The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 08, 1869, Image 4

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Petroleum Centre Daily. Record.
Pel. ent.-i-, Thnratnt, April 9.
ii. Ji FAT, JTdior.
Time of Chialnsj TO nil a.
P. O., Ptmnfoi Orrni Vk .
Im.j 87 r. 1868. i
Forti ttirthsr nntlee the malla will jt1t at enri
depart from this oMt-e as follows :
mth mi Ttast, Tin. Irvlnston. 10. "I A. M.
Koutrtarxl Wmt, Mea4llle. 51S t. M.
Xorth and Kiu " Cot.t. tUr "
Sooth and Wort, 45 A.' M.
rVutl Eiui mid Wt, S DO P. L ' -4
Sort!),' East ani Wet, lu.ei A.V
!. K. PbAClVON. 1' M.
lilT'ne Servleeo.
Pr-whin at 11 o'clock A. M., and
o'clock T. it. . '
Rbt. J. T. Oxtout,. Fftnr.
Servlc": every Sabbath at 11 A. M. nn
j P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seiti Free. A cordial Invitation
extended to nil.
"" Err. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
Mass at a. m.
-Vespers and P-eredlction of the Elesed
Sapramen at 4 t. m.
Catechism at 2 l. m.'
The State Med'cal Association of Erie,
hold thlr next convent'nn at Eric, on the
9lh or Juno.
y Isaac B. Giira has Im nominated hv the
'.Presldetita Postmaster at Erie, and H. C,
' Rogers tor collector of Internal Revenue, for
It l ime -lisii-ifct.
Clirlntlan Commission n Pittsburgh.
re endeavoring tr obtain nn organ fur the
jail, to he used at the Sunday somen.
A hill has paused Ibp Home at Hairlshurg
flna'ly author zing the receivers (if the Ph.
tri.leum and Venangn Banks to lilt the bond
deposited with the Aiidllnr General for
security of noto holders, the receivete baring
given th proper -cnritr.
AiijncRSMKXT or CoxaitESs. The IIoiup i
inlutlon. 6xing April 6th as the day of
adjournment of Conwa. has hem chnud
by th Sxnat to tlia Wth lnel., in which
aclinn thp h(mp ronenm-d.
J. Wolf inland moving his Jnwaly anfll,- mnrv inro me s'urmnn HiinM.
which h Iwpn flit.d up In miporb iyl.
Wr. gmi Into l!1B tme building
with hti liont and lio alore.
Tbb BrMton Pt y: Thnre ara full
l'lr a i!i z-n women In Bnainn who pntilialy
ride the Telnrlpedp. They dipplay quite fp
iniich ski II and tnnro prnco than do men.
Thta la not Urangcwi'tm-n, miipculuilv
conaiilrn d. are n"l po (liflT. lent frnm n:en bh
oij feortle puiioep. "
Collins' MitirlrrlH held ),nl, in Ponce-
tIIIb lam evening to a crowded turnae
They give another f ntertnlnm-nt at the
aame iImcb thia t veiling, will perloira in
Oil Cny on Frid iy and Suiiinlav evenlnua.
and will be in IVtr.leum Ccutre the firat of
Dvzt we. k.
Petiuleum Cenirn. i., April 8
We, Oie undereigned. beg leave to return
our Ibanks to the citizens uf Petro'eum
Ct'UIre for the valuable assistance rendered
to us during the fire of last evening.
1! E. Blackmo.v,
Wm. P Haiit.
Oil Cbekk -It is repoii.-d mat ihe Phila
delphia & Erie nilroad tuanageia have
obtained control of the Oil Creek railway,
and the Cross C il trtins will not be allow
ed to run on their t-uck. nor will any oil
for Buffalo be ailowed to betaken for the
Criw-Cut r"s.d, but must go by the way
of fcirie. .
I Few York, forty years ago, a maiden
martied a rich old fellow of sixty, expeotin
Mm soon to die and leave her his money.
.Last week the wife died, aped fifiy-aix.
leaving a husband aged one bundled, and
four children to nvuro her los.
T'i of Hie in-mb-rs of the jury which
CMvicted Twiichell bavn made an itfSdivii
under the heliel that the Court commanded
them to return a vvrdiot in hnlf an hour.
Jliey add that, the impre-'Pioo was general
atnonr toe jury that they had no other
course lo put tun but lo return a verdict of
guilty in the time sptctikd by tl.o Jiol.'e.
who, it seems, said to the jury "the Court
will wait half an hour for tha verdict."
We presume the same "intelligent" jutora
wmild return it verdict in tlireo roinuies
the Court expressed an intention to 'wait''
only tuat lungin ot ttui upoa tritir
Tbo Movimms are
-wttta rr'tit sj-ii-ceta.
making potclain Slid
Destructive Fin in!
. cum Centre !
in Numbers
At ahnnt elht o'c'ock lft"t evenin?. a fire
hrnke out in the mnill tenement hnnpe nrt
jdii lig the Luke Slmre Hiiuao. Thel'ii'ld'na
lielne a woo len one.Wiia oon completely en
veloped In, and hut mhort time
elnpped ere the entire Luke Shore Block,
rompnaed 'f "even bmldingp, was a maM of
liiirnirtfr dphris.
Theliiit luiildinjr. In wh'cb the lire orijl
nntid. wai ocoiitded by two fnmlllep, named
Spencer and Wdorlh: They h id no
time In remove IhP'r ;oo.l, and Ib cnnp.
quince li.oie nearly everyihlnR. Ti'e
f m e had to milk" their exit trom ihe Inn
ing l-uililing on p!mrt notice. The bum- wut
owned by Mr. Bnni.
Next wn the Lk" Phnre Ilo'ipe, kept by
Samuel Vlckeia.'wlm bad only I'een in it h
plmrl time. Tl e hiilldlnjj wan the property
of E. H. Kennicut. In thi boinn was
Inrge number or boarder, a number of
wham are looaera to a greater or b ps ex
tent, aa but little whp removed from he
liiirntnif building. Thia building being
plafterod, burned rather Plow, which en
abled fau.lliea in the adjoining binMingp lo
lemove the moat nf Iheir goods. A pnillon
of the household gnoda in Ihe Lal.eSli' ie
rionpe, together with pome Itquura and it: h-
eratnck, w-re faved, but the proprietor Is a
heavy loofer. Hie larger portion uf bis fur
niture having bei n.desiroyed.
Adjoining the Like Shore Hoiipb was the
Oakland House, owned by Mr. Jenniaun,
and kept by Mr. Greemvell aa a boarding
JJexl wa the hmiae of John Lammers
inpured fr$4 Qin a Wheeling Compnny.Hil
juing wbico waa the b anting boiiMi of Mia.
Keplar, and . wljulnlng not her
duardlng biiue keot by Mra. M ilony, and
the latt building in the lilock occupied dy
M iiiney. were all deairoyrd The furniture
or the laricit portion of It whs renvived
from the last mentioned building', lull In a
damaged cotidiiion. The lnas will fill
heavily upon several of Ihe iinforiuniile
fajiiilies, ami they bavo tbe sympatliy of
the coramm i y.
Itwison'Y through the greatest exer
tions that Iho house of Mrs. Jamison, in re ,r
ol Ihe Lake Shore House, was raved. Citi
zens labored with determination, and by
the uid of vet carp 's U I no ol the
r iof, and constant pouring on nf water.
Unite still stands, damiged, however. In
some extent, by beat. We have witnessed
lu my fires, but never have we seen cit'Zeiip
lend a helping In. ml more readily than la-t
evening, in tuvlt'g property from the devour
tni elem-'nt. They are entitled toacreat
deal ef credit, and the suffering famili
heartily ihank them for the valuable s. r
vice renrleied. Such exertion pul forth
with plenty id water nt hand, and the lire
never coo Id have went beyond the liuibliiig
where it firat originated. In veslerdav's
RKCuitn we spoke of the plan now being ag
Itutetl to suuioext-nt, ot running pipep
from Ihe spring nu the McCre Inrm to our
v llage lo which hose cm be attached in
Oixeoffire, and water cm be carried
anj part of the town, by a proper pl.icin
of the hydrants. At present we have
facilities for putting out fires, our engin
b'lng nearly or quite worthless, and we
mav postpone action in the mailer utilil
Washington eip el is laid in hits by Hi
flumes, ns il is I'v'ubnt ti nt should a lir
break nut in Washington slreet, it wonM I,
next to an Impos.Otiility to save a build. ng.
In the Hie lust evening seven liuildings
were destroyed, and n tinmlier of lm lie
arn without homes tn.ilar, ns
hoiiscK aro a scarce articiu in Pctroltuiti
Every in ul from Havana continue, to
bring advice i f tl e terrible barbai ilies per
petrated there, many ol them too horri'de
lo cjininil to puniic print. Bot'i parlies
have fir a.mie tim been cuniniuel to what
la now ca'ied the retaliatory practice id
('.looting all prbinerp, although it is evident
that it was Oist begun by the Spaniards.
Such baa too often b en thn practice in the
coitntri s south of us, and it has b-cmuo a
general belief that it is an Irjdispemib'.e j
leaturo of tieir rice.
A white man recently took out a liccme
In Wilmington. So'itb Carolina, to nn.rrv a
e.iiored w.-ruar.
tut; ?. v. v
Wipconain proposes lo abulttb the niunii
jury pyplem.
, Queen Victoria still wears the deepest
Three concise rub s f r vp'netpede rider":
s'radd'e. paddle and skedaddle.
1'orl raits i f p pr- tnr7 Fif h's r hlblren are
said to bo surdlui s II Hp D"bs done in
Pan Ernnrl'co juries refuse to mulct news
papers In damngrs of libel.
About 2R.f,no immigranis arrived in New
York in March.
General Mower bni taken command In
A ' Kn-Klux-Klun" bas been storied in
The All mticls still making rapid Inroads
on Atlantic Cily.
They have an "Air Cure Establishment"
in New York.
The New Yo k lirvnlot'on wants married
women lo remit) their maiden name.
Ladies are reqnesled not In smoke In
iMp room" is the notico in ono cf the Paris
Mips Kel'ogg makes her notes redeemable
nn'y In gold, and two hundred nnd lift y dol
lars a nU'lit at that.
Oupen Victoria meditates rn' llphini two
more bonks upon the Scotch Highlands.
He gal Is a nice place to live in. It. bis
PTPnly-seven public holidays annually, be
sides Sundays.
Lieouin. New n.imi'hi-e, was reeenilv
astonished ly a aliowi-r of small fish during
a rain storm.
Col nps til the Stale Legislature.
In the Senale ye.t- idny. Mr. Wilson in
trmliiced a bill for llnal ailj ininuieiit April
In Ihe IIousp. Mr. Webb, of Rta.lford,
called ttp the ?einite sui.pleii.enl to Ihe
July art o! 18H7, allnaing ibe Cotirl lo order
new lists for deficiencies in the jury wheels. (
Pasd Hnally.
Mr. N ciit'lson railed up the bill allowing
the present and future conn'y sutveyora lo
act till successors are duty qunlilled. Puss
ed finally.
Mr. Nicl'Otsnn also called tip the Penile
ill relative to laietal railroads. nnthori7.:nii
parties tu nliambin Iheir con-lruetion an. I
mikn ertnilable settlement, ni pl cilde to
Beaver. WuRiiiugtou nud F.iyeue rauuthr.
aa'ed Unfitly.
Mr Clark, ol War.-pn, introduced a bill
uibor'z ng n statement of riant-" con-oiiuai-
l In the tneruer of tailroad remt auii p. due
..lice to be given stockholders.
The bill aiiihor zing election of a Eunr.1
of Licensers in 1 itusvil.e passed Uouily.
The bill nuibor z'ng iiiinoail conipntiiep
subscribe 'o the sleek of improv mi ni
ompmies pas-si n Iinsi.y, wo ct.i.ij mi:i
county exempted lr nn ila .nivt'us.
The hill nulh"r'z'eg tl e appoli.'.ment of a
police lorce in Pelroieiint Cvnlru wia jiaps
ed. Mr. Graham calod up tlie bill nuthor'z
ng Ihe coiigrecalion of convic s In I he
Western Peniieniiary for labor, learning
and leligiou? services poed.
Tie Ueii'Piiy l.iil. will) an adliiinna!
section specially providing lor Philadelphia,
passed i-ceotid nuding by u strict party
Lxlriti-ive Tuiiiiclliti;.
Cnder sea tunnels aie nttieciirig ll.e a!
letilion of English engineers, nnd in addi
tion lo iho pr j "Cied lutincl under the
Enlis'i CiBtmel between 'Dover and
Calais, it is now proposed to nuiie
Scotland and Ireland by a tunnel, running
from a poinl on the noilheatetn cousi ol
Antrim, Ireland, to Glensirone. S?t and.
passing through Hie high rocky peninsula
Cilled Ihe Mull of Cunliiv. Tie Iota
length of the tunnel isesiimaled nl fourteen
miles ihtee furlongs. Tills croiiud llipnih
wlitoli II would nuve to tie Hit.-, it is as-'er .
i d. Is exactly suited lor tunneling nperitbu s.
and' lor lining it cm be he. I
in any qit intilvon the Irish side ll is .i
posed lo cots met ihe turn -l lor n p'nule
line only, the extreme depth being twenty
one feet, and Hie oieur width at the lec l
of t he rails fifteen f. et. Tim e lines of rails,
to accommodate wide unci limn w gauge
Cirrl.iges, however, are lo be laid. The
time estimated for completing the tunnel is
about six year, nnd the con $2 1.3.10. Hull.
To py a dividend of five per cent, the
road should earn $2i0 per mi!e per wei k.
There ere In M iiachit?etls about sevi n
hundred colored Flee M isons, who have
seven flourishing Indus in exiKlen. Th-y
I ave never been acknowledged or ree.g.
n'z-d by the while Free Miip.uis ,.f M-is-lichtiset
s. ani hivo for a lonj lime be. n
trying to sreure what they lenn their lighip.
The Mn'ouic publications, rue discupsing
the fuhject, and 6 Is tbu Ci'Mid Lud-e
(whi'rl nf Vi.jr.jctiisr its
Ti. 6hl r ver at l oui-ville has been
t.U j ui a v.vt : " I r.te for several day.
The water mi Fr '. v rei' l ixl the sidewalks
on Ihe lower wharf, nl It is feared that
the Inhabitants alone the levee will soon he
driven from their qturters by the approach
ing flood.
Ax exchang- I1"' ( ii'iH- I's prtlseof
anllqnity "i Id things nm so-netlmps bet
ter than pew. oml sometimes are Pot. As
for instance, oo o'd fr'end Is the bet
whereas an on o'd corn 4so't. Old wine la
best: an old house isn't. Old cheese la 'the
thing.' I nl en old wife Isn't.
I,iriil otice.
TAXATtY THUDS, male and female, new stock
jiit reeeived. at A I MH.t.KH 'S.
A'no a One b t nr livrcrti-d Vt rl"ih f.old K nf I es.
PAn, r.i. sn asp door, Lvpge
stonk, at the Femlntee Mnn. k Mr27.
Genuine, for pale who'e-- te U"l retail, at
A. D. VII I Kit & CO
A CAllfl TO TtIP l'l'Ltf.
T' mn-h fa'e re in-ent i'Io i", Mike ' t'eKley 'a
ohl'ped to lilH'-ontli n- Iiih'ii-k" fo t'W days i liop
linr hi- Meeds anil i-utlomen w! 1 harenetiie-ran4
rrnii.Mi.h8i hln, h rvmalns the r'l' '1" s-rvant,
Petreleiiiii Centre. Ap'l' S. 18''9. Iw.
To all Whom it Winy I'onecriit
T ike n d'ee, tleii nt I r t' o "e a--l cxc'nslvo
r'eht 6 Ave Vo'c'ntu r, l1 8 ti make,
iu-np anl-c!'. In t'-e I'liiit-l Mot", WAM.'S'
IMPIiuVKi) Vf!ir rtAI.'-, 'Uiiter an asa'r "
a'.il p:vlns tVo-n H O V'a 'Is j ii(entre, and that
v e ill T,f.i' o t 'e law il ''.I'v a n nt nil peivons
who -Vail unite, put up. and reli add I'a'in wliliont
onr c ai-'o'.
V.'. -. r-.-i!;-" if i, Franklin, Pa.
im-A. !. v"l.b'-:'t .t ''.) WhnV.iV- n4 llo
t.dl Agrn's lor t:n 0"'-.- -i".t vt 'tally.
v Store and
in charge
can el '-'
have 0' ,'''r
e '
'xxv FJ
T. -.
At I've I 1.".
ep-v.'te Hie
band a
ed nnd
. .'nr
B. t'o'lon
in !-lf.
l.rKc an.l A -t
t. Tlol.'i f."
Ai t'oinp'i.'i' 'e'
roVK":aY'.-5 RrVO PAT.-i M. or
t;' r(iiKt v'. tit'w M'int'r ''lrpfl'i ex?'1. In
ci rtiti'lin vtT' i UfH n. I't'n' ""r in tl- world
I' U i rrtt ht..'." rt"1 ""Ma -1 ! r . n'1 "rT
mn'o c il rnut'vg imvr.e .'w.-rrf, yw iwt
City. lufuli.
-Thin new
ii pari v few
nl"f p v':i- n v in.!"r!-iit c'rcii'-itkn I
ifwi 1 ' !. ' ''.nr
m-M T fir,.' tl .
nv.- ' i. !
n t or li i i T- r fi '
-tut ! 'f J ' v V r
r4t . c a g t
ivvriis ini'l wor' (tig
t! a 1c ;t'M Cnnircs
r a ' - r --'il Ti
: !h ll-;in j iS"i;t.' r in th
n'.rt c f:..- r.-'in" C :
r - . 'Mi 1 Tt ' v .'tt-H -l .'.
A i l a if M rii"7. Print 'hj
yew l'nr!; City
TJonf. Squnrt,
A larjr1 ns!nrltni'tit, ill i'2"f",
MiUor C-i V.
at A. D
Eaq lire at Tic jYimc.'own t.'h-.hia..
V, il l.
.Tiet rece'v-4 a lae a'ock of p-l- if pitttrns.
II. C. J.t . VI Ft'KNiTUttK TW. m?.
e- paint, wai. i wm i;r. wash a snoK
liltr'4't !. a a.u? :o- i J n t r.v. : -J at A. ll.
.uu.r,K "" '-
!iil !
OnThii-d '.v, F. b. ii.'.lli, IS".n, a sninnth built rat
and tan ).up wdhred c d a-. Whoever a. .all return
i lie fa n.) lothii u.ncrlbcr will l) l b -rally re-
f. bJti-tr X. H. PAYK
t'nrpiM'Vif every qua ity nl il -s rli'tlon, at
ItKl X ) .It-. U HI ) IX D . 0 1M, N i. 11 Colitis
rdr'el cppo-it- th.- I . O.. I HI I He, l i.
A. ). MII.I.KH k r" S
, who oia'c .ir A ru'a'.l, St
Dl T ii S.'iiHH.
fi" nriiTi'VH T'iI!A('( (i ANTIDOTBi
lit N T CM liiv. an . .nu. o. Toharcn. nn I PK.
.I.iMSSdX"!' AbtiM.M if M-' l-.-HArCuCOM-PcUMt,
tor Mil-nt D 'Mil. I tit d CO'S.
t'rnclierv f ir nil I in I . to Hi VT! IPS,
mtolHIi! VI) Si C t', No. 11 Cen'ru -'troet, oppo
lictha lJo-l I'l'.i;.'. i) I CI y. Pa.
f"A. II. MII.I.KR C, Prnicjit4. are
ic Ttt f i the ce'il rai J "11 II. C'carr.," uiana
facturi tl by the -Ani. item V h:p Co. T.y the a.
Till" h"-t pliiea 1- 'ovoi io g. t a pilr of Knot a
ni-H - of thi) lull i-oet.- tteit v lit woir wed ani
warr.ii. e.l to fit, la at .. A. rlanl-'a ' aah-I-Bdi'.c
"not Shop. WiMletij::ou .-trct, I'. iroleuia
Oentr", Ta. Civo hi u a 'rial. ae,ilU-tf.
Hardware. V lirRe ima rin.cut of which is
l.shiech loiiai rctu :d rat s at liliV s'OLl.8,
B'f illllF. i) & C '-', Xn. U Ctf.ilro St., cppoiite
tl. f'o-iOiaco II dtv Pa,
tlata, r.T-. Hoota mitl hoe-. A largs
aouoiei.t at UKYNul IW. UiulD.lEAD a CO'8,
Nn. 11 Ceiitm Sine.t, oppiAbe Ui, t'oet CIBoa, OU
cttr, t'-
A C '. J
.Tes best C10tH In the market are ihs Bnf
fdn fav .rites, mannfictnred by Walker A Rat
.,d.Mb.D .BtW A.n.MrL,ERJtca
Sot's dw Ddly We Toti City Is one of tht
piwatert aed ni snwessfnl m wpp- par i tFrprlsas
of th count ry, III n. w weekly -rmrron'i lm.
or rat" la ineria-dnc In rlrentaloe a t'.r a- d e n
le-oei isr. eed 'or tni. p'e ere le fa M M Pom
troy, 'riiitiao llnvn Squarr, Arm Ynrk Cilf.
rv .ConitM a Isrire -bi( at KKTNOVTlS
BltMtllf(An f'O'S. N". II Cantre Ht. opposite
th. Post nflica. HIH'llv, Pa.
' AitA." -It l not often that ws hav the tuna
to sptire, or Ihe .Inclination to Hen any oftha
thi.nsand and ore prsparatlons sold thrunehont 'h
coitn'ry, each, a il isctaimiil. bvlnj a povre'en
cr for ore or mere of the Ills thai n l re r to
Indeed, we have frrqnently w uidered fast p op's
ever died at a'l, or irre" ol I uvea. when, hv a mall
ont ay thtv eonld fnr l-h thamselvn wuh nrnr-thin-.'
wb'ch woul l teep dt-enp-ai htr.and d tf the
e-an'ts of llan-1 I'tncim n the effl 'aey nroaeof
tho-c remml'al p"-ea arioii- and one wi leli has lit
roni ce'eh-atd of we can spaa-. rron. ia-r-pon-0
ea'M'rienee. -nd eon-flen'lou,ty say I. I- guotl.
w e ri f t to Ali'.nvi," 'in artl. Is for rrs.utii.' m i
p-tpivlnL the Imlr. nisr-nl'se'iired by Mt-tprs Hew.
a'd A Rcntiey (ihendc' and Prii-'irlts, vo lo
Main 8tn at, HnlTate. ltau".ilo('oniiiicc al dv No
s'ow salei fir -.a.d't Cough Cure. . u vn,
I.KK ft It. ., Wb d sals A lletall DrilL-gl-U. Acmitj
for PeiniVum I'snlre. Pa. frb!7.
Sewing1 Machine!
Th Mticlrnc in Wfi niited to pti'CU'a In he
tT't. Jt Oenrt-nf ptr fftlnn, n'l kind uid vnH tiw
ofwlntf. tQimtifC, I'cll'xi. 'or. inir. T.nk1'!:,
Itfrtid nt ft'ttt'iriiiv n sc nK n, Qtii'titij Ac.,
V m r nn h d! hy mij otter tiiacliiiiu mm
liet'H'! I1 piin tc. M.icliti e ft n tn.rtiy wdiinnr n rfvr, ri
f j 'bvntn" Ovcipct.Diini titch. h mtirniili'il b'i
the l-d't'.Hi'd H'lt ou H iie and ty-t (tot nmUiu
In ail kind r f b tc
out of ri vnciincm b' n-cn a. ii
rofin oef A. 1). Alii Cr Or Vs Dnir
J. G. toi l IN.
n'ib.5. Arnt.
Oi.n pines o art tb wnrth or rnur mnner Is at tl.a
NKW e'l.t'Olt A! sVllltn a f 1 1,1 M
RKK VAltn of I,. V(. STLiU.VUC'KG &
Co., whan there 1- alwjvs a
Mdv M thnvr their rnntonrr thnir 'nr rtn(v ,,f
FLoDt. li . nnd a'l km it o( PEED, and the
pi. ice aUu w Li re uwy he
A ftort merit of f!rt-c1t KOnTI AD
DKKSSFU (ITM liKIf, 1.ATII, billV ..LK-. &it
at tiiw tci; iowe.-t va-b ptictn Tucko w u me ui
To tlt"!rnn intrr". fl'id wlh t-i d al iih mm
wliod) hu-innjtB on tlioanii'ire, it' hmj ik tn th tr
intftosi to ve ri a ca.l ltotnr puu-Unstuif vl.e
wuere, nnd c wltat wo can d fur you
onr line of bn-lnsn. All irdr ' d trsieiag
Proieolly at'erilpd to. I) . not f n-et die pla s. "
' Ml I K TII K IIDOUUSVElt llKL'tlti, WAriU
Petroleum Canto, Pa.
L. V. srr.nvitrso,
H. II. WAdNbif-
Pian s ! Pianos !
T'-e nr-da Mned havliia bv fi t ia ei n-ra t" 'Wl'Jl
W. : I.JlEi 8-i.v, k (, and D.and II
Hmlth, be--n m'v aprointed hy tl em vcde Ageei
f..r iha an' ,f CKI i;lf t AT H 1V-1KH-MKMsli
Hi -en. rores, Venae o. t"l .rio" sn-l
J tl'ersoii coiintli a, her. h nuibex ihe cii's-n- 0
aaiil - n a aiiiii' g lth any eil ar
p--o.ia ebdnitng t,i tai th- Ae ins Oi elt:ier tliO
ab - naniid flraip, as a I u h are XMPn-Tl'K
IV . E , S K I X V U ,
Da dor in
of every di-Bcrlptlou PIANO 8T0OLH, bPKJIAB'
4c, dc. V
Centre-St., OIL CITY, Fa.
Oil City, Sept. 14, 18i B.-.
I s(km b
f st IeOA 4 OC