SOKiS P.UM missing 1 r Petroleum Centre Daily Record. t'rt. Cciilri-, Sutiirlity. .Mny 8. A tin nci' ..u.Jin i mi mi I't if -r ttr.-tti uri.'J it (.'il City on Tucsd '' ii..iint;nM nti 11 ,-SV.e liHui trii nin I :,i '"K""""' . 1 tOclieIOV. ofneventv-live batret.s ol crude oil. al 'lie, p iI,,(,i,(,: refinery of Me. ..s. UUI .V Thumm. Then.-! . ':) publican says the hie appears to liave 1 I ( T;lsll.1Vi Hl.,.kill., rr ii-sisl,-,,:,,, I . ........ I . .-..,(' I I I . I at ' ! , 1 J fill i . . tho reimit or " . I,,,, ,,, h, Mieliteii. ." lnui.i s'orv: Mv "ntne i' -"aa Time V :ir ci.i-.imi: ( I'ATi;' I CM J'.I.V Until. a . IM , , ihibuhw ii 1 i iIM TIIKI" t ' " ' i" I'mti I" a . iir r-; r i.f I''.-Il-st Sim !;, tli-.l will , ' ! i l."n-. Ki .''! : v. annul. I to I.I. i at J. A. I'lnntfi,, , 1.1 v i- Im";I"''; Pool S!i.... W.irhllu.oi V fays n ;;.h.hi i "' ' '- "' Vri!.;i t-' ' a ' in lionhrstcr I Hinii; ;lrl from ii1- K.1.1 I.M.k A I Hi.- r, id."-..',, of IV'-ii. 1 i: .1 iv evenC:". l.7'l. 1'..''. it.- .1...ii u Vet- i'i .1 M'ts I lei.. IVIrnt: C. l'ln;, I .1. 1'. I -u.l ,'.,; rr."u l i4 follows .' iniiv: ST.itli IV I i'..l.'lrvlr.- '' ojI . " i t V.l. " Meauvil . ." ' .Sui'U. atiM E.i-t. ' t'. ...,.- , . l.Fl'Altl. Somli ui.d ffw1. S '; A. M- '--wl i,. . S3' I' M ,V-. 1 '.9 1 t ' . i: til,' uuUide of the as all 1 1 j ' 1 1 r : : t tit'' purpose of l!;ili jiiil; tin1 i'xpc.!i.-iin I iiiln. On i i i cpiii..:). tiM're vi:ii si..;..- ('.. for nil- in '.ini Milit .f oil il''. . In'il!.1 I v it 'f I'llllSl'.l f (.:!. Ml, 1 A M N.i'I'.i, 1 i he oil ovi'ii! r.v tin- .op c,t tins jupi una ! :,ilina lit i ron: of tin' fitrnnce too'.; tiro I wliic'.i coiniiKniicili'.l t.i tliee-.ul ot t!ui piju- ' ... .... i I,... II... tl!l Rlltt tUl'IUV 10 I US '" L". - Till' I'ClilK l.V WAS ,-UVC.I. Ti p ni'it-nut Uaiiocan no Iuiihit lio r ink- in. ''KMI,N' " liiv 'iif M rt loci. . IT.i.-nn'KlMAV CIITTr'lI. V::,-'u-v: it li oVl i A. M.. airl 7' o'cio'.-k I'. M. I!.:v. .1". T. Ontui:.-. I'a.'tuv. r v "ia i I foim'rlv liv.'.l in Ail't""1 v m i:i ilo' t'liifioi' i t l.'i tin n:it. Mv riiitsin. (i:'o-.:" !-' utont twenty live year? ol n:'c -i. .. ! .-.'(! i;i Allivcii. My motiicr unl sist. r ll.o.l. the I'ornior in Detroit, tlie in Kill.ittinz.vv As l!io family ill wliiell I liveil drciileil tn i -move Irom the city 1 U'termircil to visit mv mother in IH'tmit. y cousin. Ceor.v . .1 amutu the small thin;:". It is Mfl the , l,.!,tli.i. evpressed Ins v. li.n.;ne.