T?:OSBMIT33 Stomach BITTERS ! "W'kwA , -II A in, certain ind pIcMtot IWtncdj for all D.KRm.artjIag from DISORDERED STOMACH. & wlat j J awful tikio &ret Ctatn day will be found ttectlre Id ll caiei wf DYSPEPSIA, I.I mil COMPLA1ST, CEX Ttlt tT. Ttnniri'rv v.,...-.... ......-.... -...f tvrrv form uf lndiaention. Inirrmtllmt l rrer. I Vi- an4-Atiur, and a iiirf Invigorating TOXIC fur a. I hair female and Invntid: PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Brand Mum-factory at Petroleum Centre, Fa. ft , kold by nil nruggtatii. Opjji:)j:s of Experienced gists. Diaz Read the following opinion of ex perience! druggists und physicians : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER & CO. : Having tised your Yosoinite Hitter I'or some, time post, and bavin h id Mviiii'iit c.ills tiir them by our custom ers, ami from our nun cxmninatian nl tliem. u-u bo lieve them lo bo much belter In quality than an? oilier Bitters in lie' market, find wo ore conn. lent lint tlioy will answer your most.eunguino expecta tions, and fully meet tha demands of tho public. We would recommend them to the public fur trial, especially to invalids suffering from weakness and a disordered Bioiuach. Respectfully Yonr. A. 0. MILKER & CO., Druggists. IhU certifies that wo hnve used the Great Yosp niiio liit'ers prepared by J. W. Downer & Co., of this place, and believe that they are, what they Bin represented to lie, a pure ana wiiniesime stom sell Bitters, mid n phinsmt tonic beverage for the use of Invalids Buffering from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, &o., An. Wo think them to bo a good, it not better, than any Bitters now in the maik-'t, and cheerfully recommend them to the public. TU-STectf-illv. T. C. MeNAIR & CO., Druggists. I hove used, and sbscrved the effects of the Great l oseinito Slomacu Isttters. prepared by J. w, Downer .t Co., I'etrolenm Contre, and think them preferable to any now in use, for tho relief of those difficulties lor which tuey are recommended. .1. M HARDING, M. D. Oil Ci'y, Pa., Dec. 2(ith, 1S68. . Having carefully examined the 'Yoseinite nil- tors," tnaiiuliictured anil sold by Messrs. J. W, Downer & Co.. I am convinced that they are chem io.illy pure, and havini? a knowledge of their com ponent pnris, I foci an fo in recommending tbeir use to the aimcleu. . J. A. I.OJJALGH, M. D, Oil City, Jliiidi filli, lfiliS. PREPARED BY J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, -Pa, Branch Maim factory, and sold by all Druggist. The GreatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO CURE ALL DI3- llASIij AKISIiNli I-UUli-'A DIGORBEBEB STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Ao., arc m;ei ici" to any in t llic ?4uikcl, . TBY THEM ! i., .r.vr: DO'.VNFR A- CO. x ' ' --"" '-i ' " ii . i iiT.-. -1 :r . i ,1.11 T. B. McNair & Co, 2t VASHIXm-ST., Would respectfully announce that llicy ore are Dow oienir.g n mil assortment 01' DKUGMS ! PATENT MEDICINES! Faints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &c. In the room formerly 'occupied by Mr. Woodman. Particular attention will be paid to the preparation- of Prescriptions, nnd no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any m the country Wines, and Liquors ! F03 MEBICIXAL'J'UBPaSES CH.Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. B McNAlU ic CO. Petroienm CmitTe. cn.. Oct ft: 'rt-s.-tf Pianos! Pianos! ! Organs ! Organs ! AStt:,' kf-- WJHMT EMERSON'S I'X RIVALLED TIAN'OS ! SMITH'S CELEBRATED AMER ICAN ORGANS ! OTIC 33 . Tli uiile-pili'il tanvluic bv sroL-irtl eontracti with W. I. KMIiKKOX, Ksq , nnii . D. and II. W. Smith, tweii dulv appointed bv tliem Vole AzenX for the sain of their 'KLBBItA'l'm INSTKU MBNCSin Warten, Fore-fi, Veuaniio. Clurinn and Jt-eorson counties. Itcrv-by rmitiou the citizens o said ruitnttos a-.-ulnitt neifotitititiK with any othr persons claiming to he the Aleuts oi eltttpr or the boo iionied tlrins, us u'l such are IMI'OsTOliS X. E 7 SKINNER, DeAler la PIANOS, mm, MEL0DE0N3 AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT8ZT of every d.'scrlptlon. PIANO STOOLS, SPREABS' Centre-St., OIL CITT, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, 18W.-U. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROBERT BRYAN CO., Hoc lw c to annonnce to the cIti,CTm of Petroleum Optra tnd vicinity, tbftt they have opened ft Dew store in the rmr oi'tbe office of tbe Central Petrol um Coinniuiv Ht the railroad cronsinp. whera thev will kwp conitantlv on hand a full tuinrtment of evurytumg m tn uaraware line, tata as TIN AND SHEET JUOX WARF, GAS FITTINGS' AND BRASS GOODS. Mr Bhtfin hnvins heen engage! in the btniiW"i with Meir. Winter Bi'. I'or lour vam iift. will attunaimrticularly to the buslneM of muuufactuhcg SMOKE STACKS. All kinds or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &.C. T'aey have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, . With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, Ard will imtt all w.irk in this lin. Aprs). B LANK MMPPINO Ktl.f.4 prinli'at the slio'insi nutico, at the Itvcord OUIoa. I SHAM CO . Itnve the lnrr;rt stock cf HEV'IT. YB.Kin Vsotu-yo connty v Y7---.V'..-.r mm IS? HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil (keek Ii3e YVosks. CMAUIiCS UOBSiO. X. Co., Horner of Ketiern ic rcntre SI"., UuM ido Oil i.roek, Oil Clly, I'u., nailers in Morris, Tusker (V OIL WELL TL'BIXG AND CASING, LSO, WORUIMl ItAHKEI.S AND VALVES, STL'Ft-'INO IIOXK. CLAMPS, T00. 81.CKKK r.ODS, tc machinery for Oil Weill & Refineries BtiRINO TOOL, DHIVINn PIPE, OIL PUMPS, COLD WATKll POMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BUASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS FITTTX0.1. BSLTlXa, PAVKIXO, and BOSS; IIARDWAKX, HOCM I1IIMMIN0S, Carpenters' Tools. Rope, Oakum, Nails. Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & Pocket Cutlery; Fun Assortment of Everything In the HARDWARE LINE. Iiuse FtiMishlnK Goods, Laup, Chlnineve. No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 H.-tlu.-d oil, Stair Hods, '1'nl.le and Door Muts thai$ioii Clothes Wriisers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. ttermiru.fr f all kind done wHh ni.-i(n, n, 'liftpiucb. Especial utte.i'Um Iveu to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We tinve endeavored to merit thd pntronace of tnc piioitc. una nau u.e ovary oxortioa to insure fte OunTiiui'iiicp. Our fncilitie for fi'mUhins; e'orvthin? in nur Ilnfl. Iiavl'(r lien irrefltly incrt'ased. In the erction of nnr New Buildini;, arc mow SUPEKIOR TO ANY OTIf rM KSTABLlSriMENT autfil-8m. IN TUB OIL RKQlON. AUC, SIMON, MERCHANT Jiiss HS Block, Oil City, TTn Junt receired a large assort inerrt of NEW FILL & WINTER GOODS, Of t'ie La1c3t Pnris, London, nnd New York Fash ions, compririn iu pnrt CLOTnS. , BEAVERS. DOESKIN'S. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CASS1MERES, ic, and all articles kept in a Firi-Clai Tailoring Est;l ISEiiticiit. flats, rnp. Fine Wlilte Kliirtx, Paper Collarx, 1 1 one, Mispi-iiUtrn. Mceltticx, uiul CScnts Furnishinn: dloojls, In eenernl. AM decrlption.i' of Clothini made up by experienced workmen, iu tU latest b:j1u, at reasonable prkes. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Al'O. bIMON. Oil City, Pa., Sep. W, lS68-tf. J. Q, OGDEN, FLOUR FEED STORE, NO. ST CE.TKE-ST.; OI1.CITV, PA. This is th. kest estibllshment of the kind In the Oil (tegioa. Flour and feud sold at wbolxile an i retail. a::Ki'2-'f CttAA'E Sc TIIACKEn, 134 Maiden Lnue, N. V.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, are now prepared to receive on Commission anil make Liberal Advances to Reflncrs and Dealers Is both Crude und Renoed Oil. OIL VITRIOL. C IlAErTHACKEK At Co., PETHOLEfM CENTRE, PA , Keen on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE 4 WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are nrepared to nisk. liberal disconnt to Refiners tor CASH, and will not b. umiuraoM in any of the ahnve articles. junulS tf. CRAME, TIIACKER & CO. FOR SALE. IIIE AUGKICAN HOTEL AT PE truleum Centre. Ibis well known house, contain! ttg M-roon-s with furniture is now oiiered for sale at a iow price. If not sold hy the 1st of April, It wid bo fcr oM. Inquire on tbo premises, of J. B. BAHNE?. Petroleum Cf otta, March 1G. QO TO IBIIAM CO'S for your Cartrldgcx TJTN(!I.I8II and SWISS WATCHES of tbs Bticsl .5 J' make, In tioM and S.lver Cnae, at 1SIIA.M a CD'S, iu tr .-ra Hou.ic 0jildint! - MlSCELLANEOUOUi CITY. NW HARDWAROE STORE lIE.YTIN'a AND C00K1NU In large vnrloty. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING GiOIS. TINWARE, LAMPS.LANTERNS. and fancy articles. NAILS AND IRON Woodi'ii Ware, &c. For sal. CHEAP 1 At the store former! v occupied hy RnrchnVd and Cast.rlin., OIL CI TV, PA. J t TICS II. CiRUVIE. Oil City, Jan. 4, 18"Utr. 'i Oil W Pipe Works lll.l. ROBMON Sc CO., Corner of Seneca and Centra Pis, east side or Oil Crock, Oil City, Pa. riavlnc ailOd a powernd Steam Enlne and three large LaTHKH, to or.r already extensive Munofnc tnriin; Kstitblixhincnt, are now preared to do ail the urvessary wjrk, in Bttiut' up, and repairiuuj ENGINES, liOILERS, IRON TANKS. REyNING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTING3J In fnctdo'all Machinery Job Work entrusted tone with neatness and dispatcn aue 31mos ALL pAPER ! Xew Sty.es for Spring ! 10, 0 0 0 ROLLB At Low Prkes. STATIONERY. SCHOOL ROOKS. CLANK BOOTTS, Fine C H HOMO S, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, ic, IN GREAT VARIETY, As reasonable ns can be purchased at any place in tho Oil Region. t)KMST., 1I0SEY & Co., Bipsell's Bank Block. OIIj city, pa. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 5, IS'iS tf Oi.nl place to set th- wo't'i of vour money Is at the XrV KLOfJK ASI) KK IO StilKK AVI) I.P.M IIKit Vlll ,11. NrtKBtHG A Co., whore there is always a MAJST relily 10 show their rnetnmers thsir tare, sloe's of l-'LOUIt, HAY. aod all kinds of PEED,, anil tue place also where may be A Istjts a-sorttner.r of arjt clas ROmn AND DRESSED LfTMBEIf, LATH, SHlNiJLBS. C, at tbe very lowest eah arlcwi Tliose w!io are not DEAD To their Intorest, and wish to deal with men who do hmi.tess on the snuar, will And It to their interest to rIv. ni a call beforn pnrohssing else wuare, and what wo can do for yon our line nf btis'neis. (T- ah Orders and teamlna promptly at'emle:! Ho. ! not forest Ike nla e, 01' IKQTON STREET''116811'11 UU8E' Petroleum Centre, Pa. L. M. BTERVBHRO, U II. VYARNBIt Febl3tf. 6EABIE8 & COENWELL, Dealers in c o a r ; jh Delivered or at tlie Yard by the car or ten. Aptlltr, TUK E nnwsrd Co, P 8. Bar'lett, Trrnnnn Watch Co s. and Nallonsl Watch Co'o Wstch ea. can be had at I1IAM & CO'8, RAILROADS. Oil W & AlleitoT Biyer R E. WARREN FRANKI.IH, FSRMER8 AND Oil CRKBK ItAlLKOADS CONSOLIDATM. NEW AND MOST DIKECT ROUTE To THE OIL REGION. 180S. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1803 TIME TAI1LK. ON AND AFTKU MONDAY, APRIL CTII 18WI. trains will run as follows: U01NU NORTH TO OIL CITY A PETRI ) Ei M CENTRE TITtiSVILLK AND ( OltKY 0 , J . Ol., r.prt.-w(rri,os 1 iriloilte at 7. therewith trains fur Pithole), Oil Vii? 9. A a. m., I'etmlctim Centre lO.Hi . n,-' in.,vi,Twii.oi o wi n. Ul.. ICOnilPTti imiju rami lu.urn. in., sillier tarru In fl a. ro . Tltnsvlll. IU.M , m at Cortv at 12 iif. p. in. ' rr,,ui lrt M- arrrlvesTldlntite 3.111 D m i'uw Olcopo!ls4 11 p. m (cotimcts with train . for Htbolo City), Oil City 4 .K p L, l-J iroleum Centre B.SS p. in . Hid KanT, -.11 p. m., .Miller Knrin 5 45 r. Titus vtil. B 04, p. m., arriving Vt Coiry V aft n ni. ' "'lft A A'-enmmodatlon from Oil Cltvsr ''w rlvesal Petroleum Centre 7.o.' a in Bom Kann " III a m., Tltuav.llo 7 45 ; rrlvlmr at Coirv at 9 811 a m '' 0O1NO fdfTII FROM CORKY, TITrsVILIF PETROLEUM CENT HE A OIL CITY. ' 0. t A. arrives at iiumviiio Me a m Miller Farm .3 a ni, Hoyd Karm gt m, leiroieum venire e ii am. Olll'tt w -" 1 a. m , Tjdl. ontcll.lJUa m , and Irvinotnn in w o m lil. IS H M.. arrives at Titu.Mlle .J lew. m Miller Farm .4 n m, Boyd fuZ 2.61 p m, Petrol.um Ccutre .54u , 1 Oil City 8.11 . m , leave Oil Citv 5 40 L m, arrives Oleopolis 4.11 n m, comiect with train for PitholeJ, Tlilout. t k i, m , and Irvineion ti.SO p. m. 1 ' 5 '1ft mj ccomini)dstion fiom Corry ar. e'U rives litusvill. 7.00 p m, Miller Fa", 1 ftp. ra, Boyd Farm 7 411 p ni, Petrole um C.utro 7.41 p 111, arriving at Oil City tt 20 d m. CONNECTIONS. Trains North connect at Corry ith I'hlladelnhl Erie R. K., and Atlantic A Ureal Western Rail way, East and West, and also with Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburgh railroad f r MulTnlo Trains connect at Oil City with Franklin Brsnrh for Franklin. Meadvllle. and tnc West, and at Ir vineion with Phil. A Eri. li. II East anu West Standard time twintt mlnntes fister than Frank lin Branch and A O. W. H. K. time. Passengers w ill And this road a site, pleasant and the shortcut ronie to and from the otr reclon. All trains West from Irvlneton lenvi. aft..? fti. i of trains un P. A E. R. It. Be sure and atk for Through Tic'rets via Oil Creek A Allegheny River Railway. 'the Qrent Hlmrr to th. Oil Region. 11. r. sh.niitsi(,iirn-i nuperintendent. C. ,1. HEPBURN. Ase't Snpertmendenl . mil. littsbHrgli, Fort Waynu und lUMIHgO ifnnivuv. T1.UK TABLE, 8,10 p m 8,65 p. in. 2,4 S a. m. 6,3.1 a. in. l.ao a. ra. 8,1" a. m. 8,25 a. m. H,4A a. m. 10,00 a. ni 0,20 s m 0,51 a. m. 1,45 t.m 1.40 p. in. !1,0S p. nr 3,57 p ml 4.18 p. m 4, JA p. m fi,60 p. ni ,uu p. Rtiiruinii leaves Pittsburgh nt ft.OO j&. m.. &nS 4,20 p. m. TRAINS eolne West on Plttibitrgh, Fort Waves and Chicaffo Railway puss Homewood st 11,01 and 8.13 3,31 a. m.. and 3,57 p m ; Pans Mai Ueldat 0,4O a.m. and 10,14 5,00 and 10,0.-) p. m. : Pass Crestline at 10.IO a 10., and 1 0,0 A. S.HOand 4,4A u. m., and arrlta nt I'h'raco at in. mA o M i.,i n .in ....1 V... nr'iJrM'.vs .i.v". March. 1868-tf. . I. a. . Alia, UOD 1 I II I Ticket SL-eur. r;t'.oie-'.'rt. rs. A IIAICD TO Tllfl IAnil S. DR DPI'OMJO'S O.J1.DBN I'URI IHOAL Pd.LS for Females. )rf illhlo In correctln Irregularities, removin obstructions or tho moiithiv inins, from whatever cause and always succcs.'ril ns a preventive On pill is a dose. Fcmsles po-i-nllarly situated, er those suppostaiithcmsolvrg an, ,aro couti ned aeainst nslru these Pills, while In that condition !e-t they Invite mlscari Inge- after whicji adinonttlou the pro rletor assumes no re sTjoi aibilitv. a'thongn their mildness wend p-er.nt any nil -chief 10 health; otherwise tho Pills arc re comnii nded as a niot Invaluable remedy for Hie al lovlatlon oftlio-e .nftorinc; from any IrrcgHlni lira whs'evcr. as well as tn prevent an Increase of fatnl. ly when health will not penult irj quieting the nervrs nnd brliicln; back the 'rosy color of health" to the cheek of the moat delicate. Full nnd explicit directions accompany -each Bui Price 1 1 per box ; 8 boxes, $5. Hold in Petrolenni Centre, by A. D. MILLER CO., -Sole Agents" for Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ijidioil By sending them $1 totlie Petroleum Cen tra P. O. ens have the Pills sent confidentially! by mall to any part of the country, tree of charge Hold also by It. C C. 8. C nrk, Titnsrllls, Pa. ; A. R. Arlnlth, Cdl Clly; Fleming Jlc fnn, Frank. In; Dr. J L. Aconih, Tidloute; E. T. 1 Li r.i-l 1 on, Wnrn-n ; and by "one Druggist" In ersry town in the 0 lited states, and by jut 8. D. IIOWK, Prop'r. New York. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Low of Appetite. Nausea, Henrt-burn, Jaundice, and aU diseases arising from a disordered of the Stomach, Liver r Intestine. Prepared by Sewakb Ic BwtiiT, Druggists, Bufialo, N. Y Sold by drugista. A. li. MILLER Ac CO.. Wholesale nj Retail Drujaslsta, Agent for Petrol.nm Centre ana vicinity. JulMj; ISHA9I Ac CO., Watchmakers Jewf-lers, IN OFERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH- INGTON STREET, PETRwtiEUn CtNTllEi PA., Keep eonitanu an band a large assortment of -1 WATCHES, JEWBI.RY.' PISTOI.W, ' HEVOLVER9jiNa s wartridges, 4c and will sell at eastern prices ' Catch work ward wsraatalve aatlefactieo. I.ItVU 01! City, Franklin. Janostown, Meadvllle, Clarksville, New Castle, Homewood, New Brighton, line heater, Alleghcnv, Ptttshurch-ar Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers