x Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Venire, Ttiee Inv. AprlHiO. .A. JJ. I'A1, mitor. Time of Cloning mails. P. C, Fmoi.n' Ckxth. Pa , ) Jui.I SBsT, 1808. J Until further notice the tnslla will arrive at and depart from thls-office as follows: AitaivE. South anil East, via. Irvlneton, 10.18 A. M. South aiid ffntj " alimdville, B IS I. M. North imil East) " Cofry, 3 56 ' iKfAHT. South and Went, 8.45 A. M. SoiUL East and Wust, V. 01) I'.'m. North, East and Wot, 10.00 A. M. II. K. P.LACKMON-, P. M t . Divine dor vice. PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCn. Proachiwr nt 11 o'clock A. M., and l o'clock T. M. Rbv. J. T. OxTour, Tastor. M. E. CnURCII. Semens every Sabbath at 11 A. f and 7 'J.P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock Ml SeaH Free. A cordial invitation extended to oll.' , Rkv. C. M. Heard. Pastor. 'rts. peter and I'AtrrsccATnouS) CHURCH. Mass at VS a. m. Vespers and Benediction' of the Blessed Sacrament at 4'p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor" J. H.' Smith, or Franklin, present Protho. notary of Venango County, announces bira- ell as a candidate Tor re-olecWon. G. M. Rlchart, editor of (be Pitlstowo Gazette, has boen nppointedPostmasterat that place. Glad to bear it. Foi:b timh'sanif applications for the nine ly positions-in the Philadelphia Custom 110118. (That a host of patriots will bedis appointed: , . The renovation of Rotson A Arnold's new Milliard Parlors is- now being pushed for ward, and when finished, it will be oneoftbe finest on Oil Creek. A sbalft 50 feet deep his been sunk on tb" Smith Farm, between Pasantville and Pitbole, tmd'an 8 foot Toin of Mack dm mood coal obtained. Mr. James, tbe spiritualist; celebrated as the leeator of the first producing wells at Pleasant ri lie; bas 'commenced operations at President, seven milci bolow Tiouesta. . i April showers fcave commenced in flood oarnes in this section, ami mud Is visible without tbe aid of a-magnifying glass!, A man with good eye-sight can comprehend the situation at once! The Titusville Herald thinks. Petroleum Centre the ' sink hole of Iniquity."" ' Peo ple who live in glass bouses," Ac. Titusville lacks considerable of being tbe New Jeru salem'. Millontan. A new well north of the old Rannali well wbicj) Messrs Walker & Toller are putting dow n, was cased and tubed last nigbt. Tbe water was being about exhausted this noorw -when our informant left. Tuta Water Pipe. -Excavation baa been commenced for tbe laying of tbe water pipe through-Washington street. This protec ion against fire will reduce the rates of in surance In Petroleum Centre. Tit u M lowing is the new Board or Direc tors or the Pennsylvania Agricultural Asso ciation: President, Amos E. Kapp; Corres ponding Secretary, El bridge M'Conkey; Re cording Secretary; frW. Seilor; Treasurer, JoLn Rutbbrford. With but slight deviations Irom a direct line, you might start at Tionesta, and trav el some hundred and liftv miles through an unbroken wilderness, without seeing the smoke o." settler. Forest (Tionosta) l'rots. Tbero way be some settlers In the region uiluded U by our nolgbbor, icio don't I nuke! . . Tub Legislature of Illinois bos passed a law giving married women tbe right lo use and poss ss tbelr own earnings, and to sue fur tbo same in tbelr own name, free from the lutetferenco of a busbuud or bis credi tors. The religious journal report last week noarly 9,000 acoessiona and conversions, the iomiii ui revival! all over the country. Of these 4,179 ate among the Methodists, 1,600 among tbo Baptists, 300 among tbe