-i in accotn- v..iTi.:i..u of neii-iiiilM ivcoived ureal t:n- piinv ui" to that city, mu i..r inv.i pn,p I. . l.i.n: :iMiii.t.s, ,ai A 1. MM. I. in; wi: ( i-i: SU'Ii-Sm hli.-:!!! parly Vr I t I f. - i;. it.;.. :oi ii'Mt- lTI- r !1. i ki;n. im a ."iril'.'-o l !'-- f llie IV ?i ny i i n;' .1 1 1.. injr ( l.cil .-1 1 . ! iu;oni!!:i) cm-', n-. 11 li e r .A ('. !'.-.'. Oil t'lly. l a. MM.r-. 1 ' I i , M. nmi ;ve p'.:loek invitat'on M. i:, CtMT.CH. Sen iei's every Saiibatli nt 11 A T.i.j I'. M. Si.libatli Sel.ool nttao M Se-itu I' i i'i". A eof.'.ial Al.'n.le.l to all. Ur.v. 0. M. llEAiia. I'usior. -T- rirTi"i: wo fr i. .-(('. ATnoi.iC) cmntcii. Ma?? at !')' i a. in. Vespers iui'1 li'-'iieiliction or the I!lese,l Saera'T'ent at -I p. til. C.iteeliism at 2 p. m. JAMK. 1"VS. Pvstor . . .i l.i:..v.. .O lietiH ilnr.ti.i ttie .ii ; uio w.iu.t arini.'- LeusiifiSig the camping lio'.ir oi" Dix ie, tv .'aliei: I'.ea-ir.ils of their own lir'-iin: ui'.J iiakinir. The p.'.i-aut crop Leeoine liire.l a horse an.l Uii;:?y. We slar!. d out in line style: he iva petitomunly r.iul ir" t for a v.-l.ile. I ilieaim't of no .lan;;. i. a the ejr.iuion IjIoikI llo'.viiji in our ei.:. ,1 XiV 1'. !' i'1'' m 1 fali. '1 for .A--'. 11 1 :v. fji't I i;;ii .in i "riy Mr. fivrr., V. i' ."'." lall.l 'I .o 1 li ?r"i'i 'v. . :' plr! v l.Y. o p. rn 11 at t'le'.! ' ii . in .iii'ittp lor flon Hi.' "I' 11: ). W 1 1 1.1 M ( i. liifl-.' tor Ihr ' it L'i'ih of V1MN... fm-'i M.aiili. r ..r A t'.'p.i1'" ail .MANY crl'!ZKVS. i:icii mankiaci: CU T. Tnr. IM. in'HT Cirr w l.i h t Y.' i, .r V,,i, , V s.'iit to his ItrUi'. U a notiinl ."ii-tiinii. i, .)h,(' Iiitirl. I'N-an mi tin".' nl.j.vl., i!li (I,,. ,"Z" ti, 4,.l b. i..'V.,..r Tin t.'l- ftlU'lo"'"., I'll"' ol rlio-.'i --:. II I A IMllV. II..; I'. I'I i At!.' '.I llllU'Al:;, ' t lltol1. ClIANflF ok TiMK. Oil f'l.ek ,V- All", ghny Hiver Ka.iHv.iy. .Mntnlay. April '.'C: NOliTICVAKl' TKAIN . Ixpres Vn. ,ri arrives at. Kxpres' No. 1 ai'tives at Tlxpn'ss No. It nirivi's nt Freieht No. 7 arrives at KfeVlit No. 13 arrives at Freight No. 15 arrives at SOfTllWAitl) TRAIN Express No. 4 arrives at Express No. 2 arrives nt "tpfpM No. 0 arrives nt 'ht No. fi arrives nt Io. 10 arrives at J4 arrives at . "l.tfarrives af !he most pmUtalile one i f Last irjjinia. I seer.iel to - r.u all-stitUu'T. ITote.ui'iti. - l'-itlvlin.iheis to the acre is a fair ciop ami I thin!; we lia;l traveliw l. riiap4 ai.o .l :iv Ihev lviti' two .loirars a;;.l tifly cms per j miles when he. I tlio-j'it Uiml'.y, , I.nshel Vil'titii.i has ceast-.l raising i'lesi- 1 to ali.c'.it Iroia the hit : an, I lake a l:I i- ileiils ami ilotte into the pea-tint traile. t.I'v.iiie together at r tavem. r.s !.e h! - .. 7T". s. int' eeillv. ait'l revs.-'!' ;!s . I will ir.. in i'i.. . o l. oi'tio. . voi.i .ioi.i..- ;'" : i.,..v ce.Ie.l. ou-l i'c:n site (iallney store, n. nr me i-i.-.-r. , meiicei! pnmi'ta in i.u- i.n" " o- i ia Q.i.l pmitioiies nt the same raV -' ' " , . ,,i knew not . ... Til. .. .. I i.. .... .. . v.. veals (.III. ' lu-uaj. - i ,!e.i r waj ii.'.'l:, -! nut an.lba.bwn ytn, .'I!'- UT out a ) ; r., V. as toipe.ioeu auutii i. n.o...... - on account of valve not lieingin workitij b.u re!. never pioiluc.'.l tmiil yesterJay. Mr. G.-is Wris'-it an.l olU": ov.-a f.! J w n'.iMg inn lest. I r, ir i.i i; i. m .in i rri '-t im tti-e V I' rim's i'V. 'rn-'. ' t ... Ii." I ...i.' f i-...iiii i-i'1. ii f -i- wl...!.. .til.- an.l ..I ,,, Mt A I) SMI.I.ito A.,., A'l :t."onnls tii.t '-itle.l;( Iv,-.. i . Mil .-in olM.'t r Tot f.ii;.rti..n. " A I" II f. IIKYNtll,.,.,.,, 'a-;ai!Y mitiix. h,..,!.'mii r,.,;.,i,, ,,. us' ie vii-.-.l. at A ! Ml l.l.T-M; A-ni x .V.- . a fa.. lot of iui'vi'i.-.! . , ( ., 1 tlr. elltel.-O the btistj iinu' tin .:i'tae -. We re l:or 1AV i l l il.' i.r f.K i :'r i-'r- I'll i 1 I1' i -;! u a- 7.2n a. ui. a. m. " p. in. 12.'l."p. ni. l-'.ni p. in. a. m. !) l."i a. tn. .'I 10 p. in. 7.25 p. pi. fl.31 p. in. 8.2'i a. m. 2.00 p. m. 12.45 p. m. Woman. iiiteiidetl all women to ue lie.iutiliil, as luuoti an lie tlid lb-' i'"Hl'S an.l the timrnin stories; ami what l:e inten.le.l thev sliuul.l lieeouie. they would, if they near C'lyile. in ali.rineJ. an.l asl.e l loiim witli me. li repJie.: I tal. inu' me to N'orl iV.'i-K' ot. w ..its lived. At WVott !" et. a h. use where I i:n fan' or live o' in'i ' L'irls. My eoiuiii X'tl tr.1.1 lae Ilia; I ;!: sleep Willi liini: tin I must re.-t ail ;i:.;'.i in ! ;,!;!. l "Ml .'!l'I . 1 Oi- II -I AI.Y ,....11,',. 11..' nrilr.e .,r V. II , 1 'I'o mis!,.... n a r:ei li lo tli.- nT.- "f Hi'-' Il.l'.s AM" Wt I'I' III. Ie s. ' T''I"M 'tin ranie. ' . . s II,", t ; A". i - ir- 1 -'M I'i i I in. 1 1' his arms: I said iiion' 1 never 1 He i ! : -wlcb.' (England) wife "' "- Untied lip big ,,nld otiev Ms laws, and out Indolence an-l nt do it !.-r the w.... corset slritii-s. nnd indulge in fr edom ai.u could not help It. i ! fresh air. For a .ui:'. to expect to 1 Und-, it . ven l.y . -some with the action of lie: limr- dependent l,.m;,:ed to llirov. ; on the expin-ive iialme of a cent's worth el nsaled iiii.i si "if: I lane is as absurd as to look for tulips in a hurt nd l eric i f hel; snow bank, or a full grown oak in a flown- i advijetl I" rvr i Ila'.ly oi" 1 -." oiher llilis ill I'l I:." all ni''it in ti e t..t ' male no ol'ier ai'ip. 1 w, a i:. : I 1 pet. 1 .atabns, O., fell from his -.lag a piano, smjshed II; turned a band-sprin; and unhurt, though shaky. .OCtrSllH R.H'K FOU'A AVtl K. A mifl- .evnui girl livinc in Myrtle street, Liver pool, , beinK bothered by a number of lovers, has incited them to a public vcloci pedo raie tho winner to win Iter. "A bi.k of fifteen thousand bi.r;els of oil 'delivered at Boyd Fitim was made yester day, at Sj.2.') per ban-el. The File v.ii.s in two lots, one ten thousand barrels uud the other liro thnusnnd. The Pennsylvania .State Fair will bu held nt irnrrislmrg this year ronimenein on the lust Tnedv . r.Sep!(.M.l.r. All entiles l.y exhihi'ors will be five, except for hois, sen' tered i ir speed. We uoiii.l aiivi-e iuum tnirsiy indii .iluals who eo wanderin.; alon.,' the streets lnokin lor some cool nnd refreshing drink, to drop in and parlal;.. of a glap, f that ice cold H..du water, to bo found only at Miller'j dni store. In tho billiard tournament, S itun'ny af ternoon. Doery beat D iui'l1. s.-rue I, ery 1,200, Daniels 84'J; .'Winners aw, i;. . ., ,l01,. j i:'i -!i.r ..i ie- 910. .VI: Dan- ' w. ' ' for ten diy--. but ev only exj.resi. ,i Snyder, score . -r-i;0lt : winner's av- j i.ui...i tnni nil 7'.'. ".). r:i. ' I , Ull,'.'" , , - - i .. .. .... I". I, !!,... . lll'l'ie.v H tij, lis, id; enyurr "'"-'. , I , runs, (IS, 1112, l'i8, f.l. S'X I.iuio'.ph ami j Decry have each three ? noes to their credit, and the final result s'on.s t.i lie -..eiive.'ii them. . ; ih '1 u; :;;il- .ii,-.. i!,.,t .tnsi:"i -: ' . '.'. o-ai- i .u: ".:l''!'!'l; A.VH i:ki"H.'o: I. I I ' i; I : Von will i !,M?e 1111 .1 MI MiA"' v.i'' I. -a no e'l!".' ,,. ir ,i... , i;,".i--, 1-." .i ii. . ..'.! Ml.' li."... s .. ' li"- 1 1, pl.l.l'.': II :l'.I i' ..'.il.l i'i ri"ii:;ii' I .'t; i, . I'I'V. ". i 1 Ofll.'.ll- "I." 11 J 1 .':'io ;., "1 a I" ''.' a-"' i i II ,'.,'.i ' ! I :i'el i' ". "II 1 II. : .'. r - "I I:.-- .' i'-r f r on.' ttn I !i.r',i.. .' ' 'i"'." l'.i-'-""s MN'lX.fl -UNTY. IVl'lSION'IM!. I. .. .... .ir..i..p,.o t!,o t'-ni r.f IT. !'i"!''oe,'i. l owtwlii... ns n rmifli ' .,o. s'tl.j 'ft to tin- iisiv i. iniioiv Manv ItKri'Bi.ieANfl. Al I'i :.ii ii N,i i 'i""'le 'he M..f.:i:-', I-i'.' ntl'l li -I i'la-.- - I,. ('j'oeei'icv, wh'. 'i i, r.. P. 1 1-1 I'or.r.'i Hie ocerv si :! ! rts AT:ir::t. I 'iINii, UN v..x.7- lo s . 1 ... ,., I,,.,,, f lour. I'll ,! .,ml Is a l..'-v ll.' ii... A. I r,,.,i: vi : ir ri iit to on. ::::; --.. A'.!. : ."-.:, ,. e,:i,.., r.. j ii'..: ,.' ;!-ii'K' Sil. u,r it, U.rfn .',: t p ,,,,, ,ho v, ,., I'.es..!psl ni to ti e i, , h i-h ciittr vnn,l. ,; ,.r n-.rl.tU.- :v im l , M:; , t i:eilier I'.v ili'i'M iHlte l, ,lt. .,',.it ,.f my msimlttltr. fts I urn the (..!, . i. 'is in I!ii4 ni'iiir I j us ah.. v.- thrt : a 1 t i'i;". i:e.- .: i '.a .iv... ! r!;!.' '' t' l-Y l ' i ' V .'! No man sJiould.lie I. yarded aenillif 1 to I've uiili'M he 1111s uhle . keen himself from fUrviu hv hisoivi eJIorls," si's a cot.-m. porarv. :f this were law wffut a forfeiture of titles there would be! Mr. .lo-wph M. I)e.vuy7TiiISl,a of the dm- store of H. li. I.'i,hi.r.rot,'.,!,i Centre has received a fine ussorlumnt o;' hou,e plants ot almost every variety. :;M iB (R. time io rop.ko choice nideeiiiois. TititlT tor me. f fi cuu-Im.! "d 10 try an I get home, an ! ; i;"'. Ir .1:1 Wolei.t t Id Clyde and arrived in'.'r ibis :! (."'iio.m. My i:nn;i in I Inc.- .1.1 money a .'ot I iioai". ( ln:'t rnii 'ii kindly e.dlect-d n.'V for 'it fr v i:':.,::'i vei'.t'.rs and oli- i. ,ip 'd s lAi..'".' p iv iier f ir.' I j Deii.dt i a, 1 hvi !: I! r.s H. !?. She slart. d ...T in I the n't rnuon ra IiHt't'-l otiron. A CABTJ. TAKE NdTICK-Wl' I.,EB HE"t !'" . I '.. r -; . n e s ! r 1 n i? etoi MfilTV-- i.v a 11- i.i .s housp. w-nld do wwll b.v'aitiittH ih., l'" llnii..ainl seo lar-C IItof fftniples.nnd l.-ive ih. ir in..'1-iii'.'s wllh I Trnyer. n.icnt for 0. S;n' ,o. V., S. I. 'l.'s:m;l street, lUllllT tilt! t'on'l- ii' i.t ii, II r ol"l' hi i. It. ''vr 1 ' "'" I' i'"' ' '."' i-onnoclln: ; all .:!':. r.nil salisiantially Mi ,'.., . nm's r.,i my ridilH. ami U - i e. nai . ile.l. ii. it of my nun "1, s li il.le t... an. I will lu pros- a .1 .. r.;;i:-,,, . ,.. ,j isis. I', s. --',': i. i!,,;-ri. hii rt'.il, mi: as. a ram s-.ire cro.v. lui' will he attend.".! to, ,m,l Jjcidlyea- i'l'.'ei'.!.n. Carpels ef nviTy quality nnil desci REYNDMlr. IMODHK Y!) & :J'S, No Street, opposite the l". O., Oil City, P. ItlllDS JVA. SPAHHOWS, CAN MAN, at A. I). Ml IX Kit CO. , WALKING CANES at A ' I V Mr. John W.ison, ot i'iilield. perl'ot me I : . .. . a foat in the rafting '''"' tliU sptiii;: that i ,- you want I., joy ...!.! I.eailii il is nr., never been equalled on the AU.'tjIieny liver, j neeess'try to takei nr finiily V,"e.-I. ju.-t Ko lie piloted two heavy rails (loin Uroken-j 0 .'Jnfl'iiey'.! and . io..!1..' of Sunday C'uin straw to rittsbur.''u in the spACf of one , ir.ayfvlw. week, retiirnitig home on the ev.-iin. cf t.; , last day of the week. The distance betwee:: KWaKS'U rtW.i. j the two points is nearly two lmudred miles. I Governor IJu!lk. if ("eorgia. is now in i i Rochester, tho pesi of Hon. I'le unan I VSMCEK ECH10L. ,.'i . I'l.-.l ''eli v. Ml lieo'iencdMay lth.rtvrr ,"ii o, i'1'iii.-.l In- .1. 11 AMdn. r.s a l'.illlard o..;i i'et'iiri'li. 's Drill.' M.ire. ,'n;tnr Kiwtiv. 'I'll "-., v. ;;: l.'l'vi v.". . i;,. .!"" .id' on 's.iliir .l iv to'.-ii'ii '. "-.Viv sih. . t':e Vrl.i.-i.,,. I.. Iliiilc. :l.i'l s I! ti l l 111" I V 'I., i;,.-.l will li. put up al -cs.l. lu eJ.aiu'. . ii; '! a .'iriti''.'. may.". II. .1. KtVN'PY. The best 'elocip s ever lu-.,u-1,i i,, this seclion , are now ia J.-i-ry ICtnrn-v's i-chool iu Aik'n's Hall. Two of ';!:,., b- r .filed f t.vatii!it--IO cbncr.-3 111 ;S,1 First Ciiusins must beware of atlowinj cousin luvu'' lo develop into something sticner. The ?talo I.eislalure Ins pass ed a law prohibiting ibo marrmtjo of i'.is' cmsins. Oi sanitary groumls thii is a wise provision. Few of o ir readers but a-e aware of some 'lauutn table if suits Irom in termarriaso within the decree of rel vtion s!iip now prohibited. Pr. Ilichanl P. Jones, h circus nznt for twenly years past, c-trumittel pirei In in Buffalo by tuning laiulmiinii. tin Thni'a''ay He had been informed by telegraph thit his wife ha 1 deserted him. He was ai Ihe lime advertising a;jut fn- F.viiiVd 1 Circus. l'ulato BpecnlatoiJ in some sections of the country have been badly bitten, nr.d are un loading their stocks at a sad i iiril'.ce. A Michigan paper says that farn.i'rs in por tions of that .Stale are obliged to sell pott.toc:' at fifteen cents per bushel, for which they refused Sl.SH last fall, tSat they have u. very lare stock on hand. The Knight Templar celebrate I A is,.,,. sion d ty T'.i n s 1 iv evening at Free Mesor.t" j Hall, St. Louis. Ilev. I:'. l'e'l'kenv con- I ducted the services, and Ilev. Sir Kuiu'ht i John Vaneil, Deputy Grand Comni'iiider I'n..Til.irK'.i Cf ltt-i:ai 1'itiZK., Diiawn at ! 11,1,1 'ii'a'i'l Master ol the fii'aiid t.od'iii ITI'Svili.e. The Tiliisvlilt! . .-nhl r ,l.r I of Missouri, delivered an address. There a chance. morning co ituins au Hc-ni spiking in the highest teiiiisol tho outerliiiiimeiit given I." Dr. Thayers' acrobat;. , jtyinn isiic, and 3oenic lionpe, and b.-low we give n lit f , ihss,. hi drew valiiai.;.) pi (.'. Feikiis ;;..d ualch nnd ehain; jm. V.'o;,,l, ;,ilvei liiichet and wailer; K. II. Chase, silver I 1 1 -IrrdisLjo !:!; S.veeny, hiiver watch ; M. Slrance. silv.-r jii.i.1.1 j Ket.j. liogan. filler edit, l.u-kei; Mi;. "'.Velib.-r. gold wtieb chain: . . .-.ii i in, m vi r ia '.io siin . i' j i ; . j , .it 1 1: a . ii . , : dinner cislr; .Mr. r.aras.i .ll, puir I. i.:, r i knives; Mis. freed, s. i ,. J.-.i !;-i ; ,;. i i '"I'k'ti nil:?. .'.any otUe; ..iiiribulfd. was a very large ntteuduncu of Masul.s ou tho occasion. A l.oi.n attempt at robbery recurred r.i ! ! the corner nf llr iiln iv an.l I'e.rl sireet. i New Vor':, Monday. Tw o men jumped ir.lo I on. i of Ike moii-.y wagons t.f the Ai.ierb'an ' : Mii'.ifei..", f'o!i:i; -iiy. and km., ked dewnli'." iiicsseiiger in ch ug j drive ol'.' i v Ijiim!; a: !.'::. Carl;-. The "Wo:l t' wii'i Hale J isfn r i a Ids bad: .'.'ill peivm in l: .lu s : ne:;t Wee;;. Mr. M. 11. r'il.l.lill :S v. -s .ileeled 1'kS idenfof the Atlid'.iii ;u; I Meet. aire's'.ion at lioc'i'teron T.e diy. The MaL''.moviaient in Uochesler :j alnck in tiio mr.d'i' wmt of fun ! A Une'ie-iter ejngs imnk loaned iipwaid. of tri'O.OOD on mo;. a a low .i.i y s si."."o. T'.i. i F.vce'.sio;',.. II. Co! iJoelie:'' bavij concluded ;,rrii: ;'.o for t!;i e -inli.'! si a i in. Tje Syracuse '.;:,' r cal's lk" i ): ph. n Glee Club, of r;hi si'T. t, ( lr;i!ia I J' Club. " It is reprle hat lla: I liioi;-.-. late ot l!i Nationals of Viin ;lon. v.'ill pl.iy wi::' tho Excelsiors oloahesler this year. Thn Eleili'i. The case rd' Ji'.i Crux Ion, for lli mur der of fl.'ti Milbwas called up in the i'.'.r- ci'iit Court :,l .isviiloyeslerdiy. aj.l ;.osi poned u'llil the ll ol' June. llol'n parlies aprepariug for an nc'ivc campaisn in Vmia. James II. I'lalt. jr., of Iho Wi lis iar was unanimous'y iionii iinted liy this Ciention in ;:s';oli at IV teis'.iirg lor Coirss from the S-Vcond lds Irict. C'.iarlrs '. Hulls has b. oil ajree 1 upon for Coiigruian at largo on tlia Walk er ticket. Will- and Wells will i.'iinip .i i U. tin v it is fie ! A', li. NIT inl.s IN .',- i n. If you lli the Wt Plag i, try W. u. Jlellson, Co. ; trTAII persons wl-hlng to bo VAU,. run nll nt A. I). Miller ir Co.'s Dnie 8to have Hi? pnru fresh nrtiele Insert.. No char1 WINDOW GLASS! A large assortment, all sizes, at A. 1 Miller .t Co.'s. ' I'mrKT- Ft all kinds o to PHy.VCl.PS, Illi'ililIKAl) A C r.s. No. 11 Cuiilre iHrcot, oppo i;e th 1'o-t Clli "o. (HI I'liv. Pa. 