-rvanr , SOKJi PHI NT MISSING YOSEMITE Stomach BITTERS! A safe, certain tod pteauut Rtracdj for all DiieaMi arlilng frcm a DISORDERED STOMACH. A wine (UufBl taken tbrM Umei dij wlu b fcued effectlv Id til ,, of OTSPBPSZA, ZIVER COMPLAINT, 6JBK- EXA.T. DkBILITT, JVcrroli Prostration and I every form of Indigestion, Intermittent Fever, ! Fever and Ague, and m mild Invigorating TOXJVfor dtlleat female ''. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Brand Manufactory at Petroleum Cent!' Fa UKIflKIH. isfons of Experienced Drug- gists. -9 following1 opi ions of ex- sicians : lUnwmT VO. f- Having r t .1 . - tor tome time pant, and eallf. for them by nur custom .r own examination of them, wo be A he much better In quality tbnn an? uk In the market, and we are confident .. aiiey will answer your most gantniian cxpectn and fully meet the demands ofrtie public. We would recommend them to tbe publio for trial, specially to Invalids suffering from weakness and dleordered stomach. Respectfully Yours, A. D. MILLER & CO., Druggists. This certifies that we have user) the Great Yose Wllte Hitler" prepared hy J, W. Downer & Co., of this ple. anil believe that they are, what they are represented to be a pur" and wholesome Stom ach Bitters, and a pleasant Ionic beverage for the nsO'of liva'ids RufT-riu' from wenknesB of tbe Stomach, Dyspepsia. to., &e. Wo think them to be at kuo 1, it not better, than any Bitters now in tbe market, aud cheerfully recommend them to the public. Resp-ctfullv. T. IMr-NAtR A CO., Drnggists. I bare IWrl. nnil Ahspri'p,1 ths, fift'eeta nf the (Trent Yosemite Stomaoh Bitters, prepared by-J. V. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centte, and think them preferable to nnv now in use, for the relief of tboae difficulties lur which thev are recommended. .1" M ITAKDING, M. D. Oil City, Pa.. Dec. 25th, 1808. Having carefully examined the 'Yosomlte Bit ters." manufactured and sold by Messrs. J. 7. Downer & Co.. I am convinced that tbey are cliecj Iciilly pure, and having a knowledge of their com ponent nirts, I feel safe in recomruendiut! their use to the afflicted, J. A. LOBAUGH, M. D. Oil City, March fitb, 1869. PREPARED J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa, Branch Manu factory, and sold by all Druwrist. The GreatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO CURB ALL DI5 E AS LIS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES fee. , are Biiperior lo'iuiy in the Market. THY T J If MI ! J. W. DOWNER i CC ..ctroleuai Contre, Marcb lOtb, 1803. T. B. McNair & Co, Would rc!pfctt'u H.v announce tliat they ore ore now opening n lull assortment jf DKU G-S ! ! PATENT MEDICINES! Faints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &c. Iu the room formerly "occupied ly Mr. Goodman. u ticular attention will be paid to the preparation of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any in the country. Wines, and Liquors ! FOR MEDICINAL I'IBPOSF.S IHF" Our prices will