The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 12, 1869, Image 2

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! i
Petroleum Cfnlre Daily Record.
ev-t. f'ruti-n, ."Jon'iiy, April 12.
.4. i:. jir, jtaior.
Tlmn of Cloning Mall.
1. (., PEToi.rt Os-rnr. Pa , I
JlILT liTsT, loGS. ,
Until fhrther notice the mails will arrive at iwd
depart from lliii ornca at follows:
South anil Rait, via. Irvlneton, 10. l A. M.
South and Wast, " Moadvllle, 8.18 P. M.
North anil East, ' Corry, 3 34
South and Went; MS A.M.
fl'intl Knit and Wait, J 30 P. M.
North, Elm and West, 10.03 A. M.
CI vine Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7'.
o'clock P. M.
Ret. J. T. Oxxonr, Pastor.
Services Qvory Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
7 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clgck
M. Sella Free. A cordial invitation
extended to ell.
Rbt. C. M. IlEAttn. Pastor.
Muss at I0J a. ra.
Vespers and Benediction of the Closed
Saarament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
iii rrw-nw
An I nnri-voki'il tnck-A "IlfffMv
.......... fnimiiK ui i-euoitiilil
We have heretofore referred to the scur
rillous atlncks made upon our village by
persons either deeply Interested in our wel
fare, or nnlenlly desirous lo appear in print,
lut the Meadrille Republican of last week
"cava the climax' in this particular by de
voting a whole column lo an article copied
from the Buir,iIo Express, containing state
ments unknown to the citizens of this cum
uiunity, and evidently, or at least apparent
ly, penned with an air or little respect for
il ir ..
m weiiurs or mo town, as the tone of
the article would indicate that our town Is
made up ol roughs and prostitutes, and in
consequence I here is but little respectability
In our roidat. Tho article says:
"The town of Petroleum Centre being
without a local Government, bus become
the beadqtinrtcrs of a hoide of on I casts from
society of both sexes, who have been driven
Irom the large cities on account of their
crimes, or by their necessities."
The writer must either have been writing
sguinst time, or his tml "asei mind allowed
hitn to spread the mantle of prejudice seem
ingly over an entire community, as we are
to iurer from bis matchless produclion,
that but few aside from those de
scribed in the above extract, compose the
village of Pelt-oleum Centre. The editot of
the Meadrille Republican has ignorently en
dorsed these assertion l-y the publication
f them, and lheyre, in toto, .reiterations o!
111. Tilllk.Mll.. IT 1.1 41... I.'.. . .
vi.ciinu, iUO miiur journal a
61101 ' "" "'nee having published some
thing to the same effect. This is a great
wrong upon the respeclnblo people of Pe
troleum Centre, and we are surprised that
respectable journals should lend their ool-
nruus te traducing neighboring towns. We
have roughs aud prostitutes in our midst as
does every oil town, but we do not cousid
der oittselvi-s behind Meadvillu or Tilusville
in IblH particular, but the infcreice that our
town is nude up ol them, is an insult upon
a large population of respectable peep If,
nnd our duty as a journalist will not allow
us lo lot it puss unnoticed.
This borioifying writer further says
young girls are enticed from their homes in
Jtuirlo and other jilaces under pretense of
respectable employment at high wages, and
are put into Concert Saloons, and in must
eases are 'ruined in a few (hurt hours.
No doubt the Concei t Saloons referred to
have tome ol the oldest young glila from
Buffalo (Canal Street) who, if ruined within
a few short hours, (ala time ogune, ) uiiut
have leq'ilred'i a- great uWof urging nml
In If e representations lo entice them Irotn the
-gilded mans qns" ol that notorious street !
He further plate thai 'Keno is in its glory,
and the Mveat-boaid, cards and dice are
well patronized." Now Petroleum Centre
is nut so liiru but what if the t.vo first men
tioned games were in operation, it would be
generally known, but our citizens art) iti Ig
norance, of their exUtcnce, unil wo pro
nounce the accusation filler. Cajds and are found everywhere, even in tho
quiet towns of Muadvillo and Titusville.
