YOSEMITB v Stomach BETTERS ir v 'ilT mm T rV" yW- ml C7.T5 mm. m A infa. certain ud pleoitat Remedy fur all DlwiMaariatng from DISORDERED STOMACH. A wine laful tnkco ihrvo timca a iny will be round affeotWt In all euei uf dyspepsia, x j veh complaint, gex- EllAL 1EJUL1TY, Nervous Prostration and every form of Indigestion, Intermittent fever, J?evr and Ague, and a mild Invigorating TON JC for delicate females and Invalids. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Brunei Manufactory nt Petroleum Centre, Pa. 0 ll by all Druggists. Opinions of Experieireetl Dim a gists. Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists and physieW MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER k CO. : Vvjng wed your Yosemlie Bitters for some time pant unci bavin Imd frequent calls for them by our ci"'om em, and from our own examination ol them, wo ue lieve thern to be much better in quality tn an other Hitlers In the market, and we are 'al that they will answer your most ngnin- exc a lions, and fully meet the demands of.hf !' h to. We would recommend them to the P" especially to invalids suffering from .eakness and a disordered stomach. Respectfully Yours. . A. D. MILLER CO., Druggists. rt.i. nn-im. timt wi have nl the Great Yose- mlte Bitters prepared by J. W Downer & Co ol this place, and bellove that hey what thoy are represented to be, a pur.'"l wholesome Stom ach Bitters, and ftJea8jnt?n'c beverase tor the use of Invalids siiferine rom weakness of the mcb? Dvspepsii, 0o. Wo think them to tie as Kood.'it not ttter than any Ditters now in the market, and ctorfdly recommend them to the public. i . ReBiieefily, T.Jf. MoNAIR & CO., Druggists. 1 hae used a4,,l,,f rvw' lDe effect8 r tne Great Yosemite Storn Bitters, prepared by J. W. A rn . wroleum Centre, and think thein ..referable to anw h ,op ,hB relief of those iimeiiltle. for cl tiny nro rocninmended. " I J M HARDING, M. D. Oil Cittr. IVec. 26h, I8(iF. . Ilnvlng cnreilly exanined the 'Yosemlie Bit ters." msmilacpred and sold by Messrs. J. W Downer oi Co..T am connoed that they are chem ically pir. and havinn okrlowledae of their com penentpnrts, I feel info 1, recommending their use tc lue luiiuieu.- I.' i. LOB AUG H, M. V, .' Oil City, March fllb, igcg. PREPAI,ED'B-Y J. W. Dowier & Co. t Petroleum Centre, P,, Branch Maftu f factory, and sold hyall Druggist. ThoGreatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO CURE ALL DIS-I-A8ES ARISING IROM A BISORDHREa- STOMACH. nrinnin itiiLirn a ' e., are tttM.lor to any In tlie Market.. UY THEM t ..I ' JiW.' DOWNER 4 CO.' UoUum Centre, Mitch 10th, 1889. T.SB. McNair&Co, e!J YASmXtiTU.-ST., Would respectfully announce that thy ore are now opening a lull assortment of DKUGS ! PATENT MEDICINES i Paints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly occupied 1v Mr. Goodman. $W Particular nttentior, will be paid to the preparation, of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any in the country. "Wines, and Liquofs ! Mill ZW Oar prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt beincr able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B. lUcNAIIt &;CO. Pianos! Pianos! ! Organs ! Organs ! ' EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS I SMITH'S CKI.EI5P.ATED AMER ICAN ORGANS ! o t i a E . The ninlprsiiniort ha vine bv pnoci'V fmtmcts with V. R KMKKSo:;, V-q, and K. D.nml H- W. Hinith, betiti dulv niMwiutttd bv them olo Agnnt for ttm sle of the'r rBLKliUATKD IN8THU MRNTH in Warren, Vorns Vcnaiuo. Cliirioii and JVoreon counties, herr-b rnntloiiH tho chlzen o talrl counties ai'alnat n'rit1:itinir with miy other leitioiiH claimlnK to be the Aamita 01 Wther of the a our 3 jiiuuuu nrma, -as an gaon arcs i.iiruaTun"). E J SRIJNER, Dealer in PIANOS. ORGANS; MSLOIESS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every dojcvlptlon. PIANO STOOLS. SPHEAB8 c, .Sc. Ccntre-St., OIL. JITY, Pa. Oil City, S'.-pt. 14. ISi.-t(. NEW HARDWARE STORE! no mux Bit van & co., Roc leave to nnnonnco to tho cltlzena of pptrolfiim Centre and vicinity, Mint they have opened a npw store In the rfiir of the oUhf of iheContml Petrol eum Company at tlie railron'l crftiii, wliertt thev will keep rniigtantly nn han-1 a full aH-ortuient of everything In tho liuruwaru line, such as TIN AND SnEKT IRON WAKP. GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS, Mr. Brynn hnvlna hfftn ennc;n4 In tho hn?lno I with nei-rs. winter Ii-o. lur iom- yenr p-i-t, win attend particularly tothQbu-iues of miiniiuctnriug SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin and Shoet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They haio a New Machlno for CUTTING GAS PIPE, With an entire Set oi? new dies; And will wa.-rnnt all work In t'ul. lino: Apf:!). BI.AUK SHIPPINf lllll.I.S printed at iho sliortnut notico, at the itnr.md OtUce I till AM A CO., have the Inreeaf ttw.k of REVOL VB8 In Venaugoeountj. J mi FT riAunwAUR oil city. ROBSON'S il Creek Pipe Wobks. CIIAUIiES IlOaSi.'Jtf A Co., Rornnr of Sfnccn A: I'CTilre S1., V.ant Hide Oil Creek, Oil City, " Dealers In Slorris, Tnskcr Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, WORK1XO 11AKKKI-S AM) VAI.VK8, BTUVUXd BOXISW, tUm''Sta HODS, c Kaohinery for Oil Wells & Refineries nouiNo TOdfs, OIL I'UMl'rt, DHIVINO riPR. COLD WATKU PU.MI'8 Every description of SUri'LIES KOI! OIL WELLS AND RE KINiRIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, ": DUASS GOODS, teams asd OAS rm.wj. J1KLT1XG, I-ACKIXQ, and TTO ; 1IAHDWAUE, 1I0USB TRIMMlXdB, Carpen'ers' Tools, Hope, 0:ikum, Nails, Axes. Cjffee Mills. n Table AVocket Cutlery: Full A'snrtmeat of Everything iu the HARDWARE LINK iiuse Piif ilsliin Onods, Dtupft. ChlnmevB, .No. 1 Winter Strained Laid Oil, No. 1 Ifcl'itM Oil. Sulr Hud", TaHeauJ DtiOl ?t;it: Champion Clothes Wrifs rs Manufacturer! Df Tin, Sheet Iron and Capper Ware. Uonainnc of all kind de vlth neatness and J3TEAM1 AND GAS BITTING. We have endeavorel' tomerlltlie patvonn'je i,r the vnbllc. and shall use cvory exirtlon to iTnuro Its cmilinu -Sire. ,. Our facilities for rernlslnnt! weo'tlilng ,n our irnn hnvloo hn neatly incressed, in tne erection of our New BnHdinff. are now 8DPKHI0K TO ANY OTOKR BSTABUSHMSNT IwMm. IN THE OIL REGION. AUG, SMOHn , MERCHAKT TAILOR, iBissll's Block, Oil City, Has juat received a large asiorfnent of NEW FILL & UIYUS GOODS. Of t"ie Latest Par!?, London, ani New York Fash Ions, conipiiring Irpart CLOTflS. BEAVERS. i DOESKINS, TRICOTS. VELVKfS. CAJSIMERES, c, nnd nil nrtlrlcw Unit in a Firt-Clii Tniln'iiig Eslab- liiiitHSeiv. Kats, Cnpa, Flno Whit" Shirts, Paper Nei'iiUo, unci In iri'tmnil. All dewrlolloni .if rlnlitnt nndo no bv exnorienccd workmen, in the latot t-t;k'n, At rtaoimhic prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIKN CU City, Ta., Sop. 19 13ii..tf: j. OGDEN, FLOUR m FEUD STOBS, NO. 3T CEJiTKJT., (Ill VTVV, PA. Thin In the bwt ettahll'hmnnt of the" kin 1 'n Oil Hogion. Flour and l-ed .old nt whniirt!. r:i 1 retail. HiiKas-if CIS AXE & -TIIACKKK 134 Iilaidet I.ane, N. V., (MiHSSION MERClilXTS, nro now prepared to r?eU'o on Cornmiiion and mnko Liberal Advnnccf to Tieflnera and Dealers in both Cruae and Hifinu4 Oil. OIL VITBIOL, CRANE, THACKEH Ac Co., PETUOT.T-TM CF.NTRE, PA , Keen on hiuul OIL VITRIOL. L'LUK & WHITE PAINT. CAUSTIC, SODA and GLUE. Are nreparedtn make liberal discount to Kcllnors lor CASH, and will not be undcniold in any of the above article.. juH'il3 tf. CRANE, THACKEH & CO. FOIlSAIiE. rpilF, AMD IMC AN HOTEL AT I'E I trolmim Cuntrn Thin well known house, containlnc S1 roon-s ivun lurnlturc t now ollarwl for .ale at a low pnea. If not sold by the 1st of April, it will be for rer.t. Inquire on the preuiljea, of J. B. BAHNES. FelrolCnm Cin're, Jlarch 10, TO ISHAM 4 CO'S for your Cartridge'- T?SOLIsn and SWISS WATCHES of the flnet Xjj make, in Gold aii.l Sliver Cane,, at JSUASI & CCS, in Opera House Build! na. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. NW HABDWAHDE STORE EATCM AND COOKINO r5 ITS In lingo variety. TADLE AND POCKET Cutlery! 2Mh? HARDWARE. ECUSE FURNISHING BtDDS. L A M P5, L AN T E R N ?. AND FANCY ARTICLES. EMI.S AND BROIM Woftdi'n Wave, &c. Kor ?alo CHEAP i M tliL-(tltre fonuerlv pffiijiM d nv nitrclifio'd and toiwlitie. t.'ll. TI V, PA. j -u:s ii. ;kg;ip. Oil City, Jan. 4, IStlii tf RoWi Oil Crsek Pips Wortsv VU V. U(H!SO' A: CO., Ctfner ii .-.neca and ft'iit.V SK eusl sidi Oil Creek. Oil Oily, l'n. lliivlm: n-Vlrd a powrfitl strain Engine nod three laro I. x'l'llr, to o'tr aliva'ly eitnn.ive Mnnuwir tui-int: INt!tl ;!tmotir, nr. n.i-.v prciwri-d tct du nil the iiHin.-iuy Wyrk, In Biting up, an J ivuairlni; ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS? In fact do'nll Mnrhlnerv Job Work entrusted to n with DcatnuKs and diipntna au 'Jlmos yALL pAPER ! ,ew Styles for Spriii"; ! ft (T At Loin Pricep. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOMS, Fine C HROMC S, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN GIIEAT VAEIETV, As reasonable ns can lie purclinied at any place in the Oil Region. mimstox, nmm & Co., Bison's Bank Block. oir CITY, PA. n i c!t. Pa-. Oct. f, 18'w-tf A. Hi oil nl'i' '! rr -t 11' ' K-o-t1' f v-vir morev in nt II ft VW rwV'i '! Ki:M: rt'f-i N'I) l.i M- nKitv-it' nr .. it. sr:-:5i,rit!i; & Ci., wln'iv tl'ci i- id way. a ' MAN in- ' i i'i-i- lb ') en-to-'H'r th"i . r' e Mtnf' nf rijO'W, ii v ipiI ;t I h:uin fi.' rKF.H, ai!l tho ali vvli.-rc nviv he FOUNT) iiini-Ht'ri irMii;?'?, ltm. smv ac. nt tho vi'i" lu7 '.-t eash privii 'l ifne ' .j nro u t ! To their on n irt'eret, nnd wih to ilnnl nltb men who do bu-inr!-4 on the arm ue, will IlirJ it to their inteiest. to glva a call boforn piiivhain He wheie, and sue what cxn d:t for on 1ST our 1m of bnf1nf-Rff. All Order and termini pvon.ptlv nt'emled to. Ir not ftru''! the plaV. Ol VOSTTR THK HOCUICSTKH UOCHK. WASH INGTON Bl'KEEr, Petroleum Centre, Pa. h. M. PTERNBTRO, H II. WAItSKH. Feb13-tf. EEMtLES & CORNWELL, Dealers in IFCO A E.l DelSvsrc 1 or at the Yard by !bo car or too Apr.14.tr. rrilK K. Howard Co, V S Barlleit. Tremon L Wnteh Co's. and National Wntra Cu'o WnU.h in, can be had at 1SI1AS1 & CO'S, RAILROADS. Oil W & Alleeheny River R. I WARREN KRAKKI.IN, FAHJfEns AOTloii. 0K8KK RAILROADS CONSOUDATKO. NEW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE To THE OIL REGION. u 1889. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. TIMK TABLE. 18s ON AND AFTER MONDAT, APRIL Tn 1S6, tralnn will run n follov'e: "i GOINU NORTH TO OIL CI TV PHTROt.Eru CENTRE. TITl'SVILLK AND COURY 0,."it A. M., Kxprem.nrrlves Tldioule at 7 to . ' m.. Oleonoll. at 8 6T a. m., (comiwiin, there with train, for I'ltholo), oil i'!,, 9.3a a. m., Petroleum Centra I0.1H a m Boyd Kann'lo.lft a. m., Miller Farm' l.. 3fl a. in.. Tlluxville 10 64 a. lit., arriv ini nt t'orry nt 12 26 fi. m. ' "m i),nA P. M.. Mall, arrrlvesTldlouto S.li! n m' "ill" 01eoioll4 11 p. rt. (oniineeia Willi im ,. for I'itliule City), Oil City 4.45 p j,",' trolcuiu Centre . IDS p.m. Hyd Kim,, BJ8 p. in., .Miller Farm 6 45 p. m., Titn viile (I.Ot, p. m arriving nt Currv at T.:i6 p. in. ' A. M., Arconmiodntlon from Oil rhviir rives nt I'utroleum Centre T.n7 a m Itoni Farm Tin a. ni., Tlttiav.llu 7.4.5 a u, arrlvinu at (torrv nt B l a. m '' OOINO SorTH FROM CORKY, TI'lTSVILI T PKTROI.HUM CKNTHH & OIL CITY U. ft A. M., arrives nt Tilusville H.lu n m "' Miller fiiinj S.3S a m, Itoyd Furin N no m, Petroleum Centre ti.m am, oil citv w..vt n. in., vipii,wiii. iu.nl a. Ill Tid1 mite 11.3n iu-, and Irvjneton 12.2m n m 1 II P- M., arriyel nt Tiluavilln a. 14 i, -F ,., Miner Pa-Jin .9I p in, Boyd Farm 2 .61 n m, Petroleum Cenlre ili iln m i Oil City 8.31 p. in., leave Oil Citv ' III , ni, arrives tileoiiolla 4 lip m, fcomwrt with train fur Pitholel, Tidloiitu 6 SS ir. m , and Irvltioton a. SO p. m. ' 'Ut P. M , Accommodation from Corrv r. rive? Titu-vllle 7.o0 p m. Mlllrr f'arm 7 2V p. in, llnyii Fiirm 7 4!l p ni, Petrole-' um i outre 'i .41 p in, urrlvlng nt Oil City U 2U d m. CONNECTIONS. Train. North connm-t nt Curry irlth 1'liiladuliililt' Jfc Krie It. it., and Atlantic A Oreat Western RtiiJ. wiiv, Kail and .,t, and al.o with IlufTtilo, Corry and I'ittiitiiirKli rn'lroail fir Ituuulo Tr.iln roumi-t nt I'll City with Franklin lirnnrli' for Kratiklin. Mi-idvil'e. and tne West, and nt Ir- viuulon with Phil. .V Krio it. R Kast ana U'tnt. HttmdHid time twbmy niintttos filler ihn I'nuik'. lin llrnnch unrl A. A (1 W. It. II. time. Pacenpeni will find thin road a safu. rHoiwaiit and the shorteet route to and from the oil rerion. All trains W'ltit from Irviuetun leavoarter erriinl af trains nn P. A K. R. R. Be sure and ask for Through Ticlceta via Oil Creole S Alleuheny River Hallway, the Ureal Short Route to the Oil Region. II. F. kWEF.T7.ER, Oen'l Kunerlnlendent. C. .1. llKPIUlHN. Ass'.t SiippHnlind,.ni :n. Pittsfurh, Fort Wayne uul CJOrajjo KiiilWiiy. 