' ' "A MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. I' i I ARE i Stomach tsyro csra i .: 'v. A Mfc, certain and pleasant Remedy for all Ditai arising from DISORDERED STOMACH. mmmmm A wine gtamftil taken three Utnen a day Ml! te found eUuctlvt 1b all caiti uf niSVEPSXA, LlTEli VOaiTT.AlXT, OJS.V MtAZ I)EJ!J ZITy, Aervvus l'rottrution and every form vf Indigestion, Intermittent J eter, Fever ami Agar, and a mild Invigorating TOXIC fur delicate females and InvrtHtU. PREPARED BY DOWNER & J. Urnncl o . W. CO., Van "factory nt retrolcum Centre, l'o. JiulU by nil DruKKJ". Opinions of Kxpei'k'itct'd gists. Urn . Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists and physicians : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER & CO. : Having used your Yosouiite Bitters fur soimt timo past, and Laving b:id frequent calls for them by our custom ers, and from our own rumination ol them, wo be liovo tlieni to bo much better in quulity than any otbor Dittors in the niarLot, and wo are confident that tbey will answer your most eungnine expecta tions, and fully meet (be demands of the public. Wo would recommend them to the pitblio for trial, especially to invalids sufl'enng from weakness and a disordered stomach. Respectfully Yours. A. D. MILLER 4 CO., Druggists. This certilies thrt we have used the Great Yose milo liitlers prepared by J. W. Downer A Co., of Hits place, ami believe that they are, what tbey ure representc to be, a pure and wholes jme Stom ach liitlers, and a pleasant tonic beverage ter the use of inrnlide snH'eilug from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, fco., etc. We think them to be as good, "il not better, than any Hitters now in the market, and cheerfully recommend them to the panne. Respectfully. T. I). McNAIR & CO., DrusctstR. I nave used, and ebserved tho effects of the Gren! Yosemile Stomach Hitlers, prepared by J. V. Downer it Co., Petroleum Centre, and think fhem preferable to any now in usi, for tlio relief of those difficulties fur which they aro recommended. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, Pa., Dec. 2Clb, 1S6S. Ilsving carefully examined tho 'Yosemile Kil ters," manufactured and sold by Mewrs.. J. W. Downer & Co., I am convinced Hint they are chem ically pure, and having a knowledge of their com ponent parts, I feci sui'a In recommending their use to tho afflicted. J. A. LOIIAUGfl, M. D. Oil City, March Clli, 13U9. J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa, Branch Manu factory, and sold b. all Druggist. TfeeGreatYosemiteBitten WARRANTED TO CURE - EASES ARISING FROM ALL A DIS DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Aie.y are superior to any in tho Market. TRY TrIE.U ! J. W. DOWNER & CO. Marc l')th. lt5'J. .,eolenti Ciintrn, T. B. McNair & Co, 2 WASllIXGTUA'-ST., Wont J rcsportfully nunounce that they are are now opening a lull usaortuieut uf DBTJGS ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Faints, ' Oils, Soaps, Brashes, &o. In the room formerly 'occupied by Mr. Goodman. rF Particular attention will bo mid to. the preparation of Prescriptions!, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any in tlu country. "VVines, and Liquors ! FeailElilCIML'J't'RPOSES Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B. lUcNAIIl k;co. Petroleum Centre, fn.. Oer fit '-..-tf Pianos ! Pianos ! Organs ! Organs ! EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS ! SMITH'S 'JKl.ERR.VTED AMER ICAN ORGANS ! O TIC 33 Tlio ur(1cnInned having by ppneial Hmtrnctn wilh W. P. EM UK SUN, Kmj, itnl S. D.anl II. W. Smith, beon dulv appointed hv thorn Sole Agont fr Ih.j ;!o of their CULKKUATn 1NS1KU MKNTSin Warren, Korosr, Vt-imiuu. (Clarion nd J .jrsou cjuulic;, horeb.? rnutionc tho cilizen- tt fnld count iH u;aiust nf'otintiDK with any other m-sons cluinilnir tu be the Airentg 01 oltlmrnfthn t .bjo uduicd llrms, s ll eucb are,IMliJaTOHS. X . E . S K I N IV E It , Donlcr in FIANSS. OB5AN3, mLCSONS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of evrrj description FIANO STOOLS, SPKEABS" ic, i c. ;ciltrc-St OIL LIT V, Oil City, Sept. 14, ISIS.-tf. Pa. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! IIO BERT HHYANi CO., Pcr I'five to nnnoimco to tlie citizen of Petroleum Centre ana vleluitv. that they have opened n new more In tlie n-nr m" tlie ffllee of the Central l'ctrol emu Company at tlie railroad crolntf, whom thov will keep censtautly mi hand a full assortment of evei'yining iu uiu uaiaware iiue,vucu as TIN AND SHKET IRON" WATIE. GAS FITTINOg AND BAASS GU0D3. Mr. Dryiin hovinar htn pneftged In the buinos with Mot-ra. Wimer U.'o'a. for mar yeaw p'ist, will attend pirlieuktly toLhobiHiuods of muuii'aciuriug SMOKE STACKS. All klu da of Tin and Slicot Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, With entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will irnrrnet all work In thia line. Apr :i 1051 IWLIAUS KEWAKD. rMlK nHovo rnrard will bo paid io nuy person 'or A Mrfoiia giving iiifmivuiun tliAt will Uad to th! o.Tt'rr atid tuuivictioa ol the pnrlio who thr. w dnnrt mid UtMioverJ my tVuru on lh iiinlit nr April l; HARDWARE OIL CITY. SOBSONjS Oil Csies Pipe Works. CHARLES KOBSOX & Co., Corner of Seneca & C'eiiiro Slln., llnat uidu tjilllrock, Oil l ily, I'., ' Dealers In Morris, Tusker a L'o's OIL WELL TUBING. AND CASING, WORK1NO HAHRRI.S AND YAI.VES. B'i'L'li 1'INO t'.OXlSK, CLASH'S, TONOS, SUCK Pit RODS, Ac machinery for Oil VTells & Sefiaories BORING TOOLS, OIL I'L'Ml'S, DRIVING l'tPE, CUl.D W'ATKU l'L'Ml'8 Every d;scriptiou of SUPPLIES FOR OIL AVELLS AND FINERIES, Alio, STOVES, TINWARE, muss goods, TEAX.1 AXD GAS FITTlXfift, RE- and UOUK; HAUiJWAivL, OUSE XlilllMlNC.g, Carpenters' Tools, Kojio. Uuliiiai, Nuils, Axes, Cofloe Mills, Table & Tockot Cutlery ; K Full Assort met it of Everything hi Uia HARD WARE LlXR Jiu. Fn'iioh:nff flocdii, kuair.. t-liiri'ievi. $q. Whit'TKtm!nM Urd OH, 2io. 1 Kotltit'd (Ml, Stair K'nd. 'lawle and IV)or7I;iti ; Jlanufactarura of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper ware, Knpfib-inar of ftll kind done with neatness and dUpatcii. Kepeclal attuot ion given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. WVImvft oMdcavort d to merit the patronara of tho Public and 4iiali ue evry exertion to iu ure iu contimuwo. Our ficHitfr rr rprniinni enryuunz in our line. hainir been eroatly iucmised, iu the erection of tmr New Huiidhi. arc now SUPEKIOK :0 ANY OTIIKK ESTACUSHMEXT aii(rit-3ni. IN THE OIL KKCjION. AUG, siMora. ; MERCHANT T3 il. I L 6 E Kiss li'sRlock, Oil City, Hnj Just rttolted a large assortment of NEW FALL & WIXTER GOODS, Of t'ic Latent Part?, London, and Now York Fi.h ioii5, comiii'iriug hi :i t CLOTHS. HEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CAPSIMERES. AC and all article- kept in a ir!t-'Ii 'f'siiloviiii; X.hta!) . I!.ljnicut. Hutu, f!ap. Fine Wliite S'ltrtw, Pi-.j-cr Collars, IKiKl', f,usieiiufr.(. Mcckttoi, and Cents' Furnishlas GiwU, In general. All description-" of f'lothlne mMi up by exnerlenefl worknioli, iu the lalc.-t ht: ai n.-a:,bualle p.'Ks. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE". AUU. flMLN. Cli City, Ta., Sep. 19, lS'J3-tr. J. OGDEN, FLOl'R 11 FEED STORE, KO. 3T CEXTRE-ST., OIL CITY, PA. TltlB 1. the beat establishment of Die kind In the Oil Hjglou. Vluuif uud Fetid sulu at wlioletiale aud retail. a-mii-tf. CRASE Ac TIIACKBH 131 Rlnldoii Lane, N. Y. tWmm MERCHANTS, are now nivnarfrt to reco've on Commis-don and make l.i: . IteEnera and Dealers In both Crudo aiid lttliuuu Oil. o vitriol, CKAIVE, T:iAKEU 6c Co., l'ETHOI.ECM CBNTUB, I'A , Koe on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE TAINT, CAUSTIC, SODA and GLUE. Are nrepiu-ed to make liheiv.l discount to Refiners lor CASH, and will not be undersold in any of tlia above articles, jnneli! tl. CRANE, T1IACKER & CO. foi: saijK. MIR AllllWltlW IIOTF.L T AT TE- ' 1.1 well known bono. contiiinl m? .'tfl roon-a with furniture is U'iw oil'jriid for ailu tit n low price. II' not Hold by tV.o 11 of April, :t will be for fOLt. Inquire on Ibe prumlaes, of J. B. BARNES. rotmlenm CVntre, 5tarch 1G. Q.0 TO ISUA51 & COS for your Caruidgci. E .5X0 I.ISH and SWISS WATCH SS of the flnrd s CO' O,:o:ii H.nisell NW HARDWARDE STORE HEATING AND COOKING ' V E S In largo variety. . TACLE AND TOCKET Cut 1 e r y ! SHELF HARDWA-RE. EDUSB FVHNlSHXSra GUDES. LAM PS, LAN TERNS. AND FANCV ARTICLES. Woodi'M tare, &c. I'or s&lv CHEAP 1 t t Lr? store rur'merlv firri:;i!fd by Ruri-hfle'd r.i Caatcrlme, OIL, LlTV, I "A. J firs II. CI'.UGIK. Oil City, Jan. 4, IStiU tl". BoU Oil Cresi Pipe Iris ri AS. ICO!l?i:j A: CO., Corner of Fcncca and Ci'nlro Sl. oust b'iJo o! Oil Crwk, Oil City, Pa. Havln? nddd a pnworr-il Steam EnRino and threit larire L. V I .U.S. to i.iir already exteiiftivc Mitlinlae rmitl!: Er-iatlistini'llit, are now prepared to Uo ul) mo necuadui-y wyn:, iu u.iin uu, auu repauiu , ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPfER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTLNGSJ In fact do'nll Mar-hlnory.Tob Work cntm9ted tons witu Disitnesa and diapatca aui; ulmoa f Xew Styles for Spring; ! 1 0,0 DO At Low PricM. STATIONERY. SCHOOL ROOKS. BLANK r.OOIIS, Fine C KE.0LIC S, Foreign & Aiaericia, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, &e., IS CHEAT VAR1ETV, s reason al.ln an ran Ln jiurclased at any 1'laco iiiyiiiu Oil R gion. ;)s:55ST; mm & Co., BLosell!s Bank Blook. IU C ITY, PA. , Oct. S, IS-a tf A. rVn;t plilee toct lb1 worth of volir'rnnnev is at the NEW KLUU.l AND r'KHO STOHK AND l,l,M- Biut vaiiii or ii. i5i. vrtKMJUito & Ct, where there 1 always a MA.ST rpiHv ,o .hr.v thnir onito'nfrw tliir Inrtrfi nnrk of r!.()lTli, il.Y. and 1 LiuJ uf FEEL), uud tl,e phico tl j,o wLjiu liiuy bo A lm:o a.orlMienl of llr.t-cla RornH AND DHKSSKU 1,1,'MHKH, LATH, KlllMiJLKS, at the ver lowo.it eimh prices. Tuum wao atd ut DEAD To tlmiroAn intoret, ami wiih to d". witS men who do Luoinuss on the ( u ire, will tlud It ti tlx ir interest tu trlvo nun cull hrfo jiiirciiaiinj; alio where, aud ace wli.i. vtj uin do fur ymi . IN" onr line of biifinea,. fry All Onlcr and elinlnj promptly attended to. 110 n t forest the i la Of I-dsitk THE HOt.'ilKfaTEit UOUSE, WASU INOTON STliEET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. L. 5f. HTKRNTirRQ, IU II. WAUNEU. FeM3.tr. SEAELES & COENWELL, Dealers In tsr a O A. Tii'.i Delivered or at tho Yard by Uie car or ton. Apr.mr. riHIK E. Howard Co, P a. Ttartlolt, Tremon I niiteh Cos, and National Wati-h Co'e Wjt'-h i e, cin be had a' ISll.'. 11 Jc 1 0'.; RAILROADS. Oil MiMestaFfeR'p WARKKN A FRANKLIN, PAKMIMtn CKEBK UA1L110AUS CONioUo.g U NEW AND MOST DIKECT ROOtc 1808. WINTER AKRANaEME.V. iiaiK TAULK. ON AND AFTEK MONDAT AI'i.i, Kf, tralna will run u follow,-' " tTD GOINU NOKT1I TO OIL t'lTY ft PPTim. l.X. A. M , Kipres., arrives Tldlomi .1 ' - in., Oloonolili at 8 67 a a ?. "Tl therewith tralmfor l'ltL',., Ifc.jd lmnlo.1!l a. n., uilL K' iu a. in., iiiiisvniB 10M . It. at t'oiry at V2 i rriili, . m. evivr l Meopolln 4 11 n. ni. V,.i...: P- In "'to ir, p ,,,,UI -). 'ii city i. is :," "jn tn.leiiiii Ooiitri' R.vr, p in ij;!"l' .W p. m .Mill, Fa ."4-; 7.36 p. in. '"k ' -orrj c m-. .' . .,""IH Wltl. .... O'tUS A- A'XMinmoilntlnn from fin .-. "M rivwat I'atrulcmu IVnire"?,-1" Cl Vl KarmUO a. ,., Tltav. i' .""'W arrlviim nt Corrv nt 9 ai Z u u ., C01N0 SOUTH KltOM coitltv, Vlrrv, I'KTltOLKUM (,'KNTHR IvV JSSSlUZ a,. . a m ..i. : ..;.,;" ."' it. .- mil " . .V' '""Vine K. Miller Farm .M a m. Bort I.,, I Iruleuin Ceutn-HU , ..,, . .M a. in., OLopolis lo W a8'-,0"!'" 1. 11 I Tiiiuviiu in.. liller Farm XI ol p m, J'etr OH City .1.111 p. m , leave Oil cit III, arrives OleoHlls 411 t , wiih irain for J'it lnloJ, TiJ,0'U I,. , niiu iiviim-iod n.:.T p. m. r t I'. .M , Aeeoiiiniodalion from r. CONNECTIONS. T.Mln. North roimuet at Curry h hn.j ,,., Kli,- K. K.. and Atlantic A le t w -Sj" S wav, haat and cat, and al,o with Iluroln r auai'lltlmiKlirallmndlTlluffii0 ' tor,jr Trains couui-ct nt Oil City w lih Frnnfclln nr.n.k for e'rnuklin, M.-tdvllle, ami tl 0 fst a .u, v netni, with l',i!. Erie It. it Ka-t a o lln llram h and A. A O W. H. I timo Pa,iiei!Keni will And thii r.rn.1 a sife, pie.wnt ,td the shortest ronie to and from tlie oil ranoT ormVrSn RA K.T TUMU " af,CT lie ure and ak for 'rhroueh Tlclieta via Oil rw & Allralieiiy Hiver liallwav. ,l...ii. S ",1, to tlw Oil KejrloD " c iU'..?