The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 08, 1869, Image 3

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    SOMii FRI
Petroleum Centre Daily Record
1'e.t. Centre, Thnnlni. April 8.
.Time nf Closing Mnlla.
P. O., PuTB.'Lrrn CvHrna. P , I
Joi r S7t. IMS. j
I'lirtl fnrther nnrlra the mall will arrivs at and
dupl.-l bom Uita office at follows:
HtMIi iinil Bast, ads. lrvlaeton. 10 a A. M.
fcnlSmJffKt, " Meadyllle, MS P. M.
sTirta au4 Ke,U ' Corry. t '4 "
tV-mli eed VreT. it A. M. . "
Sinn nnd Wen, S ao J. M.
Eaat ami Wart, 1 (). A. M.
n. r.. niArmtiiN. p. m.
r.lvliij Krrtlcpn.
Pr-xii-'iln r at It o'clock A. M., nnd 7J
o'clock r. M.
Rev. 4. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
m. k. cnuncn.
ivrinc-s every snnnatn at 1 1 A. Jh ami
P. M, Sabbath Schoul at twelve o'clock
M. . Sest Free. A cordial Invitation
extended to nil.
Eiv. C. M. Hcakd. TaPtnr. .
Jnft TOJf . m.
Vespers and Depedlotlon of.tb Blessed
Jaerament at 4 p. trf.
Catechism at !p. m.
Th State Med'eal Association nf Erie.
hold their n-xt conrent'on at Erie, on the
9th of June.
Isaac B. Gars has linen nominated bv the
President aa Postmsir at Prfe. and 1. C.
Jfogersb.r ndtertnr of Internal Revenue, for
lor an me rt'atrlct.
The Christian C"rmisien ol Pittsliiirib
are endeavoring In obtain an nrpan fur the
Jail; to be used at the ."isjirtay services.
A hill baa passed the House at Hnirisbure
Anally author zlnat the receiver of the IV
rolenm and Venanfjo Ranks tn Jilt th bond
deposited with th Auditor General for
ecurfty of note holders, the ieccircialiaTlnr
given the proper security.
Apjocbnmknt orfo.voitKsa rim TIotic
resolution, flxlne; April 6th aa the ,Ur of
djonrnmenl or Congress, hail chanced
by the Senate toihe 10th Inst., In wbich
action lh hnnse concurred.
. W.ilf intend moving hit Jewel, an(1
Tohaec afore into the Siennm Ho,,,,
wveh his been flit d up I., superb .tv!e.
Mr. McGnneroe. Into the same building
with b! boot and shoe store.
Thb Boston Po ,. Thr(, hTe fl
hull a d. z-n women In Bnslon wl o publicly
ride lb T. lorlpede. Tbny dlaplar quite na
much iklll and more praco than do men.
Tbla la not ftriinj.wwm,.ll ,.!, ,
ru.iier.u. are not au ditf. in,t f0m nieu M
tome pfnile aiippone.
n. ,i- , ... '
vu.nna Mn,.irl b.ld I.. i ill ,n Eouar-
til.. I -
ai evening to a crowded bona...
They give another enimxinnient at the
wm fitHC thia veiiinj;, will perloira In
Oil City on nnd Saturday evenlna,
nd will be In Petralium CVnire tbe Crat of
next wet k.
lVliiil. iiin CVulru. April 8
V, the nudin-itrned. Imr leave tn return
our ibanka to the oilizena f Petro'eum
Centre for tlie valnoUe aaflaiance rendered
to uj during tbe fire of lnt evening.
Wm P Hakt.
Oit. Ckkke -It l repmt d unit Urn Phi.
ne.phia & Vno ivilrnad iimnagBia have)
uh'aiiicd cuntrid nf the Oil Creek railwHy,
and the Cmaii O it triiiia will nut lie niin
'd tn run on their I'rck. nor will any nil
fur iuir.ilo he allowed to be taken fur ibe
Cr-Ciil T"yir but uiuat go by the way
tf Krle.
1 1 'ew Yuik. Imiy yeura jii, a maiden
ro it lied a rich old fellnw ol aii'y. expeoiinj,'
sim noun to die and leitve her hi a nmni-y
i,aat week the wife died, nK, (lfij-Blx,
leaving baslnnd aged one bundled, and
lour ciiililr n tn m uid ier l'"s.
Tf life m-mii. ia i.f tlieju-j which
f jiiv;ct-d Ttvitoh- ll hr made an n.Ti.l uil
tind-T tiie heli.-l that the C.iurt commanded
tli-in to return a verdict In half ai boiir.
Tuey ad l that the l;npre-aiim waa general
a'lioii,' the jury tht they had nn other
cmirw lo jiiiaue retnin a venliet nf
gniily in the time i.picied by the Judne,
who, it ai-ems, nald to Hie jury '-the C mri
will wiit bulf un hour for the verdict."
We pri-m ne tint si:ne 'iiitellueiit" j nor
would return u verdict in three minutes if
tbe Court expreaaed u Intention to '-tv-ilt '
only that Ituli of time irjuo tbeir do
Tbe Mormon are
'.i'b p'eat autc'Sr
making poiv.'aia and
Destructive Flr in Petrol
turn Centre !
Families in Numbers Without
loss rnoM ttnto twflve thou?
At ahont eight o'clock laat evenlnir, a fire
broke out In the amall tenement hnne ad-
job Injt the Luke Shore Hooarf. The buMd n
ieini a wooden one. w.i poon completely en
veloped In Dime, and but a abort time
elupaed ere the entire Lake Shore Block.
romnnaed nfaeven building, wua a tua of
burning ilebrla.
The flip! bnildlnj. In which the fire rrlpl
nalrd. waa occupied by two famlliea, nomcd
Spencer and Wad'ivort'i: They h-'d no
me tu remove their nood, and lacuna..
qiienc.t looae nenriy everyiniop. ire
f bi' eshad to make their exit from the lm
Inn i.ull'liPR on abort notice. Tbe hum wia
owned by Mr. Br:tl.
Next waa the Lake Shore IlO'.ae, kept by
Samuel Vlckera, who had only been In it n
ahort time. The ImlldinfC waa the property
of R. II. rCeiinlcut. In thia bouatt waa a
Inree number ef hnnrdera, a number of
wham are lonaera to a greater or ! aa ex
tent, aa but liitle vii removed from he
I'tirulnir hnildlnir. Tbia bnildinir beioji
plaatered, burneil raller alow, which en-
aided fau.iliea In the ail joining biiiblinua to
irniove tbe moat of their pood. A pot tion
nf the hnuachold eooda In the Lake SJ)'re
Il-ioae, t-gn'her with Rome liqii'ira and oth
er stock, were aaved, hut the proprietor i
heavy looaer. tile larger portion of biafui-
nilure having been dealrovt d.
Adj'oiniiiit the Lnke t-borf Hmiao was tin-
Oakland IIoua, owned by Mr. Jenniaon,
and kept by Mr. Gn unwell as a boarding
Xi'Xt waa the bouae of John I.ammrrs
Insured fr $ii0 in a Wheeliitji
linn whiCD waa the b'-ardiog boiian of Mia.
Keplnr, und adjoining thi waa niiolluo
bnaldlnit bullae ke,.t by Mra. M ilony, - and
ibe laat biilWl in-( In the bloc' ocouuied by
XI ioney, were all deal royed The furniiiiie
or the largest poriiun of It wa removed
from the lasi meniioneil building, but tn a
damaged comliiioo. The losia will fall
heavily upon several of the unfurl tmatf
fumiliea, and they buvo tbe sympathy of
the commm py.
Itw.tson'y throutzh the createat exer
tious thai the honae of Mm. Jainlaon. in rear
of the Luke Shore House, wa raved. Cfti
zwna laiored with determination, and by
the aid of vet carp-' li I ipm the
r iof, and conaiant pout ing on of water.
tiouee still atanda, damised. b' tvever. to
aotne extent, by heat. We have wilneaseil
111 my Urea, but never have we aen citi..Mia
lend a helping huol inure readily than l.i-t
evonina. in favlop property fmin thedt-votir.
initelem 'nt. They are entitled to a treat
deal ef credit, and the mfferine fimili.s
heartily thiink them fertile valuable a. r
vice rendeied. Such exertion put forth
with plenty of wi. r at band, and the fire
never i.oihl have went beyond the liuibliuu
where, it flrat oridinntei. In yesteidaj'a
HKconn we apoke rf the plan now being ait
ituted to sntiie extent, nf runninif pipes
fmin the aprini' on the S!crrea larnlouur
V llitjr" In uhich lose cut be ultiiclo d in
C i' of Are, and water cm lie carried to
any part of the tow n, by a propel lacinu
of the hydrants. At present 'we have no
facilities fir putting out lirea, nnr repine
b 'iii( nearly or quite worthless, and we
may postpone uc'ion in the matter until
Wai-binutun sir et is laid liilirtsly the
Riunea, aa it ia ( vlil nt tint should u fire
breuk out in Washington street, it would l.e
Uext to ii m tinposslbilily In save a liiilldin.
Io the tire lust evening seven bnil.liiijrs
were ikKin.yeil, and a number t.f turn lie
are wi'hnat linntes to-day, as teiieim nl
niisea are a acirce aiticld in Petroleum
Every mail iroui Havana cniitinnea to
lirlntf advices i f li e terrible bai bai il iea per
petiated them, many of them- ton lnnriM
to CJinmit lo ptiilio print. Uot.i partira
liave fir some tiino been committed lo what
ia no ca'led the retaliutoty practice nl
ahnotin all pria mera, allhon.'h it ia evident
Unit it waa Crat begun by the Spaniard
Such hna loo often J) en th practice lu the
cotntrl a souiii of ua. and it hue lecoma a
general belief that it ia an iudispensiblv
feature of feir r ice.
A white man recently look out a licenso
ia Wilrait gtan, So'.ttb Civ.ipn. to many a
colored wt man
Wiaennsin proposes to abolish th grand
jury system.
Queen Victoria still wears the deepest
Three concise rules for re'nclpede rl.ters
'raddle, paddle nnd skedaddle.
I'oitraita i f Scr. tnr7 Fish's children Bre
said to bo sardlBrs II Ho fishes done In
Pan Frtincl'co jurba refuse toniulctncws
pa pets In ilamae' S of libel.
About 2. nut) immigrants arrived In New
York in March.
Reneral Mower has taken command In
A ' Ku-Kliix-Klan". bas been started in
The Atlantic ia still making rapid Inronds
on Atlantic City.
They have an "Air Cure Establishment"
in New York.
The N''W Yo k Tievolot'on wants married
women 10 retain their maiden name.
"Ladies are requested rot to smoke In
thia room is tbu uotice in ono nf the Puitg
Mia Kellope makes lier notea redeemable
on'y in cold, and two hundred and fifty dol
lars a niyhl nt tbnt.
Queen Victoria meditntes pn' llshin; two
more books upon the Scotch Highlands.
Be gtl is a nice place tnllve in. It tins
seventy-seven public holidays annually, be
sides Sundays.
Livonia. New Hampshire, mis reepmly
asloiiiahed tiy a shower of small fish during
a rain slnrm.
Ho!mij In the Stitfe LrRlaliittirc.
In the Sennte y-ft rdny, Mr. Wilson in
trnduced a bill for P.tiel ailj.jurntneut Aptil
In the Ilonsn, Mr. V.'ebh, or Bradford,
called Up I'e Petliitf snopenifnt tn Un
duly act ol !8:'.7. nllnsinz ibe C. nrt to oider
new list for deficiencies in the jury wheels.'
Passed finally.
Mr. X clioimn eallfd up the bill allowing
ilie tireffpt nrd lulun- routity surveyor to
act till successors ureiluly qualiUed. Pass
id finally.
Mr. N'c'iolson ulyo fulled up the Senate'
Til relative to lateial raiiioaiis. anihor'zieL'
parties to nbandiin tleir cotitruct'on nnd
make equitalile- s-ttlment, u pic able In
Beaver. Washington, sud Fayette counties.
Passed finally.
Mr Clark, nf Vi'arten, it trodticed a bill
an'hnr'z'nz a statement 'd r'uhls ei ndidat.
e I iti tbe uierjjer of railri ad ct'inj uuier. dtie
niitice tu la- given sinrklmltier.
The bill auihnriziiig election nf a "unrd
of Licensers in TituM ilie passed finn'ly.
Tlie bill niithnr'z'ng rai'inad coiupaiite.
to sul pctilie lo li e stick nf Imprnv- uieni
,.ompinies msed finally, witli Sciitiyl:.L
county exempted from Its provisions-
The bill anlhir'z:nK the opneii.lnn'nt nf a
police lorce ill Petroleum Ceutro was pass
ed. Mr.-Graham call d Hit the bill nuil or'i
log tlie congregation nf cntivic's in the
Western peniicn'iary fur labor, learning
and lellgbiisa scrvii-.s a'nl.
The lteplxtry bill, with nn additional
S'Ction spicaily providing lor Philadelphia
puffed Fccuml ri adiug by a strict t arty
vote. "
r.'xteiiKl ve Tun ll ell n
r-s-a tunnels lire iitlrnctlnt; the
L nder-s-a tunnels lire iitlrncilnt; the at
lention nf Kugliah englneera. nnd in addi
tion to ibe pr j'Cied tunnel unj-r ihe
Kn.-liah C'iihikI between Dover and
Calais, it ia now proposed lo untie
Seotland nii'l Indand by u lun o 1. rui ning
fi.un a point nn the niml. eastern cnast id
Antrim, Ireland, tn G 'en-hone. Snt and.
passing tiiroiitili the hili roi ky peuiiisula
called the Mull ot Cant) re. The t.nai
length of the tunnel is estimated nl fourteen
miles lliiee fuilnngs. This ground llirouuli
which il would have to ho it is iiS'el'.
d. is exactly suited lor Itinnellng n;n rations,
and saiidhtiuie for lining it cm be held
in any quantity on the Irish stile It U im
puted to cm. a met the loin el for a single
line only, the extreme depth lining- tenly
nne feet, end the clear width at the level
or the rail fifteen . et. Tlueeliges of tail,
tn Bccoinn ialate wide nnd imrrnw gauge
carriages, however, nte lo be laid. The
lime eaiiinab d for completing the lonnel i
' six year, nnd Ihe cutd $21.a."i(l.iiii(i.
To pay a dividend of flv per cent, the
road siiould earn $210 per mile per wei k.
There pre In Missarhiisetta about seen
hundred enlm-ed Fiee M ison. who have
seven flourishing lod-a in existence. They
have never been nceluiawledgeil or recng.
n'Z'd by the white Five Masons i f M,..
ichnsnt's, and have for a bm.- IbneheiQ
trying to secure what they term their lights.
The Maionio pu!,!!ctions . ere discussing
the. subject, nnd to is tie Graud Luri'e
(Intel ol Msssoctusi-lts
wmi SSs. PuisssBSBseses
The Ohio river at Louisville hS been
rls'ntr at a verv rapid rate for several day.
The water nn Friday ren-red the sidewalk"
on the lower wharf, and it is feared that
the inhabitants nb nir the levee wl'l soon he
iTr'v- n (mm their quarters by the approach,
lug flood.
Ax .'xchanjie t-.u utuiifh-a Its praise of
antiquity "i Id thlot-s are so -letimes hel
ler than new, nnd s in et;mes are not. As
for instance, an o'd frond Is the Imsl
whereas an on n'd corn Isn't. Old wine Is
best; an old house isn't. Old chef ao is 'the
Ihinp,' but nn old wile Isn't.
Lot-ill iVntima.
CANAHY Rirtns. mute and female, new stock
just reeetveil. at A It. Vtt.'.t-'It Ol
A's. a flna h t or bei nrti d Ft'alish Cnld K aches.
. i
tork, at the Fi'ltlltUre S'to-C.
Genuine, for anlu whole-'dp utet retail, at
A. I) MII.I.KU ft CO .
a nun to nit; I'ltstLir.
Tl'roifrh ra'-e re-Tesenta toi.s, llke rucktey 'i
obl-'ired to ilUi'niith'n'' luin'ni'.s rt,r afewdaya; liop
Inn In- fi fe- ,1k ate! enstomets wl I havenat'e-'ce and
rpiiicittiei him, he remains the eu'-ll'. s-rvsnt,
Petmleiiia Centre. ApiP r. is:l lw.
To all lltinni ll ntny Concern !
T ike n 't:e. that wa vnv - t'-o s ee a-d exclusive
r'c'it foi five ear-fvm No-endii-r, lo make,
fir if) an 1 -(.!', in lie flitted flits', WAM.'S
IMI'H'iVKD MOI;' riM.M. under an ass ximtil
anil piMvti i-jp fro-n S fi W.i 'is i s'entee, and tl'at
ev tli rlM'ie t':e tinv tt 'd'y a 'n'nsf all penio-s
who id'a't maiic, pi;t up. and .-ell add Pa'm without
our consent.
W. ,v. " 'VK'X r , Franklin, Pa.
. 11. ?ttUn ft (M Wh.V.'e nd tte
tail Ai;i'ti: f.r P.-trnl -aai ConT- and vi-dn'ty.
m h 3 1 m.
t7 Ml -i rnn i lii B t b- VArr'NAm
i t-1 1 it P. M"'e- v '.' Prni Htnre and
luve the p-rc fr--li r f Ic 'n p-tf l No charge.
c.v riour, Fcd airrt Grocery
HI ore !
J. . I'tx iTHRit, '
AttVc-I.n lt l nr I.' IN'O. N MfV.T.
ep-w.ite the VrC!iiitocV Ifeiisr, ha, en hand s
I irseaml -t c'n- atoek of r'nnr Feed nnd
Ji-oenrIe, wh eh tm t- e'tn a' a lo- icura
Ttnt.'i fnr -ei the p!ac where A. D. ration
,1; '"oinpnny tmd:e nn. 1anl-tf.
" rttd. kM "ruttn'-v' new niner 'dreait- exeei tn
Cl cd-nlnn everv other n, I't'ca' i"p" hi ti e wnr'd
t U tia-,'' n-d of nmia-'Hrt-rrtr. H -nH Iff
fcmp' it?., rrnriii, u.mi e,worv, &rm jvi
C'j. . m:i.l.'.
n-l'-r ' a a wii i't
:rw i i i Iti ' 'ltr
nvn it - ? i-'it it
lEM()ff? T. This new
rn' ritni' iti' n. In nearly e-ertf
atr v th'1 (icin iTats and wnrl-fng
I-.,... ,i , r n1 s 'or i. t 14 t'le b ld
j-er ii i!i 's i d. ni ft wa'ks 'nto ronjres
:- "f e-t I
It r'nt r r -".a l'e nfrsn't T'.a
ii't'T ti'ts i-T'-r fl -y tteu-a'.id st.V,?i'itn rs !n tl-.t
-'t ,te "f New r : nto e i d for mnv lo c 'p
in, 'i li ii -I- s t rr. .. ind 't 'o vet -a Iva4.
A i'l ii M .tf -iiirriy. Printing Ifnuxtt Squirt.
.Vein Y.ri; f.lj inch 3
A lsr;re oortui.-tit, all s:zes, nt A D
Miller A Co '-.
THE shop.;-: house.
Enq die nt t''e J im wowa Ch.ibin:: sti-ra.
wild, i:ji:iii!
i-: v 'd a 1 e ""f a' op: i f jvl ir pnttrma,
vt'i- i-'-iiNiTti".!: s.-,)t:K. m?
.In ' -c
. C. J '
e- PM.VT, WAl.t.. III ' II WA!I ft SIIIIE
(!!(" t!. a lira ato Just IV.-. I .J at A. L)
I,ist !
v. Fb. v&ili, IS'iH. a sm"oth ball! rat
On Tlmr
and Ian pun u th rmt c 1 a:
I'je sa-uu lo tlio -ll'ircriher
Win lied
r, bjinr
Whoever eMail return
will bs liberally re-
I'arpc of ev.-rv ipia it y mid d a rtnllin, at
ItEi .N I .!). 11 (()') !KU . C.I'A, S ,.11 funi s
tire I, oppo-it" the I'. II., nil I'iy, Pi.
SWfU'SH I.KSCil s, ho en e nil ro a'l, at
A l. WII.I.KH A firs 1)1 HI SinHK.
fJT ltl'KT(VX"s - TiltAiW AVTtfTF.i
l;CX T CIIPiv, nn a-ithlnle 'or Tobarcn. anl flit.
JitllStuiN-ri AI'OMATK! NTI 'l ilHAt Cu COM
I'Jlf.Mt, tor sal" nt . MILIAR ft CD'S.
tfrnekert nil I u I. to 1(1 TS LI1S,
t!l!'ililint) ft C SV, N'o. 11 feutru iitreet, eppo
ltc Ihe Pu-t I Mil v, 1)1 fi y. Pa.
IA I). Mir.l.FR ft CI), Prngdats. ara
B iitf r the c-tii in-id ' It II. ( "pars." manu
filet tired by the American V h p t'o. Try ihe a
TlIRb't pliiiB lr luwn lo K'l a pair nf Boot"
mad - of the beat atoek, tiiat lll weir well, and
warraniMl in fit, U ai J. A. I'lutile's t'ash
Ii u ibii: lluot Shoe, V. a-df luiton ftruet, Petroleani
I'cnjru, Pa. fi e 1.1 a a trial. te,ilU tf.
lined u in e- hrsa ajsortmeut nf wldch Is
I'l'leg ( uni at redu-ed rans at HEYNi'Ll 8,
U! HiilF.AI) ft CD'S, No. U Centra St., opposite
the PonO.llra! fit fity Pa.
tl.itr., Cai. Mrioia mid MlOO'. A large
a-orim in at KKYN'DI US. UKOUdK.D 4 I d's,
II Pstiii'n S'l-e-.t. ";.h;hi tb. Post, tflles, Oil
' .1" , .
g - rii - T irjaT;
A CO 'S.
w 'I'e. bmt CtOAt:n In the market ara the nttf.
f.,ln Kav, rites, mannfictnred by Walker ft Itaza ,
Held at the t o? Htore ol
A. I). WIt.t.ER ft CO.
A GREAT SUCCESS. Brick" Poum,.
DoT'a nsw Dally in New York City Is ne of t,,
graftteat and nmsl sncressftil mwap per f i lerp h-m
of th country, lilt n' W weekly "Anafriry'i tttm
oerat" la lnc"al"P In clrcnla Inn a limit n-d c n
lea i.ei riav l.iwili,.nl.M.l..,. u .I e
eroy, frinling Jl tttt HijUarr, kcu Y-irk Pity.
inch 1 9
Dry finoile a Inrnc atnek at RKTVoips
Btt.ilillEAn a 1-O B.N'-. 11 Ccntro St. oppnUe
the Pot sifflce. nil Cits Pa.
' Alisa " -It la not often that we h ive the Pros
to sp ire, or the Inclination to n lro any of the
ft" n-and and one preparation S"'d thruiithijiit he
cenn'ry, eseh, as It I claimed. K-ln; a snvire'ga
cars for ere or more nf ihe IPs fist tleh is h. ir ii)
Indeed. w I'Sre rriqnently wndered hit peep'
ever died at n't, or ere . ol I even, w hen by a small
out aythr.-eo'ild fnrl h ihemsolvea with enmc.
ti In.' whic would leap lbemai hiv.and d fy the
aa-an'-s or timet I encirn ni Iheefli :.iey n' nne nf
tltee r, me, it p-, t,a alio I and o in wi leh has h.
enni cc'eh atfd or lire we ean s.ea.- rrnn. nrr.
son it ex lerlenee. ml eon clen lomlv snv I . s,,ul
w e r f r lo "All-ma." an aril. I r,,r ns i, h.,. m a
presen lne llieliair. nianillaei un d tiy Mt-nqre rl,av.
S'd A Rent.ey Chen-I. a and Prir-t-'sla, vn no
tinn Sine-, Pnffil. , PnTalofieniueic al d- Nu
s'ow salee fir --enaoCa r-inf-'i Cnc. .
I.K't ft fi ., Wh.. eat ft Kuluil DrilL'Elsta.
for Petro'eum fentre. P. fibl-
rL A
S5ii r-t'-S7,
Wx M
Sewing Machine!
This Mac, n wn rnt, to cxt-cu'ft !n lie
?r n r-- il r.rof pnr, a I (ind- Mud vari tfM
nf wiiii:. mmi; n, Cor. iue TiKkt'f,
Prd 1 1 iy, (i"V fitn" Hn! tn n. tjuiithig Ac.,
Tl' :i r in hi'diii f bv o;l r muchluii how
Ircl-iii vuh ic.
Ti MticiiM e t n ' rt-rtfiy irf-hont it riva. I'i
It- ( trtitt" Jhri'ipn m.OL' 'Vuh. t- tnbinifivrl c ''
1h I'd'H. ;i. J Rm on II ilea: J I y let , oe iiia.Iiu
in all kit, a- 01 f be-
' ii,i of e Vac'i-nn o b pn a l.
iO' m oot A. !) MH cr x ''o.N Inir ti..,.
J. a. coi l in.
" M5 Are it.
Oi.n-t ptice -n pet th" wclrth nt vanr rnopey fs t tta
NWl'Llll l IMIrll'l'iilli AND I : M
I'KK V.Mfi of I.. II. Iri.lSMJi;f.ia A;
C,. where there h always a
'lde tn i!in their ensiomers fhdr tr" stoc'.- ef
F'r'MHV, end al ktnJe of I'Elip, at-d IL
pi ice nl.o uh' re may be
A '---a"ient or r.i";a 11) "!'T Avr
DHESSH) I.I'M HKIf. I, V I'll, SHU .L"! ', ft.'.,
ai v. i- tawe t ,a h p. ion. I'.., se . una aui
Tn thir nrt in'tl. and wt-h to d"M with t:it
wo d't lm-i' tt on tho nfjinrf, 'l liritl Tt 'o.ih ir
iitini ia pivo iiii m I bofor- tiu i.h;;lo Je
v.:re, tiid pc what wj rnn d fur uu
oiuc Iwp of bn 'irtfM.
lnni'i'iv r
f- SI ' K '
1 Uwl to D mr f ifL'fl nt . li -
iNiiT S bl'i EEf,
Petroleum Csntn, Pa.
I, , v. grsjuvprro,
Plan s ! Pianos ! !
OTIC 3E3 .
T'-e urde-.L-ncdbaTinar bv ie la' eontra I-with
W. P l.MEnri'i.v. I'-n . m,.i k n i,.i II W.
r-iniih. be -a u'v ain ubiiil l.v tVem .ie As-nt
f-r ihl sa'e 'f lludr Ci lKBlaTll l-'l'KU-
tFNiia MS'-cn. ore . V...m n l'l.r;.ni and
J treiaon conutii s, I er hi mule.- the cii's n-o
initio nt es a 11:11m iiei;nii.i g uliti any inler
p 'son i lnimo.jj lo no III" Au Ilia n. elt'ier ol ths
ab vj imiiKd llruu, a- a I ui h are 1 P !'. dti
X . K , 8 K I K E It ,
of every desoriptbin. PIANO STOOLS, bPIti:AB8f
c, ic.
ticnlre.St., OIL CITY, I'a.
Oil City, Sept, 14. Ig'.-t.
1 1'ISS and Mr n.
St II UAH rws