The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 10, 1869, Image 2

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mleuin Con Ire Daily Room I.
Pe... rrnii-f, .Hoii!ii-, May !
.: .- 2', :iu:
Time f lii)ns I5'HI.
1' O., I'ETui Z.K"M l:ri:. t'A .
Ji-Lt -r.,x. !-.
I'ctU ftrther no,!cc ?i;f iRi'. will arrive r.; r.-
drvmrt fr.,.u -JO- oT!:e us to;;cos.
Soritn ml T--', via Tr.-iBto2. 10 ' M
outh a::?. V. ' Ifcqdvilie, 5. '.? ?. ML
North U.J Ea t. ' Cory, -J
South est. 5 4J A M
Sotiil Em and rVoit, S 3 ) i'. M.
North, Kisiand IV ea-., li.Ol A. M.
I!. E. UI.ACKMON. I'- Vi.
IMvlno ScrU-ci
Prnchim at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1A
o'ciook P. M.
Key. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
m. e. rncR'jn.
Services every Sabhnth at 11 A. M. ami
"i P. M. Sabbath Scho .! iMwclve o'c'oek
. V. Sits Tree. A cardial invitation
extended to hi I.
Kkt. C. M. Keatj. Pastor.
Mass at P1 a. ro.
Vespers an.1 Eer.ediction of the llleje.3
f r.Crament at 4 p. ni.
fate -Msm nt 2 p. tp.
JAMES OrSN'. Pastor
Chanoe ni Time Oil Creek & Alle
ghoy Uiver Hallway, Monday, April 'JC:
Express N'o. S nrrives at 7.20 i. m.
Express No. 1 arrives at 10.30 a. m.
Fxprrsa No. 3 arrives at 5.3 p. in.
j-Yeight No. 7 nrrives nt 12.4."p. m.
Freight No. l.T arrives at 12. 01 p. m.
Freight So. 13 nrrives at a. m.
Express Vo. 4 arrives at ! 15 a. m.
Express No. 2 arrives at 3 10 p. m.
Kapress No. B arrives at 7.25 p. m
Freight No. 8 arrives at 6 34 p. in.
Freight Nc. 10 arrives at 8.25 a. m.
Freight No. 14 arrives at 2.00 p. in.
Freight No. 16 arrives at 12.45 p. m.
A well was struck on the Storey Farm on
Saturday last, which is now doing about
eighty barrels, and tt is thought will reach
one hundred It is the property of the
Colombia Oil Company.
. A Muiloal Convention is to be held in
on the 17th inst. Prof. Baker,
s . has been engaged" to instruct the
T3rtn lg. !n onticlpatilthy the
r - i-oyriin, f
Jxcelslor Syrup; . I
Rmmem's Hive Sjroa-
ar.t hU
, -'ilg in your gar--K)ne"
..rtinent elsew here of Hie world
'nggir Sewing Machine. J.t. Joiin
, -ot, Ii Washfngloil street, Petrol
out Centre. This machine has gained .
world-wide reputation for durability, si in
plloity and utility. Call at the rooing and
examine them.
We understand Ihnt it i the intenlh n of
, Messrs. Carmine and DickcRon to gain
terpedu their well. Lait week the well was
cleaned out, vhon !! production was in
creased from fort to i:iy b:iiTls; bm hav
ing laitti in the 1130 o' 'orpnio it if rheir
intention to try II n S'l ieez' : g-n-tlemnn:
ni! is worth $5.3r,
The monument in I he Soldier's Vatlonal
Ccmelry at Geilysbur will bo tied cited on
Thursday, the (list of July next. The or
tion will be delivered hy lion. O P. M or"
ton, ol Indiana; poem, prepared and pad
by Bayard Taylor, of P.nnylvarii, i,r,d
prayer by lietiry Va;d Be. cher, of New
The smoky haze of our atmosphere tc-i'av
may in port be cans, d by a lire last night in
the woods 011 Skinner Firm, siiuaicd on the
high blufT,topposite aid of the creek from
the village of Pioneer. No groat amount of
damatte was dene that we cm learn o!
The burning of the . aves and olher light
trash, made a belt of lire a quarter of a mile
or morn in length, across the brow ol the
bluff, and presented 1 very pretty sight dur
ing the evening for those living on Stevenson
Farm, and other points in Out vicinity.
- - v
A very considerable sum of money has
been subscribed by our citizens for the pur
chasing anil laying of a pipe through our
streets, and connecting the same with S. A.
Woods' pump, 00 the bank of the creek.
We would inquire how efficient will this ap
parattiB be, in case of fire at the upper end
of the town, if every tearaster is teraiittcd!
w cBrBiutEiy ariveover the nipples and stop
cocks which are to serve as hydrants! We
have in several instances observed where
these nipples have been driven over, and
we have no doubt but that in cas jr-f any
pressure, serious leaks will occur
la t in cl--
in sitoi-e H
Th,-Gordon Well, located on tl:t Evan
I Tract, chout which much ha9 been said of
i lite, still continue to attract attention, a ..i
oil operator;! and citizens gather d-.ily in
I largo numbers to witness tbi 150 barrel
Rowing well, ""id tnoN were takou oijt on
I Saturday iint, i. ., last, und IV- well ciiil-d
four feet deeper, and then tubed. the
I twenty-four hours ending this morning the
' well flowed HI l-artels. l-.'uiy indica'iou
s proiuiing.
We h ive tn Mid it treiitier.tly assorted by
local veioeiped'sts that there could hp no
such thiaa as velocipede rope riding. In
the Boston rink cn the evptiing of Urn 20ih
ult , arope was stretched from one end of
the roorj to the other, about twenty lei t
above the Uoor. and Master John Reaiden
mounted a b'evcle, having deeply grooved
wh-cis, and trnvele l back and forth over
the'eniite length of tne rpe. Iu addition
to thut exploit, a Irapize was & :td be
neath the bicycle, and Hury M. Stevens
performed a variety of lea's upo.iil while
the vclocipedo was moving aloiis; t'ie repe.
August Siegrtet. the 'Tn'repi l vonnsi rope
walliei, .!so rode th velocipede over a one
inch wire. rope. 22) Ice I long, ul an eleva
tion of twenty fut aboo tl:'o lake in the
c'itv G u Jens of San Francisco, a woe'
s.nce. A liigh wind was blowing athwart
?hip" at the time.
Dr. Thayeh s Ciitcis. To-tn irrow l'r.
James S. Thayei's Circus will vhit Petrol
eiiui Centre. Tbo T!tuvillo Herald of this
morning s iys of the two day's perform inces 1
at that place: ''This Is one ofthelinest
exhibitions that has ever vii!cd Titnville
under canvass, and w .s crowded both after
Doun und evening each day of their stay
here. "The Doctor ' his snccied-d inset
ting together one of the litest set of perform
ers it has been our lot to witness. The
bare-back riding ol Mr. Morgan is superior I
to any wo have seen; the tumbling far bet
ter thau most that has been witnessed Iteio
tofore, and the four gymnasts perform the
most wonderlul feats of the age. When the
entire performance is so good, it is difficult
to note I ho specialiiies of the corps of per
formers. "
Last evening at the Methodist Chutvli.
Rev. C. M. Hoard do liveied u discourse on
"The Sin of Profanfty." takit, for bis b a
the third commandment. He remarked
that the enomity ct this sjn aro-e fror. the
fict that it strikes at tiie root ol virtu re.
spect forGod. The diameter of God en
"'i1net of profanity. His
fcsl lrtol'd the world
Hit loads US Willi betirflK
uu manifests His love in ton thousand
wujs. What reason for trculingso true a
friend with careless or inlriiiionnl dii'e
spect? Swearing is a profitless mil. The
prolane swearer is the greatest of all fools,
be is baited by Ihe devil with a nuked hock "
The nuuie of G 'd is dear to Cbmii ir.s. moi
for their saice men soould not profane His
name. It would be regarded as the pci lec
tion of meanness for any one to sneali dis
respectfully of a decease! mother to her
son: How much bet cr is it to profane the
n:imeof Our Father in Heaven? He exhor
ted Chriftifi.i peoplo to reprove pi ifjnity
upon every occasion; if they will not. they
become partakers iu other men's sins.
