The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 23, 1869, Image 1
DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL DAILY tCOXTlXVATTOiV OF TUB PITUOZE D.tSLY RECORD.) WmJ& recx ) Rt) . tOLll-NO. 12e. THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted, j W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. PerseirpajabU Is advance, ! month, IB en FB1CE-LIST Or ADVKHTISUNt (Ten lines ef nonpareil make one square.) So. Insertions. Unedsy, V day. Ihree osys, fair days, Kite days. $ J; 1 ti a i 1 4i . 1 (M 1 WJ i! (Xi wi I Wi If IK' 5 Bu! 0 V. 1 00 5" 3 T Uti 2 as n ()' :i Hi1 s (' S 5n 8 S" 4 6'l S Mi I 4 51 0 Oil 7 11 i: j II in K !! 10 nil lrt IK' j 7 no in (m! 1'i mi 'Jii ii I 10 m j 12 Ml 13 ll (l I 1 'i 1". V0 l '! 4 l ll I 91 m i v; mi :to n:i n no :7 tr "0 l'l 4. "(I Hi 1 1 1 : m ! 4s m (I, ii v no ! line week. 1 so weeks, Ikree weeks, Jut m"nth. I wo months. Three mnniln, Sii months. ;do months, V year, Special notices 20 cents per lino, eafh Insertion. AdrertlBements payable quarterly In tidvar.ce BUSINESS CARDS. ;. i:i,Lion, AND NOTARY PUULIC, PETKOI.-DaI CENTRE, 1'A. "tartness in the Courts at Franklin promptly at- !Hlrt to. UrYICE In B ssell ,v Co'-i Brick Bank Hindi- Jap stftlrsIWaehiiigiorSt. urt Stii-tf. ALHEBT St. HAVi:it, ITT0RNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, rflCK In thi Brick Bank Unildlnu, corntr of . Masbington and Mm htruuis, PSTBULEDM CBNTKE, PUNN'A. y 10, 1888. tf. UUMIAM &. S.7JH I3, WTT0HNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT LAW, pfflce HlKh Street, Franklin, anrl Petroleum Cen tre, l'a. . -uin'm-u. V. HIcALIIr, EE5IDENT SURGEON DENTIST. J?TICB Berry'i new Mnildinf. cornr nf "A'as'i- lagtott and Becond eta., Petroleum Centre, l a. maylO tf. T. U. CHHISTir,' VS. nftHlfilAN AND SITKOKOX: timre 0lpOilo ttis McKinney lloue, rn'iinantviiii', riv. . Persons from a detinue will 2Micrn!ly find him ubis Offlcoon Batiii'dav from lu a. in , toM ii.m. BI'.I4 tf tel. J. B. BROWN J.J. Itlfl ASJ.IN, Dialcre In 3ILLAND3, LEASE-5, ENGINES. &a., PLKASANTVILI-r:, PA. Jntr. 1. WIT.SOX. n n vas vi:mnit WILSON A- VAN V1'..S4!5. GAl'GERS AND INSl'ECTORS OF CRUDE I-ETROLEliM. 'pVMercmilln niiililiii'', nil Citv Pa., and -i u uwiion fcinvi rsi l'u.foleiim t'untrc, I'a. Wyath, 1S.:8 if. GEO. II. 1118-411,1, & t o., B A N Ti e K S PETUOtiEUKI I CNTUIi, 1A. T Btsicll, "o Bishop, T'liir a . "llliamiin M. '. ia:1ln. np.2?'.ro1"' w for the traewictlon of n EfflAf. ANK1N, KXOIIAMilS mm !. a y BnsiNKss. -Mml, Tu." antnistorl to our oaro will r.'c'iv fwmpl attention. juHtr 5; C, J arvis. Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON ' It.VNI). . utssi Wvea roiilnced in ol.l Kniintj. Iclurel-'raitii:,- m:ilR to oi-tlor 7s m virtu, y-ai ralHr,Viii!owMi.iiU-s. FrNE (Ttll'K. t'MtE RT AH a l Sizos on. lifuiil anil tiimmod to order on short notice. ?U2S AND BOORS, Also, Pnitv. VnniNh. Stain. r. "eiim Cfn'ru, Pa., July 21, lsCS-f. gTROL:CUM CENTRE, PA., FBI DAY EVENING. APRIL 23, 186. HOTELS. 0 8L. EXt:iI.lNfcK li-Vri-:! M. V.MII.I.HH, ... iv,pri,, T ' 1-iroft ntnl miwt initiiiv'.in Un . I In the nil r. -nm. l-air ..u the lii Mw ivilnc.'.l t,i I. ,nrdi , 1 Ionise i. plo'sau!ly silnat.d, i-c,ms ro.'l .'111,1 l''Vf" ".' nmktKe It a 'M'-hirm -,-,M HtllI ..,.,.,. IMm.'Uln ( .nil,'. 1 lil !.. 1,-ilM. VTn-!iliir-t.n street V, ;r .!.M:r,i tVut.-o, l':i makmiai.i. & niiAr;'- ;!.:::,'. inT,tiKT(1"M IhX.K l!Mn,';d IViiiiM.'iuii Oniru. I'it.. May lit, :swtr. PKTiiijI.KlIM CENTliE, I'A. Near (H! (rcl: 4 Allegheny liivol Railway Depot. I l! nvio-tr. '1. .1. CliOSS, Proprietor. it.ti;oi.i:l--j centiih pa. Th;.-i popu'ui llijlt,!, iiiiati'd Cnrnor of .'lain A Una!,, .Vcarth'! lli" ln I,..,-, n-llliivl nnd fiii-iiMied ilin.ii'.lici'it. and th ii.oj,rii.'tor will ii:ire nu pains ;.j mnko it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. c'sf W. It. GAliLK, Proprietor. TETIiOLRUM CBNTItE, PA. .1. n. n MINUS, . . . Proprietor. IIiiih" is !n a plensnr.r locality, and but a short u-nK fivirt lh,; ncpot .. Thv rtioT:i' nrp larffe and comfortii" !e, and the tablu supjilied with the di.Mcnc'es of the eeusun. j"-o tr- j. k. harmes.. JUANIil.lN jjiusi:. MILI.F.R FAHM STATION, I')n oil Creek llailrnad.l THE noUSE AND FURNITURE NLW. ('. Y. TWIST. - - Proprietor. .Tune'-i-M'. FARM, PA. JOHN F. P.OWH, . . Propr. (li.nd aeeonreo'lat'iins far trnnsin t en'tnmers Day Duftid nnd il.;;i r.l wllh ronnw on rejunnaUp teniH. Tin- priiprietnr 'lil imre no to make his House atsiMctive tu iu''k. Juneii tt PI EASATVII.l.R, PA Thi riere liiiT'iui rer.'ndy been ciiarirod nnd re furniilied, 1 am now prepared tu iicconiiiiodato two hu'ii'red inn'.ts eimi'iirtnbiy. Stiirrt'ii h eve liii Ii .im,. ,,nf. 1,no a , iv fnrTi tunville There is ai"o a line nf sti"vu ir l,'t(in''. JllS-tr THUS. MuKI.N.VKy, !'r.i.V. F1SF.I. C. II YDH, Propriflor, I'LKASAXTVII I.'.C, PA., Oppo-iie the Prcsb-. -tsiiitn Cliurrli Fclif, if. CITV, PA, IT uat, vfvniiM Tiint npccfnUy iiiTovin t'-c Iniv 5inL' public tint wi ji-np-ve to "kep n mul tn cnnviiii-o hvxn fif Hit' f'.ict, we itivit'.' nil who wi-h the rot ti fort m o' n homo, to call upou us. It vvill lip foinul Tlfo ?ISf l of Iho Oil Ucioisfi. Hiiri:p!o I'linjii !vp-i( witli th" Hioippst Win-f.iiino---wj o- -:i a, ;j ;,1 r t.ihlc will bo f. u- - i,1 it. 'V'V !'i : .-v I.-M li e trnihct HtT.irtU. : !(.i-. rj t , i'i:..,. i;, nio f. u- flMt cliim !iilU;irfl v.-, v v .fv, r xuy find ttuth l "n!lH (;i v v.- :i ; : ' 1 v!lli1 J Ulirsul VOH of thu 1 m lh i Hint1.-? i-r ' in ii--v"!i' :i. ortO-tf MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASHIXfJTO.V ST., I'E TliOLKl .11 Cr:TIJE, Pa. EOll.ERS AND' ENGINES F.EP AIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kl-ids of Machine Worl; dnr promptly and warranted to i;1vrj satifjelion. auira) tf F. J. IIAX.VA t C J Petroleum Centre Daily Record. 6ot. teiiii e, ri-lday, April 23. Tlie ISPiitttic of Divorce Law. In the Siiinome Court of New Y'ork. Tliail.Wus c. Kinniur sueil for divorcr j from his wi!,-, Ahl.y A. Kitmior. Mrs. Kin- nier was m tri iu ilassa'j hustjttg, iu 184S, to (i Mr. Potneri'V. In S5i I'omproy, wis!:. ittR Ij be ri.l ul lili. wife, with whom ho was living in tin. Hay State, jW to Illinoifl and siioil for .livoiti. i hereu groifnds not recognized Uy the aw, 0"f Massachusetts. Mr?. Pomeroy. equally nnx nu to bo freed (r .m her clanking niatrimial chains, went at the same timo to C'onnatJcnt, and there instituted a divoice sui. Subseqtiontly, however, she went to Cniirjo, and put in an nnsiver iu iho suit k Ler husband. Afterwards the ill-mated ptir hj collusion, us Mr, Kinnier aileges. priwred a decree of aliwjliile divorce. This detjjee, J(, is claim ed. was froiidentljr jirocurfji J4jb a null ity under the laws of bolf &MtSttCbufetts and Illinois. In June, 1$J, tba ex-iMrs. l'omoiuy was married to UW Kldnier, and lie claims that he was mlslcfftby her false claim that her divorcs was talld. It seems that her second marriage vt$ as unhappy as the first, Tor soon' ehe ituittuted a suit in Connecticut for separa'tionirroni ber second husband. Therefore bs takes tbis action against her to have hit' marriage with bor declared void, on the jrouad that she at tbe time of this marriage had a former busband living. Tho Court below gave judgment for the defendant, from which j.plaintiff ap pealed. ' DecUion reserved. The Sciotary of thu Treasury ha? rccom tnended to tbe President the remoral of i.eorje (scales, Cell. cter rr Customs at Chi eairo. and tint appointment of Gen. Julius While. The President does not indicate how soon he will act in the case. C'ALU'OIS.-VIA. Wl.EAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN Olios I have Hancho or Fnmi for sale, through nut CAMi'imMA, in tracts of Cno lYmdrod Acres up to Twenty Thmiiand. T: rma to suit pur riin.ers. This,, land will grow Thirty five to Fifty rfchel.-i of Wheat to iho Aero, with ordinary farm iri'.'. and a Voimitesr Crop of Twoity-Five bushels per Ac e. i-f.'i)i-rei(-iidenoe Solicited. vildrcss IIENKY VcUBMV, Denier iu Krai Ketate, Office 301 .MoiitKOimry Street, s.-.n Frat.ctseo, fill. ' t. y; sviionRhon, Proprietor of tho Buffalo Bakery. DonhT in rhoiro Flour. Huttcr, Fs aaj Choesp. !.iO, choice tiroi'tvies, lV'troU'inrt (Yntrr, P;. 0-r left, will lu tirmnitily Dft.frclrd to. an f'ti.nlri dcliicrtil. I'lHtiulifc V.i'x tlC'i- n y. Jolm C. Vecli, ieenecii-SJ., Oil City, Pa., Dealer iu tilbbi, C5uss!'!l &i'o's Boring ast:l FisliSn Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, IJriviitf I'iiM", Derrff k Irons, (ale Ilsirsi, Itulanru YYIiccl A; Pullien, all s"ze?, Sir eonnrctl.-in with Meadvlllo and Plttshuriih f'aii'diies is such that I van ret out all kinds of Ca-titiKH at short oicor. JOHN C. WKLCI1. Oil City, Feb. 17, ISf,!l.-:r. TM IK HAILY UKiOUO, Isthe beHftUvertiiinc I nit'ihtim In iht oil iklmom. Mii mmAlXS ItFiWAESU. rrilK above reward will be paid to nny person or persoiiH tririnu: information tliat will lead tn the nirii-t and conviction ol' the narlieH who thr.iw dtmn nnd de-droved my f'-nce on the niubt of April i::th ISt lit. EDWARD l'OX. 3t BL'Y the E Howard American Watch, eht btos made, of ISIIAM A CO DIAMOND PINS ni KIN OS, at liflAM t CO Sm T. M'Donad, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpUR beit flock of DRIVING AND SADDLE X HOUSES on the Creek, are to be found at Al'fionald's liivery. "ARRIA&ES & CUTTERS 70 B LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FED & BOAKDEl) on Keasonablo Terms. Teaming 7 of all kinds at tended to Promptly. C3Glve me a call. T M'DONAli Petroloum Centre, Nov. If, 1808. I ISIII R & KKIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers la all kinds of WELiLTOOIiS & FIXTURES Voesssary for pnttlnit down- and perntln(r Oil W ells. In connection with our MACHIN K SHOP, we have a Urge and convenient BLACKSMITH SHof. rm f icilltles for MAKFFACTtjRISQ ex celled by any Bhop In the Oil Regions. , Shop Uain-tit,oppoaile Mcjjlinlock Iiount. tnj tf FI3HER NORMS. WANT S3 B Five flood .tWrneyiiien' Carpenters ! OIVlNfi to th (ncr-ft8 of mr bniaineps I nm Cimro!lcd to hire more help to keep up with bin. uuuiHiiu ior ray moor STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL HE GIVEN TO THE AMOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A !ar;n quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER! Of all kinds constantly on band at tr.T Yard, and will lie sold at iW REASONABLE RATES jgj M. SOSfTAG. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 24lh, 'OS. tf. Pianos ! Pianos ! Manufacturers, JAMKSTOWN. N. T. Also, ex clusivo A!ont fur tho ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Shirt Music, Strings, &c. 13 Send for illustrated Catalogue and price list. CAOUfil & BUOWNV Warerooms 41 Mala Street. Factory Brooklyn Ulnck, foot of Main-St. inayST-UT. S. S. Griswold, Dealer in SS1" Orders by the Car or Ton promptly Filled Alpo, Agent for the colcbiatM ki:::l mime coal: OFFICE on Second Street, near it H. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. JanW-tf, BAI.I. Tlt'KRTN got up tn'ftYLJS at Hie RI1COKD OFFICK 25 C'l. WEEKLY RAILROADS. Bt.FFALO AND KIUK ICAILKOAD. On nnd .after Monduv, Nov. .)nl. Isiw, Passenger Trnlns will ran on thle icind as follows: l savk rate ooino famc. , . A- '.. NIOHT KXPUKSS, etnppfng at Ripley, WestSeld. Dunkirk nnd Wlrer- creeK, arrivlmj at Klillnln at A. M. UK I'ffc.fc M-i KW YOItlv I'XI'HKHH. .top. WWW imr At WiHtftnlrl Hl-m-tm. n.itilsilb mV vercroek, and Ang'ila, arrlvlur in Hufl'aJo at 9.10 P.M. ?sVl P- M.. CINCINNATI EXPHESS, step. ''- pine at Northeast, Wesllleld, llrocton, Dunkirk and Wlverereek, and arrives at nuiiaio ai in,4a i. ri. ., , A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA TION, stoppliiR at all stalinus, arriving M 0:00 J .mini in,ii,A' Ti . ,, Jli 1. M., DAY K.XPKESn. 'e'opplns: at ti- Nortbenat, Riplev, wtlleld. (innklrK, Hllvcrcmck and Ai goln, iirri nni at Bui- falo at. 7,llo P. SI. l.FAVK KUKrALO CnlN'fl WHsT. ,1 K t'ttOX M., DAY EXI'KKSS etepplnft at An 1 -'i" ' enla, Hllverereek, Dunkirk, Urneton, westfleld and NiKlhonet,SAriivlne at Krla at a, !5 P. M. .... J'tlil''' M., MAIL AND ACC.OMMODA ,'"w T10N, stoppinn at all stations, arrivluK at Erie at. S,5o P. V. , ,. i.'?A A. M.. TOI.KDO KXPRESS. stnpini t all stations, and arriving at Situ a' lo, A. M. (fin P M., STEAMBOAT KXPUKSS, stop.' rlnit at Antrola, NIvenTeek, Dunkirk.' llrocton. Wostlleld and Northeast, arriv. In" at Erie at 1.8" A. M. f . A. M.. NIGHT KXPUKSS, stopping . Is tW Sllvercreek, Dunkirk and Wostfli.ld, ar- rivlnc at Erie at 'l. l'i A. M. .. Railroad time is lo minuter, fas'.'r than Kile time f K N 11KIHV.N, C.en'l Supt. B IFIr AI.O, lORHi Sc flTISUlHti RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Takes tflect Monday, Novcim er 2 id l.-tii. NOIlTHWAlltl. . Accommodation leaves Corrv r m.: .HrmW 4,' 6 ; Panama 4,16; Shernmn ; Summit o,oe p. at. ! - Mnyville 6,5o arriviiifr at ftroetou 7,iio p. in Express train leaves Corrv Mo a. m. s Clvnier 0,AS Psnauia lo.lo ; Sherman lii.Sa i tdimaili It,M;Slay vlllell.lo, and arrives at Brocton 14 0 tt. Mail leaves Corry 1,15 P. M., stepping at all at&. tious, arriving at Broeton 4,ru r. m i . - souTnwAim. , , . . Mall train leaves Broeton at .oo a. m .stonnlne at all stations, arrives at Cony at 19,i:6 p. ti Bxpi ess leaves Hroeton at a. 35 p. t.; Wayvt!l 8.i 3,45; Srermanooi Panama 4,'; Clyiner 418, and nrrlvinir at Corry st b.oO p. m Aeeomnodation leaves Broeton T.oo p. Ma', vllle 8,10, Summit 8,4o, gbermnn 0.156. .Panama IU0 ; Clymor 9,46, arrivinii at Corry at lo,lo p. a. CONNECTIONS. rassencers leave BufTalo ou tho Toledr- litprsea or Day Express, con.icciiu at Ureelun 1th trains for Mnyville, Sherman, Panama. Clvmer and Corrvj comiectinar at Corrv with trains on the Oil Crsek It R. for Titusvble, Mi'ler, Plou'jer and Jet. Cenu-a, Oil City nnd Plttshuista Also, conneotlng at Corrv with trains on tbe Phil, adelphia i Erie lioad, for i'hlisd.'lolila.and Harris hnri,'! anrl on the Atlantic and (iro n Ww-tern Rail way for Knion,- Miadville, (ineuvllle, Pa., and Warren, Ohio, and lamnstoA-n and iand''lph,N.Y. . Trains leaving Oil City ntii.16 a. m., Corv at !,So a. m., ennncctin at Itro.-ton with train on B ft is. it. arnvinir in linll.'ii. at s.lo p ro. Trains leaving Oil City nt !l.!3 a tn. will connect with Mail Train lenvinx ,Corrv ut. l.lfi p. m., oan neptliif; with Express East o1. n E It It , an iv. Inir In BurTnlo at il.fiO p. m. I.mvii f Bull'alo at 4.ot p. m , arrlvins at Corrynt p. in. .. .. Abo, cenneet at Mnyvlllo with Steamboats en Chautauqua Lake during scasoo ol navigaUou, fur Jamestown and Randolph- ' -, , ; A. R. TRKVF, Snpt., Jnnl. ... . . Ma .vllle, X Y. , Petroleum Exchange1 HOTEL. . ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESU OYSTERS ! Received ALL THE LVXtT Ri'is 1 OF THE DAILY! VI 8KASOKI tVaNliiiitO'a Slriiol,' Petroleum Centre, Va., noxi lonr to Ishaiu A Co' Jawelry Kt nr T. W. SAXD9, Propriolor. lHy liouriltTH acrumiii.Jii...(i, ...fairt iifrv all hoiiiH, thsleiB, and evorv drKpription nt gam urn ilicd clients, No paiu will b(v spared to nccontiuodftt thow who fnvor ub with their patruiiktgt). T- W. SANDS Pntolenm Centre, Jan. 6, A. T. LEGG'E'LIV Manufacturer and Dealer In HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cupsv & c. Experienced workmen are emiilnvod. c.d flur. ness of all kinds kept if nstaiitly uu baud and maos to order. P. C. Heinz Pal. Se'eH''(ng Tor Sale. Repairing Done at all limf-s ! Call and examine ear st"ci and pri-e Main-St., belnw .lie McCJin- tOCk II.IIIIS.H. Petroleum Csntro, Pa iau Vtii. lsup -t. 3 OLID Old .Tf.welr?,' HKi.l .r-.-mriM j rin, Meeve Buttons, Se , IriHA ii is y