'b lip I'liic-il lot of Navy, rimraiij SmnMns T Mi" , fi-uiii P-iltiiaore an I 'litiar-i in l'l.i mar I.. in a i.,:.o': . c- ' iv-!-.! lie "!' I'.e ', : - 'i I 1 fr rq '('fort1 I'm mil im pr.n t ",. r.v cm iiti c. v a I'll'.' I N-;. I' . ' ' i I'.l'I'.lr; I' K:' Cut!. 1 - it W v '; ! ,r- :ei 1 -r's II. NICllo'.soX S. i I'l'.ri-;.. In'; nl tier I'. r Olli.". 'I'l.. TC-NiGHT ..One ,i al ' U. SK'llel.s '. : r !. & Hi. I.M.t 1 ( '-,1.1'. ,! n I" '! C ,'41. It i; 1 l!l'.lM;i . ('.. No ! . .IV '.: ' I ". :l 1.1 ' ..'. 1 1 I". V A I.i,. U 111 1 11 V.'.V-l I .' IMM'-ili'"... ii 111 ".." -lo. ..; .iii-l w"', ii"l "I A VI I.I.Klt .V ( ..." A. !). MH.IJ'Ji A- CO. Ff-KP S' lU'TT. i'W S-.lf!'";- S'lior,, Itp.'fie'l C 1 11 I, ';. lor re -I .' wii'i C I . --ii;. i-: ', " . li". 1 in', 'in !,1-i'- r, -t '-!',.; 1 .. i n i.f a l;..i'l vi: : No. :;. W . --i "i' ir , .s i,'. ii,i iV"..;-i! :e.'-!ri ri'. roil ilia.,' v h a d.-i'" tiie Piute in a fiu i '.a. J'- 'Ol Si! ".V an I v i ; l-o ..". I.' will n ni" t.K1 lltov ii. 1- I.(l( K :::,v AUVj.uTi-KM kni--- C O -A. Ij IIIAY op...,e'a ('.ml Tai.l at '',,:'vi ll.e.1 P'Tii, Hudy, wl "tL n I! l..'.eli-t' t-J"' a:l ku.ds i f -' TKAM AXI) SIOVK COM T T.'.oas ; lo my yard lor ' oal, II law I X I . Kri' TOrST (IF voi hi 1 'in:. Oi.r, t-i.,,1 ..ili'iiey's. ;'t., ' i :i I. M , .Cejt0 lVi.T" I WilO.A 111 I'l. 1 til.: i, but before Ihey could 1 .pen trie safe Ihey were! a'. 1 I.e.' imr.'t. .!'"j'.'v alVi;r, k Ciini.r Doll.iii to :'iia on exiiih "in- it a Irb-l 's V ,r I'l 1 a lot ..f lll'll';'i '' '. "O ' iiiur-," iiiana .'ii ll.-M.i. A :: il.l !". .....i li . . .. '. i I CoM S-'a'te i"asn;p' Uiv JJo t''c tJi'HJ-e. opssatobs V.'e.lla o well I.i e:..i'.;.'l. fl 1 1.0 Olli '.'. Il'l'l "' ' ii to Hi. !:- nd , atiiri -t lo il ni r-.tlele im ('.litre, "" ccK :V..l iil .:irl,c; 'H.V N1'J H'i:' ih ii I I' ..i'l '., 1. ...1 l -p V'".-THV, is l.,'i-l.v :. . ! v teiVUtii I- -w ! .' 1!. Wi'lmm- and ' C It 1. .Ill" l' I' I'l l. i. 'fl- ,V l'. . ef 1 i ". w tlr -o'vi u this L'Jili linv nl A; a i l v iiii.liiMl ton-, r.t. All il.l'ts ov ii : ; .hi:. -h,.,i.:..t.. e ... .'iv.-.l h.v t- 'T. !ii"i. ,1- ..ami '. '' l:. . ca "' . ' , I .a tl i.lltiv.ihlii a. 10 b ''re' "' I' .' vxi i niil "'''V.WV i ; i ' ,t w 1 1 1 1 a I MSVllo- ' ' :,! ' ,1. A, I' I il I-' "' I lHIWif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers