CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. NEW CLOTHING-! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Formerly J. A. LOHKE.) We have just received and are now opening to the admiriu-r crXe of the citizens ot Petroleum Centre and vicinity th lar"ct Mock of SPRING CLOTHING! Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. Clothing Made to Order at the Shortest Notice. Hats and Caps of Every Style. In Gents' Furnishing Goods Our Slock Is Complete Inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited. CUT One Price, and all Goods warranted as represented, jgj Petroleum Centre March 1, IMA. tf. DRUGS AND DRUGS ! MEDICINES! J. H. CHRISTIE. , DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. OILS, Paints, Varnishes, G-lass. Putty. Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Alb KINDS OF PATENT MEDICINES. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE. , N H; - Prescriptions carefully Xo. i: Washlngton-st.. Gl m a oall befwe purcliaainc elauwhare. James A. SberrifF, Has, la addition to tbe large stuck ol OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOVES TINWARE &C, That he keeps at his Old Stand in this Place, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE. At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, Bj the aiJ of Competent Assistant, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the Mechanical Department, THE PURCHASE OP THE best material, AND GOODS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND LIBERAL DEALING GEN ERALLY, To merit and receive liberal en-coui-agfement from operators in that locality. 'CASE GIVE nB A CALL. James A. Shebbiff. "Wtttnj fcitre, Be , isw. tf LAMEKS & AUH . MEDICINES. coinj)Ouu(le;l r.t all hours. l'etroleuui Centre, P. MyltMf.) jr. H. CIIRIMTIE. READ f READ H BEL I HAS REMOVED ! His Large Stock ol DRY GOODS Into the Itoiuii forini'rl.v duple i hy S. Aueiiiaim,' NEXT DOORto tk 0PERAHGU3S He bas added to Ills Stock & Inre sclic- non of FASHIOlvTABLE 8& R Which he Im-HcM the Ijidicji of lVtiolfiiin Centre and Tit-inity to call mid tsxnmino. itiid nUu Hats & Caps, Ready-Made Clothing:, it a, Ac, all of which he bas mvkej down to tbe Lowest Cash Prices. I desire to titanic tnv lmmnr. ou8 customers for their liberal patronage at my old stand, and hope hy keeping a large selec tion of Goons, at Low Prices, to continue to supply their wants as heretofore. S. SOBEL. retrolonm Centre, Kareb 3,;w.9 - tf. TELEGRAPH UPORTBD FOB TI1E DAILt RECORD, Afternoon Dispatches. New Yort, April J2. .Tuilico Dowley commenced on Tuesday at th Tombs an examinations the case of the lite forgeries upon Jay Conke & Co.. by wbic.i $2 000 was obtained from tbe Na tional Dank of the State of New York. Af fldiTitt were submitted by the Assistant Cashier of Jay Cooked; Co., and the pnying fuller of tbe bank, declaring tbe checks to be (o -eriea. Wasbingioi, April 22. The Secretary of Stato wis yesterday no tified by tbe Foreign Relation Committee that Pile and Carlvlewere not acceptable as Ministers to Brazil and Belgium. Fish said be would notify tbe President. Buffclo. April 22. The Grand Trunk is entirely under water luin rrn ocre anil uranuora me express train which left here veaterdiv mornina- w.s blic.d to return. Kn far thrtfWahni hai nn suspended trnTel on tbe Great Western Rail way. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A flowing well: OPPOSITE THE; McCLIN TOOK HOUSE ! HKMtT VAI IlERC-nEU fya eloth do not make the man, liut they d' malt, a frreat iMf-renee iu his armearauce. If vol would antiear well, GO TO THE BUFFALO ONE-PRICE 1L0THINB STORE. AND SAVE 35 PER CENT 1 ON EVEB.1 ARTICLE YOU PUB CHASE. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN ! PLAIN FIGURES !' I ON EACH AtTICLE NO BANTERING, NO DEVIATION. ' ALL DEALT WITH ALIKE, i ALL GOODS WRRANT'D AS RFPRESEHTED THE WOKKINBMANVS FlilEND, ' J. ISRAL. r : Oonm Centra, April ;3 m. J. A. PLATTE, FrenchBoct Maker AVnshiiigio,, street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL. LUl CO.'S DRIXr STORE, PETUOLEUMci.TnE,la., Is maiufaclnriiif! to order KIKST-CI.ASS FIXE t win,, aim, iu Patent leather tools, Pimp Sole Boots, Trench Cork Cole Boot, Scotc Welt Boots. HEAtyoR LIGnr WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. fall tid see samplea. , PI-ANTE. I otreenm Centre, fa., July 3. Sin. COEFIELD & PERRY'S Boiler Shop! ( In of Flher Nnm'' .Marbliie Shup) ri;To.Ej.,r CUNTRK, FKMN'A. Pollra and Stills Iifpnired on nbort noUc, FLUEoETt'lNG AND REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WORK WARRANTED. Boliersmd Ensinej tor ,alc Mai 1-1: THE OIL At AUK GTS. Tb Pbt'm Cbntbi Dailt Rirone RB. !.,S fKTRULCCM CEKTItB, April 22 Tto market bai been lively to-day, and Increased steadily from $5.75 to $5.80. Lost evening 1,000 barrels were said at ?5.S0; this morning 600 barrels at $5.75; 5(10 barrels at $3.85; 500 barrels at $5.90. As -b close, sellers are asking $G.O0. Shipments of oil from Ibis point, April 21, via (). C. Sc A. R. Railroad were 3.000 bbls. 1'i;tkoi.eii!i itiakhi:tkhv idl. COUAPM. "iwolal DUpntctaea to the Daily Itecnnl. Fitthhviioh, April 22. Spot IS4 bid. First water 15 hid. S. O. lirst 6 months IS. 11. O. Oral six months in'4'. II. O. all the yesr tioia. S. O all the year Market Quiet. 1'Hil.iOELruu, April 22. Spot, 82 '4'. April-H-i. . May 331. L June, 34V4' April to June April to August April to September. May to Dec. . May to June . Crude Bbls., Crude bulk, 18JS'. Market firmer. New Yoiw, April 12 Roceipts Refined, Crude. bbls. Naptha, bbls. Crude, 18 Relincd, spot 33. Market Steady. LtvKitpooi., April 22, 2 p. m. Refined 21J4'd. SplriU, 9d. London, April 22.-2 p. m. Refined, 21'ad. Spirits, 9d. Antwebp, April 22.-2 p. m. Crude 53'. . London, 5 p. m., April 22. Refined 21. Spot 9Jd Antwerp, 5 p. m. April 22. Crude 53,i. Wealern L'ulon tine narket Report. Philadelphia, AprU 22. Crude 13 Retitied-P. L. S. to W., 31; S. W. 32 1-2. ' Market Quiet but linn. Naw York. April 22. Crude, bbls,. Crude, bulk 17. Itelined P. L. S. te W., 32; 3. W. 33 Market Firm. Pittsburgh, Apiil 22. Spot 13t4'. Market Quiet and firm. Cloaluf New YorkJMarkel. New Yerk, 2:10, p. na., April 22. Refined, 33i4(3 tj. Crude 18,'.,(!i. Receipts Market Demand fair: nriens li vauced. KOEOI.MNEW VOIIK, New Youk, April 22. Gold 134 1-2. ERY & FEED STAELES, lV:thiiigton Street, opposite llicOera llonve, .PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN A. I hove put In a eood stock of Killing and tru ing iiorst-s, wuicu 1 win let on rcusouaulc terms. Alio, C'iiMoi k, Wnoii, Spring Wusoin, Ac. Ilt)USK9 boarded mid fud and boat of re guar anteed. JnnD If A. SMAWLET. AMERICAN a AND Sewing Machine! .- vn.iun in IIP I crea'o.t decree of pcriecitrin, nil kind and varieties I nr S.M-iii.,. H..m.,iiiH. I'lli.... I Till Vnrliinn i. u .i . n.l 1 ,. . . . . . .....fc., W..UIUI,, iu KIIIC, HrMlHlllf fl:lthM liH. :,ilff Kawlii. .,...1.1 . . .. ... . .-un.u ,., uiiiiuh, c, that in (ir cau be dont by any orber uacuiuu now hetnrelthe piibltc. Tbtp Machine tna'ts to-dnr without a rival, hi ""Diunn ijveranainiun Btllcn. Kmlirolder rs nu tbs Fdire, and Button Uo.u and Kydet Hole ir.ak.oj in all klndaof fabrlca. rVOna af he Maehlnes ean be aeen at 'h , renoi oer A. I) Miller & Co Drnz More. J. (nt otttN. I awht A sent A. D. MILLER ft CO.'S COLOMlt." A. D, MILLER & CO, Wholtwla ai ltetnll Dealars ia v DRUGS, MEDICINES, Washington Street, I'F.TRC I.Etl.n Ct.'NTRR, A. Tbeir Stock consists or evcrythingln tk lino of Drugs & Medicines I PURE I-IQ-rjOIlO'. FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wholesale and Retail Aajeata for YOSBMITE 8TOMACH BITTIM, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, AL1PMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD A BENTLEY'S COUGH FTWJJP M.GIC MACEDONIAN OIL. DUPONCO S GOLDEN PILLS. WALKER RAZES CIGARS, JAYNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURR. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, it. PILLS. Ayer's, Mamdim's, Sllr,. Brsiulrth's, Mrljmc'j, H IIid, Chltf, MollBt', WlthnrVa, llprrir-li'i, Mirti'n, tt'rlfh'li-, l!onpr'a, Ksdny' R. R. Jayun's, Rotxick'ii.'n. fiiiiick,i, Clark's Female, ChceacmanM Dudoboo's, do. Velpnii's, do, 4o., Perfumery. Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brashes, &c. COUGHS, COLDS, e. Ayer'i Cherry Pectoraf, Javne's Expectorant, Marsden's Balm, Schenck's Syrup, " Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup. ' Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrnp, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balsam, Frnn' WfM. . OJIre Tar, Brown' Trotbat,' Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cnre, Bateman'a Syrup, Cough Candy, it Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Best Ever Broach! to tfa .,11 . . vii ncgion. HAIR HESTOnATIVES. A L ISM A. MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S. RING'S. CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSRETTK.R'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S. BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. BITTERS. HOOT". tllMKK'N coNSTiTrrroN, MAGAIM H C It, IIIM'I'PIT'I'VU'M K'lBACK'H, l)1'lI.KV'!l MIHIII.KH f SfFKICS IIOOFLAXP'S, t'AMH'OKNIA, ATTWOOrVH, "WALL i'A.FESi Curtain and It untie Shade. IAITS, OILS, VARNISHES; GLASS, PUTTY GLUE, Turpentine, Sponges, Dye Stuff , Urvera, ki:iii:k supplies. Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &e. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Alt Kcnsiett Ale, Congress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL Hours of the NIGHT AND tiL'NDA YS. crpr,r.., rvTlJtf r-T net'WVj l '''- " " KL'H'- 'KthhhS. Cninealnnn. come on.', iw all. it dnn'f tost an iMiib tn iuci at :oui1j, and u will ti v to Heal i;i t'tl'.. a r ew l'f '' ''te'.ra. Pcpt a, lW 1 1
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