The article further sajs:
Within the lui-t six weeks certainly no
less than llvu respectable girls, and prob
ably more, huve been lured into saloons by
lulnu promise. Turee of Ilium effected thoir
i fCn,H iiliiu a diyor iwo tiller euteiing
t'.e milimi.s, and by the aid of sympathizing
citizens they obtained vo;k in lintels and
private lumseu in lYIroleiiiu Centre. Four
I the ii !s mclucliii;;' ibo two that are no
in tint mii.iihf iv.iM hired at an iutell:-gi-nce
oli,ce in'ulii. wli. ru the parents
id the'g'ila ne now living "
jus.meniw... an Jc.r venecre wTmrrt luwc:
It would seem that if melt occurrence
lind taken place id our midst, our citizens
would have known something of them. Who
nro Ilia families that these giris ma now
with All these things area blank to thn
citizens of retroletiiu Centre, still it I as
serted they sousht for and obtained protec
tion in private families! No doubt such as
sistance could always bo obtained of our citi
zen!. If ever a circumstance occurred where a a
siitance was needed. The same article ipeaktf
of highway robberies that, it claims, bare
occurred within a few days right here with
in our midst, still our citizens are in bliss
ful ignorance of anvthinzol the kind! It is
in Petroleum Centre as in other places, t
roan may visit a saloon, become intoxicnt
ed, and then abusive, and there are always
those present with whom he can get a
"pitch battle." No man walks our streets
in an orderly manner who is ever molested.
Tho '-reign ol terror" which the writer of
the article Bays exists among property own
ers, which debaru them from tuking any ac
tion to restore 'daw and order" is the most
severe rain we havo had this season! A
person would think, to read the vocabulary
of words in the article, that the rain pour
ed! We have seen no umhrellns out in
consequence of the srorai, and every prop
erty holder considers himself safe in his own
domicile! Wo will admit that Petroleum
Centre has its vices, and no one would re
joice at their obliteratiun more limn our
selves, and whore is there a town that have
them not? Our oflicers nro respected citi
zens, and their vigilance does much to keep
down any desire to create disorder nmoug
that class who Indulge In "high toned"
threats with a boisterous tongue. But no
tongue has been more boisterous tlmti bus
the writer's alluded to, as hia highly, eolor
ed paintings of Petroleum Ce.Strc are with
out comparison, a negative tiindjs.'lo' com
pare with the hrigfil colors.'nj sun
Such articles, were they not refiijkl yould
lead those at a distune to believelbrt their
lives were in danger, ihouk) ttfc'y sfep their
foot hi our midst, and lOjiMi reason, no
person who has any interest in our bnsiness
prospects, except to deitroy th?n , would ever
Hctionizt a fallacy in sj disgraceful and un
becoming a manner. A word about this
Special Police Bill, and we are done.
The bill authorizes our Court to ap oint
Ibre. jCommi-iioners,away the power to i-sue
warrants and to appoint a police force. The
citizens spoken ol by this writi r, who have
urged the passage, may look upon it in a
light for doing good in arresting crime, but
another feature is to lake any power ol ar
rest from where it now exists, an 1 delegate
It to cthcif! Tho bill has a local interest!
The olijeat of its passage, In the minds of
the general public, Is pood, nnd if In pro-
vision'Jare fully carried out, It will pore ben
eficial. For the gratification of our readers we
publish below the article In full as taken
from tho Meadrille Repiian:
Crime In tho Oil Rer4q:t.
Frwn the Movi'le Pspub'.iean. tj '
The Senate of PenVaylvaula T"ssad, en
the 5th, a bill to provide a police-force fur
Petroleum Centre, one br the nil towns
of Vennngo Comity. The annexed state,
uients, copied from the Buffalo Fxpresj,
shone the need for this provision in which
the speedy concurrence of the House is to
be hoped far:
Wo published some time since, at tho re.
quest of a certain clergyman of Petroleum
Centre, Pa., a card warning the community
against scoundrels who have been making
a practice of ind'icin,-; young girls in Buf
falo, and elsHwheie, to leave their home
under prom's of high wa.jea as hotel waiters'
and the forcing them to adopt a lire or
shame. The Tilusville Herald gives further
details nf the operations or tlieso scoundrels.
It pays that the town or Petroleum Centre,
being without a local government, hm be
come the headquarters of a horde of outciists
Irom sociely, of both sexes, who have been
driven from the large citiea on account of
tho crimes or by their necessitiea. Preemi
nent among the crimes are Hume committed
by tho proprietors of tw. vile lntiiuiioiu
known a free concert loloona or ''free a id
ensys." t whicn they have time and a uii
brought respectable but needy young girls
under the pretext of employing them as
hotel wail ivssea, and placed them in tuch
si'.iintl inn as to make thoir ruin inevitable
unless they were unusually courageous, or
got asf istance from citi.iem or tho Centre.
The frequenters or these saloons, or "free
and easys," are made upjof theilowtst clss
of'-sperts," gamblers, pimps, tlncklegs and
outcasts generally, with such other persons
us ussy bo attracted to them hy curiosity or
by a desim to j jin the orglrs which are kept
up to a late hour nightly. The waitresses,
or im tlyy are called in the slang of the
place. '-Iieer flinders,"' uro, in most cases,
professional prostitutes, in the-e saloons
every speeies of debauchery lluuriehu lie
der bad whisky and worse women, and at
tains a growth uud vigor unknown outside
the eluiuns of the great citiej. It is to
thesu places, rooking as t hey ire with every
thing I hut is foul, nnd containing within
them nil thn elomonl of h,;dily and spiritual
rnln. that tlic9e men bring respectable lint
i needy youcr; girls from neighboring cilie3
by some plausible story about waiting on
tabid in hotels at high wages. But that is
not the worst, Tor everything hut persoonl
violence, (and for ail we know, that loo,) is
used to keep them there, and if they sue
ceed in getting away, the lies and calumnies
of their deceivers follow them wherever
they may go.
It frequently occurs that when the girls ar
rive at the saloons they are without money,
and con soquently without means of return
ing whence they came, and unless they re
celve asaistanco Irom outsido the saloon,
their ruin is only a question of a few hours.
The paltry sums tnat these girls get per
weak are withheld from them if they show
any desire to escape, and applied on rea
or Imaginary charges which the proprietors
of the saloons are never at a loss to find
against tbem. Thus, eveiy art is used to
lure next to helplees young girls into the
saloons, and then, to make of tbem profes
sional prostitutes, to destroy thrm body
and soul, every avenue of escape is barred.
Within the last six weeks certainly no
less than five respectable girls, and probab
ly more, havo been lured into saloons by
false promises. Three of them effected their
escape within a day or two after entering
the saloons, and, by aid of sympathizing
citizens they obtained wsrk in hotels ami
private houses in Petroleum Centre. Four
of the girlr. including the two that are now
jn the saloons were hired nt nn in! 'Iligem 0
oCice in Buffalo, where the parents of the
gir!s are now livinj.
The facts we have just given org the worst
features of crime at Petrolenm Centre, but
they are by no means all. Attacked either
directly or indirectly, er as hangers into
I ho free and easys, and to othertinstilutions
equally bad, and lo tho low grogg -ries and
bagnios, aw rt hordti of cut throats and
thieves who together with njoter gamblers
ol every grade, from tho closely shared sect
down to the half shaved looking pitch-penny
fellows, prey upon society.
ICenoJs In its glory, and sweat boanls.dice
and cards are well pntronized, and scarcely
a day passes without some one telling a
doleful story of losses the night previous.
During the past ten days not less than four
highway robbirles and assaults have been
committed, as in one case tho -victim wa
dangerously beaten. The stato of affairs at
the Cuntro '.1)1.8 becomo intolerable. De
bauchery and crlnw of every desrriplkn
are rampant. The parasites of society are
banded together in mo common brother
hood for the defence of themselves against
the. laws which they break with impunity,
and which are wbuliy inadequate tirll.o
protection of life aud properly. These
things have brought about a regin r,f teiror,
and it is with tho inmost difficulty that tho
property owners or thn place can be ioduei d
to lake any prominent part in any action
looking towaid to suppression or puni
inent of crime. Tho deputy sheriff, Ikk
juslieo of the peace, and constable nt Petro
leum Centre do eveiy thing iu their power'
to preserve peace and good order, but their
eli'jrU avail but little under the existing
laws and tho combination ol law-breakers.
The citizens of the place nn l vicinity have
petitioned tl-e legislature to puss a bill au
thorizing the appaintin-nl of police (omuiis
(toners and of any number of policemen l! c
commissioners may deem neeessK,iy, the
maintaining of a lock-up, nnd giving the
commissioners the nulhotity usually delegat
ed to pulico eourls. Jf ho lejislaiurn will
piisa this bill, crinm at Petroleum Centre
will receive a blow from which it will nev
er recover, and the Centre will beiom i as
orderly a town as any i:Ler In Uio Slate.
Lieut. II. W'eiter, of Franklin, has been
nppoinled and confirmed 'Agister of Public
Honda at Santa Fo, New Mexico.
A new well, struck on Friday last, on the
Columbia Oil CV property, Storey Farm,
is doing 40 barrels.
A. I). Miller returned from a t'.'.o week's
trip eit, on Friday last. Our readers may
expect lo sea a large stock of dings and fan
ry ar.icles displayed at the drug slore soon
Tim President Issued a proclamation en
thnEtb Inst., calling an extra session of the
U. S. Senate, to convene to-day. Tbe ex
tra acniou is called to act upon nominations
foroffioe, and olher important business.
Tserk was an unusual umount of trade
transacted in Petroleum Centre on Satur
day last. Washington- street was a busy
thoroughfare, our merchants reaped a rich
harvest, and their customers a full return
for their money.
0:i last Friday morning, the day after the
engine house of the Boyle's & Phillips-well
N'o. 7, I.lagara Co.'s tract was burned, the
well loan llowing at nearly its usual rate
as when pumping, being in the neighborhood
of 100- barrel?.
mi m It m i ii ii ii irseain in
J. G. Coffin, whose advertisement will be
found in another column, can be found on
Mondays and Tuesdays nf ench week nt I he
Dnif iioroof A. I). Miiler &, Co Ho is,
we tin pk-mei to lear.i, doing a good bust
ness. r'uice.u, Johnny.
Twtrc.i i-'., llio mu:derer, who was sen
tenced to be In Philadelphia on Thurs-
eny lust committed suicide in liis coll the
night previous to the day be was to have
been executed. Ho bad previously made
the remark to Eaton that ho intended to
take his own life by poison.
Tun Juvenile Missionary Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday School ol this
place, held its monthly concert last evening
at the M. E. Church. The contributions of
tho Society for the cause of Missions amoun
ted te $17, .to quito an amount for children
to gather up in the space of a month. Tho
exercises of the concert consisted of singing
and eon relations about God, conducted by
the pastor of tbe Church.
It will be seen by a card published elso
where, that tho Coal Yard or T. T. Mapes
has changed hands, Messrs. Searles t
Cornwell becoming proprietors. Mr. Mapes
has served his customers long and well, and
upou his retirement, expresses his confidence
in his successors as bussines men and gen
tlemen. Mr. J. t'c. Searles has been an em
pi jyee of theO. C. it A. U. Railroad lor sev
eral years, and was stationed'at Petroleum
Cenlin us Freight Agent for a long time.
He is well nnd favorably known in the oil
region, and wo wish thn new tirm a pros
perous career. They retain the services of
Mr. V. V. Codilinglon as Clerk.
N'kw St TKitixruxDaxr .f tub O. C. &
A. K. Railroad. It is with pleasure that
we announce the promotion of C. J. Hep.
burn, Esq., to the position of Superintend
ent nf the O. C. & A. II. Railroad, rice II.
F. Siveetzer, resigned. This isnn appoint
ment worthily bestowed as a more tilting
man could not have been selected lor llit
position. Ilia experience has been ample,
having ucled as Assistant Superintendent
r.f the road, and wua formerly Superintend
ent of tho Warren and Franklin rond. The
oil men will lie pleased with tho announce
ment. He now enjoys a high degree or
popularity, nnd the Director tf the load
have nctej wisely in their selection.
Local A'oticei.
In retli'h'g from ihi canl busTne.a nt
Centre, 1 tiiki' tills occosiuu to leturn my sincere
thanks to alt my former patrona for their generous
support, nnd enn mnke no more appropriate return
fir the snii'c, than to heartily recommend my sue
ce.-yors tu iheir crnsi.lani'on. Messrs. Searles &
Corn iwll, lesnlt'S helne cf ntlemen of aeknovl.'ilK.
ed 'imin.vs clpadly. are tiloroiiL'h'yacpiiiintiNl with
ti e hrauch orircwle in which they nro now enpijred,
and I n'u cnnfiileut tliai nny who fivor them with
their piitrnr.njje will bo I oaorahly dealt si ilh.
aVery Keaptetfiill., - T. T. MAPES.
Me'crs. M oarles C .rn well retain (lie
sei-vlce of Mr. Cn'J;n'-ton, who ii atti.,W...,J lo sot
t'e in my a!.-e:ice, an.! rt-ve!t in my mimo.
A; r l'!:tf. T. TT M.
CANAHY III It lis, inula nnd female, new slock
Just received, nt A D. MII.LKR CO.'S.
A! a lluo li t of imported Ergliih Cold Flnohea
Stark, nt the Faniitnro store.
Cemfine, for salo uholesnle slid relnil, nt
A. D. MII.LEK ft CO.'
Through false represent u Ions, Mike Puckley Is
oiil''eil to business for n few days; hop
inn bis friends and ciistiimnia wlil hnvepntienreand
reniLmhu- him, he remain the puhllc arvnnt,
Petroleum Centre. April , Tsuo. lw.
T all Whom It May Concern !
T iko notim, tint wn hare the solo and exclusive
rilit for five j" fmm Nnvemhnr, 181.8, tu mnke,
pu' u;, and setl, in H e mitod Ktnte-, WALLIS'
IMPItdVKD MAC.fc BALM.tindoranasslijnniBnt
am! porctisso from S ( Wellls, pmentee, and that
wo will euforra the law rigidly a?alast all persons
who shall make, pat up, and tell said Balm without
our jonserl.
V.'. w. PRHKINS A CD, Frnnklln, Pa.
njv-A. D. MII.LKR ft CO.. Wholesale andjllc
t iil Amenta for Polrol mm Cenire and vicinity.
fcr-All porsons wUhing to bo VACCINATED
cnu call t A. D. Millor ft Co.'s Drill; Store aud
have tho puro fresh article Inserted. No charge.
Xew Flour, Peed and Grocery
More !
T. S. I'll ATIIF. It,
opposite tho McClintnck House, has on hand a
liiruo and fl;.t class stock of t lour, Feed and
i-ocerlnsi, wh'eh ha I selling at a low fl-i ro.
H9u Don't forget the place where A, D. Cotton
ft Company broke up. ianJ tf.
"Brick" PoraiHiv' new papor already exceeila in
cirniliuion every other nolitiral papor in the world.
It is "rev k!, ' nnd of unusiiKl Interest. Sr-nd lor
ample co !cs. Printing limit .vjuKrc, Arm lor
c:,'J- mchli.
IlKts, Caps. Itoola and Miocr. A large
assortment at P.KYNOLDS. HKODU BAD co s,
llfentra Strctt, opposite the. I'est.-Offlre, Oil
W il l, IM PITCH I
erelvrd Inrpa afnei of Sprl, t niitcrna .
II. C. J.shVIS'
W PAINT. WALL, wnifll WASH a Bllot.;
MifiiKiiEa, a large sinrx just recci'oil at
A. D.
lioitt :
Oa Thursday, Kcb. Sith, Iii, a s moth built rat
and tan pup, with red collar. Whoever alinll return
the ram lo tho subscriber will b liberally re
H. I'AY.Ng.
Cnrpcte, of every ipinllty and drsrriiitlen at
Street, onpuslte the P . ()., Oil City, Pa.
SWEDISH I.EEnil-S, nholesalo nnd retu" ,.
Dt'N'T CHEW, nn entldolefor Toharco, and
POUND, for sale at A. 1). MII.LKR ft CO'S.
A large assortment, all
sizes, at A. 1).
Miller A Co.'s.
linolire at tho Jauieslown C'loHiing store.
J.liU LS i'joYtS atA. D. IIII.LEK.
ft co 'a.
Tea bint C1GAHS ill the market nro thn ri.if.
falo favorites. tiiHiiurvliircd by Walker & Ituze
S.t'il mI ll,u ui:.n.. ..r
A. D. ft CO.
A GREAT SUCCESS. " Brick" Pome-
rov s new Daily In New York City is nno of ti e
greatest anil mrst siiiTesj-ful iiwpi'pcr enterprise,
or th-. country, Mis new weeklv "Jhmrmy'i Vnx
ocntl" is Incriniii!' In clrrelallim a thnn.nril n..
les ner i'hv. Send inr t ample inides to M. M ',.
ery, Vriniintj Huuit Squarr, .Yew 17; Ciij.
Irr indM.'a lart-e stck at lirYXOUw
nilonilKAr? CO S, No. lrtVntro St, opponlw
tho Pint Kfilca, Oil Citv, Pa.
frofliery For nil kinrfs.uo to RKYNOLDS,
BliODIIEAI) ft CO'S. Xo. 11 Ccutro t treet, opp
eite tho Post Clllcc, Oil City, Pa.
W A. D. MII.I.EIl CO., Ttriihtrists, -
BRents f ir tho celebrated "H II. Cipirs," inana
fantured by the American Whip Co. Try tli;n.
TnRbtplaro 1 town to (ot a pair of roots
mnde of the best stoclt, that will wear wall, mi
warranted to fit, g at J. A. Plnnto'a Faeh
ionnblo Boot Shop, Washington Slreet, Pctrolciin
Cuntro, Pa. C.lvc htm a trial. aeuWiC
Ilardwaro-A lare aaa.irlinfnt nf wliilh is
LeinR niusnd out at rclnced rates at nRT.viiLlis,
BRODI1EAD ft OO'S, No. 11 Centre St., ..ppcilc
the Post O.Tieis, Oil Cuy, pa.
pnnrr has a womlivful circulation. In nearly every
town In the country the democrat and worl lnir
men urn i;,-ttlni nn e-ii-.s for It. Ii l, tii.-j holdot,
lru-pest pnper publlsiied. mi l wa'ks Inin t'nnrcsa
and tin P. arlliV.riiTs f resaha. The
piper haa iivnr Ii t- tlnai'.iii.-l salHcrihirs in tie
Statu of New Yorlt illmiu. .ei,d for silnlpl" cop-li-s,
which are ssnt fr-.i, -ml m it lor vmi -s Ivcl
Addrois .If. M. I'jnemy, frinli.ij
-Vcio Yuri: Vita. nichl!!.
' Alism.v." -It is nut often thnt wo have the hnis
to spire, or the Inclination to n'ltlnt any of tlie
thi ti-nnd and one preparations soldjthroiiiliaut 'he
country, eneh, as 11 Is rhiiined, beinj a sovrrelpi
cure for one or more of ihellls that flesh is heir to
Indeed, we have fi-eipicnlly wondered that people
over died at all, or grew old even, when, by a sinnll
outlay they could fumi-h themselves with wrnir
thin? which would keep disensrat biy.nnd defy tin'
airaulta of time! Corcnuing the elllc-u-y of one of
those rcradinl p'epaaiions and one which has tie
com" celolmted of Idle we enn spein from per
sonal experience, and con.cleni lollslv s:v II'isl.
We refer to --Alisnia,'' nn nrlielo fur- rt-stiniiiL' ni-d
pnwrs-iiu; the liuir. mamilaeiured liv leeis Sw
erd t llentley. I'liemit nnd Drul'irifta, Nn. M
Main Slri et. Huii'ilo I'liflaloConiineie al d- No
alow snlea foi Sen anl's Con"h Cure. A. 1). 5111
I.HIt ft CH., Vhol.ile ft Hctnil Dril"fist. Acetili
for Petroleum Centre, Pa. lel'l!.
persons have tiled thir aoiil r it nn for licnm .
to sell lopim-, to he preerte.l to the Court of lur
ur Se,ii)ns, on tin, Monday oi' April iuai.
Ilnpll McKeeVf, nil City.
Siiinllel llei, l'i ineer. w io'sa!e licence
Boir leave to nunnunce lo tho citizens of Potrolcnsi
Centre and vlellntv. tlitlt thev have opsned a m'
slore in tin, ii.'ar oi the iilllee'of llio f.'eiilnil Petrol
enin Comiany nt the railroad cnoiM-.', wliero li-ry
Will keep eonslnuily on Inula full assortment '
everything iu tlie lJardiv.iru line, scch as
Mr. Bryan hnvinu been ener.ged in tho Inislne"'
wllh Mfsirs. Winter Bro s, lor iour venrs sl,
attend partlcularlj lolho busiuesa of miiuulaormim
SaIOKK stacks.
All kinds nf 'i1n anl Sheet Iron Ware to ordor.
Tliey hare a J ew Miudilnt) fi r
With ao entire'
Ard UI wanai.t all work In tU i line. Ar1 '