The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 13, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record
I. I rmrr, Tliure a, .liny I J.
Time of t'loKitiu Mali.
1' l, rKTKnl.KI M 't:jfrF. Ta.(
Jll.t -j:T, INtWr
I ntll further uciice tho malia nill ar.-iMj at anil
aepaj-t ft on tlii office a., fnlluvs:
fiouth anil Kiwt, via. Irvtnet n. 10 .'" A M
South and Wert. " Meadville. B 1" 1' M
North and Kat, ' Corry, 'J to '
South and Wait, ft. IS A M
Sotitl , East and Wot, S 3U 1'. M
North, East and Wmt, 10.00 A. M.
Divine Service.
Proacliini; at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7U
o'clock T. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxtoi.t. Pa9tor.
Services every Sabbatli at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats Free. A cordial invitation
extended to all.
Kkv. G. M. llE.viti). 1'astor.
Mass at ltl'j a. m.
Vespers ami Benediction of ilio Blessed
Sacrament at i . xo.
Catcchi?m at 2 p. in.
Ciiaxi.k ok Time. Oil Creek it Allc
gbey River Railway. Monday. April 20:
Express N'o. ii arrives at
Express Xo. 1 arrives at
Express No. 3 arrives at
Freight No. 7 arrives at
Freight No. 13 arrives at
Freight No. 15 arrives at
Sxpress No. 4 arrives at
Express No. 2 arrives at
Express No. fi arrives at
Freight No. 8 arrives at
Freight No. 10 arrives at
Freight No. 11 arrives at
Freight No. 16 arrives at
7.20 a. m.
10.311 n. m.
.1.31 p. m.
12.43 p. m.
12.01 p. oi.
8.45 a. Ui.
fl 15 a. ni.
3.10 p. m.
7.2.1 p. m.
5.31 p. in.
8.25 a. in.
2.00 r. m.
12.45 p. ra.
The Reported Alliance or Euxland,
Trance and Spain Agalnif ike I'ult-
-n i i (hi n ) iVmi iVWt
- li rte " IMtteMiCe,f5Wiltt
' byv ""Md the report prove true, nnd
'-, can hardly kIvo It credit, as the Govern,
meats reported as having .formed the alli
ance, have enough of home affairs to attend
to, It would causa on uprising in Ibis coun
try heretofore unknown iu its history.
American citizens, foreign born or native,
would strike bands in defence of tuo coun
try, and the contest would bo terrific, and
in our opinion, decisive. It is announced
that even should the report prove true, the
foreign policy ot our Government would bo
unchanged, wlicb means that, sbduld those
foreign couulries f'utia the alliauee.our Gov
ernment would 'light it out on this line."
We can Tim! assured that there ure' Fcniiins
enough ou this side of tbo Atlantic 'o tako
care ol England, not mentioning tho disaf
fected Irish in her own domains. Should
war ensue, the 3oldiera who participated in
the rebellion, North and South, for all en
tertain the saue hatred toward England,
would remember tho foreign policy of Her
llujesty's Kingdom during our late war, and
again go into tho field. This feeling has
slumbered only to ha awakened w'cd a fa
vorable opportunity presented itself, and
should this report prove to b true, whicti
, we very much doubt, owing to tho unsettled
statn of affairs in those countries, tho Gov
ernment of the United States would be Oi
one una in lieu, defence.
There is a very low stage of water in the
Creek. '
Tho lire observed last evening beyond
Bull.Hun, was the burning of follow land in
tl,nt vicinity.
Remember tho Temperance lecture at the
.Methodist Church this evening, given uu"
tier the auspices of the Good Templar?.
The uiii-t cf yesterday aud Ibis tuoruing,
which was sj rampant in our streets, was
laid low this forenoon by a lively rain, to
tho gratification' of pcdtstiiuus and busi
ness men along the streets.
Hill ing yesterday many of our citizens no
ticed a (lento coluinu of smoke over tho hill,
in rear ol the east portion of Ibo Woods
Farm, caused by tho burning of follow land
on tiio Ed. Turr Farm, situated near King's
(laughter house.
