The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 02, 1869, Image 2

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! 1
Vrolrum Centre Dai I y Record.
Pel. Oenl.i-, l'rl lv, April 2.
.y. is: w r, i:a;or.
Time or Closing Itl'tlla.
I". O., Pktkoi.h si Cr-srim. P. I
Jui.r !i"M, lscj. j
Cnlll farther nutico the mail will arrive at and
depart from this efSce m follows:
South and East, via. Irvinekm, 10. g A. M.
hoiith and West, " Mcadvlilo, 5.18 P. M.
Rortli aud East, Corry, S 36 "
KomIIi and West, Ma A M.
Soittl Bast and Wost, 30 P. V.
Sunn, Kan and w ml, 1 A. M.
II. f!. Ilt.ACKMON, P. M
rivlns Service.
PpmRhiiii; nl 11 o'clock A. M., and
o'clock P. M.
I J;et. J, T. Oxtoht, Pastor.
" M. K. ClU'RCII.
Services every Sabbath at II A. M. ami
7 P. M. Fnbbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Setts Free. A cordial invitation
extended to a!f.
Rkv. C. M. IIkakd. Pastor.
Cill'KCII. '
Mn at 10.' a. ir.
Vespers anil Henediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. tn.
Cateshisra at 2 p. m. '
JAME3 DCNN,,' Pastor.
Tiik people ul Tionosta proposes li bridge
th Allegheny river at a cost, r.f $25,000.
"Vcstfiold, N. v., j,..f,, hare voted en
dditioual tax of $3,(ion ivitli which to com
plete their school hiiildinp;.
The Eric Observer la informed that a pre.
jeel is on font to buiM a pipe lino for con
vcyin; oil between, ibal city an'l Titusville.
Tfce distance is fifty-six miles.
YY have some mud now. This is the
time for people to visit us vb want i0
'writ, up" the oil country. Correspondents
of city dulios please take nolle.
. A mr.r. J.'.ilizins the election in Corn
planter township ps,ej tll0 S(!IUU) on'XllPS.
Also, a pilS8eii gena(e
mg the Allejrany county liver stable lw 0
V fnanjjorininty.
A tank conuinlns 200 barrels of oil oD
the l.lnmn farm, Up p,r Cherry run, caught
Bra from 1I1B explosion cf ,
was entirely destroyed. Xh prnprlv w
owned liy John mid Fred Andrew.
Drxi!A.v teieiimul.s I!,.. r..n,..:
On motion to return thy Free Pipo RUI to
tli Senile, they boat na by foity-oue to
- thirty. We are not losing srouud by atfitnt
Ing the question.
Richie & McGreiv hve a well down mn
feet near Oil City, which will undoubtedly
,1)0 a success. Tim aum (irn are to
put down several other wells in that vicinity.
It is ctinently reported that the Fennsyl
vanlu Omul R R., j, tei,d, (0 Bmnl 0Tl,r
o hundred tho:isuud dollars rather than to
ttilwv a pipe lino to be laid from the oil re.
gioui U Erie. .
Tort Master. at Titlbvii.i.e. It is with
groat pleasure that we announce tlie ap
pointment of Col. J. II. Cogswell ol the Ti
liiaville Heralad, postmaster at Titiuvllle.
I' is an appointment worthily bestowed, mid
just recognition of tho claim of the pre.
Col. C' will brin to his new duties a biisi-
nes experience wbieli amply (Its him for
the responbl position he has been called
iipi.p to till.
Sr.utRiMi ExiiimnoN To-.Mokkow Evkx
IN'J. Prof. Johnny Sweeney, Eob. Brettle
and Ben lio'nn, will jiive a (fraud sparring
exhibition to-morrow evening, at the Opera
House. Bn llo-nu Is the e.T-cl nmpion ol
England aad hni bi en very succrsslul in
tho piizp ilnir, Uojinn advertises to have a
CKI) pou ti stonu broken upon his breast
with a iopouud sludge. The entertainment
Tor those who adinire pngulistio skill, will
!. doubt fc i!)tirsllng.
Tub Cbxcbr j Last Evkxixu. The grand
concert given In. the M. E. Church lust awn
ing, tiy Prof. Niskern's .SingiiiK Class, owing
to the inclementnlght, was not us largely
ultended a it uther-viso would have been,
still an uppiecialivc sadienre was pruvnt,
and the entertainment is highly spoken of.
Prof. Niskern, as a mosionl iostructor, has
proven himsylf well worthy thn palronajfo
of the public, and no duuht, at all times
will be r.'o.iivy l by . the (citizens of Petrol
yom Centre' with a patronage commesnr
ate with'his valuable seivices, The ebiss
ac(iiiited lliemselves in u very eiedi'ublo
manner, and the assistance rendeied by
iimaiml tcul fioni atiroad, wu duly ap
pl'uciuled by all piesi ut. Hud the svenilla
been a pleasant on. no doutil the C lurch
ovt!d hiva be-t Hiled tj &veiil..wiui.
Gold III .Michigan.
(Jold has b eu discovered in very consul
eruMe qimntilus nil llu' lands lutfly ownd
liy WaUrin.m Palmer, K., an analyfis of
w'lilcti. at tne I'hiiadi lnliia mint, shows a
yield ot IVom i'lidi) t J"i'0 to the ton rf ruck.
Tl:e existence of (told in Matcpiette county
tins lun ben known nad acknowledged,
but it was not relieved to be of snltirient
importance to warrant uny coni'leiRble
expense in the wy of exploration. This
latent discovpry seems to warrant the belief
that iron is not our only source of wealth,
and it Is not impossible that hake Superior
may ere long lie set down as one of the polil
producing dislr ;"ts of the L'ni'ed States.
Lake .Superior Mining Journal, Mica 1 01 h.
The tract ol land alluded to in the above
cornel i.f 3.120 acres, in llHrquette countv,
Mlchiuaii, three miles south of the town of
e;anne, and on the branch or the l'enlnsu
al Itailroad, The property Is now owned
by Metsrs. Win. Ragulw, S. II. Ilurtman,
Samuel Kiddle, Wm. Smith and Andrew
Kktniin. of this cut. and Messrs. V. Pal
mer and Thomas Wo ds, of Philadelphia.
We conpratubiie these tenllemen uponlhe
recent discoveries of pold. in addition to
the, previously known rich deposits of iron
ore upon their property. When thn Michi
ganders lay jioMeu sc.", who cares for the
haiionul debi? Pittsbiirch paper.
Sir- Thomas Woods, the centleinsn min
ed in the above article, as boiuj part owner
in the tract of land wherein gold bus been
discovered, is the father of S. A. Wood, of
Petroleum Centre, and one of tho owners
ol the Wood Firm. Wo congratulate Mr.
W. upon his apparent success, nud hope
that in bis further search for treasure n hich
tho earth seems to have In stum tr him,
his efforts may be amply rewarded.
Improvements ut the ITIiito tlouse.
A Washington correfpondeut t:iy: The
President's family is now finally installed in
the Executive mansion. The interior of the
buildinp; h is beeu very handsomely refitted,
tepaired and refurnished, and is about to
bo adorned and embellished with statuary
and other works of art in which it has been
greatly delicient. Among the most prom
inent works of art nro lull sized Indians
in bronze, which are intended to be placed
tu the hall, In the rearofthemainctitriiiice;
beautiful statutes of Washington and his
hatchet; Franklin and liie whistle; Willium
Tell and his son; Napoleon at confirmation;
Lincoln and one representing freedom, by
Rnssetti. All will be placed in appropri
ate places In the enst room. The reception
rooms ndjolnlnp; the blue room, is to hnvo n
splendid Louis XVI clock, with Iiom&n
lamp in nrtuula and gilt. Tho rod room
will haio a real Sevres vase with hanOfome
gilt finish. Other portions of the mansion
will bo decorated in like manner. A silver
service of plate, to bo used at state dinneis.
has been purchased to replace the ervic
purchased ill Fiance by Consul I.ce. in
Monroe's administration.
Mrs. Giant has given her personal mier
vlsion to the Tefuriiisliin of the White
House, and made the remark tbutsh"hnd
been told that the Cooiiniiouer of Public
!!tii!din!!S siiuerinleud tho household to ail"nt. but I don't desire to have any gen
tleman to do that for me. I shall also en
irnze a steward and seiv ints: and. as the
s'eward's silery is paid from the treasury, I
shall exercise great care in selecting him.
Tub Latkst Sxakb SrotiY. About six
weeks ago, a son of Mr. F. Burr, who lives
near Mai tln3ville, Somerset county, N. J.,
swallowed a snake. The bo was returning
from school, and stopped to take a drink
out of it trough. For severil days afterward
the boy enj iyed his accustomed health, and
then began to display an uniisnnt appetite.
Ills craving for food was almost incess int,
and whatever was plaeed before him, be
dovnured ravenously. About a week ago,
feeling something in his throat which wt;
chnaktng him, ho put his finger down, and
the snake wound rtseif around it, and he
draw the animal out. It meisurod in b-njlli
noarly two feet. Tiio boy is resovering.
New Vii.octrmiK. They have a new
kind of two-wheelud velocipede at Medina,
N. Y., which, the merest novice can ridn
without dangnr. The wheels are very large
and are placed side by side. A framework
is placed between the wheels, holding a seat
which hangs bvUw their centre, enabling
the weight of the r'dfr to keep llutn
upright, as it would in a common ewing.
Tho machine is propelled nnfl guided by n
crank on each wheel, turned by the hands
A little practice is ucedi'd to guide it well,
one wheel being turned faster than the oth
er, in order to change the course.
Axn uow io;.o s a further telegram, whioh
says that the I'nien P.iciHc Kiilroan will
touch rails with the Central Pacific on the
1.1th of May. instead of the 1st of July, as
heretofore pconii'd, Veiily, the wonder
of those roads never rouses, arid it is most
signilicuntly encoiirusing that to fur the
fnllllment litis always been guratvr and more
generous than the promlvo.
A Peiinsylvaiiia girl tli'iuli the mlverlise
meiit oi' nuiicultuiul societies are the com
men arice on the management ol their lair.
"Look at the premium," she b.ijs, '-for the
fastest liotlin horse, ifioU; fur the next
rastest, for tin. best loam of work
horses. $3: lor tho beil leaf ot breid. fifty
Venango Connty Court ttocord.
Franklin. March SO, ISfitJ.
A. K. McClintork (administrator) vs
Rlacl; & Wilson Tried; Jury find lor the
plaintiff in the sum of f;2,fii0.
tico. S. Stewart vs A. V. R. E. Company
Ccniinued by conren!.
John S. Eiirna vs W. .t F. U. R. Compa
ny Venue changed to Mercer county.
Wednesday. March 31.
Chas Adams vs Painter, Parker A Woods
Summons case in Assnmsit Tried ; Jury
fi-id lor the plaintiDf in the sum of $"7 65.
T. J. Limber it Co. (use) vs Ilumbolt
Mining and R fining Company Summons
in defendant Tried, Jury find fortheplain
tiir In the sum of $1,038 75.
D. M. Davis vi Thompson & Cratty
plaintiff takes non-fuit.
C. Deshner ' (admloisirater ) vs Adam
Karnes. Summons caso in assumsit. Tried;
Jury find 'for defendant.
Reynolds. Proadhead & Co. vs Thoinus
MeDououh. Summons trespass quaro clu-
sum fregit uV'bwiis aporlis. Ti led, jury
tied f r plaintiff in the sum of ff.-IOO.
K. t). Carson is It. II. Taylor. Summons
in o v a. lot. Tiied: Jury find for the plain-
tilfiu tl.e sum ol$22i 7.".
M. in Dorn. et. ux. vs Atkinson and
List. Summons in debt Tried ; jury lind
fur plaintiff m t!ie Finn of To.
E. L. Caninjton vs A. E. Ingham. Sum
mons Irorpass on tho casi sur assumpsit.
Tried: jury lind, lor the plaintiff in the sum
of $I9.i (. ' ,
ttnli'& la liie .'.into C.cfT'nUuuro. .
Illl.l.-i IXT!lnnrc-;.
In the .Senate Mr. i.owry introili.c d a
bill to iucoi'; t;ie I'.i is? l-'ciiialii .'em
in:iry. Alro, a bill lo Irtc-rr.oralu ll.'J Presque
IjIo Oil it Pipe Cctnpnny.
IU.I.S I'Asssn.
The S.'iiaie poised iba bill to author'..
the PhiladelphiaatiJ Erie Company to is
sue bonds, to bo fecund by rnortgiye, tn
eiinhie I Loin to Uy a ilmibie tinck.
Ti e Hoiim purcd the Senate Mil to vii.
die c-rlai'.i portons of Water and Commer
cial streets in tin harbor of Erie.
llt.t.H HHIMil).
The foMowingbiils tl-ut hiive purred both
Houses has brensigned by the Governor :
Supplement tonct Incorporating the Ma
rine Hospital Htr'rie.
Aet to oiiihoi'a the Comu.i.-si'.mers e,r
Evio County to t'.i i) tte oecuioin ol J r.:es
Foreman, deoiftd. nnd 12. P I'orep.:n:i,
late ColleclolH f Oort r. nod ii'ithsi i.iu,:
Cirtain cxonr.4ions to be eiade tie n io.
Act to incorporate t'-e E:iler;iiiae U.vs
and V.'t ler Co:n)i:y ol Cmry.
Act in for the eieation of C'o'iec
tors for vnious r"iths, wards mul tu.a
8::i, a if Erie Ctoiiiy.
Gold has beei dtsrovred in Tens.
Richmond is n h ive cnicred po icerner.
Abisk'i is now said to have 5'), (Kb) inhab
itants. The new Pastifiieo in Eoston will cost
Teanefsee Ihiihs of paying lier Slate debt
by a lottery.
A patent me Ilcin man has thn largest
income in Lwiiv'li
Petroleum V. N asby think ho i not In
be postmaster ai Toledo.
nttsburgh hal a wili a beard eight
feet lo:i.
A gang of thieves in LouirMiite mtike
their henjipiai tors in a senor.
There urn, it is said, more bnsbi of Lhl
oln and Grant in Nurtherii Germany tb in
all the otli' r Gcrnnn Pr'nri"..
Tho directors i the Atlantic Ca'du Com
pany will, on the first of June, re. luce liie
Uriff on messages to four sliiilins ier
Tits dedication servi!o of do Presby'e
rian t'linrch at I'ru.hiiu, ves'erdav. were
very inlerestUi;;. The houie was bl'e.l tu
its utmost capacity long before the time up.
pointed for s.'rvij's. Th" wrrcim was
presched by Rev. 3. .). M. E iton. tho pas
tor. This ehiiif h buMding liai been erec
ted at n coit of $12.(101) and is an hotur to
this part of Hie country. The entire in
delitedueas was wiped out before the dedi
cation servici'S. For ttijs credit is doe to
the etrorts of all concerned, nod to' none
more than to lu-v. Dr. Dickson, th" former
pastor. Venanjro county can now boast of
one of tho finest ohiuches iu the State.
Tukrk will be Quarterly Meeting Servi
ces at the MulhcUim Church in this place
Saturday and Similar. There will be
preaching Saturday afternoon at 2 J n'clocV.
afler which the Quarterly (ionl'ereneo will
meet. Serelees on Siiiutay nt thn naval
hours, except those of tho Sunday School,
whioh will take piece nt 3 o'clock in the
afternoon; and li e Missionary Concert an-
nounrnl for the evening will bn postponed
furmu. week. Rev. .1. Leslie, tho Presidium
1 Elder, will be present. C.V.. Heard.
Ij IK' ul "VotlrcV.
t'ANAKY IWnns, nvitn and female, new stock
just reieiveil, at A. U. MiU.KK CO.'H.
Alio a flns let of unporled Eiib11!i ("old Kiaches
Stock, at the Furniture Store.
Having sold out our Coal Yard, In Petrol
eum Centre, tn J. M. Sharp, ol Oil City, we
hereby give notice that all parlies owing
tho firm ofS. Reynolds it Co., are requested
to settle their accounts at on re.
Petroleum Centre, Apr. 1, T69. 1 lw
Genuine, for sate wholesale end relait, at
A. D. MII.I.KII 4; CO '.
To nil U lioin It limy Concern !
Tal:o notice, tliM wo tiare the sole and exclusive
relit for five years from November, 118, to make,
put np, and sell, iu the I'nlted Slate', WAIX1S'
IMPUOVED MAGIC HALM.inlor an asslgmucnt
ant) perctiase bom K. C V.'allis, p.ieiite, and that
w e v. ill i nforre tin; taw rt-.'itlly aain-t nil persons
who shall make, put up, And cl! asid Lallit whliotit
our consent.
W. w. PfttlKIXi k CO., Franklin. Pa
SA. I). S Il.LXR & CO.. Wlio'osuio ad Ka
tail Am'.i Tor lMnjicuirtt'ootr.! ami vicinity.
jy All pmnKis wli-htng t i bo VACt iNATKl)
can call at A. D. Miller ,t Co.'s line; Slorc olid
have tbe pure fre.-h article iu-'crtcj. No charge.
rVoiv Flour, i'ttcs.1 2tnl Jrocej'y
fSor' !
J. i.
At ll;i ft.') V..
i pji.i.- :c 1 1)0 V ' '
I. lko I 11. -t c' is-
i; iir. t.ri'.;.i. o:; y, trv t.
:ij-i.:-1-; Jlimsi. bf.s ,i:, i:vi:1 ll
-in k i f J'lotir, It'ced s'-ivit
(Jriitrlt;, v,
tr-- lit'i :V.r-it tl:
.'i t'D Jinipv h-..V;.-
lm )' ; o'liit;; -.1 n low fl:,',iri
I';.i Wll-'l'il A, O. Co'-t.)!?!
IN'nssKoY y:i at. M M. nr!
" IV'i li' I'i'!".;;iiY''-'n' w in r r v :tt-: in !
;: ;!;tiuri;rviTy -itlicr r. 1 i ci' i. ;r-r hi A.a uv.. j
Hi- rt.l A." ATrl of ir.i.i ! :r;r?-t. S ;vl Inr j
.;r.i"iftiii". l'rinit:j ii:u:c .', tjv, JVVif I'-ri I
r-'.y. r.i.:;.rJ.
roMK-invs rft::.;o';;: im. -new
r.r.ur a w::iiUvfsii t'i.'M,:tin. Ia ii'i.'Iv yv-ry
'own in tin- " ,:u:t:y t'i! fj;n t i iu i witvhi'.
men nr. r;. ttin'i-iv f'uUii f-: i!. Iil t!in 1 .!d
"Iriiiif" ; r.f-v vu') i!, mi I ,. n k- irro iV-u-.-tm
r-f i i it .n lii -H r"j,i;.!!',nf nf r-.-u''. Thn
piper lins vvr fl ty T)i(-iiit:d ;i1i-i'-rihi ri. in . tin
St:ttt- if No.v Yurk hu o .vV for p-iiuv!' (V)-1-liM,
vhlc:;- a;-( s-T:t t vji . 'hi; y.i i lor viturn-1 v.
A-i "' ,V. .V. J'ointroj, J"r.'n:iiij IToue frHitrt.
ytv '.r' f'i'ff. nijinM.
S!;s').)V CLASS!
A !.".:( nr,v. jnciit, u!l s'z.-s, at A. I).
MiLler & C.i.V.
nrii.M-N'"; von sm.k t 1 1 ::
K:vi .be r.l Lie. J.t!:n':''own t'lo'hln;;
relk-if. it':tti-:u!
Jo t ?..'!! a '.-I've ' T 10 b'g
n. c. j.t t: vis' iTiiXiTu.-.T-: stouk.
tu !
. I
?-TAINT. V,-A!.' Wllti'lJ WASH ft f!!!'liJ
Itt'-iWKS. a ' iri:fi s'o.:; j-a-b rl.veiv?i a; A. p.
;.iiu.!::i a ov.
J.jr.X !
On Thnrnlay, I;'.-li. i.'o'li, 1311), a snnoih built rat
and t in iu;i, W'tU. rod cultir-. Wlioevor e'.iall return
fuc sumo to the sulwcvlbLT will tie bburally ro
wsidcd f.b.'o-;: X. II. PAYNE.
4'arpot", of ov-ry c,'ia:it y ro.I di'si-ripiion, at
nnVN I'.l)-, IV.'UI).t3I) Si C y. o. llJCentio
. trot..'j po-in; the t' . I)., (Jii.City, Pi.
yVi'MniSll I.H.-1C 1-flio'ealo an! retail, at
A. T. M!t.!.fi!! & '(,'H Dtil'O Sl'll:!i.
tlf iif;-.T.):;'it "."jB.vcn antu-tk:
tit N'T VI KiV, a j Ml tote for Toba.-co, no ! pit
T.tUMlb for sale at . l Mtt.l.FR A OH'S.
H sivettery For ad kin t-i'o to l!KYN;tn-
r.'t(H)illJAI) A (' i'1, N' i. 1! Centre t-ireol, op,jo- I
silc tho Post ajpi'. O'l Oily. Ta.
r-y .V 1..MK,!.EU & CO., Dnirctsl. a'c
r.;' lite f..r tbe Ci li'b.atitd "il. II. Clpnr.-,'' 10:11111
ra'.-tt:v j by tt.o Anicrlc lu V b'p Co. Try them.
T'IF. b''-t ilrt'-o Vz. town to set a pair i.f Toots
ni i.l ' of 1'uo Voai glecl-., that Kill v.-twir well, an,!
rt.uTintwl to ii, is at. .5. A, Pl.-T.jite'fi
i'.ie'.b'.o itooL Shop, Wanlei.tfiu Ku.t, ibitroljitm
Centre, Vi. I'.lvo liiat a iri.t). scplll-tf.
' .lijivt '' -It Is not thr.t we have the linio
ti ip'tro. or the, to r. uu:j nuy of tlio
tie n.-i.ind .laU'oti'i preati-r.t ionj sr id'tbrivahout Tbe
country, each, us it cbilmul, le'o a socrrolru
euro for one or more of the il e that tliti is tiur lo
tii'l-e-1. wo i;:r frujuevly v--Ljcri-.l ihvt peeile
ever died at 'nil, or r.w oi 1 cv n, wlicn. by a small
outlay thev'eoiiM r.ii' llioin-'-licj w'th eotne
iliin','whic'i would l.e.'p cji-eaaa! bie.Had d 'fy Ibe
a.'.-ira'.tH of lime ! Cenci-ni n the cl'.l i iey of uuo of
tlic renifd at pi-'iia-atioo and eno which has be
'oni ; cnlc'eiio d of l:Uo v." can imai? frier, per
ll e;,i'rlllicc. nnil con-cie'u lollnly say il ii geoit.
We rcl.' to -'Ali-taa,'' an urtl is fuc ri-storin-j and
pvi-;'.'vl iii ilmbiir, ti.atiul'a'Miiicil by Me.Rr' Sew
iml & ll.'ii'ley. (' .vit Il:u';Mjiiilrt, No. 1.1
M.on Slrce, , ttiiVilo.i:iitVilo Co'iiiiiere al Adv. No
slo'.v silica lor Neiviinrs Cinii'o Curi-. a. I). MII.
I. 'lit & Cu., Wliob sale ft.:tciall PrilKClsle, AireuK
loi Poiroioa o '..'..iiro, Tu. ' li bi7.
IUnrilwiiro A luro aasnrtmont of which Is
lialnu closed out "1 rcilu.vd rales at KKYNOLPS,
blMDIIEA!) & Ct.-, No. 11 Centre St., oppo-he
tho PostOtnco, (til City, i'n.
i:.its, Caps. IIihuh una sia ova. Alarms
assortaent at HKYN'OI.DK, ItitOTHIKAD A COS,
N'e. II Centre ruroit, omuiiii.i He. Pou oeico. Oil
t nty, I s.
& CO 'S.
. Tee best CIOAHS tn tho market are the Bat
Kile Kaverltes, niannfactured by Walker & lbi.
Seld at the Ding Store ol -A.
T. THIM.ER &eo.
A tjREAT SUCCESS. " Brick" pou.
nor's now Dally In Now York City li one of tj,
greniisfc sou luiiei ic.vf piui imwsiiipor enteral
of tie. country, Hie new weekly "lmiray't
ocmi" Is increasing In circulation a ti,onnm
toe tier day. Howl for snmple conies to it. y
royt irut'Ang ttoun auurc, inrk City
lnclils. ''
Dry iooda, a large stock at ItKYXoirjs
BIIOB11EAD (OT..N.I, II Centre St, oppos'i,
tho Post Sfttce, Oil Cllv, Pa.
Sawing Machine !
TMi V,irliin U w.Ptir.l,.,1 t.k ov i .
of Scw'ifi.r, (ictui'iiujr. I'rllMHjr, t'oiMitiv', Tm-klup,
i.n'ium:-, ' '"- 'iu ..-ii .1 iiri "ii, ; im'tl'. ft-,
!ur in nr i iim Vn d(,t'0 1' Hiiyulliur n,rr!it-f; nt,-
!, (ri-f tlf p-iU U.
T'r l-n-'it n :n f to-flny i,ivf n rii!,
it c. hr: t ''.''iM-'inin'f tittli. t''mh-..ifir!tt,'.,.,1,-(In
r.t'i-i', Mini It i!'(ni 1Ii)U rtinl i','y.-!t ilu.e niii'iiu,
iu till kit-tU i'T f'lii'ic
b . nf V,,i' MhcVT' ri li - ,'f.- (l
ru.nn over a. l. Mil e V -'n.'. "tfm
J. .:. k ii i
imV."-- , Jist.i
Ii .1 lii ;.. .T . WO-tU Ur V'iMr flMf.T ! t t 1
: KV KI.OUU AM) r.KU TOl-: nn i. v.
Ti! v to sbo'V t!i(vr rnifiiti"" tin t ' ' '. ': X'W. hay. tin- nil kiiii of MlMtf, UiJ tli;
, L-.-L1 aho win re m.ij he
A lie of 1r'IK(' 't'H'H'l AND
iii!H-sn i,i;miii:i;, it, s:iim.,i.b-. &.,
a; ;.m w- lowu-r cil-ll ii,:..'t'. 'i'lioij iV uit II l'
T t-.-lr li liiiiTt.. vl-li tn Ht-Sl "-It'i -n"l
pIhi il.. t.-(..(.. rt! i:U-i'V, l.ii-l it tn ll; if
t iii -t-t. t j'iti ii "i c:ih ! inr" M'itcli:is';n; vi
i i.ic, h.ju acq ii.n w.r iim U J Iir uj
IN '
o-T Imp I.-sIupm. f AM Ot.lif f t. tr-mln?
'.V?l T,!'': . !-0tni;'i li-i iii;si-;, wami-
i.Ul I i. J.i.l,
Petroleum Canti, Pa.
i . v. srbitvi'i' r.u,
ritits tr. n. it u i;m;ii.
Km. .iijKanrnBOff1,M.,i Mi. .erauMW.
Plan s !' Pianos ! !'
.' .V 'tM5-" vswvl it'.ilii
SMITH'S ''I- I.Kill.'A'IT.K a:.:i:!i
O T I S .
T'tt-iu HTsinnl liiiin- hv f('o i i' onitin t will'
XV. V Y 'AV.Utii'S, K n, .ni l S. 1. mul H- A
Mitili, - til v !i:t uiflii-il t'v t'T-u
r o'h. ,f t i i piiifAT,. t iN'I'il'
Mi'MSii- Wiincn. l'fi:-(-i'. Vinnnn. I'lj r:on ftpt
-;tlu iunt-tif4 u:alhyt in'irniiHti!' MU avy ul11
i: iunt clkJuiMi-r t tie Hit Af'-fntu oi oil' or "I llm liuiaut JUiu, m n 1 iii h urr I.M Iivi Oli.
rv . .u '; a k i iv iv e ,
Doilot tn
FlilHGS, mm, IlE5.23I.eii3
of every dcscriptiim. PI ANO STOOLS, Sl'ltllAW
ike, & o.
'cn!i-o-St.. OJI, t'l TV, l'a.
Oil City, Sept. 14. iw.-tl.
Petroleum Exchange-
WtinlnlHuTtou Slri-ct,
Petrolenui Centre, Pa., next doer to tehata t0'
Jiv.olry Ktaro- "
T. W, SAXns", Proprii'to"-
Pay Hoarders acconini nl'ieil. Meal seryi'J I
all hoars. Oysieie, and every dewnpt'ou ol t
fuiiiislH-d gue-N, ,,irfc
Mo pains will he ipared to accoruraocs'o tn'
FHESll ' -Jvl
IMceived Wd
nno taror us with then patronage . ,3$ ll
I Petroleum Centra, .Ian. II, 13d?. ir
I 1