The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 20, 1869, Image 3
CLOTHING AND G ENTS NEW CLOTHING ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Former! J. We hUVc just received and nr5 now optnrtii"? to the admiring gaze of tbe cltiem ul Petroleum Centre and vk'mltv the Impost stock of SPRING CLOTHINGS Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. (Jlolhitig Made to Order at the Shortest Native. Hats and Caps of Every Style. In Gents' Furnishing G-oods Our Stock Is Complete. Inspection of our stock Ik n-spfctl'iilly solicited. EST" One Price, and a& Goods' warranted as represented. FJ lAHLKS & ALE5;. ctrolcuin Centre, Marcli I, lS'fl. tf. DRUGS AND DRUGS! MEDICINES! J, H. CHRISTIE, DEALER T?aintsV"ai?nishes, Glass, !Putty Soaps Dye Stuffs, Fancy "and Toilet ikr&ioies. auj-iunbs-of pateh? medicines. PURE WINES tt LIQUOftS ! SL'WCPfiD'niPKfesSLY i'CR MEDICAL PURPOSLS. N. ,B; Prescriptions eabefHliy compounded at all lionra, No: ltf Waslilntfoift'.. lttnlcum Centre, la. W Give me call before purchasing elsewhere. .MylOlf.) J. II. CHKIS'i'SF. dames ja.. nemnv Has, Id adilltion to the large ttock ol OIL WELL SUPPLIES! tHABMAEE, STOVES TINWARE &C, That lie keeps at his Oh! Stand In this Place, JU ST OPE 3STE X A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE. it the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, the aid of Competent Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the Ieciiaxical Department, THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, AND GOODS, SFI ! IMC AT FAIR PDIMTQ -i.ii iu n r i nil i iiivuu -ANt)- LIBERA! DEALING f)i- ERALLY, mi1 frrrt irn Jnrivn-ement flS)m operator jn """locality.- PlEAW dlVfc MB! A CAM.. I.,., Janes A. Snfrkui. r-.oitumCcatrc, Bcpt 2, 18C3 If I I hansom FURNISHING GOODS. A. I.OKKE,) MEDICINES. IN READ ! HEAD ! J SOBEL I HAS REMOVED ! His Liwc Stock ot Into the Room t'urr.irriy Occupie:! by S. Awt'i Jnsir.i, HEX'f BOOR tfl tiio OPSR A HOUSE Ha tua ndded to Ms Stock a large selcc tiuu of Which Iip Inrifcf ttie Lndlcs of Potioloum Centre and vicinity to mil nnd tixamlnc. llaa aUo Hats & Caps, Reailv-JIasle liothing', itc, Ac, all of which he has ruivked down lo the Lowest Cash Prices. I desire to thank my numer ous customers for their liberal patronage at my old stand, and hope by keening a large selec tion of Goods, at Ixw Prices, to continue to supply their wants as heretofore. 5. SOBEL. U'j.u ieuui Cent:. March 'J. 1J9 tf. (if m!m . TELEGRAPH HKPoKTEi) ran the daily kf.coim), Afternoon Dispatches Cumberland, Md., April Jl. A horrible murder has just been commit ted here. A man by the name of V. II. II. Diickerwnttn. shot an Express Messenenr. Jay Johnson, tbe shot taking effect under t lie heart. Johnson only lived 20 minute. Duckerworth bad been arrested and com mitted. Washington,' April 2n. The President was occupied with oRlcial business lo-day, and saw no one but mem bers ol his Cabinet. In the Senate immediately nfler the read inz of the journal, Mr. Chandler offered a resolution declaring that In tbe judgment of the Senate the true solution of all existing controversies between Great Britain and Ihe United Stales.will be found in the trans fer of all the British possessions in North America lo the people of tbo United Slates, and instructing the President to open nego tiations upon Hint bnsis. Mr. Chandler took the floor and arsned that he was the originator of the position he now ueid. In concluding his speech Mr Chandler said that both France and England hud stuKPii tneir empire on tins continent upon the success of the rebellion, which they had cnconrnged iy every means In their power. Cincinnati, April 20. Wm. II. fiice. of Quincv. III., was found dea.l in !,, nt the St. James Hotel, in this city, nt II o clock on Sunday night. The verdict of the Inquest was death caused by npnplexr. The la-it mil was lni 1 on Sunday on the Louisville, Lexington & Cincinnati Branch Railroad, making 140 miles lietween Cov ington and I,".vington. Cars will not run for a veek or two. Augusta Evans has boiled down another set of rnryclopedins, and is offered 013,000 for the novel result. Half tbe Russian lawyers are bankrupt, which would indicate a reimrkable state of solvency in the rest of the community. N E V A DYE RT ISEM E N TS. Prof. Everett, THE GREAT ILLUSIONIST, Will opch his Grand Presentation Entertainments nl luo OPERA. HOUSE, 'i K'cutnanda; Evening April lOllt. llio I'mrmsor will iritrod -ico nothing but tho newest nnil l.ue-t experiment- in mirin. Aiming them the tri-nt modern mvatcrv Sit hi. Hlehi. Ool. lln Drum. Miowvr Of Unld, and hundreds of illusions Haver ooiora wiiinwsea in tuts laca. Also his w.inderfnl Automation Vgvxm thu only ones of i muu iu Atneru'i. line liiind-ea ftlvand ll--f il pivcMitn to bo dlstrilm ed in the close of rarh enter nininent. AdililHioii ..... . 25 Co lit. Finn ' tickets iidmitltni; bK inmoin nn?' dollar. II. B. MAnSIIALI., Agcct. April IB. Mewzfli City Territory. HOIICjSTO OIL OPEHATOKS; TIlC UHderslnBil. fi.r tVin Mntmrmlirnn nil Company, now offain to lease the territory of said umjuiuy, in iois ol two ncres e;irn. for onc-rotlrth royalty. This (arm U sitimto ou Cherry Tree lti:n, and 1Kb on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connoctJt the CHARLEY RU.1 TERRII0RY. For farther particular apply to the original D. W. KENNEY7 A'lemagcozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or addri'HS, "BOX 117," Petroleum Centre,' I'cno. April lfl Ira. J. A. PLAWTE, French Boot Maker Washinstoii Street, THaEE POORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO. S DRUG STORE, PETUOIiEUJlCESfTUKjPn., Is niaiiu.actuilns tn order riHST C LASS 1'INE H'OItli, null as Patent Jjcather Hoot, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Sole Hoot, Scotc Welt Hoots. liEAVVOU LIGHT WORK1 DONE' IN FRENCH STYLE. (.ii'.l and sec samp'es. j ,.LA.rtj Ti'lrolciim IVntre, Vn , July 2 i" !'V tile K. Ilnwtrd American WiUcli, the t'C5l,! II l ai.idv.. Jt 1!UAM CO. till' (..rrT;. Ol'KlCB OF 1 Thh PiiT'M Cuxthk Oaii.v Rnrnnp. I"KTKOLlil'M C'KNTrtK. April '10. S Mukethero to-day is (juilo linn. We learn of three sale nt ?" 75. but are not in formed as to the number of barrels. Shipments of oil from Ibis point, April 17, via O. C. & A K. Rnilrond were 3,198 bbls. P KT It O L K V Kl il A It K KTS H V ri:i.. CtiUAI'H. Special Dispatches to the Daily Itecord. I'lTTHUl'HUU. Aptil 25. Spot 15 bid. Kirst water IS bid. S. O. lirsl (! mnnths 1. 1!. O. first six montlis 1C. II. O. all the vear num. S. O nil the year M.'jtliJJ. Market Quiet. l'mLAL'SLruiA, April 20. Spot, :i2'4'. April-32.'4. May 33'. June, 34'j April lo June 33' April to August April lo September. May tn Dec. . ' May lo June . , Crude Bbls., Crude bulk, IS. Market Firm. Nkw York, April 20. Receipts Kofi ncd, Crude, bb!s. Naptha, bbtn. Crude, 17'.; Refined, spot 32:,,'(i33. Market Dull. Livkiipooi., April 20, 2 p. m. Refined 22d. Spirits, 9d. London, April 20. 2 p. m. Refined. 22d. Spirits. !.d.' Antwkhp, April 29.' 2 p. m. Crude 53( (? 54. London, 5 p. m., April 20. Refined 22d. Spot !)!.jd. Antwkkp, 5 p. in. April 2b. Crude 53154. Wentcrn Union 1.1 ne market Report. Philadelphia, April 20. Cnidc IS Refined -P. L. S. to W., 31: S. W. 32 1-4. Market Quiet but Ann. New York. April ;2. Crude, bbls,. Crude, bulk 17. Relined P. L. S. to W., 31 ; S. W. 32!,' JUnrKot Quiet. Pittsbt. (k, April . '0. Snnt 15 bid. Market Quiet and dull. Cloniiiil'New York Market. New Yrk, 2:10. p. m., April 20. Kenned. 33. Crude. 17).. Receipts Muiket Demand active. (itll.IIISINKlV VOItK. New YoIik, April 20. Gold 134; LIVERY FEED STABLES, ' Washington Street, oppoaitc lhtS0cr;i IlousiC) IPETROLEUII CENTRE, PENN'A. I have put In a good stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which I will let on reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wagons, !3rlng Wagon, &c. HOUSES boarded and fed aud lest of care g'Air antpcri. jaliDtr A, SMAWLEY. AMEBIC AIST n a ANO Sewing Machine ! This Ma-liir. is waiianird to execute in he groaiesi d'tiroeof nerlit'tion, all kinds ttnd tarlctle of HewiiiL'. Hemming, Folliuj;, Cording, bucking, Braiiline, Uathorinn and Sewing on, Quilting, 4c, that Is or cv.n he dona by any otbar machiua now belorejtlia public. This Warhlne stunts to day without a rivr. In Its ceU hratod OveracHinioff Stiich, Embroidering on the FdL'e, and Button Hole and Eyelet Uola muking ill nil kindsof fabrics. I"Ou of these Machines enn te scch at tlit room over A- U- Miller & o ' DrneMoi J. U. COt t IN, mchiri. Agent I) l.VMy.ND I'i.NS Hiel KI"'!i. at 1511AM' & t'Jtu ilW.LER .V CQ.1 A, D. MILLEn & Cu; Wholtsfllo and Ketall Uealm in DRUGS, MEDIQNES, && Hashington Street, prntoi.Kijji cENTitr, pa. ,.?.V-i'.;5. Their Stoek' consists of everything in lbs Hue of Drugs- & Medicines ! PURE I-IQTJOIIS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wliolesale lid'ltetall Ag-cnla tor YOSEMITB STOMACH IIITTTRS, JOHN ROOT'S niTTERS, . CONSTITUTION HITTER:',. ALISXY FOR THE 1I.V1U. SEWARD & BENTLEY'S COUGH -SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL. nUPONCOS GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER UA.K'S CISAHS, JAYI-fES' MEDICINES. ANDEKSON S DERM ADOR,1 SPENCER'S MIXTURE. . SPENCER'S OINTMENT, do. PlliliS. Atw, - Mnrpdon'fl, PtMrrj. "" Dhiudetli i( Alirliinc'0, Wi'mtnV, HerrickV, Mntrn, WriKh'!.-, Hooper', UBiwRy' U. H. .Tynu'n, KobuckV, Jtii-or'ii. H"hiiirk'n, Clara's Female. riH-caeiuair Iuponcu', ilu Vclpau'if, do, &c, A Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &c. COUGHS, COLDS, At!.' AVer's Cherry Pectoral, J'ayne's Expectorant, Mnrsden'a Balm, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup1 Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. .Denton's lialsam, Urynn's Wafers, Olive Tar, . , . . Drown's Troches' Wisharl's Pine Tree Tar Seward's Cough Cure,' Uatemun's Syrup, Cough Candy, 4c Cigars and Tobaccos ! The HctJt Ever Brought to lli' iM ltcgioii. HAltl ItESTOlI-A'lIVES. ALTSMA, MRS. ,T. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON BARRETT'S, ROSSETTERS, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. DITTEK3. CONSTITUTION, MAIM HA KTAK, ROOT. IlKAKK'S. ROPACK'R, ' nrin,K' JIISHI.KH P, IIOIS IT. I I Kl a, JREKK'S, UOOFI.ANIVS. CAI.IKOHNIA, ATTWOOU'S, I'KUTUXIUK IKON, &U WALL 3PA;IEilS, C urtnini and Hustle Sflia'deti. PAINTS, OILS,' . VAKMISIIES, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, Turpentine, Spongei, Jiy Stuff, nrycm,' iUllM.'.S' SUPPLIES,-' Lurtl Oil, Kcroseiie - &c LAPS, LAMP FIXTURES Ac. Scotch Ale, Kiiniett Air, Conjrress Water. PRF.rmPTIOS . COM- " t 1TTM IT'TY AT il t HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONARY, ENVELOfES C. SURGICAL INSTKUMENT3, TRUSSES. Come no,g. ciinc enc. rnme all. it don't ro .anr. thine to look at i;xid.., aud we will try to t.-ert - r 11 u..ll . . : i . J'tlit.a'iiu Cir.lli, fer'. m rm- V" .i. r - iUti