The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 03, 1869, Image 3
J ......... -1 ., . I i CLOTHING AND GENTS' Clothing Store. ; Will Sell for f he Next Thirty Days, to make Room for Spring and Summer Stock, ALL WOOL SI ITS, t!2. ALL U OOL COATS, 3,00 I08S, 00 ALL, WOOL PANTS, 3 00 la 4,Ot ALL WOOL VESTS 75o I to 1,00 SPRING CLOTH! IMG ! MATS ! CAIP ! Gents' Furnishing Goods. At Reduced Price. WE MEAN" BUSINESS. Petroleum Cmtre. Vnrch 1. 18-9 tf. i'ULi.. AMI DRUGS MVIEDICINES ! J. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER Itf DRUGS, MEDICINES. OILS, PaintsVarnishes, Glass, Patty Soaps, )yc Stllfis Fancy and Toil 3 1 All K1DS OF PATENT MED1D3PJSS. PURE WINES LIQUOR ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPO.-!,-. '-.; Bi Prewniptions- carefully compountlcil at all honr. ; ioi IX Wasliinifmi-st.. lctrlinm cntr:. "" y call hiljre purclming elaewhtre. My 19 If J. n. ! ICi;is'l i: . e3 lOSerrlREAD! BEAD ! i M, In addition to the large clock ol oil well APPLIES! ; HARDWARE, STOVES T NWARE &C.( Hut lie koops At Itis Old Stvui I hi tills IMiue, JUST O 3? E IsTE ID A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE. At the Southwet Cor ner of Wood Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, Th use of New and I atest Im proved Machinery anl Im plements iu the ItCIIAMCAL I)FPARTXET - THE PURCHASE OF THE BLST MATBRIAL, SELLING AT FAIR- PAIGES AND LIBERAL B)i:L! E IE? ILLY, To uerit ami rtjeeive H'mmmI en caui'uem.'nt trom opiimtoi-s n .iuuam. I James A. ...,.uiirF. i FURNISHING GOODS. one pmcs JIi'.PICIMin. Fx AC1 Gallic, wl I SOBEL j HAS REMOVED ! His L'lr.'e tc l DRY GOODS Into the t',ir.JTjy Omipiui by S. Aiui haiiis," NEXT D30RtatIic 0PE3AH3USE H added to bis Stock a large sclo linn ot FSl-IIOlSrA.ELE DMSS S 0 D'D-3 Wlilch in- ttef tie I-iJi- of IVtrol'-um fVntre and vicuilt t v ami oKnihio. l!ua Mro lSatS B2Li-:!y-?aady Clothing See-, .t?., all of wbio'i he has mi.ked liowu to tho Lowest Cash Prices. I desire to thank my numer ous customers f'r their liberal patronage at my tld stand, and In po by keeping a large selec tion of Goods, at liOv Prices, to conti,me to supply their wants as heretofore. ' 7 ' tv Mil TELEGRAPH UEl'OKTKO FOH TBS DAILY TtKCOItl), A tirmof Dispatches. Pittsburgh. Mar 3. Sa'ut-liy a'lont noon n particularly hvI ami shocking affair occurred at UMaU Station on the Pan Handle Uiil'-oal, about tw-lve miles from the city reaultiiijf In the ilettb. ahont ii n hour nfler, of a lii'.li hoy aned nine yenni. ion of Snnuel L"ict ley. en:or. nod tho wmmilinu oi an ntl-e- sun n year or two older. Thy were Rfjnminp thi-inafivej 1-y flrins off cap on i pistol, wl.en one of the hovfl folio 1 thr-e alioia wliieli lio place in h.a pUtnl, and fln-d in the direction of the others. the ahot lakinz i IIhci in the brain of ene. producing death in an hour, and seriously wounding the other in tha arm. Mu. Cimri.ks A. Dava, of the Men Vorii .Son. w'uo was arrested by Iteputv Sh"--:;r Tho. A. Uanckcr. of - York City, in i i l;i)le suit, ays ! t'nt o Vcial r r tX t'P'1' in .n, aid v c-rJisiy re.,-ti-1 e 1 Mr. lii'-ci.rr to all perrons who wis to Ije nrreM-.