-,Mm.?STf E?' (1rn'1 ""P-'Intendent. C J. HhPIUIKN. A-'l MipeHM.i.riVr.i m. IMltgburgli, Fort AVayiie and ' ' " t'Aiir.iurn ltll.a-i..- iao Kuilu-uv. IMU TABLE. 8,1ft p. m. tt,5a p. in. a. m. fits'! a. in. 1,20 a. m. 8,10 a. in. 8,25 a. in. 8,45 a. m. 10,00 a. m. K.'ifia ra ,U,il a 1,-15 a.m 1,411 p.m. 3,05 p. ra 3,51 p. ni J, I Hp, in 4,35 n. in 5,50 p. nj ttetiiriiini; learn I'itiaburgh nt 0,00 a. m . ud 4,20 p. in. THAINs colnif Wiwt on I'ilNlmrirh. Fort W.m. and t nicH'.'o Railway pai llomewooj at 11,01) and 8,42 3,31 a. m and 3,57 P m : l'i Mu a c um to 'i' in-: i.aiiii k. 1 lll'I'OMHI'S OJI.I1EN I'llltl illlPJl. I'll. IS for Feir-.ales. Im'illhlo In o,,r,..,i... irroL'iilaritiw, rrinovinx ob.tructlonu of tho monthly turn., from whatever ctnao and ahvars siircesjftll .is a preventive One pill la a dose. 'l-Vnnilca p cnharly slti.aled, or those supposiairtlioiiieolveuso, are cautioned aL'iiinst tistiie thesu l'ill,, while in that eondition lett they Invite mlsca riaee, afler lii 'h admonition the nroi-rietor ihhiiium no re sponsibilitv. aUliomrii their niildiiesi'w.uld p-eviut itii-iniei iw iit noii; eoicrnw! Hie I Hie ai-e re Mnimi nded as a most liivnlll lble renie.lv for Uu 1- Icriatioii oi'tlioin htifleriiiK from any irroi;ii'...riies vvlmtever. as well as to prevert an iiierotse of fmui. ly when health will not permit ir: oiiiell.ii; the nervi s and brintiin liack the -rosy color of lic tlta'1 lo llir fl.eek of the most delicate. Full uud explicit rlinctioiis necoinp.iny cacli box Pil.ie 4l per box: U boxes. Sold in Heirolium Centiii, 1-v A 1). 5III.I.KI! t CO , ' So'n Acen.'s" for IVtrolenni Centie, I'a. l.sdie.l IVv Hendiiitlieiu at to the Peiioli-tinitVii- ire I1. O. cii.i have the Pills sont Iroiiliti niisllyl by mall to any prtrt of t i e countrv. treeot'ih ir sold also bv It. (; x. B. C ark. Tituviiic, P. ; A. It t'lrlffth. Oil Olir: Flemtnii Mc ''line, Fran'c In; Dr. .1 L. Acomh, Tidioule; E. T. Ibis. 'lion. 'vVnrren : and bv "one Drueai?!" iu every town in the 0 titi-d ststes", and by jut b. il. 110WK, rrop'r, Kew ior. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsiay Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite. Nausea, - Heart-burn, Jaundice, and a" diseases arising from a disordered tat of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & BentleT, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by druggists. A. D. MILLER A CO., Wholesale anj Retail Druggists, AgenU.for l'etiolaum Centra M vicinity. JultiJ, ISIIA3I Sc CO., U'ATCilMAKEUS & JEWELERS, IN OrERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, FCTUOLEVM OINTBB, TA., Keep constantly on hand a larj'aaaortmcnt of WATCF1ES, JEWELKY, JUbTOI.s, FISHING TACKLE Cartridges. c . and will sU at ensiem prltoj A watca work waamied 10 ejve a.itialac'toa 1 ijuyu. Oil Cllv, Franklin. Jauentimn, Meadvitle, Clarksville, New Castlo, Ilnmewnotl, New Ui-iuhton, Kochmter, Allenhenv, rlttshnr-jh ar nciu ai u,-j a. m. mid 10,14 5,00 and 10,05 p. S,td??"lt;,"i"", ,0,) "1 '0,0 7,00 aud 0,20 p. m., and 0.20 and 1 1,20 a m -ii . ,o' U, MVKliS,Oi-a-Tlekt Ajient.' 51.ireli.1W.-tf. 1'ilti.imr-h