The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 24, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
ct. Centre, Saturday, April 24.
A. I' AT, JTetftor.
Time of Clotting Mall.
I'. O., Fr.Taoi.EtM C'KNTItr, P , 1
Jult 91 1, lata, i
t'ntll furthor notice the mailt will arrive at mid
depart from tlits oHca as follows:
Sorith and hut, vfa Irvlaoton, 10. t A. M.
Sduth and West, ' Mcadville, 5.13 I. M.
North and Kast, Corrjr, S.5S "
South anil Went, 8.45 A. M.
!otitl , Kan anil West, 3 30 P. M.
North, Kwt and West, lo.Od A. M.
Divine Service.
PreacUinir nt 11 o'clock A. M., ana '.;
o ciock I . m.
Ukv. J. T. Oxtoiiv, Pastor.
MTVlcas every babbath at 11 A. M. ana
1. P. M.- Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. heal Ffce. A Cordial Invitation
extended to all.
Rev. C. M. Iieaiso. Tastor.
Mnss at 10JV a. m.
Vespers and Benodiction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
W neglected to notice yesterday that
trial ol our v?ater works la Washington street
wag bad oo Thursday afternoon, with a fat
isfnetory result. A tftreiim at the further end
of tbe pipe was thrown sufficiently high lo
reach over any of the buildings in that vi
clnity, and it is claimed that when the
pump is working on the bill we have a pres
sure of over three hundred pounds to tbe
Square ineb.
Our citizens should not forget their indel
tedncss (o Mr. M. C. Martin, Superintendent
of tbe Central Prtroleum Compauy for the
use or pipe, and to 8. A. Woods lor the use
ot pump.
These gentlemen leave nothing undone
which will promote tbe interests Tetrole
urn Centre and its citizens, and their gener
osity cannot be forgotten.
To-day excavation bas been commenced
for tbe laying of the pipe beyond Sbom
Moo's, up as far as tbe Nunda Uouso.
Rooms Waxted. -Rooms for either one or
two small families wanted; IT not in village
will be acceptable in Wildcat or on the Eg
bert Farm. Inquiro at the Record office
Vu had no frost In this'' vicinity last
Hari'kr's Mauazinb just received at the
Post Office.
Thb new well on tbe Boyd Farm, at tbe
end of the railroad bridge, is completed and
Is now being tested. It is pumninir consider
able water with oil enough to color It a
Mr. Fen-ton, United Stales Senator from
New York, bus decided to bring a libel stilt
ngalnst tho Evening Post ami Commercial
Advertiser damages to be laid at $500,-059.-
Tub well on lease 17, Pierson Farm, own
oil by Dixon & Corman is now being tested..
It is producing considerable quantities of.
Has, and promises to make n good well.
Oi-R citizens will remember the Veloci
pede match to be given' at tbe Velocipedo
Rink, Atkin's nail, this evening. It prom
ises to be a grand affair. Two prizes are to
be awarded, ono. a beautiful silver cup to
tho fastest rider, and a silver bell to the
slowest rider for a given distance. There
are quito a number of our young men who
claim to bo experts, and or course wo will
expect them to show themselves.
Coai, ani LUjMier. Mr. Amos Myers
bas retired from the firm of Miller & Myers,
at Pilliolc City, and Mr. W. C. Howeisbia
successor, tho firm now being Miller &
Howe. The large business done by this
llrm in the oil rogion bas mado for tbem an
extended acquaintance, and their reputation
for f.tir dealing brings to them a business in
keeping with their promptness. They have
now on band a large stock or coal and lum
ber which the new lirm propose to dispose
or at tho lowest market rales, and will de.
liver-orders in any part of tbo oil region.
I..utuir Stock op Hardware. J. A,
Shfltitf has" just icceivi d a largo stock of
sbelf-hard'rtre', tbo announcement or which
is all that is necessary from us, us Mr. S. is
well known on Oil-Creek. His liberality
i' ml fair dealing bus built up for Mm a Irailo
Irom all pails of ilia legion, and being a
liberal advertiser) operators and business
men generally ar ut once made acquainted
with lis stock. U i.i always a pleasure fur
"J to chronicle the tuctesj i.f 0-?Vtriig rr.
Letter from IMoiioer.
PioxEEit, Pa.. April 21.
I write to-day under date of Pioneer, and
as I have spent tho day in looking about
some, I think I can write a little something
about your neighboring town that may not
be uninteresting. Pioneer is not so near a
defunct town as perhaps someof the Cen tre
people have been led to believe from your
observations when passing through en the
cars. TheTro has been some thinning out or
bouses I admit: many were taken down last
fall and moved to a worse place Pleasant
villc and the owners of tbem would now
think themselves well off if they were back
hero again ; but I know of no places of busi
ness that have been closed out of late for
reasou of decline in patronage except per
haps a saloon or billiard rpotn which every
town can well do without.
For tbe last two years the prophecy bas
been repeatedly made, and by ntany Inter
ested in the prosperity of the place, that
''tho next six months' will see this town
deader than a smelt." Notwithstanding, I
am informed by groceryiucn that their trade
is not in tho least declining, and tbe reak-
tive amount consumed by any district is a
pretty good expouant of tbe number of pop
ulation. Such predictions used to be very
commonly made concerning tbe Centre, but
the wise ones have becomo about tired
waiting for their propbicies to como to pass,
and in their disappointment bare gone lo
putting the third story on their buiidings,
and otherwise giving a more permanent ap
pearance to their town. It is a fact that
any of these oil towns, situated upon the
railroad that bas become a point of tran
sit bas n permanancy long after the adjacent
oil territory has been abandoned.
There is a great deal of territory in tbe
vicinity of this town that was once most ex.
cellont territory, and is now mostly aban
donedor as much so as oil territory ever
Is. I have never yet seen any old territory
on which there was not something being
done. I never yet saw territory, however
old or however much "drowned out, ' but
that would produce a little oil; and from
this fact I argue that operators will eventu
ally go ever enough territory so that eld
lingering wolls will give an .aggregate pro
duction equal to our total production of to
day. TaoFunkvIlle Flats, Benuingbo? Hill,
Western and Pioneer Runs, Foster Farm,
Bull Run, Sherman Well Flats and Cow.
Run has eath in its day produced large
quantities, and now when the glory of each
bas flown, there la out! a reinaaui ion,' (but
produces oil in paying quantities, and tbose
remnants principally rely on Pioneer tor
Nobody need appoint tbe funeral of Pion
eer very soon, for if tbey do, I assure them
they will be disappointed In having tbe
corpse. In my next I shall endeavor to
speak more of local affairs of thiB town.
You can buy liquors cheaper when the
water pipe is laid up town. Go to Gaff-
ney's. epril 23-lw
The Body of a Child Found In Ifolm-
tfeu frec'1
The quiet of Pitbole City was greatly dis
turbed on tbo 21st by tbe discovery or the
body of a child in the llolmden creek. These
occurrences are rare, of course, in any com
munity, but tho good citizens or Pitbole,
who have not been disturbed for a long time,
took the discovery to heart, and great wis
tbe tumult! Surmises and suspicions rest
ed on sundry women throughout tho Bor
ough, and in fact tbe crime was fixed upon
innocent parties, who, much to their satis
faction were relieved from suspicion by the
discovery or the real perpetrator or the deed,
and tho mother of the child.
Tbe facts of the discovery of tbe body, as
far as we can leurn, are these: Samuel
Smith was angling for tront in Holmden
Creek, and discovered the body a little dis
tance from bim. After obtaining assistance
the remains were taken out ot the water:
and an investigation was held by Constable
Ami in. It was decided that the child was
an abortion, nud Miss (Annie, who bas been
living with Mrs. Hicks was arrested as the
guilty person.
What tbe developments are we have not
yet learned, but further 'examination will
uo doubt, throw some light on tbe subject.
A Deah Beat: We heartily endorse the
following from tbe Titusville Herald or this
morning: Mr. K. Eddy left town last night,
accompanied with the best wishes of our
citizens at large.- Mr: Eddy came here
heralded with big Now York reputation,
and wo aro sorry that ho has had lo shoul
der tho sins of John G. Maflo, theei dtvaat
proprietor of tho theatre Meanwhile Mr.
Eddy has, liquidated the debla-of tho "so
culled'' theatre, having to draw on New
York for the same. The next timo that be
appeals here we trust that it will be upon
his own responsibility."
Sunday Comfort at Giflney's.'
A. D. Brockhouse, in Cincinnati, on Wed
nesday, was thrown from the milk wagon,
or which he was driver, and Instantly kil
led. Tbe French Canadians continue to leave
lor the United -Etaim. Tbe annexation
question is siill agitated with spirit.
In the Klinberly-Butlcr case in Baltimore
on Wednesday evoning,' Judge Chase decid
ed that the mouoy claimed, being paid a
Provost Marshal and not tbe defendant, the
latter could not be held accountable Tor it.
A disastrous fire occurred at Singapore,
China, on the 16th of February, destroying
among other buildings the Oriental Bank
and tko Times office. Loss $200,000: insu
rance $117,000.
A man named' Bars'tow was arrested near
St. Paul, Minnesota, recently, charged with
smuggling horses and other valuable prop
erly from Canada into other States. Bar
stow was formerly in business In Boston,
where be swindled several merchants to the
amount of $175,000, and lied to Cauada.
Iu the House of Commons, Ottawa, Can
ada, Wednesday jiight, Mr. Gait gave no
tice that on Friday bo would give papers
relating to tTie cost of defending the fron
tier, and subsequent expenses of the Fenian
invasion, as constituting a claim against too
United States. He said the object was to
give members an opportunity if speaking
upon the subject and expressing their views
upon tbe speech or Senator Chandler, and
proceeding in the United States Senato on
Monday last. Sir John McDonald said it
was not intended to give or recommend
commutation of sentence farther than Mc-
Mabon and othor Fenian prisoners. A bill
to amend an act authorizing tbe extradition
of criminals charged with offenses against
tbe United States was introduced and read
tho firjt' time.
Rev. Ross Stevenson, for nine years pas
tor of the Presbyterian congregation at Li
gonier aud. Pleasant Grove, Westmoreland
county, resigned bis portion on tbe 11th
Inst. Cause, inadequate salary.
George n. Krug, one of tbe oldest natives
or Lancaster, died in that city on Tuesday,
alter suffering nine years from paralysis.
He had attained the age rf eighty-three
The Grecnsburg Argus says: A sad oc
currence took place inlrwingtown, on Tues
day, by which a young girl twelve years of
aflo mot a bosriblo and untimely deuth. It
seems that her father, Jacob Bolin, a miner,
purchased a jug of whisky on Saturday
evening previous and toot it homo with
him. During bis absence, on Monday, tbe
girl drank of the poison to such an extont
that she foil into a stupsr nnd never again
art'eke in this world. Her mother was also
absent at tho time, on a visit to McKcvs
port. Christian Scafort, who jumped from the
Pittsburgh and Erie car a few evenings
since, near Youngsville, while, asleep cut
dreaming, has since died. He leaves a wile
and soveral small children in Warren.
Tbb President repudiates any but " hon
orable intentions'' in regard to Cubs. Tbeio
is nothing likely to occur, be rays, respect
ing the Cuban question that will disturb tbe
peaceful relatious which exist between this
Government and Spain. The duty of the
administration coneerniug this sul jret is lo
observe a strict neutrality between the Span
ish antborlties and tbo insurgents. Tho ad
ministration would not if It could restrain
tbe sympathies of our people in behalf of
the struggling insurgents against tho Span
ish rulo. Tbe " war-liko preparations " go
ing on mean nothing aggressive; tboy aro
simply the precautions which thu situation
comtiels us to take. All of which amounts
io this We know our rights, and knowing,
dare maintain.
In cases ef sickness use Sunday Comfort
at Gafrney's'. april 23-lw
Salt YafR Cuimxkys. In building a
chimney, put a quantity or stlt into tho
mortar with which tho intercourses or brick
are to be laid. The effect will be that Ihere
never will be any accumulation of soot in
the chimney. Tbo philosophy is thus stated:
The salt in tho portion of mortar which is
exposed absorbs moisture from thu atmos
phere, every damp day. Tbe Boot thus be
coming damp falls down into tbo fire-place.
This appears tube an English discovery.
It is used with success in Canada.
Pure Wines and Liquors lor medicinal uso
at Gaffney's. npril 23-lvy
Immense tpiatititics of ice ate pasalng
down Niagara river. Tbe recent warm rains
have brokon up tho ice on Lake Erie, and
navigation will open at an early day.
100 cases Congress Water received this
day nt Gaffney's. april 23-lw.
Tho Adjutant General's office of the Mis
souri Military Division, Lietitensnt-Gener-
nl Sheridan comniandtug, wa3 removed to
Chicago yesterday,
Wn KntTon: rieiise ftiiuoiiiice tlmt Capintn
JAMKS B. (IKCiOIF. will l eamildaln for nimil
nnilnn for Ai"embly, sul'Juct lo Hie uagci or the
Hvpublieau party.
Mn FriToit- Please amiou'ncd the rrnmn nf
JOHN A. I'llHlPTY. of Oil City, as n ranilidote
for nomination of County Treasurer, subject to itie
lHaBMnf the Kepnlilican i-arty.
Mr. Christy In a man well qualMed for Hie pol
lion, l an ardent Uenublleau and ; ;
wars fait litnl soldier. MANY ClllhNS
i- KOTllON OTA H Y .
IMa FniTon: Plena snnonoce the name of K. O.
CKAWKOUK. r Itlrhmnnil Triwustiip. as a candi
date for 1'iotlH.notary. iubleet to the nsasiw of the
liepiiblican party. Soibiem asp KltrunucS.
We are authorized to anncjmce that JOSEPH II
KM ITU, Frotlmmrtory of Vcnauao oulltv, will ho
a .u,,.ii.i.ii fur rii-niimiiiiition. lor snld oltlce, sut)
ject to the usages of the licyiihlican tarty.
Editor Huron" : Yon will please an
nounce that .1 AME W. WIAJV wilt be n edldnle
, t .1.- ..nt-.,. ..f l((MHstir nnd Keeolil-
lor noiiiiiiii'ii'ii iui ni . ii.-- -- ----- -
f, sliliiwl I" "lie iih-ilhi f the llepnl.llrsil part . nt
tho ensuing kitoiim'i'hh nmn
Sl.nwwas a Private in Company ''I. 1-lMIe m
avlvanla Volunteers, and lost a iIl-IU arm In lint le
of Gettvslmm'. lto i, competent and oliliulnc. nn.l
. .i m.atHf fni- one term t
the entire satisfaction of all who have dpno lraiiies
willl1iul. ENANOO l OUNTl.
liocal Atillccn.
' w. h. nichojson & CO-
Will lend a newsboy on tin-Mil, commencing Mon
day morning, with all thed-iilv nnd weekly par" "
Orders taken at the sloro will be promptly del'v-
ered. . .. !r '
'Another large stock Wall 1'ap-r .""-I
eelvednt A. IV UltlKU '
iriiavlnsiilni nr avi-. linntid SlJioliiii-i
Tobaci from Siiil'ir iiro nwl I., imbm'': in the mar
ketat A-H.M.I.I.SK t : -
Fine Note Paper wholestti and retail n
A. 1). JIILI.E11 .V. C
MAN, nt A. D. MILLElt A CO.
Carpet, of every lynitlty "nd dwriptlnn, nt
Stroct,' opposite the P. O.. Oil City, Pa.
rjTA. P. MIL'.rit . CO., Drugsijl', ar
agents the celebrated "H- II. Ciirars," manii-
fiietiired by the American m tup t o. t ry tnom.
ALL persons are hereby emit io'ied nRitust buy
ing or using Sneto KinK wftn Socket Points, ill"
Socket bolnf! wedg.iil en to tar." this with either
teooefcnornvfali'cwedin and cnnnectc-1 tonether
w rtrtwwniiTn lmH. rent of my minufaet lire,
as I am the sole ownor nf ttio paten t 'or roniweitns
rods In thia manner ; nil others mr.rl i sub anilally
as alxivc are rfiWcr tnfrlnnrmrM't on my ritttos, and
all pa-tieiruiiinir rods n r inni-iiti-d, not of mv m tn
nrapter), lay tlieiruielvcs liali'.e to, nn l will In p-n'-eented
aceordlni to law. W. .(. INNIS.
p. S. This not'ee is. in?' ilul. nr.t as a mere
scare crow, but will be nttee l -d io, and I'trldly en! Apr liii-'iiii. IV. .1. L
All ncnounts rot settled immediately, will bo kft
with nn olhcir for collector.
Apr.l4-tf. Hr.rSrLTS".
The Very Latent Cahli' dispatches.
ED SUTIIHilLANn has hnrn f'f f'o ''etroli nn
Exchange Pinin? Rooms, wiieTe ho wl'l h i lianpv'
to see a'l of his old frien Is onm acain nt lili iie v
post. Iioiri rrircet to kIvo him n call nndiret n fr"d
nice meal nnd tho fluent elsam mid liquors, us Ld.
kno-vs how to suit the boys.
otrnlenm r.xclimisre Koatntirniit.
tioxt door to ShIioui'h Jewelry store,
Petroleum C'ontA;. Apr.t:i:lw.
CANAKY ItlHUS. ninlo nnd female, new ato-li
Just recciviMl. nt A. Tt. MIL1XH & CO.'S.
Also a Tno lot of imported English Cold Finches
Stock, at tho Furniture Store. MarST.
Genuine, for sale wholesale mid retail, at
A. D. MILLElt & CO.'f".
To all Wliom It 'Jlay Concern !
Take notice, that wo rave tho solo nnd exclusive
risbt for Ave years from November, lPr.8, to make,
put up, and sell, In the 1'nlted States, WALLIS'
IMPIIOVED MAOIO HALM, under an asslgnmnnt.
and pnrchase from H. O Watlls, patentee, and Hint
we will enforce the law rluMly ainlnst all persona
who shall make, put up, and sell said Calm without
our consent.
W. W. PRHKIN'S k CO., Franklin, Pa.
)-A. D. MlLLKR & CO., Wbolosale and lie-
tall Agonta for Petroleum Centre and vicinity.
mchv3 lm.
- tT"-11 Pcr!'on, wishing to be VACCINATBD
can call at A. D. Mlllor As Co.'s Drill; Store and
Iiave the pure fresh article inserted.' No charge.
yeur Flour, Feed and Grocery
Store !
opposite tho TllcClintock House, has on band a
large and first class stockTof I? lour, Feed and
Ctroccrless which h9 Is Holling at a low tlgure.
Don't forget the placo whero A, D. Cotton
& Company broke up. Jani-tf.
llatH, Capk. rSootsj and Sliooa. A Ir.i'je
awortratnt at HEYNOLUS, BRODHEAD A CO'SJ',
No. 11 Centre Htnot, opposite the Post Office, Oil
City, Pa.
S- CO 'S
Just reeelvcd a lar'a stock of Spring patterns at
MUnsilES, a IniRc stock Just received at A ll'
nry ;idM, a large stock at HEYNoLni
nitODIlEAD CO S, No. 11 Centre St, -,.,.;
tho Post Office, Oil City, Pa.
nr nciiTo.N's TonAcco antidote
DON'T CHEW, an antidote fur T..1.. ... 1
.....lW) aim ijif
Johnson's akomatic anti-tobacco coy.
i I'MU, lorsaieai . v. MILLER ft CO'S.
THE bo,t place - ,, get par of
mado of the best Stock, that will wear well a,,j
warranted to fit, la at J. A", f'laiite'a Va-,
lonalile Hoot Slnip, Wiuliltnrton Street, Petni0
Centra, Pa. Give him a trial. sepllt-if.
Ilariltvnro A lnrirn
lieitiK closed out at reduced niter, at IIKYSOLPS
o. ll centre St., onD,i.ii
tin Poat OIKco, Oil City, Pa.
Tits IlicnrsT Gift which Ynnne Man can n
sen, ,o his Hrlde. I, a sound eonstliltlon ,T.
" i t. K..,iys n tu,n ,l,jts, with the hiinK
vi...v-.ori.evnl,.nt in,y, l ,n
ttr envn' dee of eliarye. Address llOtt'tltli
ASSOCIATION, Vox P., Philadelphia, p" jMa"
;A lar?e assortment, all sizes, at A P,
Miller To. V.
Crnrfc-re y.,r nlklnds l-h loilKYXoi,rw
III" Illll-Ml CTS.No.Il Centre illr....!
Ona Night Only.-
I'iric.nlli Annual Tour nr the Great Band of thcA:
Wli. !,,. i,.ai ,i" , . ....
...... b.,vl,(ulu tuue? nnii mosi pur
ees .ful season ever made in thu city of Cuiea-i
,- . r . y u-.n ,, ,mniIr(.a enner-
lllive niL' lt. rillVi'l-HTl . nh.nm. .1
all. Tud'T the inn t'ste sni.,.rut. t ,i...
Wlt nii.l llnmoii-t, Mr. Shiii Minrpley, lw
will appear at each and every pertoriiiiun e 50 cents; Reserved seats. IS ccnii:
Cliildr-n. 25 eotitf. Doors open at 7 : pei foraianci!
at 8 o clock pmoisely.
Pr'J4td GKOIfGK GttAY. fljt.
APHICB of a SILVER CUP will hev'ren si llin
Velooipeile Itink. Aiken's Hull, Satnrd iv eve
iitnir. April 31th, i the bent ruler In Pitnileum
''ntre. To the elowesr rider for a triven dijtnnce
will Iki given a SILVER UELL.
AOftlSION, 35 CENTS. Apr53.
Prof. Everett,
In" Lis Grand Prese'it atlon Fnterlalnments at U
All tlii Week
T!e rv-fiis.r .wli Intlml'ice nnthin-; hat lbs
i im-m i-vi vtn i in-t i-xoeniiiriits in m iL'i'- Am "ie
I Hum the m'eat III id -rn inisterv 8 e I Sielit. lloU
Un Driiin. -hoivi't-of CimI, andlitiiiiti-i'dsiiriilii-iiins
never lic"ur wlniwsell In this place. Alilin
Kiinilornl Aiilouialioli Kii-'mw. the nnlv on-sof
n-e kind In Ani'-rie-ii O-ie liundi-el cotiv nn.l
rul pr wjts lo Ik! itistrihuied at Hie close of
Admiaalnn 2.1 Cell's.
Hcgerved seal -( u
Finili ih ken admltl'i.; air pel sons one l"llr.
HAS lenrivcil liio".lco. He can now lu f Mind
li'iaiiy opposite his old oriice.
Nextto Ilttnliam & Smith's l.n.v Of
srice. No r;ll Washington Stroet.
Opera House.
J. V. I1VEK1, I.eaNco and mnune".
Tho Ilritrht 3tn -, Lltilo Nellie, the stwluiu' a
and Au:hhr, Holit..lolilisou, Hie liuailt inn
coihiiIIsIuhI Ci.iii diail. Miss Flonl N vars, "li'l"1
n il hy u ComiHtiiy ol la nut cisas pen .irm" j
AllVISslllft, tlU CTS. I KlKHVEII l-KATS.
Allemaaoozalum City WW-
Tlio underelgned, agont for the- Mi-tropoHtm
Company, now oil'iira to leaso the territory
Company, in lots of two acres each, for ooc-
. jIi
royalty. This lann ' la Rttunte ou Clwrry
Uun, and lien on thu
Which connects the Wood and Pierson Fr'
For further particular apply to the original
Allemagoozelum City.
Or address,
"BOX U"i
retroleum Centfi
A pril 1G lm.
1 01
Vlho sbor'nst nuUcu, at tue Utcurd OU