-J ' X t:W AIA'EHTI.-EM "NTS. a fl;wj. well: OiTOS.TE THK McCLIN TOCK HOUSE! Hev-'Y v, :n: i.i;t; hk'; "hva nra uo put imV : th man. Inn ite-y 1" malm s eroat l::''-:-iio' in ni;! ;'p,'iai:ia'-!!. If wuulJ niiar H-li, ;o TO THE rJPFALO GSB-?3I3S GLGTEIN9 AXD S AY E 35 PEP. CEN'T '. QUL12. ALL OUri liOODS AllEJ MARKED IX T.A1X VfnT"r:K? ' ON EA-GB AKTICL - xi. XO DEVIATION. ALL DEALT WITH ALI1CL", ALL GOODS YARRANT'D AS RIPSESEKTED- Til E WOKKIX OMAN'S FRIEND, J. IS3AL Pet oum Tcntrc. ApHl 19, W. J. A. PLANTS, French Boot Maker Wasliiiigton Street, tiirer doo;;s wi:t op a. d. vn.. leu co.'s d::cg stork. ri'.ts ! cr.""' W.I tii, IVU nt Iiittlifc Hoots, P;nti; Sole ot, I'rcncH Cork Sole Hoots, ..i:olc Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGTIT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. CaH and see samples. J. 4. PLAXTE, Petroleum Centre, Pa , July 2 Sin. COEFIELD & PERRY'S Boiler Sh o p ! (In rr of l,-i!i'r A NonU's ;. ihlne ship) PEruoi.rtJ t rF..rHt pi,.na. Boilen and SUl!' Iti-p.iirod on sliert notir, FLL'E-SETTING AND REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WOSK WARRANTED, TMR L ItlARKlCTS. OrprrK ) Tbk Pkt'm Centric Dak.t R-o.mio. PETRUI.EI'M CKNTI-.B. tit '. S T1!.) market ii dull and lower. Thero J lut little disposition to bny on the part ol hiopi-ip On ea of 500 barrclt at 5.3j. Shipment of oil fi'im this point. May 1-t via O. C. A A R. RailroaJ wer i.938 bbis. PETHflLLI; tlAllKr.TS.-HV th.l F.UWAPM. Special Dlpatche t the Dlljr Rctir4 Pittsburgh, Slay 3. rt H'.'f ''Id. 1"ir w .te'i Ulrt? I hiJ. S V. first 6 inoiiilis 14!. K (). fir?t six month 15,. B. O. all the yeur nom. S. O all the year 14 Market Quiet and dull. Philadelphia, May 3. Spfct 31!.. Anril . y.iy Wi. .Iurl-, 33Jj'i -I'llV .'-; i .1 to J itie April to Aui'Hi jr;l to Septenher. !rty to Dec. . '!v to June . July to )). Crude Blils., Market Quiet, Nsw York, Miy 3. Receipts ReflDed, Crude, lib's. Xaptha, blila. Crude, 17' Refined, unsettled and liixrd to quote; 31 1-2 bet off-r; b-hl at 3'.'32 1-2. Market A little unsettlad aod quiet. LivKnroou May 3, 2 p. m. Refined 21 1-2(1. Siirits. 9J. London. May 3. 1 p. m. Refined, 21'd. spirits. 9d. Antwerp, May 32 p. Crude 51 '4'. London-, 5 p. ai., May 3. Tefm-d 21 1-2J, Sp-Sd. Antwerp, 5 p. m. May 3. Cn.-le 51' , ".Vcstr-rn I moil Line .llnrket Iteport. i'iiiladelpbia. May 1. Cnvl.' :s Refitied-r. L. S. to V7., 31; S. W. Murket Quiet. N ork. Mnv 3. ''ru le, libi-s, . CmlK bulk '8 L.-liued P. L Maiket Quiet. Pittsburgh, May 3. Sp-.t Ii'; Market I'u'l. CiuK..;;; '.-v V'rk ?H.trJieI. v;.-w Yuik, 2:10, p. in.. .Marf 3. Rjfiiu i!. --. C,'ii-I 1-. li"C"ijlt - Mi-ilt. t Dul!. Xkx Yhkk, Mir ,3 iEvA Cily Tefiitory. 1I0TIC3T0 OIL OPEEAT0E3. Tlte mi'jorii:d. nsont for the Mrtmplita ' il CompHiiT, now iilpru 'o lei?.(i t'.e t TT-torv nr a:d t'uuipnnj, i'i A dfttr.i "r. a eich f r o" foiirlli r .;nlTy Thu la'm Is aHuat on Cborry Tree Run, ard Um on tU.i JUGULAR VEIN Wiiii h conifL-rta the Wood nml I'itTfOit Fairr.s nit li CH&KLKY S.U i TERRITORY. u. v. i:x.Ni;y, AllL'mgoozeltim City, Cherrytreo Rux Or addre, "110X 117," Petroleum Centre, Tenn. April lfi Itn. LIVHRY FEED STABLES, Washington Streft, 0(c0it( tin' :( r:i IEocihc, PI.TROf Kl'M CENTRE, PEXN'A. I hi've piit in n cooil ptni'k of Ridinu and Driving UnrM H, wbieh 1 will lot on reasnnable termr. AU, C'iittT, Wsikoiis, Spring Wa'u:i, Air. IieiKSES lunrde'l a:i4 fcl and l:ojt of rir gnr nt". i A. D. MILLER A GO'S COLJMN A. D, MILLER' & Villi Vho'ea:.e aod Ititatl Dnaieir In DROSS,; MEDICINES; &0, Wasliingtoti Str-jit, PETRULCin rCXTRR, PA. Their Stock conMMa of everything In the lino of Drugs & Medicines ! :ptt:flie liquors,' FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wholesale and Retail Agents tor YOSKMITK STOMACH BITTERS, JOHN ROOTS BITTERS, COXSTITUTloy BITTER?, alihma for the hair, seward t bentleys col'gh syruf magic Macedonian oil. duponco's gulden pills, walker & razes cigars, jaynk3' medicines, anderson's dermador. spencer's mixtcre. . . spencer's ointment, ac. Avcr'. Bfandcth's, Cephmlc UtTT'Ck'i. MaradonX Mcl Jin'n, Muftat's, Miiti'n, Kadwuv' R. n. Seller-i.-- Wilson's, WtflhariB'p. Wrlglit, Janie'n. Roback'. Jutl-or 't. rH'iiencli' Cl?rk;a l?fijatr"'h8emah Taponoo's, do, Vclpau do, &c, Ac Perfumery, Toilet Ar-r tides, Soaps, Brushes, &c. . COt'GIIS, COLDS, &. : 4 r'.'.s Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ' , , . i ? "Jayne'a Expectorant, ' Jlarfdeu's liuhu. ' ' ' j ' Schenck'a Syrnp, LrniverBal Syrup, ' ' -ExceWor Syrup, .. .. " , '. Vr( Ranaom'gHiTe Syrug fj1" '''l Seller'aTyrnpr'V Coe't S'ynip, T - ('' UaU'a Balaam, -Denton's Balsam, Itryno's Wufers, ', V Olire Tar, Hrown'a Trocbef, Wiehart'a Pine Tren Tar, Sewanl'n Couuli Cure, '. -t "fl Bntenmn's Syrup, 'g ' eongh Uaody, 4e Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Rent T'vor Drought to the J OiMtegioii. IIAIK "tLiSTOIIATIVES'. ALI-VA, MR? T. A. ALLEN'S, If I NO'S. CHEVALII- R'S. HALT'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON H l RE TT'S. ROSSKTti T-s, LYON'S. S'l El!l L.'G S, BARtlY'-3. iic. t':c. BITTKRS. mnr', rovTT rrp'N, h -back's fV(VKK-9, NMOUtA SfK. l,r' I. N'S MtMII.E 'S H iS'-Ki'i'fifs. ifK"' IIUOKI.AXD Cl '-Itvi . 'T'iVuO.i'f P.'(OT"Xl"K IHil V7"AI-,1L. i-APEl-13, C'artaln anil Ritic ftal s. I.HT, VAUl!IIF(, GLASS,' I'lTiY, GLl'E, Turpentine, Spouses, Iyf stuKs, ' Dryers, Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, 4c. Scotch Ale, lieilnett AltV Congress Water PRESCRIPTIONS COM POCNDEU AT ALL HOIJUS OF THE MIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES' U SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSSES Come alone, come nee. reme all, it don't coat an7 UiliiB In look at goudi, and we will try to treat vo: ill well. A T III.!.Efl r" l'e'rfiisa Ce" ! -' :V i. i BtC.o.- m ! Ea:o'' tr .ii Jt 13 1 i''f A SMAI.V.V