'nii,.n f,,r A---- rr hiv, Fiil-jcct In the ihic the
ItrpubliCAII pllrt.v
Aln. Kmrnn: r)w, irnoutie to 11 r ii:ifns of
Vennnm CiMMitv. Ihrtt WILLI 4 M it 4'1'I'S. f llnr-k-
hind Toivi'-l.ipi in ii erir.iHale foi- Mcinlvr of A-
.-rrnhly, siil feet to the nnao nf hr Ifepnlilienn
party. MANY ('i'ei.KNS.
Tltr.boil place Is Wi, t,, , -madeof
ll:c,Mt8tc--!t, tuat v , f 01 &
wrai.leit to fit. in J. a.
InuiMv Hoot Sh-ii.,,,, ntr r.
CenUe, Pa. lvc him trial. "1rolet
-iuu tr
MAHltl i:s,
CLASS Al.l.ll-S. at A 11. yil.l r.ii A ro
nrilvnro-. lirK" a4.,rTl7aTT
I'eiiiK ,.WI u,It at nalii'-nl ra' , i.pJ,,''c1
Ult 'DHRAD ,t Od'S. V i, ,. '''rX'UrK
tlie n. oil City, V.
All nc.roM not nUv, luxr.
(iinnv i r--y.ft rcr. upiti'i in inn n-fli'n o? iu kp
I JiKir.m iwrtf MANY CITIZENS.
Mi. KniTHfj T'!r.n" nnnniinrp ttn? rmri nr
.ifi.i a ( iikisty, if t.l itv, n n niTHlWliifp
hi itiimin;iiinn m unniv I rPTnrrr. Hit iirfl lii.MP
Mr Chriptv in mun wt'll (lMilifirJ for tho nn
imi 1 DTI IT-'tmit IftMiilftlii'llli ntnl U-n (fnriTif llm
wir !i faithful tidier. M ANY I PIZKN'S
Mi: V. t PVhm .iiinnntici th iimi or (I Kn
W. KIM iHAV iw h cm lirf it- tv,- r.Miti'v Tr-i-Mr.
(r, Mihjtvt 10 tin1 ti-iip of !Nruhlirti inrlv.
M AN i I'tTiZKNa."
tTH tNO'l'A !; Y.
Vr F!Ti'i:: P,'"io nnTiM-tni-c t!?e ntnp nf K. 1
rK.WK'Kli. of Ifi Ini. rit '!nvnMp, nun crui.'i
.In: tin- I'iii'hunrttiiry. tilt-"' to th" ihu'w nf the
Ki p' Micm ivtrfv. St liuki.i ad Ritobucs.
':: T"iit-t, P'ivirt nnii'H't-.f.'t'it mm of Timn
a lr wniiT. of I'rtr i't":;n ' -nt-o. rnnrfi'lntp
f I'ltiTho'iiir.irv of i'o'inty, (iith'ect to the
"-ns nf ih Prim f -.Hic j :uty.
W.- ,, -.;i .-:..... to r'nivir.fa thit .msKT' IT.
SMTfl. P oio!iiT.r of VfiuiPCi Otnv'T. will hp
rt i iti'ii'::tp fiT ro innt'ti." n. for it'-A nftics fiib
t to fi- ;i -1 ; - (f t!v ; i 'i''ctv party.
i:if 'i-rr:t anv ki.ovt! h
Knirit;: i;Kci"!:n : You wi'l plrtifn nn-
.pi. M.-tt -T r Ml SHAXV .fV hpn rftnl'J.-'p
fi ii . inM.i.r ii'ti fii- Jm t !ii.-. cf v,i ior n'.d lti"vnl
, itlijcf id i he n'V'.'i !' i i,r Kmv.MW'.'iii purly. :K
i!iM!;r::: 1p wiM -:ni Priiiiiirs- yVcion. "Vr.
M in-t n l'livtioiii i'ot!H.:uiv "T," U'dlViMi
- T v i i ! -i Yokm;,'."-", ht n Hl'M nn-t !n Iri'tio
i f i I'-'.'v-liMt :r. lit i-t n-TU.'-tt lit 'in'. rtl-M !. nu
r:i s "i v -,1 :i U,,,i'' r ru-'l Kivr.r f vrpf t " rn t
h" i if a;';;-"'t j.'-n "fall H'lvi hiv li-r-'Mt'is
w';: him VKNANC't rir,,VY,
Mti Ftmtor- I'lp i-- firnO!H:ffl ho r-imn rf IT
il;itp rr l o'unv ( .iniTiiw-:oMr. a:tt(i ! t', i;4-t
irsof tho U p'lhoiun ptrly. Manv Ilrrrm.irN.
KASK 1!LI. nT3 a.i'l SCOiiK HOOKS, ot
II tt'ho!on tk Co's.
with mi ollk-or for ailhrilnn
wiit bp;,:.
llKV.VOf.Ds4(;o -
rw I loiar, TooT
AtthoOl.o nNK lifit.riis-r;. v j
roePrlo. wiilrh l, , mn. ... ' , '
,iM,-,rr,e, ,,;;
Compniiy tirko up. .' ,011n
C'nriMl, nf i.t,Tt nnnlli.. .
TtKYSOLI)-, wm- ,a "rllWa,,
'"""' "l it- the P. o Oil nly, Pa " Cmr
luir, ii,.
MAN, at A. 0 MIl.l.KIt A C'(L l4XUiy- "Eli
If von wih the b,t I'l,,.. t.,1. . " "
try V. II. N,,hN ,." 10 "
tr All IMTPOIH wi-htfir In l I i,-. ,.
ran rii'l at i n Mi,, .. .. EI)
mil- me pure lirsli iirtiele in-cn,-..
!,rf l;ul
Wii()Y (JLASS!
A larso nsortmenl. nil .1 r,
Miller .t Co.V. ' '
rnrrerrv-For all Muni. -o t liKYVtnm
Itl.'OMIIPl 1 i . . . . ' "MX,
"it ny, rn.
i'o the IVwi
A 1 Iwiua.I.MS" wenk vu rVI.'il nttntition In
tiic Coiitiit:on Hitt' i' of S-mvimI S: T?rnt!'v. nml
new vr-ink" Tt; m ;r ' fn !i!i:-in-r tlicir A!iam fur
tl h:i;r. wliich is -Mi-lto ho : vv fini nrtlclo for
Ihp toilet. W nrn of i!ip npininn 1 1 1 :i t th prenarll-
tiopa .t W rtr h1 ct'I, f r th" rMitatlnn
they in'ain n. Dnvii;-t.s U giiml evi-lonco that
thov wou'tl not ivit iinvihini in thf nmrkot of an
-.! (irr vtrjirtor. A. I. MfM.K't & CO
F.m a'l Ilrnn.hlal aTortionn, try Sr ward's Congh
TrvdMrNivyTu'.JVfo. . kin-v t!. best
in t;m nnrliot. '. u, MC'ItH, -N ,t (t,
Sunday Comrort can be ha.l olv on v.-o,
days at Galfney's. Ho keeps cl.nert i...,,.
on Sundays. tJU,,s ,.
W. I.. Wallace, Assistant I'.u!,,,,,!,,.
Uie Assembly. U at home. kllli.i.,,l .'
j "v.. , ,,,! uir
Mrs. Mary Harrison il!,l i r.....i
last Saturday, at the a"o ol SD.
X'rof. Shullz, lcaJ(T r n.,, i;,,,,;,,,.,,,,. ,,..-
uerchor, has gone to I- urope.
A iitlle girl riame.l S!..u, -
drowned in a tevi. r at Jiuclicsirr on Satur-
Tli.s is roaiUH-rci'jn.'i.t uv.-.b -f n. v'....u
ester Theoio.-ica! .--,.., .,.
ev I'athoiic Chtirei, u i i. , .. . . ; -' -!..
Avou. '"' " - Fr!.N!Ti-::E sto:
!-:.t Doon to
'I'llO FI lief lot of Vnr. IM -. .
Tol,c i f mm Pi.-. more and l.v.,-l,i,a. (ll ,,, mv
A. I. 3III.T,"!! jc Vs. !
1 he v-rv L... p,vkt raHery-Jiax-iM an lsc.
..ii ,unimo-i-at V. II. NICHOLSON S.
Try th. celehmtcj Purplo In!(, at Ilia Post OfllM.
The finest Plug Toharao at
Iry lioocN, rft larpo Hock at ItEYNOLP
nuoniiEAD cos, n. u cen,ro gt, 01W
tho I'o-t Oiks, Oil City, Pa . iTv
T. PAI:,'r' WALL, WniTB WA
Km iij.s. a i.-uve stock just rocer A CO.'S.
. 1 W.1 P IIM An I
, iiurinii, f -T .
, ..uim:. mid
mi 'l - r- -r
"'trikwrn-, '-j
atthe old Cr.vkrrv store, l"'. arTr J
A T' '.v in i!,.. c, (
" Iv.-I at til j
i'f!i:D sciiirr.
"'I I. : I.. Kiiai'h in-l
POST (;n- ici:.
Inline lnl l ,.nl.t i .Tl Jr-..w
r Will. .Tr ... ,
Until-, mi ,., ni,,lay. lah I,,,!., si two o'dork A
P in one Hl.ACk HoKSK. one THo'SnNSCL
l i . an 1 nrif pnir wiat H!ftni.Hia
1'i.iinu. . luv fe. 'C'J.
V.'. II Nn ': ,., S: I'n, hayo ;mt re -i-. e l a !,,;
IV-;. . t liiihv ami Com ..a-
tTiTA. Ji. mii.:,i:i! co., ir,i--iHis,!..'Nl -II. II. r;.,,PHi- ,,
""''' ''' A:n -- in Whip , ry tlicni
t'' P.l'ii I1 -S 'I':.!; CfVI AVTH1.ITD
1 I .lr.1V, m lint) l .li' for T;i'i.iofo. nn 1 J);
35 ."F 1 1ST 313 BY
fji: ,sa jd r :
'J'lir in -if-'irml hrel'r , ilr- f.,r sllv his i:ftn
1 e-y. kii.iA-n i:., i.
liiC lid.'K f if. V !:'
T-utR r.stiv, prvx.
" !; l-e li -rt' ci.iic'iy. AriK-'
" 1 , 1 :1 :' -'t,irfu- l.n; .. ,iuf.l v.'.ih llld.
n I'l.nni., , nil ,11 ;i jiur'f-i.-iiifp Hi rrMh-'i-ilu.
.-Nil I iirri-lh'iu e. H.m,' tn;: iloli.-c, l!m
J i ne s M iv.jrk"! Nr, in "i,)J i,r lur, ait'l r,.l?
':irl !ii..:ne.ri ita-iw.Hlrt v l--(,r nriiniinn,
w I" tilll.VM CUI.VIN. Moriy I'arm
. arr Kanu P. t). umyll.Siv.
. A: l'l"---o e-.-i h.i-!,yi-iiii!.,:,..,i a,-,;,,,, ,.,v.
''; 'i !.-. '..I..W.1.. l Pm),
'"' " '' I t , ,.:s vil, ,..,.
"..,,,.,. ,,,, .,,.,,, .., ,...,,.,,.,! ,..,,,,.
''v 11 eu :mi lull. . ;:. ,,f ,.. ,.,(., ,.. .
The Erie. Jlisnnt,!, reel,,,,,.,,.,,,:, ".', t" .' ,,:n ,l; ' ''" "w 1 I ' - " r .n.,.-rie
to Ko to ..i.xih .,.. "' ": ''" ! -
'!'-in tow,, t evtmooti;, jt ii,,. ,.::-':.':,it: :".;:Mt,,;;i;)r!:;l;-:r
iiuio , city ,huu,l l;i.)!t hot best ,a th.. ! ''' ''' --lv- I: '.: t... -uel will l
OCCasn.fl 1 l'':li il i .1;.. ,... ... .
" ,, . . - W. -I. I.NMS.
s --'"i !-- !.;:' i in r--:.,i, M u m ,n
fu, Mock CanaiKU:,,, . on,;.,, a, I TT'"'' " " Wi" T ' "Ri,1-V""
Galiuev's. II..,.', i . . . . . . ' t -i- ;v in W. ,1. 1,
" i'J ii u u a irii-.i
II' you want lo enioy Cooil henltn it i.-.
"iy to take y.r family West. j.s,
ui Jalluey's and g,t a boitlo of Sunday Cm
dud. . ,
There u,e Uvo tl u.ica that r nlrt,
Hi-aws-drnivninj; Iuca nUl jov. rs of fol).
IliCil M AIM! 1 A i; !; Gli'T.
m' '!'""'" (-."'r,v,,i"1' YiniPir Man run pro.
J", V'- " "'"" li'iiiinnaniUpuro
v; ,. '"I ' ::; -''J-'- -. iil, tin- hum,,,,,
Mi'w-,.1 1. llt'V,.li j,-- I'liynifian,, -1,1 i ,-,.,l i
inq:tike ok
No. WaMiiiutiMi St.,
Petroleum Centnt. IM-
(,KO, 11 llLINKIIHitY, SolKlto: !i,'V"
I ami ,uilep;,