DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Coat, ThareaarV Afrit A. JR JZtitor. Tlaae at Closing Plsrlle. P. O., hnnnn Cinrrm, P., Jolt n, ItCS. DatU tartkaf aotfes tbe wells will arrive at and depart rrea mat eflet aa fallows: alUUVB. Boetk ml Bast, via. Tl-rlMton, 10 1 A M. Puma ait West, " Metarule, Ml P. M, . Vases tart Bast, Corry.tr Banin. sathsnd WesLI U A. M. satl, Ban and Wart, t to P. Hi'. Rank, But and Wtft, 1 A. M. . ' ! BLACKMOMi P. M. IMiare Serwieee. " " PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A,. M., and 1 e'eek P. M. Rit. J. T. Oxtobt, Paitor. II. E. CHURCH. ?ervicet erory Sabbath at 11 A. M. and fi P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'cVk V. Seati Free. A oordial inWtitnfb extended te nil. "3 Kir. C. M. Heard. Pastor. UTS. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) 4 CHURCH. Mast at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Saerament at 4 p. m. Catsthism at 1 p. m. '" JAMES DUNN, Pastor TkmWGUe.n The Mega of Petroleum Centre Ismak lag rapid pregreei In the way of Imprors stents; old buildings are kelog renovated aad enlarged to meet the demands of an in ersaiiog business, and en erery hand the rnirytaaa, of Industry among mechanic, deaotee llrely deaiand for all kinds ef Workmen, as building after building ttarls np here and there to be eccnpbd as a bad ass stead. Our town knows a suck weid as tail, and ear tdrsncement Is steady and tare. We aotlas errtral new buildings in process ef ereollee on Washington street, asteng which Is a bulldiag bolng addtd to the grocery ottabllthmeat ol O. F. abon blem, bis increasing buslines demanding nor room and a larger stock. He is de- sorting of Ike liberal patronage he .Is now "JJIbV "A we heepeak for bin that soe. oses whloh always attend! peraoaal effort " In s aether week our business men msy eeoelder themselves on tbe safe side," as I tbe pipe (not tbe monopoly 1 ) will all be laid by that time, and our cltlceaa oven at the farther end of the town, may rest without fear of Ore. Thin is one of the grandest improvement! yet perfected in Petroleum Ob Ire, and will not only protect bnlldiofrs al ready erected, but will induce others to build, thereby giving 10 our town a new nlmpetus, strengthening those who bare strength and giving strength and confldenee to those wto do not possess those euaU iloatleas in too ir at a mo mure. No oil town baa the business prospects before It that does euro, and ere another year shall roll around, our fsslll ties will be exranded io 4 much larger degree. The spring trade bat opened la our midst la an unusual en couraging manner, and in consequence our business mea are gettiag In large stockr, operators have great confldenee and a gen. era! healthy condition pervades our entire oemmunlty. Fun. Suci.ts has lilted np a room over bissalooa for a ladies Ice cream parlor, where bo Intends to keep on band durlag tbe summer this delicious leverage in all its sweetness. Fred, has recently fitted up ate saloon 00 tbe ground floor In a very 1 manner. ' Mr. John A. Keonce, recently appointed Intttnal Reveaue Assessor fer the Twenti eth District, Is a prominent and Influential Republican of Mercer county, having been Chairman of the County Committee, dele gate to State convention, and chosen a del egate to the Chicago convention of 1868. 3. W. Spsncsr, late a resident of Pier. ..sua Farm, bat changed bit business head quarters to the office of J. Stamburgk, in Petroleum Centre, in the employ of Brown & Harrlagton. Mr. Spencer is belter known to tbe readers or lbs Rnconu aa " Job bwixolb," our spicy Pierson Fsrm corres pondent We do not desire to dose sight of tbe ot tU plums or the original. Ronton 4 Arnold's new billiard parlor in the block formerly occupied by Weir ft W- Crane. It being brought to a glow by tbe buadi-work or experienced mechanics, and when laitbed, will be one of the finest rooms to this teotion of the State. Tbe walls are to be decorated with the neatest ernaraeptel work. But o few daya will elapse f new ball will be in readiness ip Oil' lie beauty. We desire to slate that the well oraemeoiatioat are furnished by A. D. Uil.v.1 i Co. Tko Fortune Teller. The Mew York sorreipondent or tie Buff alo Rcpnbllo says: It wenld amain yon to know, IT yen could know, the extent to which the fortune telling, elalrteyant-eitre-loglits imposture is Carried here in Mew York, the amountof money given to harpies, and the character of the people who patron lie them, 1 hare often been astonished to hear sensible, well eduoaled men aad wo men relnte stories ef.wjiat clairvoyants did fer them, and express fmpllclt confidence in their supernatural power. The best em- oners or the card-drawers, clairvoyants and astrolegiits are girls just gating up to marriageable period, and women given to intrigue sail an Irrepressible desire to know where their husbands go. There are plenty of fashionable Fifth avenue ladies, too, who consult them on the most trivial aa well as the most serions matters, with the same un questioning confidence la what they say that thoVegro has in the advice of tbeyprefeu slonal policy dreamer. It may seeTB scarce ly credible, but it is perfectly true, that these Impostors are frequently consulted by bankers, bank officers and business men, with regard to the recovery ef stolen proper ty, and their advice adopted in preference to that civen bv exnerienced detectives. It certainly Is not creditable to tbe much vaunted intelligence of the ni neteenth ceu turv that fortune tellers should flourish as they do in the AtnerjfjWropolis, but as suredly they are a pewei'-jiere todty, and both in number aad power tney are steadily Increasing - A Newark Harder atorjr. On Sunday evening the body ef a man was fouod in Newark bay, near tbe light house. It wss taken ids to Newark, and there identified by Mrsjhristisn Steobr as that or her biisband.&lo resided; at 217' Plane street. On the tOlb of March last be went into a saloon near bis house, and there remained until two o'clock tbe following morning. About that time he left in com pany with a batter named Blessmen, and thenceforward be was missiag. Blessmaa was arrested and attended nt tbe Inquest ov er the body, before Corooer Chase. Evi dence as here set forth was given, and it was added that on tbe morning of hia die. appearaaee, Steobr was ialexleated and partially insane. Or. Lehlbaoh testified that there were wound about tbe face of Stesbr, at from a blunt Instrument, aad that Steobr bad been thrown Into the violently enter vTM urn 3" of or afterward. Blessmaa protases ignorance of the supposed murder, and saya that he parted with Steehr shortly after they left Ike bouse. The inquest has been adjourn ed. ; .- . f 28 Fwb pon Killiso a Suali. Bird By an act or the General Assembly of Penn- ijlvanla, approved the Slit or llarth, A. D.1868, a penalty of Twenty-live Dolltra it Imyieed fer tbe killing of any Inseotlvorous bird, eoe half of this fine to be paid to the Infsriuer. Here is nn opportunity to make twelve dollars and a half, aad render the community effective service. There is no pi notice so inhuman aa the killing of tbe pretty little songsters that warble beneath sur wladowt and gladden our hearts. It it tbt duty ct every good citizen to prevent Ihelr destruction and ibis can only be done by prosecuting tbose wno violate tbe law. Tbe birds that are elassed nuder tbe bead of insectivorous birds are robins, martins, swallows, blue birds, weod-peeken, Ao., Ac, in fact all tbe various small birds gen erally. Harritburg Telegraph. A writer in the Beaton Bulletin dees up Pittsburgh for the hundredth time. After tsklsg a rapid glance at the several manu latturei, bo says: 'Almsst every article of use manufactured from wood, metal or thread is produced la Fittabnrgb. It is one ot the old, solid cities of tbe country; any. thing of the braggartistn about the people; no pretentious parading of figures and re sources, but a quiet and constant pushing onward of industries and business. No in isnd city In tbe United States has a geogra phical position to command such multiform resources superior to Pittsburgh. It is tbe gateway to the Great West, tor, as has been well said, this is lbs point where Ibe East terminates and the west begins. It is a point of interchange of commodities, and ia lbs eoncentrio point or tbe great Eastern and Western Iboroiigblares. Its destiny is al ready determined. Tib Girr Entibt.ikmbiit. Prof. Ever ett's tntertainment last night at tbe Opera House was largely attended, and was highly spoken of by those who were in atteadanse. One of the great attractieas was tbe draw ing or valuable gifts, many ol which were uselul articles. The principal prize of tbe evening was a large sofa, wbieh was drawn by one of our citizens. To-night the first prize will be $1S in cash, and money io va rious amounts will be distributed at prizes. Tbs Proresaer is to rcmaia with ut bat a day or two longer. Go te the Opera Douse to-nighi. Tate news. T. B. Gowea, aeting President of the Philadelphia antt Reading Railroad, has purchased tbe remaining one-half inUnst la the Trevorloa Coal Estate, for three lan dred and ten thousand dollars. E. Bradley, While euperlntendenlng the drilling of a velln Church Ron last Sat urday, was seriously, if not fatally, Injsrea by being nought, in tbe bull rope. John Gorman ,-wet killed at Corry, on Tuesday moraine;, whlleeooplleg an engine on the O. C. ant A. R. Road to a baggage car. It anfkan that as the eoglne was backing up be slipped, and tbe pin or the soupling was forced through bis body. A young lady at the Porterfleld mill, nesr Tidloute, peaks eight thousand shingles ev ery day, and earns ons dollar each day, as much as the mile laborers. She has kept this up for tbe last two months, and says sbe will henceforth paok ten. Mrs. Nelson, ef Fairfield township, Craw fori county, ditd on Tuesday tbe 18th, in tbe ninety-fourtn year of her age. Sbe bad been a resident of the county seventy-two years. Her. husband, Col. David Nelson, died about twenty years ago. She was in many respects a remarkable woman, and bei mental Unities continued vigorous t the end. She vss proud, and justly to, ol' her posterity, now consisting of eight child ren: soventy-afx grandchildren, nnd seventy-two creat nrandehildren. It was her beast that amoig the entire number there was not one Iiftrin of mind or deformed physically. He? thildren. were oil present at her burial, with their companion. NtTWa ITEMS. " Prof. Mitchell, tbe mathematician, lirJ at Vasssr College, lust Monday vv?ninv from general debility. . A terriflo rait Storm prevailed at Miieli eli, Canada, sc Sunday night. Tim country is covered with water, and the damage is very great. . Tbe Executive Committee, or which Geo. II. Stuart ia chairman, are completing ar rangement! lor a great National Sunday Stbeo! Convention lobe held at Newaik, N. J., on tbe 28th Inst. John M. Moilerty. President of tbe Irish RepuhUean Association or Philadelphia, has tent tho following dispatch to Senator LCkaadler: "Accept tbe thanks of twenty 1 thousand IrUkmsa 01 roansyivaiua woo vo- 1 n-a t ' fnr aa utafe fUpera ok Ibe Alabama slaima. Reeanstmc-1 tbe Injuries r7"mnl. . ; the restsratloa of foreign trade, the exten sion of territory, tbe vindication of nation al honor, nnd the liberation of Ireiund would all follow hostilities against EnglanO. For the year ending on tbe first of April, 1869, the sales of manufacturers in the First Ohio District ware twenty-six millions, re ported to the Assessor of Internal Revenue. Sixty .nine mauifaetarert told over one bun dred thousand dollars or manufactured goods each. A fire occurral in New Albany, Ind which destroyed i large two story frame building and a ote story bouse adjoining, together with tbegreater part of their con- teats, The bulldogs were located on Ham street, between Lwer Eighth and Ninth stresU, and occupied by W. L. Crittblow, who did a grocery lusiness. Total lost $6, 000: insured $2,8, In ibe North Ameri caa or New York, aad $600 in tbe Obio Cocnanv. Tho otcin or tbe fire is un known. The (rial or Wllfanf Abrams, for (he yung murder, wnscomm, need in tbu Ci i- mtosl Court at jndlinapolis oil wetiooniiiiy. A motion Leing 0n.de liy tb I'rinmi'iV counsel for acbange if venue, lurti.iT burn ing was poxtponed uitll Friilny. On Wednesday mruing tlie burly of an old man named Aniin, was fuiiH.i uy i:ie roadside near Madlsn. Indiana, wlieid lie fell down an embankient tbree wn k abo und was killed. Two persons were Srested in u difireput able bouse in Quincy Ills., Moudny nipjit. on suspicion of belni the robbers of tlu messenger of tbe Uited States Exprexs, nesr Mount Sterling, u Friday night laat. On one ol tbe men aristed was found two thousand dollars, suppaed to be a portion of tbe missing funds. Tbe Atlantio Telegram Company, which earns thirty-fire buadretdollars ia gold escb working day, has eonclyed to make a dis count for what they eall'i aooial messages, It will eost a meresant a much, at present, to order bit tbip te neither porl, but he may Inquire alter Ibe bttlth of hit wife in Pant at half price. Tan new wall 01 the Bass farm situated little aerth of the )ld Rotievllle well, own td by Tuller Walter and others, is doing but little thus far. There seemi to be seme difficulty ia exhaiatlog tbs water. Roubcaaks roa 3ovio or Ouw. Ac cording to a Colunbut diipttch in tbe Cin cinnati Gazette, tie Democracy of Obio tt the eapital are talking of Ibntrant (or Got -trnor Chevanna mntt be a stout aad moral towa it If kind aleereflb (aavt a writer ia Llp- plneotl'a (ushered me lato a plate tailed the Gold Room, which he assured me, was oao ot the most respectable placet ia the Iowa. Ia tho lira room front, bob ana women were engaged Indiscriminately at cards; the room back of it wot devoted to keao, faro, tree -card monte, roulette aad the sweat cloth. Up stairs, a church deacon ... dsaliaa- faro tot the accommodation ol Ha, jirsst aad othsr p rem! sent members of the oeagregatlea- tkeeo gentlemen were respectable io play oa tho ground neer. Tan will readily later that I did not remain long, nor did I make any fnrtber Investiga tions. I had seen enough or cneyenne. PROTHONOTAKY. .u , n.nniw.. that J08KPH II. SMITH, Frotbonotoryof Venango County. V a candidate oe re-nomineuon, i... ...v., jecl to the assgei of Ike Republican party. CANDIDACY AMIrOUrtCEMEItT". KJtGISTKR AJO RKCOKDBK. V. Rirxmin! Vail Will DleSSe BH' nounc. that JAMES W. HAW will beacdldle for n.Hiiin.'ion wr in. mucc m ma: jt -"-er, siiWh-i ' the hmjtm of the R.-pnMlinn party, t ...'., Hpnubln-an PrloiRrv KUctlon. A.r. u. u.l.,.. I'nmiiut 14.'drrnn tlvsnla Voluoteen. nnd l i . rlL-bt arm in lltle Ar ia....t.u 11. u rnni.iptont nnd omiirin'r, mn.l lia crv.'d RPKllcr and Itcvordfr f.J 0110 term tt tlici.nilriiinr.iioaui V7.,imtv Willi lilm. VBNAStlO tOUNTI. liocal .oticp. Another Ium. ceircj nt atnek nt W ill I'.i.nr Jt re A. n. MILLBtt A Co. Tle Fl Beat lot of Nac. I'lo-IS'id HmokloK Tohai-e fwiu llalliinorc an 1 l.vu- himri: tn the mar ket at A li.MH.!.EKCi.M. FlBO Not. Papar wlH'eala and retail at A. l. MIIXEIt A Cn. TO A Hit I. ION, CLASS ALLIES, nt A. U. MIl.l.BR CO. Ulltlis JtVA. SI'AI.'ltWS, MAN, at A. D. MII.LKI! C. CANARY, (IKK WALKING CANES at X O MILLER CO. FLOW El 1IASKET, MILLER & CO. I' A STY kND WIRE at CAUTION TO Oil. OPEKATObV. ALL iwreona an hereby petitioned against trnr inp or naing Sucker Hod', wttn BookM. Potato. Ike Snckatbolng wedged nn to the tad. with oUker amorfca or nutalic vrcditea ana. esaaeatad loewtker by a coDnecHtut bolt; exe.pt or any faannBKtare. aa I am the anle owner of the patet t or cnaasetlnt rod In tblaaaarnier; all others aMde - aalrttaatUlly all partlea nalnc rodi ao eoaaeaad, ent of my nfautere, lay thentMlvct liable to. ana wui ne edited acrrdliHf to law. W. 4. iTtma. P. B. TWs notice la Inarrtad, not aa acare-crow. but will he trtteadot to, mi rlnidtyaa- forced. Apr.10.8in. W. 1. 1. AllnccnnnK notntl.l imaadlalely,wlll be left with an nftlcrr for collection. Apr.ll tf. BKYNOLOH CO. The Very Latett Cable diapttchei. ED SUTIIKRLANn has eharee of the ''etrolram Exchanze Binlnr Rnnma, wher. lie will b haspy to re. all of his old frlcni? onc again at his new poat. Don't forget to give bim a call and let S Rood nice meal and Ike finest clean and liqnort, as Bd. knows how to anlt the nova. Petroleum Exchange Resfaarant, next door to Isuaan'e Jewelry Blare, Petroleum Centre Apr.ia:lw, CAKAKY BIHDS, innlaand female, new aturk Jnat received, nt A D. MILLKR A CO.'S. Alan a Una lot of imported Rnsllah Cold Plnchea SASH. GLASS AND DOOR3, Stoi k, at the Furniture stro. LATtGE MartT. FfillR FOI.H T.1VIMEXT. Oci.nln, foranlw wiiol.nl. mid nlail. at A. D. VII.LKK n 'S. To ail tt'lioni It JUT tToneern I . Ttiltn n -tlri,, thuf we hnv- t'i 'ilp fxnl cxt.l!. J ivn r'-lit I'or fl v, venr from Nir "tii,r. tH'S, In ninkc, in' ir. t'ii'1 tll. in t!m Iii:i.J r:iiin, WALt.'S pil'Utivp.n MAC.TC HA'.V'. iiiiarnaalirnmant an. I pnrci!"- from S O Wonr. ,iititMi, sd4 that ii ofir,-"., t'tc '.im- it 'M n -iiint all rtcon who lm:l ni i, put up, timi .-l, atid n.lm wtlli.ul our coiii"i. W. w. PKHKINS A t'.)., Franklin. Pa anr-A. f. f Il.l, Kit & 1 'it . Vh!.nle and He- tail Axilla fur Pstpiljiini C'.ntn and vicinity. mcMUlm. try All prnwm ivWiinic t.i he VACCINATED can cull nt A. I). Miller & Co. 'a Drue Store and have the pure fresh article liHorted. No charge. New Flour, Feed and Grocery Store ! j. s. PKATiircn, AtthaOLD BANK B17ILDTNG, ON MAIN sr. opposite the UcCllatock Ilonre, baa on hand a large and first clam atockTof Floor, Feed aud Groceries, which he is aellinc at a low tgure. V Don't forget the place where A, D Cotton A Company broke np. jaal-tf. . Hats, Cars. Boots and Skoee-A larg awortment at REYNOLDS, BR0DHEAD A CO S, No. H Onlra Street, oppoaite the Post Offlee, OUi wy, ra. PAPER AND ENVlUPES atA. O. MILLER.. A CO '8. tfl.Tce beet ('1(1 A RS in the market sr. the Ba6 ftilo fnvorltcs, uMHiuractured by Walker & Raze oetu at ue vxuti more 01 A.'D MILLER A CO. iy A. D. millek CO., Drngriats, ar agents for the celebrated "IT. H. Cigara," bisbb- Metured by tha American Whip Co. Try them WALL HArBRi tvtt received a large stock of Sprint Pert., a. H. C. JARvTS' TURllrTURB BTORB ,3. ' 3 PAINT, WALL, WHITB WASH A BOOB BRDMHBS, a large stock Just received at A. 1). MILLER CO.'S. Dry Oeeda, a large stock at RSYItCLDS BROUHEAD A CO'H, No. 11 C.ntro 8t, oppoilie tbe rost Moe, OU City, Pa. Carrots, .f every qaallty and deacriptten, it RBTNOLD!!, BRODUBAB COS, No. R Ccnin ttrtft, cpaoelte the P. O.. Oil City, Pa. jr BURTON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE j MKT CHEW, an antidote for Tobacco, and I) It JOHNSON'S AROMATIC ANTI TOltAtTO COM POUND, for Ml at A. D. MILLRIt A CO'SJ. TTIB best place la town to get a pair of Boots made of the beat Brock, that wtfl wmr will, and warranted to St, Is at St A. Plante's Kub ionable Boot Shop, Woahinttoa Streat, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Give him a trial. icplu tr. Hardware A lsrge aaaurtment of which It being cloaed out at reduced rates at REYNOLDS BRODnEAD 4 COS, No. 11 Centre St., opnuitc the Post Ofllce, OU City, Pa. RICH MARRIAGE GIFT. Tut Htcar- Oirr which Yonnir Man ran nr .cni to hU Brldn, la a aonnd cnntitvtlon and a pan heart. Kawya on thee anlijn-ta, with the hitman, tvlewaof bmcToleat Plivalclana, ant In aralra 1. ter f nTclorx-.. froe of rharco. AddreM HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box I', ItilladiilpMa, P. JJS.Ira POMEROY'S DEMOCRAT. M. M. or "Brick" Pouauor'a now paper already canenli In circulation every other political paper In the world. It Is "red hoi," and of tinnaunl Intercut. Soul for ainipl. copies. Printing Uouie Squarr, AVw Turk Ciy. mcM2 ' Aiiax v." -It Is not anon that w. har. t!u timr toapirc. or ?he in"liniiim. Io notice any of Ibe thonnnd and one preparation Mild throughout tar eeantry, aeh, an It la claimed, bring a aovereign enra for one or mora of the Ilia that flmh H heir to. Indeed, we hnre frrnneiitly wnndared lhat pcapla ever died at alt. or crew old even, when, by s anvill outlay th.y eonlil furnish themwlves with aotnr thini! which wonld keapdUeaaent bay, and defy Hie aaaanila of tlmr I Concarnlna tho efneacy- of one of th ."- I'omodlal preptiratloneand one which baa bf conio re'ehmttd of Inle we ran apeak from nrr pfma, rxiifT.cn.. mm "miintiiotMiy aay 11 In gout. We refiT In AlUma." an article Aw iMtorioe ' prraervin-i Ihnhair, mannractnraf l.y Mm, Ho. nrd t Itciitlev. f?hini.t. .nMhMjnl.,. Vn Mi Main Slnvt. Rnffiilo. Rnflkhip'omtnerc al Adv No aow aalca tor Seward eOnni Cum. A. D: MIL I.BK A CO., Wbnleaale tall Draa.'iaU. A Hnrnivinn v wre, rp leal?,. WIN LASSt A large aaaortment, Miller A.Ca's. . all sizes, at A. Crnekery--yr all kinlevo to RKTMOLDS,. BRirorfjfA'D A CQf., N.fcji CmlutiUm.jam, tm ro. uiuue, U CtfrTTC. - NEW AOVKKTIUFATS. Prof. Everett, THE OBEAT ILLF8I0HI8TP In hit Ornnd Praaontntlim KntartalnmcnK at OPERA HOUSE, All this Week The Pnf-var will Inlralitcn nothing tint ! newnt and late-t cxncrlnicnt. In maul,-. Amor Jlwni the great mnd-m mvatcrv 8. end Slain; Hot l.n Uruni. Shuwor of (Jold and knndrad of illn.lon aever Iwror. wltwwed in thU plac. Alx Wt woaderfnl Anlom.iiim Klnre. the onlv oon of in. kiad In America. One hundred cotlv and n--fnl pniwita to be dlitrlbuied at tbe cloaeof nick iitcrtalnm.Bt 1 - 23 Cents. Meserred seats - 0 Family ticket! admitting alx persone osedullar.. April M. -MAMII4U,Ag-t DABOSIIHO HAS removed kla office. II. nan now be found: nearly opuoaile hia old olttra. Next to Honham A; Smith's raw Of fice, Xi in Wajhlnon Streel. Opera House. J. C. HIYF.R8, Leasee and monnger.. MYEKS ATHENEUM COM HAN V, r.RASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA. FOTJA NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY. AHRILMTI'. Th Priitht Sta', Lltle Nollln. the atorling Actor, and Aii.lior, Hoht. .lohnaon. tho bcnutll'nl nnd ar conipllalied Coinniedino. Mliia Klora Myara, pniipor- ico ny s I'nmpany or ia nut ri m peironnwu. inwiaiio, ru rri. kiikhvnii r.ATl, ,i it. SI AllemapzelM City Territory. NOTICE TO OIL OPERATORS. The underlined, a'.'aot for the Mctropulitan Oil Company, now oITji to leane the territory of raid Cooipauy, tu loU of two ami ciwh. lor one-fourth royalty. ThU larni U aituate on- Cherry Tree Bun, and Ilea on the JUGULAR VEIN Wbicb-eonaecti tbe Woodaad' Pierson Farms with CHARLEY EUJI TERRITORY. For farther particular apply to tbe original D. W.KENNEY, AUemngoozelum Cityr Cheirstree Bun. tfraddeaer "BOX 117," Petroleum Centre, Fenn. April 16 lm.