DISCOLORATION OK ORIGINAL i DAILY 9 record: tcomixvATioif or TUB PIXBOZK DAILY BBCORD.) VOL II. NO. 129. PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA . WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 28, 1869. 25 CT3. WEEKLT THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JtECORD' PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LUNGWELL, Proprietor. u Per year payable in advance, Per month, 18 00 75 PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten lino of nonpareil make one square.) No. Insertions. 1 m. K si). so- V col. ( tne day, Two days, 'three days, Four days, Fire days, Ooe week. Two week's, 'I liree weeks, Una month. Two months. Three months, tlx mouths,- Mno luonttis, Hue year. It 1 iu 1 Shi 4 60 1 UO 1 5'N "! 6 50 l w s ow t m in X 00 3 50 S 00 1 00 S 25 X on II Ml H 00 t . I.V1 4 1 I M 4 Mi 00 T 60 14 00 h ui' oo io oo la on 7 Utl JO 00 12 00 SO 00 10 U(. 12 50 15 00 MOW U 01' 15 00 H 00 40 00 l 0( 87 OoJ 80 00 0 00 87 C SO 00 45 00 80 00 no no 4.1 no m no wn oo Special notices 20 costs per line, each Insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J ft. ELLIOTT, A T T O R X E Y - A T - L A W , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 1'ETHOI.EUII CENTRE, PA. Bwlnesu In the Courts at Franklin promptly at- Or" k ICR In Blssnll A Co's Briok Bank Build- Inn, fup stalrsl, VYnshtngton-st. sci -a-u. ALUCKT H. HAVKH, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the Brick Bsnk Bolldlnf, corner of Washington ana sum streeta, PBTBOLEPM CENTRE, PE!WA. May 1, IBM. tf. , -uo.mham aniTii, ATTORNEYS JtCOUNSELORS-AT LAW, Offlce nieh Street, Franklin, and Petroleum C.n tre. Pa. Mal-tf. V. me ALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. FFICE Berrv s new llalldini, corner ol Wash ington and Suomd at., Petroleum Centre, Pa. inaylD tf. T. G. CHRISTIE, M. O., PHYSICIAN AND BURGHON-, omce opposite theMcKiuney House, Pleasnutville, Pa. Persons from a distance will generally And him at hie OUlceou Saturday from 10 a. m., to 3 p.m. aepl4tf Col. J. U. BROWN cV J.J. MeCAKLI.N, Dialers In OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, Ac, I'LEASANTVILLK, PA iuW-tf. a. r. wilson. a. a tin velsob WILSON VAN VELSOR. GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFf ICES, Mercantile Building, Oil City Pa., and witn uwston Bowers; reuroieum wentre, r. July USUI, ltiig a GEO. H. BISSEIil' & CO.,16, B A. N K E RS, PETROLEUin CENTRE, PA. tteorge IT. Bissell, Jsmes A. Williamson Jamaa Bishop, M. C. siartiu. We offer onr services for the transaction of a GEN R It A (, BANKING, SXlUANUB aim COL LECTION BUSINESS. Any business entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. jull If. EC. C. Jarvis. Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON II AND. LOOKING GLASSES tn groa variety. Looking Glasi Platea replaced lu old Frame. Picture Frame mode to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Pa per, Window Shades, A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING, COFFINS olVI sizes on hand and trimmed to order on sbort notice. SASH. CU2S AND DOORS. 1 ti;e( I'oMy. Vsniljb, Sin, e. VASHINsjioW.I, j'li) n-'5 if. HOTELS. IL EXCHANGE HOTEL, M. V. MILLER, ..... Proprietor. The lareest and most cnmmodenna Hotel In the oil region. Fair on the Urlrfue l-i.iiic.il to h.irdi-r. Tills house is pleasantly situated, rooms col and pleasant, making It delightful 'le.tel luall respects. rnusiBUffl ienire, April iu;n, im JOCHEsTTER KOl'SK, , Wsshlnitnn street, Petroleum Centre Pa. MAHBUALL at BRADSTREE r, PaoMUKToas This Bonse is centrally located, and the zencral headqaartars wf ell men. rctroieum uealro, i'a., -May l'.i, l.sos, tr. QfcNTBAL HOUSE, ' PBTUOLBUM CENTRE, PA. , Near Oil Creek k Allegheny Hi vol Railway Depot. ltaylttf. O. J. CROSS, Proprietor. jyjcCLiNTOCK nova:. PETROLEUM CENTRE, I'A. This populal Beta', Hunted Corner of Main V Wanhtncton-St., Near the Da', has been refitted and furnished thronenont. aud the