The recent discoveries of oil on Cherry,
tree Run, hs had a tendency to Increase
the demand -or all kind, of business on the
Run, and in a few days a "settlement" will
spring up in that vicinity. Coal and linn-l'i-
yard have uif-Hy orened ou the St. ,tv
r.'l Pu.d 1 ,,1'r.-
The Mv3Icai. ('owe i.os. T!io ar
ranarnii'rrts for the .Musical Convention, to
be held nt the M. I'. Church, 'n liiis phui.
commencing Monday. 17th inst., and Con
tinuing lour days, promises to be a grand
affair. The tiwih will be a concert given
by tho members of the Convention on the
following Thnis lay evening.
A Free Fiuiit. A disturbance occurred
in the lower Concert Saloon, in this place,
last night, which Ycsulted in several sore
heads and numerous ' smoked globes."
Ben llogan, the pugilist, for interfering to
quiet a disturbance, was assaulted. He has
caused the arrest ol several parties engaged
in the alTair, and the examination will take
place before Justico Donaghy this afternoon.
Yesterday afternoon about three o'clock,
Messrs. Carman t Dickerson again torpedo
ed their well, and with the most gratifying
result. Immediately after the explosion, it
commenced flowing, which lasted only for a
short time, when pumping was resumed, and
tip to ten o'clock last evening the production
was at tho rate of 2."0 barrels per day. To
day tho well is doing fully seventy barrels
without any precep'ible variation.
liii.MAitiis Fhikmm.y Game. A friend
ly game of billiiitds (500 , points) between
two experts, will be played to-morrow even
ing at the billiard parlor of Rohsou ,t Ar"
nold, the game to bo called at S'.j o'clock.
Lovers of the game will be pleased to learn
this fact, and no doubt a large number of
spectators will lie present to witness it. The
apartments tip-stairs, ever the billiard par
lor, under the direction of Mr. Arnold, will
be open to guests ol the house.
Patterson & tliekie aio making extensive
alterations in their oil rolii.eiy on Boyd
Farm. Tho work has now been skiing on
.'or several weeks, and it is not expected
they will be able to resume work again be
fore the middle of June. They are replac
ing Iheir old stills for a new iivo hundred
barrel still, which will bo set up on tho
spot by Pittsburgh parties. When comple
ted it will be altogether oce of the best re.
fineries in the oil region. Great Improve
ments are being mads every year in every
thing pertaining to the oil business, and one
ol the marked modifications of tho refinery
department is- the substituting of larger
stillj. c
iiAuVfi" .TCotL KMMt C-uki'.pv Ry
The Titusvllle I?mu of this morning, says:
"A day or two ago new well wasstruek on
tbo black oil belt on Upper Cherry Run, on
a one acre tract, of thi A. Clark firm,
owned by Wallace Pierce. The production
was reported atono time yesterday ut sixty
burrela per day. but we are reliably inform
ed that it was not more than foily barrels.
Tho well is owned by Messrs. Pierce .t Ha
ley. It is situated on the northern part of
the I arm.
A new well is in proeess of testing on the
Curtin Oil Company's tract on Lower Cher
ry Run.".
Dissolution- ok Co-Pa itr.vKUsutr. Tre
Great Yosemito Bitters, notwithstanding
itsirw;ng not without its
changes. The firm of J. W. Downer & Co.
Iks' been dissolved, T. W. Smith relirine,
Jr.Uowner, iu consequence, becoming sols
proprietor. Now that the Doctor ' has con
; eluded to launch out upon the sea of life
alone, the Yosemite valley in !he Golden
State of California proclaims in his favor,
and xclaims, ':wo aro with yoil always:''
Having the good will of the vail, yfrom which
bis Bitter derives its. name, nud possessing
the solo right of manufacture, tho dyspeptic
who has been cured, tho generally diseased
system which has found a restorer, will pro
claim as with one voice, ''peace bo with,
you.-' Go it alone!
Bcmarkalile murder Trial.
To the Kilitor or the New York Trititine.
Sir: Tho Wilson triul caino to ar. eni
yesterday. In some respects this was tho
mos. remarkable cise that has ever bad a
place upon tho Criminal records of the
country. It excited grout interest in this
part ol the State, and, during the last tsn
days, tho Court room has been protly
cenerally crowded with eager listeners.
Tbo facts in the Wilson cuso were simply
these: On tho 17!h of February last, Geo.
L. Roderick provoked a quarrel with Dr.
R. Wilson, in front of the Union Hotel in
this placo. Wilson put up with a gooi'.
deal ol abuse beforo ho even showed torn
per. Ho even tried to paoil'y Boderick, but
to no purpose Roderick called him a thief,
a liar, a swindler; yet MTnoa boro it all
calmly. Roderick grew more excited, and
heaped une opprobrius epiihst alter another
upon Wilson, and finally callei him a mem
ber of tho Now York Legislature. At (his,
Wilson sprjng to his feel, and lema.kiug
to Roderick, that hu woulu not lake that
liom uny man, shot Lim dead with an axe
handle. Such ,vas the evidence e.,.;ued up
the trial. The court icqn'tlee Wilson
upon tho ground that the l-tovocation was
cm fti ! 11 1.. M.v 1:1; Twain.
KIuvi 1 N ... Si;I -"'
--ala.2 ?a 1 1 ai
rfcwii Ilritis,
Ail llic K iiieis In I.iiKPrn, contily are nt
woik gait.
The htcamer City of Cork and India,
from Europe, arii' i d Tuesday.
The Russian Government is considi rinir n
plan for tho reorganization of the Roman
Catholic Church throughout Hie Empire.
A free (rode meeting was held in Phila
delphia Tuesday evening, and addressed by
Edward Atkinson, of Boston. Attendance
II. F. Kill'etibnrg. a lleiman cigar maker,
committed suicide at St. Louis Tuesday,
by jumping into tho river from a terry
A dispafch from Mauch Chunk, Pa., says
tho strike in the coal mines continues, and !
it is thonght tho men will hold out a long ;
timo, and accept nothing less than Ihe fif
teen per cent increase demanded.
A difficulty growing out of a law suit
took placo at Hafiisonville. Cass county.
Missouri. Saturday, in which three men,
John and Jessie Preston and George V.
Lindsey, were shot and mortally wounded.
All the parlies wer highly respectable.
A Chicago hoiS'i-cir, well filed with
passengers, was run into Monday evening
by a locomotive i t the Northwestern Rail
road at Kiu.lo street ctussing, and four or
live passenger severely if not fatally injur
ed, while six of seven ollier.i wire more or
loss injure.;.
Tho Notth German Emigrant ship Crilet
arrived at New York Tuesday, tl.iity-six
days from Piemen, with 422 passengers.
She had thirteen cases of small pox on
board, and had lour deaths !'ivm the dis
ease iluriii"; the passage. She ij in quar
antine. Jos Atkins, Radical Senator IVom War
ren county. Ga., was shot in the abdomen
Mond.'.y afternoon, near Thompscu. Re
port assigns the causo'to n private difficulty
g,owing out of a C, iu. cU case. It is be-
lieved Atkins' wound wiii irove niottal.
A grand re!u rsul of all the Boston so
cieties, and independent olaws'intending
to participate in the great Oratorio Chorus
o( the National Peace Jubilee will take
place at Mus!c it. ill on ihe l'.Hli inst. Bos
ton alone will furnish five thousand singers,
who have been rehearsing, in sections, for
the past two months.
Prwn Wines niul !.iiUoru lor medicinal
use can be had at Gall'ni v s. niayS-lw
A 1 veil lure nf a Cri 111 inal.
A nidi in. who was recently confined in
jail in Beesaticon. contrived to siw Ihruugli
liis prison bars, whence he csc:'i"d to the
ouler walls, which lie scaled like a. cat, and
let himself down plump Into the street bi
low. Tho sentry oil g'lard s'ght-d liiin, snil
shot at him; but the ('!i.-.ssi'.ot, which did
such" wonders at Rome, was inelfeclual with
a real criminal. The ruffian lushed along
tho Seine, with the hue and ciy after him,
until he arrived at a parapet oveilooking a
fearful abyss one hundred feet deep. A po
liceman came up with him, a fierce struggle
ensued, and the rnllian hurled him like a
feather into the abyss bclov. A second
tried a fall with him, but l.e was also hull
ed to the rocks below. By this time the
'troops unived, and ns bo did not like the
looks of them, he bound.' 1 with a yell into
mid air, and fell a mangled corpse beside j
hia two vijtims, one of whom '.711610111111 still '
breathing, with both legs and severul ribs!
broken. !
Oi.u stock Canandaigua on exhibit'ti.n ii j
Gall'uey's. Don't fail to fdve it a trial.
lieiys-1 w.
Sliifi'a.o lie ii' a.
Fish were selling yesterday in Bu'Valo :i
two to five cents.
Prof. McAllister is going to Cnlifun.ia to
Win. Scott, a physician, was convicted
of vagiancy in the Sixth Precinct, Buii'alo,
and sent (0 the Workhouse for thirty days;
also Sarah .iorilon was lent for sixly days.
Peter Elierhardt has been appointed Post
master at Biiil.lo plains.
Th.nn.ts Reimick, lor trying to. cut his
own throat, was set:', to tho Wcik'.wusn lot
thirty days.
The coiirt muitial for tho trial of delin
quent members of the Seventy-fourth R g'
ment was resumed yeslerday.
The Justices of the Peace complain of dull
times; a sure sign that other people arc do
ing well.
A man uamud Chas. Ecke:t as arrested
yesterday ultimoon for passing Counterfeit
A 1 ireular shown Treasurer Spinner the
other day purporting lo como fii,ui Messrs.
IJumbridge & Co., Cll Wall siteel, iii which
they propose to soli ceitain counterfeit notes
apparently as good as tho geiii.ine fur a
small sum on the dollar. Tin) pal tic- n In.
showed bis dorument to tho Treasurer c!ni
ed that they had bee n iutim:.-'d an I .;.
. , . ,
u.a.iucd uorejs. Ihe rli.cuineiit was sen
'- .--ii -eiiaictidi ut Kcui.e iv
lai Vee Xg V-U.IJU-..K
-A!"UK.:' AWXIHVCIiJjrCM1l'.S.
M rMT"r-IW M i-m cf .'ol
A f Vrvriti n a cn' fe H'v iVimtor,
siitilert to li e nisi's of 'he Pepiil'ilran party
Vf. FtMTor l'iene annfliTiri' the l-s,!"
jtyro V ri'KriN. -f Pmiikiio. a -mAM
rr HfolfS'ci a'cr, f'Tb;c.l1o ll'f l:i''r'" cf Ihf Hi:-
pnhtlpan part? MA NT i'ITIZHS.
Vr Ft'iTcn- t"r0-e Herein i-i1 il-nt n'nin
1AMFS It. ('.rCdll wi'l S fH l:ifnt.- for mmii
ralioe for A""i n.tilv. f-'d ji't lo Ihe uiit'tn if tli,
lfcpnblican party.
Mn. F.niTnn: V'imwo innrnmri. in the Hi!rn or
Vensnen Omity. that W'l.1,1 M C ATI"-, of I'n I;
lanit Towe-liip. ft I'an.Udale for M,.n'lr of A
fpmhlv, nl'ici'l to Ihe uiiiup nf 'lie I'ennhllrnn
parly." MANY riTIZRNS.
I'mtoti ttrrnnnrVlivlxi' annoiPH i Ihe rant, nf
.1. I, lIUAN'l' a a ciinil'ilal,1 Ihi' noniitiwttMii Pv
I'.imii.v 'I'l'.i.IuKr.. bMl.ii.f-, til tlm ll-,1'.W III lI'K Vf
pni.iuan imiv m vny riTlKNS
V- ' .?.',' '".""."''' "" "r.
nonii'iaiion nf Count y TmHiirer, sulijo,'t to ihe
ii ei's of tlie Ki'iiulilii'an rinv.
Mr t'hrilv i man well (pi.-llitl 'il for I'm poi
ion. U an anh'iil lo'iiubliean. toi'l wa- iliiH,iL- tn,
war a faithful sotilier. MANY i'ITI.KS'S
Mi:. KntTolt: Pluac nnti'iitni-t' th nanie if iKr
W, KKI II1AM a a ramlliiite f"' Cinn'v Trea-nr-er,
-uliji'Ct to the n-n-ri's of t!n Iti'nttli'ii'ni ini'v
I'lMI' r.
1'iiiTon. Pl'iaie nnniiiiTirii tlie namp of 1 :
rllAWfoltn. nt Ui 'llliioml Tnti-hi. in a rail.)!
ilale tor P.olhiinotHi'V. cuiOi'i'l to llo' n. e:i' of llw
llei'iil'li -an parly. ' Solmkim ami l!i:rnim-
Mt: Klin-dii t'l.-rt-! annoiniretherameof T'l-iH-IV
naiiiy. i,r l'l'troli'iini l pntre, ni a ejiniliilnti'
1'ov Prnllioiialary or i-U'in-i'i CiMinly. !nl'joet to llm
u-')LreH of Hip Di nnvratie party.
We 1'e nilhurbeil to aiinomn- tint .luSKPIt II.
SMITH. Pio'lionoror ol' Wmineo Coiinlv. will l,e
a r-tnitii'-ite lor re noiriinatioii. tor sai.l oMIie. full
.j.'ol tu the uieei nf ihe Ki';nl)!irar party.
1!FC.ITKU ANKltl'CilUliKl!
EiilKilt Reiouii. You will please nn
tioiineotliat JAMKS W. IHV wilt l.e a wiiiil'Ue
for nonina'i.'n fur the oftleenf IN". i-tftrarnl Heeotil
er. snliit et to the n i;','-i of the Hi'pnlilier.n pulty. at
the enninu' Iti'imlilii-an I'riumrv Klietton. Vr.
Sl 'iw wh a I'rivute in Cinnpinv "I." MM
-h 11111 i-lunl . and h si a ri-rht arpi in Intrle
..1 Cet:vliiiiL-. He iieonieeietit an'l eliiiei'"--. 101 1
!,:n-n.ila-l!.-'-l. ra,-,l l;,-,-.,r...r f r one t.-m 1 .
tie rii-ft n:Mi-r.U tiell of lili Wi'l, ll-lVe 'le,e l,-,.i,Uw
wall him. VENM. iWM .
A it VniToR 11,1 ne annonni-e the namo of 11
It IIIXON, of C'iriintailler Town-lilti. i --ae'ii.
, , , i. , ...n mn .. .u ,
liwal Xollroi.
W II Nicholson Cn's.
A 1 lnia..-l.nt weik wa ea'leil attnniiun to
the Coniitllilt'nn Itliter of Sewtinl ,fc Itrntley, ami
now we take pleasure in noticiinr their Alisma for
tie hair, whieh Is -il.l to tin a verv due article for
Ihe toilet. We are of Ihe opinii 11 that the prepara
tions nfS ,fc B are a'.r roo'I, f ir tho reputatln
they siiatain as TmigBirta la gaod eviinMawr
Ihev wou'd not put anvthiir In Ihe market of
or.l narvcharator. Messrs. A. 11. MII.I.Klt X lai
have it for s-'le aiel we hope all our friends will
try It.
For all Croaehlal affectiom, try Seward's Cough
Try onr Navv Tohaei-i. Wekn.iwitli, the bet
In the iinrket. W II, MC IHI.s N , Cn.
A. I). M1LI.KIS.V: CO.
I'll I'D Si'lU'TT.
A nr-.v i..t ,.r 11
rera-ive.l at th
1 !ir;i.O'I- I. 7; U. Knivo. j
1 ' "
. ...
.. 11 .i,..;n , f!. iinvcr jur. riT-jiviu
rsTA. 1). M!..r.ft & TO, IrnS!;iBt-, ut
uM)r f r ilic f"!.'lnTtMl "II. II. Cin'.rV manir
actiiieil liy ilio AnuTitM!., Whip Co Try (horn.
iu'kton s r)ii.vtL'o antihote
liON'V CIIKW. mi uiiti.lotp fev Toharcn, nml Tlf.
POI ND, fin s:ilo:u V U- MIIXRU & CO8., IVtFr.K!
Jll.t P i ..iveil a h:r--r stock of Spring pat tem . at
II. C. ,I.i li Us- l I'l.NIiljUE S'J'OKE. nV-
Vl TIOV TM Oil, OPI K i nms.
AI.I, j ci-soas ,,10 hereby cautioned against l.ny-in-.'
or using SiH;er Hod, wftn Socket I'tiinta. Ihu
Soeket W.vz w-dced on 10 the. rola with cither
i(f.ii(:)i or nn-,',ic w-i-dea and connected tocethr-f
hy a conneeiin.' li eio':it of my manufacture,
a I am the nolo owner of the patei t ror connectin.
rods In t ti it manner ; all otlr nad i aiih.tantiaU j
as nhove nre tlirert infrinMrn't 00 iny rihta, ar. j
all panic hhIu rods so cmnn.ited, not of iny man
ufacture, lay tlu in9clies liahle to, and irlll h 1 prov
ecnti-d arcirdiiiL' n lnw. V J 1NS1S. I
I' S. ".'lii-i 1..,: ee is Insert,,!, no: as a mere '
scare i-row. bat will he .'tttemh'J to, and lii 'ly en
forced. Apr pi '! 11. v .1, t.
I 1,'U
I To- Hn
r i ; j-i' wl i- li Yo'ihl' M.m can pr.
I, ent to in. i,.ir!e. .s a - oimi cnsiinuioi.
, t In lit !-,. 1 l!i Slllij.rls, Willi I
'. n-. i :n- I'll-, si. -itiii., mm h.
I ne tin ir. -i
m iih 'i tt
1' HirirL'r. A'J'Irt. lIliWAIUJ
-'.HMA IT'
ii' I r'v! !- i, r-
- -.evrs VK;f. . J u3r - place ir. toivnt,, ft a j;r ,
iiaUeof tlielwntSto.. tint will ir w,;i ' ,
! f.. ' an F,.,'.
lon.-iMc Hoot Ship, Y iviltwcton Rtroet, P,Mrr!o,
rVri'rr. T
Oiic him a trm:
t'.I.As ALT, IF4, at A D VIM.RH.tro.
Hard ir arc-A larce msortrnmi f which""
llni! el.Mprt out at reilaei'4 rat.'s hi ItRYN'rit ni"
HHonilRAD A Cv. No. 11 Centre St!, ' ' ,!
tho Po-t ( mice Oil ruy. Pa. ' "
All ni'i'Onnts not si'Mlcl imaieJiaiclvTuiU fay,
with an otllcer Tor eollni-tioii.
Apr.lMr. HKYNOI.ns 4 cn.
"Vciv l'loiir, IVimI niuUJrnTeTy
.T. S. Ilf ATIIRK,
At tiii-oi.p nwie nni.ntN,:, on munst
eplKisile llie Mrl'llntoek IIoiho. IK. i, rt '
I 'arm1 iiii i ii.m elan stocK or I lour, I'eed nn.i ,
a i-ifi-i-rii-M, iinirn up -leinnK at a low fi "ire
" -I'-"' noere . l Cou
.V ( oinpany hrolio up. 111112 tf.
nrpeti. ,,r..v.'iv..iality an,) ,,'rriptni,
liiiYMii.i)-, ititomuu) .s ivi-s. .,.n ,.ffltB
Ftl'i'i.:. oppo-i,' Die V. I).. u:. Cily, P.i.
mum jtv sfAitrtDws. ianahy cnt"
MAX..-.; .v. 11 Mil i.r.,; a i ,i ' "
, r.,P....t i... ..,A i .
IT n it Kih ihe beit I'lnu' T , -o 1,1 the n rke'
Ify W. II. Ni 'l'o'.n.n Co
fp" A" persons wi-hing to lv VA.'I IN.TK!)
ran rail ni A li Miller ,v Co 4 Drii.- Store aim
ha, e I lift pm e Ire-h nrlicio Iihitii'.!. N 1-1,.,
A larire tiwrluient. nil sizes, at A. .
Miller & Co.'s.
I rneKer)'-For all kind-- jn in
1 lrtf liUIKA l ), No. 11 ( ontre Mtriwl (mm
., . ' " ppo.
t.. I o-t onw, O.l ( ,ty, I'a.
'O'he I'liient 1 .t f Navr, IMi-l' an I Smokins
T -o o f roai I!.i.:imore an I'l.vti-hbiirir In tho mar
! ket " A li. Mtl.I.KH A Cj.'s. .
The vsry poi-ki't Cullerv H:i7 rs anil Soi.
sor- all warrant oil at , II. NICHOLSON'S.
Try the eeh Ui itcj I'nrple Ink. at the Post Oflloe.
. u iwn i-iujr 1 ooacco ni . 1 ,4 j a.
. 11. j- iu,uua.
Dry Oooil' ',nS leaTes rity,burgh it '
niIOI)llEATS(APixi'aolnc West on PIMi-'
t'.n Poat-tid CnicHoo Jiallway pu V,'
r t
8-iO.OOO Worth V:rt b.
' 1. fer (j- i
SPRCtAI. admlniitraton)' SilP,.n nf
waleli aon ' ,,c, and ,
... . . . 1 i' .'1 i
Saturday KveMnX&t
at the ld CjwVe-y sinw. Waeinen'n. Streftt bf
low A. n. MHWr Co drnU'ic Petriilmia1
1 entre. "a. 'Ihu is the fine-i lienor Welches emr
Mi THl to ihj pn dtr. A very fine assortment of
VeciuviM atch, , in 18 karats solid roM. and
3. 4. .,. and 8n stiver Mime. Indies Wntch-, in
isknra'- .,i d eehl em. s. Ixotn 1 1 li 1 1 1 v enam el led, and
set vi'li d amoe.U: sdt,-a tnd Kont' void Herowhi- 1
!er--; in f-ie nli t-inil a,'H nmL-M Th.. M i
rner il l, invited to rail B rt a.mln ll, k.H
dnr'nrt'-eday Every- ' K -anted.
'" J. S . U V 1 1 V . A nn'orcer
r' WII.I, e:;mso to public sain al (tin I'hirwr
Ilone, m 'ef!r.s.!av. l-ih inal., at tvme'elefls
P in , une lil.Al'K IHlliSK cine I KirnNU SCL
V. and one pan Sweat Ulankets
1 llllner, May S, f-H. niUSI.
t rim sAiit; :
j ' I'IIK muirr-'u-nt 1 hwh? oliVr i fi.r pilf liirf Kc'ti:i
1 1 '", l;ti.)ti Hit t!ir
U r, vm. K(ll. WOIiK.
-.1 .1 1.1.,..., U.'.lio 1A I. .......I, I... illlflt.
.!;., i.IhV'Jm.m, HtoHii''lMnk!. nil MiimiI wlh IwL
M'u'iu, I'uiiip", mi. I iiiiiinrioiKiiire Mi ief iw
i-iilxi llntTflli hi v. IliM-Mrn! M()Hir, iw"
.V v 'Itii- i.l rtuiki iirdin i.'iKni tinier, i-ml r'"Wf
11 -tari liu.-ituj-H iin'iif4iiN' v For jmtticHlHUi
i:iW tn II1KAM COLVIN. srorr) r Farm.
Tarr Faiiii I'. (. iiiHyll:'Jw.
IiN(t"IltE OF
7o. Wasiliiiigtoa St.,
Ilro!ci:m Cnlr, 1,H '
CE' U i-'.n Er.I.".'V f..;; ..ii,,- 1. " 1" '
amPeiMSXSl'iSI.-- ... "