compare favorably and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B ItlvWMt V I'O, rotrolenm Cpntre. a.. Oft e,; r NEW HARDWARE S T'CmE ! ROBERT 5Il ,V (), BpJ lnve to wtinotinre to the r)M!':: if TVtr.rleiim Centre and vicinity, ih;it tln-y have .ipvifti a inw eitirp in the iflixr oi'lbe otllre iT the fYntrri! IV'rol eiim Cnmpftoy at tli -vit1- rrnshi!', wliei tin y will keep ronitautiy n I nn 1 :i full a-i-orimcLt of everything iu the Hartiwm'u lice, such as TIN AND SnEKT IROX WARF. GAS FITTINGS AXO RRASS GOODS. Mr. Bryan liiivim; hoen Mi'atred in the bu-in1-with Moi-r WmitT B a tor nur yenr par, will attend particular tuthe business ofmiinufuctuiiifg SMOKE S TACKS. Ail kinds of Tin and Shcot lion Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. ThJy have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, t With an er.tIro SET OF NEW DIES, And vill wnnant ell work in tl.is line. Apr:!' Pianos ! Pianos ! ! Organs ! Organs ! EMERSOX'S UNRIVALLED 1'IANOS ! SMITH'S CELEBRATED AMER ICAN ORGANS ! NO T I C E . Tbn undcrsiuiif1! imviiia: by sporii' fnntraftn with V. I EMEltSON, Ktq , nnl S. D. and II V. Smil'i, Vjrt'Ti duly aniwinti'd hv them vu'i At-tnt f--r liMt fill of their CKLKKit A TWO INTKU MBMrS iii Wnrri'n, I'ort, Vcnaiuo, i'l irion and J'"Veron countif lien-tn rnutioiiM rh aiumi n wild fount tt"aintr ii"i:oti;itinn with ttny ollur pi-ntonH elaifiiiiin to he thy Aleuts 01 cither of i he abovo named tlrin-t, as all iich art) lMI'OSTOKS. . . B j SKIWVKR, Dealer In PIANOS. OR&AtfS, MEL05EQN3 AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, SPliliABS i l ie. leiitre-St., oil. t:iTV, Pu. Oil City, Sept. U, IWMI ni.AlIK SIIIIIi IIM.I.N printed at "'"""""'W liolie... 1,1 ,n Uin, (iillr.. 'J'UE DAILY KKfoltl), Is the Ui ndvurtumi; I mediiiiu iii Ihp oil nrion l3!ie',!,n:A,'5,V,:,la Watch, cht bos, , .FAJtJ. VJ V f ll.;UAVAI!K-IL CITY. Oil Vimn Tife Wokks. CIIAHLlvS t:OE0. A; Co., I'nrner of Seiieen A' I'cutre Ma., i;ul !lo UllCrccU, Hl 'ltl, la., Dealers lu Morris, Tinker I'o's OIL AVELL TVBISG AND CASING, WOUKlVd llAKWfll.S AND VAI.VKS, bTL'FUNrt 1IOXKS. OLA M PI i TONUS, Sl CKint ItllDS, tc. Machinery for Oil Wells & Henneries P.OlilXi) TOOLS, PltlVINO lMl'K, OIL I'Llll'S, COLD WATLU PL'.MI'S ETory de:crii'tion of surrLiFs for on, wflls and re fineries, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BHASS GOODS, TSAXS AXD (IAS FITTIXGS. i'i.'.r.Vu, tAVKl.XO, and HOSE; IIAKDWA11R, llOl'SK THIMMINCS, Carpenters' Touts, Rope, Oakum, Nail. Axes, Coffee Mills. T;.blo ,t IVketCiiflery: Full Assortment of Ever) thing lu ilia HARD WARPJ LIXK Laci,ifl Cliim;' s, No. 1 WihttTSrrrt'nc! fjird (Ml, No. 1 U isiin (HI, (?luiJ Mo'J, Ta'tloati i. Pm'r ''. ; t !i;isi!)i(5n flothi's WrisijTs Mar.unnnnrera if Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. 'fcp'iintic of aM KM nil tl"nn with noctne. nnd lijtatch. Ivj-pec'ai lUtcnMi-ti jtivn t-j TT:AM AND GAS I'TTTIX Well we elvVaviire.l to nvrit rle j- tie pntilic. and .liali u.e e'.'i-y o;..rliou eiilililllllier. 1tl'')lia.Te ef i in-lll'e ilH Oar facilities f.ir fernislun'j e erylliin in rvir tine. liavieK Ihvn cnvit'v ineri-'i-ei. in the" erection if I 'll XrU ItMIIllillT. ar 'I'lU -CVF.KIOH TO ANY OTIIKR FSTABLISIIMENT lur'i iu. IN THE OIL IlKiilON. AUG ssrio MERCHANT T AILO itiAseirs Blat k, Oil ( ity, just received a large assortment of NI W mm & SIMMER GOODS, Of r':e Latent Parii, London, and New York Fash ions, eumpriring iu part CLOTHS of nil color.?, SCOTCH GOODS of nil sliaile.t, DOI.HKINS. TRICOT:'. VESTING. CAiSSIMKRES, Ac. nnd all arlirl- kept In a Firt-t'IJiin T.-iiloiiiiK Tlilb l:iiin'iit. Triinka, Vnliaea, 'l lie White Sli i rla. l.lllen nml laer I'ollarK. ltoc, MiHendir. Su miller I iideri lolliiiiu, Necktie, ana (.ciits' F(Miiishii' (ii(Kiiis, Ineeneral All derrlplion or Cloihini made nn l.y experieneed workmen, on the nimrtiKt notice In thy latent ctvle, an J at the lowest price 1. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CI! City, Pa., May 1. 01. AL "$1 '"jf. O, OGDEN, xo; ar cuxTKE-sT.,-011. crrv, pa. Thitilli th. It.t oul.il.l;.,,..,.... ..r .i.n , .. : .- ... . ., , . ' ' ftlll'l 1.1 lllrf oil ifojgloii. Iflour and Peed sold at wholi wale ui ..:,. HiisS-.'-ir. CHA.E As TIIACKIIIS 134 .Maiden Lane, Y.,' mwm wmtm, ni e now prepared to riice'm on Coirmldnn and make i.ii,eral Advaneea t,, Itelineis and Doalern i lioih Crude and Iii lined Oil. CKAE, Til At! K E It A: Co., PETP.OLEfTM C'KNTKE, PA , rri . Keen on hand OIL MTRIOL. RLI'E'it WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC, SODA uinl GLUE. ' ' Are prop-trwl to m ike liberal diseiiiint to Itefltn-N SM- Wl" "l b l""''-"ld ' " ' juriatf CHANE, TIIACKEIi & CO. CAMFOISMA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN CH is -I have Itaachos or Faun for sale. Ihrnn-h out CAM -..JIM,, in tra ta of One ILaulrid Acres o to Twea j- Thou- ,0,1. T, rnu to emt par-chaser-. Those lands will ..-row Thirty 3vo Ig 1- ,ny Bu.hel r wheat to Mie Aere, with o.-dinary rami, ins.ai-t ., Volunteer Crop of lW.y.F:r buslieU per Acre. -Corresf.or.deii3e Solicited. Auilrcs HENHy MeKENTY, Dcalur In Real Estate, Office 301 Montcomtry Street, Sau Franciaco t'"1. illSOKI.nANKOUH-OHi CITY. NW HARDWAIIDE STORE ItKATl.NCl AND COOKINtl In large variety. TABLE AND 1'OCKET Cutlery! HOUSE FURNISHING GF013S. TINWARE, L A M IV. f.ANTER N S, A N D FANCY ARTICLES. Kit alo CHEAP 1 At tile Nlt're fomiivlv orrti;ih-il hy Itiirrtifie'd and e:lHrlilii OH. (TI V, PA. .1 puis it, i:;;ii:. t:i ciiv, .inn. ;, i - !. i r. Rote Oil tek Pips Wo csi.vii. ir.itm?i a to., t.'oiner i f SetU'i"i anil Cen're Sis. ca-i siile of Oil fiveii. Oil City, 1'n. I!ati' l'l '.l a (M.werfi.l Steam Englnv 1 three !a'i. i. vTIII-S. to io-r allta.iv exti-n-ive M.innr.'.c 'a:, ii-; l"-tiil,li-hm,-uf. ar. n-..v pr.-jiar.-il li il; ul) toe ii :i-j.r,T wyrU, in lining tip, nnd n'pairi;-. engii:s. UUlIl-.R-:. IRON TANK-. REFINING JlACIIiNEuY. COPVER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS' In fiet d.'ail M ii'liinerv .lull Work entrusted tn -iritli iiejUiie;.s and (t.ipiitcn m 'Jlmna ALL pAPER ! 5cw styles for sprino; : At Low Prices. , STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOK-!. BI ASK BOOKS, FineCHR0IS?CS, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC. TOTS, FANCY GOODS, IN OKEAT v'AHIETY, As reusontilile aa can lie purchaseil nt auv iliico in tlio Oil Region. Oi5HSTO, IH5SEY ,V Co., BiFsell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, VA. 0,1 City, I'.i , O.'t S, 18i8 tf A. v ,"o.1'""'c 10 '''' ' " h ' ymtr rnoe.ev is at the Sky J1-,'," 1 AXO K! "TOIIK AND 1,1 M. I'hU Y villi or l M. KTCK.Mll.'ttu & I.U., w-.ieie lliero U alwiiyi, a MAN t'i'!''i ';:,,,.m,i.,h,'ir''ll",0,n''r,,'1,',r'rj;e stork of H.OI l!,IIA. and all klndu of FE ,u, and the place ,,l.-o where way ho m,li'T''',",;:0,r,m,,n' "f n'lel. ROfGIl AND lKhMKO I.PMHKIt, LATH, Ml IS ;.B. V" at the veiy 1 iw -t cash prices. Thi se win, nro uot'i DEAD i L. J iOW,n """" nl Nh lo deal with men I I I . "iltm tlie.iiuaro, will flud ii to their Interert to jjlve US 11 call llefor- nnrrl, ,.!,.. ..l. where, ami see what we ran do for you IN our llnr of liu-.r..,.. All Orders d iraln? Petroleum' Centre, Pa. L. M. STERNIII-RO, H II. WAUNKIt. 1v-bi3.tr. Q.0 TO ISHAM & CD'S for your Cartridges. 5EARLES & CCEJI "VEIL. Deal rs In ssro O A Tl, Dtliverei or ai tie; Yard h- tK- ,-lr nr ,)P Apr 1 1 If RAILROADS. Oil Reek & Alleitay River E i WARKKN A FKANK1.IN, FMtMRRa CKKBK KAlLKOADrt CONSOLl'o.vJJ ".'t. NEW AND MOST DIRECT Ro "E TO THE OIL REGION. 1H3S. W I S T E U A H It A N(l E M ICN T. TIME TAHI.K. ON AND AFTKIt JIONDAY, APIiti 1HG, trains will run as fi,li,,w MO. UOINO Noli Til TO OIL CTI Y ,t p,-T),( t'KNTIili Tl I LSVILLE AND Voj-kv fi,K9 A. St., Kxprwryurive Titllunil t, ' III . Okiinolh al 3 6? a. , '! there Willi trnina lur Pltli-li',., , "Vfotw m., Petroleum CVntrM ft" ""J H.iyd Knr n lo. Ill a in , w i J ni, a m., I lni-ililo lo :, .' ' ,rni In al furry in 12 Si p in r,hln, '10 ''; M ' . """v-'TIlionte'iji . ol.pi.lH I ii p. (ciin,,.;! , J " for I'lthule citv), ( .ii ( itv 1 1- Vth We' trolenin (Vlitrr ,1.v.'i li i,, i'.P ' S SH f. in., .Min.r Karm .-, 4;, vllie II U, p. in., urrh11( t'1"" 7.:tfi ii.ni. 'wjh O'ltrt ) A'-N-.nimoljitl.ii,frlll nun.. Farml 10 . , , Tll"'.i :e -P1 arrivin,' ill I'orrv ill u su ... COINO fiH TIl rito.M (VKKv "... PKTIWI.Kl'M fKNTi K & Oil riTv ' :4.1 M-i, ' l.arriv" 'I'itll-vill,, s.l ' . . Miller Farm 11 in. ii,,,,i l.. .. m. Pelriileum IVi.ii-,. m vr.: "".". i.;rt n. iu OUoiHili. 1,1 1,1 . u" ' X' M ouie lL.-lMa in . itn.t Iiviiieton Sw .. IX P. r.I., .rrlvej at Tin ll l'f,$a i uii. P,.ii",i. ..... .' . "A" . 't .. .. r- oil Oils hi Hrrii'i wuh train rr iilii,!i :.i7. ...'.""""5" 111 , and In iueton ti.'Jo ,,. ,,, ""l0 ,i ;5JJ '' 1 eeiininiodiilii,n r,om r, ". --'J p. ,r, ll,,vd Kuril, ; tpm "JS. I'ONNlXTIONS. Train North ronnwl at fori v itl, MiiiukhM. nml 'il.sl.n-,;!, r,,irAa7r..