proprietor will psro no paias io make it a FIRST-CLASS TTOU3E. ctt-tf W. II. OAHLlS. Proprietor. AMERICAN nOTEl, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. B. BARNKS, Proprietor. This Htiue is In a iileniant locality, and but short walk from the Henot Tlw rooms are laree and comfortatle, and the table supplied with the oeiicaoies oi tne season. JuM tf. 3. R. BARNES.. JB AN K LIN HOFJSi:. NI1.I.ER FARM STATION,. (On Oil Creek liailroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. P. W. TWIST. . - Proprietor. iune' u. INTERNATIONAL IIO'CKL, MILLER FARM, PA. JOHN E. BOWK, - Prop'r. Good accomn-o'lstlons f.ir trnnpiert eustomerii Day Board and llorird with rooins on re'i.ennl-le terms. The nroprictnr vtll inro no pains to nmke bis Ilcmsc attrictive to pties-s. jiiiic'-tf V XION ICOTEL, PI.EASANTVILLE, PA This rlouse havlne recently been entaraed and re furnished, I am t.ow preimred to nccejnniodnte two hnndred (meets eom'ortnbly. stsces lenve this hoiio three times a any tor Tt- tusvllle There is also n line of to Pitlinte. JuB-tf THUS. MoKlNNET, Prop'r. JOX HOTEL, FRED. C. HYDE, Proprietor, PLEASAKTVIILE, PA., Opposite the Prcsbvtorlnn C'hnrch. FehB tf PETROLEUM HOUSE, Olli CITY, PA. flavin recently ta'-'en piseslnn of the above Mouse, wewould most respectfully inform the trav eling public thnt we propose to "keep n Hotel," and to convince them of the fact, wo Invite all who wish the comforts ol a homo, to call upon us. It will be found The Hotel of the Oil Regions. Onr Sample Room Is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors nnd Ciiisrs, and our tnlilo will be found laden with the very bust tho .market affords. There Is connected with the House f,mr flrst elans rtUllnrd ThIi'o. .Vso. Birb r Shop nnd Hath Rouina Hive ns n ell. end convince yourselves of the truthlulncss or our sasi.-iiou. Cllt It I. I S W. S rAATS, JA.tlESJ 4. WHlTi). oeta-u Fa J. IIA.VV1 & CO., CENTRAL MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASHIXOTOX ST., PZ TROIjELMI (!I!.TUE) p. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kind, ff yac'iir' W-tV der ffX.pf-j sal sierrseted " sstfantl-m. . ,ngJe.,f ! J n.:--i - ' Petroleum Centre Daily Record. pet. Centre, AVcdne lay, April 28. .4. IS.'Al. Editor. Ixn.CKNCE or PitBTlj: Wombs. The Waslilngtou corrcfpondei v of the Chicago Republ lean write an fo.i : "But. just as long us women t re -eslf i)il uiea are pow erful, some or the rvlisv.il tlie Departments never will bo remedied.' Ti is so much more comfortable 1'or a jaded m;., norn out In the itrdiious diilies as head of a bureau, to see a riesli, yotins, pretly-faced woman at an ad joining desk rather than ooe wttb all tbe sweet jiiico ol life squeezed out of her, wheth er by ai:o er niiifoitiine, it matters not whioll. Thti first one U iLe oil oj ..the ma chinery of eyery day life; the latter is .tlie ailliemv gum wbiob needs cleansing away. women who look with longing eyes to an active life in tbe Deportment at Washing' ton bud better commit their mirrors first, nn less Sec relaty Boutweil makes ew laws to meet individual eases. It is ttuo, a few crones" mny 1m found in tlie basement of the bulliliiij;, but as you ascend to tbe upper realms of the castle new vielons of beauty greet tlie eye, until the spectator Is lost ia a d.izz'.'ms dream of enchantment as glorious in its bewilderment as a Turkish harem. la many ca?es the bandsome young women belong to Washington families. They have good homes, with the comforts of life, witb oiil paying for 'them. This enables them to spend their wages in tbe adornment of their persons."." Tub Oldkst Mason. The Toronto Globe stales that Charles McKeweH ia ibe oldest Mason in Cauada, and prolnbly the oldest In the wcvld. IU wua I'Oi.i-'flu 1757, made a Muson in Lodge 40-i, Ballvnderry. county of Antrim, Ireland, in the year 17715, ennse- quently lias been a Mason !)3 yeais. He is now a member t:f St. John's Lodge, No. US, A. F. .t A. M., Ingeraoll, Ontario. A gen tleman who viBited Mr. McKeweii a few duys since, says ho found liim In good health and he said that be had never tetter healtb. in his life. His mind is dear and bis men -ory good regaining the pas!, especially as regards Masonic landmarks. Deatu of Gbn. Mc Ai.LtstBii General McAllister died at bis residence in Buffalo, on Friday morning last, of typhoid fever. He hud been in c'.iai'ne of tlie I.nko Ontario Harbor Works and Forts on the Niagara Irontier. IIo was also Light House i.ngl neer of the Tenth District. Dining the late war, the General greatly distinguished hiuiJeir, and rendered valuable service to the Government. A Clergyman in Yoik. Pa., eayslhat the 'forbidden fruit" that Eve partook of nnd cave to Adam, was tobacco. O. F. HCIIO.VBIiO.M, Proprietor of the Buffalo Bakery. Denier lii choice Flour, Butter, Eggs and Cheese. Also, choice Groceries, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will he promptly attended to. sn Goods delivered. PotolHcc Box itt3. myltl- John C. Wech Seticca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer in (iibbs. Russell & Co's Vmv'nvx and Fishius Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Drivins Pipe, Derrick Iron, b Iliira, nalanre AVhcels V." PnWirs, all n!. i Mv connertino with Mendville anil P;ttslurh I f.iilPdrles i" 'iell Hint I rail A:1 out nil kiu,l, of! Casiiui- at .lioi't order. j .ions- c. wci.cn I Oil City, Feb. JT, Ifstt.-tf. 1)1, AS It NHIPP9NM KIL .N printed ol tttltj ll,i-lnt IMirice. Ill III JUctiM I'Kllce 1 IIR D.M'.'Y .'mm ill '!i IIKCOIil). . nil oj w .he be-t srlverUs'iii; T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE TA. fpHB best Stock of DRIVING AND SADDLE X uui(Mi& on ms ircea, are to do touna at M'Donald'a Livery. CARRIAGES & GUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED & HOARDED en Rcasonablo Tenns. Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. Rr01v.mea...: t rctroleam Centra, nor, II, 1808. . FISHER & ItORRIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS ard Dealers in all kinds of WEliliTOOLiS Si FIXTURES Necessary for pattlnit down Veils- In connection with oi and on.ntlna Oil Veils. In connection with onr MAUlii.SE SHOP, we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our fMilltles for MANUFACTURING are net ex. celled by auy Shop in the Oil Regions. Slwp .Voin-t,oriroi(e AfcC'Iintocfc Umise, myST tf riSDEB NOltRIS. Five Good Journeymen Carpenters ! OWING to the Increnso of mv hnslness I sm comne led to hire more help lo keep up with titcacnmna lor my lauor STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO TnE ABOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! Of all kiHds constantly oo band at try Yard, and will be sold at I3f REASONABLE RATESjR M. 8UXTAO. Petrolenm Centre, Oct. 24lh, 'f8. tf. Pianos ! Pianos ! GEOKGI RR0W, Mannracturers, JAMESTOWN. N. T Also, elusive Agents tor tun ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Sliset Music, Striny-s, c. tysend for illustrated Catalogue and price CAORGI BROWN. Wnrercoms 4 1 Mnln Street. Foetory Hrooklj-n Block, foot of Main-Sk niay't-tf. S. S. Grritswold, Dvaler ia "T" Orders hy tbo Car or Ton promptly 'Alro, S'ivtiX ftH- the ccIebrotM KEEL RIE COAL! OFFICE oil Second Street, near K If. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. JauSatf, a.L TICKKTS got up in.STVIEal I) .Lv UkX-DKD ifr t(.a RAILROADS. BCIFALO AND F.BIG RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. vara, 1808, sssangcr ITsins win run on this roaa as ioiiows : 1SAVE SRIt OOINO BAST. 1, in A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, stopplnr at " Ripley, Wostlleld, Dunkirk and Sirrer. creek, arrivina at Buffalo at 4.4S A. M A,r.' A. M , NEW YOHK EXPRESS, top lU.tliJ kin. et Westflcld. Brocton, Dunkirk. Su- vercreek, and Angola, arriving in Buffalo at 8,10 P. M. Tt'W P M, CINCINNATI EXPRESS, stop si ..Kf ping at Northeast, Westfleld, B roc too, Dunkirk and Silvercreek, and arrive at I? jBulo at lo,46 P. M. O.nil A. M , MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. tJ TION, stoppinii at all stations, arriving at Biinaio at lo.4o A. M. 3,tt P- M., DAY EXPRESS, stopplne at Northeast, Rlplev, Westfleld, Dunkirk, Silvercreek and Angola, arriving at Bol falo at 7,0o P. M. LIEAVK RerssLo WOIWII WTVST. 1 .'; P. M., DAY EXPRESS stopping at An. w.jwt cola, Silvercreek, Dunkirk, Brocton, vnmcia ana oruieast, aniviug at una at ,46 P. M. 4,11ft I". M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA iUO TION, stopping at all statlous, arriving at Erie at s,5o p. M 0,nt A. M., TOLEDO KXPKESS, stopping at xfU all statlous, aud arriving at Erie a lo A. M. O.nis P M., STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop iVFU ning at Angola, Silvercreek, Dnnklrk, Brocton, Westfleld and Northeast, arriv ing at Erie at 1,' A. M. .ls A. M.. NIGHT EXPRESS, stopping at liU Silvercreek, Dunkirk and Westfleld, ar riving at Erie at 4,4o A. M. Railroad time la lo minutes raster thsn Eile Urn It N BKOVTN, Gen'l Supt. nUFt'ALO, CORHV tV PITT8BCUO RAILROAD TIME TABLE, Takes effect Monda, November 23d, It 08. HonTHWARD. Accommodation leaves Corry 8,80 r. v.; Clymet 4, : Panama 4,16; Sherman 4,25; Summit t,ow p. M. ; Mayvill.6,5o arriving at Brocton T,oo p. m Express train leaves Corry it.So A. . Clymer Ml Psnsn slo.lo ; Sherman 10,35; gummlvlO,60;Maf villa 11, lo, and arrives at Brocton 12, 0 a. Mail leaves Corry 1,15 r. ., stopping at tit sta tions, arriving at Brocton 4,50 r. a. SOUTHWARD. Mail train leaves Brocton at ,nn . ..stopping at ill stations, arrives at Corry at 11,26 n n. Expi ess leaves Brocton at 2,86 r. a.; Mayvllls 8,25; summit 1.45; Hrertnsn 4.oo; Panama 4,36 Clvmer 4.38. and arrlvlna at Corry at 6,o r. . Acf-ommofUtion leaves Brocton T.oo r- w.. Ma vllle 8,10, Summit 8.4o, Sherman 8.55, Panama 2,aa; Clymer ,46, arrhing at Corry at lo,lo r. a. . 1- . coaatoriojis. Pss(V''v' leave BufTulo on the Toledo Express or DsvTxovess, competing at Brocton with trains for Msvville, Sher nan, Panama, Clymer and Oorrvi eonnictina at CJrf with iraius on the OH Creok R. It for lltnavtile. Mi'ler, Piouoer and Pat. Centra, Oil Cliy Slid Pitts'iinsh .,.. Also, toiicectlug at t'nrrv wltk trains on tlie Phil adelphia a . ne Koad, for Philadelphia and Hsrrl v bnre; and on the Ailantie and Ore it Wosiern Hall way for fulon, Mradvillo. Greenville, Pa., and Warren, Ohio, and lanfeatnwii end Randolph.N.Y. Trains leaving oil City at ,I5 a. m., Corrv at 0,2o a. m., eonnecticg at Brocton with train on B 4k B. It. K- arriving in nun no si ,io p. m. Trains leaving Oil at U.'W a m, win conan. ilh Mnil Trnln liRvine CorW at 1.16 D. m-. COA. necting with Express East on B. & E H. R., arriv ing in Buffalo at 6,50 p. m. I.eavteg Buffalo at 4,0 p. m , arrivlne at Corry at 1",10 p. m. Chantannna Lake I during season of navlgaUonLfor A1SO, TOnuv v ,"..'""" " " " i " " Jamestown and Bandolpii. A. JV J ln.w , rjw. Jut. HaT.ll6, W. T. A. R- TREW, 8npt., Mayvllie, N. T Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. " ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.,, FRESn J&L ALL THE jftiy-KjN OYSTERS! ATVt LUXURIES I Received Js$jJ 0F . THE DAILY! 5.V3 SB ABU M tViiahiiifftuu Street, Pttrolnnm Cwitre. Pa., uxt dmir to lthmin 0' T. W. SANDS, Proprietor. Dsy Boarders accouiinodJod. hls eeryed all hours. Oysters, and every desenption ol game ornlshcd cuests. No pains will be spared lo accommodat those who fuvor us with their patronage. 1 . un.'i'. rrstolenm Centre, Jan. 6, 18OT. tf. A. T. LEGGETT. Manufacturer and Dealer In HARNESS; Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Experienced workmen am employed. Rod Hsr ness of all kinds kept cc nalantly on baud aud made to order. P. C. Ifcinz'n Pat. SoodeBag Tor Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Csll and sxsmine eur stock aud prices, Uaiu-St., below the McCIIn tock IIouo. Peiiluiu Centre P.. Jan Tth. 18U-tf S' OUD Gold Jrmvy. huh' htw. tar KIip-