Stomtach BITTERS ! A Mfc, MrtiJn ud plittDt Krnifldjr for all DlHWMarisfni tnm DISORDERED STOMACH. tefe ft', 'Nnftw A wliM fUMfu takwo thi-M lime, a day 1U b. found .ffMllv. la all CUCBUf DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COBfPLAIXT, OEX F.r.AL ltMJIILlTY, Scrvout ITotlrallon and ewry form of Jndlg-jtlon, Intermitttnt I'ner, I'rrrr and Anur, and a mild Invigorating TOXIC for dellcaf fcmalet and InvtlWtt. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Drone) Wnnrfactory ot Petroleum Centre, P. Kuld by all ItruKK'iata. of Exp'rir need Druj: , fists. Rend the following opinions of ex eriened druggists and physician : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER A CO. : IUvinp sued your Yuaviiilie bitteri for Home time) past, anil bavin bull 1 requ.-rit call, fur them by our onMoin tr, and tram cmr on examination nl them, wu lie., lievtt them to bo much better in quality thnn any other Bitter in the market, ami n ira cnnlliletit t Li it t Ibey will answer your ml panfruinn expecta tion, nil. I fully meet the ilenmtiiU of flip pnhliri. Wh would ri'omiii"iid them to tli pnhliit fur trial. 'ifi:iiilly (j iiivn.licU sufffring liom in-akue.s cud a dieonlt'u-d nlouinph. I!nMivctfiillv Yoitra. A. D. MILLER A CO., Dnipginti Thla eertlfli'n that we liavn im'd tb Great Yu mile Hitter iii'pnrd liy i. W. Downer A; Co.. ol tlii plnee, and lielrwve Hint they are, whnt they are repreneuted tntiu n pure and wholesome Slm aeh Bilterx, and pleant tonic )Hreritite fur tho lino of invnl Biill'.Tini frmn weaknma of the fitoniacli, DyxpepRia. Ac, &o. We think them fo lie at Kinil, il not lietter, than any Bitten nw in tho market, and cheerfully msouimend them to the puhllo. Ili'apectfiillv. T. B. McNAIR A CO., DmsgisH. I have itaed, and elwerved the trfpctB of the Grent Toemite Stomtch Bittrra. prepared by J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Cenlie. and think them preferable to nnv now in tiae, for the. relief of those iliflicultiea for which they lire recommended. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil Cily, Ta., Dec. 2Cth, 1S-J8. Ilnvint cirefully examined the ''Vo.ain!tn Pat tern," iniinntnelnred nnd aord by Messrs. J. W. Dnwner & Co.. I am couvinoed that they are chem ically pure, and havinz a kanwledire of tlreir com ponent piirt, I feel anfe In recouimendin); their iifte to tue olllivlHal. J. A. LOBAUGH, M. D, Oil City, Murcb 6tb, 1809. PREPARED Sr? J. W. Downer & Co., Tetrolenm Centre, Pa, Branch Manu factory, and sold by all Druggists TheGreatYosemite Bitten ARE WARRANTED TO CURE ALL- DIS EASES ARISING riJO.K A OISOBDEilED STOMACH. m GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Ac, it 1 if MiMrloi' lo iiitj' in :.l'rkl. TliV 'I'll KM ! .1., W. DOWNER A ;v. 'il I'uni fi-M-i- M-iich ll'tu, lbtirf. T. B. MoNair & Co, Would respectfully unnonnf that they are are uow opening a inn assortment of DEU GTS ! PATENT MEDICINES! Paints, Sis, Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly "occupied by Mr. Goodman. Particular attention will he paid to the preparation ot ed to make ihis Department as complete as any in the country. "Wines, and Liquors ! jn.Bnm U.3 tW'.Onv piices will com pare favoraMv, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. T. U. MrNAU: tc VO. Potrolenin Cantro, a., Ort i'.i 'iK-lf United States nsurarice v COMPANY, OF NEW TORE, Eslai)llsli2d JXarch 5, mi). C'apUul & Acli, 83,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Pi'trr-nsa Centre, Pa. This Crmpanv, Being nnn of Ui. olilmt and tmut reliable in li e CuilidStnte.. nff i-i2k anip'e e!iir ty. n"t ouly li Its iftrir. aHm:ti4, wl.i.-li on .Tna 'ftry IM. 1WW, were nl ri ady Vi per cent ur in lUuiiUlej, Lut uUu l y Ilia PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEI'ICIENCY, l eciirity nut afforiled bj any other dath C.impai,y. Dividends are Declared Annv And mny he ncd t nt in pft.lug IVmluma. to ifl' n-i iiisuranm-.' r -o t-fciirn ttnl up f!!c arttr thev Iiave l-e n In f;roe fui a f jinii, m i x.ilal.ifd iu our jumphli t, ur they may uri'iimiilfl? ot itoinpoui.4 iuturuut to i.. citato thw sum iDurfU, IVEHY FATES R kruld ecuro a Po'lcy as early pnoible. n gnu hut heilthy peivnincin bi ln-ii'e.1, ami il U lu niiwl .hit;, tn ihmvIiIc in the tiifost way Tur bin rum I'y. wlilcli he rnnnot i!o lHtnr. thnn liy a Life In wiinnee. Money invented In hnairKitii muy l.rini; iiimo Inie-wt f.,i a while, lull il r:niy all lis .t, and 'be itimlW li llin lei t dvitilute, J.'.n7 II. V ten i iu t uuutif,. i tiwii. HARDWARE OIL CITY. KOBSON'8 Oil Vumi Vive Wosk. 4. CMAUIii; ;iO!li0. & Co., Corner of nenera A- Cctifro six., Kant lile Oil I'r.ich, OH tilt-, l'u., Dealer, in Morris, Tanker Cn'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALIO, WORKIN'l MA HI? Kb AND VAI.VEH, ivTLTelNll l:('Xh, CLAMP:, TnNOS. SiCKin IJOUS. Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries HOKIXn TOOLS, OIL. PUMPS, niiivis'd hit, COLD YVATKK 1TMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL W FILLS AND KC- FINliRlKS, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, muss goods, TEAMS AX!) US riTTlXOS. JIXLTI.Vil, l-AUKIXa, end HOSE: IIAKDWAKK, novse TiiiMMiN(;s, Ciirpentera' T u.U. luipc, Onkiiin, Kail?, Ap.". PoiTiM Mill. Table ,t i'ocltel Cutlery; K Full A'Mirthieut of Everything In the HARD WARE LIXK i'Hise Pit' i1hin-x 0'rw!4f iHiu f'olniiK'-i. .Vo ) U lBtcrStrnlnctl I.ard (Ml, No. 1 Ke'IiiW DM, Strtir IfiMls, Table nd PuorMnts; hantira.tiiri'i-a jf Tin, Sheet Ina and Copper Ware. I.'i tmiriitE of nil klndi d .im whh neatucsi and di?p.iuli. t:ii!ciul ulten'i.m given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Vo v, vo endf ivf,r.-it tonvrbt'te putrcnri'.r- of tile ni;;ic. :lli.l n.u o Mi V tfioi iiou 10 infill tt ilii i; tiittr. i.inri'. Our tar!.i:tif for Wfhmj e-en-tbtn In nir ".' i'l'-ri't-ed, ;'n :l. erection .f ..I,- N.-.v li'!.:i , n.. .v -i.i'K'f mil 'i-').:vd;-iii:;( K'Tni.triVKNT i.u-.'t -ivi. in Tnr:tii.i:t5--U':. ilKHCIIANT t i a m 5 Hae jutt recelreda Ur?" aoortr.ient of NKr FILL & WINTER 600BS. lr ih I.ate.t "nrl.. I, .vd n. nn-1 Vrw Vo.k l'"nh r i.m, cti.iipiiii.ij in r-. t cLOTH. UEAVERS. DOMSICIV'S. TlilCOTS. VELVETS. CASSIMERES, A"., nni ll nvticl" Kn-if in a rirt-CIu 'ritiiwriMg Il!.t;.t-l!.!::ist-:i(. Hutu, rT, r).,0 White Sh'rn, fuper t.oilurs. i; (.. Mll-ii(lcl . iNititlUv-, ami to 'reiieml. 't iifclnMnn nr (1 nhin nii'.lf np hy rx i:,T enei d wurkiajn, ill the l.ue.-t ftjles, HI r ii.oui!)lt' nrli's. SATISFACTION GUARA N'TPIKD. CIK'ity. m Si.p. n iiij..f OGDSN', MB IXD FEE9 STORE, j. rr, si. TM.. i fis L.-l ee! ,.f the kint In the i!.l'ear.nn t'iuur B'U Kd.:d aulii l hnl' lie mi.l ''"'" miL'iiir !!i.t.M.'l As TSIACiiMSI, 131 iUaW.en I.aiir, N, v., cohhissio mmm, are nownreimrel t, le-e've on rVmmls-irm nn.l iii'.ke l.i' A.lvm,.- , UeHaar nnd liealcu It butli ti ude and Itlliucd Oil Oil-. VITRIOL. 'ISA.II, THAOKEIl & Co,, I PKI KllI.PrrM i'VTie n , . lM-eii im timid OIL VITRIOL. BLUE A WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Araprop.iri.i I,, ni'ike liberal di.e-iMlnl. to Reiner, lor i All. nnd lv.j uoiJwuniiei'isuld in nuy of tb. ltiote ilffllclfB. jnni'.ia tl CiiAXE. TU.U'KISn & CO. T. T. 31 A PES, Te(ilrrs in 3"COAL. .m PeUvereil or t the Yanl bv tho eir or too. inn -oft' OOl.TI) Cld ,Te(,..e. .., lie,' s,., ) tn, rum. SI, .ere Kliltnnn. e.. at 1MIIA.M , CO's' """wwwwwfcrw hm tgniniu ttiii 1JT" irnmni.MiiiMlM mtu 1l'rtiieF. Ilnwtrq meri?in V.r!i. bey MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. N W HfLW All STORE IIEATIN'U AND COOKING Tn liirgo vnrlety. TABLE AND POCKET C ut 1 e r y! SHELF IJ A 8 DIVA BE. EoUcS PURSjlsniJfB S'flSS. LAMPt.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. For Ml CI-IEAP 1 At the .tore formerly orrnpli d bv Purcbfle'd and Caeteriiue, till. C'l'l'', HA. . J isics b. ;c:t;;jc. Oil City. J:in.4, ISflii-if John C. Welch, M(!ticc:v-SI., Oil City, Pa., l)e.ih r in and FisJiIci TeuJs, Innis' Sucker Scds, Ilri;Jiis: rip:-, frrii-k Iront. 3rrtle Miii-R, Balniico AVliel V PitUles, a'! ?iel. V eonneciir.n with y.ndTn and P itsbnrgh f Miii'bl.K m am 'i iliit I i'Mi got oa nil 1. 1 lid j of i-'a-iings ai hort order. JOHN C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. 17, I3C! tf. Rofcoa's Gil W Pipe Works l'3GA. UOUSON CIS., Corner of ?oneca and fVnlre Sle. fust aide oi' Oil Creek, Oil Clly, I'n. Hnxlt.e M !- l mutvn'il Stejiir Hn-We nnd thrci li,:,-e !. ,'i'Hi'S. l,i ii'ir alriauv e:tcni"e M-imifac niii i: K:'!1'; "Inuf'tt.. nr' n:w p;e:iir.J to li,,il ilij ii.'.'B-.iy wy.-i, in liiilnj np, tta.i mpiiiuii ENGINES. BOILERS. IRON T VK". REriNING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AN!) STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fu'i ('n'cll M'l, li'.iuirv Job WoiK ent',l,it''d To in Willi III'llllU',! 1111,1 ,l':,pU fl H!!; ' Xs w Styles fur Spring ! mm At Low Price. STATIONERY. .SCHOOL BOOKS. LLANIC BOOKS, Fiu C aSGII ;S, Foreign & American, SHEET Ml'SIO. ' TOYS. FANCY GOODS, 4c, ' IS (11TEAT VARIETY, Aa reasonable oa run ho jmrlm'PiI at anv In thu Oil Region. Bipsell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA O icily,-Pa., Oet. 5, ISigtf JOHN M. DAVIES &. CO, ' RUGGIST ! KISSELL'S BLOCK, CENTRE-ST., Oil, CITV, PA. W h.le.iln A inn's f. .r pr. Lenn'a Electrle Ha.. Utmewur and Dr. Ll-ob'. Iniut liemedy. ma tf. R.',"1TK "aPIWO IU1.I.S primed at lho.hoHt nnlln. ill Ih. Itaenrd Olllee 'pilH DAILY KKOUItlt, Utbe Lea adverli.mii I medium in Urn oil reeiou. ENCMSU and SWISS WATOIlKlToTl'lvo flnit make, in Gold and silver Casus, at 1811 A M ii, CD'S, in Opera Himao r.nlldiim. 'PHIS K. Howard & Co, p ft. Kartloit. .Tremont 1 V nleii rr-i. and Sati-mal Wmth Co'. Watci,. , tn be had l ISU AM C'JTt RAILROADS. Oil WHUeEtayfiiverRi NEW AND MOST DIliECT ROUTE Tr, THE OIL REGION. T 1865. WINTKIt AKKANOEMliMT TIME TATiLE. ON AND AFTHll MONDAY, JJoy am. l!iC,traliiB will run aaltilluwa: mui OOIMtl NottTII TO OH, (il'y pir.Tl'Ot.r-.. fKNTKK TltrHVIU.IO AND folJily ht .ll 'v' '" '"'"lives 111 ollte m T J .Win..(ll.W,ll.t !Mo n. m. ("," '.n? there wllh tiiiin. I'nr I'llln.lel 0 a in., Pelioleiim Centre In i'' linyd Kara lo.St a. m , Mllief fan 4f. il m.. 1'iiii.viiU 1 1 i . Im K at l oiryni -i.i n ni. ' "rrl"' I Mil V. '") "mii- iiamiito3 4n n . WtliMill lo;p.Bi (e. et. wiVin?. fur lit hole I'h I. in.. . : . "" "0 ti-.liiim i-entfeMt p.m. t'udl.' B al p. m., Mill.-r Kiir,,, r, 41 p , i''" Jllle l)l, p. 111., anivlng at llZ'. I e-t :,. in. ,7 A f., Ai commndntlnn from Oil ( ,v,. tires nt I'etrob-iiin Centre ;.m ,, , ,1": Fnrml Oil a. ,,. , 'ritnav.lio lll' G: OOINfl HOtl'I'll VuO.M COItHY, 'liirsvtu. I'hTltOI.IH'M t'KNTi-li Oil. l I V. OI.F fc n. :ti., nirnei, nl 1 llll'V e H lit it "- ilillerKiirm 8.4.1am. llo, ,i v.. ".' ni, I'ctroleniii Centre .o7 a in nil,'.."' a. ni., O!eoili.,1o:3 , ' i ? .Mitell.KIa m . .,,,1 I,...;.::., '. 1JI K M , arrive! at TIiim'v leMV m.. Miller Vnrm lit,,...., .'. . 2.H p in, letr.,liun Ceni'ro '28 " OH City 3.11 1 p. 111.. leave Oil ( i(l. ' Bl. ni'rivi-a Oleji,ll 4 uT t 111 rr,i,,l,.r wtiUtntbtfor I'-itho...,. fid",u i"i'ri in , nini Irviiieton; p. m. ,,! f- M. ri-nTiiinodilion Cnrrr O.e-J r,r'ii,-tl!le 77 p ,, MiUrr Lm 1 p. in, rt..y 1 Farm 7.0.-1 p ,. p,., Sis' Ti"''" 7,M '"' "r''ivi"' al 011 City CONNECTIONS. Trnbi. North enniieet hi c,.ny ni, rMii,.,,,,,. . Krle it. K . ei.d Ailntitlc 1 u-eut W...ier Ita 1 way. -,.t nnd We.i. and ,i!-.i -viin l,.tl,il0l t " Hi.d i"'ilii.r,-;i 11,'Ir.iiiii f r Itiiuuiii ' frdiiH e.iurivt ntiii, Ciiy tti.i, Kiankl-a ltrairtr .'vT lviliililin. M.-.dil:e. iin-i tne Vel, urn ,1,1, vi I'l.m iih Phil. ,t Krie l(. It Em m ,,, . St ii l iril lime urs-TY iniieil,.. fi-i,'r turn tn lin Urniyh nrt A. A (t iv. I: it. m,,,.. l'a-.el (T. i will flu. I Hi' r.ivl it ue pli-annt cd t'.le s'l,l'ti'l I'lillli: I., Mini t'loin tt:. ,. r":-iLiti. vl! ' W,".i Turn I ui. 1. n L ave .n'lt-,- irrinl if ti.l'M.s nn I'. K. I!. It. li, ,aie and n.-!t it,r 'riii-nn;:'! Tii-'.-e' vi;i oil C'.,f .t .rt:-lw,v diver l.-aiiwny, theO.e.11 Si.on to tl.f nil i'"i-i n. U. ""'tri s,ip,'rl-ul,., C. J. IIEI'nUUN, Aaa't Hnperimendeiil. ,";. llllbnrslaTT'i"Vvti;nrnnr Ciiioiko It.-iiJuuy. hue 'nntt. I.KAVia. on ciiv. C.lOp Q. 8,5 p. ut. !.ac k ia a. u Franklin. J.luesioWB, ..'I-H Inc. I 'i!U k-t il'e, .'etv t.'aiie, Illiflli'W, -e1. Ne,v ib'ihun H"rlieler, :li'Ciienv, I i'Ni'ini.''h ar I'- liiniiii 4. l 11. 11,. 9.4. a. m. fi'M 11. 111. 1.10 a. in. HJllU. ID. S,!2? a. la. s,-. 11. 111. 10, tul a tu. 1 ! 5 a. ni 1. !) p Bi . p. 111 3.57 p mj 1,1 S p. , . 4,115 11. 111 6.. '.Op m) - o,i,u p. in leave. Pit xlniifli 111 e,0 3. in., ,,a I K.Ws i-dne Weet on l'ii'-bursli, Fort ra,w ard C!ilrK':o KiiiliVHy pti.. Tl iii.'wim.I nt 11.00 "il 8,1'i ,'t.Sl a. ni., iivd jl.i7 p 1,1 ; i'n, , ,. fieid 11. U,4tl a. 111. nnd I f, I r,,0D ai d 10.0; ';i : i'i"" I r-iMiiem 10.IO a 111., and lt;,;;, ,-.3.iiiiid 'l,j, in., nnd n-T'to at t:ii'i'ii.,i uc 7,0 mid U, 0 p. 111 . nml ( nnd 1 1,10 5. m '. It M Ent, Oeu 1 l ii kel AiiKtit. March, itaw.-ir. Sif'j'l a f xnit -i n thu i.aimi h. I Vt..,'.'!.',"'""''', ";,KX ''Kill Diet: l .r I'll !. for Female. Ii.f liido In c, ! :ri'"i:iinni., renin. in htri:i"iui'. of llie uiontli r iu. i. eb'iteter cime nnd alwari niu-.'ul .11 li pre.eiillvi On,, p1, l n lliw:' "K...nle.i 1,1. ' 11 ia. ly fiin.tted. or t-.nse -npp,w;nL. t'lemiteltiv iroeinti n '-.i',ist nelni! ihf,M, i'j;t, B tu lli .t o.ind.non let they imi'o iiiljcnniiife anf vtlil. li O'iinoiilli.m ti, pr 1 iii'lr u.,Hiiine, no re 5:ioiimliil tv a'tbotii'ii their iiil'ilnc. tv. n d p ev.nt 11 y mi elder in health: mlifr in the Pip. ac c win nd"d n a ine't in' alii ih c n inoilv fir iien! Ii'ti'ii'i.n of tho e . i ll, -in. t In.m imr lirir Ini'tle wiiaieter a well n t pievn I nn iiier' ,,r finie ly when be.lltli will not pel-mil ir: qnielii tlu uervi . nnd tiriii'.'in biielt the ro.y eoloi uf hea!tii" 10 the elie-.'k of the in, 1.1 el.e.'e i-'iil! iii.d exp:trt din rtioii- a,.'Conipany each b' Prire $1 per box. 0 hex -it 15 Mold in '-etr.ih nm Ci-nlre, hy A D. Jilt I.EK A CO , - So'e t-ents'' tor Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ladie I Py tt,!Qdin'.-thein $1 toll",' I'.':ii!"nai (. ire P. O. i-n.i Imie fe I'll!, re. -t eui,li,li ntltiiv by mnll t-i nnv pari "f the ei'i.iiti-v. lie,. of ih n-ee' Ivild ulm bv H. 0 Cnrk Tiinavill. Pit. ; A. K Orltlllh. fill Cllr: Kkinlnu ' 'line, I'rank In; l)r .1 L. Acomh, 'I Idinnle; K. T. flnx-'llon. Wnrren : end lv "ene llrnegll" iu var ti'wn in the D il'nl Mute.', ar.d hy jn4 S P. Iln E, Prop-r, Naw York. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever itnd Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite. Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, mid all diseases arising from a disordered atal of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward Sc Bbntxey, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by druggists. a I) kitt.t pn rn Wholeanln nml Retail Druggists, Agonts.for Petroleum Centra and vicinity. jniiiy; laillA.U Ac CO., WvicmiAKnts & Jiw: LLi:s, IX OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH--INGTON STREET, FETnOLEUni CINT11B, Pax Keep oon.itantly an hand a largj assortment of WATCH FS, JEvVKLRY, PIBTOI.S, HEVOIA'PHS. ., MSillNO TACKt".; wartrldnee. :, and will se't at aaaieni prict Catch work waimotatl lo gl . 0 sntialacrtou 1 M aV