-r.,-n", M'"' UnJ Tralnn eonmrt nt oil Citv will, v.nnMi. t...... I fol franklin, M,-idvil!e. ,;,1 .,. u-. ', ,. n il will, l-l.i 1. mo It. II Fa-t avu ,.," ta,ulKIL- tllne-rvBNTT ininiil-. f,.t,.r t,an tnni lin Itram h a,.d A t il W. It It. lime I I a-e,,er, will 1 thl, r, ,.,. , , tl.e-,horte.t route to ami f t. ,vum "Ml rr llZ IT p" p"!V V;vlUctu" !cavo af"" rin: e pui-o and a-k for rhr'nitj;ti T.'lcet rla Oil m-tkl I i7. i. iii ij . ,.,, ui aivai snort Kon ' HJt Ml . Illt. ' Bttfd.lv.. . . . I HATH. Oil Citv, Fmnkl'ti. Ja iit'tfown, Meadviile, 'lnrk.srille, New I'asllu, lloniewood. New Di ii;huin, Itoehesler, AlligLmv, IJittsiti-,a, R.lOp m. 8,55 p. iu. 11.21) , t,41s.mV 1.4K .1 ,05 WIS' Iteturniiiij leaves Pittsburgh 1 TlfAINSirMnB Weet on PVtbnrrt, T and hirnco Kailway lias, ftiw and 8, ia 31 n.. MHlS ' field ai tf,40 a. m. nO' " lit I 'MMtll... u 7,OO.ud 1 . 0,40 p. , K. R M March, lS6S.-tf a caiid ro tAir t.A nn nn onco's gjldkn . PII.LSror Females. Ir.fsllile In n iriV!nt!arilies, removinn obairuclloiu of the ) turns, fro,,, whatever canso and n-mm-i r as a prevHiitlvn One pili Ajir eilliarly situated, or those ;.p"-l , are c iiite ned a-nlnet nsina these I'lTBrwIi! that COIitlition l,;-t tliev invito ntlsrurrinm. nh eh arhiionitlon' thc pro. rietor assnmes nl D,',i,m,no. it,iiiiK:cn uieir inuuneas wouta n any lili-ehierto health: other,vi the Pillcm com nn n led as a moi invi,luah:c remedy for iM o-.iioion 01 ino.H -uueriii?: irom any irritrm.irrs w naiei er. a well nn to prevent an tnere.tse at fib-when health will not nermit lr: iMlnte ' tun-ei .1 and lriii..,Ii.L' hack the r,wy color of bftt'i: to the eheek of the most delicate. Full and e.xpiieit din ctions ar.ooinpfiny each Ml Priee $l per In x: 8 li :ea. I ftoiu in fetroleimi Centre, hy A. I. MUXES Ct,.. ' So'n AL-ollts-' tor Pelrolenio I'entr,'. Fa. Ijl'lies! Ilv sendin - them 1 In III. Peirnletinlf'-I In; I, o ca t haie the Pill, rem icoiiti.li-utisiij (I 111,111 10 itny ji irt mi ii,,, country, lire 01 ru irEc old ulso t,v K. c ' Cark Titm Pa.; A. It. firlitlili. Oil Cily: I'l-nnoc I 'inn-, Frank In : Dr. .1 L. Aeomh. Tidiira". . R 1 llaz'-llon, Warr. n: and ty "one liui:s,st "ii"ltT town in tne u uted Males, and hy lul H D. HOW K. I roli r. New T A ns-aw- IIRE fteo 4an W LG( A proi m rKnrEvi wa"- j For Dyspepsia, Fever und Aguj dity of the Stomach, Loss of Apfj nlaeaaen nrwinrr frnm o! the Stomach, Liver or Intesti"J Prenarerl h Scu-aan & OV Drugopsts, Buffalo, N. V. So'd druggists. CJ IJOO Pi n. ). MILLER .t CO.. WIioIpw" riet iii urnajlMlit, Agents for vicinity. .trolennifS.: JU4 ISIIAH A; CO., WATCIIJI AKCKS & .fFWElfl IN OPERA IIOUSH BUILDIN'r't 1NGTON STREET, I'KTROlsEl'.n I'ESTIlK , t'" Keep constantly on hand a ui aJ"r,a'"'' WATCH FN. JEWULTtY, I'lsTtn.s, KBVOLrFn.lIsfl; Cartridcea, if. , and will fell t 'Mitch work wsisnted tostvp patl.-'c-'-'- COI EA a. I ", a.m. A,H. a. a. 1,M a. la. . 1 It a. An. v,uv a. msv v " Jl 1 ji 1 oi Is