The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 23, 1869, Image 2

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    Fetroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, Friday. April 23.
I of toning "JJmlla.
1' O , I'tTlMlKI ! ('null, P,(
Juli a"st, lSOS.
i ntll further notice, tho malls will un We z aud
lepart from this office u follows:
South and F-aet, via. trvlneton, 10. 28 A. M.
South and Vent, " Mcadvllln, 5.18 P. 51.
NorUi au4 Ea't, " Corry. S 55 "
Sourb and Went, S 45 A. M. "
Soutl , EaK and Wert, S 3'1 P. M.
North, East and West, 10.00 A. M.
11. B. BLACKMON, P. M.
Dlvliio Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., nod 7Jg
'clock T. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxtobv, Pastor.
m. e. cnuncn.
Services every Sabbath nt 11 A. M. and
V4 T. M. Pnbbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seals Free. A cordial Invitation
extended to all.
Rev. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
Mass at 10) a. m.
Vespers and Benediction of the Blesed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
W'b publish to-day the announcements of
Cap!. James B. Geggle for Assembly, John
A. Christy for Treasurer, ond E. G. Craw
ford for Prothonotarj. This Is the third
time CapL Geggie has been before tho peo
ple as a candidate for Assembly, and polled
a very la'r vote last fall.
A. J. Christy, candidate for Treasurer,
is well known in Venango county.
E. G. Crawford, candidate for Trotbono
tary, is a very popular and worthy man, and
If nominated, will poll a heavy vote in the
The Venango MilU at Franklin, are of
fered for snlo.
K. A. Den.mso.v has been appointed Post
master at Warren.
Dr. Thateii's Circus and Menagerie will
vibit Petroleum Centre oa the 12th of May.
r Sam Sbarpley'a Minstrels are to pay Pe
troleum Centre a visit for one night only,
on tbo evtofng of the 3!tb tost.
We receired a call this morning from Col.
Duncan, member of Assembly from this
County. lis is looking well.
A new well was struck upon tho Storey
Farm on Wednesday last. Il is an eighteen
barrel well, and Its capacity still increas
ing. TnKRit was a rumor In Oil City this mor
ning that a well bad been struck on the Lee
Farm, Sage Run, which Is now doing 75
barrels. This announcement creates quite
'a furore among operators In that section.
Rooms Wanted. Rooms for either one or
two small families wanted; irnot in village
will be acceptable in Wildcat or on the Eg
bert Farm. Inquire at the Record office.
Tue Plcatantvllla Evening Ketcs ba de
parted this life. It was the Record's pre
diction at the time it started that 11 it was
the beginning of the end."
A covention of persons Interested In con
ferring the right of suffrage upon young
men between tho ages of eighteen and twenty-one
will be hold at Manchester, N. II.,
oa (be 27th lint.
The nomioatien of James A. Carnes for
Assessor or tbo 20th Revenue District, of this
State, was sonfirmed by the United States
Senate yesterday.
Ames Van Wart, the sculptor, was mar
risd recently to a daughter of Hon. Mar
shal O. Roberts. Tba bride's father pre
sented her with a check for $100,000. That
Is a bettor figure than Van Wart can draw,
lot him be ever so well versed in art.
Wm. nlbut, of Cornwall, Vt., died last
week of starvation, having eating nothing,
save wbut was jforced in his stomach, for
nearly a year, from the fear that be should
become a town pauper, although worth
about $3,000, and a bachelor seventy years
la the Michigan Siatu Prison, at Jajkson,
tiering 18S8, twenty-seven convicts were
punished with whips, thirty-four with a
1 ddle, forty-eight by being put In a dark
cll, and six by beiog placed on bread atd
water diet.
The Toronto Globe claiuu that Mr. Cud
lip, in bs recent' auuuxation propoitioo,
rrckvimd without hia boat, as "there is not
a wii per of such a thing" among the Ca
nad'aei proper. Perhaps they have passed
tij "whispering" point, and now aro pro
iti to act.
The ruling passion was recently exbibi
ted In a remarkable manner,' on the occa
sion of a fii" (l An o'd My I ad lost her
li.isbin.1. uml on Hi" d.y or tlx- fiimim! her
mvlihor wro wiim-what tardy in appear
ln(t at the soierutiiiies. "Nubby," said ih,
'hand me my knitting; I misbt a well lie
taking a few stitches wMIe tbo gathering is
taking place."'
When the "pledge" was being circulalcd
at a temperance nicolinj, n decidedly in
ebriated individual presented himself and
offered hia signature. The Chairman re
marked: "This is a very important step,
my friend, aud I trust you realizo the re
sponsibility you aro assuming " "Ob, I can
stand the (hie) 'sponsibility," was tho re
sponse, "I've done it lots of times before.
A veteran toper has been reading a ser
ies of articles on liquor anulterations show,
an average of about sixty-five parts of wa t
or to thirty-five of spirits. "They don't
givo the spirits a fair chance," said the
aged bacchanal, "they'll keep on fooling
with the water till it depopulates tbc earth
lion. Jos. Howe was elected to represent
the county of limits in the Dominion Parli
ament by a majority of 383. Messrs. Kel
lam and Levisconte, Anti-Unionists, were
elected for Yarmouth and Richmond.
Persons drawn as jurors hereafter will be
interested in the information that a flue of
ten dollars in each caso was Imposed at the
last Court upon thoso who negketed to a'a
tend. The Conncautvilie Record says: "We
understand it to bo the purpose of the Court
to require a strict attendance of jurors in
Tukatre Next Week. TheJlyrs An
thenam Company aro to play an engage
meat of four nigbts in Petroleum Centre,
commencing on Monday evening nex', at
the Opera House. Tho Myers troupe en
joy a good reputation as amateurs, anuVno
doubt will please the theatre-going people
of Petroleum Centre. Tbey closed an en
gagement at Corry last night.
Two Men Drowned. -The Venango Spec
tator of this week says: "Win. Trimble, of
Clarion county, and. Harrison Heckatliorn,
of Cranberry tewnsbip, this county, were
drowned in Tioneita creek, Immediately be
low Lacytown dam. on Sunday last, while
engaged in rafting lumber. Five men bare
been drowned at the same point within the
task five years. -
How Train Bkcauh a "Woman's Rights"
Man. A little incident occurred while
Train was in Australia which will illustrate
one phase of bis charactep. A possible
President was about to be born to bun, and
George Francis was unwilling to spoil the
child's prospects of succeeding Washington
by forcing it to catch, its first streak of sun
shine among the savages of Oceanica. It
was mid-winter, and a ninety day.V voyage,
but Train suddenly shipped bis wile fur
Boston. The lady was alone, and the voy
age was a tomptuens one; but, after nar
rowly escaping shipwreck, she landed sife-
ly in this country. Here the child was born,
and it was a girl !K This mistake as to
sex, however, will have no material effect
upon the child's Presidential prospects if
Train and Mrs. Cady Stanton succeed in
their attempted revolution.
Novel End of a Breach ot Promlso
I knew a case in which a most eligible
damsel was pronounced by her friends as un
lit to marry a certain young divine, because,
forsooth, she ' was without a peony." Ho
was weak-minded enough, alter having pro
posed to ber in form, to give way to their
remonstrances, and she was slruug-ininded
enough to bring an action against him for
" oreacn oi promise." i ne damages were
mm nt uvu buuuaanu pouuui, anu suo gamcu
them In full. The impressionel defendant
who reaped nothing but ridicula from his
former advisers, throughout this trying or
deal whioh looluded a protracted cross-examination
by Sergeant Valentine, was now
brought to reason, no addmcsed the young
lady even more fervently than before: " I
havo behaved infamously," be owned, " but
if you will only forgivo and forget, wo may
bo bappy yet. The only objection which
my Mends bad to you n as been removed.
They can n longer say tbat you are with
out a penny, since' you have Ave thousand
pouads of your very own." And tho bappy
pair were married accordingly.--Chambers'
100 cases Congress Water received this
day at GAFFNEY'S. ' . npril 23-lw.
Pure Wines aad Liquors lor medicinal tuo
at GAFFNEY'S. nprll 23-1 w
You can buy lienors cheaper when tho
waler pipe is luid up tewn. Go to GAFF
NEY'S. npril 23-lw
Sunday Comfort at GAFFNEY'S.
april 23-lw.
In cases of sickness use Hnnday Comfort
at GAFFNEY'?. april 23 lw
Hoclteater Item.
Tbo Rochester theatre is closed.
Rochester females have got Sorosis on tho
Rochester people talk of converting Jones
Square Into a volociijsdo Rink.
It Is reported that Hon. Lewis Selye of
Rochester is a candidate for Governor ot
Eighteen and twenty thousand dollar
businesi blocks are being erected In Roches
ter. Mr. Francis 2. Rew, of the Rochester Ex
press, bas been appointed Collector ot Inter
nal Revenue for tho Twenty-Eighth District.
Mr. Mew has ever been an earnest and ac
tive worker in the Republican cause, and
has well earned bis oilice.
A man named Edward Dorsey struck a
woman by tho namo of Bridget! Carroll on
the bead with a poker in Rochester a fhort
time since, inflicting injuries which result
ed in tbs death of the latter about a week
afterwards. The murderer is still at large.
A lady In Rochester recently received
pawn tickets for a sat of diamond ear-rinjs
which had been stolen from her recently
while jonrn7lng from Albany to New York.
The tickets call lot $300. Tbo diamonds
cost $1,000.
Buffalo Item.
Martha McDonald and Catharine Ilom
becker; aged fifteen years respectively, were
sent to Randall's Island for reformation.
Martha said when leaving with the officer:
'Well, I will get a pair of new shoos there
and not be compelled to wear rag?."
The Cincinnati Cbroniclo of April 20tli
states that n brush maker named Jehn Web
ster, from Buffalo, in the employ of Broin
mell & Co., borrowid $76 from his employ
era and fellow woknen a few days since, aud
then lit out for bis former borne.
We notiea that Jhn 15. So, of the firm
of Sage, Sons A Co., bas enrolled himself in
the list of benedicts. Not to flatter John,
we would remark that be is one of the finest
young men in Buffalo, and the lady who as
sumes the name of Mrs. Saga bas shown a
most worthy degree of good taste.
rfe of good tas
An engine on the Black River Railroad
was thrown down an embankment near
Lyons Falls, N. Y-, Tuesday night. Hugh
Crocker, Superintendent of tho road, re
ceived injuries which cuis-eil bis death yes
terday inoruing. The fireman, Ell Hutch
inson, had a leg bruKen; Thomas Smith was
bruised and butned, and Levis Lewis burn
ed. The storm of Thursday blew down the
new Wabash bridge at Viticeunes, Indiana.
At Fort Wayne tho bride's and culverts on
the Wau&Mi Railroad were threatened by
the freshet.
Capitalists left Fort Wayne fura Railroad
meeting at Henry, Illinois, to consider the
practicality of building a railroad fiotn
the lot uut place te Muscatine, Iowa. '
The Indiana Statu Musical Festival, in
progress at Fort Waynu, haa been largely
B. Metkcl, a butcher of Cincinnati snl
a man to the bank with a check for $1,000
on Tuesday. The latter drew the money
and decamped.
Twenty-eight Ftudniits gradualed. tit the
Cincinnati law school Tuesday night.
Gen. T. I.. Haymnnd. a mem her of Con
gress from Virginia bture the war, died ut
Kichmond Wednesday.
A sliraly attended labor convention was
held at New Haven Tuesday, for the pur
pose of organizing a SUtu Labor League.
An iinsuo.ecsiifut attempt was inadu to rob
a bank at Lium, New Ymk, yestorduy
j morning,
Joseph Smith, tho Mormon Prophet,
writes a Utter from I'aua, 111., tocontradict
the report of bis death.
The convention of Illinois, editors at
Cairo yesterday, adopted a resolution to
take steps to have the general laws publish
ed in all the papers of the State at a price
suflicient to cover tho cost ot composition.
II. P. Goodal, editor of tbo Carlo, 111.,
Times, wasyesterdoy Ihe recipient of ase
vere ptiuishment at the bauds of un iruto
linrfj of thu law named Albright.
The Brin of Mayer & Bros., wbolesalo to
bacco dealers of New York und Louisville,
have failed. The liabilities of the New
Y'ork house amount to $120,000, and those
or tho Louisville to $30,000, making a total
of $200,000. t
Arrested fob Skductiom. Heister
Keith, says tbo Venango. Spectator of this
week, charged with seduction, on oath of
H. 11. Koeley, wits committed to thu county
juil.on Wednesday, by Justice D.iiloy, fur a
hearing on Saturday, Heister has taken
lodgings ut a hotel in tho third ward, ami
was in bed with tho girl when arrested. IIo
suvs ho wnnts to pet married.
Montpeiier, Vt., has
known for twenty years.
tho worst freshet
Hn. KniTont Please announce III at Cap.ain
JAM KM D. OKliillK will be a onndidilo for nomi
nation Tor Assembly, nnlijwt to ttio amis of the
Republican party.
Mr. Editor : Pleaso announce the nam nr
JOHN A. CIIKISTY, of Oil City, s a (undulate
for nomination or County Treasurer, sultiect to the
lisneee of the Ropilbllcun party.
Mr. Christy l a man well qualified for tho posi
tion, l an ardent ttepnhllfaii. and wm dif'ni: the
was a fHithttil soldier. MANY ( IT 1ZS.NS
Vn. KniTon: Pleaso announce trio name ot h.
rauniillll nf rtii-hniond Towinhio. as n raii-l-
dato for Pl-otho notary, subject to the n-e.-e. iif the
Republican party. MAM V- CHi.!'.NS.
Wo ate authorized to announce tint lOPEPll II
SMI'IH, Prothonotory of Venamio County, wll' '
a candidate for re-iiotn hint ion, fur said cilice, alio
Ject to the usages of Ihe Kepublicar party.
Editor Recoiid: You will plense an
nounce that J AM EH V. Nil AW will tie a candidate
for nomination for tho ufllce of Heavier awl Record
er, Hiiblrct to the ns'iL-es of the ltcpiiMican party, at
tho en'-uiing Ki iil't" Primary Klretlnn. Vr.
Shaw was n Private In Company ' I," l t.'dleim
elvanla Volunteeie, anil lost a rlirtit arm in 1,-ittlii
of CrttyehiuK. lie I competent and lUilialna. uiul
has served as Klxlcr and Hreurder f r one term t.t
the entile BatWaet ion of all who have done ln lmws
with Mm. VKNAStiOCOl NT.
Ijocnl Aol2c:cs.
Another lare stock of Wall Pa,iw .iut ro
eclvednt A. 1). MIl.l-P.HA Co. 'a
The IVIncjit Int of Navy, Phvan l Sntoklns
Tobaco from Balllmoro and Lynelilitira in tho mar
ket nt A- I).Mn.T,t:tt&fo-.
El 110 Noto Papor w'ooV-jale and retail at
A. 1). Mil. I. UK & Co
C.T.VS A. D. Mil I.Kit & CO.
MAN, at A. D Ml;.l.i:ii .t C'l.
MII.I.EU A t'l.
N1) WIltK st
ALL :er.-o-s aro lrrchy ct"tin-ied ajriint buy
ing or usiiiiT Sutler Koili. Tvf:"i Soek'.rt Point, ihe
SocV-et be'iiswedci'l en to tho ro!.. with cither
wooden or nift'ilc wed rs an l cmnec!cl toirothor
hy a eonnectini ho't, cx-ept of mv manufacture,
as I am the sole owner "r the pitei 1 1r omnoctins
rod in this manner; all others mad ; substantially
as above arc tlirtit infrinjrmmi on my rights,, and
all r-artloa oslni; rod o e;innoMed, not of my mm
ufactnre, h'y themselvca liable to. and will bi pros
ecuted nccwdinz to law. W. J. INNIS.
P. S. This nofro Is Inserted, not iw a tnoro
sarc crow, but will bo attend"! to, and r'ni-lly en
forced. Apr in .3 n. W.J.I.
All acfonnts not settled im nel'atflv.will be lift
with an ofllc r for lolliitlon.
Apr.u-tr. P.KYSfii.ns rrt.
The Very LtoBt Cabt
KD HUTITr.fiI.ANf has charre of tbo t'etr'
F.te'Tan'p liiniiiij Itooms. wiiere bo will hi happy
to see all of sj .lit frien Is one , aciu nt his ne-.v
po-t. ll,n't ori;et to civo 1 im a call nndiret a pood
nb'e ni"il and tbr 'iMOnt ei:;ai-s arid tiijuor, Kd.
knoivs how to ;iit the bovs.
lftroleiir;i rxc!tnitpr-i letnnrnti,
tiost floor to velinjm'si JeiVelry Store,
Petroleum Cculro. Apr.'.3:1w.
CANAICY Hi::OS. malnaiid female, new eto-k
j'ist received, nt A t). MIM.RR 0!.'.
Also a tloe l-.t of Inip-irted Enpl'sh OolJ I'inolie
stock, nt tho Furniture. SI aro. MnrT.
Gcnu'ne, for side wholesale and Mail, at
A. I'- MU.I.Klt A CO '
To nil Whom It 7Huy
Concern t
Ti'ie n'tic, tin' W'i niv
ve an'
ex -''l-lve
rlirht for five fr-im yo-eiiIier, 18158, to m:i!;e.
pu' n:, mil sell. In t'-e relied tite', WAM.IS
IMPHOVED MAfih' ll.M.M. imler an ai(sninnt
nnd pnrcln.a from S 15 Wa'li-", i-a'cnipe. and that
ive will unforco th law ri-rldly a Ttn-t all persons
who shall tnak p;u up. and : i-'l ?iid Imhn without
our consent.
W. W. PRKTIIN- A C')., Franklin, Pa.
T-A. 1). MlU'.t A v . WhVosnlo and Re
tail A.-u'a fir P.'trol mm t'.iu:re and vicinity.
Csf" All pcrmiM wl.liiuir t ho VAUCINATKI)
can call at A. D. Mlllor A Co.M Drnot Store aud
have the jmre fnyli articlo InortoJ. No charge.
Xcw Flour, Vcctl nl Grocery
Ktorw !
,T. S. 1',
oiiposito tbo McCllntock Ilou'e, has on hand a
largo and flist class atoclTof slour, Feed and
Groceriesi, which he Is selling at a low rluro.
ft Don't fbrsrot the placo -where A, I. Cotton
A Company broko up. jan2-tf
IlatH, Capw. lloolN and Shoos. A Iarn
assortment at KEYNOLDS, IiltODlI HAD & GO'S,
Nn. II Centre Street, oppoiilto the Post Office, Oil
City, Pa.
A CO 'S.
WW. Tee beat CIOAKS in tho market aro tho Buf
falo Favorites, manufactured by Walker A Itazo
Sold at tho IJru'4 Store of
A. D. MILI.Elt A CO.
t3"A- V. MIIXEII A CO., DiugisU, ar
amenta fyr tho qu'.uhratod "II. II Cigars," maiut
faotured by tho American Whip Co. Try them.
"Brick" Posntaov'a now papor already exceeds iu
circulation every othar political papur in the world.
It la "reii Im!" and of unusual interest. Send for
ample copi'?.s I'riuliny Ifruse Xj'iirf, A'cto Trk
Cily. mchlv.
WAI.Ii APi:iii
Just received a larjro etock of Sprlnp; patterus
II. C. JAHVIS' FUHNITtlltE H'l'OllH. m', '
i,, in i n n txi & SHOE
iiiui.-' mii;o pmuK jiisi reeeled ot A o
MU.I.Klt A t'O.'S.
Irjr Uoode, a Inrge stock nt liKrNoUw
nltODIlRAD It lVS.No. tl Centra St, o).)0,i,
tho Po.-t Olllco, Oil City, Pa . e
'arpet, of every quality ml d.wtiption
rtKYNOI.DS, nitODURAD A CJ-S, N, tl "
Street, opposite the P. )., Oil City, prt. . '
IHJN'T CnKW, an antidote for Tobveo and Hit'
POUND, for side at .. D MII.bKrt ft CO'8,
THE best place la town to net a pair of Boot,
mum: ,fi ui-ni ou'Ulf, llllll Will Wlar Will) 1 J
u-firrnnlml tn fit la nt V. m n. ' ''I
' " iniuc'a Pt'h.
iotlllblc Hoot Slum. WiMhlleilini Si.., . .
Centre, Pa. C.lve him a trial.
Ilardwaro-A l irKu asaortmcut of ,lrh I,
being closed out at reduced rates at KEYNUino
BltODIIEAI) A CO-S, No. 11 Centre St..
thelotOillec. Oil City, Pa.
Tiib IticnK-T r.irr which Yonn Man .
sent to his llrlde. is a sound eoii,iii,i," J?;
heart. Ks-ny, mi the s,,l.j.,.ts, wilt, t,0 ,,
tvlews of bi neviden'. Phvsli-lans. t in JUS "
ter envehei.,.. rree of eliar.i. Address llim ino
ASSOCIATION, llos P., Phildl,l,i P, jV)!,''
"Ausma." -It ii not onen that w. havetlm tim
to spare, or the Inclination, to nntico nny 0ftl
thousand and one preparations sold thmiHinnt tho
country, each, ns II is claimed. l.i. asoviToliro
Cure for one or more of ihe Ills that flesh l hdr tn
Indeed, wo have frequently wimdcred 1 1, ,t iicm,
ever died at all, or rew ol 1 even, when, liv a !ra'i,n
outlay they could furrhh tliemsalvea ivlil, wmr.
thlnu' whle'i wool 1 keep d'seawat bar, and ,l..fy
asMiults nr time t Coiii-ernliu the elllo ii-y rncor
these remedial i'.'iaratioip-nul one whi-li lias
i-nni" e.'ieonti u or into we ran .,.,,.1!; rnT .
sonal ex-.erlen.-e. ud (oilscie,illslv Mv i, j," ,
We rer.-r to-Alis,,,.,.'- ,., ,,. f. r,,,;
preservin-j the hinr. maiinrai-lur.Kl l,y M,..,r."s.-
"eotlev. Chemis's m,i Dm K)
Main Street, Hull lie. ItntlloCoiniiieic al ilv ,
l"iv sales for 'ewnril's Cm.. !, c,, n Mil
I.Kit A CO.. Whol. s-Ue A lletail Oriitl.',:,.-i
for IVlroieuin tvntre, Pn. r,.,'
A large nssortnietit,
Miller A Co.V
III! Six.-':
at A." P.
l!rorHery For all eo to III VNi 1.1
IlltonilEAI) A CVS, No. II Centre .!,:, oa;
file tho Post (Vdce, Oil Cily, Pi,
VPKICn of a SILVER CUPwItl -e'.n att'n
elocipn-t Kink. s.ikeu'e Hall, Sntnr.liv i-iv
niii', April Slth, to the best ridr In Pen' -am
entre. To the slowest rl 'er fi r a L-ivca ilijiimci
will bo Biven a SIIA EH BEI.r..
ADtllSSIOY, 25 TENTS. Apr.).
Prof. Everett,
In his Grand Presentation Ftitartainments at thi
uvkiix iiousp;
All CUh Week
III" r.t-SOs Wl- il'r.ul i.m ,i.,tl,l.. I,., ,1.
;, ""' -iiii'i-nneiii i in iii.l-. Amu;.-
them the jrreat modt-rn nut. i-v S c p. I Si ' t Col
lin Drum. siiuwernfUoid. ait J hundred ii- i iisinns
never li..'i-, wirneiwil In Ill's .,, Alsiilns
"".ui-riiii rtiiioinariiin l- ori-iw. t', . n i'v i.-v.-.r
'I a kind in Allien.',, One hllndre I en .fvuvl I .
Inl tin .-e-its to bo diatrilin ed nt tho el 3 i'ci.V
Ad ill lsiott a . rCeit;:
tcorvc,l Bout .... riit
Fimiily tl-keu admiil'n l p-'-sm-s oieiletlar.
II- II M A Its. I A LI, Aff nt
Anr'l If).
HAS rem-,vc,I hlanfltce. lit, can nun- k! f an I
Beany opposite hi, old office,
r,'et to l! iiiiiiiis .V M:2lk!i'. I.r.iv (If-
I' I ce.
No Till Was'iln tin Slr'et.
Opera House.
J. C. MVEICS, lsei.M.-e uuJ nSnnasor.
miAssn.vxr) and orchestra.
The I'.ri-ilil Sla-. I.ittlo Nellie. Ihe sterliie; Aftur.
and Au.lior. lioht. .lohnaon. tl aiitifnl una
coniplisheil Comuiedian, Miss Flora Myein. "IVW
leu oy a company ol 1H Hist tl. u pel i.innni.-
AtaapMn Cily Territory.
The underoignnd, a;eat for llio Melmii H'n :'
Company, now otl'iiiM to the territory oi
Company, In lots of two ai fes c ich. fur iic-""
royally. Thla larm U ailuale on Cherry Tr-'1
Kun, and lies on Ihu
Which connect, tho Wood and rier.'on t'"
For further particular apply to the original
Allemagoozelum City.
Cherrytrco Rv"1-
ih addrcas,
"BOX 117,
IYtrolctiin fen'"'
IVtil April 1C lm.