The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 28, 1869, Image 2

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ctrnimmi Cn'rn Dai i y rujcon),
Pel. Ueinre, M liir April VS.
.4. JiFA.r, JCaitor,
Time of Cloalna Mails.
- JULI Sinl, 1808.
Until further notice the mails will arrive at and
depart from this office aa follows:
South and East, via. Irvlneton, 10.28 A. M.
Sooth and Wnl, ' Moadville, B.1S P. M.
, North and Bint, Corrjr, 35 "
South and Wat, S.45 A. M.
Snutl f Can and Weat, 80 P. M. v
North, East and Weat, 10.0 A. M.
Divine Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., aoil 7 'a
'clook P. M.
Fur. J. T. Ojctobt, Paator.
M. E. ciiuncn.
Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and
7J P. M. Sabbath School, at twelve o'clock
II. . Seats Free. A cordial invitation
extended to all.
Rev. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
Mass at 10 a. m. .
Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catecbiam at 2 p. m.
JAME3 DUNN. Paator
Chanok op Time. Oil Creek & Alle
ghey River Railway, Monday, April 26:
Express No. ft arrives at 7.20 a. m.
Express Na. 1 arrives at 10.30 a. m.
Express No. 3 arrives at 5.9 p. m.
Freight No. 7 arrives at 12. 45 p. ra.
freight No. 13 arrives at 12.01 p. in.
Freight No. 15 arrives at 8.45 . id.
Express No. 4 arrives at 1 9 15 a. m.
Express No. 2 arrives at 3.10 p. m.
Express Na. 6 arrives at 7.25 p. m.
Freight No. 8 arrives at 6.31 p. nj.
Freight No. 10 arrives at 8.25 a. ni.
Freight No. 14 arrives at 2.00 p. m.
Freight No. 16irrivs at 12.45 p. m.
Rooms Wanted. Rooms for either one or
two small families wanted; irnot in village
will be acceptable in Wildcat or on the Eg
bert Farm. Inquire at the Record office.
Gaffney has been making great improve.
ments in his store, putting on an additiea
in the tear, making a commodious apart.
tneot,,wberb ''Sunday Cemforl," pure wine
and liquors, and Canandaigua ale dispensed
tosne and all. Mr. G. keeps none but the
purest, as examination of his dispensa
tory will Hilly testify. Call on Wm.
Dan Crocker, late proprietor of the Sher
man nonse, in Petroleum Centre, is now
building a new betel and bakery at Cherry-
tree Run, on the Dempsey Farm, where be
will soon enter into business. During bis
connection with the Sherman House be won
many friends, and all bis old acquaintances
will be pleased to learn that be is again to
locate in this vicinity. Success to the new
Burnt Cork. As per announcement in
another column, we are to be favored on the
3d of May. with the appearance of tbe Great
Arlington Minstrels from Chicago. On the
occasion of their last visit tbey won golden
opinions from the lovarB of polite minstrelsy
and bad the honor of .playing: before tlie
largest audience 07er assemb'cd In tbe
Opera House.
The Cricket. A large and appreciative
audience greeted Little Nellie, and Mr,
Myers' excellont dramalio comnanv last
evening at tbe Opera House in their un
equalled rendition of tbe ever popular Fan
cbon. We know of no lady at present on
the boards who excells Little Nellie in tbe
abarmlng character of the Cricket, who is
t times saucy, spiteful and pathetic. In
the concluding scene we were particularly
" struck with her innocent and modest demean
or, the interview between ber and Farther
Barbeaud, being true to life, and acted only
as could be by a true artiste. Robert John
ston were very acceptable as Landr y prov
ing himself an actor ofstorlinit werth, fair
ly dividing tbe honors with Little Nellie.
While all were se good it is unnecessary to
Tbo company appear again to-night, pre
senting, tbo Lancashire Lass, with Little
Nellie, Flora Myers, Robert Johnston, and
' ' the full company in the cast. To-moorrow
evening is positively the last appearance of
tbe company, on whioh occasion Little Nol.
lie will take a benefit, appearing in ber
great character of Little Polly, in tbs
beautiful drama of that name.
The Frenob Government has refused to
modify its opinion as to what sabjects shall
be submitted for discission to the Confer
ence of Franee and Belgium.
Sunday Comfort at. Gaffney's,
nprit 23-lw,
Virginia '" lilcSril i:',le
A correspondent writing to tb Uuller
Herald speaks as follows of the recent oil
strike at that place: "Tbo Brady's Ilend
Iron Company have just struck a line oil
well on their territory on tho bank of the
Allegheny river, about one-fjpurtb ot a mile
above the mouth of Sugar Creek. Tbe well
is now producing about ilfteen barrels per
day. Oil was found at the depth of one
thousand and five feet; the total depth 0'
tbe well is 1,103 fee Tbe hole was bored
without accident. Tbo old well ofthe com
pany about one hundred feet above tbe new
one has now been pumping three years with
the same average daily product. Since the
new well has been put down there has been
a marked increase in tho production of tbe
old well, tbe old well baa furnished gas
for fuel both for boring tbe new well and
pumping tho old one, with a largo portion
going to waste." Thus, says a Kittnnning
paper, Armstrong county is slowly but sure
ly failing into the line of oil produciog ter
ritory. At Parker's Lauding the excite
ment still keeps tip, and that place bids fair
to be tbe "Pithole" of this region. It is
true that tbe wells struck in this county, 10
far, are not quits so productive as those
higher up the river, yet as tbey have never
been known to lall, or decrease in yield,
their value must be estimated accordingly.
The Parkersburg Times says: Tbe well
recently struck at White Oak, formerly
known as the "Barber Well," is now flow
ing sixty barrels of oil per day. Tbe first
fifteen days after it was tested, it flowed
twelve hundred barrels of oil, being eighty
barrels per day; but it has since dropped off
a little.
Tbe production in West Virginia has been
increasing, and it is now reported at about
six hundred and fifty barrels per day. A
short time ago one of the old wells was
drilled below tbe lubricating oil sand rock
at White Oak, and to the depth of 800 feet,
and on being tested it commenced to pro
duce light gravity oil, and is now flowing
one hundred barrels per day. Tbedaily
production of West Virginia and Ohio is
stated to be 1,200 banels. Of 251 barrels
produced at Wbite Oak, 150 is lubricating
oil. Tbis oil is found at tbe depth of Irora
4110 to S00 feet. Tbe striking of the well
mentioned above has caused considerable
excitement among operators in tbe vicinity,
and about ten of the old wells wbicb have
been producing lubricating oil will be sunk
into the sand rock that produces light oil.
At Oil Rock seven of the old wells are being
cleaned cut and started up. At Smith's
Ferry there were six wells In process of
drilling, and five at Cow Run in a like state.
In tbe list of producing places Bull Run is
not Included. Tbis district is probably
yielding fifteen or twenty barrels per day.
You can buy liquors cheaper when the
water pipe is laid up town. Gu to Gall
ey s. apni 23-lw
Odd Fellows.
The grand celebration in Philadelphia on
the 2G;h. of tbe semi-centennial anniveisary
of the establishment of the ordor in tbe
L'nlted States, revives the bistory of its or
igin and progress. On the 2fith of April,
1819, Thomas Wildey, an Englishman, then
residing in Iialtimore, who bad been a mem
ber of tbe Order in the old country, organ
ized in that elty the first lodge in tbe Unit
ed States.' It was fittingly naned "Wash
ington Lodge No. 1," and six members of
foreign lodges altogether were all that were
present at Its organization. From that
time but little progress was made in the Or
der until the organization of "Pennsylv
nla Lodge No. 1," in Philadelphia, on Dec,
26, 1821. On June 27, 1823, the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania was organized, with
Aaron Nichols as Grand Master, and held
its first sesiioa February, 1824, at which
time Pennsylvania Lodgo No. 1 was char
tered. 1
The Grand Lodgo of the United Slates
was organized in Baltimore 011 the ISth of
January, 1825, and was composed of Ike
only Grand Lodges then .existing in tbe
States of Maryland. Pennsylvania, New
York and Massachusetts. Thomas Wildey
wsb unanimously elected Most Worthy
Grand Sire, although that title was not con
ferred until April 13, 1S29, and being known
as "Philadelphia Encampment, No. 1."
During tbe hall century about closing,
1100,327 members were initiated into the Or
der in tbe United States, and tbe enormous
sum of $20,133,592 was expended by tbe
Ordor in the reiiet of tbe sick, in assisting
widows and orphans, in burying tbe dead,
and in educating the orphan an enormous
sum, but nevertheless true. The number
of members relieved from this sum was 684,
189, in addition to 55,1S8 widowed fauiil.
Onthe30lb of June. 1S6S. theru were
3,195 Grand and Subordinate Lodges In the
United States, u:,d 2-18,03t! members. Oi
this large number. Pennsylvania had fi2C
Lodges, and (i,2:tfi members, or more than
AmnlierVoll nl'i Vt-nA
1I011I1..' bj- B.iUii.'.'V H" ' any o;u
rr Stair. The ini!i-i:ini fc tl-c vcif em!
in? June SO, 1" ' worn d'.'.foO; re.
lieved, 21,344; nnd widowed fimilies re
lieved, 3,911. Tbo total amount paid for
relief during the same time wna 831, 118.20,
of which Pennsylvania contributed $2Si,
115.82, or nearly one-fourth of the whole
sum. Tbe number of Grand and snbordi
ate Encampments was 715, with 43,478
members. Tbe total amount paid for re
lief was $80,437.95, of which Pennsylvania
contributed $2G,433.01, making tbe entire
relief granted by tho Lodges and Encamp
ments of the United States, for the year
ending June 30, 1SCS. $91,250.21.
The steamer India, from New York, ar
rived at Glasgow on the 23d.
It is rumored that a disputo has arisen
between Prime Minister Serrano and Gov.
George Dalton, a New York Broker, com
mitted (titcido on Saturday by shooting him
self. Cume, unfortunate speculations.
The May coupons on the Louisiana Slate
debt will be paid at tbe Citizen's Haul; of
New Orleans and the bank of America at
New York.
The Tenth Provisional Council or the Ro
man Catholic Church for tbe district within
tho province of tho Archbishop cf Balti
more, met in Baltimore yesterday.
In tbe course of a week an immense Cu
ban demonstration will be held at tbe Acad
emy of Music, Philadelphia. Several Sena
tots have accepted invitations to speak.
Reports from the Southern part of Illinois
say that tbe wheat crop is moru promising
than ever before known, and tho fruit crop
of all varieties promises abundance.
Sulustiana Clazaga, during the session of
the Spnnisli Cortez oe Saturday, assured
tbe members that France would respect the
future government of Spain, whatever form
might be adopted.
Tbe Italliaa Court of Appeals has had
nnder consideration tbe penal sode for some
time. Tbey have concluded their examina
tion, and have unanimously agreed 00 the
abolishing of tho death penalty.
The body of Mm. Sophia A. Howe, who
mysteriously disappeared last January, was
found Saturday afternoon in a pond at
Springfield, Massachusetts. As there were
no marks f violence, it is supposed she com
mitted suicide.
At Vermont, Fulton County, Illinois, on
Monday last, a little son of J. II. Harris,
aged thirteen yems, was I on ml suspended
by his neck with n strap, in his father's
barn, quite dead. In the afternoon of the
same day a son of Col. T. Tenny was lound
banging in a similar manner. No cause
can be assigned for these coincident acts of
Rot'lienter Item.
Messner. the condemned murderer at
Rochester, has two clergymen itwa'.ti iulance
upon him every day. A petition for cotif
mutation of sentence in his case is. being
A laborer named James P. Ryan died
very suddenly In Rochester lai Friday after
noon, from some strango and unknown
Lucina B. Ilagaman recently sold ninety
seven aetes of land, in Penfield, lo Sarah
E. Kiog for $10,000.
Kate Fisher was stopping in Rochester
last week. Not as Muznppa,but as a woman.
Mr. Darrow, of Boehoster, glories in the
possession of a half-dead alligator.
A person named William Carroll escaped
irom the Rochester Peaitentiary last Satur
Rochester Is n bead of Buffalo as a "fust'
city. Three little girls fourteen nnd fitleen
years of age iudulge Ig ''hot whihkles."
Nearly forty persons . wore baptized by
Rev. Mr. Robbins, of Rochester, at tho
First Baptist Churoh last Sabbath.
$300,000 Viioorlliod.
A Shenectady gentleman on a visit to New
York, writes back to the Union :
Air. May a retired merchant, related lo
me on anecdote which may not bo uninter
csting lo your readers. A wealthy widow
died recently, and divided, betore her
death, all ber estate between her two
children, a sou and daughter. The eon re
moved her furniture and papers from her
homestead on Broadway, and on looking
them over one day found a memorandum
stating that in the corner of the collar were
buried two crocks with money. He pro
cured a laborer and dug In the place indi
cated and found Jtho two vesals, one filled
with gold, tho oiher with greenbacks, the
whnlo amauntiug to $.'!u0,Uull. Mr. May
knew the parlies aud assures me that the
above is trim In every particular. Had the
properly been sold, it wutild have been a
nice question of Uw ns lo whom tho titas-
lire WOllld liavo linl,.rw..r! tho ni t.-innl ...w.
or, tho purchaser, or Tbo finder.
I VN HJJ;. Ais WCEflir.M'ffK.
efTI M.Y.
1 11. P!r a.titei I' ' Canfai'i
J AM EH B. ,C.lilF. will t a uiMljd-N P '''
nation for Assciiibly,jut jail tu Us ui'yt 01 the
Republican party.
TnK.tSGP.Ii It.
)n Frrrr.n: Please announce the rame of
JOHN A. CHRISTY, of I'll City, as a candidate
lor nmnlnaiinn of County Treasurer, subject to .lie
usaera of the Itepiihlleaii party. .... ,
Mr Christy Ian mall well qualified Tor the post
lion, la an ardent IliTuiilican. ami "'".''""" "e
war a faithlul soldier. IAN UT1.RN6
Vs. Fmtoh: Please announce the name of K. fl.
CRAWFORD, or Richmond Township, as a candi
date for 1'iothonotary. auliieet to the nsaeci of the
Republican party. Houdikiis asd KaruBUeAxa.
AVe nte nnthorlzed to announce that JOSEPH II.
SMITH. Pro'houoiory of Vennnso Countv. will he
a ennilidiite for re nomination, tor salil nfllee.sub
JiTt to the usages of the. Republican party.
ItKOlfTKIl .NlRrrOU!Elt.
Emtok RKfORn: Yen will plense nn
nonneo that .lAMEK W. ll AW wit: he a ramUriate
for nomina'ion for the r.flVc of Heelster and Reenrd
er, suhlcet to the w of the Republican party, at
the einulns HcnuhlMHn Primarv Election. Mr.
SI'aw was a Vrlvatein Comnnnv "I," 14'dmin
silvania Volunteers, nnd teat a rk'ht arm in Iwttle
of (;ptt?ahmir. Ho iscoiaeetent and oblige!.', and
lina served a Hotter and Recorder fir one term t
the entire satisfaction or nil wro hive done hn.lneas
with him. VKNANdO COUNTY.
TiOral VoticcH
New Bnrber :ho? Ojiencd .
G. Ptl ick, formerly with C. Lclnheiser, bees leave
to Infjinn his friend" that hb has opened a Ihrlier
Shop at So. 8), ilii!iston Streot Ho lia flttod
np pleasant apirtnirnta, and those who delrn a
cltan aliare will rcmonilicr the new shop. Crane
and soe me. O. Pr'I, ('K.
retroleam Centre, April 97, W. - npr-JTIf.
A new lot of the celebratod
received at Ilia
X I.. Knives .inst
W. II Nicholson ,fc Co. have iuit reooiveJ a lot of
Pocket Rules and Comrases.
If you wih tlie lxt Tint:
try W. II. Nicholson A Co.
robaeco In the mr.rke'
On or about April lTth, a Ladies Fur Caie. The
Under will be suitably rrwardi d by leaving it at the
Central flonsa. apr 21:tf
The i'lncMt lot of Mav.-, l'ln and Snioitiii?
Tohnco from Baliimore and I, n'libnrg in tho mar
ket at A. H.MII.LEK4 Co. a.
1'illc'Note hnper ho!ealf and retail at
A. 1. MILI.Elt JsCo.-a
MAN, at A. 1) Mi; I. Kit A CO.
Carpet", of every n,m'lty and di-acrlption, at
RRYNOt.m.lVVWimO C'VSV Xi.11 Centre
Struct, nppo'lteth" P.O.. Oil Citv, T.i.
-7T K n. MILLF.H A CO., ar
agents fir the caeiiraieil . iimr. nnnu
factored hy the Amerlcin wleli I'n. 1 rv thal
c .rTirN vn on. oPEK.vron'.
ALL liersonsaro hereby cnutlo-ie I a jiint 'my-
In" or ni-lnc fucker Ro.K wpa Socket Points, ihe
SocVet bein!! wm'ise-1 on to the rots with either
wamltn or mrtulic wedees mil connectej tn?t!ir
by a connectln'! lio'r, except of my manufacture
I am the aole owner nf tho patel t 'or connect ;n-;
rods In this manner; all nthera mndi auhstnntliuiy
as nhove are rfVrrcr infrinyrmtnft on my rlRlits. and
ail parties iisin? rods "O connected, not of my man
nractnrc, lay thennelves llalile to, nnn win ni pros
ecuted aeiwdlne; to law. W. ,T. 1NNIS.
p. p. This not'ee is Inserted, not as a more
scaro crow, but will he attended to, and rtjrldly en
forced. , W.J.I.
All accounts rot settled immediately, will lie left
with an ntlkcr for collection. rf
Anr.U tf. TtF.YNOI.Tls i CO.
The Very Litest Cabte dispntohes.
ED PUTIIKTILAND has charsn of the "etrnlenm
Exchanie lilninir Rooms, wliere be will bi happy
to see all of his old friends once nirnln st his now
post Pon't forget to jjivo him a call and iret a ennd
nice miyil and the finest cigars and liquors, as "fid.
itnnva how to suit the bovs.
Petrolenni I'xiliniinrn Rentnnrnttt,
next ilnor In jMliuin' Jewelry Siiorc,
Fetroleiim C'enlre. Apr.l3:1v.
CANARY BIRDS, mule nnd femaln, new etock
jnst received, nt A I). MTM.FR A CO.'S.
Also a tine lot of Imported English Cold Fmcl.ei
Genuiue, for sale wholesale and retail, at
A. D. JIIl.I.Wl Jfc CO 'P.
To all Whom It RTay Concern I
Take notice, that we have the solo and cxclnsite
right for five years from Novombcr, 1SHS, to make,
put np, and sell. In the United State", W ALUS'
IMPROVED MAO in HAI.M, nnder an assignment
and purchase from 8. O Wallis, patentee, aad that
we will enforce the law riddly against all persons
who shall make, put np, and sell said Balm without
our consent.
W. W. PERKINS A CO., Franklin, IV
'-A. D. MIIjLKR CO.. Wholesale and Re
tail Agents for Petroleum Centre and vicinity.
yew Flour, Feed and Gruccry
More !
J. . IMJATIirJt,
opposlto tho JlcClintock House, lias on hand
large and F.;at.r.InHa stuck of H'lollr, feed 11 lid
liroeeriew, whicli lie is selling ai a low tlsaro.
H Unn't lorut tin place whore A, I). Cotton
& Company broke up i.n'i tf.
.r Ail persons wlMiing t i ., y.C
...u m. ,,. v.iwrle Com riras I
.. . iiuri, iran article liHurttJ. N cl
Work, at tho Furniture Store.
w. j.i
Will send s aewsboy (. the hill, WI,,mr, . L
day monilnp, with all the dally aui Wwk,f Ml
Orders taken at the itore
Another lurire Slrrlc nf U-t,
celvedat A. D. MIU.KK i'0
WALIi f APril!
Juft received a large stock of Sprlu.
- PAINT. WAI.I.. W II 1 tii ....
ItKUSIIES. alarmi aiocl l.i
MIl.LRlt CO. 8. ,l 4
r i.uuua, a large stock at Itrvvi.,,
DRnnilFAn nnu v.. ,, .. . . 'Ui
tho Post Office, Oil City, Pa .
l tr 1.1 .mm 1 JIIACCO ivti,I
tltlVT flll.e ... .ntl.l..,.. . m . ""Ufl
-' ' " r iiiiiacco, ni h
in,r.iii t 1 . . .. ..... .
i irt-.Ls, .v. miiuu . 11. .11 1 i,i,r;u pi,.
TII E best place la town to eet n ,,,1-.,,
mane 01 tlie iicai stuck, that wwir ,n
warranted lo fit, is nt J. A. IMaiilcH t. '
ionable Boot Shop, Wiwlenaton Street, Puro,,,!
Lcuiiei.u. mill iriai. Millie
tlnrd wore A larcc n.,rim,m,
(. H vl wnirn
heing closed out nt rcilnced rates at REY.Nin i;o-m, no. 11 Centre St.,
iiiw rtwi uiiii-c, rti v iiy,
an,,, in 1,1 j llrl.l.. 1. . A ." ' I
nr. M.i ur.r .iirril I C 1 1 mine ll-n I
i L ., ..,l-u UTILIMIIICJ .1 1!U; .
heart, hawiys n thesn sul jects, will, tlie hutnv
t1cwof li. ncvolent l'liynicians, n,t u, i,.i
ter envlorws, free of eharee. Adiirrw MOM
AISUl'IA I HI.H, Itox I ., l'hil:lllol,l,m, ,. j;;;.,, I
A large assortment, all sizes, at A. D,
Miller A Co.'s.
ttrot'kepy For all kinds rn to RKYNOllK
RRODIIEAI) A CO'S, No. 11 c.utre, ow.
sue tun rot oniee, oil City, I'a.
OPEEA HOUSE Monday, Kay 31
eOne Night Only.
""POSITIVELY last ai pearnnce tlicprt!itiujj I
a- ,u (ui.i,iiii..iiii uuii only
Arlington nmm m
okxcine cnicAoo co.mi'ant.
Now coninUMnir Ita triumphant tour thou,.l. ..
teail Siatc-s, bavins vi-i cd all the leadillEcitlcfra,, I
iiniiniii.n, ni. i., w iiininsieii, iiclaware. eu'p
where pr. miced hy ttie picis and imlrlc tlie
Stupendous Minstrel Organizatioa of
the Day
New tjnartetts, Ii.cuSiied Orchestra ami Huh
l.o.d. nv.,.iuj;,.. ,, programme, unusr tli ti.
reullur. nl' the lliiiult ihlo
Who has had the honor of appnai I114
In ChleaL'o, a ereater numlier of nyhts than sl of .
er niiuairel uianagira wlio ever appeared in I lilcuoi
Admlolnn, BO cents, Reserved Scats, ceniii.
Dours ohjii at 7 n'clnck. eonunence at s o'clock.
apr,. 1 11 Bv, na-tnes a'jont.
One Night' Only.
Fifteenth Annnal Tourof tbe Groat Band of tho Axe,
Who have lint concluded the lonireat and mml nc-
ces .ful mamu ever made in the city of Chlraca,
ii,'i-iuriniu4 iu crowuea nnnsea one hunarca!.cr
olive niuhts. Universally pronounced superior in
all. Undor the Immediate siim-rylslmi of the creat
Wit and llumori-t, Jtlr. tin ill Sliarliley, who
ill appear at each and every performance.
AdmisMun 50 cents: Reserved seata. 75 centr.
Childrrn. 25 cents. Uooraopen at 7; pcrrurmuiice
at 8 o.'rlnck prenisely.
apr.-4ia, uROlttiki UltAY, St
Opera House.
J. C. mVGRS Leasee aud ninuager.
The Bright Star, Litilo Nellie, tho sterling Actor,
nndAii.hor, Koht..lohnann. the heautlful and ac
compli)n.d Oominedian, Miss Flora Mvera.suppoi"
.to , 1, 1 uDipaiiy 01 la nrat clas porr.irraeni.
Anuisaiok, 60cts. Iibservid Skats, 76 crs. 21
HAS remnviyl hisorllco. r He'can now bo tom&
nearly opposite his old oOlco,
Next to Boubam & 8mili'a lw llf
No 136 Washington Street.
X iroicuni lemre.
I'hia well known house, eontainins SO rone s
with tnrijtiire is now on'ored for sale 111 a low price.
If not sold hy the 1st of April, It will be for roit-
Inquire on the premises, of ...,
rt4cum Centre, March 1(1.
In cases of sickness use Sunday CotuforS
at Gad'tiey's. njuil 23 1