- J. Brunei i 9 f Stomach BITTERS! A Mft, ecrtila aoS pltMUt Itemedy for .11 DlMuesBrislag from a DISORDERED STOMACH. a wloo glsural Ukea thrt tlnifii . d.jr Till b round iffoellTe la all (Ml Ol DYSPEPSIA, limit COHirZAIXT, GEtr- EHAX DB1IJL1TY, Jfcrroua jVrostration and every form of lndigeetion, Intermittent Fever, Jfewr and Ague, and a mild Invigorating TOXIC for delicate females and invalid a. PREPARED BY W. DOWNER & CO., Morn-factory nt Petroleum Centre, Pa. ,ld by nil Urasgtntn. Opinions of Experienced Dm gists. Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists and physicians : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER & CO. : Having tilled your Yosemile Bitters for gome time pttBt. and bavin? bad frequent calls for them by our custom em, and from our own examination ol them, wo be lioou them in ha much better in finality than any other Bitters in the market, and we are confident that Ibey will answer your most sanguine expecta tions, anil Wily meet ma uemaous 01 n H'""'"' lil monmmnnil them to the Dllblio for trial, especially to invalids suffering from weakness and a disordered stomacn. Resnectfitllv Yours, A. D. MILLER & CO., Druggists. Thlii oprlirtea that we have used the Great Yoso. mllu Ritiora tironnreil hv J. W. Downer it Co., ot this place, sod believe) that they are, what they are represented to be, a pure and wholesome Stom ach Bitters, and a pleasant tonic bevorap,e for the use of invalids suffering from weakness of the &tm..Mi rivonensin. .to.. Ac. We think them to the mavket, and cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully. T. B. McNAIR & CO., Druggists. I have used, and abserved the effects of the Great Yosemite Stomaoh Bitter", prepared by J. v. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, and think them preferable to any now In use, for tho relief 0! those iliHicultie8 for which they are recommended. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, Pa., Deo. 2Cth, 1868. Having carefully examined tho Yosemlto BIJ ters." maniilactiired and sold by .Messrs. J. W. iwrni.r . Co.. I am convinced that thry are chem ically pure, and having a knowledge of their com ponent navts, I feel sate in recommending their use to the afmctea. . ,x J. A. LOBAUGH, M. D Oil City, March 6tb, 18119. J. "W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa., Branch Manu factory, and sold by all Druggist. TheG-reatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO .CITRE EASES ARISING FROM ALL A DISORDERED STOMACH OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINE Ve,, aro Kiierior to any in MaiKtsl. TRY TlIEM t J. W. DOWNER & CO. Ito'.euitt Ccutro, Match 10th, 1809. T. B.McNair &Co, !2: VASIIWTOX-ST., Would respectfully announce that they are .... ....... .......lino- ft lllll USSOl'llUUtlt lit DEUGS! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Soaps, Brushes, &c. In the room formerly 'occupies by Mr. Goodman. If" Particular attention will Vie paid to the preparation of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any in the country. Wines, and Liquors ! FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES "Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B. OTcNAIH. ti CO. Petroleum Centre, "a.. Oct ; 'w-tf Pianos ! Organs Pianos ! Organs EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS SMITH'S CELEBRATED AMER ICAN ORGANS ! OTIC E - Tin . nnderatuned havimr by spefl.ll ennlr.i-ti with W. V KM rc ISDN. r..-o.. aim n. u.mvi it- MUXi'S In Wanen, Vi-rei', Veinnio, Clirn-i and Ji-e'erson counties, hereby antlnns tho e U7.in o -..ill ..i,yitlA a.iLinst iieLiotiatinic with tiny otlor .'.linns riiinlnn lo ho the A iiaii m "i elthiT of the above named flrius as all su h are.IMlWI'OltS. W . El skixiver, Dealer in PIANflS, ORGANS. EIELOBSONS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. c, &e. Coutre-St P1AN0 HT0OLS, SPREADS' OIL CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, 18l'i8.-tl. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROHEUT KKY AX 4. CO., Be" leave to announce to the citizens 01 l-etroietim Centre and vleluitv, that they have opened a new store in ten iear of the utile,- of the Central Petrol eum Company lit the murium crnsemir. wnern iue will keep ennalanrtv nil tiano it hoi nnson-uum Veryilllllg IU llio lllliuwuie uiw. i,i:i.ii iw. TIN AND SHEET IRON WAR . GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mi- r.i-vnn liitvlr.iT t,ern on"ai'eil ill tile lir: i:V'." Willi Messrs. Winier U-ii's. ror miir jvars p ,r, will attend imrticularly to the liusinns. ofne uutictiirlug SMOKP: STACKS. All kinds or Tin arid Sheet Iron Warp to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, iC. Thoy have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, With au cntiro DIS SET OF NEW DIES, 1 And will warrant all work in this line. Apr:P. tin: niiAKK SllItltC. IIII.liS printed ,11 he sloe ist nolle. at llie i.e.' nt Oltlru raiiAM co h e the laraeat stock of HE L ViKS tu Venmi o county HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON"S mi Creek Pipe. Wckks. CHAKLES ROISSOX A; Co., Corner of Setiecn Centre Sl, i:ut Ido Oil Creek, Oil City, u., Dcalr In Morris, Tusker A Cn's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WOnUINO U.VMIKLS AND VALVKS, CTITl.'t.-'N'ft WIVES. 3LAMPS, TONUS. SICKER RODS, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries UOltlNO TOOlS, OIL I'L'MI'S, DHIVINO l'll'K, COLD WATER PUMPS ivory description of SUPPLIES IOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STJVES, TINWARE, : BRASS 0001)8, TV A Ml AX D IAS FTTTrXGS, TEAMS A"iELTlx(Ji tAVKiyg, and HOSE; iARnWJRE, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' 'ools, Rnpe.l)kum, ;' Nails, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & Pocket Cutlery, Full Assortticut of Everything In the JIAIO 1 VA RE LINK. 1w.se Fnr lIshHit Ooods, Lamp", Cilmuoy., No 1 Whiter Strained IJirJ Oil, Nu. 1 Hcuueil Oil, Ktnlr Hod. Table and Poor Mats; tiJiJJiMJini Clothes Wringers Manufacturer! of Shest Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Hoiininn" f all kinds dono with neatness and dispatch. EpocUil nttcnHon given to STE.'M AND GAS FITTING. Wo have eirteavorod to merit tho patronaao of Ihe public, ail "hall use evvry luiuim i iwu. C'o!i'r"f""u'itef for fr-rnlshin? eterythlm? In our line. havioi! Hon Rreauy ma, .... SorTltum fO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT auiiSl-Sm. IN Tim "' MERCHANT T &ILOR, j Blss il's Block, Oil City, Has Just rcelvcd a large assortment f SEW FILL I WINTER SMS- Of fie Utcst 'arls, London, a;id N('w York Fash on., comprlrtaij iu part CLOTITS. 1JEAVTRS. D03SKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS CASSI MERES, Vc, nd all articles kept In a Firt-Cl TaiUn-iaa I1 lish menf . Ilats, OBVK.fl" WIiHo SU'jt", Vaper Cullaii. Hoc. snit;ndora. veckiie-, una CJents' I' urnislii.is (SoihK tntreneral alHecrlp'loin of ClnthlnR mule tin hv exnerionei'd wirkmell, in llio lulont styles, al nnsunahlc pricei SVTISFA(TION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. Oil aty, Pa., Sp. 19, lSUS-tf. J. Gr OGDEKT, FLOE B FEED STORE, TkO. S7CESTUE oi, crrv, pa. ST., Thin i the host tablislimcnt of the kind In the Oil Region. I'lon and Feed mild at wholesale iiu 1 retail. aufc-tf tltAXE Ac TIIACKI.lt, 134 PI a do II l.aiie, N. V.. mmm mercihsts, ,.,rert r. receive on Commls'loil an-' ;,v: , i,h, r,il Advaieesto ttelinci IWMi j It.jiu i-'rude and Ueftied Oil, OIL "V IT BIO Ij, . . T As f . PETKOUUM CKNTRE, PA , Kt'in on lmu'1 OIL VITRIOT.. Bl-D"""111; Are t.repared to make liher.il dtamnt to K,. lor CASH, ana win aoi ue iuw. j - ttiove articles. CRANE, TUACKEf & CO. juuel tl. FOItSAIiE. rinK AIKRICAN IIOTF.Is AT rE I troleimi Centre. . I'hls well known house, containing :KI roon s with tiirtilture Is n,. oflored fur .ale at i low prleo. If not sold hy Ihe 1st of April, It will boior rett. Inquire on the preiut.es, ol J. II 1AUNKS. Pat'-oleuiu Ceiilrc, Mnn.li If. G O TO ISI1AM & CO'S for your Carttdge.. al lNOLTSH and SWISS WATCHES if ih r make, in Hold and Silver t'a?e; ,nt : & CO'a, ill Opera Uouse Iiiiilding- tlnesl '11AM VOL MISCELLANEOUS-MI, CITY." NW HARDWARE STORE II BATING AND COOKING In largo vnrlety. TABLE AND POCKET Qutlery! SHELF HA ROW A BE. HOUSE FURNISHING GtODS. LA.MPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooilcn Ware, &e. For sale CHEAP I Ai the iture formerly orcnnled hy llnrchflo'd and Cafterlilie, OIL CITY, PA. j i lies it. uKuuit:. Oil City, .7;in.4, W If Rota's Oil Creek: Pipe , Works CHAN. ICOliSON & CO., Corner nT Seneca and Centre Sts, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Ilavln" added a powerful steam Enilno and threo Innre LAl'IIKS. to oe.r alii-mlv extrusive Mainline turtle" Estalilishntent. ai now prepared to do all tho lwccs.-ary wyrk, in lining up, and repairing, ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND F1TTINGSJ In fact do'all Machinery .loll Work entrusted to ni with neatness and dispatcn aui21mos ALL pAPER ! .ew Styles for Spring ! At Low Prices. STATIONERY. SCHOOL ROOKS. JiLANK BOOKS, Fino CKROMC 3, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, . TOYS, FANCY GOOD-', &c, : IN OHEAT YAIUETY, s reasonable us can ho puichised at any place ill the Oil Region. W13JLST0X, BSOSKl & Co., Bipsellf3 Bank Block. OIIi CITY, Oil city, Pa , Oct- 5,1A'is-tf PA.. A. i, o,i nViei. to i,'t tli" worth of your money Is at the N-:V KI.HUK AMU r w K D STORK " II; BBK VAItH !' l M. TENB4.aO & C i., horo there is alway. a MAN te-tdv lo show thei' customers their lanre Pl.lll'lt. IHV. a ad ail k ills of Phh.0, and tliu plueo also where may bo foihstd . i - ., i,..i ..r ttr-t- daso TtOI'tlH AND IIUKSSKU I.CMKEIt, I.ATll, Mll!Nl,jn. al iho vji; luwo.t ih pi Ice. '1 Hone wno are not To their on interest, and wish tn deal with men woo d bii-dnos on the si.uaro, will Hud i it to their interest lo elvo nan call neiore ii n, n.io,o0 wlioru, uud bcu what wo ixn do for you I3ST our line of Ini.-ltics. JTf All Orders and roaming proinpily oi-endcd lo. ,V,,l:f',,''MI;'il'1?io,I1,' PdsrrE THE ItocllESTElt HOUSE, WASH INGTON STREET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. I M. BTKHNBURO, FthlS tf. UJ II. WARNER. EEARLES & COHNWELI, Poulurs In "C O A. i . - neliveiiil or al the Yard by Uio on. Apivll-.tr. rilllB K. Howard K r "'' J, ' I Wnteli Co's, and Nallon.il ulrli Co's n eJ; can bo bad at ISllAll & CO'S, RAtLRbAftS.' Oil Creel 4 AHeetay River R 1 WAHKKIH FKAIMVliin, HK.HRRS ANT) fill 01U4KK KA1LHOAD8 CONbOUDATBD. NEW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE Tn tiii? fin. nrmnu ,u 18S8. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. TXMK TADLB. 1SUS ON ANT) AFTEK MONDAY, APHII. stii 1H. trains will mn as follow.: 61 " OOIN NORTH TO OH, CITY PETKOI ri. CENTRE. Tm;HVIl.LK AND OOURY 151 ,x. A- lrew,arvesTidloiitat7aii. t' m , OleniH)ll at U! a. ... .,,,?'.?? there with trains for Piih.ii Av. .' 9 44 a m., Petroleum Centre la in .. i ,i , in .. M - i.. ii in., X'JU . win. .u.jiru , BlllM ITnrm 1. wu. i..u mv.w B. Ill at I'nrry at 12.2s p. m. arriving r,fJ olnnpnlia fur l'itholi trnlonm 8.28 n. m Villi) 6.04, p. n. tit Tu.. . arriving nt lorry ai I D p. nt. I. 'Ml A. V. M. , Accommodation from Oil Cltvnr Iveaat Petroleum Centre 7.o7 a in .Dold 'armLIII a. m., Tltiiavillo 7.45a . irrlvinu at Corrv at 9 ill a. m ' W9W rlvea F arrl GOING HOUT1I FROM XHRY, TITCSVIlt V PKTROl.KUM I'KN I lK A OH, CITY it'JA A. M., arrived at Tltnovillo Mo ' m Miller Farm S.32 a in. Boyd Karm a'to.' m, Petroleum Centre 8 ra a in, OlMiiv' 9.a4 a. m., OleoKills lo.lo 0. m , ti I onto 1 1.80 a m , and Irvlneton IJ.2S n m 1t J.X P M , arrive, at Ttlu.vllle .f ? m., Miller Farm S.84 p 111, liovd Fam 2 41pm, Petroleum Centra aljiln tu, Oil City 8.81 p. m.. loav Oil citv 8 411 , m, arrives Olcnnollii 4 11 p m, f i-oimeii with train for Pltholel. tldiuLiTi' ni , and Irvinelou II.9U p. m. ' P. M , Accommodation fiom Corry r rlvw Tltusvllle T.11O p m, Millor Farm 7 22 p. m, lloyd Farm 7 4'i p m, Petrole um Contra 1.44 p in, arrlviiu! ut Oil Cltv 8 20 n m. CONNECTIONS. Trains North connoet at Corrv irlth Phltiut..h,hi. ft Erie It. It., and Atlantic u Great Western Rail. wav. Kast and West, and ftlan u-ltli Hnn',,1,, and Pittabnrith railroad for Buffalo ' Trains connect at Oil City with rrnnltlin Ilmnri, for Franklin, Meadvllle, and tho West, and at Ir vlneton with Phil. A Erie R. R East ami WeM Standard liuio twenty minutes faster thau Frank Hit Branch and A. A (. W. It. K. tlmo. Paswmirer. will find thl. road a safe. Dleasant am the shortest mine to and from the oil retf on. All trains West from Irvlneton leave all it arrival of trains on P. a E. It. R. Be sure and ask for Throuch Tickets via Oil Oust A Allegheny River ltailway. the Oreat Short Kolib to Um Oil Region. ii. r. niv r.r.i &cii, i.eii i nupenmenaetit. C. 3. nEPBURN, Ans't giiperlmmdent m'T. Pittsburgh, Fort AVuyno und ajniciiEO KHiiwiir, TlltlU TABLE. I.tAVtS. Oil City, . 8,10 p. m. 8,55 p. ui. 3,4 5 a. m. 5,33 a. m. T.liOa. m. 8,10 a. in. 8,25 a. in. 8,45 a. m. - 10,00 a m. 0,20 a. m 0,51 a. m. 1.4 J . ra 1,40 p. in. 3.05 p. m 3,57 p. ml 4,1 8 p. mi 4,35 p. m 5.50 d. ni' Fmnklln, ,Ta nest own, Mcadvtile. ClaaVsville, New castle, Honiewocsl, New Brighton, Kochnter, Allegheny, Pittiibnivli r 1 0,00 p. nil HetuniinnlwiTcs Pltisburah at 0.00 a. in., and 4,SU p. ill. ritAiNa Koini; wesi on rittslmrgh, Fort viayiie and Clilciii:! Railway pas. Honiowood nt 11,00' and 8,4!t 3,31 a. ro and 3,57 p. m. ; Pnss Vans field at ,40 a. in. and 10,1 4 6,00 and 10.05 n. in.; rasa trestiineai iv,iv a in., auu iu,u,, 5,30 and 4,45 p. m., and arrive at Chicago nt 7,0O and 0,20 p. m., and M.SIO and 1 1,20 a. ui n. aixuns, uiai i jickoe Agent, March, lPftt-tf. Pittahiirelt. Pa. A CAKO TO THE L.ADIKS. DIl POPONCtVS GULDEN PERI iDlCAl PII.T.Sfnr Females. Infilible In cnrrocilun irreculnrities, removing obslrlicllon. of the uioiillily turns, front nhatever canso. and always aiiccoesO.il as a proventtvo Ono pill Is a dose. Females pe culiarly situated, or those supposiag themselves sa, are cautioned acainst using inese ruis, wane iu Unit onndition lest they invite mlica rioce. after which admonition tho proprietor aniinie. no re .poiisibillty. althoiurn their mllilncm wmild p'evwit any nil'chief to health; otherwise the PHI. am re commanded as a mo"t invaluable remedy for Hie al leviation ofthose "iifTering from any (rregalarMloi whatever, as well to prevent an Incroise of fami ly when health will not permit Ir; tpiielina llie nerve a and Itriniilng hack the 'rosy color of lieultli to Ihe cheek of the met delicate. Full and explicit direction, accompany each ban Price $1 per box; a boxes, $5. .., SolC in I'elroleiim Centre, hy A. I). MILLER CO.. Solo Agents" for Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ladlesl By Heodlngthcm 1 totho PatrolminCcti tre P. O. can have the Pill, sent conndcaiiallyl V mail to any part "f the country, froo of th-irse 8old also bv B, 0 fc 0. 8. C ark, Titii.vill, Pa. j A. R. Orlfflth, Oil Clly; Fleming Wc Ctini, Frank! In ; Dr. J L. Acomb, Tidiootei E- T. Ilaaelrnn, W arren ; and by '-one DrnggUt" In every town in the 0 liteil States, and by ju4 b. D. HOWE, Prop'r, New York. a ornrECT CURE " - .... A... For Dyapepsia, Fever and Ague, dity of the Stomach, L,os oi P"". Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and a diseases arising from a disordered of the Stomach, Liver or intestine. Prepared by Seward Druggist., Buffalo, N. Y. V " A D. MILLER & CO., Wholesale ami Ketail Drugglata, AgnU.for Petrolenm vicinity. - ISIIAM V CO., Watchmakers & Jeweiers in opera house building, wash INGTON STREET, 1'ETHOI.KIIM tlENTHEi ,A" 3 Keep constantlyon hand a largo assortuxnt ol WATCHES, JEWELRY, , heVo..vSin . Rt' alch ii, nrrrivea-i'idlontojilll n m 4 11 p. in. (cniuiecin wiih BCIty), Oil city tn,,'"1 . .i i t I'lirm a X ,!ls, AKmomnmax;