Congre Bul!ona!hU, .635 among the United Brethren and 500 among tbe Presbyterians. Tub Buffalo Clothing ;iiorr, opposite the McClintock Hous, adver'thwa hi another column lo sell clothing at a saving ol 30 per cent, to the purchaser. Tbe stock is composed of tbe best styles, and all goods are warranted as represented. Call and ex aiuinvtbt Hock. J, ,. Ion .Hunt Advertlae. There is a certain system nueded In ad vertising, which every business fnt shcitld exercise, who desires to succeed. To this class we would say that whatever yottr poods, wares or merchandise may lie, re tnemlicr flrSt system, perseverance and suc cess go hand in hand. If yon are to intro duce an article of valim vt necessity lo would-be customers, it cannot be done by a single effort or in a single mcdiu.h. There ore many who, regarding one trial sufficient, fold their binds alter its accomplishment, and wonder that so litllo satisfaction Is at tained thereby. In such cuso the fault is invariably with tbo ail vert is.T. He must l-tep bimscll U'Wire the people, nut only Ibis month or this tear but const'tntti, or when tbe season fur his busluesi comes around. Pursuing this course, success is as certain as tbe revolutions of tbe earth. Abovo all-don't be spasmodic, Ui regarding this liko any other branch of business, treat it as inch. Every prominent advertiser will testify to the truth of these remarks, mid lurlbermore they will tell you it will oever do to stop. Constant effort Is reiiuired here as elsewhere, and tbey who tail to observe tbe rule will learn tbo truthfulness by sad experience and at their own cost. Never withdraw from the eyes ofeustonieis the best and most elective sign you can put there. If you do they will bo attracted by that of another, und suon forget both you and your wares.- Harrison- IIkciiatiiokx, a single man, aged 2G years, from Ten Mile liottom, Cran berry township, Venango couuty, made one trip down the'ereek Saturday, on a raft be longing to Ford t Lacy, piloted by John Hood, when be was shoved off.by the for ward oar, immediately below I.acytown Dam. Pilot threw him a rope,' which he refused to lake, and endeavored to swim ashore, but soon sauk und was drowned. A friend immediately started to notify bis family f tbe sad event. Mouth of Coon appears to be a fatal piece ol water, claim ing a victim each year 2 years ago Uitcu ey, last year Haly, and now Heckatborn. Forest Press. Oil.- Ey.citAXUK. The Oil Exchange Hotel bas passed into tbe bands of Mr. M. V. Miller, formerly or the Lake Shoro House. The conveniences of this hotel bavo been greatly increased tinder its now manage ment, .and it is now one of the best in Petro leum Centre. Mr, Miller is a landlord who fully understands Uie duties of bis position, and tbe guests of tbe bouse will agree with us in tbe assertion that he performstbose dtt ties lo Die aatief'aoiion of all. Keud bis card in another column. A correspondent describing the infornil machine termed tbo " shower bath" employ, ed at Sing King prison, -explains the method of punishment. Tbe victim is stripped naked before a dozen keepers or guards, who arc anxious to ' see the sport," placed In a stock with bands and feet extended and firmly fastened by the wrists nr. I ankles spread eagle fashion with tbe chin resting on a plank, and head thrown back on an- ollier l,lank ia BUCh a way 08 ,0 '' the del u go directly in the mouth. In fronil three to five minutes a man is drowned into unconsciousness, aud a vory few repetitions af the torture wrecks tbo stroogest constitu tion After Dinner Naps. Many persons are in the habit of stoepingfor half an hour or an hour after dinner. This is a bad prac tice. Ten minutes sleep belore dinner is worth more tbnn an hour after. It rests and refreshes and prepares the system for vigorous digestion. If sleep is taken after dinner it should be in the silting posture, as Ibe horizontal position is unfavorable to healthful digestion. Let those wbo need rest and sleep during the day take it before dinner Instead of itflor, and tbey will soon find that they will feel better, aud that their digestion will be improved thereby. Herald ot Health. A t sw yours ago, at the conclusion of a Missionary sermon, the preacher requested some one to .hand around tbe bat, and take up a collection. A'young man, a- stranger in the place, jumped up and commenced circulating the bat and in-such a way as to finish the job at tbe door, and passed out with the proceeds. The preacher, eyeing him as be went out, observed, if tbut young man runs away with ibat money he'll be damned. A deacoa sitting, by tbe window, seeing hi in make off down tho Btreet, re sponded : " And if be hasn't run away with that money, I'll be d d." GovERxen Huffman', of .New York, is winning golden opinions by vetoing tbe Railroad Jobs brought through the Legisla not tbe least of wbiob Is the bill Incorpora ting tbe Broadway Company. Ho also laughters the special legislation without mercy, and bis example, in this reepect, is calculated to make tbe people' of otbe" States wish that it might be extensively imitated. ktati: si:i A new hematite from ore mines bas jusl been opened on the premises of Philip Gar man, on the Welsh mountain, near Chnrch- town, and on tb borders of Herns county, the least" or which has licen purchased by Smith llros , of Pittsburgh. Tim ore is saldj to be of a rleb quality, and the mine Is now being actively worked. ' On last Thursday evening, Hon. G. Paw son Coleman, Senator Horn Lebanon and Dauphin District, gave an entertainment to the members and officers or the Legislature, at the Lochlel House, Harrisbiirg. The Getttbnr S'ar s-ty: " As the dedi cation ur the Soldieis National Monument baa been arranged fur the 1st of July, the contractor is commencing his preparations to- put up the monument. The stone bas long since been cut, ready for shipment, at tliu iiuurriet In New England, but the eon tractor has been awaiting the arrival of the statue from Italy. Three ol these are now on the ground, and the other two are on the way. When everything is ready, the put ting up of the monument will occupy but a few weeks." Elisba Craig, of Greene county, was ar rested in Fayt'lto county, lust week, on a charge ol having set fire to the Court House at Kingwood, West Virginia. It is said that be was beaten in a suit in the Kingwood Court, and vowed vengeance at the time. The circumstantial Vvldunce is very strong against bim. Tbo Philadelphia Press, of Saturday says: I ''The new act of Assembly, which empow ers defendnuts to testify in tbeir ewn behalf in civil cases, went into force yesterday, and the result of two cases in our courts was materially changed, much to I'jo dissat isf.iutioti and chagrin of tbo pluiutillV at torneys. In one ciso tbe defendant was placed on the stuud, aud although he was subjected to a severe cross-examination, his evidence won for him the case, and the plaintiff hud to rest contented with his law yer's rcmaik, ' Tbjs is only a eonimentary on tbe new bill passed by uttr beautiiul I.e- gtelatire.' " Tub Mount Pleasant Iowa Press, of a re cent date says: " Out of fifty women eating supper at a festival, it is a fact that thirty of them, sit on one of their feet. Why do tbey ? The Otkatooia Citizen undertakes to give an answer in the following atrocious manner: Tbey don't out Ibis way. You can find ao woman in tb ia biliwick with a foot big enough for any thirty women lo sit on. Good Heavens! what underpinning tko Ml. IMeonaut a nines must nave if the above re flection of our bachelor cotemporary was suggested by aatual observation. And yet in the case of a grasshopper raid, two or three such feet around on a farm couldn't bo sneizoj'at." Preparation run a Traukuv. Three gentlemen and a wo.nnn, who bad just cros sed the ferry from i'ew Yotk lust Sunday afternoon, entered the ollico of Recoider Marlindule, of Jersey City. . The parly ev idently moved in a respectable sphere of life; and after a brief consultation between two of the geollemon and the Recorder, one gentleman and the woman stepped furwatd and were made one. Tbe brldo was down cast, and it wus plain that she bad been compelled under remarkable circumstauoin to sacrifice herself on tho altar of hymen. It was not a kissing marriag", fir immediate ly alter tho ceremony tbe wife fled Iruui the building hotly pursued by the gloom and groomsmen.' Jlochealor Item. Tho Rev. Dr. Crovell, of Philadelphia, bas accepted the cull o tbe Pastorate of St. Peter's Church ol Roibester, and will com mence bis labors early in May. Tho Actives and Aerts, bond companies of P.ocbester, bad a ollixiou on tbe streets last Thursday, damagbg tbeir carts lo some extent. i Tbe newly organize! Brass Band at the Rochester House of Kifnge, have commenced practicing wllu'eeconl-band instruments. nun. George G. lunger, or Rochester, sailed for Europe last Saturday, in tbe Vil la do Paris, to join bit family, now ubroad. He will be absent teviral months. Mr. C. N. Simmons, the retiring Superin tendent of Sehools at Rochester, was pre sented with an elegaut letl orsiver ware by tho teachers of that dly on lu.it Tunis duy. Tbe scare about tho-Ugh price of sugar is passing by. The Custim Houso statistics show that the receipts f sugar and molass es are as large as ever. The maple trees, too, ore yielding fairly. Persons desirous or purchasing cheap pork should go to Texas. Lis quoted at-live cents per pouud in the pipers of that State. Somebody cnlled Spraouo tho Wulpoie of the Senate, and uow Spwgue calls Sherman a " lolcgwrih pel"," rrtOTHONOTAKY. vi. ? flntlmriywl In snnounri. tlmtJOSKPIl II SMITH. I'roUionotoryof Vonnngo County. lll he n cumllunte for re-nominatlon, for srtta onico, siio Jcct to the u!iur of the lU'publlcnn party. 1-AlVniOACV AJfMUmCEMENTS. HKCISTKlt ANDItKCOItnEIS. Editor ItKroitn: You will nlense an nounra Hint .lAMKf W. SHAW will tie a randlibite Tor nomina'lon for llw olllcc of KcviAterand Kecoril er. snliiert lo the UK'iL'es of the ftepubtleftii parly, nt Dm entiling Kiinililienn Primary Klu'tinn. Mr. Slmw was a l'rlvalc III Company "I," 14!d Penn sylvania Vnlnnteeis, and lout a rhrht arm in lmllla of CettyiilmiR. He Incompetent and ohllelrte:. and hm serxeit IteirMer and Itecorilcr for one term to the entire tatisuiction of all who hnve done hiHlncss with him. VKNANUO COPNTY. fiwral Notice. Anollicr iafge 3th of Wall Pupor Junt ra col ved at A. D. MI 1.1. Kit &. Cn.'s Tbe Fluent lot of Nary, I'lngand Smoking Tobnco from Baltimore and I.ynchburE In the mar ket at A. D. MILLER & Co. '9. Flue Nolo Paper wholesale and retail at A. D. MILLEK Co.'s JTIAKUI.FJ!, CLASS ALLIES, at A. D. MILLER A CO. lltUDS JAVA. SI-AKHOWS, CANARY, 11 Kit MAN, at A. 1). MILLEK A CO. WALKING CANES at A. D. MILLEK CO. VI.OWEP IUSKETS, FANCY AND WIKK at MILLEK & (.-(J. C H TION TO OIL. OPKHATOK1. ALL i-ersons are hereby cautioned agotnat buy inn or using Sucker Rod, wftn Socket Paint, the Socket being wedged on to tho ro ls with clthor wooirH or infinite wedge and connected together liy a connecting holt, except of my manufacture, n-. I am the sole owner of the palei t 'or connecting rol in thin nnnner: all othere mnda substantially a nlxive arc ilirtct infringrmtn't on my rights, and all parlies iislm: rod so conneated, not of my mnn ii'iicterc, lay themselves liable to, and will b3 pros ectiti'dacordintrtolaw. W. J. INNIS. P. S. Thi not'ee is inserted, not as a mere srnrc-crow, but will lie attended to, and risldly en forced. Apr.IO.8m. W.J.I. All accounts not settled immediately, will be left irith an nfllccr for collection. Api U tf. REYNOLDS CO I he Very Lxtost Cable- dispatches. ED SUTIIKKLAND ha ehlrto of the "etroleum Exclianje Diiiiuir Koom. whe-e he will h bappy to see ail of his old frienJi once nirxln nt his new post. Don't forget to give him a call and pet a good nice meal and the Ducat ciptra u'ld liquor?, as Ed. knows how to suit the hoys. Petroleum RxelimiK llesitniirniit, next door to laliain's Jewelry Store, Petroleum Centre Apr.'iHw. A ( IKO. In retlrine from Ih? roal btisinesa at Petroleum (Vntre, I tnke thU occasion to return my sincere ttvwik to all my former patrons for their generous supiHirt, and can make no more appropriate return lor me sum, man to ncarttijr recommend my sue rossors to their consideration. Messrs. Seartcs A Cnrnwcll, besides heine trcntlemcn of acknowledg ed binines rapacity, arc thoroughly acquainted with ti e branch of trade in which they are now engaged, and I am cnufMent that any who fiivnr them with their patronage will be honorably dealt with. Very Hnspcctfully, T. T. MA PES. P. S Mews. Snarles ft C irn well retain tho srvlces of Mr. Codlnt!tnn, who is authorized lo sot tie in my absence, au-1 receipt in my name. Ar 14 tf. T. T. M. CAN ARY III ItUS, male and female, new stock Jiit received, at A. D. MILLER & CO.'S. Ali a line lot of Imported English fluid Finches SASH. GLASS AND DOORS, LARGE Stock, at the Furniture Store. Mur27. FOPR FOLD LINIMENT. Ccuuiuc, for sale wholesale and Mall, at A. D. MII.LEIt & CO.'S. To all Wlion'lt may Concent I T-te notice, that we have the solo and cx?lusivo right for Ave rears from November. 18H8, lo make, put mi, and sett. In the Tnited Slates WALLIS IMPROVED MAC.IC BALM, under an assignment nnd perchsse from 8 O Wallis, patentee, and that we hIII enforce the law rigidly aeninst all persons vtiio shall make, put up, and sell said Balm without our cuii:. W. w. PRKKINS a CO., Franklin, Pa. -A D. MILI.KIl A CO., Wholesalo and Bo tail A ;nt fur Petruletim Centre and vicinity. mhS.1 lin. JV All persona wMiing M lu VACCINATED can call at A. D. Hillor Co.' Drue Storo and havo the pure fresh article inserted. No charge. Xew riour, Feed nnd Grocery tire f J. N. I K AT II RKV At the OLD BANK DCILDINd, ON MAIN KT, oppoalte the McClintock Hons, has on hand a largo and fl.at class aiock'of Flour, Feed aud Urocerlea, which he lasellliif at a low tgiiro. t- Don't forget the place where A, D. Cotton Si Company broke up. JanJ tt lata, Caps, noota and DhoeaA laiye asMirtment at REYNOLDS. PHODHRAD A CO'S, No, II Centre Street, opposite the post Office, Oil City, p. . PAPER AND ENVElOPKS atA. D. MILL Eh. & CO '8. .Tce best fill A Its in Ihn marki4 era the tl.ir. falp favnrites. iniinfrUirod by Walker ltai A. D- MILLEK A CO. WAI.I, PAPI HI .Jii'l recRlvial t-Urxm stock of Sirliig patte as, at H-. C. JA KYIS' Ft ltNITUItR HToltE mS. f PAINT, WAI.I, Will I'll WASH & SHOE BRUSHES, a larKO stock Ju-it rcecircd at A D. MILLER & CO.'S. Dry ;ooda, a large st-jck at REYNOLDS RRUDIIKAD A cos. No, M CciiUe St, i;0 -lie lij To I ?!' , nil i. iiy. Pa . RICH MAHR1AGE GIFT. The lttcnFT Oipt which Yontie Man cn sent to his llrlde, is a sound constitution and nun. heart. Essnys on these subjects, with the rmmar-a tviews fff lieuernlent Piiyaiclans, sent in scaled In tor etavelones, fi-pn (,f charge. Address lIOWAttn ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. jsj JJ" POMEROY'S DEMOCRAT.IL M. or "Hrlck" PoasnoT's new paper already exceeds In circulation every other political paper in the world It ia "red hot," and of unusual Interest. snd for sample copies, rrinting lluutt .Square, AVw Port Ci'jr- . iriehlj. I Cnrp'etai, or every quality snd description, at REYNOLD-!. BKODIIKAD A CO'S, No. 11 Centre Stroet, opposite tho P . CV. Oil City, Pa. , rsrnnitTON-s tobacco antidotf.; DON'T CHEW, an antidote for Tobacco, and DR.' JOHNSON'S AROMATIC ANTI-TOBACCO COM POUND, for sale at A. D. MILLER CO'S. THE best place la townlo get a pair of Boots mnde of the beat Stock, that will wear well, and warranted to tit, 1 at J. A. Plailtca Cash. -lonable Bflot Shop, Washington Street, Petroleum Contre, Pa. Give him a trial. scplU-tf. Hardware A largo nisortment of Iieing closed out at roluced rates at REYNOLD!' BRODnEAD CO'S, No. ll Centre St., opKuV Hie Post OIHce. Oil City, Pa. ' Ausma." -It ia not often that we liave the tun, to spare, or ti e Inclination, to notion any of the thousand and one preparations snld.thronhoiit the country, each, as It Is claimed, twins a sovereign cure for one or more of tho Ills that flesh is heir to. Indeed, wo have frequently wondered lint nconlo ever died at all, orjgrcw old even, when, by a small outlay they could furnish themselves with lomc tiling which would keep disease nt hiy.and defy'thn assaults of time I Concerning the efllcacy of one of tnese rammtlal preparations-and one which has be come celebrated of Isle we rail llw fmm n..r. - sonal experience, and consclciltioiHlv snv ii i, co.nl We refer lo 'Alimn." an aiitcle for n-tmiug and preserving tnehair, manunictiire.1 bv Messrs Sew anl A Bcnllcy. Chemista and Dru'elsts, No. iwj Main Street. Bnflitlo. Bnfl'alnCoiniiierc al Arte No slow saba for Seward's Cough Cure. A. I). Mil. I.Kit CO., Wh.il.Knle .t Retail Dnicaisls. Aernts for IVtroleum Centre, Pa. fcUli. WINDOW GLASSI A largo assortment, all sizes, af A! D.' Miller & Co.'s. 1'rorkerr Por all kinds'sn to REYNOLDS, BRODHEAD A C9'S, No. 11 Centre ritreet, oppo alte the Post Ofllce, Oil City, Pa. itiV ADVERTISEMENTS. A lLDWIV. well: OPPOSITE TII!i MoOLIN, TOCKJIOUSE! HBNKY WAHD BFItCIIKll says clolto" di nottnnke tho mnn. but llicy do make a grunt inherence in bis appearaace. If you would nppenr wcll, w . - go to Tnn BUFFALO ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE. AND SAVE 35 PER CENT 1 ON EVER? ARTICLE Y0TJ FUR CHASE. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES I ON EAH ARTICLE NO EAN'TERING, Nd DEVIATION, ALL DEALT WITH ALIKE, ALL GOODS WARRANTO' AS REPRESENTED THE WOllKINGMAN'6 FRIEND,'. ' . J.' ISRAEL. Pet oleum Centre, April l!l,''09. COEFIELD &. PERRY'S 33 o i'l'e i? Sli o p ! ' (In rear of Fisher A Norris'a Machine Shop) ri;TIL,EU.TI CENTIIE, PEKN'A Boiler and Si ilia Repaired on abort notice, I'LUE-EETTING AND 'REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WORK WARRANTED. Beilct aud Ei'giacs. Ir sale Mr31 6 uaaMW