11.11 K TAULI1. I.PAVE8. UllCitv, 8,10pm. tt.20a.rn Franklin, 8,55 ji. in. I,51 a. in. J.i lu'.town, . .Meadviile, 2.45 a.m. 1,45 a. m Clnrksville, A,1I5 a. m. 1.40p. in. Newcastle, 1.20 a. m. U,05 p. n; llomi-wnod. 8,iln. in. R,57 p in'- Now Bi-IkIuoo, 8,i. a. in. 4,18 p. in Itochcater, M. l.i a. in. 4,35 u. m AllcKheny, 10,00 a. in. 5,50 pm' Plttslniith ar 0,11(1 p. m Itettiriiin" leaves Pit sburgli at 0,00 a. in., and' 4,20 p. in. TRAINS, (jolnir West on PltNlmrith. Fort Wavne' and Ctiicaco Railway pilss IIi-inliM-ood at 1 l.OO and 8,42 3,31 a. in., and ii.57 u n ; Pius Man. field at U,40 a. in. and 10,; 4 5,00 and .ll.O", p.' in. : Pass Crmtlino at 10,10 it in , and 10,05, 5,30 and 4,45 p. in., and arriie ai chiivi.i nt 1,0Oand n.it) p. m . mid U.20 and 11, SO a. in' F. It M V MRS, Olll'l Tiekol ifenl. March. 1Ri)s.-tf lliwii'n-fh. I'a , A CARD TO THK L.AIIIK.S. nil DCI'ONOO'S OJLDKN ,1'KUI dtc AT.' nr. . r. 1 t..f.lll.t. 1. t.. irregularities, removing obsirnetlona of tile monthly turns. frn w hatever cause and aliynys nhcc'tws'ul as a preventive tinepiuio a ansa, females pe culiarly situated, or those atippnsiaL'theni&elve bo, are cantf ued nL'iilust tislnc these Pllla, while In Hint condition lest they Invite ralaca riaire, after Hhidi admonition the prni rletor amnmm no re spon.iiiil'ty. a'thonch their miidnrss w-Jiud p-event any nil-chief to health ; otherwise the Piii. aio ro coiami nded as a most invnliitib.e remedy for iho al levhition orthoso ,ufforin(? fnan any irregHlar'lies whatever, ns well as'to pravent nn iticreise of faoii. . ly when health will not permit ir; quieting tlm iiervra and lirinulu? back the 'rosy color of health" lo the cheek of the moat delicate. Full and explicit iliriclions ai'coinpnny each box Price $ 1 per box ; ft boxes, $5. Sold in Petroleum Centre, by A. T. MIl.t.mt A CO., So'e Afo'its" lor Petroleum Centrn, Pa. Lndie-1 Ity sendlni! than, loihe Petroleum Cen lre P. O. ea'.i have the i'tllsci't fcoaliili niially) by mail to any part "f ti e irmintry. tree of i h ire Sold also hv R C o. g C ark, Titu.vllle, Pa. ; A. R. (IriflUh, OH Cliy; Fleming & Mc Cuue, Frank in; Tr. .1 L. Acomb, 'lidionto; E. T. liar. '.ton. Warn-n : and by "one Drtiggl.-t" in every town in theD lited statai, and by Jul 8. I). HOWK, Prnp'r, Now Tork. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, : Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & Bentlet,; Druggi.ts, Buffalo, N. V. Sold by iB druggists. A. i). MILLER & CO., -Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Agents;for Pelroleum Centre and vicinity. ISIIAIII ArCO., Watchmakers & Jewelers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREETi PETUOl.Iil .TI rKNTHE, PA.. Keep constantly on hand a larjo assortmtnt of WATCrtFS. JEWKLTIY. PISTOLS, FTS1IISH TACKLK warifldcee. Jr., and will H ni eastern price. Al ratcu work ward lograntclvc wiiiifactlon. v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers