SOMft 'HIM MJ33LNC, DISCOLORATION OK OitfCJlNAL RECORD.5 DAILY - A 1 4 I il VOL II. NO. 132 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JiECORI) PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. n. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TIIKM.H. Per year pay&hle In advance. 18 00 If t er momu, fUlCE-MST Or ADVFHTlMJfU. (Ten linos of nonpareil mnka on square.) No. Iliseiti'll a W. a sg S, ml. Onedsy, Two davs. Three oaya. 1'our davs. Five days, One week. Two week. "T hree weeks, One nvMith. Two month. Three months, Hlx months, , Nine months, Oiie year, 7.: 1 or 1 5" 1 ., 8 ti.T 2 . 4 to (1 mi, 1 Soj f 4 61' ft Ml 6 M 7 on R oo 8 50 14 IK' 18 I" ai on 1 5n S I HI: Ml; 8 till 8 SI 4 611 7 50 8 oo 60 3 10 TO 6 IK) 0 (H 8 00 10 oo 7 mi io oo; il oo 10 n 14 ot 21 IK 7 III on in 12 .to! JS (10 so oo 15 01V H 00 40 00 S7 oo so no o oo 86 01) 4T 00 W (HI 4 (HI 00 0(1 100 IK) Special notices 20 cents per Una, each insertion. Advertisement, payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. (f. ELLIOTT, "?OBNEY-AT-LA W, TO NOTARY PUBLIC, "V KtTMOLKOM CENTRE, PA rttt Fnfiiklin 4 romptly at-'-fVs Brisk Bank Bnlld- t. oetW-tf. tsd Patralmm Can ; Mayl-t(. J5BNT SURGEON DENTIST. JBerrt's new Bolldlnc corner of Waah- m ana eecona ava r"- - - mayl9 tf. s X. O. CHKISTIEt IW a.t HTStClAN AND SORC.K'IN; OPc opposite toaMcKinney Housa. P.easantvllle, Pa. - Persons from a distance will generally find him ' at hlaOfflceon Saturday from 10 a. m, to8 p.m. aepl4-tf Col. J. B. Buonn J. J. McCASLIN, D alers in OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, Ac, . PLEA9AXTVILLE, PA. . Jntf. a. . wruo 1 VA yn,oa WILKON VAN VEE.MIH, GAUGER3 AND INSPECTORS OK CRUDE PETROLEUM, 0PICES,-Mercantlle Building, Oil City Pa., and with Owilon Hun-era; Petroleum Centre. I a. July tlSth, 1MB tf. G0. II. UIS"Ulil4 Aj CO., B A. IT T5L EES, PETUOI.Et'ni CJEN I'ltE. PA " fleorae H. Blieell, James A. Williamson James Bishop, M iartin. We offer our servfea for the transaction of a OKSRKAI. BANKINO, KXCllANUK nnu CUl.- Am huslnssentrtutedto our care will recclw protni t nttetitlon I"1' ' H. C. Jarvis, Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING CLASSICS In crea' variety. Lookltio lllas- pia'ea replaced in old Frames. Picture Frames made toorler taiptts, 4M1 Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, a. l-'ISK STOCK. IWDERTAKIXG, COFFINS 01 !l sizes on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH. ZUZS AND BOORS, 11 sii-e. Putty, Varnish, Stain, c. No. I0 WASI11MOTON-ST. Petroleum Cenirs, Pa ."uv M, lo8-f PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 1, 1669. HOTELS. ( ilkxchanui: IIOTII., M. V. MILLER, - - Proprietor. The largest and most c.iinnio le'iu Hotel in the oil r.-eion. Pair on the reduced to b oird' r. This Imuee In pie unfitly shotted, r-'o-it emil mid d"natit, maklrnc It a deliuhirul hotel in all rcpect. Petroleum Centre, -April 10ih. lw.'.l. JOCHESTKIt iioi si:, Washington street. Petroleum Centre, Pa. MARSHALL & BKAI)TUEH P. PaoruiKTcr. This Tlntno is centrally loi iti d, mid the headquarters of oil men. Petroleum Centre Pa., May 10, i-,r,stf. QENTKAL IIOI SIC, PKTROLEfM CENTRE. l'A., Near Oil Creek A Allegheny lilver Railway Dopjt. rcaylB ir. n. .1. cv:ost. Prnprii-or. lJrCI.IXTOCK lliis;.. PETHOLEUM CRNTIIK. l'A. This populat Hotel, United Comer ol .lain A: Wnsliing tonst., Near the De-o his hr-eo relt'iyl nnd rimilwl throiichont, and the proj.rictor w.ll inire no p iiii" to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOrSE. OCtJ-tf. W 11. OAnt.K. Proprietor. BIEBICAN HOTEI PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. K. BARSR3, . . . Proprietor. Thli Ronse la In a pleisnnt locality, and hnt a Ihort walk from the T)epnt Thr, mm flie lur-re . flvtskla, snd the table supplied with the ., J' I kwiitwek Unllroad.l THE nOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW C. W. TWIST. - Proprietor. Jnnet-tf. TNTERNATIONAI. HO t l l MILLER VAHM, PV JOBS E ROWK, Prop - flood sceomortntlnns tr trnnmert customer. Dsy Board and Beard with room on renwinnl.le terms. The nroprietor ill spare no paln to nike his House attr-ictive to rinsts. JitneJ tf 13 NION HOTEL. PLEASASTV1LLE. PA This Horie havlnc recent 1 t' en ie,iane. and r fnriiihrd. t sm i.ow p-einred to aeconiiuodate two hundred i'iiets com'ort.-ibly. St.i(r leave this li n-o .hree time a .! for li tttsville There is a!o a line "f Sta to I Mlicile. Jng-tf THUS. UU1NNKV, lV.ip'r JOX HOTEL, FRED, C. II YIE, Propfieltiv. PLEASAXTVII.LF, PA., npnosbe the I'resbv'.erian Churcb. F.l.a tf PETKttl-El'M HOI SL, OI li CITY, PA. Having recently talien MsseHion of the above II one, wewouWl tuo-t respectfully infirm the trav ellnu pulilti that we propose to 'keep a Hotel,'- and to convince them of the fact, we Invite all who wish the comforts ol a hoeie. to call upon us. It will be found riie Hotel of the Oil Region;. Our Saninlc R,k)iu is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and our table will be found laden with the very beat the market affords. There la connected with the House four first elasa (niii.....t rrvi.w Alrto. I'eirler Shoo and llath He. .ins Hive us n ell. ant convince yourselves of the truthfulness of our ase-ti.n. rll tltl i '. ST A ATS, 09tf JAMES . WHITE. F. HAXXA & CD., ' CENTRAL MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASHIXtJTO.X ST., PE TUOLEl'MCEXTKE, Pa. BOfLiERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done promptly and warranted to give satiafsction. iCOITTIXUATIOtr OF TUB VIWOLE DAILY RECORD.) Pe troleum Centre Daily Recotd. Pot. Ueiitro, Sntur.'ar. May 1. llorriblu .tlurdur by Mtxroea S lit Uctrtliiiiioil. The fiilloH liij; i- from (he Maisball, (Tex- c) Kepiililieun, ot April 9: A ynuiijr imin ly the n mv of Col. Green, who in s.iid to have been anew settler in Husk county, left Heudersoti on Saturday evening 1 in a slate of intoxication, for home. When ho Rot about seven miles I'r.irn t', n, on the Mar-hall Road, bo stop ped h l tin-widow Gritlin's place, where a '"'' !' Resr'xa w ere tnukin; actop, and MMen-d tiia sni per. While eating it lie wus seiz"d liy live ti'groes, who tied bis bunds behind him. ilrrfgied him about ball a mile, and liun him. While he was hang- ii l hey ni'.r il Lack a lug. du a trench, threiv him in helote life wn extinct, and then rolled the lo; buck, in its former place. Two of t:iu negroes were preachers. The principal one ens iced in loo murder, Jul ius Jours, stood by will a gun, directing the other., and telling tWin he would kill the !ii't one that flinched. The same ne. gro nent the next day liHrnderson, preach ed a sermon and baptized fourteen negroos. Green is represented as a refined, educat ed accomplished gentleman, but who occa sionally, unfortunately, became intoxicated. Ilia friends missing him, It seems, lound bis horse at this plantation, and his hat at one of the cubing. On searching for him, they traced bis footsteps upon the steps nod tin- puuaei. Five ni'sroes were arrested. wrio confess- ed tho crime and were taken to Henderson and placed in jail. This was on Monday. On Tuesday nigh:, about eleven o'clock, a moli went to the jail, and hung erery one of them on the public utiaro fronting each side ol the court bouse, the two preachers together. AMERICAN Combination ami t vere:i in lug Sewing1 Machine ! Thli M:'.r,i:in wrt'T'inli-;! to cxenitp in hr LT'-n--t driirt-ft'f pt'rii'rifim. nit kiinl- and vnriflk- of SrwhiL'. Iictuminu. KWlini;. l'nllnvr. Tuckins. HruiilitiL'. OutiififtiL' and fwinenn, iiltinir. Hint in or rim lv Uium by hd. tttltr tiiuchiiii' liow he tore pnhllc. ThW l;i-iihu' st-in ' In-tliv without a rival, in i 'N v'U N.Mifij U'T-i'fiiiin'' 'litdi. l-.iuli'tiid.'nns on I the I M".'. :twt I'-t;:-.!! II ?.M'l hvt-lei Utile nmUin,: : in .nl kind- )' t'ttirii. i rr t'lit ot t'lf-e Muc'mi-'- fin Ik wn .i 'hf . room over A. J. MilliT !t ' J lnv.: w-r I j. a, or ix. O. F. SC'HOMiLO.M, rrojirit'tor of tiio IBufi'alo I3akery. Dealer in choice Flour, Butter, Eggs anil Cheese. Aiso, i heieo Ci'oeeries, Petri, team Centre, Pr Crier, left will be iinun;'ily ntterded to. nn lei'Hls delivered. Posldillce liox 2iM. Inyl9- fJolm C. AVecli , Senoca-St., Oil ( it)', Pa., Dealer in (iibbs. Kussell & Co's ltorinr anil Fishin; Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Oriviiitf Pie, Oerrick Iron, ;ratc Itam, ItalaiK-p lii cli X. Piilliow, Mi eoiinei-ll-.n with Meadville and Pittsburgh rnui'dries is siieli that I can get out all kind, of Ca-tins at short order. .HIIIN" C. WELCH. Oil Citv, Fel. 17, lsao tf. l)l,,tl K MOPI'IVti llll. EN printed at r llie ,k'in.l uolie. ill the Itwoi-.l llllien 'PUB DAII.V RKCORD, is the lat advertising medium in the oil rwion. BUY the lv Howard American Watch, eht btes ai'idcaf IS1IA.M , CI ISGLISII and SWISS WATCHES of the finest t make, in (iol.l and Silver Cases, al ISUAM ,V lfl'S, ill Opera lli.'ISe ltll'lr.i .i. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE P A rnilK best S'ocV of TUHVIXO r RADDLE X 110KSI.S on th? Creek, are to be found at .11 ' Don :i Id's l,iverr. AHRIAGSS & CUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FUn 3c ROAKDEI) on Reasonable Terms Teflinins: of all kitiih at tendcil to Promptly. tVGIve mc a call. . , JPDONAL . Pctrolenm Ccn're, Nov. II, lst. FISHER & MdtltlS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers ia all kinds of WELLTOOLS& FIXTURFS Vecessary for pnttfag T"'"" " 'ella. In conneeovvl Onr facilities for relied hv anv Shon In the Oil 5wp Mahi-si.opposite UeOllntoek Bo" ' ' nur tr FisnER nc; j:. .' W AN T S3 -J Five (o(l Jonrneymen Carpenters ! "VIN; to the Increase ef lewines T am cempe led to hire more help to keep up with the demand for my lalr STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A large quantity of FiRST-CLAS LUMBR! Of all kinds constantly on hand at trw Yurd, und will ho sold at ;-T R K ASONAIIL E R A T E S Jgl M. Sf.TA. Petroleum Centre. Ilct. 'J4lh, 'lit.. tf. Pianos ! Pianos ! U.OIU.l IHSOWX, Manufactiircrt. .TAAIlisTOWN. N. V. Also, ex clusive AirnntH for thn ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN RETAIL Sheet Music, Strings, &(. -y"Scnd for IllnstrnteJ Catalocne and price C.AOHUI ,t BROWN. Warornom 41 Main Street. Factory Brooklyn itloek, foot of Vain St. maj2; tf. S. S G-riswold, Dealer in --ar- Orders by the Car or Ton promptly Filled Aiso, Agent for the celebrated Ivll li IMIM.i; COAL! OFFICE on Second Street, near K. K. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jauiitf. Mil l. TICKETS cot np Irl'TTIs t as n f.i urvii wt r i 1 25 CHS. WEliKLV RAILROADS. E rrFAMt AND FHIi: RAILROAD. On end after Mondnv. N.n. ihl 'asseuKer Train will run on this road a. follows: lEAVB CKIK 0OIN0 tA.ST. f.fjj A. M. NKJHT EXPRESS, stopping at B.-tU Kipley, Wc.tfejW, Dnnklrk and BliVer ereek, arnvliip at BufTnlo at 4.45 A. M. 1i';"iii A- M- yK Y"K EXPRESS, aton ,.1,,1-at Weatfieid, Brocton. Diinldrk, 8f. vsrciwk. at.d Angola, ariivin' In Buffalo at 4. 10 p. V. 7'"t r- CfNCIXNATI EXPRESS, atop, a .. ,,(,, , Northeast, Wcstlleld, Krocton, Ihnikirk and SIlTerrrecU, and arrives at Itutialo at lo.4.T P. M. II-llll A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. TION, stopping; at olUtations, arriving at Hoffaloat l.4o A. M. 'l' ' nAY EXP HEW, stopping at ''"' Northeast. Uiplov. Westfleld, Bunklrk, Silvercreek nud Areola, arriving at Bui f!o at 7.0o P. M. t.r.Avn BITFAtO OOINO WKT. .: P- M., DAY EXPRESS stopping at An ! rols. Silvercreek. Dunkirk, Broeton, WeMfiold and Northeast, amvlng atErie fit 3,46 P. M. J.-A(a ' MAIL AXD ACCOMMODA- t,wu TION, topplni! at all atatlons, arriving at Erie nr S.r.o p M. il-'lll A- M , TOLEDO KXPRESS. stopping at w.'aaa Bi statiou, nud arriving at Erie a loA -A. M. . 9 .AO P M., STEAMBOAT KXPRESS, stop- ,, vu ning at Angola, tllvercreek, Dnnklrk, . Broeton, Wcstlleld and Northeast, arriv iu? at Erie at l.'Jo A. V. , . ;v tftn A- M., NIUIIT EXPRESS, stopping V Silvercrpek, Dunkirk and Woalfleld, ar. rivInK at Erie at l,4o A. M. ' Railroad time is lo minute faster thsn Etle tlr R N BROWN, Gen'l 8uj JUr'Ai.O, COHRV PlTTtv, RAILROAD TIME TABI.F. ! Takes effect Monda", November tad.' y IfOBTBWaBA . Accommodation leaves Comr If -V t ..... i JMCl"ff'fTr - or Ps Pxuraaa, oonut. for V. wills, sharmaa. itm connecting ox vorrv wim mium w R. for Tltuarlila, Mr ler, Plonoar 1 OlllltyanaPlttabaigh Abo, connisjting at Corrr with trams 0 adelphia a nate Koad, for Philadelphia aM 1 tinrg; and on the Atlantic and Great Wet teen way ror Pnion, M.adHlle, Green-fllle. Pa., 1 Warren. Ohio, and lamestonmand Randi-lpn.n.a Trains leaving Oil City at15a. m., Corrv n.So a. m., eoniicctltgat Broeton with train on B .-. , o : mnunn a,ja; ooarn P. at : JHayvlIla 5,50 ErpreMtrasJls.. I Psnau a lo.lo : F Tthaajl jfshTfimit 'SAf K. n k., arriving in i,iiiisi i .v f- ,. i Trains lciivira Oil Citv at 0.:a m. will conna,.1 with Mail Train lwivina Corry at .1,16p. m., eon- .' iiectingwlth Iixire-s E-t or. B. h K. It, arrtv. ing in Buffalo at tWO p. in. leaving Buffalo at 4,00 ,. p. m , arrivine at Corry at lo.lo p. in. Also. i"-niwct at May"la with Steamboats on Chautauqua liike I during season of navigation, for .Jamestown ano nanaoipn. A. H. TREW. Snnt.. .Tanl. Marvllie. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. ,0 FREfH OYSTERS Received PAIL Y ALL THE LI XU RIES ! 1 ur 1 5J seas OF THE SO N : Waaliiiifft"1 Street, rctro'.eum Centre, Pa., next door to Co' Jiwelry Slon- T. AV. SAXIS, Proprietor. tiav u.ied. ..i scryea ail hoio-s. Oysters, and every disenption 01 game '"rlo isiinTwin he spared to accomtnodat thoaa who favor us with their patronage SASns Pretolenra Centre, , Inn. H. 1W. tf- A. T. IiEGGElT, Manufacturer and Ikuler in HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cup, &c. Experienced wntkniet. lire enipleriwl. nnd Har nes of all kinds kept n.tantlv on hand and made to order. P. V. Hc!in ' SordBsiaT For Sale. Repairing j')one at all Times Call and examine nr stock and prices, Wain-Si., buloiv jlio McClin lock Ilonae. Petruleura Centre. Pa.. Jan. 7th, lftti9 tf. rp H K E. Howard A Co, P S Bartlelt, Tremo:i I Welch Co',, Slid National Watch Co-, Wuu is, -.,11 ! ba l at IMiAM At ifl'S s K i t . it t r IP f5 h 1 aog-.V).! r?a,i A'-j'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers