Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Feu Centre, Wediicadny, April 11. Ji FAT, ICditor. Time of Closing mail. T. O., Petmlkch Ckhtri!, P.,l JULT S7i.T, IStiS. Catfl farther notlre the. malla will arrive t and aepart rrem this office aa follows : ARRIVE. Snnth Mid Bt, via. Jrvinetnn, 10. ?8 A. M. South aod Wait, ' Moadville. S.1S P. M. Hortk and Bout, Corry, DEPART. fnatb and Wert, 8.45 A. M. Sutl; F.nat and Weat, S.30 P. M. North, Eaai and Wen, 10.00 A. .V. H. E. BLACKMON. I . M. Divine Herrlee. PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCn. Preachinir at II o'clock A. M., una ', o'clock F. M. Rit. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCn. .-rviui's every naunatn at II A. M. and 14 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seat Free. A cordial invitation extended to al I. Ret. C. M. Hsunn. Pastor. 8TS. TETER AND PA PL'S (CATHOLIC) PITfTDPIT ' Mass at 10' a. m. Vespers and Beneilictlon of the Blessed Fanrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Taster. The Tax on Oil. The Board of Mnn.vrers of the Oil Produc ers' Association met in TIIorill for the purpose of taking some action ia re'. rerence w the tax bill levying one cent per (rallon on crude petroleum, now before the r.egrislBtiire of this State. The bill is a gross imposition upon the oil prodncersof Venan o County, and speedy action should be ta ken to stay its progress in our State ture. A strong effort is being made in Its favor, notwithstanding the remonstrance eigned by every oil producer, and should it become . law, it will be one of the greatest frauds sever forced upon this public. It doe. not seem possible that it can re wit. to. signature of Gov. Geary, and thus beeom. a ,w. Our Executive has al ready signed the Monopoly Fipe Bill, and ehould he foll.w up wlfa a s.nctio. of the bil! hli Ppulrlty would diminish to a still greater extent in the oil region of penn ylvania, and among oil men generally. Wo cannot believe tbn Governor will sign the bill, ami wo hope the. meeting held in Tilu ville to-day will take - 1" U UU 'eat the measure. A well was struck on IVildCat vesterday. by L. P. Walker, and is now producing ful! ly twenty barrels. . A large clipper tulip, of i.oo tuns, cal' od the "Great Adinirul," in honor of fc ar rugiil, has been built at lioBton. Axr business is more respectable than what is termed loafing. A young man hud belter sell clams by the pailful than hang around public resorts, murdering tirue aod his own reputation. Collins' Minstrels held furth Ian evening at the Opera House before a large audience. The troupe is composed of good performeis, and they wore received with great applause. They give their last entertainment in Pe troleum Centre this evening. Go and bear tbm. Edward Fex oin.Tg a reward of $100 to any person giving iaformation leading to Hie arrest and conviction ol the parties who broke down his tenco on the night ol the If til inst. V. is oxze sleeve bullous are now the "nob by" thing. The more tiedious the design, the more fashionable. The most "taking" designs are the skull and cross-bones, shrimp end home shoe. , As for size, nnything nn del that of a dinner plate, is fashionable. Si.vck the Alleghany Valley Railroad lias been in operation only one passenger has been killed and out wounded. This exhib. it speaks volumes in favor or President Phil. lips and his euros of efficient coadjutors The bushier, ou this road is rapidly incieas in?, nnd it has became a favorits nmlo for toiiriHtBto the oil regions. A minister once prayed ia the pulpit hat "tbo Lord would bless the congrega tion assembled, and Ihat portion ol it which was on its way to church, andj also those at home getting ready, and that in bin infi nite patience, he would grant the benedic tion to those who reached the houso of God just in time lor that." The congregation camu in time ufler that. Robert LSurri. il, of I'ithole, can liod bis dug at the Rochester House, this place. Isabella baa her fortune (old twice a day. V.'e should lik'. f, hear somelliii;-; i-3e t''. ed for hi r Iluri.ilo Heme. Thcro are two bald-head eagle's nests on Cayuga Island, and they art j.-aloualy pre served by the owners of the iil.nid, Mr. Jack Angerim and Mr. liurdett. Woe unto the man who shall kill or or other wiso disturb the tranquil ity of thrso pets. Last Saturday ubeut six o'clock in the evening, woman named Mr.. Flnnen, whilo crossiae the railroad track in -Elk street, Buffalo, was struck by an engino on the Buffalo and Washington Railroad. She whs thrown aevnrnl fuel and fell In ft culvert. sustaining dislocation of the shoulder, and ana otaer injuries. Cornelius Rvan and his wife bad a little discussion Inst evening, in their palaco in the lower part ol the city of Buffalo. Cor nnlius cuffed nnd kicked Eliza until she become thoroughly aroused, and seized an axe wllu which she gave him a belt on the loretioad. Unfortunately for the good or society, the weapon was exceedingly blunt, and only produced a scalp wourd to let out a little of his fiery blood. The row attract. ed the attention of the police, and both wore taken to the stationhouse. i Korhemcr IIciiim. Mr. D. Hudson Davis, a well-known rail road man, died in Rochcsler last Saturday afternoon. Miss Jennie Wilton, a verv deferring young actress, took a benefit at the Roches ter Theatre, Monday evening. The Rochester Democrat snvs: "An net has passed the Assembly to provide fur the payment of the Firo Alarm Telegraph, $12.- 000. Also, for erecting a school house in the First Ward at an expense not to exceed $15,000; also, for constructing a bridge ncross the Genesee somewhere between the upper nnd lower All. A movement is on font in r.oihoalrr. among the members of several of the church es iu that city, to establish n, sort of a mor al rtform society. The Legislature of Punnsrlvania hns passed an Important law relativo to the ad mission of the insane into asylums. Under it the certificate of two physicians, who UlUSt swear to the facts concerned in It. nnrl whose character must be vouched for by the magistrate before whom the? testify, is neeesaary to place any one In nn asylum for 1 l. , r. - . mo insane, u is also mado a misdemeanor, under this act, to prevent a patient corres- pondlug with his or her counsel, and nnv judge is obliged to issue a writ of hahens corpus, on the complaint of any citizen, that a person is improperly restrained of his or her liberty by ihu keeper of an insane hospital. There are oilier provisions of great utility nnd public Importance in the new law which will recommend it to the public, one ol which proridc that tiny mfi cer or physician of ii hospital fur the i;.sane, who fulfills the rernrrenienis of tho net. euun uoi ue name 10 uumngis al the s-ii a patient. Can- anybody explain why ii i.-t t!;.,t a man of brain, who has I een pi -.t in the profession of law, and stood i r'-ioen in the Senate of tin; United S'atos, Uiouhl im mediately bocome nn irs upon golur to represent his poveruinent ut the Court if S. James As, for instunce. .Mi. I.VveiYlr Johnson, speakins eta recent meeting (n London or the. British Colonial Association, in reply to a toast to his c .untry is reported as saying: "It is possible that some ol th colonies which now flourish under the do. minion of Her .Majesty may find tlieniselv. s onui-r mo Kliili ami siiioes which ailurn ikn flatf of th United States." Here followed an ominous silence; when Johnson proceed ed as follows: p,nt I trn.'t that riav will never arrive. Cod forbid that f,fll,.r Majesty's dominion should ever be curtail. ed. "Earl Crunvillo, the Colonial hecieto ry, responded to Reverdy, emid loud laugh- ier, as louows: "i am rather afraid that the Minister of the great republic, who h.a spoken with such singular eloquence this evening, will feel that it is a little want of souse on my part which makes me unpre. pared, at this moment, to open negotions with Mm for the cession of British Canada ts bis government." Prof. T. V. Porter, formerly Of Kpnnl.-ltn and Marshall College, and one of u, m,,u. distinguished naturalists of the country, has neariy compieteti Ins elaborate description of the entire flora of our State, embracing the forest trees, grasses and weeds injurious to cultivated vegetation, and also observa tions on their geographical range and their economic value. Thii is thu resalt of more than twenty-flvo years or learned labor on the part of tMs eminent scholar, and he now oilers the whole as a donation to tho Slate. Tho Academy of Natural Sciences, or Phil adelphla, fttely passed a resolution urging thu legislature to publish It, and Iho Statu Agricultural Conveuiion seconded the re. ipiest. The V. M. C. l: f Quincy has been swindled by a yoiinj; man named Minnie, who il.T.pit'.i the esculent ho on U!ed knj-ltiin . I 4 niini --1.-M-. nn: Niagara Falls have not paid this winter. There nro 700 Masonio lodges In tbo vast wilderness of Illinois. Chicago has burned ooal oil successfully in one of her locomotives. The lumber season in tbo West has been excellent. Tennyson and Jean Ingelow were both born in Lincolnshire. President White, or Cornell University, Is spending bis vacation in Syracuse. A fln-lsbod gentleman. The Secretary of State. Boutwcll hasabolished Clark's hydiostatic printing press. Rachel left $GO,000. Her children hav ing no father could not inherit. Canada is going to work to incrcaso im migration. Somebody attempts to whitewash the Tayn-Westen walking match, but Paintpaint would be more sutable. N. Y. Ledger. 'Mark Twain" proposes makiii" n certain young lady In Elmir Mrs. Mark Twain. Wo trustslie will make him mark time. It is rumored In art circles that Trove. the animal paiuler, bus received a commis sion to paint n portrait ol Mr. C. A. D.ioa's favorite velocipede. World. rfosu jsining sa.vs: 'Mil e l a vim ain't goed for anything else, i hn.. him carry a gold headed e;n--. n , buy a cane, let him part iii I ;.(. middle." At Springfield, Illinois. ,,p T,,v.., largo dog attacked a bub.- i i i longing to sfamilv ul ei,;-.-.... .. , .iilT ,,; . , ' "' : l.eiil to Missouri. The ilotT s: :;; I i!, , ; hi mouth nnd ran at feai r ! i .. a sewer, the child's bead dv.-i:!,- , ground. A couple of men -. , ;.d i , the dog oir, but before they e .ul ! ; savage brute he dashed iiiio tje v.,v: '; -ar'nj ll"' meu ran no the nrclnvay out ol'id ! t. the baby in his mo'ilh. Oae . enteied tbo sewer nnd soon re:unii 1 with the little one. It is thought the child will recover rrom its injuries. Important to Lettkk-Wkithiis.- An. cording to a recent change in Ihu Post Of- oce tieppttmsnt, no letters oddiessod to iui tial will be delivrred nt anv resiil in any postoffiee box. The man wli ad dresses bis communication to ' A. jj c, box 10.000," my rest assured that his opis' tie ill never bn deposited in ihu box In question, but that, on the other hand, It will bs immediately and i !ieclunlly destroy ed. The informi. lion we deslr,. to impress upon the popular mind, especially cone.-rns thiMulvertis-r I'l tii puliKc prev. Many m!sc.d!anens advert iseinenls, n-ich as 'Lo.V e-r -round' and Vi'imls,' notices, simply benr 'In of the adi er!iti.'r.i, nmi in very i: -any .-.f thrso instance., the address is rot in tl.i- rN-.'.-s)--;-.rer r.lV.ce. Such edvertlffrs tit.'y I e certain that not a :.i:i';o ronlv to "n will ever rei.cli Ihem. T;..i l.n.r'r rot i:.:.!re.sed to the .,!;,';,. f U:e paper, :n:.s! be dincie'l lo t'm name aiid cot the initial or ncm th plume of the recipient. So S'lys an exuhanje. ' IV tr iii's hib 15.u:. .,M .V rural lawyer, vhr m we shall designate as 'SimiIih Jovial, once had an linnin-lnnl ru, in ,....,.. 1 ,. .Wllll'l court, and the dec'nio'j depinded enlirilv on tho way tho iiii-r would re'.fiivl ll.i. ii,:tt mony of one lady. I In lost the case, l:e-oi-iise tho fair wilnes swore positively to an occurrence which she had wilnessed at the distance of several rods, although tlno-e were ruveral persons who Blood mueh nearer than she that saw nothing whatever if it. The old Squire looked rathr blue when the jury tironght In their verdict, but revenieil j himself by rising aud telling the court a story of a lady he once Itnew, who was very neor sighted, but always declared her eye sight to Iu excellent. Accordingly, one day a neighbor stuck a darning needle in the side of the' barn, and placing her on mo opposite side of the road, usUed her f see could see it. "Oh, yes," replied the lady. ''I can see the needle easy ; but whir's tho barn Among all the objections to tin. appoin ment ol Gen.Longstrect as Collector ut New Orleans, we have not seen mentioned ti e ono and the only one that, tons, terms entirely unanswerable. Gen. Lonzslreet was educated at government expense; was an offlaer iu our regular army; us such took upon himself a special obligation to de fend the Federal flag and to hold no allegi. anee supreme to that be owed the Federal government. Thus, by joining tho rebellion was douhtedly guilty. Those or the officers ofoureld army and navy who joined the rebellion, should not be again trusted, let their contrition, evea, be what it may. And that should have been a fatal bar to the pppnintinenl of Lnngstrcet, though we admit bis conduct kIucb tho war has been commendable: and wo also admit his aopoiutuient may have good elK-et vi'l; 'Ii- 11 l.i-l !.'u:-:i'. Woiiisn's Rnii'V eestred In have reach d their realization in the Island T Coviia. That Is, women have changed places with men, which seems to be tbn aim and wish of the strong minded. Inn letter from tbo lion. S. S Cox, who has written some de lightful letters dated Ajsrrio, Crotica, be says, "I met upon a donkey a man riding "upon a side-saddle, and a woman behind "biui astride oa the meek bearer of bur "dens." Wz are asked, what offence waa commit ted b? the pereon who furnished poison to TtrllcheK? Wo answer, that to furnish pctson to any on with the purpose of enabl ing him to commit suicide, or Mo dt xe. Is to becomo an accessory beforo the fact to a murder in the first degree. The oflenco is punishable wilh death iu Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Age. CANDIDACY ANVOIJNCEME T9. IWUSTKR AMI Entrnti Rmi-okii: Veil will please nn iinniica ihat .)AMi:s V. SHAW will be a randlilate for noinina-fnn fer tha eflice of Iiej;iteraiid Rerord er, auhjr-et to the itsiea or the Kepuhlletm paily, nt Iho vti'iiiii Iteiiubliean Primary klcetioii. A!r. Hl-iw was n Private ill (-umM(nv Vl." MM Penn alvantn Vnluiiteo's, anil lorn a riiiht arm In battle of (Jfttv-hui'i. He if. cotiitietent ami oUllcinir. and tni!. "rvi .! Urci-ti r and Ki-.-ord.-r fi.r une term to Mk- piiiIh- rl!i ;'.. I i.ui -il all wlv h:v- ili'iio bn.iniMS llli him VKNAMIO (MCrMTV. lilM'ill .0ti('!S. f .VI ;-e riniT I w'lh an of e I Ai.lllf Hi I III".! e-ra'elv, Will be left "ortleii. ItKVNOI.ns ft CO. in Vfry faint Ciblo dispatches. S!' ' i'.i:i."')i-..- eleir.-e of i'i IVtroli ntn '!"- lie will l:i liupj.y (.lie,. n..;i:i nj 1(U iiivvv r- 1 ihine i ..-.I: ... I -ii' !...v r'. w'.f I I'-'-.': o -t f uive l.i'n ii i-.e!l ;:n ...( a finoil 1 ' ""I ' e' ll- !- t i i:-e-.- .r-.l Ii.,-:.!,-.. a. a Ed, ! i.M how to Mill rim !inw. t'.'.roleu:ii l'elinnsr" Slemnurnii t, in t dmir l,i Wiiaiii' Jewelry siore, 5'etrolcum .'enlre. .V,r.' :!:!-. A KII. In n-tirii. -.!'.-., m Hi i-,,il l,:n;i:i'- :lt I 'i 1 1 1 ' i'l; in tV'ntrr, 1 1 !-iN i,.',-.i-ii,ti to icliirii n-.y slllreie thuuk-4 to i,M ni f ir-niT pitr,,ni tor thfii- izeniji-ous suppoit, ami tan ninUi- no inoreappmi r'.n'e ri.-litrn for the :in:c, than to heartily rccimimen,! my mi, rosor in their cotni.inatlon. Mpars. Si'u-!i-. ,v tonwell, lo.-,!i, Muff crntleir.en ofacln mle,'--rd hllkllie. i-.ipn I -jr. aii't!inloi-;lily :u-,iniiili-I w-lh II e l-ninc': iiT ti-.'ul.- in whic'.i tliy are now en,ied. and I am rcnlilent tKi". -nvwho fiver llu-m with their pnt-ornio will 1w koiombtr de-i'l tih. Very !te-poctriilly. T. T. MM'ES P. " Me'ars. Seiirle A C ira wuli n.-t.-iiu Hie ei vii cs of V . rnrMiyKn. who ia amlioi-lziil ;oe;. t'.o In my ii'.nr... ,. I , -v-ipi n .y namn. Arr 1! I;-. 'p. --. jf CAXAKY l-.l HPS. inn!,, ainl r.'in.-ii... j'.nt r-celiv-i. 10 11. Mll,t,i- i; .t- en.1 A'a- a fine li t nr ' 1.1 1 .-it. .1 Fi-:dVi 1: PASil. CI,.S.vAM) IiOUli-', tnel;, al llin I--,;.lti,r Stn v. new stock 'tii finches l.Rf!E Jin-.':. FOl'l: l-OUj LIN'iM i:.t. Ce.n-.hie, for snip -ii::l ri-inii, nt A. 1) 'MII.I.KH A ( 0 -S. S'i iili VTlio::! t ;i!ny otieei-ii ! Takf n-itTK, tint w- Vp v sole an-l cv.-lniivo r:- ""' fv.' yearMi-.rn Niiii',i,l.-r. flH. In make. .n' up. nr. 1 II, i-i tl ri-ii.-il staii.i, IVPKOVKIt 'r.i:r(' IIAT.M. 101 fl-slunm-nl and firclriso from I! (i WiiMU. paivi.ti-r. and that v. e v.-Ul nf.rr l':o law liidiy a.-a'n-t nil -,T-e.s who shall m die, put n;i, a;:.I M imld IVni n ;u,o,n our consent. W. VKHXI.VS l,l., PiiinUii.. p.,. -tV-A. I). IH,I,Klt CO., Wholesale and;i:e tail A-.'.-n'a for -,lr,l Cou'ra mid 1 i clnily-. mh'.E-lin. fry All person wl.-hlng; to lm VACCIXATED ran cnM nt A. r. MlHcr Co.'s Drug Stoio and have the pare. fre.h artielt. inot1od. Xe r hnr -i-. Flour, Feed and Grocery Wtoro ! i. s. picATirni:, AtliiaOM) HANK BUII.niNfJ, (iy MAtN'.T. opposite tho MrClintork llon, has nn hand a liirnuand (list clasa stock of Clour, I'eed und ;ro-ei le, which h I salllnj at a lo'v fl,'iire. . Don't forL-ot the A, IV Cottou Coinpuny broke up. inn.' if. POMEROY'S BCMOClf AT. M. M. or "Brick" Poucnov's new papor alreadi-rii-ela In circulation every other political paper In the world. II is '-rrA In!," and of unusual iulerct. Snd tor siimpU- coi-ios. rttr.tinj ll'.uic Hqnnrf, K,m vrk Cil1- nichlJ. HaH, Cmk, HooIn and Slioe.- A lnrsi. aworttnent at KKYNOL113. IlltUIlli I!A1) CO'S, Ci'tr' 'lJ'i 011,1 S,'00t' I,p,"'i'U lh 1'""t timcoi 'l PAI'lill CO '8. AKb liNVt'iOPHBaiA. I). MIM.BK. t-Too hivt ClOAIiSin tho market ar the Rnf. !,,,'!l'''!v.;,'"" """'"' tiirod by WaikM A Iinza -beld at thu Ol u' Hture of A. D. MILLER CO. WALL I'Al'tH! Inst received a lar;: atork of Spring patterns, at n. C. JA KYIS' 1TKMTUBE STOKE. m3. PAI.N'T, WALL, WH1TU WASH SHOE ItltUSnEb, a ln alock jut received at A. 1). JIILLElt & CO.'S. Dry Coodn, large stock at HEYNOLDa BIIOUI1EAD 4 CO S, No. 11 Cantre St, opposite tho Post GiBca, Oil City, Pa. Vrnr ,:err For all kinds go to KEYNOLTIS BKOD1IEAD CO'S, Xo. 11 Contre Street, ppu! aito the Post Ofllce, Oil Cliy, Pa, PWKIUSII LEHCnps.whol.aalenl retail, nt 4 l Mll-I tii: it- CIS Pltro STUPE . ii i I7T ItmtTON H TOBACCO ANTIDOTR DONT ('11 K W, nn antidote for Tohacco, otll ,,' KIlINSON'S AttOMATIC ANTI-TOHAOCo l-ny POUND, for sale at A. D. Jlll.l.Krt A CON WINDOW GLASS! A large assortment, ail sizes, at A n Miller ft Co.'s. TnS best place ia town la rrt a pair ofIlw rnnde of the beat Stork, that - .. warrants to fit, ia at J. A. fMantM. '.!' ionnble Boot Shop, Waaliington Slreat, Pctn. Centra, Pa. Oivo him a trial. J" Harilwaro-A larso aasortment orwlii i, I Ing elosed out nt re-lured ratia at IIFYNiilm BltOMIEAD A CO M, No. 11 Culm ' ' tliePuatOftice, OllCily, Pa. ' Amsm.v.'' -Ii la notofien tliat Imv.h to aparc, r the Inclination, to notice nu of ,'h mousaiio nnu one prepariuioiis aold tlirom-hoat liu counti-v. eneli. na it U rliilini,,! i,..t.. . ruro for one or more of the ills that Be,h , i.rla Indeed, we have finiuenlly w indi'md ih,i rTOi, A.,..- .1 I ...I rill I . . 11 .-..-I un-u i.l nu, iir ! in i even, when, by a im,; OUttKV tllOt rOltlll fllritt.ll llinrtiOAl..- ...,l,. . thlna which would keep iliseaaoat hiy.and arfjib,, I.I.MIIIH1. ui iiiiii-i loni-eni'llx tlleefllRaryoriQerf these l-enindial n,-eiiatiiii,iii.4 nu t n-.n ...1.1..1. 1... . , " '"Ull nil. 11,, rome eelflit-Htefl nf Irtln tva - KOIltll VI,lri.lf.e. atl! (iiint..,., I.....I- ... . . We refer to "AUsnvi," an nrth-la f..f ri''iorin'.?r,i preservlim the lialr. mannraeliirirl t.v Mr,"s., snl Heniiey. Clien-.i-.ta and l)ni2...,i, ,J, Mam Street, lhiflalo HiitlnloCoininurcal Mv u mil,. ,r i-i:niii-u 1. v oil'jn I lire. A. I) Mil. I.KK & CO.. Wliol.-aule . Hulail ill ll-i,!,. a'-i , tor Petroioum Centre, Pa. f,.- nkw ai)Vi:rti.s;:m icxt.s. KM) DOM.AISS IKKWAKD. 'PllRaovei-r-w.-iid will l, p-i'd 1 1 , ,.r., . KT-nn "vii inf ii-miliuii tint will lend li;, arrmt and eouvirlio:i ul Hie nnrtiea who tt r, w di and de-.troyi'd my feneii 011 Hi- n'-.-lo of A 1 i I Is' s. HIIW A Hll FII V -. SEAKLES & CORSWELL, lV;ilT!i in JC Delivered or al tho Yard bv He nr or lis. .pi.1 i if. VPPLICANTS VOIt I.I- KN -iK Tin- fnlloin lier-..-, have fild tlielr aonlV-it nil fur l'r--ne to aell li,iu,r to li,i pri..eiite,l 'n tin- i'iii,i-i nfljaar- .-,-piihi-. iiih -,:ii .iinnuav or .aiii nw. II uuh Mi K.,. v-r. Oil City Il.eel. Samuel Hid, Pioneer, w'm'n-aV t!i--n.p J. II. SMITH. I'l.rk .John O. "Welch, Sfimcm-St., Oil ity, Pa., Dealer In (iiljl)s, Kussell & Co's Borini ami Fisliisij; Tonls, Innis' Sucker Eods, Driving Pine, lloriick Iron. Orate Hnr, ISnlitiiro WIipcM V rii:ii. nil d'.e, Mr eonneclr,n wilh Meadr lle nvd Pilnhi: r,iiiiH,i a i. aucli lli.-ie 1 1 an gi-i om ail kimti Ca-fna ul abort order. JOHN C WELCH ('II ( iiy, Feh. 17, IROfl If. NEW HARDWARE STORE' ItOHKKT BIIVA A , lies leave 10 nnnnatice to the elllxena of lVtrnlra" iVnlie ard vii-inily, llial they have eiwni'it '" -..i,t in 1 mt ..-nr 01 me tiiui-H in 1 lie t. tail r.11 in enm 1 ninpaiiy at the railroa I eroroinir. li" will k,-ep ciiiauntlv on hand a full aaanruiinit ": cveirthiii; iu Ihu ll'iiidirare line. aei-U 113 TIN AM) SIIKUT IRON WAUK". (i.3 I I ITIXfiS A.l liUAAS (iOOH-5- Mr. Itiynn bavins l,en eiii-nji-,! In Hie tnirr I. i i. I'll mill T'-iir 7 alt lid parliriilarly lollie liil.-iiM,-.- of in null'-'"""'! SMOKE STACKS. All kiniN of Tin and Sheet Iron Win e lo ordf r. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, 4C. Thoj- have a Sew Mn.-hlno for CUTTING GAS riPF, Willi an entire PICT OK XKW DIE., And will warrant all work in thin line Al't ? FOIESAIiU. 'II inn: aiii;uican iion:i. Al T: J HilH-llIU (tun in. I Ihin well known hnilae, rontainillE I ...i.i. ... i. 1 ... ' . . .......... 1. .w inr- 1 " ,1, 1 iiiiiiiurif m now olltin-a iora:uem 1. "- 1 11 1101 poia ny uie Int. ol April, ;i will o i"1 .uipuiB uh uiu preniiaeii, 01 J. Ii BAltSf Petroleum Centre, March Ifi. EO. II. IIIjiDfiL CO., BANKERS ri;TUOI.KIM tENTUE, PA' Reorie 11. nieaclt. .tames A. WillW" Jainea Piiehoji, M. C. irlia- ,TT . . ,, , ua,..i.ll1 OM OENHKAr, BANKINU. EXCIUANUB sail O LECTION BL'BlNKHK , .l Any liiiMinms tnti'iiaiedto our ear woi a prumpt aueu liou. Q.0 TO ItillAM & CO'S fur your CarlriilB' 'Phil E. Howard Co, P H BarHalt, Ti 1 Wiitch I'n'H aH Kulintial men ' 0., UltO'llIKAn A fit's, VlriKt, t jJ'.o.Jit'.' Uh V . II.. Oil I V (-,, an oc una ai i-HAal iu ,