Pioneer groecrynien refuse to buy paper
rags on account of small pos in that vicin
ilv. Heretofore Wilde it has been tho chosen
location f.r residences; but this spring, tiie
I'.gheit Farm seems to be the favorite loci-i
Larrniijint, the Fren h onuineer. who has
invonlerl the ingenioi:s one nil system, by
which it is i houghs- a complete revolution
in railroad 'ifirirs wil I he brought rbout, is a
young man of twenty three.
To be Hcxci P.usbal, the hotel kpeper
at Cortbmd, Alabama, who shut ami killed
conductor Uxts.of the Memphis and Charles
Ion Uailroud, some time since, has been
convicted of -murder in the first degree, and
sentenced to be hung.
A mutual charitable association In Dun
dee has prosei.ied a vagrant husband a big
bill which his wife Ima drawn for lha past
flrfteen yearn, under ti e supposition thai be
was dead and she a widow.
Ten mill'. from Havre, Franc-), a vcloc't
pede amateur was resting by the roadside.
A man cauie. up and began to examine t'ie
iron steed. He was so desirious to ascer
tain how anybody could maintain their
equilibrium on so frail a machine, that the
owner aiked of him to try it. He pot on
and wrgglod niosc awlully for some tuenty
yards, when he started off with kkillt'ul
spi ed, and soon disappeared down Ihe road,
leaving (be owner to tout bis mi back lo
I lio t.oi.lou Te!l
, A Itieli llnrvPMl
Variety t lie Sp'rao c.
il irrisbnrg buttercups are out.
The Pope owii an ivory v. alcli.
Ch'cao river is beini ilreded.
loinctstcr IIhIi muket is gluited.
fir Henry Haveloek is in Portland.
Ostnwa h is launched a new steampr.
Scrantonians are hoing for the Went.
Cuban recruiting agitates Milwaukee.
A St. Paul baso tall club has been arrest
h for debt.
Pavenport l as carpet-ehaking mattin.i,
-Maitsacbusotls i;nl.s at Fnndny mill:
TrnnliHR U.ta c:nien. 1 in Fu'.lnn Co.
A Chicago jioiat'.nuii i.i le. tried fr
lla.-o Ball has commenced at Mil.vaure.
Kiij-cnie did uol ie:i;n to rea l until silo
was nvoive.
Turkish enamel jewelry is Increasing in
Spragun didu't moan that piij pj, bull
another puppy.
in F:a
i :ie inst letniiP en '.nisi r..ia ep-itej fjtiji
Tuere been a llr-1 on tiie t ip of Tits-
i i
VT.v P heU,.i,ch,d htndl.erclKef. are
the thing tor ladies 'JOiv.
, ,. , .
A "VP tarantula was I-.u a in a b i:i.j.i o
ba.ianas at f.oiiis.
T e new Eiiii.h l', -:.t 'im-i.i m-e
iiLusid by uichitect.".
The juvenile Kiil'tugp Kfci "'-c ; '.' .'.j.r .. i:e
lir, . it., lias coliaj st-d.
A:t el chty-eis pound.! pr. ."ah! en:
at lliehtiKiud tiie olair d.iv.
TI.e American CJitinv at I):- s.l tl have or
gatiiz-d tivobaso b;,ll clubs. .
While Pine bass daily paper '-d-voted to
the expansion of moral nnciples."
The Scandinavians of CVcag.i Lave met
fur l!ie proiectioii of thill' fellows.
itituas 1 ere is living with an I-.ngliali jjirl
who absorbs all his money.
1, , nt t- , .
. ec.iv! . o,, i. nns i;en turned
out of the tuiiiistFriiil union i f Ulinira.
If voii want to eniov good health it U not 1 Vl PniT-t- t-eij... nnnnnree Hit bpti of II.
J ! It ' ' I " 1 'N. of f -. "i, ol-oiier 'I'o-i ii-li'o, as a i-sr.fp-r.eei-si
.17 to ta ; - your f imilv West. j::t oo i .!-i-e f -r i' -t.-v i-.. os-'o-.-r. t . iv un.
c ffiifl'i.ey's and M a bi.;:'e ofSun-'ay ,m- : ; R l"''':i-'!' P'rly ZlV'l.
Iwnl 'Vottrna.
Pivorce hr ken .- it,o e:rfl w ;u fir.-l i'
selves soiiie-.vhut (,:sturbf 1 in the pursuit , t ' BT and RCOUB BOOKS, at
their vocation by lh" changes made in the , 'V Tl ?:l'''""" - -
laws of IndUnn. wltere hey hsivo hereto!orp ; CD 1 "
bniud eye-.plional f-cllitii s c-tr-lng on tmCI" roTTiR-WP T. PR urTtn FFW TAT.
r.perp.tiori. l'n-1-r t'-i' ti"? la'V. i w-H l o ' prsn 'e-.-r'r- .-t..t'1'n wade In st el ty!
IrnpncsiMf, for ps-iies nr.t residlog jn ii)f, j to-ii ftr-.eiH-s i-n.f. m-.ih1 ' i.i .veil liv rn'linrr at
Stale to obi iln !.!. liana (iiviir .-s" bv j , ''" "'t am! 1-r-H-tf -i.iliva',d
. ,.. , . . '1 ivp t'i-mi-nv'-i-nres with I Tpv r. a7enl for C.
merely pirns n liberal f.-o in soo;e ur-cni i .. , .. ., ... . . . . .. ., ,
. , .'w i, i s?t. Ce'ijoi'tt f Ireet, nr.dr tho f ou l-
p ilous l-i.vvor: and the' are not ' .., m it
groit i,9 they roiaht l -iyo been, but tuey i
s-iW.-ient t i put a pi..,-, fo n. n:,,noeiivers
win, di h " heietoi-ove di'tneed the Slale.
I' is now rrn'rel that persons tiling appli
cations for divorce hall have been bona
fide residents rif 'he S;:ire for one venr pre
eediog th- finntr or ,i,e nppliotw. and for
n-neiy nays Dona Ii le residents of the coun
ty. It l,.rtee.more make. I. a felor.v for
miy person tn mal:e false repr- senlatjons in
propurini a d'vtn-e", pieseribcs rioii.'i'iomnnt '
io the ponil cot iary as a pntiishtront, au.i
apply s the opet alion of tho net lo env i. !
turtle-.- win shull leod bis iisr'--t .ne,. ):i pr.,.
curing a divo-oo ii.roiiah ! ;dnlor,t ;no:;ns. slo.-;'.; P II i-i 1 ngu o l o'"i:.o-l a
OnTney's. Don't '. i! '.o j,lva t a tr'al.
J.unes Tuylor. a r- i.'viitof N'orih lo sver 1
ti'.vi ship. I.Hwr.-nce c only, le!', ! is Io-)-,. I
l.r.i ' !! l.lli .ii' '. -II I.... . ...I 1..1. .: . !
Ins not been henrd from. H i is a smnll
man. f I'm. slraigiit. dik Complexion. blac'
whisker, aged nhnut forty fir or fifty. Hp
carried a cm and bears evidence of in
sanity. N OTICK,
Fundnv Cimfo.-t c n be bad only on week
days at G ill'ney's. Ho keeps closed house
on Sundays. mayS lw.
When they do adirly thing out West.ihey
"do it up brown" fir ",nlanc, one Urown
of Minnesoti, has attained the climax of
impudent itifldeliiv. He not nnlv l..f; I !
Wife to Plnnp with nnolK... I.- ..,1. u:
' ' i. u" mum 111
wile's clothes for rhe other to wear.
PrKE Wines and Liquors for medicinal
mie can he had at Giffney's. nuvS-hv
The Masnchii6e'ts Legislative Commift
investigailng the T.r(j .nnrl r-,bl,e. v rose
had tltiHl beat r.g Fiidnv .vei.lng. An
. . j i
affidavit ma-IP by Pe'ecli'.-e John S. Vonng
was p ad, in which he xoterate eatb ntnl
Jones from any charna of tini'iiitlilnln. ;s or
misconduct. He stvs that. Disiriot Attor
ney Oukoy I'a'l and himself a,;rec.l that no
oin couM be convicied of the robbery.
Nriv s: m i.
A ffntlPtntinji.-l reti.rnrd from l-.urope
iei: tts nieeti'ic I'dwln M. t'o'ton. Ihe mi. - " -
in-r Adams' Fvrrps At'ent of PtirinlieM.
, Mkfs.. Ir I.nmlrn on the 25th ult.
The Kavnrd rrow pract'ee on tlierhnrb s
River Course pvery evening botweens;v
and piplil ci'r'ocl-, preparing fortlirinlprna
tional match.
( . wor-Kcrn i.kts.
yr riJ-r ' !i'cpe prireepf e tl o rrnr (f 'ol
A r VMrcAN h ifi itlft'M.. for Sin'e ' etinior,
.i iil.--.-t te tl-e ,1-j.i.e.i i ntie !i fill 'mn nnrtv
,-r y..,. y, rnirri. iw rm.n '
ja---rr: i iv..f pi.a '!
i i.r -mi ' 1 H'el. M!v f '! t ' tt e n jrT' i of t'.e R"-
! r'lb'icim i srty. MANV T! 1ZESH.
..ism-yiu Y
'r t'Tfror-- T'lrf e nnneerr teflt Cp'aln
UTS II. i:H (ITT will tie ii (SvitMnte for notol
in1,!' lor .-i it'litv. Fiitjt;ct to the usati of the
ti'- puloi-'iir J rly
V't. I'i.-'i-v:- 1"i . nn"iinr, to Mie -ttizens or
Ye.r.,.-o I -1.11111 V. fell (V tl I,M M ft VTRS of l.'.iclo
liMnl Tmvr.i ii,. ii . i -tl.tnie for Voii-Ikt or A
j '"' ' ""''M'1 ' "ss1':VyVii1s'1"
' :
K-:t--i; Tt'-r ir n: P'.-'-e ftc'-otiece thrt name of
.1 It s : T? p a cn I'll ite f.r the nomination fr
I'l-e-irtiu , i-. -ill j.vt to lite ifn 'c of tt-e 'fi
pi, -c..., n,.V
.MAM I I 1 l.l!..
V i ri'iTou- v -;i ntinonnre ttie rtin nf j
J-i i N rmiwi, or "it itv. s n csml'Jiit
rv noniiivt'on 'vntv Treasurer, tuityeet to die
u : .if t'... lt -i".i'i.-in purfv.
M i-iiri-.- ' i well forth rol-
j ISl'j "'""""MANY H n&h'
' o ,r - t n th r,T,e of OK'
V.' itl'l -it '.' " n ,t l it ire to- rmin-v TreaKiir-
: ir j, . ,- ,., f ttie IVrnWicm mlr.
i ' MASJ finzKNV
1 :'. -'J
' , ,' '
eep. ii tl-e niimc of V. n
1-1 .-..I - , m n-' i i. rt- " el" M
-. -n't .-I t i lie- t - it" te
:.: r ...i. !i i i .. -ex' 4
- "nil o-.e - t' e O'liue. I T I M
i . ii '-ir-i; - -...
. -:.iT..if I'-
W., ... u, .. T, writ IT
' f-'ll fit. p'r.Vlkiii.V,ir of Wi .: r-.u:- - 'win he
; , e,,,..,.. ,... f. r re p.enln-i.b.r.:;..r .'.l . :.. enb
j j -et t I li-' 11-1 . - I Ml - ! 1 -'"! l- -
IcFrtwrnrVN'' m7k' 7u., -i:"
Fntrnn i:i-i-m;i.:-V. v.i'l t!pn in-
n-.iiiire ileit .1 XMK- VC Ml AW e IV be rno.-iil'te
fo tio-oii.n'i..ii for ll f i Pi I" l.V -i-'.-r.-o .1 tVcoi.1-
' ",':' '""'"' " " ' m.'.'."r ';' i'''? '"' I'K-oin-
Hie r,,4iiiii I' ieel.1 i -in l'r'liinrv Vi-eOnn. Wr.
svi-vw. n l'riv.tein i'n'iii-inv -l. I l il Vei n-
I J lvi-li 'ol'liir. e -nel l,-4t ., ri -lo lir.ii ill l.;i:!lr.
of (tetiv-lini. lie t-i conieet 'ilt Hlfl olili '!!:. atlil j
leis seive.l -1- I;.- -t'T HOII l-i.Toriier I
i-.l -i- It.-'--l.-r h"i! li'.T.iril.T f r one term t i
,;.-.. ,tWu-,i.,:, ri! ivi o l.-ve .lone on.l.,..,
: vil: loio. KVINi;n f'.irSTY.
ft I NTY -'iM.:iS!
A YeWi'ipi! -Vli'io' m :ll V tvini d Vnv4'h. m-er
Mi- roum oe.-npi-'il lv.- .'. II A'kln. sa a Efllard
( oo!i fi;i;Ksite( 'li.-'-tii Di tr.- So.- fi
noofilw. .Ho'.i'Y iriVVEY.
i , ' w. ,.,, ,ij ft c,,.
17 S! ff53AWi7
! W!i-ii2.aa
' jy p2S?'I S'lirTT'' S 4
nt-:xt H'jim; t;.)
Sew Itni'tter SJnip (tueiird
Ptlick. toi-tneriv niih t). bcinlu-isBr. begs leave
to info'-in his n-ien J' Hint ho tins npeued a Hai lier
Shuiuit No. :w, W irhingtoti Streot lie hns fllted
op pleasant npirlments. an 1 thoso who desire a
clean shave will rcm'-ntV-r tho new shop Coma
mi l soo me. tl pki.ock.
Petroleum Centre, April S7, ISl. npr57tf.
A new lot of ihe c '.tbraio.l !. X I,. Kn've Jnt
r"'vlvivl at Ilia
tl VichcHin A '-'o. have j, nt re'.-.1v ! a lot of
Pocket Itules and Conria.i-f s.
JTA- P. M!L!.F.ft A CO , Prii(r!Tts-., r
as-r.ts f ir the cu'etirated "II II. Hgars," manu
aatured by tna me;toia Wip 1:0 IVythem.
Ii"N"T Clin-.V, an lir Tobaei:.., no l D!t.
.Ti I'l '.-SPS'S AH( .! A !'IO A Vri-Vi ill CCD COM.
l'OCN'il, for sale in V I). .Vilo.i-.l": .' C i'.s.
WAI I. I4P;iit!
ilutt received a largt stock lit Spi-ii g purterns tl
j THKhpst.l-.- IS t'.w- tl -et ! ,,, ()( ,,
, n.iiir' o: tne e- nf ioi .:, wit' ., ..
ft irr1,,.,, , f (, , j, A n.i,,,..,';.''"'
1 i, ' 'oi Iumi. W'a-iiir -ton ,, , ',"-
enlre, r.i. (live lilm n trial.
CLASS AM.IKS. st A. D. KII.I Kit . a,
Eliird warP-A hh irtrii Tit ..f tt,.
lielne elrwod out nt re.lnecd mtej KrYNorn'
iiiMnnnvn a civv., Ko. it (v:!t.v n,' ; "f
the Tost OftVe. Oil City. Tn. ' J"5
iiicri ma nK i ac- i; cift.
Tub fieirnT r-rr v.l.i 1. ilo,-,. v, r,
nenr to li! Ttrlie. ; n rmiH -otii-nti,nflj. r""'
heil. Ks-flv n ii,,-,. p.,.,,. wi, ,, I "ire li nevilen Plivo l.n.,u, ...... j, .,.'
ter envr-lo-VM. r,,... f rim,,.,.. ,iHrw I'Ow'Vt, !
ASSOClATl(i. Box P., I'lnl ifiV;,,!,!!, J
l ine Notn I'apar ariiutoalt f.n,t ntti
A. i. & c .
All accounts not le-llh-d irr.3:i4v iv7i7"tTj
with nn offlc-r foi collection " "
An',4,r KNt'i,uaco.
I'A"N K Y nilios. mule mid f.-, :1i..
.u"; re vei. nt a i Miu.rrt o
A's ' a ruielot oflmo.irted V,,K-M, r,oia yM)t(
cw I'lBHr, Food a fid ;rcer)
.r. S. PltATIinil,
Attheoi.n bank nribniNc, n M.trNsT
iposite the Mi-nintoek Home, lew '.'.' .'
"a lio(t
t.rM.nrf -. ..I... l-'... ...
.rorerle. which he Is Mlllng ni a low n-nte
fi. Hon'! forcet the plare where A, I). ('0ital,
.-i , i.i.iiiiiuv iir,n;e jp.
ci tion -, on, o;i:it r(,,m,
Af.I, ; er.-o-iii rt-o liere'iy i-ii;ti 1,., :i.,i. -t
iti.'ori:si'gSu.-k. r lie..!-. T.(:- S. .-It To.-;,;, ..
Socket beiea r-edge.! on to t' e ., .0, Vp,'r
ir'J.iffl.TiiKMIerv.-rtri, ..... ,
liv ' e .rne rm hi'i. ..,- 1 .,..... .,'
nl.i-.;;'.:os-'"i;ii.- i!';i 1 .. ..
Ml 1. i, tin.. ,aO:iier: .,-J ;e, .. , j .
a. .r... ,,,-.-? 1 - 7 '.1 .1... ,,.
; - i - e vo!l.iiel. n ni illy mo,.
I ''a-"re. Uy then"lves ll-iiile to. -in I r!!t h- p-oi.
ccutcd -.raine to !w. W .?. N-m
IV S... 71,j, r. !,., .. ,
'Jrnv' h'" wiI' ".! -I to, .1,4 rtgt.lyea.
i c'"!' AprliiM-i. W.J.I.
Carped, of ev,-v qnslltv sn-i dwrlptlon, at
. n no ill n u , i;ii v, u rc,,
etreot, opposite the I'. O., Oil City, P.
MAN. at A. Ii Mil I.Kit ,t C. 9,51 . J
Another lnrsre stick of Wall I'apjCy
eeiicd at A. D M1L1.VR A t
If vn iii tho best Ping Tobacco fn 0
trv Y II. Nicholson Co. .
ff3S" All p.-Tsnru iH-1
enn ca'd at Jrvfi
have th ptr lra
A large ortmenf, all t'.tL, ,
Miller .1- tfn inn iit..i,T"
C'rnrHery For :i K-ln-l o tdd '
rtlorw o,
r.rtortHRAD jt c in, n. n cvv V-r'T"'' "
l.'("lllli;ll .t C )'S, Xn. II rW X
i'C tho Post Offl ?e. ri rrTi p; 1 V
: Yv"
The Fliirat lot of Nnvy, Vh
Sav, H'A-,.W.
in' l.- n-hbi? . ,f
A 1). Ma.tT.1'--
To'ici from HiMmorc an-
ket at
Thewryb's! poc-rrn Citlo-r itnjirs an 1 ').
sor ill warrar.ioi st W. II.'S S.
Ti .? tl-e ccie'.iMtr.l I'n -po Ink nt tho Post Oflk
Th - t!ni.-t Plug Tohaceo nt
W. II. XlCUOIeViv CO'?.
"r ;oo1m, a large n-cii rt I l.VMi'bS
n't (IillKAn k CO Xn. ll Centre Ht. erpoii.e
the P ist i).?Icii, nil fitv, Pa .
fir PAINT WAI.I,, W ill I'll WASH . i-IIO':
BKI'SIIKS, a la-ce stock ja-it rci.-if .-l a' H
MIM.KK it CO -S.
rWiXL iro, to jHihiii: c-ro I'm I'lutnrr
liiinr, on Ui'n.- ;v. Villi iui.. ?i iw ,!. i.-k
P ni , ..n. Hf.ACK llol SK. i.m I K' TilN'.i 1.
KyV, np.l one TinirHwi-at U'nke;.
Plutnpr. Vr . -f irR1,i:,'rj
T: U' fPi JT vro art
No. 32, Washington St.,
Petroleum Centre, ra
I ni,-i. H Bl.INBBF.BT, Solkitur
ninrtn I